SUMMARY The pumpkin seed oil presentes interests for human alimentation due to its taste and composition. The use of the pumkin seed oil, rich i n poliunsaturated fatty acids, vitmamins and microelements, is correlated with positive effe cts in the prophylaxy of the prostata cancer, in the treamtent of vesica and urrinary passges dis eases, cardiovascular diseases etc. The use of the oil and seeds in preventing and treating of digestive parasitosis is known since ancient time in the rural area. A worlwide known culinary specialty, very noble, is the pumpkin seed oil of Styria (trade mark registered), Austria, obtained by press ing with hydraulic presses of the roasted pumpink seeds of the varitey Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca , also identified as var. oleifera . It is also produced in eastern parts of Slovenia and Hung ary. New producers are located in China and India. Processed in Romania at the beginning of the 20 th century, actually there are no processing units, even pupmkins varieties are culti vated in rural areas. The paper presents our researches regarding the pro cessing of pumkin seed oil by cold pressing with a screw press of low capacity (ca. 5 kg seed per hour) with changeable nozzle in diameter and fixed rotations speed. There were test ed, in different variants, the pressing of pumkin seed with and without hulls, as well as diff erent mixtures of the both assortments. The raw material, conditioned by drying and eventually roasted, was analyzed organoleptic. It was determined the raw chemical co mposition (after the Weende method). The obtained press cake was examined bacteriologic (TNG/g) and mycologic (CFU/g). For the processed oil there were determined the acid va lue and the fatty acid profile (GC Method). The results of the organoleptic exam showed a wide qualitative variability as well as structurally variability of the pumpkin seeds. The pressing with screw press of pumpkin seeds with and without hulls was possible only in mixture of the both and with nozzle’s diameter of 5mm. The mixture of ca. 33,33 % seed with hulls was optimally for the pressing process. The process efficiency was of. 38,67 % and the press pr oductivity was of 1,69 pumpkin seed kg/h. The acid value of the oil presented values from 2,3 to 5 (mgKOH/g sample). The pumpkin seed oil obtained by cold pressing contains importa nt essential fatty acid. The saturated fatty acid content is relatively high compared to other v egetable oils. The mycologic and bacteriologic exams presented reduced germs charge, confirming good conditioning and storage of the seeds. Further investigations in order to establish the ap pliance in the praxis are requested.