32 results on '"D Nalos"'
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2. Year 2021 in review - Regional anaesthesia
- Author
D Nalos
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine - Published
- 2022
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3. Blocks of cutaneous nerves and fascias layout of the thigh
- Author
L Beňo, D Nalos, and O Naňka
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Anatomy ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,business - Abstract
Clanek je pokracovanim cyklu o významu fascii pro regionalni anestezii. Tato kapitola se zaměřuje na kožni inervaci stehna. Blokady kožniho povrchu jsou nedilnou soucasti centralnich blokad i zavedených blokad hlavnich perifernich nervů směřujicich do oblasti stehna. Průběh kožnich nervů je vazan na dispozici povrchni i hluboke fascie. Fascialni struktury jsou dobře identifikovatelne pomoci ultrazvukoveho obrazu, což usnadňuje identifikaci kožnich nervů a umožňuje jejich selektivni blokadu. Blokada perifernich kožnich nervů stehna neovlivni svalovou silu a mobilitu. Selektivni blokady podkožnich nervů usnadňuji diagnostiku chronických bolesti v jimi zasobene oblasti.
- Published
- 2021
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4. Fascial planes for regional anesthesia of the lower limb
- Author
D Nalos
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine - Abstract
Clanek je pokracovanim cyklu o významu fascii pro regionalni anestezii. Tato kapitola se pokousi vnest do souladu anatomickou strukturu dolni koncetiny s požadavky na regionalni anestezii. Zakladni studovanou strukturou jsou hluboke fascie v oblasti stehna - fascia lata a hluboke myofascialni struktury. Fascia lata rozděluje svalstvo stehna do tři kompartmentů. Mohutnost fascia lata znemožňuje průnik lokalniho anestetika do jineho kompartmentu, než do ktereho bylo podano. Lokalni anestetikum se siři pouze v myofascialnich prostorech jednotlivých kompartmentů. Větve n. femoralis inervuji předni kompartment. Medialni kompartment je inervovan větvemi nervus obturatorius a zadni kompartment zasobuje nervus ischiadicus. Druha cast textu je věnovana detailnějsimu rozboru oblasti vhodných pro aplikaci regionalni anestezie v oblasti stehna.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Low volume distal sciatic block (LVDSB) - comparison spread of injectate between LVSDB and distal adductor canal in healthy volunteer
- Author
D Nalos, L Beňo, and D Bejšovec
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine - Abstract
Cil studie: Cilem prace je vyhodnoceni distribuce vodneho roztoku soli u dvou různých přistupů k blokadě poplitealni krajiny na zdravem dobrovolniku. Typ studie: Kratka technicka zprava. Typ pracovistě: Klinika anesteziologie, perioperacni a intenzivni mediciny. Material a metoda: V jednom sezeni byla provedena na dobrovolniku simulace dvou blokad v podkolenni jamce. Na leve noze provedena simulace nizko objemoveho bloku distalni casti ischiadickeho nervu aplikaci 6 ml 0,9% roztoku NaCl (Low volume distal sciatic block (LVDSB)). Nasledně na prave noze provedena blokada v distalni casti adduktoroveho kanalu aplikaci 20 ml shodným roztokem. Bezprostředně po aplikaci bylo provedeno CT vysetřeni obou poplitealnich krajin s 3D rekonstrukci. Výsledky: Analýza distribuce roztoku prostřednictvim pocitacove tomografie po aplikaci nizko objemoveho bloku (6 ml) v distalni casti ischiadickeho nervu (LVDSB) prokazuje siřeni tekutiny do oblasti genikularnich nervů vychazejicich z ischiadickeho nervu. Tekutina aplikovana do distalni casti adduktoroveho kanalu ma tendenci dominantně pronikat retrogradně do oblasti stehna. Směrem distalně se tekutina siři jednak podel n. saphenus a jednak medialně, kde mezi adduktory dosahuje vnitřniho okraje cevniho svazku. Nesiři se vsak do prostoru genikularnich větvi odbocujicich z ischiadickeho, tibialniho a fibularniho nervu. Zavěr: Po LVSDB dochazi k distribuci lokalniho anestetika do oblasti genikularnich nervů ischiadickeho nervu. Vodni roztok podaný cestou distalniho konce adduktoroveho kanalu nezasahuje do cele oblasti „poplitealniho“ plexu a pravděpodobně neni schopen poskytnout srovnatelnou uroveň analgezie.
