21 results on '"Carcamo, R. A."'
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2. A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Legate, N, Nguyen, T, Weinstein, N, Moller, A, Legault, L, Vally, Z, Tajchman, Z, Zsido, A, Zrimsek, M, Chen, Z, Ziano, I, Gialitaki, Z, Ceary, C, Jang, Y, Lin, Y, Kunisato, Y, Yamada, Y, Xiao, Q, Jiang, X, Du, X, Yao, E, Ryan, W, Wilson, J, Cyrus-Lai, W, Jimenez-Leal, W, Law, W, Unanue, W, Collins, W, Richard, K, Vranka, M, Ankushev, V, Schei, V, Lerche, V, Kovic, V, Krizanic, V, Kadreva, V, Adoric, V, Tran, U, Yeung, S, Hassan, W, Houston, R, Machin, M, Lima, T, Ostermann, T, Frizzo, T, Sverdrup, T, House, T, Gill, T, Fedotov, M, Paltrow, T, Jernsather, T, Rahman, T, Machin, T, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M, Hostler, T, Ishii, T, Szaszi, B, Adamus, S, Suter, L, von Bormann, S, Habib, S, Studzinska, A, Stojanovska, D, Janssen, S, Stieger, S, Schulenberg, S, Tatachari, S, Azouaghe, S, Sorokowski, P, Sorokowska, A, Song, X, Morbee, S, Lewis, S, Sinkolova, S, Grigoryev, D, Drexler, S, Daches, S, Levine, S, Geniole, S, Akter, S, Vracar, S, Massoni, S, Costa, S, Zorjan, S, Sarioguz, E, Izquierdo, S, Tshonda, S, Alves, S, Pontinen, S, Solas, S, Ordonez-Riano, S, Ocovaj, S, Onie, S, Lins, S, Biberauer, T, Coksan, S, Khumkom, S, Sacakli, A, Ruiz-Fernandez, S, Geiger, S, Modares, S, Walczak, R, Betlehem, R, Vilar, R, Carcamo, R, Ross, R, Mccarthy, R, Ballantyne, T, Westgate, E, Ryan, R, Gargurevich, R, Afhami, R, Ren, D, Monteiro, R, Reips, U, Reggev, N, Calin-Jagema, R, Pourafshari, R, Oliveira, R, Nedelcheva-Datsova, M, Rahal, R, Ribeiro, R, Radtke, T, Searston, R, Jai-ai, R, Habte, R, Zdybek, P, Chen, S, Wajanatinapart, P, Maturan, P, Perillo, J, Isager, P, Kacmar, P, Macapagal, P, Maniaci, M, Szwed, P, Hanel, P, Forbes, P, Arriaga, P, Paris, B, Parashar, N, Papachristopoulos, K, Correa, P, Kacha, O, Bernardo, M, Campos, O, Bravo, O, Galindo-Caballero, O, Ogbonnaya, C, Bialobrzeska, O, Kiselnikova, N, Simonovic, N, Cohen, N, Nock, N, Hernandez, A, Thogersen-Ntouma, C, Ntoumanis, N, Johannes, N, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Say, N, Neubauer, A, Martin, N, Torunsky, N, van Antwerpen, N, Van Doren, N, Sunami, N, Rachev, N, Majeed, N, Schmidt, N, Nadif, K, Corral-Frias, N, Ouherrou, N, Abbas, N, Pantazi, M, Lucas, M, Vasilev, M, Ortiz, M, Butt, M, Kurfali, M, Kabir, M, Muda, R, Rivera, M, Sirota, M, Seehuus, M, Parzuchowski, M, Toro, M, Hricova, M, Maldonado, M, Rentzelas, P, Vansteenkiste, M, Metz, M, Marszalek, M, Karekla, M, Mioni, G, Bosma, M, Westerlund, M, Vdovic, M, Bialek, M, Silan, M, Anne, M, Misiak, M, Gugliandolo, M, Grinberg, M, Capizzi, M, Barria, M, Mensink, M, Harutyunyan, M, Khosla, M, Dunn, M, Korbmacher, M, Adamkovic, M, Ribeiro, M, Terskova, M, Hruska, M, Martoncik, M, Voracek, M, Cadek, M, Frias-Armenta, M, Kowal, M, Topor, M, Roczniewska, M, Oosterlinck, M, Kohlova, M, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Sabristov, M, Romanova, M, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Lund, M, Antoniadi, M, Magrin, M, Jones, M, Li, M, Manavalan, M, Muminov, A, Kossowska, M, Friedemann, M, Wielgus, M, van Hooff, M, Varella, M, Standage, M, Nicolotti, M, Colloff, M, Bradford, M, Vaughn, L, Eudave, L, Vieira, L, Lu, J, Pineda, L, Matos, L, Perez, L, Lazarevic, L, Jaremka, L, Smit, E, Kushnir, E, Ferguson, L, Anton-Boicuk, L, Coelho, G, Ahlgren, L, Liga, F, Levitan, C, Micheli, L, Gunton, L, Volz, L, Stojanovska, M, Boucher, L, Samojlenko, L, Delgado, L, Kaliska, L, Beatrix, L, Warmelink, L, Rojas-Berscia, L, Yu, K, Wylie, K, Wachowicz, J, Desai, K, Barzykowski, K, Kozma, L, Evans, K, Kirgizova, K, Agesin, B, Koehn, M, Wolfe, K, Korobova, T, Morris, K, Klevjer, K, van