197 results on '"DAVID MACÍAS"'
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- Author
David Macías García and Ignacio González López
- Subjects
formación del profesorado ,educación física ,diversidad funcional ,diseño mixto ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
La finalidad del artículo que aquí se presenta consiste en el diseño de un plan de formación permanente para el profesorado de Educación Física que persiga la adquisición de competencias para la atención del alumnado con limitaciones en la movilidad. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de carácter mixto en el que han participado docentes en ejercicio, un inspector de educación y una asesora de formación del profesorado. Un análisis de las demandas formativas manifestadas por el profesorado y sistematizadas por los especialistas citados ha dado lugar a identificar, como elementos garantes de una atención educativa de calidad la didáctica de la educación física, herramientas didáctico-educativas, el trabajo en el aula, habilidades para el ejercicio de la docencia y los recursos TIC.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Factors associated with the differential distribution of cetaceans linked with deep habitats in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Author
Estefanía Torreblanca, José-Carlos Báez, Raimundo Real, David Macías, Salvador García-Barcelona, Francisco Ferri-Yañez, and Juan-Antonio Camiñas
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract Deep-habitat cetaceans are generally difficult to study, leading to a limited knowledge of their population. This paper assesses the differential distribution patterns of three deep-habitat cetaceans (Sperm whale—Physeter macrocephalus, Risso’s dolphin—Grampus griseus & Cuvier’s beaked whale—Ziphius cavirostris). We used data of 842 opportunistic sightings of cetaceans in the western Mediterranean sea. We inferred environmental and spatio-temporal factors that affect their distribution. Binary logistic regression models were generated to compare the presence of deep-habitat cetaceans with the presence of other cetacean species in the dataset. Then, the favourability function was applied, allowing for comparison between all the models. Sperm whale and Risso’s dolphin presence was differentially favoured by the distance to towns in the eastern part of the western Mediterranean sea. The differential distribution of sperm whale was also influenced by the stability of SST, and that of the Risso’s dolphin by lower mean salinity and higher mean Chlorophyll A concentration. When modelling the three deep-habitat cetaceans (including Cuvier’s beaked whale), the variable distance to towns had a negative influence on the presence of any of them more than it did to other cetaceans, being more favourable far from towns, so this issue should be further investigated.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Spawning area of the tropical Skipjack Tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Scombridae), in the western Mediterranean Sea
- Author
Miguel Angel Puerto, Samar Saber, José María Ortiz de Urbina, María José Gómez-Vives, Salvador García-Barcelona, and David Macías
- Subjects
Skipjack ,reproductive biology ,spawning season ,sexual maturity ,gonadosomatic index ,Mediterranean ,Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling ,SH1-691 - Abstract
Skipjack is an important commercial species with a tropical distribution, although captures in the Mediterranean Sea have been recorded for decades. The western Mediterranean Sea, specifically the Balearic Sea, is a spawning area for several tuna species. We hypothesized that the western Mediterranean warming in the last few decades could lead to the expansion of skipjack tuna spawning areas from tropical areas to the Mediterranean Sea. We analysed 454 individuals (41.8-81 cm straight fork length) caught by sport fishing vessels in offshore trolling championships in Spanish Mediterranean waters during summer months from 2014 to 2019. Analysis of the gonadosomatic index and microscopic examination of the ovaries (n=192) showed that the skipjack is reproductively active in the western Mediterranean, particularly in the Balearic Sea. These results indicate that the skipjack has expanded its distribution and spawning area from tropical waters to the Mediterranean, probably owing to the gradual warming detected in the area in the last few decades. This new spawning activity in the area should be monitored in the near future to study the possible impact on other tuna species that share the distribution range and spawning area with skipjack tuna in the western Mediterranean.
- Published
- 2022
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5. Differentiation of Spatial Units of Genus Euthynnus from the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Using Otolith Shape Analysis
- Author
Rubén Muñoz-Lechuga, Fambaye Ngom Sow, Diaha N’Guessan Constance, Davy Angueko, David Macías, Alexia Massa-Gallucci, Guelson Batista da Silva, Jorge M. S. Gonçalves, and Pedro G. Lino
- Subjects
stock delimitation ,tuna ,morphology ,fish population ,shaper ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
The shape of sagitta otoliths was used to compare individuals of little tunny (Euthynnus alleteratus) harvested on board commercial fishing vessels from the coastal areas along the Eastern Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea. Fish sampling and selection was designed to cover possible seasonal changes and tuna size. The research encompassed both morphometric and shape analyses of left sagittal otoliths extracted of 504 fish specimens. Four shape indices (Circularity, Roundness, Rectangularity, and Form-Factor) were significantly different between two groups, showing a statistical differentiation between two clear spatial units. The degree of divergence was even more pronounced along the rostrum, postrostrum, and excisura of the generated otolith outlines between these two groups. One group corresponds to the samples from the coastal areas in the Northeast Temperate Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (NETAM Area) and a second group from the coastal areas off the Eastern Tropical Atlantic coast of Africa (ETA Area). This study is the first to use otolith shape to differentiate tunas from separate spatial units. These results could be used to re-classify previously collected samples and to correct time series of data collected.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Larval Retention and Homing Behaviour Shape the Genetic Structure of the Bullet Tuna (Auxis rochei) in the Mediterranean Sea
- Author
Judith Ollé-Vilanova, Núria Pérez-Bielsa, Rosa Maria Araguas, Núria Sanz, Sámar Saber, David Macías, and Jordi Viñas
- Subjects
Scombridae ,Mediterranean ,population genetics ,fisheries ,life-history traits ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
Background: The bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) is an epipelagic fish with a worldwide distribution that is highly targeted by fisheries. Genetic diversity and population genetics are good indicators of population structure and thus, essential tools for fisheries management. Knowing which factors (biotic and abiotic) might be shaping such structure is crucial for management plans. In the present study, we assessed the population structure of the bullet tuna in the western and central Mediterranean Sea. Methods: We used two types of genetic data: the mitochondrial DNA control region and seven microsatellite loci. The analysis of 431 sequences with a length of 386 bp from the mtDNA CR and the results from 276 individuals were genotyped by seven microsatellite loci. Results: Both types of markers coincided in showing significant genetic differences between an Iberian Peninsula–Strait of Gibraltar stock in comparison with a North African stock. Conclusions: We argue that this differentiation pattern is likely caused by reproductive strategies such as coastal spawning, larval retention, and natal homing behavior. These results should endorse the implementation of management plans for a resource that currently is not being managed. Thus, to ensure sustainability, these new policies should consider the presence of at least two genetically identified stocks.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Movements, Habitat Use, and Diving Behavior of Shortfin Mako in the Atlantic Ocean
- Author
Catarina C. Santos, Andrés Domingo, John Carlson, Lisa J. Natanson, Paulo Travassos, David Macías, Enric Cortés, Philip Miller, Fábio Hazin, Federico Mas, Josetxu Ortiz de Urbina, Pedro G. Lino, and Rui Coelho
- Subjects
fisheries ,shortfin mako ,Atlantic Ocean ,animal behavior ,satellite telemetry ,shark ,Science ,General. Including nature conservation, geographical distribution ,QH1-199.5 - Abstract
The shortfin mako is one of the most important shark species caught in Atlantic Ocean pelagic fisheries. Given increasing concerns for the stock status of the species, the present study was designed to fill gaps in the knowledge of habitat use and movement patterns of shortfin mako in the Atlantic Ocean. From 2015 to 2019, 53 shortfin makos were tagged with pop-up satellite archival tags within the North, Central, and Southwest Atlantic Ocean, with successful transmissions received from 34 tags. Generally, sharks tagged in the Northwest and Central Atlantic moved away from tagging sites showing low to no apparent residency patterns, whereas sharks tagged in the Northeast and Southwest Atlantic spent large periods of time near the Canary Archipelago and Northwest Africa, and over shelf and oceanic waters off southern Brazil and Uruguay, respectively. These areas showed evidence of site fidelity and were identified as possible key areas for shortfin mako. Sharks spent most of their time in temperate waters (18–22°C) above 90 m; however, data indicated the depth range extended from the surface down to 979 m, in water temperatures ranging between 7.4 and 29.9°C. Vertical behavior of sharks seemed to be influenced by oceanographic features, and ranged from marked diel vertical movements, characterized by shallower mean depths during the night, to yo-yo diving behavior with no clear diel pattern observed. These results may aid in the development of more informed and efficient management measures for this species.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Carboxylesterase activities as potential biomarkers of pollution in marine pelagic predators
- Author
David Nos, Joan Navarro, David Macías, and Montserrat Solé
- Subjects
Biomarkers ,Carboxylesterases ,Dichlorvos ,Marine predators ,Tuna ,Trophic level ,Ecology ,QH540-549.5 - Abstract
Assessment of chemical exposures in the marine environment is frequently undertaken in sedentary organisms inhabiting coastal environments. However, predatory pelagic fish should be considered sentinel species, as they play an important role in the sustainability of the ecosystems due to their high position in trophic webs. In this study, carboxylesterase (CE) activities were analysed in four predatory tuna species of commercial interest along the western Mediterranean Sea: little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus), Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda), bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) and albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga). CEs are potential biomarkers of chemical exposure, as they are an important family of enzymes involved in the metabolism of xenobiotic and endogenous compounds. CE measures were taken from the liver of these tuna species using five commercial substrates: 4-nitrophenyl acetate (4NPA), 4-nitrophenyl butyrate (4NPB), 1-naphthyl acetate (1NA), 1-naphthyl butyrate (1NB), and 2-naphthyl acetate (2NA). Butyrate substrates (1NB and 4NPB) yielded the highest hydrolysis rates, and were thus the best substrates for these measures. CE activities differed between species. The larger differences were attained with 1NB-CE, with higher activities seen in bullet tuna, followed by little tunny, Atlantic bonito and albacore tuna. Individual size was identified as one of the main factors modulating CE activities, while there was no evidence for a role for trophic level (measured as δ15N). Using little tunny as sentinel, no geographical differences but inter-annual variation in CE activity was observed. The kinetic parameters and in vitro exposure to the pesticide dichlorvos provided complementary information on the sensitivity of tuna CEs to this model pesticide. Our results propose that the little tunny could be considered a potential bioindicator species in the pelagic realm.
- Published
- 2021
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9. El cholo costeño más allá de la literatura
- Author
David Macías Barrés
- Subjects
Ecuador ,cholos ,costa ,identidad ,discurso nacional ,discurso estatal ,American literature ,PS1-3576 ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 - Abstract
En la actualidad, para el discurso nacional y el estatal, la Costa ecuatoriana es ante todo mestiza. Se ha invisibilizado, así, la “indianidad” en la Costa. El pueblo cholo costeño, a pesar de no hablar una lengua ancestral, se apoya en sus orígenes ancestrales para pedir al Estado ecuatoriano que se lo reconozca como grupo étnico. En el siguiente trabajo el autor pretende poner de realce la encrucijada discursiva en la que tuvo que construirse la identidad de este pueblo que decidió apropiarse del término cholo, a pesar de su connotación peyorativa. Así, veremos cómo, a partir del discurso literario, surgió la identidad chola.
- Published
- 2020
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10. EIB y discurso político-educativo
- Author
David Macías Barrés
- Subjects
Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 - Abstract
En Ecuador, el discurso estatal tiende a minorizar –o incluso invisibilizar– la identidad chola. En el verano del 2018, Gilberto de la Rosa Cruz, presidente de la Federación Nacional del Pueblo Cholo del Ecuador (o FENAPUCHODEC) – fundada en el 2011–, negocia con el Estado la inclusión de dicho pueblo en el artículo 56 de la Constitución vigente, artículo en el que se mencionan los grupos étnicos reconocidos por el Estado. Así, este pueblo, que se autoproclama cholo, espera conseguir una mayor visibilidad y la promoción de su identidad a través de las políticas estatales educativas, culturales y lingüísticas. Presentamos un estudio lexicométrico que nos permite evaluar el grado de visibilidad del pueblo cholo costeño con respecto a los demás grupos humanos de Ecuador. Nos centramos particularmente en el discurso político-educativo, reflejo del discurso estatal, presente en los manuales escolares (o libros de texto), cuando estos definen, para el alumnado, la organización política, social y administrativa del Estado. Como los cholos son un pueblo hispanohablante, nos focalizamos en el Sistema de Educación Nacional (enseñado en español) y analizamos el discurso que se desprende de los manuales escolares de cuatro tres materias en el programa del Bachillerato General Unificado (o BGU): (a) Educación para la ciudadanía, (b) Historia y (c) Lengua y Literatura
- Published
- 2019
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11. Introduction
- Author
David Macías Barrés and Emmanuelle Sinardet
- Subjects
Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 - Published
- 2019
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12. A possible new spawning area for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus): the first histologic evidence of reproductive activity in the southern Gulf of Mexico
- Author
Roberto Cruz-Castán, Sámar Saber, David Macías, María José Gómez Vives, Gabriela Galindo-Cortes, Sergio Curiel-Ramirez, and César Meiners-Mandujano
- Subjects
Atlantic bluefin tuna ,Southern Gulf of Mexico ,Spawning area ,Histology ,Reproduction ,Western stock ,Medicine ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
The number of studies of reproductive biology for Atlantic bluefin tuna carried out in the Gulf of Mexico is significantly lower than those undertaken in the Mediterranean Sea. Four spawning areas have been found for the eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna stock in the Mediterranean Sea, so it is not implausible that there is more than one spawning area in the Gulf of Mexico for the western Atlantic bluefin tuna stock. The individuals used in this study were caught as bycatch by the Mexican surface longline fleet between January and April 2015. A total of 63 individuals ranging between 192 and 293 cm LF (mean = 238 ± 22.52 cm) were measured. Gonads from 46 fish (31 females and 15 males) were collected for histological examination. All the individuals were classified as mature; 25 were reproductively active (in spawning capable and spawning stages). The histological analysis indicates spawning activity in Mexican waters (the southern Gulf of Mexico). Spawning occurred in March and April, when the sea surface temperature was 25.57 °C ± 0.69 in March and 27.03 °C ± 0.69 in April. Information on the location of the spawning areas is necessary for a correct management of species. The present study provides the first histological evidence of reproductive activity in Mexican waters, and indicates a wider spawning area, beyond just the northern zone, potentially encompassing the entire Gulf of Mexico.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Reglamento REACH: Registro, Evaluación, Autorización y Restricción de las sustancias y mezclas químicas en la Unión Europea
- Author
Carolina María Sánchez Peña and David Macías Magro
- Subjects
salud ,sustancias ,mezclas ,ECHA ,registro ,restricción ,Medicine - Abstract
Desde el punto de vista sanitario, resulta fundamental para llevar a cabo una adecuada evaluación de los riesgos, y tomar decisiones encaminadas a reducirlos, disponer de la información relacionada con la peligrosidad de los productos químicos y los efectos negativos potenciales que se puedan producir sobre la salud y el medio ambiente. Por ello, la falta de estos conocimientos justifica la creciente preocupación por las sustancias y mezclas químicas percibida por los usuarios de productos químicos y por las instituciones nacionales y europeas. La continua discusión, desde hace décadas, sobre cómo debería gestionarse el riesgo químico puso de manifiesto la necesidad de adoptar políticas integradas frente a este riesgo. Estas políticas son compartidas por las distintas administraciones responsables de la gestión del riesgo químico y se basan en los principios de sustitución y de precaución. Deben garantizar la protección de la salud y el medio ambiente y potenciar la competitividad e innovación de las empresas del sector químico. El Reglamento REACH es una de las estrategias europeas que reúne todos estos requisitos. El objeto de este artículo es ofrecer una visión general sobre el funcionamiento y aspectos de interés de REACH. Se describen las características fundamentales del proceso de registro de sustancias, la evaluación de esos registros y la gestión de los riesgos derivados de las sustancias químicas mediante el uso de las figuras de autorización y restricción, acompañado de ejemplos y datos actuales para facilitar su comprensión.
- Published
- 2019
14. Reproductive biology of little tunny Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque, 1810) in the southwest Gulf of Mexico
- Author
Roberto Cruz-Castán, César Meiners-Mandujano, David Macías, Lourdes Jiménez-Badillo, and Sergio Curiel-Ramírez
- Subjects
Euthynnus alletteratus ,Reproduction ,Histology ,Sex ratio ,Temperature ,Medicine ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
The aim of this study was to describe the reproductive dynamic of Euthynnus alletteratus in the southwest Gulf of Mexico. The annual variation of the volume fraction occupied by gametes and tissues in gonads were related with main body indexes, such as the gonadosomatic index (IG), the hepatosomatic index (IH), and the nutrition index (IN), and compared with the sea surface temperature. A total of 951 E. alletteratus individuals were sampled, where a sex ratio of 1:1 and a size interval strongly skewed towards organisms with a fork length (LF) of 36–40 cm were observed. The IG showed an increase from March to September with maximum values in April and July. Two clearly defined peaks were observed, and they were consistent with the histological analysis, where the percentage of ripe gametes predominated from April to September. The optimum thermal window for reproductive activity was from 24 to 28 °C. The size of first sex maturity was 34.35 cm of LF for males and 34.60 (LF) for females, without significant difference between sexes.
- Published
- 2019
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15. Using opportunistic sightings to infer differential spatio-temporal use of western Mediterranean waters by the fin whale
- Author
Estefanía Torreblanca, Juan Antonio Camiñas, David Macías, Salvador García-Barcelona, Raimundo Real, and José Carlos Báez
- Subjects
Balaenoptera physalus ,Cetaceans ,Spatio-temporal modeling ,Gulf of Lion ,Balaenopteridae ,Habitat use ,Medicine ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
The fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) is a cosmopolitan species with a resident population in the Mediterranean Sea. Due to its habitat, open seas often far from ports and airfields, and its long-distance migratory behaviour, studying and monitoring its distribution is costly. Currently, many opportunistic sightings (OS) reports are available, which provide a source of potentially useful, low-cost information about the spatio-temporal distribution of this species. Since 1993, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography has compiled a dataset comprising 874 records of OS of nine species of cetaceans in the western Mediterranean Sea and adjacent waters. The aim of this study was to use this dataset to investigate the differential use of these waters by the fin whale when compared with other cetaceans. We compared the presence of fin whales with the presence of any other cetacean species in the dataset. Binary logistic regression was then used to model these occurrences according to several spatio-temporal variables expected to reflect their habitat use. Several significant models reveal that fin whales are more prone than other cetaceans to use the waters over the slope of the Gulf of Lion in summer. This finding confirms that the Gulf of Lion is an area of importance for this species and suggests that the slope of the continental shelf could be particularly important. Our study shows how OS can be a source of useful information when appropriately analyzed.
