Neoseiulus subsolidus (Beglyarov, 1960) (Figs 1–13) Typhlodromus subsolidus Beglyarov, 1960: 956. Amblyseius (Amblyseius) subsolidus Wainstein 1975: 921. Amblyseius subsolidus Beglyarov 1981: 34; Tuovinen 1993: 105; Kuznetsov & Petrov 1984: 49. Amblyseius (Typhlodromips) subsolidus Karg 1991: 16. FEMALE (n=10) Figs 1–4, 13 (A–E, G) Dorsal idiosoma (Figs 1A, 4A–B, 13A) 430 (410–452) long, 282 (272–303) wide at level of s4. Dorsal shield rotund and dark brownish, well sclerotized, heavily reticulated from anterior edge to level of Z4 seta and smooth or slightly reticulated posterior to Z4. With 17 pairs of smooth setae except Z5 weakly barbed with a blunt tip, and two interscutal setae r3 and R1 on soft cuticle, seven pairs of solenostomes (gd1, gd2, gd4, gd5, gd6, gd8, gd9) and 15 pairs of lyrifissures (id1, id2, id4, id5, id6, idm1, idm2, idm3, idm4, idm5, idm6, idl1, idl4, idx and is). Solenostomes gd9 enlarged. Muscle attachment sites (sigillae) present from j3 to Z4 and clearly seen. Measurements of dorsal setae as follows: j1 24 (22–27), j3 52 (47–55), j4 7 (6–8), j5 7 (6–8), j6 11 (10–13), J2 20 (18–23), J5 10 (9–10), z2 30 (28–33), z4 55 (50–60), z5 8 (7–8), Z1 60 (54–65), Z4 95 (91–100), Z5 74 (67–79), s4 66 (63–72), S2 68 (63–72), S4 49 (44–54), S5 38 (34–42), r3 35 (31–38), R1 22 (19–24). Venter (Figs 1B, 4C–D, 13B–E). Sternal shield 56 (50–61) long from middle of anterior margin to posterior margin, 81 (76–85) wide (at the level of ST2–ST2), heavily sclerotized and reticulated on lateral margins, with three pairs of setae (ST1–ST3) and two pairs of lyrifissures (iv1, iv2). Setae ST4 and lyrifissures iv3 situated on ovalshaped and well sclerotized metasternal shields. Peritremes wide, with numerous chetoides, extending forward nearly to j1 level. Genital shield heavily sclerotized, slightly reticulated, 81 (75–86) wide at level of setae ST5–ST5. Pair of paragenital lyrifissures iv5 present on soft cuticle. Four thick transverse sclerites present between posterior margin of genital and anterior margin of ventrianal shield. One pair of small sigillae (sgpa) near setae ZV1. Ventrianal shield large, reticulated mostly in anterior part, 140 (131–151) long and 124 (114–136) wide at level of ZV2, anterior margin straight. With three pairs of pre-anal setae (JV1, JV2, and ZV2), one pair of para-anal setae (PA), unpaired postanal seta (PST), and a pair of small crescentic solenostomes (gv3) posteromesad JV2. Caudoventral area with four pairs of setae (ZV1, ZV3, JV4, and JV5) (in illustrated specimen with three setae on right side because abnormality) and six pairs of lyrifissures (five pairs of ivo, and a pair of ivp). Setae JV5 35 (30–41) long. Two pairs of metapodal shield present on soft cuticle, primary 48 (43–58) and secondary 11 (9–13) long, respectively. Spermatheca (Figure 2E, 13C–D). Calyx thick walled, narrow basally and gradually expanding distally, Vshaped 22 (19–24); atrium swollen, minor duct present, major duct broad. Gnathosoma (Figs 2A–D). Subcapitulum well sclerotized, with three pairs of hypostomal setae h1, h2, h3 and one pair of palpcoxal setae pc, deutosternal groove with seven transverse rows of denticles. Palp 135 (129–138) long (distance between base of trochanter to apex of tarsus): trochanter with two ventral setae v1 and v2; femur with one spatulate