Schie, K, Vezirian, K, Damnjanovic, K, Thommesen, K, Schmidt, K, Filip, K, Staniaszek, K, Grzech, K, Hoyer, K, Moon, K, Khaobunmasiri, S, Rana, K, Janjic, K, Suchow, J, Kielinska, J, Vasquez, J, Chanal, J, Beitner, J, Vargas-Nieto, J, Roxas, J, Taber, J, Urriago-Rayo, J, Pavlacic, J, Benka, J, Bavolar, J, Soto, J, Olofsson, J, Vilsmeier, J, Messerschmidt, J, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Waterschoot, J, Moss, J, Boudesseul, J, Lee, J, Kamburidis, J, Joy-Gaba, J, Zickfeld, J, Miranda, J, Verharen, J, Hristova, E, Beshears, J, Djordjevic, J, Bosch, J, Valentova, J, Antfolk, J, Berkessel, J, Schrotter, J, Urban, J, Roer, J, Norton, J, Silva, J, Pickering, J, Vintr, J, Uttley, J, Kunst, J, Ndukaihe, I, Iyer, A, Vilares, I, Ivanov, A, Ropovik, I, Sula, I, Sarieva, I, Metin-Orta, I, Prusova, I, Pinto, I, Bozdoc, A, Almeida, I, Pit, I, Dalgar, I, Zakharov, I, Arinze, A, Ihaya, K, Stephen, I, Gjoneska, B, Brohmer, H, Flowe, H, Godbersen, H, Kocalar, H, Hedgebeth, M, Chuan-Peng, H, Sharifian, M, Manley, H, Akkas, H, Hajdu, N, Azab, H, Kaminski, G, Nilsonne, G, Anjum, G, Travaglino, G, Feldman, G, Pfuhl, G, Czarnek, G, Marcu, G, Hofer, G, Banik, G, Adetula, G, Bijlstra, G, Verbruggen, F, Kung, F, Martela, F, Foroni, F, Forest, J, Singer, G, Muchembled, F, Azevedo, F, Mosannenzadeh, F, Marinova, E, Strukelj, E, Etebari, Z, Bradshaw, E, Baskin, E, Garcia, E, Musser, E, van Steenkiste, I, Ahn, E, Quested, E, Pronizius, E, Jackson, E, Manunta, E, Agadullina, E, Sakan, D, Dursun, P, Dujols, O, Dubrov, D, Willis, M, Tumer, M, Beaudry, J, Popovic, D, Dunleavy, D, Djamai, I, Krupic, D, Herrera, D, Vega, D, Du, H, Mola, D, Chakarova, D, Davis, W, Holford, D, Lewis, D, Vaidis, D, Ozery, D, Ricaurte, D, Storage, D, Sousa, D, Alvarez, D, Boller, D, Dalla Rosa, A, Dimova, D, Marko, D, Moreau, D, Reeck, C, Correia, R, Whitt, C, Lamm, C, Solorzano, C, von Bastian, C, Sutherland, C, Overkott, C, Aberson, C, Wang, C, Niemiec, C, Karashiali, C, Noone, C, Chiu, F, Picciocchi, C, Brownlow, C, Karaarslan, C, Cellini, N, Esteban-Serna, C, Reyna, C, Ferreyra, C, Batres, C, Li, R, Grano, C, Carpentier, J, Tamnes, C, Fu, C, Ishkhanyan, B, Bylinina, L, Jaeger, B, Bundt, C, Allred, T, Vermote, B, Bokkour, A, Bogatyreva, N, Shi, J, Chopik, W, Antazo, B, Behzadnia, B, Becker, M, Bayyat, M, Cocco, B, Chou, W, Barkoukis, V, Hubena, B, Zuro, B, Aczel, B, Baklanova, E, Bai, H, Balci, B, Babincak, P, Soenens, B, Dixson, B, Mokady, A, Kappes, H, Atari, M, Szala, A, Szabelska, A, Aruta, J, Domurat, A, Arinze, N, Modena, A, Adiguzel, A, Monajem, A, El Arabi, K, Ozdogru, A, Rothbaum, A, Torres, A, Theodoropoulou, A, Skowronek, A, Jurkovic, A, Singh, A, Kassianos, A, Findor, A, Hartanto, A, Landry, A, Ferreira, A, Santos, A, De la Rosa-Gomez, A, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A, Luxon, A, Todsen, A, Karababa, A, Janak, A, Pilato, A, Bran, A, Tullett, A, Kuzminska, A, Krafnick, A, Urooj, A, Khaoudi, A, Ahmed, A, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Askelund, A, Adetula, A, Belaus, A, Charyate, A, Wichman, A, Stoyanova, A, Greenburgh, A, Thomas, A, Arvanitis, A, Forscher, P, Mallik, P, Coles, N, Miller, J, Moshontz, H, Urry, H, Ijzerman, H, Basnight-Brown, D, Ebersole, C, Chartier, C, Buchanan, E, Primbs, M, Nguyen, TV, Zsido, AN, Ceary, CD, Jang, YN, Lin, YJ, Xiao, QY, Jiang, XM, Du, XK, Ryan, WS, Wilson, JP, Collins, WM, Richard, KL, Kadreva, VH, Adoric, VC, Tran, US, Yeung, SK, Machin, MA, Lima, TJS, Sverdrup, TE, Hostler, TJ, von Bormann, SM, Janssen, SMJ, Schulenberg, SE, Drexler, SM, Levine, SL, Geniole, SN, Izquierdo, SM, Tshonda, SS, Alves, SG, Solas, SA, Ocovaj, SB, Geiger, SJ, Modares, SF, Walczak, RB, Carcamo, RA, Ross, RM, McCarthy, R, Westgate, EC, Ryan, RM, Ren, DN, Monteiro, RP, Reips, UD, Calin-Jagema, RJ, Rahal, RM, Ribeiro, RR, Chen, SC, Maturan, PLG, Perillo, JT, Isager, PM, Macapagal, PM, Maniaci, MR, Hanel, PHP, Forbes, PAG, Correa, PS, Bravo, ON, Galindo-Caballero, OJ, Ogbonnaya, CE, Nock, NL, Neubauer, AB, Martin, NI, Rachev, NR, Majeed, NM, Schmidt, ND, Corral-Frias, NS, Lucas, MY, Vasilev, MR, Ortiz, MV, Butt, MM, Rivera, MDT, Maldonado, MA, Metz, MA, Bosma, MJ, Silan, MA, Gugliandolo, MC, Barria, MFE, Kurfali, MA, Mensink, MC, Dunn, MR, Ribeiro, MFF, Kohlova, MB, Lund, ML, Magrin, ME, Jones, MV, Li, MY, Ortiz, MS, van Hooff, MLM, Varella, MAC, Colloff, MF, Vaughn, LA, Lu, JG, Pineda, LMS, Perez, LC, Lazarevic, LB, Jaremka, LM, Smit, ES, Ferguson, LJ, Coelho, GLD, Levitan, CA, Gunton, LA, Delgado, LGJ, Rojas-Berscia, LM, Agesin, BBE, Koehn, MA, Thommesen, KK, Suchow, JW, Vasquez, JEC, Vargas-Nieto, JC, Roxas, JCT, Pavlacic, JM, Soto, JA, Olofsson, JK, Vilsmeier, JK, Moss, JD, Lee, JM, Joy-Gaba, JA, Miranda, JF, Verharen, JPH, Beshears, JE, Djordjevic, JM, Valentova, JV, Berkessel, JB, Roer, JP, Norton, JO, Silva, JR, Pickering, JS, Kunst, JR, Ndukaihe, ILG, Bozdoc, AI, Almeida, IAT, Pit, IL, Arinze, AI, Stephen, ID, Kocalar, HE, Hedgebeth, MV, Travaglino, GA, Marcu, GM, Adetula, GA, Kung, FYH, Bradshaw, EL, Garcia, EOL, van Steenkiste, IMM, Ahn, ER, Jackson, EA, Beaudry, JL, Du, HF, Davis, WE, Holford, DL, Lewis, DMG, Vaidis, DC, Ozery, DH, Ricaurte, DZ, Alvarez, DS, Correia, RC, Whitt, CM, Solorzano, CS, von Bastian, CC, Sutherland, CAM, Aberson, CL, Wang, CH, Niemiec, CP, Li, RR, Tamnes, CK, Fu, CHY, Allred, TB, Vermote, BJ, Shi, JX, Chopik, WJ, Bayyat, MM, Chou, WL, Balci, BB, Dixson, BJW, Kappes, HB, Aruta, JJB, Arinze, NC, El Arabi, KA, Ozdogru, AA, Rothbaum, AO, Torres, AO, Jurkovic, AP, Kassianos, AP, Landry, AT, Santos, AC, Luxon, AM, Todsen, AL, Tullett, AM, Kuzminska, AO, Krafnick, AJ, Askelund, AD, Charyate, AC, Wichman, AL, Thomas, AG, Forscher, PS, Mallik, PR, Coles, NA, Miller, JK, Urry, HL, IJzerman, H, Basnight-Brown, DM, Ebersole, CR, Chartier, CR, Buchanan, EM, Primbs, MA, Legate, N, Nguyen, T, Weinstein, N, Moller, A, Legault, L, Vally, Z, Tajchman, Z, Zsido, A, Zrimsek, M, Chen, Z, Ziano, I, Gialitaki, Z, Ceary, C, Jang, Y, Lin, Y, Kunisato, Y, Yamada, Y, Xiao, Q, Jiang, X, Du, X, Yao, E, Ryan, W, Wilson, J, Cyrus-Lai, W, Jimenez-Leal, W, Law, W, Unanue, W, Collins, W, Richard, K, Vranka, M, Ankushev, V, Schei, V, Lerche, V, Kovic, V, Krizanic, V, Kadreva, V, Adoric, V, Tran, U, Yeung, S, Hassan, W, Houston, R, Machin, M, Lima, T, Ostermann, T, Frizzo, T, Sverdrup, T, House, T, Gill, T, Fedotov, M, Paltrow, T, Jernsather, T, Rahman, T, Machin, T, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M, Hostler, T, Ishii, T, Szaszi, B, Adamus, S, Suter, L, von Bormann, S, Habib, S, Studzinska, A, Stojanovska, D, Janssen, S, Stieger, S, Schulenberg, S, Tatachari, S, Azouaghe, S, Sorokowski, P, Sorokowska, A, Song, X, Morbee, S, Lewis, S, Sinkolova, S, Grigoryev, D, Drexler, S, Daches, S, Levine, S, Geniole, S, Akter, S, Vracar, S, Massoni, S, Costa, S, Zorjan, S, Sarioguz, E, Izquierdo, S, Tshonda, S, Alves, S, Pontinen, S, Solas, S, Ordonez-Riano, S, Ocovaj, S, Onie, S, Lins, S, Biberauer, T, Coksan, S, Khumkom, S, Sacakli, A, Ruiz-Fernandez, S, Geiger, S, Modares, S, Walczak, R, Betlehem, R, Vilar, R, Carcamo, R, Ross, R, Mccarthy, R, Ballantyne, T, Westgate, E, Ryan, R, Gargurevich, R, Afhami, R, Ren, D, Monteiro, R, Reips, U, Reggev, N, Calin-Jagema, R, Pourafshari, R, Oliveira, R, Nedelcheva-Datsova, M, Rahal, R, Ribeiro, R, Radtke, T, Searston, R, Jai-ai, R, Habte, R, Zdybek, P, Chen, S, Wajanatinapart, P, Maturan, P, Perillo, J, Isager, P, Kacmar, P, Macapagal, P, Maniaci, M, Szwed, P, Hanel, P, Forbes, P, Arriaga, P, Paris, B, Parashar, N, Papachristopoulos, K, Correa, P, Kacha, O, Bernardo, M, Campos, O, Bravo, O, Galindo-Caballero, O, Ogbonnaya, C, Bialobrzeska, O, Kiselnikova, N, Simonovic, N, Cohen, N, Nock, N, Hernandez, A, Thogersen-Ntouma, C, Ntoumanis, N, Johannes, N, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Say, N, Neubauer, A, Martin, N, Torunsky, N, van Antwerpen, N, Van Doren, N, Sunami, N, Rachev, N, Majeed, N, Schmidt, N, Nadif, K, Corral-Frias, N, Ouherrou, N, Abbas, N, Pantazi, M, Lucas, M, Vasilev, M, Ortiz, M, Butt, M, Kurfali, M, Kabir, M, Muda, R, Rivera, M, Sirota, M, Seehuus, M, Parzuchowski, M, Toro, M, Hricova, M, Maldonado, M, Rentzelas, P, Vansteenkiste, M, Metz, M, Marszalek, M, Karekla, M, Mioni, G, Bosma, M, Westerlund, M, Vdovic, M, Bialek, M, Silan, M, Anne, M, Misiak, M, Gugliandolo, M, Grinberg, M, Capizzi, M, Barria, M, Mensink, M, Harutyunyan, M, Khosla, M, Dunn, M, Korbmacher, M, Adamkovic, M, Ribeiro, M, Terskova, M, Hruska, M, Martoncik, M, Voracek, M, Cadek, M, Frias-Armenta, M, Kowal, M, Topor, M, Roczniewska, M, Oosterlinck, M, Kohlova, M, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Sabristov, M, Romanova, M, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Lund, M, Antoniadi, M, Magrin, M, Jones, M, Li, M, Manavalan, M, Muminov, A, Kossowska, M, Friedemann, M, Wielgus, M, van