Family Crotoniidae Thorell, 1876 Camisia Heyden, 1826 �� Camisia biurus (C.L. Koch, 1839) * �� Original name: Nothrus biurus C.L. Koch, 1839. �� In: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden, Vol. 30 (2). �� Historical combinations/variations: Camisia (Camisia) biurus (C.L. Koch) Sub��as, 2004. �� Synonyms: Nothrus segnis sensu C.L. Koch, 1839; Nothrus furcatus C.L. Koch, 1844; Nothrus pigerrimus C.L. Koch, 1844; Camisia segnis sensu Sellnick, 1928; Camisia exuvialis Grandjean, 1939; Uronothrus segnis sensu Willmann, 1939; Uronothrus kochi Willmann, 1943. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss on conifers (Halbert 1915); grassland, heather and shelter belt on peat (Longworth 1973). Counties: Mayo. �� Camisia horrida (Hermann, 1804) * �� Original name: Notaspis horridus Hermann, 1804 �� In: M��moire Apt��rologique. Strassbourg. 154 pp, 90. �� Historical combinations/variations: Oribata horrida (Hermann) Michael 1884; Nothrus horridus (Hermann) Michael, 1888; Camisia horridus (Hermann) Grandjean, 1936; Camisia (Camisia) horrida (Hermann) Sub��as, 2004. �� Synonyms: Nothrus bistriatus C.L. Koch, 1839; Nothrus mutilus C.L. Koch, 1839; Nothrus runcinatus C.L. Koch, 1839; Nothrus sinuatus C.L. Koch, 1839; Nothrus borealis Thorell, 1872; Nothrus angulatus C.L. Koch, 1839 sensu Berlese, 1883 [misidentification]; Nothrus rugulosus Banks, 1895; Camisia horrida var. borealis sensu Dalenius, 1950; Camisia borealis (Thorell) Sellnick and Forsslund, 1955; Camisia rugulosus (Banks) sensu Johnston, 1965. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Halbert (1907) (no habitat given); moss (Halbert 1915); grassland on peat (Longworth 1973). Counties: Dublin and Mayo. �� Camisia invenusta (Michael, 1888) * �� Original name: Nothrus invenustus Michael, 1888. �� In: British Oribatidae, Vols. I and II. Ray Soc., London. 656 pp. �� Historical combinations/variations: Camisia (Camisia) invenusta (Michael) Sub��as, 2004. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Under lichens (Lichciui pygmaca) growing on large boulders on seashore (Halbert 1915, 1920; Evans et al. 1961) Counties: Dublin and Mayo. �� Camisia segnis (Hermann, 1804) * �� Original name: Notaspis segnis Hermann, 1804. �� In: M��moire Apt��rologique. Strassbourg. 154 pp, 94. �� Historical combinations/variations: Nothrus segnis (Hermann) Oudemans, 1900; Uronothrus segnis (Hermann) Berlese, 1913; Nothrus segnus [sic] (Hermann) Ewing, 1917; Camisia (Camisia) segnis (Hermann) Sub��as, 2004. �� Synonyms: Nothrus rostratus C.L. Koch, 1839; Nothrus ventricosus C.L. Koch, 1844; Nothrus bicarinatus (C.L. Koch) Berlese, 1885; Nothrus excisus Bank, 1895; Camisia bicarinata (C.L. Koch) sensu Willmann, 1931; Camisia segnis segnoides Andr��, Lebrun and Leroy, 1984. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss and under bark and fallen pine needles (Halbert 1915); apple orchards (Mac Quillan 1966; Momen 1987); grassland and heather on peat (Longworth 1973); acid peat bog (Behan-Pelletier and Hill 1983); canopy of Sitka spruce, ash, oak and Scots pine forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b); canopy of yew (Arroyo et al. 2013 c); canopy and moss in canopy in Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2009); canopy in ash, oak and Sitka spruce forests (unpublished data). Counties: Armagh, Cork, Dublin, Kerry, Kildare, Laois, Mayo, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo and Wicklow. �� Camisia spinifer (C.L. Koch, 1836) * �� Original name: Nothrus spinifer C.L. Koch, 1836 �� In: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden, Vol. 2. �� Historical combinations/variations: Nothrus spiniger (C.L. Koch) Berlese, 1913; Camisia (Camisia) spinifer (C.L. Koch) Sub��as, 2004. �� Synonyms: Nothrus echinatus C.L. Koch, 1835; Nothrus sordidus C.L. Koch, 1839; Nothrus ansatus Haupt, 1882; Nothrus concavus Haupt, 1882; Nothrus quadracanthus Haupt, 1882; Nothrus taurinus Banks, 1906; Nothrus superbus Berlese, 1910; Camisia taurinus (Bank) Pearse, 1946; Camisia superba (Berlese) Colloff, 1993. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss and under bark of decayed fir trees (Halbert 1907,1915); soil from Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b). Counties: Cork, Dublin, Mayo and Wicklow. Heminothrus (Capillonothrus) Kunst, 1971 �� Heminothrus (Capillonothrus) thori (Berlese, 1904) �� Original name: Angelia Thori Berlese, 1904. �� In: Acari nuovi. Manipulus II. Redia, 1, 258���280. �� Historical combinations/variations: Nothrus (Heminothrus) thori (Berlese) Berlese, 1913; Heminothrus thori (Berlese) Willmann, 1931; Platynothrus thori (Berlese) Sellnick and Forsslund, 1955. �� Synonyms: Nothrus crinitus Warburton and Pearce, 1905. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Riparian habitat (Arroyo et al. 2013a). Counties: Kildare. Heminothrus (Heminothrus) Berlese, 1913 �� Heminothrus (Heminothrus) longisetosus (Willmann, 1925) �� Original name: Nothrus (Heminothrus) paolianus longisetosus Willman, 1925. �� In: Neue und seltene Oribatiden. Jahresbericht des Entomologischen Vereins in Bremen, 13, 7���11. �� Historical combinations/variations: Heminothrus longisetosus (Willmann) Ghilarov, 1975; Heminothrus paolianus longisetosus (Willmann) Longworth, 1973. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Bog, grassland, heather and shelter belt on peat (Longworth 1973). Counties: Mayo. Heminothrus (Platynothrus) Berlese, 1913 �� Heminothrus (Platynothrus) peltifer (C.L. Koch, 1839) * �� Original name: Nothrus peltifer C.L. Koch, 1839. �� In: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden, vol. 29(9). �� Historical combinations/variations: �� Platynothrus peltifer (C.L. Koch) Willmann, 1931; Heminothrus peltifer (C.L. Koch) Balogh and Mahunka, 1983. �� Synonyms: Acarus infusionum Schrank, 1803 ���sp. inq.���; Nothrus palliatus C.L. Koch, 1839; Nothrus cirrosus Canestini and Fanzago, 1876; Nothrus bicristatus Haupt, 1882; Nothrus spirofilus Haupt, 1882; Nothrus bistriatus Berlese, 1885 [misidentification]; Camisia bistriata (Berlese) Michael, 1888; Angelia palliata (C.L. Koch) Berlese, 1896; Hermannia carinata (Kramer) sensu Halbert, 1907; Camisia palliata (C.L. Koch) Oudemans, 1913; Hermannia bistriata (Berlese) Halbert, 1915; Heminothrus bistriatus (Berlese) Lombardini, 1936; Platynothrus palliatus (C.L. Koch) Lombardini, 1936; Platynothrus grandjeani Sitnikova, 1975; Platynothrus punctatus Tarman, 1983; Heminothrus abchasicus Tarba, 1990. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss (Halbert 1907,1915); agricultural grassland (Curry 1969a, 1976; Valarasan 1971; Ganley 1976; Bolger 1980; Piotrowska 2010; Arroyo et al. 2015); bog (Longworth 1973); cutaway raise bog and grassland on peat (both soil and herbage) (unpublished data; Whelan 1978, 1985, 1986); acid peat bog (Behan-Pelletier and Hill 1983); salt marsh (Healy 1975; Speight and Healy 1977); Iris bog at seashore (Purvis 1982), soil in Monterey pine, Lawson cypress and Sitka spruce forests (unpublished data); fungal sporocarps (unpublished data; O���Connell 1994; O���Connell and Bolger 1997); lichen (Seyd 1992); agricultural soil, Plantago swards, rushes, soil on cliff, saltmarsh, woodland, moss, grass, heather and bracken (Bolger In press); pastures, Sitka spruce forests, blanket and raised bogs and pastures under rough grazing (Arroyo et al. 2009a); Machair foredunes, Machair fixed (stable) dunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); moss on soil in Sitka spruce forest (Arroyo and Bolger 2007); canopy in Sitka