- Published
- 2019
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16. La formación permanente como herramienta para mejorar la intervención del maestro de educación física con alumnado con discapacidad (Lifelong learning as a tool to improve physical education teachers’ intervention with students with disabilities)
- Author
Ignacio González López and David Macías García
- Subjects
Inclusión ,discapacidad física ,formación de profesorado ,educación física (Inclusion ,physical disability ,teacher training ,Sports ,GV557-1198.995 - Abstract
Este trabajo pretende descubrir, describir y analizar la realidad que viven los y las docentes del área de educación física en educación primaria de la ciudad de Córdoba en su trabajo con alumnado con discapacidad física y a partir de ahí crear vías de investigación y propuestas de intervención y mejora de la formación para promover y provocar una mejora de la calidad docente y un nuevo impulso hacia la inclusión social del alumnado con discapacidad física. A través de un estudio de carácter no experimental y descriptivo, se han analizado las demandas y necesidades formativas de este colectivo docente y se han planificado una serie de acciones de formación que versan sobre didáctica de la educación física, herramientas didáctico-educativas, estrategias de trabajo en el aula, habilidades sociales para el ejercicio de la docencia y recursos TIC. Abstract. This work aims to discover, describe and analyze the situation of primary education physical education teachers from the city of Cordoba, with a focus on their work with students with physical disabilities. From this starting point, we aim to establish research methods and proposals for the improvement of teachers’ training in order to promote teaching quality enhancement and a new momentum towards social inclusion of students with physical disabilities. Demands and training needs of a sample of teachers were analyzed employing a non-experimental and descriptive design; a series of training actions dealing with didactics of physical education, didactic-educational tools, strategies of work in classroom, social skills for the practice of teaching, and ICT resources, were planned.
- Published
- 2018
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17. The Theory of Conjuntos-T and the PISA Test
- Author
Ricardo J. De Armas Costa, David Macías M., and Ricardo A. Bernal B.
- Subjects
Habilidades cognitivas ,competencias ,Conjuntos-T ,tareas ,prueba PISA ,Education ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
In this article of documented reflection, some elements of a new theory are showed that study how the different agents (teachers, researchers, pedagogues, ...) and institutions that are part of the educational system, configure environments for the development of the cognitive abilities of subjects. It is the theory of Conjuntos-T proposed by the authors of the article in mid-2012 to develop students' mathematical skills; the theory that can be generalized to the development of skills in other areas of knowledge. It also illustrates, by way of example, how it can be used to develop basic contemporary skills demanded by modern economies in subjects and that is monitored in several countries by programs such as the PISA from OECD.
- Published
- 2018
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18. La teoría de los conjuntos-T y la prueba PISA
- Author
Ricardo J. De Armas Costa, David Macías, and Ricardo Alfonso Bernal Bueno
- Subjects
learning activities ,conjuntos-T ,cognitive skills ,PISA test ,educational system ,Education ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
En este artículo de reflexión documentada se presentan algunos elementos de una nueva teoría que estudia cómo los distintos agentes (maestros, investigadores, pedagogos, etc.) e instituciones que forman parte del sistema educativo, configuran ambientes para el desarrollo de las habilidades cognitivas de los sujetos. Se trata de la teoría de los conjuntos-T propuesta por los autores del artículo a mediados del año 2012, para desarrollar habilidades matemáticas en los estudiantes; teoría que puede generalizarse al desarrollo de habilidades en otras áreas de conocimiento. Se ilustra, además, por medio de un ejemplo, cómo puede ser usada para desarrollar habilidades contemporáneas básicas demandadas por las economías modernas en los sujetos y que son monitoreadas en varios países por programas como PISA de la OCDE.
- Published
- 2018
19. Deletion of the von Hippel–Lindau gene causes sympathoadrenal cell death and impairs chemoreceptor‐mediated adaptation to hypoxia
- Author
David Macías, Mary Carmen Fernández‐Agüera, Victoria Bonilla‐Henao, and José López‐Barneo
- Subjects
adult carotid body neurogenesis ,intolerance to hypoxia ,sympathoadrenal tumorigenesis ,Vhl‐deficient mouse model ,von Hippel–Lindau protein ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
Abstract Mutations of the von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) gene are associated with pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas, but the role of VHL in sympathoadrenal homeostasis is unknown. We generated mice lacking Vhl in catecholaminergic cells. They exhibited atrophy of the carotid body (CB), adrenal medulla, and sympathetic ganglia. Vhl‐null animals had an increased number of adult CB stem cells, although the survival of newly generated neuron‐like glomus cells was severely compromised. The effects of Vhl deficiency were neither prevented by pharmacological inhibition of prolyl hydroxylases or selective genetic down‐regulation of prolyl hydroxylase‐3, nor phenocopied by hypoxia inducible factor overexpression. Vhl‐deficient animals appeared normal in normoxia but survived for only a few days in hypoxia, presenting with pronounced erythrocytosis, pulmonary edema, and right cardiac hypertrophy. Therefore, in the normal sympathoadrenal setting, Vhl deletion does not give rise to tumors but impairs development and plasticity of the peripheral O2‐sensing system required for survival in hypoxic conditions.
- Published
- 2014
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20. Historical and ecological drivers of the spatial pattern of Chondrichthyes species richness in the Mediterranean Sea.
- Author
María José Meléndez, José Carlos Báez, José Miguel Serna-Quintero, Juan Antonio Camiñas, Ignacio de Loyola Fernández, Raimundo Real, and David Macías
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Chondrichthyes, which include Elasmobranchii (sharks and batoids) and Holocephali (chimaeras), are a relatively small group in the Mediterranean Sea (89 species) playing a key role in the ecosystems where they are found. At present, many species of this group are threatened as a result of anthropogenic effects, including fishing activity. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of these species is of great importance to understand their ecological role and for the efficient management of their populations, particularly if affected by fisheries. This study aims to analyze the spatial patterns of the distribution of Chondrichthyes species richness in the Mediterranean Sea. Information provided by the studied countries was used to model geographical and ecological variables affecting the Chondrichthyes species richness. The species were distributed in 16 Operational Geographical Units (OGUs), derived from the Geographical Sub-Areas (GSA) adopted by the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean Sea (GFCM). Regression analyses with the species richness as a target variable were adjusted with a set of environmental and geographical variables, being the model that links richness of Chondrichthyes species with distance to the Strait of Gibraltar and number of taxonomic families of bony fishes the one that best explains it. This suggests that both historical and ecological factors affect the current distribution of Chondrichthyes within the Mediterranean Sea.
- Published
- 2017
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21. La teoría de los conjuntos-T aplicada al desarrollo de la competencia de modelado matemático
- Author
RICARDO JOAQUÍN DE ARMAS COSTA, David Macías M, and Ricardo A. Bernal B
- Subjects
Conjuntos-T ,modelo matemático ,modelado matemático ,competencias ,habilidades ,Technology ,Science - Abstract
En este artículo queremos dar a conocer apartes de la teoría de los conjuntos-T y cómo se aplica en la educación superior para desarrollar la competencia de modelado matemático de los sujetos. Esta teoría surge como respuesta a los problemas de enseñanza aprendizaje de las matemáticas que se originan en los programas curriculares diseñados para adquirir exclusivamente información y no para desarrollar las competencias matemáticas de los estudiantes. The theory of the Conjuntos-T applied to the development of the competition of mathematical modeling In this article we want to present parts of the theory of joint-T and how it is applied in higher education to develop the competence of mathematical modeling subjects. We explain how the theory can develop the skills of students. This theory is a response to the problems of learning of mathematics that originate in the curriculum designed to acquire information and not only to develop the math skills of students. A teoria de Conjuntos-T aplicada ao desenvolvimento da concorrência modelagem matemática Neste artigo, nos queremos apresentar algumas noções da teoria dos conjuntos-T e como ela é aplicada na docência, de ensino superior, para desenvolver a competência da modelagem matemática. Nos vamos explicar como a teoria pode desenvolver as habilidades dos alunos. Esta teoria é uma resposta para os problemas de ensino e aprendizagem da matemática que se originam nos programas curriculares destinados a adquirir somente informação e não para desenvolver as habilidades matemáticas dos alunos.
- Published
- 2016
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22. Inclusión social de personas con discapacidad física a través de la natación de alto rendimiento
- Author
David Macías García and Ignacio González López
- Subjects
inclusión social ,personas con discapacidad ,natación adaptada ,entorno familiar ,entorno social ,autonomía ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Sports ,GV557-1198.995 - Abstract
Es un hecho que las personas que tienen algún tipo de discapacidad, históricamente han sufrido algún tipo de marginación y exclusión social. Frente a esta tendencia, un gran número de autores defienden una sociedad para todos, es decir, una sociedad en la que todos formemos parte de ella, puesto que la inclusión lleva aparejada la aceptación de la diversidad (Forest & Pearpoint, 2010; O’Brien, Forest, Pearpoint, Snow, & Hasbury, 1989). La actividad física es, sin duda, una de las herramientas que permiten garantizar la inclusión social de las personas con discapacidad. Desde el Club Fidias de Córdoba se intenta apoyar y colaborar en el fomento, la promoción y la competición del deporte para discapacitados y en especial a través de las Actividades Acuáticas. Estas, además de tener un fin deportivo, se convierten en un instrumento de mejora de la calidad de vida, así como en un instrumento de inclusión social. El objetivo fundamental de este estudio ha consistido en valorar el deporte como estrategia de inclusión social y, más concretamente, en el campo de la natación adaptada para personas con discapacidad física. De su práctica se han derivado altos niveles de satisfacción por parte de sus practicantes y efectos positivos en la incorporación de los mismos a la vida social. El trabajo ha supuesto un análisis exhaustivo de dimensiones tales como ocio y tiempo libre, autonomía y satisfacción, apoyo del entorno familiar y social cercano, entrenadora y nivel de satisfacción, por medio de un estudio de tipo no experimental, descriptivo y correlacional.
