Chris I. De Zeeuw, Martijn Schonewille, Chiheng Ju, Laurens W. J. Bosman, Tom J. H. Ruigrok, Freek E. Hoebeek, Kai Voges, Zhenyu Gao, Haibo Zhou, Zhanmin Lin, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN), and Neurosciences
Due to the uniform cyto-architecture of the cerebellar cortex, its overall physiological characteristics have traditionally been considered to be homogeneous. In this study, we show in awake mice at rest that spiking activity of Purkinje cells, the sole output cells of the cerebellar cortex, differs between cerebellar modules and correlates with their expression of the glycolytic enzyme aldolase C or zebrin. Simple spike and complex spike frequencies were significantly higher in Purkinje cells located in zebrin-negative than zebrin-positive modules. The difference in simple spike frequency persisted when the synaptic input to, but not intrinsic activity of, Purkinje cells was manipulated. Blocking TRPC3, the effector channel of a cascade of proteins that have zebrin-like distribution patterns, attenuated the simple spike frequency difference. Our results indicate that zebrin-discriminated cerebellar modules operate at different frequencies, which depend on activation of TRPC3, and that this property is relevant for all cerebellar functions. DOI:, eLife digest The cerebellum, located at the back of the brain underneath the cerebral hemispheres, is best known for its role in the control of movement. Despite its small size, the cerebellum contains more than half of the brain's neurons. These are organized in a repeating pattern in which cells called Purkinje cells receive inputs from two types of fibers: climbing fibers, which ascend into the cerebellum from the brainstem; and parallel fibers, which run perpendicular to the climbing fibers. This gives rise to a characteristic ‘crystalline’ structure. As a result of this uniform circuitry, it was widely believed was that all Purkinje cells throughout the cerebellum would function the same way. However, the presence of distinct patterns of gene expression in different regions suggests that this is not the case. Molecules called zebrins, for example, are found in some Purkinje cells but not others, and this gives rise to a pattern of zebrin-positive and zebrin-negative stripes. A number of other molecules have similar distributions, suggesting that these differences in molecular machinery could underlie differences in cellular physiology. Zhou, Lin et al. have now provided one of the first direct demonstrations of such physiological differences by showing that zebrin-positive cells generate action potentials at lower frequencies than zebrin-negative cells. This pattern is seen throughout the cerebellum, and is evident even when the positive and negative cells are neighbors, which indicates that these differences do not simply reflect differences in the locations of the cells or differences in the inputs they receive from parallel fibers. Additional experiments revealed that the distinct firing rates are likely not generated by zebrin itself, but rather by proteins that are expressed alongside zebrin, most notably those that work through an ion channel called TRPC3. By showing that cells arranged in the same type of circuit can nevertheless have distinct firing rates, the work of Zhou, Lin et al. has revealed an additional level of complexity in the physiology of the cerebellum. In addition to improving our understanding of how the brain controls movement, these findings might also be of interest to researchers studying the increasing number of neurological and psychiatric disorders in which cerebellar dysfunction has been implicated. DOI: