181 results on '"Crisafulli, M"'
Search Results
2. Improved Renormalization of Lattice Operators: A Critical Reappraisal
- Author
Crisafulli, M., Lubicz, V., and Vladikas, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We systematically examine various proposals which aim at increasing the accuracy in the determination of the renormalization of two-fermion lattice operators. We concentrate on three finite quantities which are particularly suitable for our study: the renormalization constants of the vector and axial currents and the ratio of the renormalization constants of the scalar and pseudoscalar densities. We calculate these quantities in boosted perturbation theory, with several running boosted couplings, at the "optimal" scale q*. We find that the results of boosted perturbation theory are usually (but not always) in better agreement with non-perturbative determinations of the renormalization constants than those obtained with standard perturbation theory. The finite renormalization constants of two-fermion lattice operators are also obtained non-perturbatively, using Ward Identities, both with the Wilson and the tree-level Clover improved actions, at fixed cutoff ($\beta$=6.4 and 6.0 respectively). In order to amplify finite cutoff effects, the quark masses (in lattice units) are varied in a large interval 0
- Published
- 1997
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3. A High Statistics Lattice Calculation of Heavy-Light Meson Decay Constants
- Author
Allton, C. R., Conti, L., Crisafulli, M., Giusti, L., Martinelli, G., and Rapuano, F.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We present a high statistics study of the D- and B-meson decay constants. The results were obtained by using the Clover and Wilson lattice actions at two different values of the lattice spacing $a$, corresponding to $\beta=6.0$ and 6.2. After a careful analysis of the systematic errors present in the extraction of the physical results, by assuming quite conservative discretization errors, we find $f_{D_s}=237 \pm 16$ MeV, $f_{D} = 221 \pm 17$ MeV ($f_{D_s}/f_D=1.07(4)$), $f_{B_s} = 205 \pm 35$ MeV, $f_{B} = 180 \pm 32$ MeV ($f_{B_s}/f_B=1.14(8)$), in good agreement with previous estimates., Comment: 15 pages, Latex with one postscript figure
- Published
- 1997
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4. Chiral behaviour of the lattice $B_K$-parameter with the Wilson and Clover Actions at $\beta = 6.0$
- Author
Crisafulli, M., Donini, A., Lubicz, V., Rapuano, G. Martinelli F., Talevi, M., Ungarelli, C., and Vladikas, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We present results for the kaon $B$-parameter $B_K$ from a sample of $200$ configurations using the Wilson action and $460$ configurations using the SW-Clover action, on a $18^3 \times 64$ lattice at $\beta=6.0$. We compare results obtained by renormalizing the relevant operator with different ``boosted" values of the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$. In the case of the SW-Clover action, we also use the operator renormalized non-perturbatively. In the Wilson case, we observe a strong dependence of $B_K$ on the prescription adopted for $\alpha_s$, contrary to the results of the Clover case which are almost unaffected by the choice of the coupling. We also find that the matrix element of the operator renormalized non-perturbatively has a better chiral behaviour. This gives us our best estimate of the renormalization group invariant $B$-parameter, $\hat B_K=0.86 \pm 0.15$., Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 3 postscript figures uuencoded
- Published
- 1995
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5. First Lattice Calculation of The B-meson Binding and Kinetic Energies
- Author
Crisafulli, M., Gimenez, V., Martinelli, G., and Sachrajda, C. T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present the first lattice calculation of the B-meson binding energy $\labar$ and of the kinetic energy $-\lambda_1/2 m_Q$ of the heavy-quark inside the pseudoscalar B-meson. This calculation has required the non-perturbative subtraction of the power divergences present in matrix elements of the Lagrangian operator $\bar h D_4 h$ and of the kinetic energy operator $\bar h \vec D^2 h$. The non-perturbative renormalisation of the relevant operators has been implemented by imposing suitable renormalisation conditions on quark matrix elements, in the Landau gauge. Our numerical results have been obtained from several independent numerical simulations at $\beta=6.0$ and $6.2$, and using, for the meson correlators, the results obtained by the APE group at the same values of $\beta$. Our best estimate, obtained by combining results at different values of $\beta$, is $\labar =190 \err{50}{30}$ MeV. For the $\overline{MS}$ running mass, we obtain $\overline {m}_b(\overline {m}_b) =4.17 \pm 0.06$ GeV, in reasonable agreement with previous determinations. From a subset of 36 configurations, we were only able to establish a loose upper bound on the $b$-quark kinetic energy in a $B$-meson, $\lambda_1=\langle B \vert \bar h \vec{D}^{2} h \vert B \rangle /(2 M_B )<$~1\, GeV$^2$. This shows that a much larger statistical sample is needed to determine this important parameter., Comment: 33 pages + 6 figures in uuencoded containing one plain Latex + 6 postscript. After decoding just latex main file. Submitted to Nucl. Phys B
- Published
- 1995
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6. Quenched $B_K$-parameter with the Wilson and Clover actions at $\beta = 6.0$
- Author
Crisafulli, M., Donini, A., Lubicz, V., Martinelli, G., Rapuano, F., Ungarelli, C., Vladikas, A., Collaboration, the APE, Bartoloni, A., Battista, C., Cabasino, S., Cabibbo, N., Marzano, F., Panizzi, E., Paolucci, P. S., Sarno, R., Todesco, G. M., Torelli, M., and Vicini, P.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present results for the Kaon $B$ parameter from a sample of $200$ configurations using the Wilson action and $460$ configurations using the Clover action, on a $18^3 \times 64$ lattice at $\beta=6.0$. A slight improvement of the chiral behaviour of $B_K$ is observed due to the Clover action. We have also compared the results for $B_K$ obtained from two different procedures for the boosting of the coupling constant $g$. We observe a strong dependence of $B_K$ on the prescription adopted for $g$ in the Wilson case, contrary to the results of the Clover case which are almost unaffected by the choice of $g$. Combining some recently obtained non perturbative estimates for the renormalisation constants with our Clover matrix element, we observe a significant improvement in the chiral behaviour of $B_K$., Comment: 3 pages, Latex, Postscript file with figures available at ftp://hpteo.roma1.infn.it/pub/preprints/lat94/donini ; to appear in Lattice '94, Nucl. Phys. (Proc.Suppl.)
- Published
- 1995
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- Author
Allton, C. R., Crisafulli, M., Lubicz, V., Martinelli, G., Rapuano, F., Salina, G., and Vladikas, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
The decay constant for the B-meson in the static limit is calculated using the Wilson and clover actions at various lattice spacings. We show that both the contamination of our results by excited states and the effects finite lattice spacing are at most the order of the statistical uncertainties. A comparison is made of our results and those obtained in other studies. Values for $f^{stat}_{B_S}/f^{stat}_B$ and $M_{B_S} - M_B$ are also given., Comment: Contribution to Lattice'94, 3 pages PostScript, uuencoded compressed
- Published
- 1995
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- Author
Crisafulli, M., Lubicz, V., Martinelli, G., and Vladikas, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We study the behaviour of the vector and axial current renormalisation constants $Z_V$ and $Z_A$ as a function of the quark mass, $m_q$. We show that sizeable $O(am_q)$ and $O(g_0^2 a m_q)$ systematic effects are present in the Wilson and Clover cases respectively. We find that the prescription of Kronfeld, Lepage and Mackenzie for correcting these artefacts is not always successful., Comment: Contribution to Lattice'94, 3 pages PostScript, uuencoded compressed.
- Published
- 1995
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9. Renormalons on the Lattice
- Author
Crisafulli, M., Gimenez, V., Martinelli, G., and Sachrajda, C. T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present the first lattice calculation of the B-meson binding energy $\labar$ and of the kinetic energy $\lambda_1/2 m_Q$ of the heavy-quark inside the pseudoscalar B-meson. In order to cancel the ambiguities due to the ultraviolet renormalons present in the operator matrix elements, this calculation has required the non-perturbative subtraction of the power divergences present in the Lagrangian operator $\energy$ and in the kinetic energy operator $\kkinetic$. The non-perturbative renormalization of the relevant operators has been implemented by imposing suitable renormalization conditions on quark matrix elements in the Landau gauge., Comment: 4 pages, latex, 2 figure as postscript files
- Published
- 1994
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10. Lattice Calculation of D- and B-meson Semileptonic Decays, using the Clover Action at beta=6.0 on APE
- Author
Allton, C. R., Crisafulli, M., Lubicz, V., Martinelli, G., Rapuano, F., Stella, N., Vladikas, A., Bartoloni, A., Battista, C., Cabasino, S., Cabibbo, N., Panizzi, E., Paolucci, P. S., Sarno, R., Todesco, G. M., Torelli, M., and Vicini, P.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present the results of a high statistics lattice calculation of hadronic form factors relevant for $D-$ and $B-$meson semi-leptonic decays into light pseudoscalar and vector mesons. The results have been obtained by averaging over 170 gauge field configurations, generated in the quenched approximation, at $\beta=6.0$, on a $18^3 \times 64$ lattice, using the $O(a)$-improved SW-Clover action.From the study of the matrix element $
$, we obtain $f_+ (0)=0.78\pm 0.08$ and from the matrix element $<\bar K^{* 0}\vert J_\mu \vert D^+>$ we obtain $V(0)=1.08\pm 0.22$, $A_1(0)=0.67\pm 0.11$ and $A_2(0)=0.49\pm 0.34$. We also obtain the ratios $V(0)/A_1(0)=1.6\pm 0.3$ and $A_2(0)/A_1(0)= 0.7\pm 0.4$. Our predictions for the different form factors are in good agreement with the experimental data, although, in the case of $A_2(0)$, the errors are still too large to draw any firm conclusion. With the help of the Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) we have also extrapolated the lattice results to $B$-meson decays. The form factors follow a behaviour compatible with the HQET predictions. Our results are in agreement with a previous lattice calculation, performed at $\beta=6.4$, using the standard Wilson action., Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, postscript figures attached uuencoded - Published
- 1994
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11. Quark Masses from Lattice QCD at the Next-to-Leading Order
- Author
Allton, C. R., Ciuchini, M., Crisafulli, M., Franco, E., Lubicz, V., and Martinelli, G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
Using the results of several quenched lattice simulations, we predict the value of the strange and charm quark masses in the continuum at the next-to-leading order, $m^{\overline{MS}}_s(\mu=2\,\, \rm{GeV})= (127 \pm 18)\,\, \rm{MeV}$ and $m^{\overline{MS}}_{ch}(\mu=2 \,\,\rm{GeV})=(1.47 \pm 0.28)\,\, \rm{GeV}$. The errors quoted above have been estimated by taking into account the original statistical error of the lattice results and the uncertainties coming from the matching of the lattice to the continuum theory. A detailed presentation of the relevant formulae at the next-to-leading order and a discussion of the main sources of errors is also presented., Comment: 26 pages (2 postscript file included), LaTeX, CERN-TH.7256/94, ROME prep. 94/1018
- Published
- 1994
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12. A High Statistics Lattice Calculation of $f^{static}_B$ at $\beta=6.2$ Using the Clover Action
- Author
Allton, C. R., Crisafulli, M., Lubicz, V., Salina, G., Martinelli, G., Vladikas, A., Bartoloni, A., Battista, C., Cabasino, S., Cabibbo, N., Marzano, F., Paolucci, P. S., Pech, J., Rapuano, F., Sarno, R., Todesco, G. M., Torelli, M., Tross, W., Vicini, P., and Collaboration, The APE
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present a calculation of $f_B$ in the static limit, obtained by numerical simulation of quenched QCD, at $\beta=6.2$ on a $18^3 \times 64$ lattice, using the SW-Clover quark action. The decay constant has been extracted by studying heavy(static)-light correlation functions of different smeared operators, on a sample of 220 gauge field configurations. We have obtained $f_B^{static}=(290 \pm 15 \pm 45)$ MeV, where the first error comes from the uncertainty in the determination of the matrix element and the second comes from the uncertainty in the lattice spacing. We also obtain $M_{B_s}-M_{B_d}= (70 \pm 10)$ MeV and $f^{stat}_{B_s}/f^{stat}_{B_d}=1.11(3)$. A comparison of our results with other calculations of the same quantity is made., Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, 3 figs. (figures not included; available upon request from lubicz@roma1.infn.it) ROME prep. 94/981, 18 February 1994
- Published
- 1994
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13. Semi-leptonic Decays of Heavy Flavours on a Fine Grained Lattice
- Author
Abada, As., Allton, C. R., Boucaud, Ph., Carpenter, D. B., Crisafulli, M., Güsken, S., Hernandez, P., Lubicz, V., Martinelli, G., Pène, O., Sachrajda, C. T., Schilling, K., Siegert, G., and Sommer, R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We present the results of a numerical calculation of semi-leptonic form factors relevant for heavy flavour meson decays into light mesons, at $\beta=6.4$ on a $24^3 \times 60$ lattice, using the Wilson action in the quenched approximation. We obtain $f^+_K(0)=0.65\pm 0.18$, $V(0)=0.95\pm 0.34$, $A_1(0)=0.63\pm 0.14 $ and $A_2(0)=0.45\pm 0.33 $. We also obtain $A_1(q^2_{max})=0.62\pm 0.09$, $V(0)/A_1(0)=1.5\pm 0.28 $ and $A_2(0)/A_1(0)=0.7\pm 0.4$. The results for $f^+_K(0)$, $V(0)$ and $A_1(0)$ are consistent with the experimental data and with previous lattice determinations with larger lattice spacings. In the case of $A_2(0)$ the errors are too large to draw any firm conclusion. We have also extrapolated the form factors to the B meson, showing a behaviour compatible with the predictions by the heavy quark effective theory (HQET). Within large uncertainties, our results suggest that $A_2/A_1$ increases with the heavy quark mass. We also get very rough estimates for the partial decay widths $B \rightarrow \pi l \nu_l)=\vert V_{ub} \vert^2 (12 \pm 8) 10^{12} s^{-1}$ and $\Gamma(B \rightarrow \rho l \nu_l)=\vert V_{ub} \vert^2 (13 \pm12) 10^{12} s^{-1}$, which can be used to give upper bounds on the rates, Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX
- Published
- 1993
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14. An Integrated Fiber Laser Amplifier Control System for Laser Phased Arrays
- Author
Litvin, J., primary, Srinivasan, P., additional, Krogen, P., additional, Rupert, N.A., additional, Phillips, B., additional, Crisafulli, M., additional, Cohen, A.N., additional, Meinhold, P., additional, and Lubin, P. M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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15. Ultrasound in developmental dysplasia of the hip: A screening study in Sardinian newborns
- Author
Dessì, A., Crisafulli, M., Vannelli, E., and Fanos, V.
- Published
- 2009
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16. Progetto SOPHY: Studio osservazionale sul pH vaginale e sullo stile di vita della donna nelle diverse età e condizioni fisiopatologiche. Parte I
- Author
Guaschino, S., Benvenuti, C., Agnello, A., Agnolotti, M., Agostinelli, D., Agrifoglio, V., Albani, F., Alesi, L., Amadori, A., Andresini, R., Anelli, R., Antoniello, M., Arcadia, P., Arduino, S., Atlante, M., Bagnara, M., Balestrucci, G., Barbini, V., Barletta, F., Bassan, M., Bechini, F., Belsan, R., Benatti, G., Beretta, R., Bernardi, F., Bersani, R., Bertocchi, L., Bianchi, M. S., Bianchi, S., Biello, A., Bolelli, E., Bonaccorsi, G., Bonauguri, F., Bondesan, A., Bordignon, D., Bozzo, G., Brambilla, T., Brizio, A. M., Brusa, C., Businco, F., Cadario Preti, E., Calanchini, C., Capodieci, C., Cardinale, A., Carnio, P., Carnuccio, G., Casa, A., Castagna, P., Cazzavacca, R., Chiodi, A., Ciancio, G., Ciccone, E., Cicotti, M. P., Cino, S., Cirri, R., Citterio, S., Colla, F., Colombi, C., Conti, C. S., Corazza, G., Crana, F., Creanza, V., Crisafulli, M. L., Cristiani, P., Cugini, A. M., Curto, G., Cutuli, A., Dal Bò, R., Damone, R., De Majo, D., De Nuzzo, M. A., De Rosa, E., De Valle Vietti, G., Defazio, D. D., Delli Ponti, E. C., Di Bari, I., Di Biase, R., Di Cosmo, E., Di Giovinazzo, L., Di Natale, R., Di Pietro, F., Esposito, E., Fabbrizi, L., Faggionato, I., Fanti, S., Favi, O., Fazio Pellacchio, C., Ferraina, F., Ferrari, D., Ferrentino, A., Fiscella, A., Fischetti, A., Florio, V., Forcella, G., Franzolini, P., Furani, S., Fuschini, G., Gallo, G., Gammi, L., Geda, O., Gianfranceschi, C., Gigante, A., Giolito, M. R., Giordano, A., Giovagnorio, P., Giuliani, L., Gostinicchi, P., Gozeni, M., Guadalupi, E., Guagliarlo, M., Guastaferro, L., Gubbiotti, R., Guernieri, A., Guidi, A., Guzzinati, N., Iannacci, M. C., Iannelli, S., Infante, F. E., Insacco, P., Jannacone, D., Lalanne, A., Lanfranchi, A., Latella, R., Lazzarin, L., Lefosse, M. G., Lemme, E., Lepadatu, C., Levanti, S., Liberio, M. D., Linsalata, I., Lombardi, P., Luchi, C., Lucianetti, M., Luciano, V., Maccarini, U., Maggio, I., Maggiorelli, M., Maietta, A., Mancini, A. C., Mancini, L., Mancini, F., Manni, M. U., Manuzio, D., Manzan, L., Marasca, O., Marchi, M., Marcozzi, S., Maresi, M. P., Mariatti, M., Martinelli, P., Masi, P., Masini, M., Massa, E., Matanã², S., Mattioli, V., Mazzoli, F., Mazzucato, R., Medori, A., Melappioni, S., Mendolicchio, S., Meroni, S., Miliffi, L., Minorini, D., Mirra, P., Mori, R., Moroni, S., Mossetti, M., Motta, N., Mucci, M., Munizza, W., Mura, M., Musconi, M., Mussida, M., Nanni, C., Nardi, E., Nardi, M., Nesi, D., Nirta, A., Nozza, M., Oliva, N., Oliverio, C., Onofri, M. C., Paduano, F., Palombino, K., Papadia, L. S., Parvaneh, H., Pascazio, F., Pasini, T., Pasini, A., Paticchio, M. R., Pellegrinotti, A., Pensabene, I., Perilli, M. L., Perrini, G., Perugini, A., Pessina, M., Petracchi, M., Pieracci, R., Pignata, M., Pisaturo, G., Po, E., Poggi, M. G., Poli, M., Polpatelli, L., Pone, A., Ponticelli, R., Potenza, M. T., Previdi, A. M., Preziuso, M., Quagliarini, V., Quaranta, M., Quattrocchi, G., Ragusa, S., Rainã², M. I., Regge, G. M., Rizzo, S., Roberti, P., Romano, G., Romano, D., Rossi, M., Ruggeri, C., Ruggiero, G., Russo, C., Russotto, C. M., Salmi, P., Salvestroni, C., Salviato, M. G., Sangiorgi, B., Santandrea, V., Santomauro, S., Santoni, S., Sarica, F., Savoca, S., Scandellari, E., Scarpellini, M., Sciarra, M. N., Scibilia, M. R., Scopacasa, P., Serafini, T., Setaccioli, M., Settembrini, L., Sganga, E., Simionato, S., Sommacampagna, P., Spadaro, F., Spettoli, D. A., Speziale, M., Spiga, A. M., Stampone, R., Stefanidou, M., Stefanutti, B., Stolfi, G., Strazzari, G., Tabanelli, S., Tafuri, A., Tamburini, M., Tampucci, S., Tarantini, P., Tempesta, N., Testoni, N., Testori, P., Tomba, D., Toscano, M., Trapassi, L., Tripodi, M., Vadalã , A., Valentino, V., Valieri, M., Valsecchi, L., Vassena, L., Ventimiglia, L., Vicentini, M. T., Volonterio, A. M., Votano, S., Wittemberg, L., Zangara, C., Zecchi, R., ORIGONI, MASSIMO, Guaschino, S., Benvenuti, C., Agnello, A., Agnolotti, M., Agostinelli, D., Agrifoglio, V., Albani, F., Alesi, L., Amadori, A., Andresini, R., Anelli, R., Antoniello, M., Arcadia, P., Arduino, S., Atlante, M., Bagnara, M., Balestrucci, G., Barbini, V., Barletta, F., Bassan, M., Bechini, F., Belsan, R., Benatti, G., Beretta, R., Bernardi, F., Bersani, R., Bertocchi, L., Bianchi, M. S., Bianchi, S., Biello, A., Bolelli, E., Bonaccorsi, G., Bonauguri, F., Bondesan, A., Bordignon, D., Bozzo, G., Brambilla, T., Brizio, A. M., Brusa, C., Businco, F., Cadario Preti, E., Calanchini, C., Capodieci, C., Cardinale, A., Carnio, P., Carnuccio, G., Casa, A., Castagna, P., Cazzavacca, R., Chiodi, A., Ciancio, G., Ciccone, E., Cicotti, M. P., Cino, S., Cirri, R., Citterio, S., Colla, F., Colombi, C., Conti, C. S., Corazza, G., Crana, F., Creanza, V., Crisafulli, M. L., Cristiani, P., Cugini, A. M., Curto, G., Cutuli, A., Dal Bò, R., Damone, R., De Majo, D., De Nuzzo, M. A., De Rosa, E., De Valle Vietti, G., Defazio, D. D., Delli Ponti, E. C., Di Bari, I., Di Biase, R., Di Cosmo, E., Di Giovinazzo, L., Di Natale, R., Di Pietro, F., Esposito, E., Fabbrizi, L., Faggionato, I., Fanti, S., Favi, O., Fazio Pellacchio, C., Ferraina, F., Ferrari, D., Ferrentino, A., Fiscella, A., Fischetti, A., Florio, V., Forcella, G., Franzolini, P., Furani, S., Fuschini, G., Gallo, G., Gammi, L., Geda, O., Gianfranceschi, C., Gigante, A., Giolito, M. R., Giordano, A., Giovagnorio, P., Giuliani, L., Gostinicchi, P., Gozeni, M., Guadalupi, E., Guagliarlo, M., Guastaferro, L., Gubbiotti, R., Guernieri, A., Guidi, A., Guzzinati, N., Iannacci, M. C., Iannelli, S., Infante, F. E., Insacco, P., Jannacone, D., Lalanne, A., Lanfranchi, A., Latella, R., Lazzarin, L., Lefosse, M. G., Lemme, E., Lepadatu, C., Levanti, S., Liberio, M. D., Linsalata, I., Lombardi, P., Luchi, C., Lucianetti, M., Luciano, V., Maccarini, U., Maggio, I., Maggiorelli, M., Maietta, A., Mancini, A. C., Mancini, L., Mancini, F., Manni, M. U., Manuzio, D., Manzan, L., Marasca, O., Marchi, M., Marcozzi, S., Maresi, M. P., Mariatti, M., Martinelli, P., Masi, P., Masini, M., Massa, E., Matanã², S., Mattioli, V., Mazzoli, F., Mazzucato, R., Medori, A., Melappioni, S., Mendolicchio, S., Meroni, S., Miliffi, L., Minorini, D., Mirra, P., Mori, R., Moroni, S., Mossetti, M., Motta, N., Mucci, M., Munizza, W., Mura, M., Musconi, M., Mussida, M., Nanni, C., Nardi, E., Nardi, M., Nesi, D., Nirta, A., Nozza, M., Oliva, N., Oliverio, C., Onofri, M. C., Origoni, Massimo, Paduano, F., Palombino, K., Papadia, L. S., Parvaneh, H., Pascazio, F., Pasini, T., Pasini, A., Paticchio, M. R., Pellegrinotti, A., Pensabene, I., Perilli, M. L., Perrini, G., Perugini, A., Pessina, M., Petracchi, M., Pieracci, R., Pignata, M., Pisaturo, G., Po, E., Poggi, M. G., Poli, M., Polpatelli, L., Pone, A., Ponticelli, R., Potenza, M. T., Previdi, A. M., Preziuso, M., Quagliarini, V., Quaranta, M., Quattrocchi, G., Ragusa, S., Rainã², M. I., Regge, G. M., Rizzo, S., Roberti, P., Romano, G., Romano, D., Rossi, M., Ruggeri, C., Ruggiero, G., Russo, C., Russotto, C. M., Salmi, P., Salvestroni, C., Salviato, M. G., Sangiorgi, B., Santandrea, V., Santomauro, S., Santoni, S., Sarica, F., Savoca, S., Scandellari, E., Scarpellini, M., Sciarra, M. N., Scibilia, M. R., Scopacasa, P., Serafini, T., Setaccioli, M., Settembrini, L., Sganga, E., Simionato, S., Sommacampagna, P., Spadaro, F., Spettoli, D. A., Speziale, M., Spiga, A. M., Stampone, R., Stefanidou, M., Stefanutti, B., Stolfi, G., Strazzari, G., Tabanelli, S., Tafuri, A., Tamburini, M., Tampucci, S., Tarantini, P., Tempesta, N., Testoni, N., Testori, P., Tomba, D., Toscano, M., Trapassi, L., Tripodi, M., Vadalã , A., Valentino, V., Valieri, M., Valsecchi, L., Vassena, L., Ventimiglia, L., Vicentini, M. T., Volonterio, A. M., Votano, S., Wittemberg, L., Zangara, C., and Zecchi, R.
- Subjects
Sexual behavior ,Vagina, secretion ,Vaginosis, bacterial ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Candida - Abstract
Aim. The importance of vaginal pH and vaginal flora in maintaining a well-balanced vaginal ecosystem is well known and has been widely described. However, no systematic nationwide studies have been carried out concerning the correlation between vaginal pH, life style and different physiopathological conditions in women of different ages. Methods. SOPHY (Study on pH and Hygiene) collected data concerning the lifestyle, vaginal pH, and the presence of symptoms, stratified into different subgroups (prepuberal, fertile, pregnancy, postpartum, premenopause and menopause) in a representative sample of the Italian gynecological population (264 gynaecologists for a total of 2 641 women) with the aid of a specific Internet site for data entry. Results. A more acid vaginal pH was related to a better satisfactory sexual activity and to more healthy genital condition. A positive relationship was detected between education level and good perception of sexuality. Certain clothing habits and a higher frequency of candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis was shown. Conclusion. SOPHY revealed some interesting correlations between clothing and the frequency of candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis, between vaginal pH and satisfactory sexual activity, and between education and sexuality. SOPHY had a considerable educational impact, leading the physicians and women to consider vaginal pH as an important aspect of everyday life.
- Published
- 2008
17. Improved renormalization of lattice operators: A critical reappraisal
- Author
Crisafulli, M., Lubicz, V., Vladikas, A., Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, Vittorio, and Vladikas, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat) ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Particle Physics - Lattice ,Engineering (miscellaneous) - Abstract
We systematically examine various proposals which aim at increasing the accuracy in the determination of the renormalization of two-fermion lattice operators. We concentrate on three finite quantities which are particularly suitable for our study: the renormalization constants of the vector and axial currents and the ratio of the renormalization constants of the scalar and pseudoscalar densities. We calculate these quantities in boosted perturbation theory, with several running boosted couplings, at the "optimal" scale q*. We find that the results of boosted perturbation theory are usually (but not always) in better agreement with non-perturbative determinations of the renormalization constants than those obtained with standard perturbation theory. The finite renormalization constants of two-fermion lattice operators are also obtained non-perturbatively, using Ward Identities, both with the Wilson and the tree-level Clover improved actions, at fixed cutoff ($\beta$=6.4 and 6.0 respectively). In order to amplify finite cutoff effects, the quark masses (in lattice units) are varied in a large interval 0, Comment: 54 pages, Latex, 5 figures. Minor changes in text between eqs.(86) and (88)
- Published
- 1998
18. Safety review per l’adeguamento degli incroci urbani in funzione delle esigenze degli utenti deboli
- Author
Crisafulli, M. C. and Leonardi, Salvatore
- Published
- 2006
19. Dependence of the current renormalization-constants on the quark mass
- Author
Crisafulli M, Martinelli G, Vladikas A., LUBICZ, Vittorio, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, Vittorio, Martinelli, G, and Vladikas, A.
- Abstract
We study the behaviour of the vector and axial curr:ent renormalisation constants Z(V) and Z(A) as a function of the quark mass, m(q). We show that sizeable O(am(q)) and O(g(0)(2)am(q)) systematic effects are present in the Wilson and Clover cases respectively. We find that the prescription of Kronfeld, Lepage and Mackenzie for correcting these artefacts is not always successful.
- Published
- 1995
20. B -> K* gamma decay on APE
- Author
Abada, A., Boucaud, Philippe, Crisafulli, M., Leroy, J.P., Lubicz, V., Martinelli, G., Rapuano, F., Serone, M., Stella, N., Bartoloni, A., Battista, C., Cabasino, S., Cabibbo, N., Panizzi, E., Paolucci, P.S., Sarno, R., Todesco, G.M., Torelli, M., Vicini, P., Abada, A, Boucaud, P, Crisafulli, M, Leroy, Jp, Lubicz, Vittorio, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Serone, M, Stella, N, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Panizzi, E, Paolucci, P, Sarno, R, Todesco, Gm, Torelli, M, and Vicini
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Particle Physics - Lattice - Abstract
We present results for the radiative decay B\rightarrow K^* \gamma, obtained by using the Clover action at \beta = 6.0 on APE. The compatibility between the scaling laws predicted by the Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) and pole dominance is discussed. The final result depends crucially on the assumed q^2-dependence of the form factors.
- Published
- 1995
21. Quenched BK-parameter with the Wilson and Clover actions at beta=6.0
- Author
Crisafulli M, Donini A, Martinelli G, Rapuano F, Ungarelli C, Vladikas A, Bartoloni A, Battista C, Cabasino S, Cabibbo N, Marzano F, Panizzi E, Paolucci PS, Sarno R, Todesco GM, Torelli M, Vicini P., LUBICZ, Vittorio, Crisafulli, M, Donini, A, Lubicz, Vittorio, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Ungarelli, C, Vladikas, A, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Panizzi, E, Paolucci, P, Sarno, R, Todesco, Gm, Torelli, M, and Vicini, P.
- Abstract
We present results for the kaon B parameter obtained by APE-100 from a sample of 100 configurations using the Wilson action and 200 configurations using the Clover action, on a 18(3) x 64 lattice at beta = 6.0. We have also compared the results for B-K using two different values for the effective coupling constant g. We observe a strong dependence of B-K on the prescription adopted for g in the Wilson case, contrary to the results of the Clover case which are almost unaffected by the choice of g.