anterolateral seta al, three dorsal (d1–d3) and one posterolateral pl; genu with two short and thick anterolateral setae al1, al2, three dorsal (d1–d3) and one posterolateral pl; tibia with one short anterolateral seta, eight dorsal (d1–d8), two distal di1, di2, two ventral v1, v2, and one posterolateral pl; tarsus with 15 setae and two-tined apotele. Epistome triangular and smooth. Chelicera: movable digit 26 (23–28) long, with three teeth, fixed digit 26 (24–28) long, with nine teeth and pilus dentilis. Legs (Figs 3, 13G). Leg I 319 (300–330), leg II 278 (266–289), leg III 291 (255–309), leg IV 367 (344–389) in length. Leg IV with a short and blunt-tip macroseta on basitarsus St IV 27 (26–29) long. Leg chaetotaxy provided in Table 2. MALE (n=7, Figs 5–6, 13F). Dorsal idiosoma (Figs 5A, 6A–B) 341 (324–377) long, 246 (229–261) wide at level of s4. Dorsal shield rotund and dark brownish, well sclerotized, heavily reticulated from anterior edge to level of Z4 seta and smooth or slightly reticulated posterior to Z4. With 19 pairs of smooth setae except Z5 barbed, seven pairs of solenostomes (gd1, gd2, gd4, gd5, gd6, gd8, gd9) and 13 visible lyrifissures (id1, id2, id4, id5, idm1, idm2, idm3, idm4, idm5, idm6, idl1, idl3, idl4). Solenostomes gd9 enlarged as in female. Muscle attachment sites (sigillae) present from j1 to S4 and clearly seen. Measurements of dorsal setae as follows: j1 18 (16–20), j3 49 (40–55), j4 7 (6–7), j5 7 (6–8), j6 10 (10–11), J2 20 (17–23), J5 8 (7–9), z2 29 (26–32), z4 50 (45–54), z5 8 (7–9), Z1 56 (48–62), Z4 80 (72–87), Z5 63 (59–67), s4 61 (54–70), S2 58 (53–61), S4 44 (41–48), S5 33 (27–40), r3 31 (28–35), R1 22 (19–25). Peritremes extending forward nearly to j1 level. Venter (Figs 5B, 6C, 13F). Sternogenital shield 121 (116–125) long from middle of anterior margin to posterior margin, 70 (66–74) wide at level of ST2–ST2, lightly reticulated, with five pairs of smooth setae (ST1–ST5) and three pairs of lyrifissures (iv1, iv2, iv3). Ventrianal shield 144 (136–154) long, 167 (161–170) wide at level of anterior corners, well triangular, reticulated from anterior margin to level of JV2, three specimens with five pairs of pre-anal setae (JV1, JV2, ZV1, ZV2, ZV3); one specimen with five setae on left side and four setae on right side (JV1 absent); two with five setae on right side and four on left side (ZV3 absent); one with five setae on left side and three on right side (ZV1 and ZV3 absent), one pair of para-anal setae (PA), unpaired post-anal seta (PST), a pair of crescentic solenostomes (gv3) posteromesad JV2 and four pairs of lyrifissures (ivo, ivo, ivo, iv5). A pair of JV5 29 (26–32) and a pair of lyrifissures ivp on soft cuticle. Gnathosoma (Figs 5C, 6D). Chelicera: movable digit 21 (19–22) long, with one tooth, fixed digit 21 (19–22) long, with six teeth and pilus dentilis. Spermatodactyl L-shaped with toe well developed. Legs. Leg I 286 (277–302), leg II 249 (242–258), leg III 264 (254–275), leg IV 336 (328–345) in length. Leg IV with short macroseta on basitarsus St IV 27 (23–28) long. Leg chaetotaxy as in female. LARVA (n=1, Figs 7, 8, 13H) Dorsal idiosoma (Fig. 7A) 224 long, 156 wide at level of s4. Podonotal shield weakly sclerotized, smooth, with nine pairs of setae (j1, j3, j4, j5, j6, z2, z4, z5 and s4) and four pairs of lyrifissures (id2, id4, id5, id6), solenostomes absent. Setae j3, j6, z4 and s4 knobbed apically, remaining setae are pointed apically and setiform. Opisthonotal region with six pairs of setae Z1, Z4, Z5, S2, S4, S5 and one pair of “setae nubs” in position of setae J5 (S5, Z5 and “setae nubs” situated on ventral side), with six pairs of lyrifussures (idm1, idm2, idm3, idm4 (situated on ventral side), idx, idl1). Setae Z4 apically knobbed and much longer than other dorsal setae. Measurements of dorsal setae as follows: j1 26, j3 37, j4 7, j5 6, j6 57, z2 26, z4 49, z5 13, Z1 34, Z4 113, Z5 22, s4 61, S2 38, S4 15, S5 19. Venter (Figs 7B, 13H) without discernible shields. Coxisternal area with three pairs of setae ST1–ST3 and without lyrifissures. Ventrianal area with four pairs of opisthogastric setae JV1, JV2, JV5, ZV2, one pair of paraanal setae (PA), unpaired post-anal seta (PST), and a pair of small rounded pre-anal solenostomes gv3 and a pair of lyrifissures ivp. Measurements of ventral setae as follows: ST1 23, ST2 24, ST3 22, JV1 15, JV2 19, JV5 10, ZV2 11, PA 16 and PST 13. Gnathosoma (Figs 7C–E). Subcapitulum weakly sclerotized, with two pairs of hypostomal setae h1 and h2, deutosternal groove obscure, without discernible denticles. Palp 103 long (distance between base of trochanter to apex of tarsus): trochanter without setae; femur with one spatulate anterolateral seta al, two dorsal d1, d2 and one posterolateral pl; genu with one short and thick anterolateral seta al, three dorsal d1, d2, d3 and one posterolateral pl; tibia with one short anterolateral seta al, six dorsal (d1–d6), two distal di1, di2, two ventral v1, v2 and one posterolateral pl; tarsus with two dorsal setae d1, d2, six distal (di1, di3, di5, di6, di7, di8), three ventral (v1–v3) and two-tined apotele. Chelicera: movable digit 17 long, with one tooth, fixed digit 17 long, with five teeth and short pilus dentilis. Legs (Fig. 8). Leg I 250, leg II 204 and leg III 222 in length. All legs without macrosetae. Leg chaetotaxy (except tarsus I) provided in Table 2. PROTONYMPH (n=2, Figs 9–10) Dorsal idiosoma (Fig. 9A) 253-263 long, 154–167 wide at level of s4. Podonotal shield slightly reticulated mostly in anterior and lateral parts, muscle attachment sites (sigillae) present and clearly seen, with nine pairs of setae, four pairs of solenostomes (gd1, gd2, gd4 (in illustrated specimen visible only on left side), gd6) and two pairs of lyrifissures (id2, id5). Podonotal and pygidial shields separated by interscutal membrane, which bears three pairs of setae (J2, Z1 and S2), six pairs of mesonotal sclerites (biggest with seta J2), five pairs of lyrifissures (idm2, idm3, is1, idl1, and idl3); setae r3 and R1 situated on soft cuticle. Pygidial shield well reticulated, with five pairs of setae (J5, Z4, Z5, S4, S5), two pairs of solenostomes (gd8, gd9) and two pairs of lyrifissures (idx, idl4), setae Z4 and Z5 barbed. Measurements of dorsal setae as follows: j1 22–24, j3 42–45, j4 7, j5 6–7, j6 23–27, J2 39–41, J5 8–9, z2 24–25, z4 52, z5 9–10, Z1 40–48, Z4 69, Z5 47–49, s4 59 –63, S2 50 –52, S4 27 –31, S5 22 –26, r3 31–32, R1 19–20. Venter (Fig. 9B). Coxisternal region without discernible shields, with three pairs of setae (ST1–ST3) and two pairs of lyrifissures (iv1, iv2). Ventrianal region with four pairs of setae (JV1, JV2, JV5, ZV2), one pair of para-anal setae (PA) and unpaired post-anal seta (PST), with one pair of pre-anal circular solenostomes gv3, posterior to JV2 and five pairs of lyrifissures (iv5, ivo, ivo, ivo, ivp) on soft cuticle surrounding anal shield. Measurements of ventral setae as follows: ST1 20–21, ST2 19–21, ST3 19–22, JV1 16, JV2 15–17, JV5 23–25, ZV2 15, PA 14, PST 15–16. Peritremes short, slightly beyond the level of seta z5. Gnathosoma (Figs. 9C–E). Subcapitulum weakly sclerotized, with three pairs of hypostomal h1, h2, h3 and one pair of palpcoxal setae pc, deutosternal groove with eight transverse rows of denticles, each row with two or three teeth. Palp 122–114 long (distance between base of trochanter to apex of tarsus): trochanter with one ventral seta v; femur, genu and tibia as in larva; tarsus with three dorsal (d1–d3), nine distal (di1–di9), three ventral (v1–v3) and two-tined apotele. Chelicera: movable digit 19 long, with two teeth, fixed digit 19 long, with six teeth and pilus dentilis. Legs (Fig. 10). Leg I 251–257, Leg II 219–222, Leg III 223–227 and Leg IV 265–269. Latter with a macroseta, ST IV 43–44. Leg chaetotaxy (except tarsus I) provided in Table 2. DEUTONYMPH FEMALE (n=4, Figs 11–12, 13I) Dorsal idiosoma (Figs 11A, 13I) 310 (296–325) long, 178 (170–187) wide at level of s4. Podonotal and opisthonotal shields fused at the level of R1 creating schizodorsal shield. Latter reticulated, with 17 pairs of smooth setae except Z4 and Z5 barbed; seven pairs of solenostomes (gd1, gd2, gd4, gd5, gd6, gd8, gd9) and 14 pairs of lyrifissures (id2, id4, id5, id6, idm1, idm2, idm3, idm5, idm6, idl1, idl3, idl4, idx and is), setae r3 and R1 on interscutal membrane. Muscle attachment sites (sigillae) present and clearly seen. Measurements of dorsal setae as follows: j1 24 (24–25), j3 46 (45–50), j4 8 (7–9), j5 7 (7–8), j6 15 (13–17), J2 30 (27–35), J5 7 (6–9), z2 27 (25–29), z4 51 (47–55), z5 8 (8–9), Z1 53 (51–57), Z4 71 (55–80), Z5 53 (47–60), s4 68 (65–71), S2 58 (55–63), S4 35 (32–41), S5 29 (27–34), r3 36 (34–39), R1 22 (20–23). Venter (Figure 11B). Coxisternal area with four pairs of setae, ST1–ST4 and three pairs of lyrifissures (iv1, iv2, iv3) situated on weakly sclerotized sternogenital shield. Length of sternogenital shield (distance between setae ST1–ST5) 138 (136–141), width (distance between setae ST2–ST2) 69 (67–70). Genital area with pair of setae ST5 and a pair of para-genital poroid iv5 on soft cuticle. Ventrianal region with seven pairs of setae (JV1, JV2, JV4, JV5, ZV1, ZV2, ZV3), one pair of para-anal setae (PA) and unpaired post-anal seta (PST), with one pair of pre-anal circular solenostomes gv3 (situated on small weakly sclerotized platelets), posterior to JV2 and three visible pairs of lyrifissures (ivo, ivo, ivp) on soft cuticle surrounding anal shield. Opisthogastric area with one pair of metapodal plate. Measurements of ventral setae as follows: ST1 26 (25–28), ST2 25 (24–26), ST3 22 (22–23), ST4 21 (20–22), ST5 22, JV1 15 (15–16), JV2 18 (18–19), JV4 12, JV5 30 (28–33), ZV1 14 (13–14), ZV2 16 (16–17), ZV3 11 (10–12), PA 14 (13–14), PST 14 (13–15). Peritremes extending beyond level of j3 setae. Gnathosoma (Fig. 11C–E). Subcapitulum slightly reticulated, with three pairs of hypostomal h1, h2, h3 and one pair of palpcoxal setae