135 results on '"Casado Moragón, Ángela"'
Search Results
2. Is it possible to delay the aging effects through antioxidant capacity of Minero-medicinal waters ?
- Author
Hernández Torres, Antonio, Polo de Santos, Mar, Casado Moragón, Ángela, and Pérez Rodríguez, María Luisa
- Subjects
Aging ,Aguas mineromedicinales ,Balneotherapy ,Mineromedicinal waters ,Balneoterapia ,Envejecimiento ,Composición iónica ,Capacidad antioxidante ,Ionic composition ,Antioxidant capacity - Abstract
[Objetivos]: La teoría de los radicales libres es una de las más aceptadas para explicar los sucesos que ocurren en el envejecimiento. Es posible que las aguas mineromedicinales (AMm) presenten capacidad antioxidantes per se, y que los efectos antienvejecimiento que con ellas se consiguen no se deban al azar sino a las propias AMm, asociados a su composición y a las técnicas hidrológicas prescritas. Este innovador estudio pretende conocer si las AMm de España tienen capacidad antioxidante per se que pueda tener efectos beneficiosos para retrasar el envejecimiento., [Método]: Se recogieron muestras in situ, con procedimiento adecuado, de 82 AMm procedentes de 63 centros españoles localizados en 13 de las 17 Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA). Se determinó la capacidad antioxidante de las AMm mediante una modificación patentada (Nº ES2323 107B1) del kit BIOXYTECH® AOP490TM (kit PAO de la casa DELTACLON). El ensayo se basa en la reducción del C u + + (presente en un reactivo del kit) a C u + + , debido a la acción combinada de los antioxidantes presentes en la muestra. El Cu+ reacciona con otro reactivo que contiene bathocuproina, compuesto cromogénico que forma un complejo coloreado 2:1 con el Cu+ , y tiene una absorbancia máxima a longitud de onda de 490nm. La determinación analítica se realizó en el Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del CSIC., [Resultados]: Se detectó capacidad antioxidante en 30 de las 82 AMm procedentes de 8 de las 13 CCAA estudiadas: Andalucía (1/6 muestras), Aragón (3/15), Cantabria (2/3), Castilla y León (4/5), La Rioja (1/2), Murcia (1/3) y, fundamentalmente, de Galicia (9/16) y Cataluña (9/18), que son aguas de circulación profunda en grandes fracturas y en rocas con mineralización de sulfuros., [Conclusiones]: Determinadas AMm presentan per se capacidad antioxidante capaz de actuar frente a los efectos oxidativos de los radicales libres. La persona interesada en retrasar su senescencia o aquella con patologías asociadas al daño oxidativo podría elegir acudir a uno u otro balneario, según la capacidad antioxidante de sus AMm. Sería interesante confirmar in vivo el potencial antioxidante de estas AMm con capacidad antioxidante detectada in vitro mediante estudios bien diseñados que aporten información sobre su efectividad y seguridad
- Published
- 2016
3. Types and characteristics of drinking water for hydration in the elderly
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Ramos, Primitivo, Rodríguez, Jaime, Moreno, Norberto, Gil, P., Leche Pascual, and Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
- Subjects
Types of water ,Drinking water ,Natural mineral waters ,Elderly hydration ,Water classification - Abstract
The role of hydration in the maintenance of health is increasingly recognized. Hydration requirements vary for each person, depending on physical activity, environmental conditions, dietary patterns, alcohol intake, health problems, and age. Elderly individuals have higher risk of developing dehydration than adults. Diminution of liquid intake and increase in liquid losses are both involved in causing dehydration in the elderly. The water used for drinking is provided through regular public water supply and the official sanitary controls ensure their quality and hygiene, granting a range of variation for most of its physical and chemical characteristics, being sometimes these differences, though apparently small, responsible for some disorders in sensitive individuals. Hence, the advantages of using bottled water, either natural mineral water or spring water, are required by law to specify their composition, their major components, and other specific parameters. It is essential to take this into account to understand the diversity of indications and favorable effects on health that certain waters can offer. This work was supported by a joint project between Leche Pascual Group and the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology about the elderly hydration.
- Published
- 2015
4. Semblanza académica, científica y docente del Dr. José Antonio Abrisqueta Zarrabe
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Subjects
education - Published
- 2014
5. Physical exercise reduces occupational and oxidative stress in Emergency Department staff
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., and Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto
- Subjects
Lipid peroxidation ,Physical exercise ,Estrés oxidativo ,Occupational stress ,Hospital emergency service ,Enzimas antioxidantes ,Ejercicio físico ,Peroxidación lipídica ,Oxidative stress ,Servicio de urgencias hospitalarias ,Burnout ,Antioxidant enzymes ,Estrés laboral - Abstract
[EN]: [Background]: Stressful conditions lead to the formation of excessive free radicals which represents the greatest threat to cellular homeostasis of aerobic organisms. Burnout is a syndrome of chronic occupational stress. [Objectives]: This work focuses on the determination of both oxidative stress and occupational stress in a medical emergency service staff, and to analyze the effect that performing physical exercise can have on oxidative and occupational stress in these professionals. [Material and methods]: The study sample consisted of 70 professionals working in a medical emergency service and a control group of 80 age-matched healthy individuals. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities, and malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined, as well as burnout with its components. [Results]: No significant variations were observed in SOD, CAT, MDA, or burnout levels as regards to gender. MDA levels increased with age in both the medical emergency service staff and the control group, with significant differences between the medical emergency service staff and the control group for all age groups. Marital status does not influence the variables analyzed. [Conclusions]: Lipid peroxidation and occupational stress (burnout levels) decrease with physical exercise, being lower levels for those who practice it daily. Playing sports regularly, especially when it is not exhausting, is a beneficial practice for preventing both oxidative stress and occupational stress., [ES]: [Fundamento]: Situaciones estresantes conducen a la formación de un exceso de radicales libres, que constituyen la mayor amenaza para la homeostasis celular de organismos aerobios. El burnout es un síndrome de estrés crónico laboral. [Objetivos]: 1. Determinar tanto el estrés oxidativo como el estrés laboral al que se encuentran sometidos profesionales sanitarios de un servicio de urgencias. 2. Analizar la influencia que la práctica de ejercicio físico puede ejercer tanto sobre el estrés oxidativo como sobre el estrés laboral de estos profesionales. [Material y métodos]: Se han analizado 70 profesionales de un servicio de urgencias hospitalarias y un grupo control de 80 individuos sanos y edades similares. En todos se determinó la actividad de superóxido dismutasa (SOD) y catalasa (CAT), los niveles de malondialdehído (MDA) y del burnout y sus componentes. [Resultados]: No se han observado diferencias significativas entre varones y mujeres ni en la actividad de SOD y CAT, ni en los niveles de MDA ni en los niveles del burnout. Los niveles de MDA aumentan con la edad en profesionales sanitarios y en el grupo control, con diferencias significativas entre distintos grupos de edad. El estado civil no influye en las variables analizadas. [Conclusiones]: La peroxidación lipídica y el estrés laboral (niveles de burnout) disminuyen con la práctica de ejercicio físico, siendo los niveles más bajos para los que hacen ejercicio diariamente. Hacer deporte habitualmente, sobre todo cuando no es agotador, resulta una práctica beneficiosa para la prevención tanto del estrés oxidativo como del estrés laboral.
- Published
- 2014
6. Productos de glicación avanzada (AGEs), oxidación de proteínas y estatus antioxidante en pacientes con demencia Alzheimer
- Author
Guzmán Martínez, R., Campos, Carlos, López-Fernández, M.E., Yubero Pancorbo, Raquel, Massegú Serrà, Cristina, and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
Trabajo presentado en el 55 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. 2º Congreso de la Sociedad Valenciana de Geriatría y Gerontología, celebrado en Valencia (España) del 12 al 14 de junio de 2013.
- Published
- 2013
7. El descenso de la capacidad antioxidante favorece el daño oxidativo a proteínas y ADN en demencia Alzheimer
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Guzmán, Rodrigo, Campos, Carlos, Yubero Pancorbo, Raquel, Massegú Serrà, Cristina, and Gil Gregorio, Pedro
- Abstract
Trabajo presentado en las XVII Jornadas de Nutrición Práctica y VIII Congreso Internacional de Nutrición, Alimentación y Dietética celebradas en Madrid (España) del 17 al 19 de abril de 2013.