- Published
- 2020
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6. Fascial planes of the trunk in relation to regional anesthesia - part two: lumbar region
- Author
D Nalos
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Lumbar ,Regional anesthesia ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Anatomy ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,business ,Trunk - Abstract
Clanek popisuje embryologicke a anatomicke důsledky vývoje fascialniho systemu trupu ve vztahu k možnostem regionalni anestezie lumbalni oblasti. S použitim literarnich zdrojů, schemat, ultrazvukových vysetřeni, a pocitacove tomografie představuje koncept ctyř samostatných fascialnich kompartmentů v lumbalni oblasti. Tento koncept může usnadnit porozuměni blokadam v lumbalni oblasti a zpřesnit indikace a postupy.
- Published
- 2020
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7. Fascial planes of the trunk in relation to regional anesthesia -part one: chest fascial spaces in relation to regional anesthesia
- Author
D Nalos
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine - Abstract
Clanek popisuje embryologicke a anatomicke důsledky vývoje fascialniho systemu trupu ve vztahu k možnostem regionalni anestezie hrudniku. S použitim literarnich zdrojů, vlastni ultrazvukove dokumentace a obrazove dokumentace z komputerove tomografie se snaži objasnit mechanismus a lokalizaci působeni lokalnich anestetik u nových fascialnich blokad v oblasti hrudniku na zakladě anatomických a fyzikalnich principů.
- Published
- 2020
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8. Year 2020 in review - Regional Anesthesia
- Author
D. Nalos
- Subjects
Electro stimulation ,2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Technological change ,Regional anesthesia ,Political science ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,medicine ,Medical emergency ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,medicine.disease - Abstract
Regional anesthesia is undergoing technological change from electro stimulation to ultrasound era By its creative nature it is resistant to be tighten up by evidence-based recommendations at least at this stage of development Existing guidelines tend to be local in nature and are tailored to individual hospitals rather than countries or regions The COVID-19 pandemic, however, set a precedent ASRA (American Society of Regional Anesthesia) and ESRA (European Society of Regional Anes thesia) have issued joint COVID-19 Guidance for Regional Anesthesia
- Published
- 2020
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9. Fascial planes for regional anaesthesia of the upper limb
- Author
D. Nalos
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,business.industry ,medicine ,Upper limb ,Regional anaesthesia ,Anatomy ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,business - Published
- 2019
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10. The neck fascia plane for regional anesthesiology
- Author
D. Nalos
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Plane (geometry) ,business.industry ,Anesthesiology ,Medicine ,Anatomy ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,business ,Neck fascia - Published
- 2019
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11. New horizons in regional anaesthesia - the fascias and ultrasound
- Author
D. Nalos, D. Mach, and D. Doležal
- Subjects
Physics ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,New horizons ,business.industry ,Regional anaesthesia ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Nuclear medicine ,business - Abstract
Ultrazvukový přistroj je dnes již prakticky nenahraditelna pomůcka pro bezpecnou a uspěsnou regionalni anestezii. Zavedeni ultrazvukove asistence do regionalni anestezie představuje revolucni změnu měřitelnou se zavedenim elektrostimulacnich metod k lokalizaci nervů. Přima vizualizace jehly, cilových organů, a předevsim sledovani distribuce lokalniho anestetika v realnem case zasadnim způsobem ovlivňuji běžnou klinickou praxi. Diky ultrazvukove navigaci doslo ke sniženi rizika výskytu zavažných komplikaci. Doslo take ke sniženi davek lokalniho anestetika a k zvýseni uspěsnosti blokad. Asistence ultrazvukoveho zobrazeni umožnila zavedeni nových přistupů a metod. Aplikace lokalniho anestetika pod ultrazvukovou kontrolou do optimalniho prostoru, casto definovaneho fasciemi, poskytuje dostatecnou kvalitu nervoveho bloku při sniženi rizika výskytu komplikaci. Tyto techniky casto minimalizuji motorickou blokadu, což pozitivně ovlivňuje pooperacni mobilizaci pacienta.
