97 results on '"Capó, Miquel"'
Search Results
2. Impact of Non-native Mammalian Herbivores on Insular Plant Communities in the Canary and Balearic Islands
3. Spatial distribution of cliff plant species in the Balearic Islands under current and projected climatic scenarios
4. Impact of Non-native Mammalian Herbivores on Insular Plant Communities in the Canary and Balearic Islands
5. First insular population of the critically endangered Cistus heterophyllus subsp. carthaginensis on Cabrera Archipelago National Park (Balearic Islands, Spain)
6. Preventing inbreeding depression in Anacamptis coriophora (Orchidaceae) as a model of food-rewarding orchid
7. Eradication of feral goats, not population control, as a strategy to conserve plant communities on Mediterranean islets
8. Eradication of rabbits from islets is essential for conservation of microinsular vegetation and narrow endangered flora: the case of Medicago citrina (Fabaceae) in s’Espartar islet (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean Basin)
9. Mildly toxic shrubs as indicators of goats herbivory give information for the management of natural landscapes on Mediterranean islands
10. Historic exposure to herbivores, not constitutive traits, explains plant tolerance to herbivory in the case of two Medicago species (Fabaceae)
11. Ecological perspectives on female and male reproductive success with competition in two Serapias species
12. Hybridization processes in an introduced subpopulation of an endangered plant: Management strategies to guarantee the conservation of Helosciadium bermejoi (Apiaceae)
13. El Biomaratón de Flora Española: un evento de participación ciudadana para reconectar a la ciudadanía con la diversidad vegetal
14. Pollen as the link between floral phenotype and fitness
15. Phenotype–fitness relationships and pollen‐transfer efficiency of five orchid species with different pollination strategies
16. Factores que influyen en el éxito reproductivo de Centaurium discolor : un enfoque en la germinación y la sincronía floral
17. Exaptation and vulnerability to introduced mammal herbivores on Balearic endemic flora
18. Constraining Hypotheses on the Evolution of Art and Aesthetic Appreciation*
19. First insular population of the critically endangered Cistus heterophyllus subsp. carthaginensis on Cabrera Archipelago National Park (Balearic Islands, Spain)
20. Exploring the Use of Solid Biofertilisers to Mitigate the Effects of Phytophthora Oak Root Disease
21. Quins endemismes balears estan amenaçats per les cabres?
22. Eradication of feral goats, not population control, as a strategy to conserve plant communities on Mediterranean islets
23. I Biomaratón de Flora Española: ciencia ciudadana para visibilizar la biodiversidad vegetal
24. The role of landscape composition and heterogeneity on the taxonomical and functional diversity of Mediterranean plant communities in agricultural landscapes
25. Differences in Metabolic and Physiological Responses between Local and Widespread Grapevine Cultivars under Water Deficit Stress
26. Col·laboració - L’orquídia de prat
27. Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference
28. Col·laboració - L’orquídia de prat
29. Differences in metabolic and physiological responses between local and widespread grapevine cultivars under water deficit stress
30. The role of landscape composition and heterogeneity on the taxonomical and functional diversity of Mediterranean plant communities in agricultural landscapes
31. Disentangling the pollination system of the food-deceptive orchidAnacamptis longicornu(Orchidaceae): from breeding system to spatio-temporal variation in reproductive success
32. Eradication as a previous tool needed for biodiversity restoration of mediterranean islets
33. La importància del seguiment de les espècies en perill d’extinció: el cas d’Helosciadium bermejoi de Menorca
34. Disentangling the pollination system of the food-deceptive orchid Anacamptis longicornu (Orchidaceae): from breeding system to spatio-temporal variation in reproductive success.
35. Shrub interaction with oak seedlings under high herbivory pressure: The role of ontogeny, drought, and plant competition.
36. Detección y análisis del carácter invasivo de Carpobrotus edulis sobre las poblaciones del endemismo Limonium biflorum en sa Costa des Pins (TM. Son Servera)
37. Cabra i forest: la qualitat dels recursos del bosc per a la cabra mallorquina.
38. Alguns noms de camins del terme de Selva
39. L’orquídia de prat.
40. Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference
41. Testing the contribution of vertebrate predators and leaf traits to mainland–island differences in insect herbivory on oaks.
42. Escudos de capitanes generales, gobernadores, virreyes, intendentes y otros militares de las islas Baleares
43. [Papeles varios referentes a los sucesos de junio y julio de 1715 en las islas Baleares del Marques de Rubí y Claude François Bidal, caballero D'Asfeld, comendador de la Orden de San Luis y del Toison de Oro, Comandante general de las islas de Mallorca e Ibiza y del Ejército de las dos Coronas en ellas]
44. Catálogo de la Biblioteca Balear
45. Copia de bandos y edicto de Patricio Laules, Gobernador, Capitán general y Presidente de la Real Audiencia del Reino de Mallorca e islas adyacentes, fechados en 1731 y 1735
46. Cartas de Manuela García de Hidalgo y de Catalina Singala, Vda. de Miguel Ferran Capdebou, a Francisco A. Barbieri, sobre la venta de la Biblioteca Balear [Manuscrito]
47. Disertaciones historicas del culto inmemorial del B. Raymundo Lullio ... y de la inmunidad de censuras que goza su dotrina : con un apendiz de su uida
48. La Sabiduria universal del B. Raymundo Lullio propuesta en panegyrico discurso en la solemne fiesta que como à su patron le consagrò la Universidad Literaria del Reyno de Mallorca. Dia 25. de enero 1712
49. Sermon del glorioso martir y doctor ilvminado el B. Raymundo Lvlio :predicado à la Imperial Vniverisad Luliana el dia de la conversion de S. Pablo en el real convento de S. Francisco ... à 25 de Enero año 1711
50. Constitvciones del Seminario de San Pedro : qve conforme a lo dispvesto por el sacro concilio de Trento ha erigido en Mallorca don Pedro de Alagon ...
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