- Published
- 1995
22. Safety review per rotatorie stradali
- Author
Crisafulli, M. C. and Leonardi, Salvatore
- Published
- 2005
23. Safety review per incroci in ambito urbano
- Author
Crisafulli, M. C. and Leonardi, Salvatore
- Published
- 2005
24. Light-quark physics on different lattices
- Author
Allton CR, Crisafulli M, Martinelli G, Bartoloni A, Battista C, Cabasino S, Cabibbo N, Marzano F, Paolucci PS, Pech J, Rapuano F, Sarno R, Todesco GM, Torelli M, Tross W, Vicini P., LUBICZ, Vittorio, Allton, Cr, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, Vittorio, Martinelli, G, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Rapuano, F, Sarno, R, Todesco, Gm, Torelli, M, Tross, W, and Vicini, P.
- Abstract
The light quark results from three different simulations are summarized. We get consistent results, within our statistics, between smeared and non smeared data. A comparison is performed with similar results from the UKQCD collaboration. All runs have been performed on two 6.4 GF APE computers [1].
- Published
- 1994
25. D-meson and B-meson semileptonic decays
- Author
Abada A, Allton CR, Bartoloni A, Battista C, Boucaud P, Cabasino S, Cabibbo N, Carpenter DB, Crisafulli M, Gusken S, Hernandez P, Martinelli G, Marzano F, Paolucci PS, Pech J, Pene O, Rapuano F, Sachrajda CT, Sarno R, Schilling K, Siegert G, Stella N, Todesco GM, Torelli M, Tross W, Vicini P, Vladikas A., LUBICZ, Vittorio, Abada, A, Allton, Cr, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Boucaud, P, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Carpenter, Db, Crisafulli, M, Gusken, S, Hernandez, P, Lubicz, Vittorio, Martinelli, G, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Pene, O, Rapuano, F, Sachrajda, Ct, Sarno, R, Schilling, K, Siegert, G, Stella, N, Todesco, Gm, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, and Vladikas, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,food and beverages ,High Energy Physics::Experiment - Abstract
Recent results for semi-leptonic decays of D and B mesons at beta = 6.4, using the Wilson action, and at beta = 6.0, using the Clover action, are reported.
- Published
- 1994
26. A high statistics lattice calculation of fB(static) at beta=6.2 using the Clover action
- Author
Allton CR, Crisafulli M, Martinelli G, Salina G, Vladikas A, Bartoloni A, Battista C, Cabasino S, Cabibbo N, Marzano F, Paolucci PS, Pech J, Rapuano F, Sarno R, Todesco GM, Torelli M, Tross W, Vicini P., LUBICZ, Vittorio, Allton, Cr, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, Vittorio, Martinelli, G, Salina, G, Vladikas, A, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Rapuano, F, Sarno, R, Todesco, Gm, Torelli, M, Tross, W, and Vicini, P.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Experiment - Abstract
We present a calculation of f(B) in the static limit, obtained by numerical simulation of quenched QCD, at beta = 6.2 on a 18(3) x 64 lattice, using the SW-Clover quark action. The decay constant has been extracted by studying heavy (static)-light correlation functions of different smeared operators, on a sample of 220 gauge field configurations. We have obtained f(B)static = (290 +/- 15 +/- 45) MeV, where the first error comes from the uncertainty in the determination of the matrix element and the second comes from the uncertainty in the lattice spacing. We also obtain M(Bs) - M(Bd) = (70 +/- 10) MeV and f(Bs)stat/f(Bd)stat = 1.11 (3). A comparison of our results with other calculations of the same quantity is made.
- Published
- 1994
27. The women's recovery group: Outcomes from a stage II trial
- Author
Greenfield, Shelly F., primary, Sugarman, D., additional, Kaufman, J., additional, Bailey, Genie L., additional, Crisafulli, M., additional, Freid, C., additional, Connery, H., additional, Rodolico, J., additional, Wigderson, S., additional, Rapoza, M., additional, and Fitzmaurice, G., additional
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
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28. L’invalidità temporanea da malattia in Italia e in ambito europeo
- Author
Crisafulli, M. L., Fatigante, G., and Nardecchia, Elio
- Published
- 2001
29. $B \rightarrow K^\star \gamma$ decay on APE
- Author
Abada, As., Boucaud, Ph., Crisafulli, M., Leroy, J. P., Lubicz, V., Martinelli, G., Rapuano, F., Serone, M., Stella, N., Bartoloni, A., Battista, C., Cabasino, S., Cabibbo, N., Panizzi, E., Paolucci, P. S., Sarno, R., Todesco, G. M., Torelli, M., Vicini, P., and The APE Collaboration
- Published
- 1995
30. Chiral behaviour of the lattice $B_K$-parameter with the Wilson and Clover Actions at $��= 6.0$
- Author
Crisafulli, M., Donini, A., Lubicz, V., Rapuano, G. Martinelli F., Talevi, M., Ungarelli, C., and Vladikas, A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat) ,FOS: Physical sciences - Abstract
We present results for the kaon $B$-parameter $B_K$ from a sample of $200$ configurations using the Wilson action and $460$ configurations using the SW-Clover action, on a $18^3 \times 64$ lattice at $��=6.0$. We compare results obtained by renormalizing the relevant operator with different ``boosted" values of the strong coupling constant $��_s$. In the case of the SW-Clover action, we also use the operator renormalized non-perturbatively. In the Wilson case, we observe a strong dependence of $B_K$ on the prescription adopted for $��_s$, contrary to the results of the Clover case which are almost unaffected by the choice of the coupling. We also find that the matrix element of the operator renormalized non-perturbatively has a better chiral behaviour. This gives us our best estimate of the renormalization group invariant $B$-parameter, $\hat B_K=0.86 \pm 0.15$., LaTeX, 17 pages, 3 postscript figures uuencoded
- Published
- 1995
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31. Quenched $B_K$-parameter with the Wilson and Clover actions at $��= 6.0$
- Author
Crisafulli, M., Donini, A., Lubicz, V., Martinelli, G., Rapuano, F., Ungarelli, C., Vladikas, A., Collaboration, the APE, Bartoloni, A., Battista, C., Cabasino, S., Cabibbo, N., Marzano, F., Panizzi, E., Paolucci, P. S., Sarno, R., Todesco, G. M., Torelli, M., and Vicini, P.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat) ,FOS: Physical sciences - Abstract
We present results for the Kaon $B$ parameter from a sample of $200$ configurations using the Wilson action and $460$ configurations using the Clover action, on a $18^3 \times 64$ lattice at $��=6.0$. A slight improvement of the chiral behaviour of $B_K$ is observed due to the Clover action. We have also compared the results for $B_K$ obtained from two different procedures for the boosting of the coupling constant $g$. We observe a strong dependence of $B_K$ on the prescription adopted for $g$ in the Wilson case, contrary to the results of the Clover case which are almost unaffected by the choice of $g$. Combining some recently obtained non perturbative estimates for the renormalisation constants with our Clover matrix element, we observe a significant improvement in the chiral behaviour of $B_K$., 3 pages, Latex, Postscript file with figures available at ftp://hpteo.roma1.infn.it/pub/preprints/lat94/donini ; to appear in Lattice '94, Nucl. Phys. (Proc.Suppl.)