- Published
- 2019
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12. ESRA19-0636 Blockade of trigeminal nerve for geriatric patients
- Author
D Nalos
- Subjects
Trigeminal nerve ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Local anesthetic ,medicine.drug_class ,Sedation ,Maxillary nerve ,Maxillary artery ,Perioperative ,Blockade ,Surgery ,medicine.artery ,Anesthesiology ,Medicine ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Background and aims This pilot clinical case series describes a technique of ultrasound guided blockade of second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve for facial surgery in geriatric patients. Methods Five geriatric patients (4 females and 1 male), average age of 74.5 years, were indicated for facial tumor surgery at the Department of Surgery, Masaryk Hospital in Usti nad Labem. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients. Anesthesia was performed using ultrasound guided blockade of nerve temporalis and second branches of the trigeminal nerve in the fossa pterygopalatine (maxillary nerve), a novel technique developed at the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Intensive Care Medicine. the ultrasound guidance allowed for the visualization of the fossa pterygopalatine. Landmarks are the lateral lamina of the pterygoid process of the sphenoide bone. Visualization of the maxillary artery and other vascular structures before and during the spread of the local anesthetic reduced the likelihood of intravascular anesthetic administration. the blockade itself was induced by 5ml (nerve temporalis) and 7 ml 0.5% Marcaine to second branch of trigeminal nerve. Results The blockade was successful in all five patients, allowing for spontaneous breathing and patient’s cooperation under mild sedation. Cardiovascular stability was excellent despite the high anesthetic risk. Conclusions Blockade of maxillary nerve in the fossa pterygopalatine and temporalis nerve, branch of the third trigeminal nerve proved to be a technique suitable for facial surgery in high risk geriatric patients.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Fasciální prostory dolních končetin ve vztahu k regionální anestezii.
- Author
D., Nalos
- Abstract
The article is a continuation of the series on the importance of fascia for regional anesthesia. This chapter attempts to align the anatomical structure of the lower limb with the requirements for regional anesthesia. The basic structure studied are deep fascia in the thigh area - fascia lata and deep myofascial structures. Fascia lata divides the muscles of the thigh into three compartments. The thickness of the fascia late makes it impossible for the local anesthetic to penetrate into a different compartment than the one into which it was administered. The local anesthetic is spread only in the myofascial spaces of individual compartments. The anterior compartment of the thigh is supplied by the branches of n. femoralis. The medial compartment is supplied by the branches of the obturatorius nerve, and the posterior compartment is supplied by the sciatic nerve. The second part of the text is focused on a more detailed analysis of thigh areas suitable for an application of regional anesthesia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
14. Rok 2023 v přehledu - Regionální anestezie.
- Author
D., Nalos
- Subjects
- *
ANALGESIA - Abstract
This review article offers a selection of publications in the field of regional anesthesia for 2023. The aim of this publication is not to list all important articles but to offer readers an overview of information that can be used in common practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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15. [Consensus on providing palliative treatment to patients with incurable organ failure]
- Author
K, Cvachovec, V, Cerný, O, Dostál, L, Heger, J, Maláska, M, Matejovi, D, Nalos, I, Novák, R, Parízková, J, Payne, L, Roznovská, K, Rusínová, P, Sevcík, J, Simek, P, Tavel, M, Vácha, V, Koblízek, and P, Pátková
- Subjects
Multiple Organ Failure ,Palliative Care ,Humans - Published
- 2009
16. Ultrazvukově asistovaná infraklavikulární pokračující blokáda brachiálního plexu.
- Author
D., Nalos
- Abstract
The article describes an innovative method of placing the catheter for continual blockade of the brachial plexus. The combination of visualisation of the brachial plexus from the supraclavicular approach with catheter insertion via the infraclavicular approach allows visual control of the insertion and optimum fixation of the catheter while observing the rules of aseptic technique. The continual analgesic technique was used for intermittent application of local anaesthetic in a patient in whom passive physiotherapy of the elbow using a motorised splint was held back by pain. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
17. [Untitled]
- Author
L Pokorny, D Nalos, R Šplechtna, and E Hušková
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Percutaneous ,business.industry ,respiratory system ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Cannula ,Surgical tracheostomy ,Resection ,Surgery ,Blunt ,Small incision ,Medicine ,business ,Ligation - Abstract
In our ICU we use modified bedside operative tracheostomy. The operation consists of consecutive blunt dilatation of all tissular structures above the trachea with the aim of denudating it. After that we execute a small incision of the trachea between the second and the third annulus, dilatation of trachea and insertion of a tracheostomy cannula with the possibility of an adjustment tracheal aperture. There is no need for ligation of the thyroideal isthmus or resection of the tracheal cartilage. The aim of this study was to compare our method with surgical tracheostomy (ST) and percutaneous dilation tracheostomy (PDT-Ciaglia) for early and long-term complications.