- Published
- 2013
8. Efecto del ácido fólico y del agua sulfurada sobre la viabilidad celular inducida por homocisteína en pacientes con Alzheimer
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, Yubero Pancorbo, Raquel, Massegú Serrà, Cristina, and Gil Gregorio, Pedro
- Abstract
Trabajo presentado en las XVII Jornadas de Nutrición Práctica y VIII Congreso Internacional de Nutrición, Alimentación y Dietética, celebradas en Madrid (España) del 17 al 19 de abril de 2013.
- Published
- 2013
9. Beneficios de las aguas minerales en diferentes patologías
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
Trabajo presentado en la conferencia Actualizaciones Clínicas y Terapéuticas en Geriatría, celebrada en Madrid (España) el 12 de junio de 2013.
- Published
- 2013
10. Physical exercise and urinary uric acid levels in Down’s syndrome
- Author
Campos, Carlos, Guzmán Martínez, R., López-Fernández, E., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Subjects
Down’s syndrome ,Ácido úrico ,Síndrome de Down ,Physical exercise ,Uric acid ,Ejercicio físico - Abstract
[EN]: [Background]: Down’s syndrome (DS) individuals have elevated uric acid (UA) urinary levels. [Objective]: To evaluate urinary UA levels variation with physical exercise practice in DS individuals. [Material and methods]: We analysed 29 individuals with DS and 37 individuals without DS (control group) matched by age and sex. Urinary UA levels were determined by Duncan method. Creatinine (Cr) was assessed according to the spectrophotometric Jaffé method. Results: We reported that individuals with DS have significant elevated urinary UA levels compared to controls (315 ± 123 mmol/mmol vs 245 ± 84 mmol/mmol), and we did not observed any significant variation with respect to sex or age. However, up to 20 years a negative correlation between ratio UA/Cr and age was obtained. This correlation was positive starting from 20 years. According to our results this correlation is more accentuated in DS individuals. Urinary UA levels decrease 19.0% in DS individuals and 6.4% in controls when sport is practiced more than occasionally to daily. [Conclusions]: Urinary UA is increased in DS individuals. Urinary UA does not vary significantly according to sex. The daily practice of physical exercise of moderate intensity reduces the urinary excretion of UA in DS individuals., [ES]: [Antecedentes]: Los individuos con síndrome de Down (SD) presentan niveles elevados de ácido úrico (AU). [Objetivo]: Evaluar la variación producida con la práctica de ejercicio físico en los niveles urinarios de AU en individuos con SD. [Material y métodos]: Se ha analizado a 29 individuos con SD de ambos sexos y edades de 4 a 52 años. Se analizaron 37 individuos sanos, sin trisomía 21 de ambos sexos y edades de 5-72 años (controles). Se utilizó el método de Duncan et al para determinar el AU. La creatinina (Cr) se determinó por el método de Jaffé, modificado por Varley y Gowenlock. [Resultados]: Los valores de AU urinario referenciados a Cr son significativamente mayores (p < 0,01) en individuos con SD que en controles (315.266 ± 123.312 mmol/mmol frente a 244.846 ± 83.786 mmol/mmol), y no varían significativamente ni con el sexo, ni con la edad. Sin embargo, tanto en el grupo control, como en el de SD aparece una correlación negativa entre el ratio AU/Cr y la edad hasta los 20 años, que se hace positiva a partir de esta edad. Nuestros resultados muestran una correlación más acentuada en personas con SD. El AU disminuye un 19% en SD y un 6,4% en controles cuando el deporte pasa de practicarse ocasionalmente a diariamente. [Conclusiones]: El AU urinario está aumentado en individuos con SD. El AU urinario no varía significativamente con el sexo. La práctica diaria de ejercicio físico con intensidad moderada reduce la excreción urinaria de AU en el SD.
- Published
- 2013
11. Investigación sobre la frecuencia de deficiencia en G6PD y talasemia en varias provincias españolas
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Published
- 2015
12. Types and characteristics of drinking water for hydration in the elderly
- Author
Leche Pascual, Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Ramos, Primitivo, Rodríguez, Jaime, Moreno, Norberto, Gil, P., Leche Pascual, Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Ramos, Primitivo, Rodríguez, Jaime, Moreno, Norberto, and Gil, P.
- Abstract
The role of hydration in the maintenance of health is increasingly recognized. Hydration requirements vary for each person, depending on physical activity, environmental conditions, dietary patterns, alcohol intake, health problems, and age. Elderly individuals have higher risk of developing dehydration than adults. Diminution of liquid intake and increase in liquid losses are both involved in causing dehydration in the elderly. The water used for drinking is provided through regular public water supply and the official sanitary controls ensure their quality and hygiene, granting a range of variation for most of its physical and chemical characteristics, being sometimes these differences, though apparently small, responsible for some disorders in sensitive individuals. Hence, the advantages of using bottled water, either natural mineral water or spring water, are required by law to specify their composition, their major components, and other specific parameters. It is essential to take this into account to understand the diversity of indications and favorable effects on health that certain waters can offer.
- Published
- 2015
13. Protective effect of sulfurous water in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Alzheimer's disease patients
- Author
Fundación Inocente Inocente, Guzmán Martínez, R., Campos, Carlos, Yuguero, R., Massegú Serrà, Cristina, Gil, P., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Fundación Inocente Inocente, Guzmán Martínez, R., Campos, Carlos, Yuguero, R., Massegú Serrà, Cristina, Gil, P., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
[Aims]: One of the main features of sulfurous water (SW) is the presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which confers its antioxidant activity. Since oxidative stress plays an important role in Alzheimer's disease (AD) we hypothesize that SW could have a protective effect in these patients., [Material and methods]: A therapeutic in vitro approach of SW was performed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of AD patients and in age-matched healthy non-demented controls using one modification of the comet assay (to measure oxidative DNA damage) and the MTT assay (as an indicator of cell viability). Hydrogen peroxide and homocysteine were used to induce oxidative DNA damage, and vitamin C, Trolox and N-acetyl-cysteine were selected as antioxidants of reference to compare SW treatment results., [Key findings]: SW did not increase per se the oxidative DNA damage of PBMC. Furthermore, SW protected them against enhanced oxidative stress in AD and control populations after pro-oxidant stimuli, with similar results to those observed when using the antioxidants of reference. Nevertheless, SW was the only treatment that could avoid the loss of viability of PBMC for all pro-oxidant stimuli in both populations, suggesting that H2S could confer to SW a more antioxidant capacity than other known antioxidants., [Significance]: The protective effect of SW was proved for the first time not only in DNA stability but also in cell viability preservation in AD, indicating that further research in other in vitro and in vivo models could lead to include SW as a possible therapy for AD.
- Published
- 2015
14. Oxidative stress, thyroid dysfunction & Down syndrome
- Author
Campos, Carlos, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Campos, Carlos, and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal disorders, occurring in one out of 700-1000 live births, and the most common cause of mental retardation. Thyroid dysfunction is the most typical endocrine abnormality in patients with DS. It is well known that thyroid dysfunction is highly prevalent in children and adults with DS and that both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are more common in patients with DS than in the general population. Increasing evidence has shown that DS individuals are under unusual increased oxidative stress, which may be involved in the higher prevalence and severity of a number of pathologies associated with the syndrome, as well as the accelerated ageing observed in these individuals. The gene for Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is coded on chromosome 21 and it is overexpressed (~50%) resulting in an increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to overproduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). ROS leads to oxidative damage of DNA, proteins and lipids, therefore, oxidative stress may play an important role in the pathogenesis of DS.
- Published
- 2015
15. Método para valorar la concentración y la capacidad antioxidante del ácido úrico
- Author
Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
La presente invención se refiere a un método para valorar la concentración y la capacidad antioxidante del ácido úrico en muestras ya sean biológicas, en muestras procedentes de la industria alimentaria, en cosméticos ... Además mediante la presente invención se permite determinar la capacidad antioxidante sin la contribución del ácido úrico y la capacidad antioxidante total de una muestra., Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnica
- Published
- 2010
16. Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase activity in newborns & young people in Spain
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Torre, R. de la, and López-Fernández, M.E.