- Published
- 2012
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23. Interannual Differences for Sea Turtles Bycatch in Spanish Longliners from Western Mediterranean Sea
- Author
José C. Báez, David Macías, Salvador García-Barcelona, and Raimundo Real
- Subjects
Technology ,Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Recent studies showed that regional abundance of loggerhead and leatherback turtles could oscillate interannually according to oceanographic and climatic conditions. The Western Mediterranean is an important fishing area for the Spanish drifting longline fleet, which mainly targets swordfish, bluefin tuna, and albacore. Due to the spatial overlapping in fishing activity and turtle distribution, there is an increasing sea turtle conservation concern. The main goal of this study is to analyse the interannual bycatch of loggerhead and leatherback turtles by the Spanish Mediterranean longline fishery and to test the relationship between the total turtle by-catch of this fishery and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). During the 14 years covered in this study, the number of sea turtle bycatches was 3,940 loggerhead turtles and 8 leatherback turtles, 0.499 loggerhead turtles/1000 hooks and 0.001014 leatherback turtles/1000 hooks. In the case of the loggerhead turtle the positive phase of the NAO favours an increase of loggerhead turtles in the Western Mediterranean Sea. However, in the case of leatherback turtle the negative phase of the NAO favours the presence of leatherback turtle. This contraposition could be related to the different ecophysiological response of both species during their migration cycle.
- Published
- 2014
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24. Dolphinfish Bycatch in Spanish Mediterranean Large Pelagic Longline Fisheries, 2000–2010
- Author
David Macías, José C. Báez, Salvador García-Barcelona, and José M. Ortiz de Urbina
- Subjects
Technology ,Medicine ,Science - Abstract
The aim of this paper is to describe the dolphinfish bycatch rates in the longline fisheries of the Western Mediterranean and modelling the nominal bycatch abundance and distribution of dolphinfish from the Spanish Mediterranean as a function of technical, geographical, and seasonality factors. Our results indicate that the impact of the pelagic and semipelagic longline on the dolphinfish population is relatively low (1.083 fishes per 1000 hooks), in contrast with the greater effect on the target species population. We obtained a statistically significant logistic model, with the following factors: technical characteristics of the fishery, geographical location, and seasonality. Drifting surface longliners targeting albacore is the gear with the highest effect on Mediterranean dolphinfish population. The technical characteristics of the fishery and seasonality factors have an important role in explaining the absence or presence of dolphinfish bycatch in the different boat strata, gear types, and seasons. Moreover, sea surface temperature and lunar phases also present additional explanations. Lunar phase as SST has been frequently used as an explanatory variable affecting catch rates of dolphinfish.
- Published
- 2012
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25. Influence of type of restorative materials and surface wetness conditions on intraoral scanning accuracy
- Author
Agustín-Panadero, Rubén, Moreno, David Macías, Pérez-Barquero, Jorge Alonso, Fernández-Estevan, Lucía, Gómez-Polo, Miguel, and Revilla-León, Marta
- Published
- 2023
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26. Development and evaluation of a new colorimetric DGT technique for the 2D visualisation of labile phosphate in soils
- Author
Arias, David Macias, Teasdale, Peter R., Doolette, Casey L., Lombi, Enzo, Farquhar, Sarah, and Huang, Jianyin
- Published
- 2021
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27. Efectos del entrenamiento pliométrico en jugadores de fútbol colombianos (17-18 años) según su posición dentro del campo de juego (Effects of plyometric training in Colombian soccer players (17-18 years old) according to their position in the field of play)
- Author
Miguel Ángel Ospina León, Jorge Andrés Cárdenas Castiblanco, Yilver David López Mosquera, Jesús David Macías Quecán, and Boryi Alexander Becerra Patiño
- Subjects
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine ,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation ,Education - Abstract
El fútbol como deporte demanda una serie de situaciones donde la fuerza explosiva es determinante. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar los efectos que se generan sobre la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior al aplicar un programa de entrenamiento basado en el método pliométrico, en jugadores de fútbol entre 17 y 18 años de la Academia Iguarán Fútbol Club, según su posicionamiento dentro del campo de juego. El estudio incluyó 32 jugadores, agrupados en grupo control (n:16) y grupo experimental (n:16), los cuales fueron asociados por posición, defensas centrales (DC n=6), defensas laterales (DL n=6), volantes (VOL n=12) y delanteros (DEL n=8). El estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo y diseño cuasiexperimental. El tratamiento estadístico fue realizado mediante el software estadístico ® versión 4.1.0. Los resultados demuestran que, la capacidad de salto refleja diferencias entre las posiciones, para los volantes se presentaron diferencias significativas (p=0.03) sobre las variables de tiempo de vuelo, altura de salto y picos de velocidad, ubicándose muy cerca a estos valores, los delanteros. Esto puede responder a las exigencias y/o requerimientos específicos del posicionamiento de juego, principalmente, para el desarrollo de acciones donde la fuerza es un actor protagónico. El tiempo de aplicación del programa de pliometría, genera diferentes adaptaciones a nivel muscular, teniendo en cuenta que los datos obtenidos para las diferentes posiciones reflejaron que en algunas posiciones se evidencian cambios sobre variables como la altura y la velocidad, mientras que en otras se presentan cambios sobre la fuerza y potencia. Palabras clave: fútbol, evaluación, adolescencia, método de medición. Abstract, Soccer as a sport demands a series of situations where explosive strength is determinant. The objective of the present research was to determine the effects generated on the explosive strength of the lower body when applying a training program based on the plyometric method, in soccer players between 17 and 18 years old of the Academia Iguarán Fútbol Club, according to their positioning within the field of play. The study included 32 players, grouped in control group (n:16) and experimental group (n:16), which were associated by position, central defenders (DC n=6), lateral defenders (DL n=6), midfielders (VOL n=12) and forwards (DEL n=8). The study had a quantitative approach, descriptive and quasi-experimental design. The statistical treatment was performed using the statistical software ® version 4.1.0. The results show that the jumping capacity reflects differences between positions, for the flyers there were significant differences (p=0.03) on the variables of flight time, jumping height and speed peaks, with the forwards being very close to these values. This may respond to the demands and/or specific requirements of the game positioning, mainly for the development of actions where strength is a protagonist. The application time of the plyometric program generates different adaptations at a muscular level, taking into account that the data obtained for the different positions showed that in some positions changes are evidenced on variables such as height and speed, while in others there are changes on strength and power. Keywords: soccer, assessment, adolescence, measurement method.
- Published
- 2022
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28. Permeable frontiers in the open sea: The case of Swordfish in the Atlantic Ocean
- Author
Carlos J. Rubio, David Macías, Ignacio L. Fernández, and José C. Báez
- Subjects
Aquatic Science ,Oceanography - Abstract
There is a vivid debate about the border location between North and South Atlantic swordfish stocks. Climate oscillations, East Atlantic (EA) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), have a major impact on the Northern Hemisphere climate and weather conditions. The initial hypothesis of present study is that if it is considering the southern frontier, each stock will be differentially affected by both climatic oscillations, which would imply the existence of a strong border. However, a similar effect on both sides of the border would result in a permeable barrier. The results suggest that the combined effects of EA and NAO affect both the North and the South Atlantic swordfish stocks in similar ways, and consequently, the location of the border may reside farther north than the current management boundary at 5ºN.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Spatial and temporal partitioning of the Western Mediterranean Sea by resident dolphin species
- Author
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering ,Aquatic Science ,Oceanography ,short-beaked common dolphin ,modelling ,niche ,striped dolphin ,Tursiops truncatus ,favourability ,Stenella coeruleoalba ,distribution ,fuzzy set theory ,Delphinus delphis ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,common bottlenose dolphin - Abstract
A classic issue in ecology is to understand how similar species coexist in a given area (i.e., sympatry). The situation of dolphins in the Western Mediterranean Sea may represent a special case of sympatry in that three similar species (the short-beaked common dolphin [Delphinus delphis], the striped dolphin [Stenella coeruleoalba], and the bottlenose dolphin [Tursiops truncatus) are under strong human impacts in the same area. From the viewpoint of ecology and conservation biology, it is challenging to determine how these three dolphin species live together and avoid competitive exclusion in the setting of such impacts. The Spanish Institute of Oceanography has a dataset of dolphin species opportunistic sightings. Using these data, we constructed three binary variables, comprising the sighting of one species versus the sighting of either of the other two species. We obtained three significant probability models after performing logistic regression of these binary variables on a set of spatio-temporal explanatory variables. We analysed these models from the perspective of fuzzy set theory by applying the favourability function to the probability models, fuzzy operations overlap, and entropy. The results show that common dolphins are differentially favoured in the eastern part of the study area and far away from main shipping routes. The striped dolphin was differentially favoured in the western part of the study area, above deep waters, near main shipping routes, and in summer and spring. Finally, bottlenose dolphins were differentially favoured in the mid-western part of the study area, in winter, and over shallow waters.
- Published
- 2023
30. Conservation status of sea turtles in Spain (review of the period 2013-2018)
- Author
Juan Antonio Camiñas, José Carlos Báez, Enrique Ayllón, Adolfo Marco, Luis Hernández-Sastre, María Isabel López, Helena Moreno, David Macías, Luis Cardona, Eduardo Belda, Juan Jesus Bellido, Jesús Tomás, Alvaro García de los Rios y de los Huertos, Alfredo Lopez, Nagore Zaldua, Ana Liria, Nuria Varo, Marta Gonzalez Carballo, Manuel Carrillo, and Salvador García Barcelona
- Subjects
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - Abstract
El presente documento revisa la situación y aporta nuevos datos para las tortugas marinas en España durante el periodo 2013-2018. Se revisa el estado de conservación para el periodo 2013-2018 en cada una de las demarcaciones marítimas españolas: Levante –Baleares y Estrecho-Alborán para el Mediterráneo, y Noratlántica, Sudatlántica y Macaronesia en aguas del océano Atlántico. Se incluyen análisis de tendencias, las presiones y amenazas que afectan a cada especie y bibliografía actualizada. Para Caretta caretta, se recopila la información de los nidos en las costas mediterráneas españolas desde 2013 hasta 2018 y los movimientos de juveniles nacidos en España, tras su liberación. This document reviews the situation and provides new data for sea turtles in Spain during the period 2013-2018. The conservation status for such period is reviewed in each of the Spanish maritime demarcations: Levante -Baleares and Estrecho-Alborán for the Mediterranean, and Noratlántica, Sudatlántica and Macaronesia in waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Analysis of trends, pressures and threats that affect each species and updated bibliography are included. For Caretta caretta, information is collected on nests on the Spanish Mediterranean coasts from 2013 to 2018 and the movements of juveniles born in Spain, after their release.