- Published
- 2003
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18. Diagnosis: heart contusion?
- Author
E Hušková, P. Obruba, D Nalos, L Pokorný, and R Šplechtna
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Heart disease ,business.industry ,Gold standard ,Myocardial contusion ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Blunt ,Blunt trauma ,Internal medicine ,Meeting Abstract ,medicine ,Cardiology ,In patient ,business ,Thoracic trauma - Abstract
Myocardial contusion can result from blunt thoracic trauma and is commonly suspected in deceleration injuries. Unfortunately, traumatic heart disease is frequently overlook and the diagnosis of myocardial contusion is often unrecognized. Also the frequency and prognostic influence of cardiac injury in patient with blunt trauma is contraversial. Myocardial contusion is reported to be present in as few as 0% of patients and as many as 76% with blunt chest trauma depending on the criteria used for establishing the diagnosis. Diagnosing myocardial damage as a result of trauma may be a problem because there is a lack of a gold standard for establishing the diagnosis. More articles brought no clear results about specifity and signification of these methods. The conventional CKMB activity and CKMB/CK-total ratio are still used in our country even if low specifity of these markers has been demonstrated, especially in American literature. On the contrary echocardiography (and particularly transesophageal echocardiography) is still not fully used and in many hospitals is not accessible at all.
- Published
- 2001
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19. Monitoring of sedation with BIS Index, comparison with Ramsay and Cook sedation scores
- Author
R Šplechtna, D Nalos, L Pokorný, and E Hušková
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Index (economics) ,business.industry ,Sedation ,Emergency medicine ,Meeting Abstract ,Medicine ,medicine.symptom ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,business - Published
- 2000
20. Blokáda druhé a třetí větve trigeminu s ultrazvukovou asistencí u geriatrických pacientů.
- Author
D., Nalos and P., Kačer
- Abstract
This small clinical case series describes a technique of ultrasound-guided blockade of the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve for facial surgery in geriatric patients. Four geriatric patients (3 females and 1 male), average age of 74.5 years, were indicated for cancer surgery on the face at the Department of Surgery, Masaryk Hospital, in Ústi nad Labem. Anaesthesia of the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve was performed by application of 8 ml 0.5% bupivacaine in the fossa pterygopalatina. The use of ultrasound allowed visualization of the trigeminal nerve branches, the maxillary artery and other vascular structures during the spread of the local anaesthetic. This reduced the likelihood of intravascular anaesthetic administration. The blockade was successful in all four patients without the need for conversion to general anaesthetic, patient complaints or discomfort. The patients were co-operating and breathing spontaneously under mild sedation. The cardiovascular stability was excellent despite the patients being considered high anaesthetic risk. The blockade of the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve in the fossa pterygopalatina proved to be a simple technique suitable for facial surgery in geriatric patients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
21. [Myasthenia gravis treated with plasmapheresis]
- Author
K, Barinka, F, Broz, D, Nalos, and M, Bakosová
- Subjects
Adult ,Myasthenia Gravis ,Humans ,Female ,Plasmapheresis - Abstract
Therapeutic plasmapheresis is nowadays the method of choice in severe cases of myasthenia gravis. The authors confirm the therapeutic effect of this method and emphasize its importance in the differential diagnosis of severe cases where myasthenia gravis is suspected only from clinical symptoms, and electromyographic, roentgenological and laboratory evidence (antibodies against acetylcholine receptors) is lacking. The mentioned procedure led to thymectomy with the finding of a tumour of the thymus within three and a half months after the development of the first symptoms of the disease.