- Published
- 1995
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32. A high statistic lattice calculation of $\int_{B}^{static}$ at $\beta$ = 6.2 using the Clover action
- Author
Allton, C.R., Crisafulli, M., Lubicz, V., Salina, G., Martinelli, G., Vladikas, A., Bartoloni, A., Battista, C., Cabasino, S., Cabibbo, N., Marzano, F., Paolucci, P.S., Pech, J., Rapuano, F., Sarno, R., Todesco, G.M., Torelli, M., Tross, W., and Vicini, P.
- Subjects
Particle Physics - Theory - Abstract
We present a calculation of $f_B$ in the static limit, obtained by numerical simulation of quenched QCD, at $\beta=6.2$ on a $18~3 \times 64$ lattice, using the SW-Clover quark action. The decay constant has been extracted by studying heavy(static)-light correlation functions of different smeared operators, on a sample of 220 gauge field configurations. We have obtained $f_B~{static}=(290 \pm 15 \pm 45)$ MeV, where the first error comes from the uncertainty in the determination of the matrix element and the second comes from the uncertainty in the lattice spacing. We also obtain $M_{B_s}-M_{B_d}= (70 \pm 10)$ MeV and $f~{stat}_{B_s}/f~{stat}_{B_d}=1.11(3)$. A comparison of our results with other calculations of the same quantity is made. We present a calculation of ƒ B in the static limit, obtained by numerical simulation of quenched QCD, at β =6.2 on a 18 3 × 64 lattice, using the SW-Clover quark action. The decay constant has been extracted by studying heavy (static)-light correlation functions of different smeared operators, on a sample of 220 gauge field configurations. We have obtained ƒ B static =(290±15±45) MeV , where the first error comes from the uncertainty in the determination of the matrix element and the second comes from the uncertainty in the lattice spacing. We also obtain M B s − M B d =(70±10) MeV and ƒ B s stat /ƒ B d stat =1.11 (3) . A comparison of our results with other calculations of the same quantity is made.
- Published
- 1994
33. Countertransference Reactions to Adolescent with Eating Disorders
- Author
Satir, D. A., primary, Thompson-Brenner, H., additional, Boisseau, C. L., additional, and Crisafulli, M. A., additional
- Published
- 2009
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34. Osteo-Articular Infections in Newborns: Diagnosis and Treatment
- Author
Dessì, A., primary, Crisafulli, M., additional, Accossu, S., additional, Setzu, V., additional, and Fanos, V., additional
- Published
- 2008
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35. A high statistics lattice calculation of heavy-light meson decay constants
- Author
Allton, C, Conti, L, Crisafulli, M, Giusti, L, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, GIUSTI, LEONARDO, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Allton, C, Conti, L, Crisafulli, M, Giusti, L, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, GIUSTI, LEONARDO, and RAPUANO, FEDERICO
- Abstract
We present a high statistics study of the D- and B-meson decay constants. The results were obtained by using the Clover and Wilson lattice actions at two different values of the lattice spacing $a$, corresponding to $\beta=6.0$ and 6.2. After a careful analysis of the systematic errors present in the extraction of the physical results, by assuming quite conservative discretization errors, we find $f_{D_s}=237 \pm 16$ MeV, $f_{D} = 221 \pm 17$ MeV ($f_{D_s}/f_D=1.07(4)$), $f_{B_s} = 205 \pm 35$ MeV, $f_{B} = 180 \pm 32$ MeV ($f_{B_s}/f_B=1.14(8)$), in good agreement with previous estimates.
- Published
- 1997
36. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Crisafulli, M, Donini, A, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Talevi, M, Ungarelli, C, Vladikas, A, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Vladikas, A., Crisafulli, M, Donini, A, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Talevi, M, Ungarelli, C, Vladikas, A, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, and Vladikas, A.
- Abstract
We present results for the kaon B-parameter BK from a Sample of 200 configurations using the Wilson action and 460 configurations using the SW-Clover action, on a 18(3) x 64 lattice at beta = 6.0. We compare results obtained by renormalizing the relevant operator with different ''boosted'' values of the strong coupling constant alpha(s). In the case of the SW-Clover action, we also use the operator renormalized non-perturbatively. In the Wilson case, we observe a strong dependence of B-K on the prescription adopted for alpha(s), contrary to the results of the Clover case which are almost unaffected by the choice of the coupling, We also find that the matrix element of the operator renormalized non-perturbatively has a better chiral behaviour, This gives us our best estimate of the renormalization group invariant B-parameter, (B) over cap(K)$ = 0.86 +/- 0.15
- Published
- 1996
37. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Abada, A, Boucaud, P, Cabibbo, N, Crisafulli, M, Leroy, J, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Serone, M, Stella, N, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Panizzi, E, Paolucci, P, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Vicini, P, Vicini, P., RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Abada, A, Boucaud, P, Cabibbo, N, Crisafulli, M, Leroy, J, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Serone, M, Stella, N, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Panizzi, E, Paolucci, P, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Vicini, P, Vicini, P., and RAPUANO, FEDERICO
- Published
- 1996
38. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Crisafulli, M, Donini, A, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Ungarelli, C, Vladikas, A, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Panizzi, E, Paolucci, P, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Vicini, P, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Vicini, P., Crisafulli, M, Donini, A, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Ungarelli, C, Vladikas, A, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Panizzi, E, Paolucci, P, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Vicini, P, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, and Vicini, P.
