473 results on '"DAVIDSON, KENNETH R."'
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2. Large Perturbations of Nest Algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Primary 47L35, Secondary 47B02, 47A55 - Abstract
Let $\mathcal{M}$ and $\mathcal{N}$ be nests on separable Hilbert space. If the two nest algebras are distance less than 1 ($d(\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{M}),\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{N})) < 1$), then the nests are distance less than 1 ($d(\mathcal{M},\mathcal{N})<1$). If the nests are distance less than 1 apart, then the nest algebras are similar, i.e. there is an invertible $S$ such that $S\mathcal{M} = \mathcal{N}$, so that $S \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{M})S^{-1} = \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{N})$. However there are examples of nests closer than 1 for which the nest algebras are distance 1 apart., Comment: Minor changes including a correction in the proof of Theorem 2.2. To appear in Integral Equations & Operator Theory
- Published
- 2024
3. Completely Bounded Norms of $k$-positive Maps
- Author
Aubrun, Guillaume, Davidson, Kenneth R., Müller-Hermes, Alexander, Paulsen, Vern I., and Rahaman, Mizanur
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Mathematics - Probability ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
Given an operator system $\mathcal{S}$, we define the parameters $r_k(\mathcal{S})$ (resp. $d_k(\mathcal{S})$) defined as the maximal value of the completely bounded norm of a unital $k$-positive map from an arbitrary operator system into $\mathcal{S}$ (resp. from $\mathcal{S}$ into an arbitrary operator system). In the case of the matrix algebras $M_n$, for $1 \leq k \leq n$, we compute the exact value $r_k(M_n) = \frac{2n-k}{k}$ and show upper and lower bounds on the parameters $d_k(M_n)$. Moreover, when $\mathcal{S}$ is a finite-dimensional operator system, adapting recent results of Passer and the 4th author, we show that the sequence $(r_k( \mathcal{S}))$ tends to $1$ if and only if $\mathcal{S}$ is exact and that the sequence $(d_k(\mathcal{S}))$ tends to $1$ if and only if $\mathcal{S}$ has the lifting property., Comment: Journal of the London Mathematical Society (to appear)
- Published
- 2024
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4. On boundary representations
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Hartz, Michael
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,46L07 (Primary), 47A20, 46E22, 47L55 (Secondary) - Abstract
Let $S$ be an operator system sitting in its C*-envelope $C^*_{\mathrm{min}}(S)$. Starting with a pure state on $S$, let $F$ be the face of state extensions to $C^*_{\mathrm{min}}(S)$. The dilation theorem of Davidson-Kennedy shows that the GNS representations corresponding to some of the extreme states of $F$ are boundary representations. We construct an explicit example in which $F$ is an interval and only one of the two extreme points yields a boundary representation., Comment: 12 pages
- Published
- 2023
5. Positive maps and entanglement in real Hilbert spaces
- Author
Chiribella, Giulio, Davidson, Kenneth R., Paulsen, Vern I., and Rahaman, Mizanur
- Subjects
Quantum Physics ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Mathematics - Operator Algebras - Abstract
The theory of positive maps plays a central role in operator algebras and functional analysis, and has countless applications in quantum information science. The theory was originally developed for operators acting on complex Hilbert spaces, and little is known about its variant on real Hilbert spaces. In this article we study positive maps acting on a full matrix algebra over the reals, pointing out a number of fundamental differences with the complex case and discussing their implications in quantum information. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a real map to admit a positive complexification, and connect the existence of positive maps with non-positive complexification with the existence of mixed states that are entangled in real Hilbert space quantum mechanics, but separable in the complex version, providing explicit examples both for the maps and for the states. Finally, we discuss entanglement breaking and PPT maps, and we show that a straightforward real version of the PPT-squared conjecture is false even in dimension 2. Nevertheless, we show that the original PPT-squared conjecture implies a different conjecture for real maps, in which the PPT property is replaced by a stronger property of invariance under partial transposition (IPT). When the IPT property is assumed, we prove an asymptotic version of the conjecture., Comment: Updated version. To appear in Annales Henri Poincar\'e
- Published
- 2022
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6. Counterexamples to the extendibility of positive unital norm-one maps
- Author
Chiribella, Giulio, Davidson, Kenneth R., Paulsen, Vern I., and Rahaman, Mizanur
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
Arveson's extension theorem guarantees that every completely positive map defined on an operator system can be extended to a completely positive map defined on the whole C*-algebra containing it. An analogous statement where complete positivity is replaced by positivity is known to be false. A natural question is whether extendibility could still hold for positive maps satisfying stronger conditions, such as being unital and norm 1. Here we provide three counterexamples showing that positive norm-one unital maps defined on an operator subsystem of a matrix algebra cannot be extended to a positive map on the full matrix algebra. The first counterexample is an unextendible positive unital map with unit norm, the second counterexample is an unextendible positive unital isometry on a real operator space, and the third counterexample is an unextendible positive unital isometry on a complex operator space., Comment: Comments are welcome