Hooff, M, Varella, M, Standage, M, Nicolotti, M, Colloff, M, Bradford, M, Vaughn, L, Eudave, L, Vieira, L, Lu, J, Pineda, L, Matos, L, Perez, L, Lazarevic, L, Jaremka, L, Smit, E, Kushnir, E, Ferguson, L, Anton-Boicuk, L, Coelho, G, Ahlgren, L, Liga, F, Levitan, C, Micheli, L, Gunton, L, Volz, L, Stojanovska, M, Boucher, L, Samojlenko, L, Delgado, L, Kaliska, L, Beatrix, L, Warmelink, L, Rojas-Berscia, L, Yu, K, Wylie, K, Wachowicz, J, Desai, K, Barzykowski, K, Kozma, L, Evans, K, Kirgizova, K, Agesin, B, Koehn, M, Wolfe, K, Korobova, T, Morris, K, Klevjer, K, van Schie, K, Vezirian, K, Damnjanovic, K, Thommesen, K, Schmidt, K, Filip, K, Staniaszek, K, Grzech, K, Hoyer, K, Moon, K, Khaobunmasiri, S, Rana, K, Janjic, K, Suchow, J, Kielinska, J, Vasquez, J, Chanal, J, Beitner, J, Vargas-Nieto, J, Roxas, J, Taber, J, Urriago-Rayo, J, Pavlacic, J, Benka, J, Bavolar, J, Soto, J, Olofsson, J, Vilsmeier, J, Messerschmidt, J, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Waterschoot, J, Moss, J, Boudesseul, J, Lee, J, Kamburidis, J, Joy-Gaba, J, Zickfeld, J, Miranda, J, Verharen, J, Hristova, E, Beshears, J, Djordjevic, J, Bosch, J, Valentova, J, Antfolk, J, Berkessel, J, Schrotter, J, Urban, J, Roer, J, Norton, J, Silva, J, Pickering, J, Vintr, J, Uttley, J, Kunst, J, Ndukaihe, I, Iyer, A, Vilares, I, Ivanov, A, Ropovik, I, Sula, I, Sarieva, I, Metin-Orta, I, Prusova, I, Pinto, I, Bozdoc, A, Almeida, I, Pit, I, Dalgar, I, Zakharov, I, Arinze, A, Ihaya, K, Stephen, I, Gjoneska, B, Brohmer, H, Flowe, H, Godbersen, H, Kocalar, H, Hedgebeth, M, Chuan-Peng, H, Sharifian, M, Manley, H, Akkas, H, Hajdu, N, Azab, H, Kaminski, G, Nilsonne, G, Anjum, G, Travaglino, G, Feldman, G, Pfuhl, G, Czarnek, G, Marcu, G, Hofer, G, Banik, G, Adetula, G, Bijlstra, G, Verbruggen, F, Kung, F, Martela, F, Foroni, F, Forest, J, Singer, G, Muchembled, F, Azevedo, F, Mosannenzadeh, F, Marinova, E, Strukelj, E, Etebari, Z, Bradshaw, E, Baskin, E, Garcia, E, Musser, E, van Steenkiste, I, Ahn, E, Quested, E, Pronizius, E, Jackson, E, Manunta, E, Agadullina, E, Sakan, D, Dursun, P, Dujols, O, Dubrov, D, Willis, M, Tumer, M, Beaudry, J, Popovic, D, Dunleavy, D, Djamai, I, Krupic, D, Herrera, D, Vega, D, Du, H, Mola, D, Chakarova, D, Davis, W, Holford, D, Lewis, D, Vaidis, D, Ozery, D, Ricaurte, D, Storage, D, Sousa, D, Alvarez, D, Boller, D, Dalla Rosa, A, Dimova, D, Marko, D, Moreau, D, Reeck, C, Correia, R, Whitt, C, Lamm, C, Solorzano, C, von Bastian, C, Sutherland, C, Overkott, C, Aberson, C, Wang, C, Niemiec, C, Karashiali, C, Noone, C, Chiu, F, Picciocchi, C, Brownlow, C, Karaarslan, C, Cellini, N, Esteban-Serna, C, Reyna, C, Ferreyra, C, Batres, C, Li, R, Grano, C, Carpentier, J, Tamnes, C, Fu, C, Ishkhanyan, B, Bylinina, L, Jaeger, B, Bundt, C, Allred, T, Vermote, B, Bokkour, A, Bogatyreva, N, Shi, J, Chopik, W, Antazo, B, Behzadnia, B, Becker, M, Bayyat, M, Cocco, B, Chou, W, Barkoukis, V, Hubena, B, Zuro, B, Aczel, B, Baklanova, E, Bai, H, Balci, B, Babincak, P, Soenens, B, Dixson, B, Mokady, A, Kappes, H, Atari, M, Szala, A, Szabelska, A, Aruta, J, Domurat, A, Arinze, N, Modena, A, Adiguzel, A, Monajem, A, El Arabi, K, Ozdogru, A, Rothbaum, A, Torres, A, Theodoropoulou, A, Skowronek, A, Jurkovic, A, Singh, A, Kassianos, A, Findor, A, Hartanto, A, Landry, A, Ferreira, A, Santos, A, De la Rosa-Gomez, A, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A, Luxon, A, Todsen, A, Karababa, A, Janak, A, Pilato, A, Bran, A, Tullett, A, Kuzminska, A, Krafnick, A, Urooj, A, Khaoudi, A, Ahmed, A, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Askelund, A, Adetula, A, Belaus, A, Charyate, A, Wichman, A, Stoyanova, A, Greenburgh, A, Thomas, A, Arvanitis, A, Forscher, P, Mallik, P, Coles, N, Miller, J, Moshontz, H, Urry, H, Ijzerman, H, Basnight-Brown, D, Ebersole, C, Chartier, C, Buchanan, E, Primbs, M, Nguyen, TV, Zsido, AN, Ceary, CD, Jang, YN, Lin, YJ, Xiao, QY, Jiang, XM, Du, XK, Ryan, WS, Wilson, JP, Collins, WM, Richard, KL, Kadreva, VH, Adoric, VC, Tran, US, Yeung, SK, Machin, MA, Lima, TJS, Sverdrup, TE, Hostler, TJ, von