- Abstract
We present results for the kaon B parameter obtained by APE-100 from a sample of 100 configurations using the Wilson action and 200 configurations using the Clover action, on a 18(3) x 64 lattice at beta = 6.0. We have also compared the results for B-K using two different values for the effective coupling constant g. We observe a strong dependence of B-K on the prescription adopted for g in the Wilson case, contrary to the results of the Clover case which are almost unaffected by the choice of g
- Published
- 1995
39. Results for the B-meson decay constant from the APE collaboration
- Author
Allton, C, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Salina, G, Vladikas, A, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Vladikas, A., Allton, C, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Rapuano, F, Salina, G, Vladikas, A, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, and Vladikas, A.
- Abstract
The decay constant for the B-meson in the static limit is calculated using the Wilson and clover actions at various lattice spacings. We show that both the contamination of our results by excited states and the effects finite lattice spacing are at most the order of the statistical uncertainties. A comparison is made of our results and those obtained in other studies. Values for f(Bs)(stat)/f(B)(stat) and M(Bs) - M(B) are also given
- Published
- 1995
40. A high statistics lattice calculation of using the clover action
- Author
Allton, C, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Salina, G, Vladikas, A, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Rapuano, F, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, Vicini, P., RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Allton, C, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Salina, G, Vladikas, A, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Rapuano, F, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, Vicini, P., and RAPUANO, FEDERICO
- Published
- 1994
41. D- and B-meson semi-leptonic decays
- Author
Abada, A, Allton, C, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Boucard, P, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Carpenter, D, Crisafulli, M, Güsken, S, Hernandez, P, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Pene, O, Rapuano, F, Sachrajda, C, Sarno, R, Schilling, K, Siegert, G, Stella, N, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, Vladikas, A, Vladikas, A., RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Abada, A, Allton, C, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Boucard, P, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Carpenter, D, Crisafulli, M, Güsken, S, Hernandez, P, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Pene, O, Rapuano, F, Sachrajda, C, Sarno, R, Schilling, K, Siegert, G, Stella, N, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, Vladikas, A, Vladikas, A., and RAPUANO, FEDERICO
- Published
- 1994
42. Light quark physics on different lattices
- Author
Allton, C, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Rapuano, F, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Vicini, P., Allton, C, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Rapuano, F, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, and Vicini, P.
- Abstract
The light quark results from three different simulations are summarized. We get consistent results, within our statistics, between smeared and non smeared data. A comparison is performed with similar results from the UKQCD collaboration. All runs have been performed on two 6.4 GF APE computers [1]
- Published
- 1994
43. Decay constants of heavy-light mesons
- Author
Allton, C, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Salina, G, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Rapuano, F, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, Vicini, P., Allton, C, Crisafulli, M, Lubicz, V, Martinelli, G, Salina, G, Bartoloni, A, Battista, C, Cabasino, S, Cabibbo, N, Marzano, F, Paolucci, P, Pech, J, Rapuano, F, Sarno, R, Todesco, G, Torelli, M, Tross, W, Vicini, P, RAPUANO, FEDERICO, and Vicini, P.
- Abstract
The decay constants of the heavy-light pseudoscalar mesons are studied in a high statistics run using the Wilson action at beta = 6.0 and beta = 6.2, and the clover action at beta = 6.0. The systematics of O(a) discretisation errors are discussed. Our best estimates of the decay constants are: f(D) = 218(9) MeV, f(D)/f(D s) = 1.11(1) and we obtain preliminary values for f(B)
- Published
- 1994
44. Improved renormalization of lattice operators: A critical reappraisal
- Author
Crisafulli, M., primary, Lubicz, V., additional, and Vladikas, A., additional
- Published
- 1998
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45. A high statistics lattice calculation of heavy-light meson decay constants
- Author
Allton, C.R., primary, Conti, L., additional, Crisafulli, M., additional, Giusti, L., additional, Martinelli, G., additional, and Rapuano, F., additional
- Published
- 1997
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46. Chiral behaviour of the lattice BK-parameter with the Wilson and Clover actions at β = 6.0
- Author
Crisafulli, M, primary, Donini, A, additional, Lubicz, V, additional, Martinelli, G, additional, Rapuano, F, additional, Talevi, M, additional, Ungarelli, C, additional, and Vladikas, A, additional
- Published
- 1996
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47. A lattice study of the exclusive decay amplitude, using the Clover action at β = 6.0
- Author
Abada, As, primary, Boucaud, Ph, additional, Cabibbo, N, additional, Crisafulli, M, additional, Leroy, J.P, additional, Lubicz, V, additional, Martinelli, G, additional, Rapuano, F, additional, Serone, M, additional, Stella, N, additional, Bartoloni, A, additional, Battista, C, additional, Cabasino, S, additional, Panizzi, E, additional, Paolucci, P.S, additional, Sarno, R, additional, Todesco, G.M, additional, Torelli, M, additional, and Vicini, P, additional
- Published
- 1996
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48. First lattice calculation of the B-meson binding and kinetic energies
- Author
Crisafulli, M., primary, Giménez, V., additional, Martinelli, G., additional, and Sachrajda, C.T., additional
- Published
- 1995
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49. Results for the B-meson decay constant from the APE collaboration
- Author
Allton, C.R., primary, Crisafulli, M., additional, Lubicz, V., additional, Martinelli, G., additional, Rapuano, F., additional, Salina, G., additional, and Vladikas, A., additional
- Published
- 1995
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50. Quenched BK-parameter with the Wilson and Clover actions at β = 6.0
- Author
Crisafulli, M., primary, Donini, A., additional, Lubicz, V., additional, Martinelli, G., additional, Rapuano, F., additional, Ungarelli, C., additional, Vladikas, A., additional, Bartoloni, A., additional, Battista, C., additional, Cabasino, S., additional, Cabibbo, N., additional, Marzano, F., additional, Panizzi, E., additional, Paolucci, P.S., additional, Sarno, R., additional, Todesco, G.M., additional, Torelli, M., additional, and Vicini, P., additional
- Published
- 1995
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