Chaetanaphothrips kiyosumianus Kud�� Chaetanaphothrips kiyosumianus Kud�� 1985: 315 Male macroptera. Body uniformly yellow including legs (Fig. 2). Antennal segments I���IV yellow, V yellow with apical third brown, VI yellow with apical half brown, VII brown, VIII yellow with light brown infumation. Fore wing pale yellow with two brown areas (Fig. 10), one on proximal 1/6 to clavus and other on median thirds. Head longer than broad with only 2 pairs of ocellar setae, ocellar III placed inside the ocellar triangle at the anterior margin of hind ocelli; postocular setae 6 pairs placed uniserially; posterior margin with transverse lines of sculpture (Fig. 3). Antenna 8- segmented (Fig. 8), III and IV each with a forked sense cone, reaching to the half of other segment, inner sense cone on segment VI reaching to the half of VIII. Pronotum smooth with one or two transverse striae near to anterior or posterior margin; 5 pairs of posteromarginal setae, subequal in length; fernal sclerites undivided, united medially by a thin line (Fig. 6). Mesonotum with anteromedian campaniform sensilla, with transverse anastomosing lines of sculpture, median pair of setae far ahead of posterior margin. Metanotum with longitudinally striate sculpture but reticulate in middle, median pair of setae far behind the anterior margin (Fig. 7); distance between median pair of metanotal setae less than the distance between median and submedian; campaniform sensilla present. Mesosternum with spinula; metasternum without spinula. Fore wing costa with 18���19 setae (Fig. 9), first vein with 7 basal and 3 distal setae, second vein with 4 setae; clavus with 5+1 setae. Abdominal tergites I���VIII weakly transversely striate, granulated area on tergite VIII not reaching to the antecostal line; one pair of thorn-like (B1) setae on tergite IX (Fig. 5); sublateral seta B2 (SB2) on tergite IX absent (Kud�� 1985); tergites with broad craspedum. Abdominal sternites without discal setae; sternites with craspedum, sternites IV���VII with transverse pore plates (Fig. 4). Measurements in microns. Distended body length 1154. Head length 111, width just across eyes 130, width across cheeks 116; compound eye dorsal length 65, width 40. Pronotal median length 101, width 170. Fore wing length 572, width at middle 28. Abdominal tergite IX with B1 seta length 73. Antennal segments I���VIII length (width) as follows: 22 (25), 32 (24), 43 (17), 44 (18), 38 (17), 44 (17), 9 (7), 18 (3). Length of pore plates on abdominal sternites IV���VII 54, 63, 61, 61. Female macroptera. Body colour similar to male (Fig. 1). Pronotal posteromarginal setae S3 slightly longer than others. Tergite IX without SB2 setae (Fig. 8). Abdominal sternites without pore plates. Material studied. INDIA, Assam (Jorhat), on leaves of Litsea, 8 females, 7 males, 2.xii.2015, Mantu Bhuyan, Sharadha Shandilya & Sanjoy K Chanda (7315/H17 to 7329/H17). Distribution. Japan, India., Published as part of Tyagi, Kaomud, Kumar, Vikas, Bhuyan, Mantu, Shandilya, Sharadha & Chanda, Sanjoy K., 2016, Chaetanaphothrips kiyosumianus (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) new to India with first record of the male, pp. 593-596 in Zootaxa 4147 (5) on pages 593-594, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4147.5.8,, {"references":["Kudo, I (1985) The Japanese species of the genus Chaetanaphothrips Priesner (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Kontyu, 53 (2), 311 - 328."]}