- Published
- 1989
22. [Comment on the work of L. Bamabas: Surgical procedures in the stimulated cardiac patient]
- Author
D, Nalos and K, Wiesner
- Subjects
Male ,Pacemaker, Artificial ,Postoperative Complications ,Humans ,Hypotension ,Middle Aged ,Intraoperative Complications ,Vascular Surgical Procedures - Published
- 1983
23. [Pneumoperitoneum as a complication of artificial ventilation]
- Author
D, Nalos and J, Sedý
- Subjects
Male ,Child, Preschool ,Pneumoperitoneum ,Humans ,Respiration, Artificial - Published
- 1979
24. Compartments and nerve blocks in the leg bellow knee
- Author
D Nalos, J Hlásny, O Naňka, L Beňo, and I Grgač
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine - Abstract
Clanek popisuje anatomicke vztahy perifernich nervů s okolnimi strukturami v oblasti berce. Pozornost je soustředěna na vazivove tkaně, ktere provazi makroskopicky viditelne nervy. Ultrazvukove zobrazeni umožňuje identifikovat povrchovou, hlubokou fascii a fascialni kompartmenty na berci. Vizualizace povrchnich i hlubokých struktur umožňuje provest blokady nervů mimo ustalena mista. Asistence UZ nam poskytuje sirsi paletu možnosti blokad na dolni koncetině a umožňuje individualně přizpůsobit rozsah blokady aktualnim požadavkům.
25. Efficiency of acidemia correction on intermittent versus continuous hemodialysis in acute methanol poisoning.
- Author
Zakharov S, Pelclova D, Navratil T, Belacek J, Latta J, Pisar M, Rulisek J, Leps J, Zidek P, Kucera C, Bocek R, Mazur M, Belik Z, Chalupa J, Talafa V, Kodras K, Nalos D, Sedlak C, Senkyrik M, Smid J, Salek T, Roberts DM, and Hovda KE
- Subjects
- Acidosis therapy, Acute Disease, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Bicarbonates metabolism, Cohort Studies, Female, Humans, Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, Male, Middle Aged, Prognosis, Time Factors, Acidosis chemically induced, Methanol poisoning, Renal Dialysis methods, Renal Replacement Therapy methods
- Abstract
Context: Acidemia is a marker of prognosis in methanol poisoning, as well as compounding formate-induced cytotoxicity. Prompt correction of acidemia is a key treatment of methanol toxicity and methods to optimize this are poorly defined., Objective: We studied the efficiency of acidemia correction by intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in a mass outbreak of methanol poisoning., Methods: The study was designed as observational cohort study. The mean time for an increase of 1 mmol/L HCO
3 - , 0.01 unit arterial blood pH, and the total time for correction of HCO3 - were determined in IHD- and CRRT-treated patients., Results: Data were obtained from 18 patients treated with IHD and 13 patients treated with CRRT. At baseline, CRRT group was more acidemic than IHD group (mean arterial pH 6.79 ± 0.10 versus 7.05 ± 0.10; p = 0.001). No association was found between the rate of acidemia correction and age, weight, serum methanol, lactate, formate, and glucose on admission. The time to HCO3 - correction correlated with arterial blood pH (r= -0.511; p = 0.003) and creatinine (r = 0.415; p = 0.020). There was association between the time to HCO3 - correction and dialysate/effluent and blood flow rates (r= -0.738; p < 0.001 and r= -0.602; p < 0.001, correspondingly). The mean time for HCO3 - to increase by 1 mmol/L was 12 ± 2 min for IHD versus 34 ± 8 min for CRRT (p < 0.001), and the mean time for arterial blood pH to increase 0.01 was 7 ± 1 mins for IHD versus 11 ± 4 min for CRRT (p = 0.024). The mean increase in HCO3 - was 5.67 ± 0.90 mmol/L/h for IHD versus 2.17 ± 0.74 mmol/L/h for CRRT (p < 0.001)., Conclusions: Our study supports the superiority of IHD over CRRT in terms of the rate of acidemia correction.- Published
- 2017
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26. [Serious sepsis treatment in intensive care departments in the Czech Republic - EPOSS Project pilot results].