- Published
- 2021
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31. Área de puesta del listado, Katsuwonus pelamis (Scombridae), en el Mediterráneo occidental
- Author
Miguel Angel Puerto, Samar Saber, José María Ortiz de Urbina, María José Gómez-Vives, Salvador García-Barcelona, and David Macías
- Subjects
época de puesta ,madurez sexual ,gonadosomatic index ,reproductive biology ,biología reproductiva ,Aquatic Science ,Mediterranean ,Oceanography ,sexual maturity ,Skipjack ,índice gonadosomático ,spawning season ,Mediterráneo ,atún listado - Abstract
Skipjack is an important commercial species with a tropical distribution, although captures in the Mediterranean Sea have been recorded for decades. The western Mediterranean Sea, specifically the Balearic Sea, is a spawning area for several tuna species. We hypothesized that the western Mediterranean warming in the last few decades could lead to the expansion of skipjack tuna spawning areas from tropical areas to the Mediterranean Sea. We analysed 454 individuals (41.8-81 cm straight fork length) caught by sport fishing vessels in offshore trolling championships in Spanish Mediterranean waters during summer months from 2014 to 2019. Analysis of the gonadosomatic index and microscopic examination of the ovaries (n=192) showed that the skipjack is reproductively active in the western Mediterranean, particularly in the Balearic Sea. These results indicate that the skipjack has expanded its distribution and spawning area from tropical waters to the Mediterranean, probably owing to the gradual warming detected in the area in the last few decades. This new spawning activity in the area should be monitored in the near future to study the possible impact on other tuna species that share the distribution range and spawning area with skipjack tuna in the western Mediterranean., El listado (Katsuwonus pelamis) es una especie muy importante a nivel comercial. Aunque su distribución es tropical, desde hace décadas se registran capturas en el Mediterráneo. El Mediterráneo occidental, concretamente el mar Balear, es zona de puesta de varias especies de túnidos. Este trabajo planteó la hipótesis de que el calentamiento registrado en las últimas décadas en el Mediterráneo occidental podría producir la expansión de las áreas de puesta del Listado desde las zonas tropicales hasta el mar Mediterráneo. Analizamos 454 ejemplares (41,8-81 cm SFL) capturados por embarcaciones de pesca recreativa en campeonatos de curricán de altura durante los meses de verano de 2014 a 2019 en aguas del Mediterráneo español. El análisis del Índice Gonadosomático y el análisis microscópico de los ovarios (n=192) mostraron que la especie es reproductivamente activa en el Mediterráneo occidental, particularmente en el mar Balear. Estos resultados indican que el Listado ha ampliado su área de distribución y puesta desde aguas tropicales hasta el Mediterráneo, probablemente debido al calentamiento gradual detectado en la zona en las últimas décadas. Además, es de interés realizar un seguimiento de esta nueva actividad de puesta en un futuro próximo para estudiar el posible impacto sobre otras especies de túnidos con las que comparte tanto área de distribución como zona de puesta en el Mediterráneo occidental.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Inhibition of lung tumorigenesis by transient reprogramming in cancer cells
- Author
Pablo Pedrosa, Zhenguang Zhang, Victor Nuñez-Quintela, David Macias, Jianfeng Ge, Mary Denholm, Anna Dyas, Valentin Estevez-Souto, Patricia Lado-Fernandez, Patricia Gonzalez, Maria Gomez, Jose Ezequiel Martin, Sabela Da Silva-Alvarez, Manuel Collado, and Daniel Muñoz-Espín
- Subjects
Cytology ,QH573-671 - Abstract
Abstract Oncogenic transformation and Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc (OSKM)-mediated induction of pluripotency are two independent and incompatible cellular fates. While continuous expression of OSKM can convert normal somatic cells into teratogenic pluripotent cells, it remains speculative what is the impact of transient OSKM expression in cancer cells. Here, we find that OSKM expression limits the growth of transformed lung cells by inducing apoptosis and senescence. We identify Oct4 and Klf4 as the main individual reprogramming factors responsible for this effect. Mechanistically, the induction of cell cycle inhibitor p21 downstream of the reprogramming factors acts as mediator of cell death and senescence. Using a variety of in vivo systems, including allografts, orthotopic transplantation and KRAS-driven lung cancer mouse models, we demonstrate that transient reprogramming by OSKM expression in cancer cells impairs tumor growth and reduces tumor burden. Altogether, our results show that the induction of transient reprogramming in cancer cells is antitumorigenic opening novel potential therapeutic avenues in oncology.
- Published
- 2024
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33. Question Generator Software Agents Versus Shells for Building Hypertext : Effects on conceptual structure comprehension
- Author
Granados, Luis Facundo Maldonado, del Castillo, Nerey Ortega, Rodríguez, Luis Bayardo Sanabria, Mora, David Macías, Llamas-Nistal, Martín, editor, Fernández-Iglesias, Manuel J., editor, and Anido-Rifon, Luis E., editor
- Published
- 2003
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34. Manejo integral de la insuficiencia renal aguda
- Author
Carlos Javier Quirós Rumbea, Kattia Liseth Daza Bermeo, Tatiana Jeannette Arguello Molina, and Francisco David Macías Vélez
- Subjects
Strategy and Management ,Mechanical Engineering ,Metals and Alloys ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - Abstract
espanolRESUMEN Las enfermedades de insuficiencia renal actualmente se consideran como una patologia compleja que en sus inicios pue-de ser tratada de manera facil y sencilla. Sin embargo, si la enfermedad no es abordada a tiempo, puede desencadenar hacia la insuficiencia renal terminal generando complicaciones que deben ser tratadas a traves del tratamiento con dialisis y renal sustitutivo. La evolucion del paciente hacia la perdida de la funcion renal se ocasiona de manera progresiva, pro-ducto de causas asociadas con la hipertension arterial (HTA) y la diabetes mellitus. Esta afeccion, se considera comun y se encuentra con frecuencia tanto en la practica comunitaria como en los pacientes hospitalizados. Tiene gran impacto en aquellos pacientes que llegan a ser sometidos a dialisis debido a los cambios de vida a los cuales son sometidos y la aceptacion del tratamiento, lo que reduce sus expectativas de vida. No obstante, sigue siendo una enfermedad heterologa, y seguir los principios basicos facilita la investigacion donde el tratamiento inicial sigue una via estandar en la mayoria de los pacientes. Este articulo se basa en mostrar y brindar informacion acerca de las estrategias terapeuticas, incluidas aquellas en situaciones especiales, en aras de ayudar al medico a decidir cuando derivar a un nefrologo y cuando considerar la terapia de reemplazo renal. EnglishThe injuries of renal insufficiency are currently considered to be a complex pathology that can be treated in a common and common way. Without the embargo, if not affected by the time, it is possible to undermine the renal terminal insuffi-ciency generating complications that must be treated through treatment with dual and renal replacement. The evolution of patients has lost renal function by progressive manners, the product of cases associated with arterial hypertension (HTA) and diabetes mellitus. This action shall be taken into account and provided with the frequency of Community practice in hospitalized patients. There is a great deal of impact on patients who are expected to receive legal changes to life chang-es to their needs and acceptance of treatment, which reduces their expectations of life. However, a heterologous nurse should be provided and basic principles facilitated by the investigation of the initial treatment should be established in the patients' history. This article is based on the provision and provision of information on therapeutic strategies, including in special situations, in the case of medical aids, and how to derive a nephrologist and need to consider renal relapse therapy.
- Published
- 2021
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35. Esteatosis hepática y COVID tratamiento y pronóstico
- Author
Tatiana Jeannette Arguello Molina, Paola Alexandra Paucar Aguayo, Kattia Liseth Daza Bermeo, and Francisco David Macías Vélez
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
La Esteanosis Hepática también denominada como enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico (EHGNA), se caracteriza por la acumulación de grasa en el hígado que no es causada por el consumo de alcohol, donde las personas que lo padecen no tienen ni siquiera antecedentes de consumo de alcohol. De acuerdo con la aparición del nuevo Covid 19 se ha observado una relación en base a los pacientes que presentan esta patología y el riesgo de padecer el nuevo coronavirus de manera mayormente agresiva con posibles riesgos de hospitalización y ventilación. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar la ubicación, extensión y tipo de afectación de la infección por la enfermedad inducida por el nuevo coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) y la esteatosis hepática, a través, de una revisión bibliográfica que permitió reunir temas que se relacionan con el investigado enfocados en la tomografía computarizada (TC) de tórax inicial. La relación entre el hígado graso y la gravedad de la enfermedad también se investigó de acuerdo con los valores del índice de atenuación del hígado (LAI). En tal sentido, se observa que la prevalencia de la enfermedad grave es mayor en los pacientes con esteatosis hepática que en el grupo no esteatótico. Por lo tanto, la presencia de hígado graso es un fuerte predictor para enfermedad grave.