spruce forest (Arroyo et al. 2009b); moss on soil and soil in oak, ash, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests, moss in canopy in Scots pine and Stika spruce forests and canopy in oak forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b); raised bogs, mountain blanket bogs, Atlantic blanket bogs and fens (Wisdom et al. 2011); riparian habitat (Arroyo et al. 2013a); ant nests (Arroyo et al. 2015). Counties: Carlow, Cavan, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Limerick, Mayo, Meath, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary, Waterford, Westmeath, Wexford and Wicklow., Published as part of Bolger, Thomas, 2017, Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) recorded from Ireland: Catalogue, historical records, species habitats and geographical distribution, combinations, variations and synonyms, pp. 1-174 in Zootaxa 4328 (1) on pages 38-43, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4328.1.1,, {"references":["Subias, L. S. (2004) Listado sistematico, sinonimico y biogeografio de los acaros oribatidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758 - 2002). Graellsia, 60 (numero extraordinario), 1 - 305. [updated online 2017]","Halbert, J. N. (1915) Clare Island survey. 39. Acaridina ii. Terrestrial and marine Acarina. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 31 (39), 45 - 136.","Longworth, T. J. (1973) Some aspects of the ecology of the acari of virgin and reclaimed blanket bog at Glenamoy, Co. Mayo. National University of Ireland. PhD thesis, University College Dublin, Dublin, 76 pp.","Halbert, J. N. (1907) Acarina. Irish Naturalist, 16, 65 - 67.","Halbert, J. N. (1920) The Acarina of seashore. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 35, 101 - 152.","Evans, G. O., Sheals, J. G. & MacFarlane, D. (1961) The terrestrial Acari of the British Islands. Vol. I. British Museum (Natural History), London, 219 pp.","Willmann, C. (1931) Moosmilben oder Oribatiden (Oribatei). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 22, 79 - 200.","Mac Quillan, M. J. (1966) The mite fauna of a neglected Northern Ireland apple orchard. Entomologist's monthly magazine, 102, 153 - 155.","Momen, F. M. (1987) The mite fauna of an unsprayed apple orchard in Ireland. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Zoologie, 74, 417 - 431.","Behan Pelletier, V. M. & Hill, S. B. (1983) Feeding habits of sixteen species of Oribatei from an acid peat bog, Glenamoy, Ireland. Revue Ecologie et Biologie du sol, 20, 145 - 153.","Arroyo, J, Kenny, J. & Bolger, T. (2012) A survey of the Oribatida and Mesostigmata (Acarina) of Irish forests. Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society, 36, 33 - 59.","Arroyo, J., Kenny, J. & Bolger, T. (2013 b) Variation between mite communities in Irish forest types - importance of bark and moss cover in canopy. Pedobiologia, 56, 241 - 250. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. pedobi. 2013.09.003","Arroyo, J., Kenny, J. & Bolger, T. (2013 c) Oribatid and gamasid mite assemblages occurring in aerial and floor habitats of native forestry at Killarney National Park. Irish Naturalist Journal, 32 (2), 121 - 131.","Arroyo, J., Keith, A. M., Schmidt, O. & Bolger, T. (2009 a) Mite abundance and richness in an Irish survey of soil biodiversity with comments on some newly recorded species. Irish Naturalist Journal, 33 (1), 19 - 27.","Berlese, A. (1904) Acari nuovi. Manipulus III. Redia, 2, 10 - 32.","Warburton, C. & Pearce, N. D. F. (1905) On new and rare British mites of the family Oribatidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 195, 564 - 569.","Arroyo, J., Baars, J. R., O'Driscoll, L., Blackmore, M. & Bolger, T. (2013 a) First records of Heminothrus (Capillonothrus) thori (Berlese, 1904) and Perlohmannia (Perlohmannia) dissimilis (Hewitt, 1908) (Arachnida: Acari: Oribatida) in Ireland. Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society, 37, 12 - 16.","Curry, J. P. (1969 a) The qualitative and quantitative composition of the fauna of an old grassland site at Celbridge, Co. Kildare. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1, 219 - 227. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / 0038 - 0717 (69) 90022 - 4","Valarasan, V. (1971) Ecology of soil arthropods in Irish grassland. Ph. D. Thesis University of Dublin, Dublin, 248 pp.","Ganley, J. (1976) A study of the arthropod fauna associated with the roots of some common grass and weed species of pasture. Research master thesis, National University of Ireland, University College Dublin, Dublin, 72 pp","Bolger, T. (1980) The effects of landspread animal manures on the arthropod mesofauna of grassland soils. Ph. D. thesis, National University of Ireland, Dublin, 296 pp.","Piotrowska, K. (2010) The effects of grassland plant species composition and diversity on earthworm, mite and soil microbial communities. PhD thesis, University College Dublin, Dublin, 267 pp.","Arroyo, J., O'Grady, A., Vance, H. & Bolger, T. (2015) The mite (Acari: Oribatida, Mesostigmata) assemblages associated with Lasius flavus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) nests and surrounding soil in an Irish grassland. Biology and Environment Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 115 (1), 1 - 12. https: // doi. org / 10.3318 / bioe. 2015.03","Whelan, J. (1978) Acarine succession in grassland on cutaway raised bog. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Irish Society Serie A, 6 (11), 175 - 183.","Whelan, J. (1985) Seasonal fluctuations and vertical distribution of the acarine fauna of three grassland sites. Pedobiologia, 28, 191 - 201.","Whelan, J. (1986) An analysis of the acarine communities in the herbage anld soil of three adjoining grassland sites in Co. Kildare, Ireland. Pedobiologia, 29, 149 - 164.","Healy, B. (1975) Fauna of the salt-marsh, North Bull Island, Dublin. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 75 B, 225 - 244.","Speight, M. C. D. & Healy, B. (1977) Arachnida and Insecta. In: Jeffrey, D. W., Goodwillie, R. N., Healy, B., Holland, H., Jackson, J. S. & Moore, J. (Eds.), North Bull Island Dublin Bay - a modern coastal natural history. The Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, pp. 147 - 156.","O'Connell, T. (1994) The microarthropod fauna associated with fungal fruiting bodies in woodland- a study of the role of habitat spatial and temporal diversity in determining assemblage structure. PhD thesis, University College Dublin, Dublin, 259 pp.","O'Connell, T. & Bolger, T. (1997) Stability, ephemerality and dispersal ability: microarthropod assemblages on fungal sporophores. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 62, 111 - 131. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8312.1997. tb 01617. x","Seyd, E. L. (1992) Moss mites in a lichen sample from Mount Leinster, Co. Carlow, Eire, and their bearing on a land connection between Britain and Ireland during Quaternary and Post glacial times. Journal of Biogeography, 19, 401 - 409. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 2845568","Arroyo, J. & Bolger, T. (2007) Oribatid (Acari: Oribatida) and gamasid (Acari: Gamasida) mite communities in an Irish Sitka spruce Sitka spruce sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. stand with three first records for Ireland. Irish Naturalist Journal, 28 (11), 452 - 458.","Wisdom, R., Arroyo, J. & Bolger, T. (2011) A survey of the Oribatida and Mesostigmata (Acarina) of Irish peatlands. Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society, 35, 130 - 149."]}