- Subjects
Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase ,Young ,Sex ,Reactive oxygen species ,Children ,Newborns - Abstract
6 p.-2 tab., Background & objectives: There is evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of many paediatric disorders. We carried out this study to see whether superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was associated with age, sex and rural or urban status in three groups of Spanish people (newborns, children and young). Methods: SOD activity was measured in red blood cells in newborns, children and young Spanish people (n=1212, divided in six groups) using the Minami and Yoshikawa method. Results: The newborns had high levels of SOD activity, but among all age groups studied, SOD showed the highest activity in groups 1 and 2. We also observed that this activity decreased gradually with age until achieving adult levels. No significant variations with respect to sex were detected, except for the >14 to 18 yr age group, in which SOD activity decreased significantly in females. Interpretation & conclusion: Our findings show that SOD activity in newborns, children and young Spanish people is affected by age but not by gender (except from >14-18 yr) or rural or urban status., This study was supported by a grant from the Plan Regional de Investigación de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM).
- Published
- 2007
17. Procedimiento para determinar poder antioxidante en agua mineromedicinal
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., Hernández Torres, Antonio, Polo de Santos, Mar, Ramón Giménez, José Ramón, and Pérez Rodríguez, María Luisa
- Subjects
Aguas mineromedicinales ,Patente ,Alimentación ,Industria alimentaria - Abstract
Procedimiento para determinar poder antioxidante en agua mineromedicinal. Se ha desarrollado un procedimiento para determinar el poder antioxidante en aguas Minero-medicinales (M-m). Estas aguas son conocidas por sus virtudes terapéuticas sobre ciertas enfermedades crónicas e inflamatorias. Además, tienen efectos revitalizadores sobre células y tejidos, contribuyendo a la reparación de la piel, reactivando el metabolismo, eliminando toxinas por sudoración y facilitando la diuresis, atenuando las afecciones articulares como procesos reumáticos y postoperatorios del aparato locomotor y controlando el estrés, en definitiva, mejorando la calidad de vida. A pesar de que se han desarrollado multitud de métodos para determinar el poder antioxidante de alimentos y bebidas, lamentablemente la mayoría de ellos se basan en la detección de compuestos fenólicos y otros componentes antioxidantes que no existen en el agua, y además muchos de ellos han sido diseñados para aplicarse en medios lipídicos, lo que hacía imposible su determinación en el agua., Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), B1 Patente con informe sobre el estado de la ténica
- Published
- 2006
18. Annual rhythm of urinary excretion of lipoperoxidation products
- Author
Ramón Giménez, José Ramón, Hernández Torres, Antonio, Cuenca Giralde, Estrella, Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., and Polo de Santos, Mar
- Subjects
Peroxidación lipídica ,Lipid peroxidation ,Urinary TBARS ,TBARS urinarias ,Seasonal changes ,Cambios estacionales - Abstract
[EN]: [Introduction]: many biological features are linked to daily, annual, or seasonal rhythms. One of these features could be the production and urinary excretion of lipoperoxidation products (TBARS), which are modified by crenotherapy with different mineromedicinal waters. The objective of the present article was to analyse whether urinary excretion of TBARS depends on the time of the year in which it is determined. [Material and methods]: urinary samples were obtained from 230 volunteers from the Social Thermalism Program of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales [IMSERSO]). There were 115 men and 115 women (aged 52-81years) who where assigned to two different spas at six different times of the year: 110 were assigned to the first spa and 120 to the second. TBARS concentration was determined on arrival at the spa by means of spectrophotometry; a clinical history was also taken, including blood pressure measurement. [Results]: the mean total TBARS excretion on arrival was 0.418 ± 0.025 nmol/mg of creatinine for the population from the first spa and 0.368 ± 0.01 nmol/mg of creatinine for the second. One of the reasons why these values differed between the two populations was that they were determined in different months of the year, showing a maximum excretion in July and a minimum in November. [Conclusion]: this study shows that excretion rates of lipid peroxidation products follows an annual rhythm., [ES]: [Introducción]: existen numerosos rasgos biológicos ligados a ritmos diarios, anuales o estacionales. Uno de estos rasgos podría ser la producción y eliminación urinaria de productos de lipoperoxidación (sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico [TBARS]) eliminados por orina que son modificados por la crenoterapia con diferentes aguas mineromedicinales. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar si la eliminación urinaria de TBARS depende de la época del año en que se determina. [Material y métodos]: se han obtenido muestras de orina de 230 voluntarios del Programa de Termalismo Social del IMSERSO (edad 52-81 años), 115 varones y 115 mujeres que se adscribieron a 2 balnearios diferentes en 6 épocas distintas del año: 110 al primero y 120 al segundo. A la llegada al balneario se determinó la concentración de TBARS mediante espectrofotometría; paralelamente se realizó a los pacientes historia clínica que incluyó registros de la presión arterial. [Resultados]: la media de eliminación total de TBARS a la llegada al balneario en la población del primero fue de 0,418 ± 0,025 nmol/mg de creatinina; en la segunda fue de 0,368 ± 0,01 nmol/mg de creatinina. Una de las posibles razones de los diferentes valores de ambas poblaciones, con un máximo de excreción urinaria en julio y un mínimo en noviembre, fue el hecho de que las determinaciones se realizaron en diferentes meses del año en ambas poblaciones. [Conclusión]: este estudio muestra que las tasas de eliminación de productos de lipoperoxidación siguen un ritmo anual.
- Published
- 2006
19. Oxidative stress markers in Down syndrome
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., and Ruíz, Rocío
- Subjects
Oxidative stress ,Down syndrome ,Malondialdehyde ,Lipid peroxidation ,Antioxidant enzymes - Abstract
Introduction: Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between formation and neutralization of pro-oxidants. Oxidation of biomolecules can damage them, disturbing normal functions and may contribute to a variety of disease states and aging. Objective: We analysed activities of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR), which form the main enzyme protection mechanism against harmful effects of reactive oxygen species, and the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), an end product of lipid peroxidation, in order to develop a better knowledge of a new aspect in this syndrome's pathology. Material and Methods: 100 individuals with Down syndrome, aged from newborns to 29 years (34 males and 66 females) were analysed: 90 individuals with regular trisomy 21, 6 with mosaic trisomy 21 and 4 with trisomy 21 by Robertsonian translocation. A group of individuals without pathology was also included (40 males, 60 females) with similar ages to the DS individuals. In all cases we determined: 1) antioxidant enzymes activity: Cu/ZnSOD, CAT, GPx and GR, 2) levels of MDA. Results: We observed: a) an increase in the oxidative stress in DS individuals caused by an excess in Cu/Zn SOD, which they try to compensate mainly by increasing the activity of GPx and CAT; b) high levels of lipid peroxidation; c) no significant differences between male and female in DS individuals; d) lower oxidative stress in individuals with DS mosaic. Conclusions: Trisomic cells are more sensitive to oxidative stress. This sensitivity could be caused by an imbalance in the hydrogen peroxide metabolism.
- Published
- 2005
20. Burnout in profesionals belonging to paliative, intensive care and emergency services in a general hospital [2] | Burnout en profesionales de los servicios paliativos, intensivos y urgencias de un gran hospital
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Muñoz Durán, G., Ortega González, N., and Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto
- Subjects
education - Published
- 2005
21. Antioxidant enzymes, occupational stress and burnout in workers of a prehospitalary emergency service
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Lucas García, N. de, López-Fernández, M.E., Rodriguez-Manzaneque, A.S., and Jiménez Fraile, J.A.
- Subjects
education - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in many diseases and aging. Scavenging enzymes represent one of several natural defence mechanisms against ROS-induced damage. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase are enzymes that are involved in antioxidant defence. Burnout is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. OBJECTIVES: To determine the activity of two antioxidant enzymes, SOD and catalase, and their variation according to demographic and occupational variables in workers of a prehospitalary emergency service, and to analyse the relationship between antioxidant enzyme activities and burnout 111 healthy workers of a prehospitalary emergency service were surveyed. METHODS: SOD activity was analysed by the Minami and Yoshikawa method. Catalase activity was measured by the method of Aebi. To measure burnout, the Maslach Burnout Inventory was used. RESULTS: No significant variations with respect to sex were detected in SOD and catalase activities and levels of burnout. Significant differences in SOD activity between the control group and workers of a prehospitalary emergency service (P
- Published
- 2005
22. Measurement of quality of life of HIV individuals: Perspectives & future directions
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Subjects
urogenital system ,embryonic structures ,reproductive and urinary physiology - Abstract
Modification of medical outcome study (MOS) instrument for quality of life assessment & its validation in HIV infected individuals in India
- Published
- 2005
23. Minimum duration of spa treatment with bicarbonated-sulfated waters to obtain an antioxidant effect in persons aged more than 65 years
- Author
Hernández-Torres, A., Cuenca, E., Ramón Giménez, José Ramón, Casado Moragón, Ángela, and López-Fernández, E.