Bormann, SM, Janssen, SMJ, Schulenberg, SE, Drexler, SM, Levine, SL, Geniole, SN, Izquierdo, SM, Tshonda, SS, Alves, SG, Solas, SA, Ocovaj, SB, Geiger, SJ, Modares, SF, Walczak, RB, Carcamo, RA, Ross, RM, McCarthy, R, Westgate, EC, Ryan, RM, Ren, DN, Monteiro, RP, Reips, UD, Calin-Jagema, RJ, Rahal, RM, Ribeiro, RR, Chen, SC, Maturan, PLG, Perillo, JT, Isager, PM, Macapagal, PM, Maniaci, MR, Hanel, PHP, Forbes, PAG, Correa, PS, Bravo, ON, Galindo-Caballero, OJ, Ogbonnaya, CE, Nock, NL, Neubauer, AB, Martin, NI, Rachev, NR, Majeed, NM, Schmidt, ND, Corral-Frias, NS, Lucas, MY, Vasilev, MR, Ortiz, MV, Butt, MM, Rivera, MDT, Maldonado, MA, Metz, MA, Bosma, MJ, Silan, MA, Gugliandolo, MC, Barria, MFE, Kurfali, MA, Mensink, MC, Dunn, MR, Ribeiro, MFF, Kohlova, MB, Lund, ML, Magrin, ME, Jones, MV, Li, MY, Ortiz, MS, van Hooff, MLM, Varella, MAC, Colloff, MF, Vaughn, LA, Lu, JG, Pineda, LMS, Perez, LC, Lazarevic, LB, Jaremka, LM, Smit, ES, Ferguson, LJ, Coelho, GLD, Levitan, CA, Gunton, LA, Delgado, LGJ, Rojas-Berscia, LM, Agesin, BBE, Koehn, MA, Thommesen, KK, Suchow, JW, Vasquez, JEC, Vargas-Nieto, JC, Roxas, JCT, Pavlacic, JM, Soto, JA, Olofsson, JK, Vilsmeier, JK, Moss, JD, Lee, JM, Joy-Gaba, JA, Miranda, JF, Verharen, JPH, Beshears, JE, Djordjevic, JM, Valentova, JV, Berkessel, JB, Roer, JP, Norton, JO, Silva, JR, Pickering, JS, Kunst, JR, Ndukaihe, ILG, Bozdoc, AI, Almeida, IAT, Pit, IL, Arinze, AI, Stephen, ID, Kocalar, HE, Hedgebeth, MV, Travaglino, GA, Marcu, GM, Adetula, GA, Kung, FYH, Bradshaw, EL, Garcia, EOL, van Steenkiste, IMM, Ahn, ER, Jackson, EA, Beaudry, JL, Du, HF, Davis, WE, Holford, DL, Lewis, DMG, Vaidis, DC, Ozery, DH, Ricaurte, DZ, Alvarez, DS, Correia, RC, Whitt, CM, Solorzano, CS, von Bastian, CC, Sutherland, CAM, Aberson, CL, Wang, CH, Niemiec, CP, Li, RR, Tamnes, CK, Fu, CHY, Allred, TB, Vermote, BJ, Shi, JX, Chopik, WJ, Bayyat, MM, Chou, WL, Balci, BB, Dixson, BJW, Kappes, HB, Aruta, JJB, Arinze, NC, El Arabi, KA, Ozdogru, AA, Rothbaum, AO, Torres, AO, Jurkovic, AP, Kassianos, AP, Landry, AT, Santos, AC, Luxon, AM, Todsen, AL, Tullett, AM, Kuzminska, AO, Krafnick, AJ, Askelund, AD, Charyate, AC, Wichman, AL, Thomas, AG, Forscher, PS, Mallik, PR, Coles, NA, Miller, JK, Urry, HL, IJzerman, H, Basnight-Brown, DM, Ebersole, CR, Chartier, CR, Buchanan, EM, and Primbs, MA
- Abstract
Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This crosscountry, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an autonomy-supportive message) or were restrictive and shaming (i.e., a controlling message) compared with no message at all. Results partially supported experimental hypotheses in that the controlling message increased controlled motivation (a poorly internalized form of motivation relying on shame, guilt, and fear of social consequences) relative to no message. On the other hand, the autonomy-supportive message lowered feelings of defiance compared with the controlling message, but the controlling message did not differ from receiving no message at all. Unexpectedly, messages did not influence autonomous motivation (a highly internalized form of motivation relying on one's core values) or behavioral intentions. Results supported hypothesized associations between people's existing autonomous and controlled motivations and self-reported behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing. Controlled motivation was associated with more defiance and less long-term behavioral intention to engage in social distancing, whereas autonomous motivation was associated with less defiance and more short- and long-term intentions to social distance. Overall, this work highlights the potential harm of using shaming and pressuring language in public health communication, with implications for the current and future global health challenges.