- Author
Maláska J, Slezák M, Schwarz D, Jarkovský J, Adamus M, Cvachovec K, Cerný V, Dostál P, Fořtová M, Havel E, Herold I, Kasal E, Kula R, Maňák J, Matějovič M, Nalos D, Pařízková R, Sobáňová A, Srámek V, Tichý J, Turek R, Zýková I, Dušek L, Sevčík P, Eposs ZP, Agalarev V, Bakalík P, Belanová V, Cerman J, Cíž L, Dadák L, Duba J, Fortunato J, Gabrhelík T, Gál R, Hůlek R, Hrdý O, Huchý M, Chytra I, Klimeš D, Klučka J, Kratochvíl M, Kosková L, Máca J, Mašlík O, Matysová M, Minarčíková P, Molnárová J, Ondrášková H, Pelichovská M, Polák J, Schwarz R, Sťásek J, Straževská E, Suchomelová H, Suk P, Stourač P, Tichý J, Wolfová M, Uvízl R, Zapletalová H, Zatloukal J, and Zimová I
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Cross Infection diagnosis, Cross Infection mortality, Czech Republic, Female, Guideline Adherence, Hospital Mortality, Humans, Length of Stay statistics & numerical data, Male, Middle Aged, Pilot Projects, Respiration, Artificial, Resuscitation, Retrospective Studies, Sepsis diagnosis, Sepsis mortality, Cross Infection therapy, Intensive Care Units, Sepsis therapy
- Abstract
Introduction: Severe sepsis is still associated with significant morbidity and mortality, which is however different, as well as its management, depending on the region. What is the situation in the Czech Republic and what is the character of patients with severe sepsis is currently not known. The aim of the project is to describe the processes of care, outcome and characteristics of patients with severe sepsis admitted to the intensive care department of the Czech Republic., Methods: This is a multicentre and observational project with retrospective enrollment of patients who meet the criteria for severe sepsis before or within 24 hours after admission to selected intensive care units (ICU EPOSS)., Results: 394 patients were analyzed. Median age at admission was 66 (56- 76) years, males predominated (58.9%) and the median APACHE II score on admission was 25 (19- 32). Patients were predominantly medical (56.9%) and most were secondary admitted from other ICU (53.6%). Meeting the criteria of severe sepsis was most frequently within the period (± 4 hours) of admission the EPOSS ICU (77.6%). Median total fluid intake during the first 24 hours was 6,680 (4,840- 9,450) ml. Most patients required mechanical ventilation (58.4%). Compliance with the resuscitation bundle of severe sepsis in our group was very good and was associated with lower mortality of patients. Most frequently, the EPOSS ICU length of stay (LOS) was 7 (3- 15) days and median hospital LOS was 13 (8- 28) days. Hospital mortality in our cohort was 35.8%., Conclusion: Introducing the project, which in its first stage obtained valuable and internationally comparable data about patients with severe sepsis admitted to the involved ICU in the Czech Republic.
- Published
- 2013
27. Are religion and religiosity important to end-of-life decisions and patient autonomy in the ICU? The Ethicatt study.
- Author
Bülow HH, Sprung CL, Baras M, Carmel S, Svantesson M, Benbenishty J, Maia PA, Beishuizen A, Cohen S, and Nalos D
- Subjects
- Attitude of Health Personnel ethnology, Catholicism, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Decision Making ethics, Euthanasia, Active ethics, Family ethnology, Family psychology, Humans, Intensive Care Units ethics, Judaism, Logistic Models, Personal Autonomy, Protestantism, Attitude to Death ethnology, Patient Rights ethics, Religion and Medicine, Terminal Care ethics
- Abstract
Purpose: This study explored differences in end-of-life (EOL) decisions and respect for patient autonomy of religious members versus those only affiliated to that particular religion (affiliated is a member without strong religious feelings)., Methods: In 2005 structured questionnaires regarding EOL decisions were distributed in six European countries to ICUs in 142 hospital ICUs. This sub-study of the original data analyzed answers from Protestants, Catholics and Jews., Results: A total of 304 physicians, 386 nurses, 248 patients and 330 family members were included in the study. Professionals wanted less treatment (ICU admission, CPR, ventilator treatment) than patients and family members. Religious respondents wanted more treatment and were more in favor of life prolongation, and they were less likely to want active euthanasia than those affiliated. Southern nurses and doctors favored euthanasia more than their Northern colleagues. Three quarters of doctors and nurses would respect a competent patient's refusal of a potentially life-saving treatment. No differences were found between religious and affiliated professionals regarding patient's autonomy. Inter-religious differences were detected, with Protestants most likely to follow competent patients' wishes and the Jewish respondents least likely to do so, and Jewish professionals more frequently accepting patients' wishes for futile treatment. However, these findings on autonomy were due to regional differences, not religious ones., Conclusions: Health-care professionals, families and patients who are religious will frequently want more extensive treatment than affiliated individuals. Views on active euthanasia are influenced by both religion and region, whereas views on patient autonomy are apparently more influenced by region.