- Subjects
Crenotherapy ,Lipid-Peroxidation ,Ageing ,Lipoperoxidación ,Crenoterapia ,Bicarbonated-sulfated waters ,Envejecimiento ,Aguas mineromedicinales bicarbonatadas sulfatadas ,Antioxidantes ,Free Radical Scavengers ,Antioxidants ,Barredores de radicales libres - Abstract
[EN]: [Introduction]:ever since spa treatments have been used, there has always been doubt about the minimum time needed for the treatment to be effective. It is a spa tradition to perform what is known as the “ninth™, which corresponds to a minimum stay and treatment duration of 9 continuous days in a spa in order to obtain benefits from the spa treatment. This phenomenon has been observed for years. [Objective]: to study and evaluate the minimum time period needed for crenotherapeutic treatment with bicarbonated-sulfated waters in order to obtain a statistically significant reduction in excretion of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in a spa population of persons aged more than 65 years. [Material]: we performed a prospective clinical study in the JarabaSicilia spa with bicarbonated-sulfated waters (Zaragoza, Spain) in three different seasons of the same year. One hundred twenty volunteers from the Social Thermalism Program of the IMSERSO participated (60 men and 60 women; mean age 70.9 ± 0.5). There were no statistically significant differences in age between groups. The groups showed overall homogeneity. Dependent paired samples were used and the groups were of the same size. [Patients and method]: urine samples were obtained to determine the concentration of TBARS through spectrophotometry on arrival at the spa, and after 9 and 14 days of treatment. A complete medical history was taken and the different medical variables were evaluated after topical application of crenotherapy (baths between 37.5-39 °C for 15 minutes) and/or hydropinic application. Urine samples were analysed following a modification of the technique described in 1978 by Mihara et al. [Results]: urinary excretion of lipid peroxidation products (TBARS), mainly malondialdehyde, was 0.368 ± 0.0095 nM/ml on arrival, 0.352 ± 0.0088 nM/ml after 9 days of treatment and 0.337 ± 0.0083 nM/ml at the end of treatment, after 14 days of crenotherapy. The post-crenotherapeutic benefit obtained in oxidative state (therapeutic effect) was –0.016 ± 0.0019 (4.35%) after 9 days. This benefit doubled after 14 days to –031±0.0017 (8.4%). The decrease obtained in oxidation levels was statistically significant (p < 0.001) in the entire population studied. [Conclusions]: there is evidence that from the ninth day of treatment with bicarbonated-sulfated waters onwards, the antioxidant therapeutic effect became effective and statistically significant in the population studied, which coincided with the physical improvement observed. This therapeutic effect doubled if the treatment was prolonged to 14 days., [ES]: [Introducción]: desde que se utilizan los tratamientos balnearios, siempre ha habido la duda sobre el tiempo mínimo necesario para que dicho tratamiento fuera eficaz y efectivo. Forma parte de la tradición balnearia realizar la llamada «la novena», que se corresponde con la duración mínima de 9 días continuados de tratamiento y estancia balnearia para conseguir los efectos beneficiosos de la cura balnearia, hechos que han sido observados durante años. [Objetivo]: estudiar y evaluar el tiempo mínimo de tratamiento cenoterápico con aguas bicarbonatadas sulfatadas necesario para obtener una disminución estadísticamente significativa de la eliminación de sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) en una población balnearia mayor de 65 años. [Pacientes y método]: estudio clínico prospectivo realizado en el balneario de aguas bicarbonatadas sulfatadas de Jaraba-Sicilia (Zaragoza) en 3 estaciones climatológicas diferentes del mismo año, con 120 voluntarios del Programa de Termalismo Social del IMSERSO, 60 varones y 60 mujeres (edad media 70,9 ± 0,5 años); no había diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la edad de ambos grupos, homogéneos en su conjunto y de muestras pareadas dependientes e igual tamaño. Se obtuvieron muestras de orina para determinar la concentración de TBARS mediante espectrofotometría a la llegada al balneario, a los 9 y a los 14 días de tratamiento; se les realizó una historia clínica completa y se valoraron diferentes variables médicas tras aplicar crenoterapia por vía tópica (baños de 37,5-39 0C durante 15 min) y/o hidropínica. Las muestras urinarias se analizaron siguiendo una modificación de la técnica descrita en 1978 por Mihara et al. [Resultados]: la producción urinaria de peroxidación lipídica (TBARS) en orina, principalmente malondialdehído, fue, a la llegada, de 0,368 ± 0,0095 nM/ml, a los 9 días de tratamiento de 0,352 ± 0,0088 nM/ml y al finalizar el mismo, tras 14 días de crenoterapia, de 0,337 ± 0,0083 nM/ml; el beneficio poscrenoterápico obtenido en su estado oxidativo (efecto crenoterápico terapéutico) fue de –0,016 ± 0,0019 (4,35%) a los 9 días, el cual se duplicó a los 14 días, con cifras de –0,031 ± 0,0017 (8,4%). Esta disminución de los valores de oxidación obtenidos presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,001) en toda la población estudiada. [Conclusión]: a partir del noveno día de tratamiento con aguas bicarbonatadas sulfatadas hay evidencias de que el efecto crenoterápico antioxidante comienza a ser eficaz y estadísticamente significativo en la población estudiada, lo que coincide con la mejoría física obtenida. Este efecto crenoterápico se potencia al doble si se prolonga el tratamiento hasta 14 días.
- Published
- 2004
24. Antioxidant capacity of balneotherapy with sulphured and sulfated mineral waters
- Author
Hernández Torres, Antonio, Ramón Giménez, José Ramón, Cuenca Giralde, Estrella, Casado Moragón, Ángela, and López-Fernández, M.E.
- Subjects
Crenotherapy ,Free radical scavengers ,Aging ,Sulphured and sulfated mineral waters ,Lipid-peroxidation ,Antioxidants - Abstract
[Purpose]: The measurement of urinary production of Thiobarbituric Acid Reactant Substances (TBARS) from an homogeneus population (within a control environment) provides us with a huge amount of information about the process of human lipoperoxidation or aging. The crenotherapy treatment, using bicarbonated-sulfated mineral waters, decreases the TBARS production. It is probably due to the sulphur absortion which increases the -SH radicals included in the gluthation tripeptid. These -SH radicals work like free radicals scavengers., [Objective]: To study and evaluate the effects of crenotherapeutic treatment with bicarbonated-sulfated waters, in order to obtain significant results in a spa population of people over 65., [Material and methods]: Prospective clinical study, performed in the spa with bicarbonated-sulfated waters found in Jaraba-Sicilia (Zaragoza), in three different time periods, with 120 volunteers from the Social Thermalism Program of the IMSERSO, 60 men and 60 women (average age 70,9±0,5), with no statistically significant (ss) difference in the age of both groups. The groups were homogeneous overall, dependently paired samples, and of the same size. Urine samples were obtained in order to determine the concentration of Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Species (TBARS) through spectrophotometry on arrival at the spa, after 9 and 14 days of treatment. A complete case history was done and the different medical variables were evaluated after topical application of crenotherapy (baths between 37,5-39°C, 15') and/or hydropinic application. The urinary samples were analyzed following a modification of the technique described in 1978 by Mihara et al. Results: Urinary production of lipid peroxidation products (TBARS), mainly Malondialdehyde, was 0.368±0.0095 nM/ml on arrival, 0,352±0,0088 nM/ml after 9 days of treatment, and 0,337±0,0083 nM/ml at the end of the treatment, after 14 days of crenotherapy. The post-crenotherapeutic benefit obtained in the oxidative state (Therapeutic Effect, ET) was -0,016±0,0019 (4,35%) after nine days. This benefit doubled after 14 days, -0,031±0,0017 (8,4%). The decrease obtained in the oxidation levels was statistically significant (p, [Conclusions]: The Crenotherapeutic treatment using bicarbonated-sulfated mineral waters decreases the urinary production of TBARS (Therapeutic Effect, TE). It occurs either in men or women, or in both (when they are studied together). Therefore, the TE is not related to sex. This suggests a shift of the patients oxidative balance towards the antioxidant side. There is evidence that from the ninth day onwards of treatment with bicarbonated-sulfated waters, the antioxidant Therapeutic Effect becomes effective and statistically significant in the population studied, which coincides with the physical improvement observed. This Therapeutic Effect doubles if the treatment is extended from 9 to 14 days.