- Published
- 2022
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7. Strongly peaking representations and compressions of operator systems
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Passer, Benjamin
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47A20, 47A13, 46L07, 47L25 - Abstract
We use Arveson's notion of strongly peaking representation to generalize uniqueness theorems for free spectrahedra and matrix convex sets which admit minimal presentations. A fully compressed separable operator system necessarily generates the C*-envelope and is such that the identity is the direct sum of strongly peaking representations. In particular, a fully compressed presentation of a separable operator system is unique up to unitary equivalence. Under various additional assumptions, minimality conditions are sufficient to determine a separable operator system uniquely., Comment: 26 pages. Version 2 has minor updates. To appear in International Mathematics Research Notices
- Published
- 2020
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8. Interpolation and duality in algebras of multipliers on the ball
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Hartz, Michael
- Subjects
Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Mathematics - Complex Variables ,Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,46E22 (Primary) 47L30, 47L50, 46J15 (Secondary) - Abstract
We study the multiplier algebras $A(\mathcal{H})$ obtained as the closure of the polynomials on certain reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces $\mathcal{H}$ on the ball $\mathbb{B}_d$ of $\mathbb{C}^d$. Our results apply, in particular, to the Drury-Arveson space, the Dirichlet space and the Hardy space on the ball. We first obtain a complete description of the dual and second dual spaces of $A(\mathcal H)$ in terms of the complementary bands of Henkin and totally singular measures for $\operatorname{Mult}(\mathcal{H})$. This is applied to obtain several definitive results in interpolation. In particular, we establish a sharp peak interpolation result for compact $\operatorname{Mult}(\mathcal{H})$-totally null sets as well as a Pick and peak interpolation theorem. Conversely, we show that a mere interpolation set is $\operatorname{Mult}(\mathcal{H})$-totally null., Comment: 44 pages; minor changes
- Published
- 2020
9. Noncommutative Choquet theory
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Kennedy, Matthew
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Primary 46A55, 46L07, 47A20, Secondary 46L52, 47L25 - Abstract
We introduce a new and extensive theory of noncommutative convexity along with a corresponding theory of noncommutative functions. We establish noncommutative analogues of the fundamental results from classical convexity theory, and apply these ideas to develop a noncommutative Choquet theory that generalizes much of classical Choquet theory. The central objects of interest in noncommutative convexity are noncommutative convex sets. The category of compact noncommutative sets is dual to the category of operator systems, and there is a robust notion of extreme point for a noncommutative convex set that is dual to Arveson's notion of boundary representation for an operator system. We identify the C*-algebra of continuous noncommutative functions on a compact noncommutative convex set as the maximal C*-algebra of the operator system of continuous noncommutative affine functions on the set. In the noncommutative setting, unital completely positive maps on this C*-algebra play the role of representing measures in the classical setting. The continuous convex noncommutative functions determine an order on the set of unital completely positive maps that is analogous to the classical Choquet order on probability measures. We characterize this order in terms of the extensions and dilations of the maps, providing a powerful new perspective on the structure of completely positive maps on operator systems. Finally, we establish a noncommutative generalization of the Choquet-Bishop-de Leeuw theorem asserting that every point in a compact noncommutative convex set has a representing map that is supported on the extreme boundary. In the separable case, we obtain a corresponding integral representation theorem., Comment: 83 pages; various minor changes
- Published
- 2019
10. Nevanlinna-Pick Families and Singular Rational Varieties
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Shamovich, Eli
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras - Abstract
The goal of this note is to apply ideas from commutative algebra (a.k.a. affine algebraic geometry) to the question of constrained Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation. More precisely, we consider subalgebras $A \subset \mathbb{C}[z_1,\ldots,z_d]$, such that the map from the affine space to the spectrum of $A$ is an isomorphism except for finitely many points. Letting $\mathfrak{A}$ be the weak-$*$ closure of $A$ in $\mathcal{M}_d$ -- the multiplier algebra of the Drury-Arveson space. We provide a parametrization for the Nevanlinna-Pick family of $M_k(\mathfrak{A})$ for $k \geq 1$. In particular, when $k=1$ the parameter space for the Nevanlinna-Pick family is the Picard group of $A$.