- Published
- 2021
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36. Contributors
- Author
Shariq Abid, Serge Adnot, Alvar Agusti, Delphine Beaulieu, Anil Bhushan, Thomas G. Bird, Emmanuelle Born, Marielle Breau, Alexander F. Chin, Jennifer H. Elisseeff, Zulrahman Erlangga, Konstantinos Evangelou, Rosa Faner, Joshua N. Farr, Eleni Georgakopoulou, Estela González-Gualda, Vassilis G. Gorgoulis, Elise Gray-Gaillard, Jin Han, Fernanda Hernandez-Gonzalez, Amal Houssaini, Michael D. Jensen, Diana Jurk, Goro Katsuumi, Sundeep Khosla, Christos Kiourtis, James L. Kirkland, Marta Kovatcheva, Larissa Lipskaia, Jose Alberto López-Domínguez, David Macías, Elisabeth Marcos, Mate Maus, Anette Melk, Kathleen Meyer, John Michel, Tohru Minamino, Satomi Miwa, David G. Monroe, Daniel Muñoz-Espín, Hui-Ling Ou, Allyson K. Palmer, Nayuta Saito, Roland Schmitt, Jacobo Sellares, Manuel Serrano, Myong-Hee Sung, Tamara Tchkonia, Peter J. Thompson, Thomas von Zglinicki, Tengfei Wan, and Peisu Zhang
- Published
- 2022
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37. La práctica de baloncesto en silla de ruedas: motivos y beneficios
- Author
David Macías García and Ignacio Gonzalez Lopez
- Subjects
Quality of life ,Motivation ,Calidad de vida ,1 - Filosofía y psicología::159.9 - Psicología [CDU] ,General Engineering ,Baloncesto en silla de ruedas ,7 Bellas artes::79 - Diversiones. Espectáculos. Cine. Teatro. Danza. Juegos.Deportes [CDU] ,wheelchair basketball ,Motivación ,Functional diversity ,Diversidad funcional - Abstract
Being a person with functional diversity can´t be an ideal for not playing sport, although their motivations will differ from those without disabilities. Adapting the different formats to the conditions of its practitioners has made wheelchair basketball today the most practiced. Different studies show that it promotes a person´s independence and covey’s great values such as overcoming, being also a great agent of social integration and rehabilitator (Moreno, 2019). In view of this premise, the purpose of this article is to know the reasons why 30 players belonging to the federations of Andalusia, Aragon, the Basque Country and Catalonia have to start in this sport, as well as the benefits that it brings to them. The study was conducted under a non-experimental and descriptive empirical research design, based on survey techniques, the questionnaire being the strategy used to gather information. The results show recreational and social motivations when deciding to practice this sport, finding benefits linked to the improvement of its physical condition, the overcoming of barriers, psychological and emotional stability, mutual support and the generation of new social relations, aspects that significantly improve your quality of life. Ser una persona con diversidad funcional no puede ser óbice para no practicar deporte, aunque sus motivaciones diferirán de aquellas que no tengan discapacidad. La adaptación de los diferentes formatos a las condiciones de sus practicantes ha hecho que el baloncesto en silla de ruedas sea hoy de los más populares. Diferentes estudios evidencian que promociona la independencia de la persona y transmite grandes valores como la superación, siendo además un gran agente de integración social y rehabilitador (Moreno, 2019). Ante esta premisa, el propósito de este artículo es conocer los motivos por lo que 30 jugadores y jugadoras pertenecientes a las federaciones de Andalucía, Aragón, País Vasco y Cataluña tienen para iniciarse en este deporte, así como los beneficios que les reporta. El estudio se realizó al amparo de un diseño de investigación empírica no experimental y descriptivo, basado en técnicas de encuesta, siendo el cuestionario la estrategia empleada para recoger información. Los resultados muestran motivaciones recreativas y sociales a la hora de decidirse por practicar este deporte, encontrando beneficios ligados a la mejora de su condición física, a la superación de barreras, a la estabilidad psicológica y emocional, al apoyo mutuo y a la generación de nuevas relaciones sociales, aspectos que mejoran de un modo significativo su calidad de vida. Ser uma pessoa com diversidade funcional não pode ser um obstáculo para não praticar esportes, embora suas motivações sejam diferentes daquelas que não possuem deficiência. A adaptação dos diferentes formatos às condições dos seus praticantes fez do basquete em cadeira de rodas um dos mais populares populares da atualidade. Diferentes estudos mostram que promove a independência da pessoa e transmite grandes valores como o auto-aperfeiçoamento, sendo também um grande agente de integração social e reabilitação (Moreno, 2019). Tendo em conta esta premissa, o objectivo deste artigo é conhecer as razões pelas quais 30 jogadores pertencentes às federações da Andaluzia, Aragão, País Basco e Catalunha têm para se iniciar neste desporto, bem como os benefícios que lhes traz. O estudo foi realizado sob um delineamento de pesquisa empírica não experimental e descritiva, baseada em técnicas de inquérito, sendo o questionário a estratégia utilizada para recolher informação. Os resultados mostram motivações recreativas e sociais quando se decide praticar este desporto, encontrando benefícios ligados à melhoria de sua condição física, superação de barreiras, estabilidade psicológica e emocional, apoio mútuo e geração de novas relações sociais, aspectos que melhoram significativamente a sua qualidade de vida .
- Published
- 2022
38. Factors associated with the differential distribution of cetaceans linked with deep habitats in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Author
Estefanía Torreblanca, José-Carlos Báez, Raimundo Real, David Macías, Salvador García-Barcelona, Francisco Ferri-Yañez, and Juan-Antonio Camiñas
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,data ,Sperm Whale ,Chlorophyll A ,Dolphins ,distribution ,Mediterranean Sea ,Whales ,habitat ,Animals ,differential distribution ,sperm ,Ecosystem - Abstract
Deep-habitat cetaceans are generally difficult to study, leading to a limited knowledge of their population. This paper assesses the differential distribution patterns of three deep-habitat cetaceans (Sperm whale—Physeter macrocephalus,Risso’s dolphin—Grampus griseus &Cuvier’s beaked whale—Ziphius cavirostris). We used data of 842 opportunistic sightings of cetaceans in the western Mediterranean sea. We inferred environmental and spatio-temporal factors that affect their distribution. Binary logistic regression models were generated to compare the presence of deep-habitat cetaceans with the presence of other cetacean species in the dataset. Then, the favourability function was applied, allowing for comparison between all the models. Sperm whale and Risso’s dolphin presence was differentially favoured by the distance to towns in the eastern part of the western Mediterranean sea. The differential distribution of sperm whale was also influenced by the stability of SST, and that of the Risso’s dolphin by lower mean salinity and higher mean Chlorophyll A concentration. When modelling the three deep-habitat cetaceans (including Cuvier’s beaked whale), the variable distance to towns had a negative influence on the presence of any of them more than it did to other cetaceans, being more favourable far from towns, so this issue should be further investigated.
- Published
- 2021
39. Spatial dynamics and mixing of bluefin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea revealed using next generation sequencing
- Author
Piero Addis, Gregory E. Maes, Andone Estonba, Gregory Neils Puncher, Haritz Arrizabalaga, Işık Oray, Molly Lutcavage, S. Zgozi, Francisco Alemany, Noureddine Abid, Igaratza Fraile, Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Firdes Karakulak, Gualtiero Basilone, Fulvio Garibaldi, Fausto Tinti, Nicolas Goñi, Joseph M. Quattro, Koen Herten, Ai Kimoto, James S. Franks, David Macías, Urtzi Laconcha, Simeon Deguara, Jeroen Van Houdt, Rita Cannas, Alessia Cariani, Miguel N. Santos, Alex Hanke, Jay R. Rooker, Aitor Albaina, European Commission, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Puncher, Gregory N, Cariani, Alessia, Maes, Gregory E, Van Houdt, Jeroen, Herten, Koen, Cannas, Rita, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara, Albaina, Aitor, Estonba, M Andone, Lutcavage, Molly, Hanke, Alex, Rooker, Jay, Franks, James S, Quattro, Joseph M, Basilone, Gualtiero, Fraile, Igaratza, Laconcha, Urtzi, Goñi, Nicola, Kimoto, Ai, Macías, A David, Alemany, Francisco, Deguara, Simeon, Zgozi, Salem W, Garibaldi, Fulvio, Oray, Isik K, Karakulak, F Saadet, Abid, Noureddine, Santos, Miguel N, Addis, Piero, Arrizabalaga, Haritz, and Tinti, Fausto
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Reduced Representation Sequencing ,Genotyping Techniques ,origin assignment ,Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms ,Population Dynamics ,Population ,Sede Central IEO ,Biology ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,DNA sequencing ,03 medical and health sciences ,Mediterranean sea ,Gene Frequency ,Effective population size ,Mediterranean Sea ,Genetics ,Animals ,Pesquerías ,mixed stock analysi ,education ,Atlantic Ocean ,Allele frequency ,Genotyping ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,education.field_of_study ,Tuna ,Mixed-stock analysis ,Chromosome Mapping ,population structure ,mixed stock analysis ,Thunnus thynnu ,Sequence Analysis, DNA ,030104 developmental biology ,Evolutionary biology ,Single Nucleotide Polymorphism ,Animal Migration ,Thunnus thynnus ,Fisheries management ,Biotechnology - Abstract
The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a highly migratory species emblematic of the challenges associated with shared fisheries management. In an effort to resolve the species' stock dynamics, a genomewide search for spatially informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was undertaken, by way of sequencing reduced representation libraries. An allele frequency approach to SNP discovery was used, combining the data of 555 larvae and young-of-the-year (LYOY) into pools representing major geographical areas and mapping against a newly assembled genomic reference. From a set of 184,895 candidate loci, 384 were selected for validation using 167 LYOY. A highly discriminatory genotyping panel of 95 SNPs was ultimately developed by selecting loci with the most pronounced differences between western Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea LYOY. The panel was evaluated by genotyping a different set of LYOY (n = 326), and from these, 77.8% and 82.1% were correctly assigned to western Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea origins, respectively. The panel revealed temporally persistent differentiation among LYOY from the western Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (FST = 0.008, p = .034). The composition of six mixed feeding aggregations in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea was characterized using genotypes from medium (n = 184) and large (n = 48) adults, applying population assignment and mixture analyses. The results provide evidence of persistent population structuring across broad geographic areas and extensive mixing in the Atlantic Ocean, particularly in the mid-Atlantic Bight and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The genomic reference and genotyping tools presented here constitute novel resources useful for future research and conservation efforts., This work was carried out under the provision of the ICCAT Atlantic-wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna (GBYP), funded by the European Union, by several ICCAT CPCs, the ICCAT Secretariat and other entities (see: http://www.iccat.int/GBYP/en/Budget.htm). Additional funds were provided by the MARES Joint Doctorate Programme Selected Under Erasmus Mundus and coordinated by Ghent University (FPA 2011-0016). Larvae from the Balearic Sea were provided by the ATAME project “Bluefin tuna abundance indices: towards recruitment estimators based on larval ecology” (CTM 2011-29525-C04-02) and the BLUEFIN project “Modelling bluefin spawning areas variability and population dynamics in the Western Mediterranean” (IEO-SOCIB agreement).