- Published
- 2004
25. Envejecimiento poblacional y discapacidad cognitiva: función renal en síndrome Down y aproximación terapéutica del agua sulfurada en enfermedad de Alzheimer
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Guzmán Martínez, Rodrigo, Casado Moragón, Ángela, and Guzmán Martínez, Rodrigo
- Published
- 2013
26. Envejecimiento poblacional y discapacidad cognitiva: función renal en síndrome Down y aproximación terapéutica del agua sulfurada en enfermedad de Alzheimer
- Author
Guzmán Martínez, Rodrigo, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Guzmán Martínez, Rodrigo, and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Published
- 2013
27. Urinary biomarkers of oxidative/nitrosative stress in healthy smokers
- Author
Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
[Objective]: To evaluate the effect of cigarette smoking on oxidative and nitrosative stress, we assessed urinary levels of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), isoprostane 15-F2t-IsoP, thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS), advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), dityrosine (diTyr), hydrogen peroxide, total nitrite and nitrate and trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) in healthy smokers. [Methods]: Fluorimetric and spectrophotometric assays were performed in urine samples of 33 healthy smokers and 58 age-matched controls. [Results]: Levels of 8-OHdG, 15-F2t-IsoP and AGES were found significantly higher in smokers than in controls (10.7 ng/mg Cr vs. 8.3 ng/mg Cr, 1.41 ng/mg Cr vs. 1.01 ng/mg Cr and 189 AFU/mg Cr vs. 143 AFU/mg Cr, respectively; P < 0.05 for all). Positive correlations were found between age and levels of AGEs and diTyr in smokers (r = 0.380, P < 0.035 and r = 0.418, P < 0.019, respectively) and also between age and AGEs, diTyr and TEAC in controls (r = 0.474, P < 0.001, r = 0.463, P < 0.001 and r = 0.576, P < 0.001, respectively), being this correlation negative for 8-OHdG in controls (r = −0.295, P = 0.041). Positive correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked per day and AGEs was also found (r = 0.355, P = 0.044). [Conclusion]: Urinary 8-OHdG, 15-F2t-IsoP and AGEs may represent a non-invasive quantitative index of oxidant stress in healthy smokers, being AGEs a possible indicator of tobacco toxin exposure. The increased oxidative stress in healthy smokers observed may be generated because of an excessive production of reactive oxygen species and not by exhaustion of antioxidant defenses.
- Published
- 2011
28. Evaluation of urinary biomarkers of oxidative/nitrosative stress in adolescents and adults with Down syndrome
- Author
Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
Urinary biomarkers of oxidative stress have been little studied in adults with Down syndrome (DS), usually no more than two biomarkers have been measured in the population studied and controversial results are reported in literature. Thus, we aimed to assess a set of oxidative and nitrosative stress biomarkers in urine samples of adolescents and adults with DS, with and without hypothyroidism, which comprise: 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), isoprostane 15-F2t-IsoP, thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS), advanced glycation end products (AGEs), dityrosine (diTyr), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitrite/nitrate (NOx). Fluorimetric and spectrophotometric assays were performed in DS (n=78), some of them taking levothyroxine for hypothyroidism (n=24), and in their healthy age-matched controls (n=65). We found that levels of AGEs, diTyr, H2O2 and NOx are increased in DS patients in any or in all age groups, whereas Cr levels were lower in DS than in controls in all age groups. Besides, correlations with age in DS were positive for diTyr and negative for Cr, TBARS, 15-F2t-IsoP and NOx. We also found lower levels of Cr from 15 to 19years, higher levels of TBARS and AGEs from 20 to 40years and higher levels of diTyr from 15 to 40years in DS patients receiving levothyroxine than in DS without hypothyroidism diagnosed. We conclude that AGEs, diTyr, H2O2 and NOx could be used as oxidative stress biomarkers in DS in contrast to 8-OHdG, 15-F2t-IsoP and TBARS, at least with the methods used. However, renal impairment could occur in DS and Cr adjustment may bias the results, particularly in hypothyroid patients.
- Published
- 2011
29. Determination of oxidative and occupational stress in palliative care workers
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto, López-Fernández, M.E., Ruíz, Rocío, Imedio, E. L., Castillo, C., Fernández-Nieto, A. M., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto, López-Fernández, M.E., Ruíz, Rocío, Imedio, E. L., Castillo, C., and Fernández-Nieto, A. M.
- Abstract
Background: In previous work, we demonstrated that some occupational workers in stressful conditions can have increases in several markers of oxidative stress when compared to other workers. We investigated two antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities, and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations, according to demographics, lifestyle and occupational parameters in palliative care unit workers, and analyzed the relationship with occupational burnout. Methods: Fifty-two palliative care unit workers and 50 gender- and aged matched healthy individuals as controls were surveyed. Spectrophotometric and high-pressure liquid chromatography methods were used for biochemical determinations. Results: No significant variation with respect to gender were detected with respect to SOD and CAT activities, MDA concentrations or occupational burnout. MDA concentrations increased with age in controls and palliative care unit workers, and we observed significant differences in MDA between controls and palliative care unit workers for all age groups. Significant variation in MDA concentrations were detected between unmarried (287.22±8.31 nmol/mg hemoglobin) and married individuals (317.18±6.24 nmol/mg hemoglobin), but not with respect to divorced individuals (288.41±5.64 nmol/mg hemoglobin). Significant differences were detected between smokers and non-smokers for SOD, CAT and MDA, but not for alcohol, coffee, tea or cola consumption. Significant differences were seen in MDA concentrations between those who frequently practice some kind of sport (280.59±7.62 nmol/mg hemoglobin) and those who never practice any kind of sport (299.12±8.09 nmol/mg hemoglobin), and between those who frequently ate fruit and greens (291.05±8.11 nmol/mg hemoglobin) and those who never eat fruit and greens (316.31±7.42 nmol/mg hemoglobin). SOD activity and MDA concentrations are higher in palliative care workers who work the evening and night shifts (p<0.01), and these workers
- Published
- 2011
30. Evaluation of urinary biomarkers of oxidative/nitrosative stress in children with Down syndrome
- Author
Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
Aims: It has been suggested that oxidative stress plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Down syndrome (DS). However, urinary biomarkers of oxidative stress have been little studied in this condition. Thus, we aimed to assess a set of urinary oxidative/nitrosative stress biomarkers in children with DS, with and without hypothyroidism, which comprise: 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), isoprostane 15-F2t-IsoP, thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS), advanced glycation end products (AGEs), dityrosine (diTyr), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitrite/nitrate (NOx). Main methods: Fluorimetric and spectrophotometric assays were performed in children with DS (n = 26), some of them taking levothyroxine for hypothyroidism (n = 7), and their non-Down siblings (n = 19). Key findings: We found that only levels of diTyr were increased in DS, although no differences were obtained when hypothyroid DS children were excluded. Levels of 8-OHdG, 15-F2t-IsoP, TBARS, AGEs, H2O2 and NOx did not differ neither between DS and controls nor between hypothyroid DS children and DS without hypothyroidism diagnosed. However, diTyr is increased in hypothyroid DS children compared with controls. Negative correlations with age were obtained for 8-OHdG, diTyr and NOx in DS and controls and for 8-OHdG, 15-F2t-IsoP, TBARS and AGEs in DS. Significance: Increased oxidative stress in children with DS cannot be explained by the urinary levels of 8-OHdG, 15-F2t-IsoP, TBARS, AGEs, diTyr, H2O2 and NOx, at least with the assays used. Nonetheless, urinary diTyr could be used as oxidative/nitrosative stress biomarker in hypothyroid DS children. The present work presents evidence of a probable renal impairment in children with DS receiving levothyroxine for hypothyroidism. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2011
31. Biomarkers of age effect on renal function in Down syndrome
- Author
Guzmán, Rodrigo, Campos, Carlos, López-Fernández, M.E., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Guzmán, Rodrigo, Campos, Carlos, López-Fernández, M.E., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
Objective: To assess differences in kidney function between Down syndrome (DS) individuals and a control group related to aging. Methods: Creatinine (Cr) and specific gravity (SG) were assessed by spectrophotometric and refractometric assays in urine samples of 103 individuals with DS and 82 age-matched controls. Results: Significantly lower levels of Cr and SG were found in DS after puberty. Significant correlations were found between SG and age as well as between Cr and SG in DS and controls (p≤0.05). Conclusions: Premature aging in kidneys of DS patients could lead to an impaired renal function. © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.