- Published
- 2012
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28. [Consensus on providing palliative treatment to patients with incurable organ failure].
- Author
Cvachovec K, Cerný V, Dostál O, Heger L, Maláska J, Matejovi M, Nalos D, Novák I, Parízková R, Payne J, Roznovská L, Rusínová K, Sevcík P, Simek J, Tavel P, Vácha M, Koblízek V, and Pátková P
- Subjects
- Humans, Multiple Organ Failure therapy, Palliative Care
- Published
- 2009
29. Attitudes of European physicians, nurses, patients, and families regarding end-of-life decisions: the ETHICATT study.
- Author
Sprung CL, Carmel S, Sjokvist P, Baras M, Cohen SL, Maia P, Beishuizen A, Nalos D, Novak I, Svantesson M, Benbenishty J, and Henderson B
- Subjects
- Adult, Attitude of Health Personnel, Europe, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Surveys and Questionnaires, Attitude, Family, Life Support Care, Nurses, Patients, Physicians, Terminal Care, Terminally Ill
- Abstract
Objective: To evaluate attitudes of Europeans regarding end-of-life decisions., Design and Setting: Responses to a questionnaire by physicians and nurses working in ICUs, patients who survived ICU, and families of ICU patients in six European countries were compared for attitudes regarding quality and value of life, ICU treatments, active euthanasia, and place of treatment., Measurements and Results: Questionnaires were distributed to 4,389 individuals and completed by 1,899 (43%). Physicians (88%) and nurses (87%) found quality of life more important and value of life less important in their decisions for themselves than patients (51%) and families (63%). If diagnosed with a terminal illness, health professionals wanted fewer ICU admissions, uses of CPR, and ventilators (21%, 8%, 10%, respectively) than patients and families (58%, 49%, 44%, respectively). More physicians (79%) and nurses (61%) than patients (58%) and families (48%) preferred being home or in a hospice if they had a terminal illness with only a short time to live., Conclusions: Quality of life was more important for physicians and nurses than patients and families. More medical professionals want fewer ICU treatments and prefer being home or in a hospice for a terminal illness than patients and families.
- Published
- 2007
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30. [Comment on the work of L. Bamabas: Surgical procedures in the stimulated cardiac patient].
- Author
Nalos D and Wiesner K
- Subjects
- Humans, Hypotension etiology, Intraoperative Complications, Male, Middle Aged, Postoperative Complications, Pacemaker, Artificial, Vascular Surgical Procedures
- Published
- 1983
31. [Myasthenia gravis treated with plasmapheresis].
- Author
Barinka K, Broz F, Nalos D, and Bakosová M
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Myasthenia Gravis therapy, Plasmapheresis
- Abstract
Therapeutic plasmapheresis is nowadays the method of choice in severe cases of myasthenia gravis. The authors confirm the therapeutic effect of this method and emphasize its importance in the differential diagnosis of severe cases where myasthenia gravis is suspected only from clinical symptoms, and electromyographic, roentgenological and laboratory evidence (antibodies against acetylcholine receptors) is lacking. The mentioned procedure led to thymectomy with the finding of a tumour of the thymus within three and a half months after the development of the first symptoms of the disease.
- Published
- 1989
32. [Pneumoperitoneum as a complication of artificial ventilation].
- Author
Nalos D and Sedý J
- Subjects
- Child, Preschool, Humans, Male, Pneumoperitoneum etiology, Respiration, Artificial adverse effects
- Published
- 1979
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