- Published
- 2021
40. Using opportunistic sightings to assess the suitability of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) for cetacean conservation in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Author
J. Jesús Bellido, Salvador García-Barcelona, José Carlos Báez, J.M. Serna-Quintero, David Macías, and Juan Antonio Camiñas
- Subjects
highly migratory animals ,Geography ,Mediterranean sea ,Marine mammal ,Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga ,North west ,cetacean ,collaborative science ,distribution ,Pesquerías ,Humanities ,Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) - Abstract
The Western Mediterranean Sea connects the Atlantic Ocean with the rest of the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar. The Western Mediterranean Sea is important area for cetaceans and it contains highly productive feeding areas, such as the Pelagos Sanctuary and the South Balearic eddy. The main aim of this study was to assess the suitability of a group of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) for the conservation of cetaceans inhabiting this area. There were 398 (46.44%) opportunistic sightings (OS) within a number of IMMAs and 459 (53.56%) sightings outside of IMMAs in this area. Trend surface analysis was used to select the OSs (GPOSs hereafter) most likely to be observed within IMMAs as a function of their geographical position. Significant differences were found between the observed GPOS rate and the expected GPOS rate weighted by the surface area of each IMMA. Specifically, there were more sightings than expected in the Alboran Sea IMMA than in the North West Mediterranean Sea, Slope, and Canyon System IMMA. In the latter area, there were fewer sightings than expected, Sí
- Published
- 2019
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41. Genetic analysis reveals the presence of frigate tuna (Auxis thazard) in the bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) fishery of the Iberian Peninsula and the western-central Mediterranean Sea
- Author
Jordi Viñas, Núria Pérez-Bielsa, María José Gómez-Vives, Sámar Saber, Judith Ollé, and David Macías
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,food and beverages ,Aquatic Science ,Biology ,Oceanography ,Multiple species ,biology.organism_classification ,Tropical waters ,Genetic analysis ,Auxis rochei ,Fishery ,Mediterranean sea ,Peninsula ,Bullet tuna ,human activities ,Auxis thazard - Abstract
One the problems with fisheries assessment and management is the presence of multiple species in a single fishery. In such cases, each species may respond differently to management measures. In this study, we report for the first time the presence of a second species, the frigate tuna, Auxis thazard (Lacepede, 1800), in the fishery for bullet tuna, Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810), off the Iberian Peninsula and the western-central Mediterranean Sea. The bullet tuna is heavily targeted by both artisanal and commercial fisheries; thus, the presence of a second species may complicate management. Seven frigate tuna individuals (1.6%; 95% CI 0.7%–3.4%) were detected after analyzing more than 400 individuals, and they were unambiguously assigned to the species bullet tuna after the analysis of two unlinked genetic loci (nuclear gene Tmo-4c4 and the mitochondrial DNA control region). The unexpected presence of a species distributed in temperate and tropical waters, such as the frigate tuna in this northern location, may be a consequence of global warming. However, continuous monitoring with a validated methodology for species identification is needed to confirm this hypothesis.
- Published
- 2019
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42. Hiperuricemia y perfil lipídico durante el embarazo como predictores de preeclampsia
- Author
Jorge Jonny Zumba Alban, Yandry David Macías Navarrete, and Belen Gladys Tigua Choez
- Abstract
El propósito del proyecto investigativo es analizar la hiperuricemia y perfil lipídico durante el embarazo como predictor de preeclampsia entre las edades de 20 a 40 años y obtener un tratamiento oportuno. Objetivo: Analizar la asociación de uricemia y lípidos durante el embarazo como predictor de preeclampsia. La hipótesis a corroborar es el aumento de ácido úrico y del perfil lipídico correspondiente como un predictor de preeclampsia. Metodología a utilizar es una investigación de diseño documental, descriptivo de corte transversal. Obtuvimos que la hiperuricemia y el perfil lipídico puedan llegar hacer un biomarcador predictor de la preeclampsia y que los factores de riesgo pueden ser factores hipertensivos, daño renal, daño a diferentes órganos, edad, antecedentes familiares, diabetes mellitus, etc. Se concluye afirmando que los niveles de ácido úrico y lípidos pueden convertirse en un biomarcador clave para el tratamiento oportuno y eficaz de la preeclampsia precoz.
- Published
- 2021
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43. Endothelial cell regulation of systemic haemodynamics and metabolism acts through the HIF transcription factors
- Author
Simon Lambden, Andrew S. Cowburn, Bernardo J. Krause, Tessa A. C. Garrud, Charlotte Summers, Dino A. Giussani, David Macías, Randall S. Johnson, Johnson, Randall S [0000-0002-4084-6639], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Fisiología Médica y Biofísica, Macias, David [0000-0002-8676-1964], and Johnson, Randall S. [0000-0002-4084-6639]
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medicine.medical_specialty ,Hemodynamics ,HIF-1α ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Nitric oxide ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,Vascular endothelium ,medicine ,Research Articles ,030304 developmental biology ,0303 health sciences ,Electrical impedance myography ,Haemodynamics ,RC86-88.9 ,business.industry ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,030208 emergency & critical care medicine ,HIF-2α ,Hypoxia (medical) ,medicine.disease ,Pulmonary hypertension ,Endothelial stem cell ,Blood pressure ,Endocrinology ,Metabolism ,chemistry ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Ex vivo - Abstract
Funder: Wellcome Trust (GB), Funder: Research Trainees Coordinating Centre; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000659, Funder: British Heart Foundation; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000274, Funder: Karolinska Institute, Background: The vascular endothelium has important endocrine and paracrine roles, particularly in the regulation of vascular tone and immune function, and it has been implicated in the pathophysiology of a range of cardiovascular and inflammatory conditions. This study uses a series of transgenic murine models to explore for the first time the role of the hypoxia-inducible factors, HIF-1α and HIF-2α in the pulmonary and systemic circulations as potential regulators of systemic vascular function in normoxic or hypoxic conditions and in response to inflammatory stress. We developed a series of transgenic mouse models, the HIF-1α Tie2Cre, deficient in HIF1-α in the systemic and pulmonary vascular endothelium and the L1Cre, a pulmonary endothelium specific knockout of HIF-1α or HIF-2α. In vivo, arterial blood pressure and metabolic activity were monitored continuously in normal atmospheric conditions and following an acute stimulus with hypoxia (10%) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Ex vivo, femoral artery reactivity was assessed using wire myography. Results: Under normoxia, the HIF-1α Tie2Cre mouse had increased systolic and diastolic arterial pressure compared to litter mate controls over the day–night cycle under normal environmental conditions. VO2 and VCO2 were also increased. Femoral arteries displayed impaired endothelial relaxation in response to acetylcholine mediated by a reduction in the nitric oxide dependent portion of the response. HIF-1α L1Cre mice displayed a similar pattern of increased systemic blood pressure, metabolic rate and impaired vascular relaxation without features of pulmonary hypertension, polycythaemia or renal dysfunction under normal conditions. In response to acute hypoxia, deficiency of HIF-1α was associated with faster resolution of hypoxia-induced haemodynamic and metabolic compromise. In addition, systemic haemodynamics were less compromised by LPS treatment. Conclusions: These data show that deficiency of HIF-1α in the systemic or pulmonary endothelium is associated with increased systemic blood pressure and metabolic rate, a pattern that persists in both normoxic conditions and in response to acute stress with potential implications for our understanding of the pathophysiology of vascular dysfunction in acute and chronic disease.
- Published
- 2021
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44. The Yucatan Yellow Bat (Vespertilionidae, Rhogeessa aeneus): a New Record for Banco Chinchorro Atoll, Mexico
- Author
Pierre Charruau, Rodrigo García-Morales, David Macías Díaz, and Axel Rissac
- Subjects
Yucatan peninsula ,geography ,Multidisciplinary ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,biology ,Ecology ,Bursera simaruba ,Species diversity ,Atoll ,Rhogeessa aeneus ,biology.organism_classification - Abstract
The Yucatan yellow bat (Rhogeessa aeneus) is a poorly known species endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula, mainly distributed in tropical forests of the three Mexican states of Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Yucatan. Here, we report the first record of this species in Cayo Centro, the main cay of Banco Chinchorro atoll, located in southern Quintana Roo, Mexico, 47 km from the mainland in the Caribbean Sea. On May 2021, we captured three individuals of R. aeneus on Cayo Centro in a low coastal forest consisting mostly of Bursera simaruba. This is the second species of bat reported for the atoll, and more studies are needed to further the investigation on the species diversity and status of the populations there.