- Published
- 2022
3. Erratum: Author Correction: A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic (Nature human behaviour (2021) 5 8 (1089-1110))
- Author
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C. A., Miller, J. K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J. S., Gross, J. J., Agesin, B. B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D. H., Jackson, E. A., Garcia, E. O. L., Drexler, S. M., Jurkovic, A. P., Rana, K., Wilson, J. P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O. N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A. I., Marcu, G. M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovic, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A. P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pontinen, S., Adetula, G. A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A. I., Arinze, N. C., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P. M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A. C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M. A., Vasilev, M. R., Nock, N. L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barria, M. F., Vranka, M., Kohlova, M. B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Boudesseul, J., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D. M. G., Findor, A., Landry, A. T., Aruta, J. J. B., Ortiz, M. S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J. V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S. -C., Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J. L., Boucher, L., Collins, W. M., Todsen, A. L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Krizanic, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S. J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R. M., Stephen, I. D., Hostler, T. J., Azouaghe, S., Mccarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C. S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Perez, L. C., Cruz Vasquez, J. E., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Kacha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Carcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J. M., Kunst, J. R., Tamnes, C. K., von Bastian, C. C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kacmar, P., Schrotter, J., Rahal, R. -M., Cohen, N., Fatahmodares, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M. A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Krafnick, A. J., Strukelj, E., Isager, P. M., Urban, J., Silva, J. R., Martoncik, M., Ocovaj, S. B., Sakan, D., Kuzminska, A. O., Djordjevic, J. M., Almeida, I. A. T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L. B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D. Z., Monteiro, R. P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernandez, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D. S., Butt, M. M., Lee, J. M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tumer, M., Charyate, A. C. A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M. D. C. M. C., Aberson, C., Palfi, B., Maldonado, M. A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C. D., Richard, K. L., Singer, G., Perillo, J. T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I. L., Hruska, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Hajdu, N., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N. -D., Zsido, A. N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Muda, R., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M. V., Correa, P. S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R. R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L. A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielinska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Cadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfali, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H. B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M. V., Berkessel, J. B., Chopik, W. J., Coksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K. A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H. E., Bundt, C., Norton, J. O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V. H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T. E., Askelund, A. D., Pineda, L. M. S., Krupic, D., Levitan, C. A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjic, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A. G., Kung, F. Y. H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B. B., Reips, U. -D., Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B. J. W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C. A. M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S. M. J., Topor, M., Majeed, N. M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P. A. G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N. R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J. W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsather, T., Olofsson, J. K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Zuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J. A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanovic, K., Yeung, S. K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frias, N. S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M. Y., Torres, A. O., Toro, M., Delgado, L. G. J., Vega, D., Solas, S. A., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D. C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G. L. H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C. M., Tullett, A. M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M. J., Karaarslan, C., Sarioguz, E., Allred, T. B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M. F., Lima, T. J. S., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L. M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P. H. P., Holford, D. L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E. R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E. C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G. A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R. B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A. D., Kozma, L., Alves, S. G., Lins, S., Pinto, I. R., Correia, R. C., Babincak, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J. E., Thommesen, K. K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S. N., Silan, M. A., Maturan, P. L. G., Vilsmeier, J. K., Tran, U. S., Izquierdo, S. M., Mensink, M. C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V. C., Carpentier, J., Ozdogru, A. A., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Hedgebeth, M. V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A. L., Roer, J. P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W. E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Onie, S., Ebersole, C. R., Chartier, C. R., Mallik, P. R., Urry, H. L., Buchanan, E. M., Coles, N. A., Primbs, M. A., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Ijzerman, H., Forscher, P. S., and Moshontz, H.
- Published
- 2022
4. Historical and contemporary evidence of a mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis Cuvier, 1828) spawning aggregation fishery in decline
- Author
Graham, R. T., Carcamo, R., Rhodes, K. L., Roberts, C. M., and Requena, N.
- Published
- 2008
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5. The bacterial cytosine deaminase gene used as a conditional negative selection marker in transgenic rice plants
- Author
Dai, S., Carcamo, R., Zhang, Z., Chen, S., and Beachy, R.N.
- Published
- 2001
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6. Cassava vein mosaic virus (CsVMV), type species for a new genus of plant double stranded DNA viruses?
- Author
de Kochko, A., Verdaguer, B., Taylor, N., Carcamo, R., Beachy, R. N., and Fauquet, C.
- Published
- 1998
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7. Dataset on maternal attitudes about child maltreatment in nine countries using a Q-sort methodology
- Author
Selçuk, Bilge (ORCID 0000-0001-9992-5174 & YÖK ID 52913), Woudstra, M.-L.; van Ginkel, J.; Branger, M.; Emmen, R.; Alink, L.; Asanjarani, F.; Carcamo, R.; Hsiao, C.; Mels, C.; Soares, I.; Wang, L.; Yavuz, M.; Mesman, J., College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Selçuk, Bilge (ORCID 0000-0001-9992-5174 & YÖK ID 52913), Woudstra, M.-L.; van Ginkel, J.; Branger, M.; Emmen, R.; Alink, L.; Asanjarani, F.; Carcamo, R.; Hsiao, C.; Mels, C.; Soares, I.; Wang, L.; Yavuz, M.; Mesman, J., and College of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Abstract
Analyses of the present data are reported in the article “Crossing Boundaries: A Pilot Study of Maternal Attitudes about Child Maltreatment in Nine Countries” [8]. Data were collected during home visits using the Maltreatment Q-Sort (MQS). A total of 466 mothers from nine different countries gave their opinion about child maltreatment by sorting 90 cards with parenting behaviors taken from the literature that reflect four types of child maltreatment, into 9 evenly distributed stacks (with 10 cards each) from least to most harmful for the child. This data article provides an overview of the content of the 90 items, which type of maltreatment they reflect, and the source of the items. The percentage of mothers labelling each of the MQS items as maltreatment is also presented. In addition, instructions are included about the administration of the MQS as well as data-entry and analyses of Q-sort data, accompanied by example datasets and syntaxes. This can serve as a manual for researchers interested in using Q-sort data., NA
- Published
- 2020
8. Improvement of somatic embryogenesis and plant recovery in cassava
- Author
Mathews, Helena, Schopke, C., Carcamo, R., Chavarriaga, P., Fauquet, C., and Beachy, R. N.