- Published
- 2011
32. Método para valorar la concentración y la capacidad antioxidante del ácido úrico
- Author
Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
La presente invención se refiere a un método para valorar la concentración y la capacidad antioxidante del ácido úrico en muestras ya sean biológicas, en muestras procedentes de la industria alimentaria, en cosméticos ... Además mediante la presente invención se permite determinar la capacidad antioxidante sin la contribución del ácido úrico y la capacidad antioxidante total de una muestra.
- Published
- 2011
33. Urinary uric acid and antioxidant capacity in children and adults with down syndrome
- Author
Fundación Inocente Inocente, Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Fundación Inocente Inocente, Campos, Carlos, Guzmán, Rodrigo, López-Fernández, M.E., and Casado Moragón, Ángela
- Abstract
[Objectives]: To evaluate the urinary levels of uric acid (UA) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) with and without UA relative contribution (TAC−UA) in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS) and to prove the clinical use of TAC., [Design and methods]: Urine samples were obtained from 32 individuals with DS and 29 controls. Two age groups were established (children and adults). Spectrophotometric methods were used for biochemical determinations., [Results]:Children with DS had significantly higher UA/Cr and TAC/Cr levels than controls, whereas levels of TAC−UA/Cr were lower in adults with DS than in controls (P < 0.05 for all). In DS, levels of UA/Cr, TAC/Cr and TAC−UA/Cr were higher in children than in adults (P < 0.05 for all). Positive correlations between UA/Cr and TAC/Cr were found for all groups studied. Negative correlations with age were found for UA/Cr and TAC/Cr in children of both groups., [Conclusions]: Our results proved that TAC is decreased in adults with DS. Besides, TAC−UA seems to provide more reliable information about the antioxidant status, at least in DS.
- Published
- 2010
34. Procedimiento para determinar poder antioxidante en agua mineromedicinal
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., Hernández Torres, Antonio, Polo de Santos, Mar, Ramón Giménez, José Ramón, Pérez Rodríguez, María Luisa, Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., Hernández Torres, Antonio, Polo de Santos, Mar, Ramón Giménez, José Ramón, and Pérez Rodríguez, María Luisa
- Abstract
Procedimiento para determinar poder antioxidante en agua mineromedicinal. Se ha desarrollado un procedimiento para determinar el poder antioxidante en aguas Minero-medicinales (M-m). Estas aguas son conocidas por sus virtudes terapéuticas sobre ciertas enfermedades crónicas e inflamatorias. Además, tienen efectos revitalizadores sobre células y tejidos, contribuyendo a la reparación de la piel, reactivando el metabolismo, eliminando toxinas por sudoración y facilitando la diuresis, atenuando las afecciones articulares como procesos reumáticos y postoperatorios del aparato locomotor y controlando el estrés, en definitiva, mejorando la calidad de vida. A pesar de que se han desarrollado multitud de métodos para determinar el poder antioxidante de alimentos y bebidas, lamentablemente la mayoría de ellos se basan en la detección de compuestos fenólicos y otros componentes antioxidantes que no existen en el agua, y además muchos de ellos han sido diseñados para aplicarse en medios lipídicos, lo que hacía imposible su determinación en el agua.
- Published
- 2010
35. Relationship between oxidative and occupational stress and aging in nurses of an intensive care unit
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto, López-Fernández, M.E., Ruíz, Rocío, García Aroca, C., Noriega, F., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto, López-Fernández, M.E., Ruíz, Rocío, García Aroca, C., and Noriega, F.
- Abstract
Stressful conditions lead to formation of excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cause oxidative stress and aging. The aim of this study was to determine superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity, and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in nurses of a hospital intensive care unit according to demographic and occupational parameters, and to analyse the relationship with aging. Thirty-two nurses working in an intensive care unit and 35 aged-matched healthy individuals of both sexes as a control group were surveyed. No significant variations with respect to sex were detected in SOD, CAT, MDA and burnout levels. MDA levels increased with age in both the control group and the nurses, and we observed significant differences in MDA levels between the control group and nurses for all age groups. Significant variations in MDA levels were detected between single (286.12 ± 8.41) and married (318.82 ± 6.02), people, between those who frequently practice some kind of sport (281.41 ± 7.32) and those who never participate in sport (298.24 ± 8.11) ,and between those who frequently eat fruit and greens (289.75 ± 8.41) and those who never eat them (315.12 ± 7.21). Significant differences were detected between smokers and nonsmokers in SOD, CAT and MDA, but not for alcohol, coffee, tea or cola consumption. Higher SOD activity and MDA levels were detected in nurses on evening and night shifts (P < 0.01); these nurses also scored significantly higher on burnout subscales. These results suggest that: (1) occupational stress increases oxidative stress levels as a response to elevated ROS generation; (2) occupational stress increases MDA levels as a response to an elevation in free radical generation and can lead to aging; (3) working evening and night shifts increases oxidative and burnout levels. It is evident that preventive changes in job conditions and lifestyle are necessary to improve the quality of life of nurses who work in intensive care units
- Published
- 2008
36. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities in vascular and alzheimer dementias
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., Casado, María Concepción, Torre, R. de la, Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., Casado, María Concepción, and Torre, R. de la
- Abstract
It has been reported that oxidative stress may play a role in the pathogenesis of dementia of the Alzheimer type (AD) and the cerebral ischemia which causes vascular dementia (VD). We measured malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities in blood samples from patients with AD and VD and in healthy non-demented controls (CTR) which similar ages to the patients, in order to evaluate the degree of oxidative stress in patients with AD and VD. A sample of 150 subjects consisting of 50 patients with AD; 50 patients with VD and 50 CTR, aged from 65 to 85 years on, was analyzed. Most of the changes observed were in SOD activity and MDA levels. Catalase activity were least affected. Significant differences were observed in SOD and GR activity between males and females in CRT and in patients with AD, but not in VD. We have found a decrease in antioxidant enzymes activities (SOD, CAT, GPx and GR) in patients with AD and VD and significant differences were observed between CRT and AD patients for ages from 65 to 74, 75 to 84 and from 85 years to 94 years in SOD activity and MDA levels (P < 0.001). MDA levels increase with age in VD, AD and CTR. No significant variation with respect to sex were detected, but significant variations in MDA levels were detected between CRT and patients with VD and AD (P < 0.001). We conclude that oxidative stress plays an important role in the brain damage for both AD and VD, being observed higher levels of oxidative stress for AD that for VD
- Published
- 2008
37. Niveles de superoxido dismutasa y catalasa en enfermedades del anciano
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Torre, R. de la, López-Fernández, M.E., Carrascosa, Diana, and Venarucci, Domenico
- Subjects
Aging pathologies ,Catalase ,Superoxide dismutase (SOD) ,Antioxidants - Abstract
6 p.-2 tab.-2 fig., Se han determinado los niveles de superoxido dismutasa (SOD) y catalasa (CAT) en 420 individuos de uno y otro sexo y edades comprendidas entre 50 y 93 anos. De ellos, 126 que no mostraban ninguna enfermedad relevante se utilizaron como grupo control. Los 294 restantes mostraban diferentes trastornos: alteraciones del sistema vascular (insuficiencias coronarias, hipertension, infarto, etc.), alteraciones del sistema osteoarticular (artritis, polialtralgias, osteoporosis, etc.), miomas, afecciones, prostaticas, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cronica (EPOC) y accidente cerebral vascular agudo (ACVA). Para valorar SOD se utilizo el metodo de minami y Yoshikawa y el metodo de Aebi para valorar CAT. Metodos estadisticos: ANOVA y "t" de Student. En la poblacion control se han obtenido: 1) niveles de SOD y CAT mas elevados en mujeres que en varones. 2) la actividad de CAT disminuye con la edad. En la poblacion con patologias: 3) la actividad de SOD esta elevada en cardiovascular, miomas, EPOC y ACVA. 4) la actividad de CAT desciende en cardiovascular, prostata, EPOC y ACVA. 5) en osteoarticular actividad normal de SOD y CAT, aunque SOD desciende con la edad, CAT desciende con la edad en cardiovascular y EPOC. En general el comportamiento de ambos enzimas tiende a conseguir un equilibrio en el sistema antioxidante.