- Published
- 2021
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45. Targeting HIF2α-ARNT hetero-dimerisation as a novel therapeutic strategy for pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Author
Andrew S. Cowburn, Shanhai Xie, David Macías, Alexander J.T. Wood, Stephen Moore, Alexi Crosby, Xinlin Du, Wallace Eli M, Arlette Vassallo, Mark Southwood, and Huiling Tan
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,Pulmonary Vascular Disease and Basic Science ,Hypertension, Pulmonary ,Population ,Respiratory System ,Hemodynamics ,Inflammation ,Pharmacology ,Pulmonary Artery ,Vascular remodelling in the embryo ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,medicine.artery ,Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors ,Medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,education ,11 Medical and Health Sciences ,Cells, Cultured ,education.field_of_study ,Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension ,Lung ,business.industry ,Endothelial Cells ,Original Articles ,Hypoxia (medical) ,medicine.disease ,Pulmonary hypertension ,030104 developmental biology ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,030228 respiratory system ,Pulmonary artery ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a destructive disease of the pulmonary vasculature often leading to right heart failure and death. Current therapeutic intervention strategies only slow disease progression. The role of aberrant hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)2α stability and function in the initiation and development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) has been an area of intense interest for nearly two decades. Here we determine the effect of a novel HIF2α inhibitor (PT2567) on PH disease initiation and progression, using two pre-clinical models of PH. Haemodynamic measurements were performed, followed by collection of heart, lung and blood for pathological, gene expression and biochemical analysis. Blood outgrowth endothelial cells from idiopathic PAH patients were used to determine the impact of HIF2α-inhibition on endothelial function. Global inhibition of HIF2a reduced pulmonary vascular haemodynamics and pulmonary vascular remodelling in both su5416/hypoxia prevention and intervention models. PT2567 intervention reduced the expression of PH-associated target genes in both lung and cardiac tissues and restored plasma nitrite concentration. Treatment of monocrotaline-exposed rodents with PT2567 reduced the impact on cardiovascular haemodynamics and promoted a survival advantage. In vitro, loss of HIF2α signalling in human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells suppresses target genes associated with inflammation, and PT2567 reduced the hyperproliferative phenotype and overactive arginase activity in blood outgrowth endothelial cells from idiopathic PAH patients. These data suggest that targeting HIF2α hetero-dimerisation with an orally bioavailable compound could offer a new therapeutic approach for PAH. Future studies are required to determine the role of HIF in the heterogeneous PAH population., PAH is a debilitating disease with no cure. There is an unmet need for new transformative therapies. Targeting HIF2α function through inhibiting ARNT hetero-dimerisation reduces many clinical symptoms associated with established PH disease in animals. https://bit.ly/3jHK8PS
- Published
- 2021
46. Genetic validation of the unexpected presence of a tropical tuna, bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), in the Mediterranean
- Author
Sámar Saber, Jordi Viñas, Nuria Pérez Bielsa, Judith Ollé, and David Macías
- Subjects
Mediterranean climate ,Tuna -- Mediterranean Sea ,biology ,Tuna ,Bigeye tuna ,Aquatic Science ,Mediterranean ,biology.organism_classification ,Thunnus (subgenus) ,Tonyina -- Mediterrània, Mar ,Fishery ,vagrant ,Mediterranean sea ,Genus ,Mediterranean Sea ,Animals ,Tonyina -- Genètica ,Tuna -- Genetics ,tropical species ,bigeye tuna ,Indian Ocean ,human activities ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Abstract
Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus, Lowe, 1839) is one of the eight recognized species of the genus Thunnus. It is considered a tropical species distributed in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. To date, no validated presence of this species has been reported inside the Mediterranean Sea. This study, however, confirms, for the first time, the presence of three young individuals of this species within the Mediterranean Sea Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Wiley
- Published
- 2021
47. Chapter 21
- Author
Francois Poisson, David Macías, María José Meléndez-Vallejo, Salvador García-Barcelona, Juan Antonio Camiñas, José Carlos Báez, Estefanía Torreblanca, Juan Jesús Bellido, Francisco Pinto, and J.M. Serna-Quintero
- Subjects
fish ,biology ,growth ,Endangered species ,species ,Vertebrate ,Effective management ,Pelagic zone ,outflow ,Long-lived animals ,Seabirds ,Fishery ,Geography ,Mediterranean sea ,Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga ,Large pelagic sharks ,Marine mammals ,biology.animal ,Megafauna ,Marine ecosystem ,Ecosystem ,Pesquerías ,Sea turtles - Abstract
Marine megafauna typically include large pelagic sharks, sea turtles, seabirds, and marine mammals. These megafauna are mainly associated with pelagic ecosystems through which they undertake long-distance migration. The Alboran Sea connects the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea and is thus a relevant hotspot for marine megafauna. In this area, the overlap between various human activities—such as marine traffic or fisheries on the north and south coasts—and pollution entails the capture or mortality of marine megafauna. We review the main research and findings on marine megafauna in the Alboran Sea and discuss research approaches that could provide suggestions for the effective management of large marine ecosystems.
- Published
- 2021
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48. Species-specific heavy metal concentrations of tuna species: the case of Thunnus alalunga and Katsuwonus pelamis in the Western Mediterranean
- Author
Sámar Saber, Jorge Hernández-Urcera, Miguel Cabanellas-Reboredo, Daniela Alexandra Chanto-García, Antoni Sureda, and David Macías
- Subjects
Skipjack tuna ,migratory species ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Biomagnification ,Feeding ecology ,species ,Species Specificity ,Metals, Heavy ,Environmental Chemistry ,Animals ,Humans ,Trace metal ,Thunnus alalunga ,Katsuwonus pelamis ,Trophic level ,fish ,research ,biology ,mineral deposits ,Chemistry ,Albacore ,Tuna ,General Medicine ,Mercury ,biology.organism_classification ,Pollution ,Bioaccumulation ,Analyzed metals ,Environmental chemistry ,Tuna species ,Thunnus ,Water Pollutants, Chemical - Abstract
11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, Albacore Thunnus alalunga and skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis are highly migratory species that are usually caught together in the Western Mediterranean. These species are top predators that are highly affected by the biomagnification process through the trophic chain. Bioaccumulation pattern of the main metal pollutants (mercury, Hg; lead, Pb; and cadmium, Cd) were analyzed in muscle tissues of 52 individuals (26 T. alalunga and 26 K. pelamis) of these highly consumed species in order to address two objectives: (1) compare the species-specific bioaccumulation between these large-pelagic species, and (2) assess the healthy properties of such valuable resources based on the trace metal limits established by the European Commission Regulation (ECR). Both generalized linear mixed models and redundancy analysis indicated a differential bioaccumulation between these two tuna species. While T. alalunga accumulates higher concentrations of Hg (0.1996 ± 0.0602 mg·kg-1 weight wet-ww), K. pelamis accumulates higher concentrations of Cd (0.0076 ± 0.0049 mg·kg-1 ww) and Pb (0.0031 ± 0.0017 mg·kg-1 ww). Size and trophic ecology support the differences detected in the bioaccumulation pattern. Heavy metal concentrations were below the tolerable limits considered by ECR (1, 0.1, and 0.3 mg·kg-1 ww for Hg, Cd, and Pb, respectively), This work was in part funded by the IEO project GPM-1719 and by the EU through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) within the National Program of collection, management, and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy. Antoni Sureda was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant Number: CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038. Jorge Hernández-Urcera was supported by a Juan de la Cierva’s post-doc research grant (#FJCI-2016-30990) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Miguel Cabanellas-Reboredo was supported by a postdoctoral contract co-funded by the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands and the European Social Fund 2014–2020
- Published
- 2021
49. Modeling the Elements of a Training Plan Aimed at Physical Education Teachers When Working With Students With Disabilities: The Case of Cordoba, Spain
- Author
David Macías García and Ignacio González López
- Subjects
Medical education ,Empirical research ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Professional development ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Primary education ,Training plan ,Training needs ,Quality (business) ,Psychology ,Exploratory factor analysis ,Physical education ,media_common - Abstract
The aim of this article is to respond, by means of a nonexperimental empirical study, to the training professional demands of primary education teachers, who understand that their professional undertaking must be fully inclusive of all student profiles. By means of a scaled assessment questionnaire, this article describes the training needs of a representative and standardized group of teachers in the Spanish city of Cordoba. Additionally, through the application of factor analysis, it channels these demands into training modules that should guide specific teaching activities in the future. The principal components extracted understand continuing professional development through five spheres of actions: the teaching of physical education, education and teaching tools, working strategies in the classroom, teaching abilities, and information communication technologies resources. These basic training lines pursue the triple goal of ensuring the professional development of teachers, promoting academic success among all students, and fostering quality teaching. Subscribe to TPE
- Published
- 2020
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50. El fútbol como estrategia para el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional del alumnado de educación primaria: una experiencia didáctica
- Author
Maria Dolores Eslava Suanes, David García-Marín, David Macías García, and Ignacio Gonzalez Lopez
- Subjects
Teamwork ,lcsh:LC8-6691 ,lcsh:Special aspects of education ,Emotional intelligence ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Primary education ,educación primaria. educación física. fútbol. inteligencia emocional ,Football ,lcsh:Education (General) ,Conflict resolution ,Pedagogy ,Psychology ,lcsh:L7-991 ,media_common - Abstract
Se presenta una experiencia práctica llevada a cabo en el CEIP Bernardo Barco (La Campana, Sevilla) con el alumnado de 6º de educación primaria, basada en el desarrollo y en la adquisición de actitudes y valores positivos que vayan encaminados al desarrollo de nuevos aprendizajes vinculados con la inteligencia emocional. Las actividades desarrolladas a lo largo de las seis semanas de implantación de la propuesta didáctica han revelado que existe un aumento de las conductas positivas y de la mejora de los valores y el trabajo en equipo, lo cual repercute positivamente en el clima de aula de esta y las demás asignaturas en las que participa el alumnado. El trabajo a través de los componentes básicos de la inteligencia emocional utilizando como eje conductor el fútbol ha permitido dotar al alumnado de herramientas de trabajo en grupo, habilidades comunicativas, herramientas para la resolución de conflictos y estrategias para la toma de decisiones.
- Published
- 2018
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