- Published
- 1993
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9. Scaling territorial use rights in fisheries (TURFs) in Belize
- Author
Fujita, R, primary, Epstein, L, additional, Battista, W, additional, Karr, K, additional, Higgins, P, additional, Landman, J, additional, and Carcamo, R, additional
- Published
- 2017
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10. Management strategy evaluation of a multi-indicator adaptive framework for data-limited fisheries management
- Author
Harford, WJ, primary, Gedamke, T, additional, Babcock, EA, additional, Carcamo, R, additional, McDonald, G, additional, and Wilson, JR, additional
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Atencio-García, V.J., Kerguelén-Durango, E., Cura Dorado, E., Rosado Carcamo, R., Vallejo, A., and Valderrama, M.
- Subjects
Régimen alimentario ,moncholo ,yalúa ,doncella ,cacucho ,perico ,mojarra amarilla ,Feeding habits - Abstract
El objeto del estudio fue evaluar el régimen alimentario de siete especies de peces que se han establecido en el embalse de la Hidroeléctrica Urrá (HU). Se analizaron 453 estómagos, distribuidos así: 115 de perico (Tracheolypterus badeli cf), 111 de cacucho (Panaque gibbosus), 108 de yalúa (Cyphocharax magdalenae), 89 de mojarra amarilla (Caquetaia kraussii), 11 de moncholo (Hoplias malabaricus), 10 de barbul (Pimelodus clarias) y 9 de doncella (Ageneoisus pardales). Los contenidos estomacales se evaluaron mediante frecuencia de ocurrencia (FO), frecuencia numérica (FN) y el método gravimétrico (G). Se determinó la importancia de cada presa mediante el índice de categorización de presa (ICP) y la superposición de dietas se analizó mediante el Índice de Morosita (IM). La distribución porcentual de los contenidos estomacales de la yalúa mostró que el 95.5% correspondió al ítem detritus y el restante 4.5% a microlagas (Clorofitas y Bacillariofitas) y protozoarios/rotíferos. La dieta del cacucho la conformaron en un 70.9% microalgas (Cianofitas, Clorofitas y Bacilariofitas) y protozoarios/rotíferos y el restante 29.1% correspondieron al ítem detritus. Barbul (FO = 50%, FN = 46.2%) y perico se alimentaron principalmente de insectos (FO = 73.9%, FN = 86.4%). La mojarra amarilla (FO = 87.1%, FN = 83.3%), doncella (FO = 92.3%, FN = 92.0%) y moncholo (FO = 90.9%, FN = 90.9%) prefieren peces como cachanita (Roeboides dayi) y sardinas (Astianax sp). Los resultados sugieren que yalúa es detritívoro iliófago, cacucho es detritívoro, perico y barbul son carnívoros insectívoros y doncella, moncholo y mojarra amarilla son carnívoros piscívoros. The object of the study was to evaluate the feeding habits of seven species of fishes that have established in the reservoir of the Urrá Hydropower (HU). 453 stomaches were analysed: perico (Tracheolypterus badeli cf) (n=115), cacucho (Panaque gibbosus) (n=111), yalua (Cyphocharax magdalenae) (n=108), mojarra amarilla (Caquetaia kraussii) (n=89), moncholo (Hoplias malabaricus) (n=11), barbul (Pimelodus clarias) (n=10) and doncella (Ageneoisus pardalis) (n=9). The stomach contents were analysed by means of ocurrence frequency (FO), numeric frequency (FN) and gravimetric method (G). The importance of each prey was determined by means of the Item Categorization Index (ICP) and the overlapping of diets was analyzed by means of the Morosita Index (IM). The results showed that yalúa stomach contents were detritus (95.5%) and the remaining were microalgal (Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta) and protozoans/rotifers. cacucho diet was conformed of microalgal and protozoans/rotifers (70.9%, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta and Bacillariophytas) and the remaining was detritus. Barbul (FO = 50%, FN = 46. 2%) and perico (FO = 73. 9%, FN = 86. 4%) fed mainly of insects. Mojarra amarilla (FO = 87. 1%, FN = 83. 3%), doncella (FO = 92. 3%, FN = 92. 0%) and moncholo (FO = 90. 9%, FN = 90. 9%) showed preference for fishes like cachanita (Roeboides dayi) and sardinas (Astianax sp). From the results it can infereed that yalúa is detritivore-iliophagus, cacucho is detritívore, and perico and barbul are carnivore-insectivorous and doncella, moncholo and mojarra amarilla are carnivore-piscívorous.
- Published
- 2005
12. Stable transformation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) by particle bombardment and by Agrobacterium
- Author
Schöpke, C., Taylor, Nigel, Carcamo, R., Gonzalez de Schöpke, A.E., Konan, N.K., Marmey, Philippe, Henshaw, G.G., Beachy, R.N., and Fauquet, Claude
- Subjects
- 1997
13. Regeneration of transgenic cassava plants (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from microbombarded embryogenic suspension cultures
- Author
Schöpke, C., Taylor, Nigel, Carcamo, R., Koffi Konan, N., Marmey, Philippe, Henshaw, G.G., Beachy, R.N., and Fauquet, Claude
- Subjects
- 1996
14. The new solid target system at UNAM in a self-shielded 11 MeV cyclotron
- Author
Zarate-Morales, A., primary, Gaspar-Carcamo, R. E., additional, Lopez-Rodriguez, V., additional, Flores-Moreno, A., additional, Trejo-Ballado, F., additional, and Avila-Rodriguez, Miguel A., additional
- Published
- 2012
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15. Design and development of a semi-automated module for the preparation of metallic PET radionuclides
- Author
Trejo-Ballado, F., primary, Lopez-Rodriguez, V., additional, Gaspar-Carcamo, R. E., additional, Hurtado-Chong, G., additional, and Avila-Rodriguez, Miguel A., additional
- Published
- 2012
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16. Historical and contemporary evidence of a mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis Cuvier, 1828) spawning aggregation fishery in decline
- Author
Graham, R. T., primary, Carcamo, R., additional, Rhodes, K. L., additional, Roberts, C. M., additional, and Requena, N., additional
- Published
- 2007
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17. Régimen alimentario de siete especies ícticas en el embalse de la hidroeléctrica Urrá (Córdoba, Colombia)
- Author
Atencio-García, V.J., primary, Kerguelén-Durango, E., additional, Cura Dorado, E., additional, Rosado Carcamo, R., additional, Vallejo, A., additional, and Valderrama, M., additional
- Published
- 2005
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18. The new solid target system at UNAM in a self-shielded 11 MeV cyclotron.