pc, deutosternal groove with seven transverse rows of denticles. Palp 122 (121–123) long (distance between base of trochanter to apex of tarsus): chaetotaxy as in female. Chelicera: movable digit 20 (20-21) long, with three teeth, fixed digit 20 (19–21) long, with eight teeth and pilus dentilis. Legs (Figure 12). Leg I 280 (266–287), Leg II 254 (251–261), Leg III 268 (258–273), Leg IV 330 (325–335) long. Latter with a blunt tip macroseta STIV 39 (37–41) long. Leg chaetotaxy (except tarsus I) provided in Table 2. Specimens examined: 4 females and 2 males from Salix sp. in northern part of Tyumen region, Russia, 11 August 2019; 4 females from Salix sp. in north part of Tyumen region, Russia, 8 August 2019; 3 females, 1 male, 1 larva, 2 protonymph and 4 deutonymph from Salix sp. in Altai republic, Russia, 50° 13’ N, 87° 48’ E, 1472 m, 30 July 2020; 2 males from Salix sp. in Chelyabinsk region, Tyulyuk village, Russia, 54°36′ N, 58°46′ E, 18 August 2020; 5 females and 3 males from Salix sp. in Altai republic, Russia, 50° 32’ N, 87° 45’, 1546 m, 19 July 2021. All material collected by V. A. Khaustov. Geographical distribution: Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine (Beglyarov 1981; Kuznetsov & Petrov 1984; Kolodochka 2006; Demite et al. 2022)., Published as part of Khaustov, Vladimir A., Döker, Ismail, Joharchi, Omid & Khaustov, Alexander A., 2022, Morphological ontogeny and complementary description of Neoseiulus subsolidus (Beglyarov) (Acari: Mesostigmata: Phytoseiidae), pp. 249-269 in Zootaxa 5187 (1) on pages 250-264, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5187.1.14,, {"references":["Beglyarov, G. A. (1960) Two new species of mites of the genus Typhlodromus Scheuten, 1857 (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, Russia, 39, 956 - 958. [in Russian]","Wainstein, B. A. (1975) Predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae (Parasitiformes) of Yaroslavl Province. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, Russia, 54, 914 - 922. [in Russian, Entomological Review, 54, 138 - 143 (English translation)]","Beglyarov, G. A. (1981) Keys to the determination of phytoseiid mites of the USSR. Information Bulletin International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, East Palaearctic Section, Leningrad, Russia, 2, 1 - 197. [in Russian]","Tuovinen, T. (1993) Identification and occurrence of phytoseiid mites (Gamasina: Phytoseiidae) in Finnish apple plantations and their surroundings. Entomologica Fennica, 4, 95 - 114. https: // doi. org / 10.33338 / ef. 83754","Kuznetsov, N. N. & Petrov, V. M. (1984) Khishchnye kleshchi Pribaltiki (Parasitiformes: Phytoseiidae, Acariformes: Prostigmata). Riga, Zinatne, 144 pp. [in Russian]","Karg, W. (1991) Die Raubmilbenarten der Phytoseiidae Berlese (Acarina) Mitteleuropas sowie angrenzender Gebiete. Zoologische Jahrbucher Systematik, 118, 1 - 64.","Kolodochka, L. A. (2006) Phytoseiid mites of the Palaearctic Region (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae): faunistic, taxonomy, ecomorphology, evolution. Vestnik Zoologii, Supplement 21, 1 - 250. [in Ru ssian]","Demite, P. R., Moraes, G. J. de, McMurtry, J. A., Denmark, H. A. & Castilho, R. C. (2022) Phytoseiidae Database. Available from: http: // www. lea. esalq. usp. br / phytoseiidae / (accessed 21 March 2022)"]}