- Published
- 1998
38. Superoxide dismutase and catalase levels in diseases of the aged
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Torre, R. de la, López-Fernández, M.E., Carrascosa, Diana, and Venarucci, Domenico
- Abstract
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were measured in blood from 420 individuals: control population 126, males and females, age between 50 to 93 years of age without any relevant pathology. Pathological population: 294 patients, males and females, age between 50 to 93 years of age, with some disease in the cardiovascular system and in the osteoarticular system, myoma, prostatic pathologies, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (EPOC), and Acute Cerebral Vascular Accident (ACVA). The method of Minami and Yoshikawa (SOD) and the method of Aebi (CAT) were judged the techniques of choice for a population study. Statistical methods: ANOVA and Student's "t". 1) The results were that levels of activity for SOD and CAT were increased for women in control population, and 2) the level of activity for CAT decreases with aging. In the pathological population, we detected: 3) increased activity for SOD in cardiovascular diseases, myomas, EPOC and ACVA. 4) for CAT the level of activity decreases in cardiovascular and prostatic diseases, EPOC and ACVA. 5) while in osteoarticular diseases levels of activity for SOD and CAT were standard, but SOD level decreases with aging, for CAT in cardiovascular diseases and EPOC, too. Both enzymes work to balance the antioxidant system.
- Published
- 1998
39. Lipid peroxidation in Down syndrome caused by regular trisomy 21, trisomy 21 by Robertsonian translocation and mosaic trisomy 21
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., Ruíz, Rocío, Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., and Ruíz, Rocío
- Abstract
Background: It has been suggested that an increase in oxidative stress in individuals with Down syndrome (DS) may cause adverse effects in the cell membranes through the oxidation of polyunsatured fatty acids. Methods: We examined erythrocyte malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in 100 individuals of both sexes (34 males and 66 females) with DS, aged from newborn to 29 years. The cytogenetic analysis revealed 90 individuals with regular trisomy 21, four individuals with trisomy 21 by Robertsonian (Rb) translocation, and six individuals with mosaic trisomy 21. DS individuals were divided into six age groups. The control group consisted of 100 healthy individuals of both sexes (40 males and 60 females) who were age-matched with DS subjects. Results: No significant differences were found in erythrocyte MDA levels between the sexes in any of the age groups for the DS group and the control group. We confirmed significantly higher erythrocyte levels of MDA in individuals with DS compared to the control group. A significant difference was observed in erythrocyte MDA levels between DS individuals with trisomy and controls for all age groups, and in individuals with DS due to Rb translocation trisomy. However, in DS individuals with mosaicism, MDA levels depended on the percentage of diploid and trisomy cells. Conclusions: Our results confirm an increase in lipid peroxidation in patients with DS. © 2007 by Walter de Gruyter.
- Published
- 2007
40. Thalassemia and G6PD deficiency in Spanish blood donors
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., and Venarucci, Domenico
- Subjects
congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities ,hemic and lymphatic diseases ,G6PD deficiency ,parasitic diseases ,Thalassemia ,Blood donors - Abstract
Our purpose was to determine the frequency of the thalassemia trait and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in blood donors of Madrid, composed of persons from nearly all the Spanish provinces (ranging from 21 to 65 years of age). The frequency of thalassemia and G6PD deficiency has been investigated with the following results; thalassemia 0.92% and no G6PD deficiency. The frequencies observed are compared with those found in the general (non donor) Spanish population. The value of this experiment is considered a supplement to other tests done routinely in our official blood donors.
- Published
- 1997
41. Prevalence and significance of HBeAg and Isolated anti-HBc in several institutions for the mentally retarded in the Autonomous Community of Madrid
- Author
Carrascosa, Diana, Ramírez, Ma Vega, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Torre, R. de la, López-Fernández, M.E., and Sáez, Julia
- Subjects
virus diseases ,digestive system diseases - Abstract
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg) and antibody to HBsAg (antiHBs) are excellent markers for HBV infection and its immunity. A total of 414 patients, 312 Down syndrome and 102 non-Down's syndrome, were studied, and 142 were residents of an institution (RI), whereas 272 were in nonresidential care (NRC). Of the total, 28 (6.8%) were HBsAg positive, and of these, 16 (57.1%) had a positive test for the Hepatitis Be antigen (HBeAg). Proportionately more Down syndrome chronic carriers of HBsAg acquired the persistent Hepatitis Be antigen (HBeAg) than non-Down syndrome patients 15 (65.2%) vs. 1 (20%). The presence of HBeAg was correlated with abnormal liver function and high titres of HBsAg. Testing for the IgM antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen (IgM AntiHBc) facilitated the identification of acute and chronic hepatitis infection in both RI and NRC individuals. The significance of isolated antiHBc seropositivity in Down syndrome patients remains unclear. It is not certain whether the isolated antiHBc seropositivity represents chronic “low levels” of HBV, past infection, or false-positive tests, and whether this test should be employed as a vaccine screening test.
- Published
- 1997
42. Estudio comparativo de los niveles de AFP en pacientes con patologias malignas y benignas del sistema reproductor (masculino y femenino)
- Author
Carrascosa, Diana, Casado Moragón, Ángela, López-Fernández, M.E., and Torre, R. de la
- Subjects
digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,embryonic structures ,neoplasms ,digestive system diseases - Abstract
[Background]: In the present study we have measurement the levels of AFP in patients with malignant pathologies of urogenitale system (male and female) in order to check with the levels of AFP in patients with benign pathologies. Such information would be useful for the relationship between AFP levels and malignancy. [Methods]: A total of 76 patients: 52 males and 24 females with malignant (prostate and 9 endometrium cancers) and benign tumours (46 prostatic adenomas and 15 miomas) of urogenitale malignancies were analyzed. The plasma AFP levels has been measured by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). [Results]: The AFP levels observed between patients with malignant tumours were significantly higher in comparison with benign tumours (ANOVA p value = 0.0115). Also there was significant differences by levels AFP (p = 0.0316) in prostate cancer and prostatic adenoma. However, that there was not found any significant differences in AFP levels for endometrium cancer and mioma. [Conclusions]: It may be postulated that in patients with malignant tumours the determination of AFP is useful as a specific marker of malignancy. In patients with prostatic pathologies the determination of AFP could be useful for the differentiation of malignant from benign tumours.
- Published
- 1997
43. Fanconi's anaemia: case history of six Spanish families
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Torre, R. de la, Cantalejo, A., Ramos, Mercedes, Carrascosa, Diana, and López-Fernández, M.E.
- Abstract
We report on the results obtained in 6 Fanconi's anaemia families (FA) (parents, brothers and sisters) affected by at least one of the symptoms usually observed in FA. The 6 FA families were studied from 1974 to 1990, all having located in Madrid (Spain) but with different ethnic origin: 3 families are of Spanish descent and the other 3 are gipsy families. All showed characteristics of the disease, including malformations, stunted growth, microcephaly, skin hyperpigmentation, high incidence of chromosomal breaks in lymphocyte cultures, and hematological and biochemical abnormalities: pancytopeny, increased fetal hemoglobin levels and significantly decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity.
