The article analyzes the current state and prospects of the domestic market of cereals and legumes development. Today, Ukraine is one of the main players in the international grain trade market. Grain is an important export product that provides significant foreign exchange earnings, and in agricultural enterprises is the basis of cash receipts and profits. During storage, grain almost does not lose its qualities, and therefore is suitable for the creation of state reserves for food and feed production. The strategic importance of the grain industry for the economy of Ukraine and its role in world grain trade is highlighted. The main problems of state regulation of the grain market are identified. Such problems include the gradual decline in soil fertility due to non-compliance with agronomic requirements, lack of qualified personnel, low level of resource and financial support of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises and farms, which prevents the use of scientific and technological progress, existence of «gray» grain market and lack of grain wagons and locomotives. The main directions for increasing the efficiency of state regulation of the grain market of Ukraine and export potential in modern conditions are identified. Strengthening of the state’s role in regulating the economy, which corresponds to the current trend of the world economy development in the post-crisis period, raises for Ukraine the problem of forming and ensuring effective public policy aimed at solving the foreign economic component of the grain sector and the national economy as a whole. How to quote: Pachynok AV Current state and prospects of grain market development in Ukraine. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series"Economics": a scientific journal. Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, March 2021. № 20 (48).Pp. 10–14. Formulas: 0; fig .: 2; tab .: 1; bibl .: 13 Link: 1. Sabluk, P.T. (2016). Ahroekonomichni transformatsii v Ukraini: napriamy ta perspektyvy rozvytku: monohrafiia. Kyiv: NNTs «IAE». [in Ukrainian]. 2. Lotysh, O.Y. (2018). Stratehichnyi analiz zernovoi haluzi Ukrainy: stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku. Intelekt XXI, 3, 74-79. [in Ukrainian]. 3. Nikishyna, O.V. (2012). Suchasni transformatsii vidtvoriuvalnykh protsesiv na vnutrishnomu rynku zerna. Ekonomika kharchovoi promyslovosti, 2, 5-11. [in Ukrainian]. 4. Ilchuk, M.M., Konoval, I.A., Baranovska, O.D., Yevtushenko, V.D. (2019). Rozvytok rynku zerna v Ukraini ta yoho stabilizatsiia. Ekonomika APK, 4, 29-38. [in Ukrainian]. 5. Mesel-Veseliak V.Y. (2018). Vyrobnytstvo zernovykh kultur v Ukraini: potentsiini mozhlyvosti. Ekonomika APK, 5, 5-14. [in Ukrainian]. 6. Holomsha N.Y., Dziadykevych O.Y. (2017). Konkurentni perevahy produktsii zernovoi haluzi na svitovomu rynku. Ekonomika APK, 11, 61-66. [in Ukrainian]. 7. Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukrainy (2021, January, 05). [in Ukrainian]. 8. Ukraina protiahom 10 rokiv rekordno narostyla eksport zernovykh (2021, January, 10). [inUkrainian]. 9. Vidomyi prohnoz eksportu zernovykh u 2020/2021 marketynhovomu rotsi (2021, January, 10). [in Ukrainian]. 10. V Ukraini zibraly vrozhai 65,4 miliona tonn zernovykh (2021, January, 12). [in Ukrainian]. 11. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). URL: (2021, January, 12). [in English]. 12. Shpychak, O.M., Bodnar, O. V. (2014). Optymizatsiia rynku zerna ta yii rezultatyvnist. Monitorynh birzhovoho rynku, 2, 22-28. [in Ukrainian]. 13. Shkliar A. Vartist zernovoi lohistyky v Ukraini deshevshe, nizh u USA, ale dorozhche, nizh v EU (2021, January,13). [in Ukrainian]. The journals articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License The articles are checked with the help of UniCheck antiplagiarism service