- Author
Zarate-Morales, A., Gaspar-Carcamo, R. E., Lopez-Rodriguez, V., Flores-Moreno, A., Trejo-Ballado, F., and Avila-Rodriguez, Miguel A.
- Subjects
- *
TARGETS (Nuclear physics) , *CYCLOTRONS , *PARTICLE beams , *RADIONUCLIDE generators , *IRRADIATION , *RADIOISOTOPES , *NUCLEAR reactions - Abstract
A dual beam line (BL) self-shielded RDS 111 cyclotron for radionuclide production was installed at the School of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2001. One of the BL's was upgraded to Eclipse HP (Siemens) in 2008 and the second BL was recently upgraded (June 2011) to the same version with the option for the irradiation of solid targets for the production of metallic radioisotopes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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19. Historical and contemporary evidence of a mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis Cuvier, 1828) spawning aggregation Wshery in decline.
- Author
Graham, R. T., Carcamo, R., Rhodes, K. L., Roberts, C. M., and Requena, N.
- Subjects
REEF fishes ,LUTJANUS ,SPAWNING ,REEF fishing ,OVERFISHING ,CORAL reefs & islands ,CORAL reef biology ,MARINE biology - Abstract
Scientific information on reef fish spawning aggregation fisheries is sparse in light of numerous regional declines and extirpations from overexploitation. Fisher interviews of the small-scale commercial mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) spawning aggregation fishery at Gladden Spit, Belize, suggests a historic decadal decline. The reported trend is supported by analysis of inter-seasonal catch and effort and yield (2000-2002) that reveals a 59% decline in catch per unit effort (CPUE) and a 22% decrease in mean landings per boat. Declining population-level trends are also supported by a significant decrease in interannual median lengths of mutton snappers (2000-2006). These findings demonstrate the need for additional life history information that includes length-associated age and details on growth to provide clearer support of the effects on, and responses by, populations following fishing. In view of the historical changes to mutton snapper CPUE and landings at Gladden Spit and the fishery-associated declines in fish spawning aggregations observed globally, a precautionary approach to spawning aggregation management is warranted that provides full protection from fishing to enhance population persistence. The findings also highlight the need for substantially greater enforcement and longterm fisheries monitoring under a comprehensive regional management strategy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
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20. Design and development of a semi-automated module for the preparation of metallic PET radionuclides.
- Author
Trejo-Ballado, F., Lopez-Rodriguez, V., Gaspar-Carcamo, R. E., Hurtado-Chong, G., and Avila-Rodriguez, Miguel A.
- Subjects
NUCLEAR medicine ,ION exchange chromatography ,AUTOMATION ,POSITRON emission tomography ,MEDICAL technology ,MEDICAL radiology - Abstract
The method for the production of metallic radionuclides has been widely reported, and most of them share a common ion chromatography purification technique. The aim of this work is to design and develop a semi-automated remotely controlled module for the purification of metallic PET radionuclides via cation exchange chromatography. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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21. Dataset on maternal attitudes about child maltreatment in nine countries using a Q-sort methodology
- Author
Melis Yavuz, Joost R. van Ginkel, Faramarz Asanjarani, Cindy Mels, Celia Hsiao, Marjolein C. E. Branger, Lenneke R. A. Alink, Rosanneke A. G. Emmen, Rodrigo A. Cárcamo, Bilge Selcuk, Lamei Wang, Judi Mesman, Isabel Soares, Mi-lan J. Woudstra, Selçuk, Bilge (ORCID 0000-0001-9992-5174 & YÖK ID 52913), Woudstra, M.-L., van Ginkel, J., Branger, M., Emmen, R., Alink, L., Asanjarani, F., Carcamo, R., Hsiao, C., Mels, C., Soares, I., Wang, L., Yavuz, M., Mesman, J., College of Social Sciences and Humanities, and Universidade do Minho
- Subjects
Culture ,Child abuse ,Child ,Physical discipline ,Mothers ,lcsh:Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics ,Developmental psychology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Attitudes ,Child maltreatment ,Q-sort ,Psychology ,Psicologia [Ciências Sociais] ,lcsh:Science (General) ,Q methodology ,030304 developmental biology ,0303 health sciences ,Multidisciplinary ,Science & Technology ,Sorting ,Home visits ,Ciências Sociais::Psicologia ,lcsh:R858-859.7 ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,lcsh:Q1-390 - Abstract
Analyses of the present data are reported in the article “Crossing Boundaries: A Pilot Study of Maternal Attitudes about Child Maltreatment in Nine Countries” [8]. Data were collected during home visits using the Maltreatment Q-Sort (MQS). A total of 466 mothers from nine different countries gave their opinion about child maltreatment by sorting 90 cards with parenting behaviors taken from the literature that reflect four types of child maltreatment, into 9 evenly distributed stacks (with 10 cards each) from least to most harmful for the child. This data article provides an overview of the content of the 90 items, which type of maltreatment they reflect, and the source of the items. The percentage of mothers labelling each of the MQS items as maltreatment is also presented. In addition, instructions are included about the administration of the MQS as well as data-entry and analyses of Q-sort data, accompanied by example datasets and syn- taxes. This can serve as a manual for researchers interested in using Q-sort data., (undefined)
- Published
- 2020
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