- Published
- 1997
44. Lipid peroxidation, occupational stress and aging in workers of a prehospital emergency service
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Lucas, Nieves de, López-Fernández, M.E., Sánchez, Alberto Morant, Jiménez, José Antonio, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Lucas, Nieves de, López-Fernández, M.E., Sánchez, Alberto Morant, and Jiménez, José Antonio
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: Stressful conditions lead to formation of excessive free radicals, and lipid peroxidation is one of the major outcomes of free radical-mediated injury that directly damages membranes and generates a number of secondary products. OBJECTIVES: To determine the levels of malondialdehyde, an end product of lipid peroxidation, according to demographic and occupational variables in workers of a prehospital emergency service and to analyse the relationship between malondialdehyde levels and burnout. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One hundred and eleven healthy workers of a prehospital emergency service and eighty aged-matched healthy individuals of both sexes as a control group were surveyed. Malondialdehyde levels were measured by the Bull and Marnett method. To measure burnout, the Maslach Burnout Inventory was used. RESULTS: Professional category is associated with lipid peroxidation and burnout levels (Malondialdehyde levels were: physicians 338.10±14.47, nurses 329.17±12.62 and technicians 296.74±14.28; burnout levels were: physicians 41.29±3.59, nurses 37.38±6.05 and technicians 35.33±5.87). Working at night and in the evening increased malondialdehyde and burnout levels. Malondialdehyde levels increase with age. No significant variations with respect to sex were detected. Significant variations in malondialdehyde levels were detected between singles (303.13±12.74) and married people (344.43±13.43) but not with respect to divorcees (326.44±11.74). Significant differences were detected in erythrocyte malondialdehyde levels between smokers (341.37±17.09) and nonsmokers (302.21±12.38), but not for alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest a positive correlation between malondialdehyde, a biomarker of lipid peroxidation and occupational stress, as estimated by elements of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and oxidative stress. © 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Published
- 2006
45. Valor pronóstico de alpha-fetoproteína (AFP) en cáncer hepatocelular de portadores crónicos del AgHBs y AgHBe positivos
- Author
Carrascosa, Diana, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Ramírez, M. V., and Sáez, Julia
- Subjects
education - Published
- 1996
46. Determinaciones plasmáticas de alfafetoproteína en procesos tumorales benignos
- Author
Carrascosa, Diana, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Torre, R. de la, and López-Fernández, M.E.
- Subjects
digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,embryonic structures ,neoplasms ,digestive system diseases - Abstract
[Background]: Although alpha fetoprotein (AFP) test is not recommended as a general screening test, the determination of plasma AFP levels in prostatic adenoma and mioma with positive test for AFP would be useful for the screening of malignant tumors., [Method]: With the aim of analyzing the AFP levels in benign tumors, 61 patients (15 miomas and 46 prostatic adenomas) were studied. The plasma AFP levels have been measured by enzymeimmunoassay (ELISA). The normal range is given as 1.00-7.00 U/ml., [Results]: There was no positive test for AFP in both benign tumors types. Test of significance was performed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), and a significant difference was found in the AFP levels (p = 0.0017) between the results for prostatic adenoma and mioma., [Conclusions]: The AFP levels in miomas were 1.00-4.00 U/ml, and in prostatic adenomas were 1.00-7.00 U/ml. Patients with positive test for AFP (above 1.00-4.00 U/ml and 1.00-7.00 U/ml) requires greater vigilance and close follow-up, because of the high risk of gynecologic cancers this patients have.
- Published
- 1996
47. Placca ateromasica ed alleli delle Apo E
- Author
Venarucci, Domenico, Venarucci, V., Casado Moragón, Ángela, and Torre, R. de la
- Subjects
Atheromasic plaque ,lipids (amino acids, peptides, and proteins) ,DNA ,Alleles Apo E - Abstract
The authors report their experience regarding the identification of Apo-E alleles on atheromasic carotid plaques in 20 patients of both sexes diagnosed as suffering from severe carotid stenosis using Doppler tests. A DNA hybridation and amplification method was used to identify Apo E-2, Apo E-3 and Apo E-4 alleles and their various phenotypical combinations. The following results were obtained in the 20 plaques examined: Apo E-3/E-4 in 114 patients (70%), 2 diabetic patients Apo E-4/E-3, one vascular demented patient Apo E-2/E-3, and 3 plaques defined as severely calcified Apo E-2/E-2. It can therefore be seen that the majority of plaques (70%), considered a risk for future stroke due to altered carotid Doppler tests, does not differ greatly by the homozygote allele Apo E-3/E-3 commonly found in the blood of the so-called "normal" population. It is difficult to draw any conclusions from the alleles found in the other 5 patients due to their scarce statistical value and the limited number of carotid plaques examined, but there appears to be some sort of correlation between calcified plaque, hyperlipidemia and the allele Apo E-2/E-2, with an interchange of position between cysteinearginine amino acids in the Apo E sequences.
- Published
- 1996
48. Burnout en profesionales de los servicios paliativos, intensivos y urgencias de un gran hospital
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Muñoz Durán, G., Ortega González, N., Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto, Casado Moragón, Ángela, Muñoz Durán, G., Ortega González, N., and Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto
- Published
- 2005
49. Burnout y factores asociados en profesionales del Hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Muñoz Durán, G., Ortega González, N., Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto, Rodríguez Blázquez, Mª Elena, García Aroca, C., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Muñoz Durán, G., Ortega González, N., Castellanos Asenjo, Alberto, Rodríguez Blázquez, Mª Elena, and García Aroca, C.
- Abstract
[EN]Background: The burnout syndrome is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and decrease of the feeling of personal accomplishment. It is a type of occupational stress frequent in the helping professions and the most affected professions are healthcare professionals and teaching., Objective: To determine the influence of occupational and sociodemographic factors in the prevalence of burnout in hospital health workers., Methods: 126 healthcare professionals belonging to palliative, intensive and urgency services of Gregorio Marañón Hospital participate in the study. A general questionnaire and a Spanish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory were used. The statistical analysis included: the Student "t" test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the ANOVA., Results: For services, the most high burnout levels were observed in urgency services in a row of intensive and palliative care units (differences were significant). For professions, the most high burnout levels were observed in nurses and significant differences were obtained with respect to physicians. For work shifts: higher burnout levels in evening shifts than in morning or night shifts. Significant differences were also observed with respect to sex, age and civil state, but not for professional antiquity, Conclusions: The level of burnout is different in the three services analyzed. We found a correlation between burnout and several sociodemographic and occupational conditions., [ES]Fundamento: Burnout, o síndrome de agotamiento profesional, está caracterizado por cansancio emocional,despersonalización y falta de realización personal. Es un estrés laboral frecuente entre trabajadores con profesiones asistenciales como asistencia sanitaria y enseñanza., Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de factores sociodemográficos y laborales en la prevalencia del burnout del personal sanitario hospitalario., Métodos: Participaron 126 profesionales sanitarios de cuidados paliativos, intensivos y urgencias del hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid. Todos cumplimentaron un cuestionario de características sociodemográficas y laborales, y el "Maslach Burnout Inventory", en versión española validada para sanitarios,que valora el nivel de burnout. El análisis estadístico: "t" de Student, test de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y ANOVA., Resultados: Por servicios: los niveles más altos de burnout se observaron en urgencias, seguidos de intensivos y paliativos (diferencias significativas).Profesionales de enfermería presentaban niveles más altos de burnout, mostrando diferencias significativas con los obtenidos en médicos. Turno de trabajo:niveles más altos de burnout en turno de tarde, que en otros obteniéndose diferencias significativas. Se observaron diferencias significativas en burnout y componentes (CE, DP y FR) según sexo, edad y estado civil entre trabajadores de los tres servicios, pero no según antigüedad profesional., Conclusiones: El nivel de burnout varía en los tres servicios analizados. Encontramos relación entre burnout y determinadas variables sociodemográficas y laborales.
- Published
- 2005
50. Antioxidant enzymes in acute cerebral infarction
- Author
Casado Moragón, Ángela, Torre, R. de la, López-Fernández, M.E., Gill, P., Egido, J.A., Casado Moragón, Ángela, Torre, R. de la, López-Fernández, M.E., Gill, P., and Egido, J.A.
- Abstract
Background and purpose: Oxidative modification of DNA, protein and lipids by reactive oxygen peroxides plays an important role in acute cerebral infarction. The biological antioxidant defence system against oxidative stress is an integrated array of enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathion peroxidase (GPx). The purpose of this work was: 1. To investigate the evolution of SOD and CAT activities as possible markers of oxidative activity in patients with acute cerebral infarction. 2. To establish the relationship between the type of stroke and the activity of these two enzymes. 3. To analyze the relationship between the degree of neurological deficits of patients with stroke and SOD and CAT activities. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study comprising 45 patients with acute cerebral infarction (24 females and 21 males), aged from 48 to 96. The infarcts were classified in atherotrombotics and cardioembolics. SOD and CAT activities were measured on days 1, 3, 6 and 15. Results: Activities of SOD and CAT in patients on admission were lower than those of controls and showed a gradual increase over time. The activity mean of SOD was significantly higher in cardioembolic infarctions than in atherotrombotic infarctions (p < 0.05). SOD activity was significantly lower for Mathew score > 60, while CAT activity was higher. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that there is a progressive increase in SOD and CAT activity during ictus evolution, a different activity of SOD and CAT in cardioembolic and atherotrombotic infarctions, and that there is a relationship between activity of antioxidant enzymes and Mathew's score.
- Published
- 2004
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