- Published
- 2018
11. Structure of free semigroupoid algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Dor-On, Adam, and Li, Boyu
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L80, 47L55, 47L40 (Primary) 46L05 (Secondary) - Abstract
A free semigroupoid algebra is the closure of the algebra generated by a TCK family of a graph in the weak operator topology. We obtain a structure theory for these algebras analogous to that of free semigroup algebra. We clarify the role of absolute continuity and wandering vectors. These results are applied to obtain a Lebesgue-von Neumann-Wold decomposition of TCK families, along with reflexivity, a Kaplansky density theorem and classification for free semigroupoid algebras. Several classes of examples are discussed and developed, including self-adjoint examples and a classification of atomic free semigroupoid algebras up to unitary equivalence., Comment: 65 pages, 1 figure. Accepted to JFA
- Published
- 2017
12. A proof of Boca's Theorem
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Kakariadis, Evgenios T. A.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,46L07, 46L09 - Abstract
We give a general method of extending unital completely positive maps to amalgamated free products of C*-algebras. As an application we give a dilation theoretic proof of Boca's Theorem., Comment: 9 pages, minor corrections in text
- Published
- 2017
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13. Complete spectral sets and numerical range
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Paulsen, Vern I., and Woerdeman, Hugo J.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,47A12, 47A25, 15A60 - Abstract
We define the complete numerical radius norm for homomorphisms from any operator algebra into ${\mathcal B}({\mathcal H})$, and show that this norm can be computed explicitly in terms of the completely bounded norm. This is used to show that if $K$ is a complete $C$-spectral set for an operator $T$, then it is a complete $M$-numerical radius set, where $M=\frac12(C+C^{-1})$. In particular, in view of Crouzeix's theorem, there is a universal constant $M$ (less than 5.6) so that if $P$ is a matrix polynomial and $T \in {\mathcal B}({\mathcal H})$, then $w(P(T)) \le M \|P\|_{W(T)}$. When $W(T) = \overline{\mathbb D}$, we have $M = \frac54$.
- Published
- 2016
14. Choquet order and hyperrigidity for function systems
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Kennedy, Matthew
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis - Abstract
We establish a dilation-theoretic characterization of the Choquet order on the space of measures on a compact convex set using ideas from the theory of operator algebras. This yields an extension of Cartier's dilation theorem to the non-separable setting, as well as a non-separable version of \v{S}a\v{s}kin's theorem from approximation theory. We show that a slight variant of this order characterizes the representations of a commutative C*-algebra that have the unique extension property relative to a set of generators. This reduces the commutative case of Arveson's hyperrigidity conjecture to the question of whether measures that are maximal with respect to the classical Choquet order are also maximal with respect to this new order. An example shows that these orders are not the same in general., Comment: 32 pages; minor revision; Corollary 7.7 added. To appear in Advances Math
- Published
- 2016
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15. Dilations, inclusions of matrix convex sets, and completely positive maps
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Dor-On, Adam, Shalit, Orr, and Solel, Baruch
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47A13, 47B32, 12Y05, 13P10 - Abstract
A matrix convex set is a set of the form $\mathcal{S} = \cup_{n\geq 1}\mathcal{S}_n$ (where each $\mathcal{S}_n$ is a set of $d$-tuples of $n \times n$ matrices) that is invariant under UCP maps from $M_n$ to $M_k$ and under formation of direct sums. We study the geometry of matrix convex sets and their relationship to completely positive maps and dilation theory. Key ingredients in our approach are polar duality in the sense of Effros and Winkler, matrix ranges in the sense of Arveson, and concrete constructions of scaled commuting normal dilation for tuples of self-adjoint operators, in the sense of Helton, Klep, McCullough and Schweighofer. Given two matrix convex sets $\mathcal{S} = \cup_{n \geq 1} \mathcal{S}_n,$ and $\mathcal{T} = \cup_{n \geq 1} \mathcal{T}_n$, we find geometric conditions on $\mathcal{S}$ or on $\mathcal{T}$, such that $\mathcal{S}_1 \subseteq \mathcal{T}_1$ implies that $\mathcal{S} \subseteq C\mathcal{S}$ for some constant $C$. For instance, under various symmetry conditions on $\mathcal{S}$, we can show that $C$ above can be chosen to equal $d$, the number of variables, and in some cases this is sharp. We also find an essentially unique self-dual matrix convex set $\mathcal{D}$, the self-dual matrix ball, for which corresponding inclusion and dilation results hold with constant $C=\sqrt{d}$. Our results have immediate implications to spectrahedral inclusion problems studied recently by Helton, Klep, McCullough and Schweighofer. Our constants do not depend on the ranks of the pencils determining the free spectrahedra in question, but rather on the "number of variables" $d$. There are also implications to the problem of existence of (unital) completely positive maps with prescribed values on a set of operators., Comment: Proposition 6.3, Corollary 6.4 and Theorem 6.5 in the previous version do not hold in the generality claimed. In this version we added "non-singularity" assumption (Definition 6.3) under which these results hold; in the new version they appear as Proposition 6.7, Corollary 6.8 and Theorem 6.9. 52 pages
- Published
- 2016
16. Absolute continuity for commuting row contractions
- Author
Clouâtre, Raphaël and Davidson, Kenneth R.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Mathematics - Operator Algebras - Abstract
Absolutely continuous commuting row contractions admit a weak-$*$ continuous functional calculus. Building on recent work describing the first and second dual spaces of the closure of the polynomial multipliers on the Drury-Arveson space, we give a complete characterization of these commuting row contractions in measure theoretic terms. We also establish that completely non-unitary row contractions are necessarily absolutely continuous, in direct parallel with the case of a single contraction. Finally, we consider refinements of this question for row contractions that are annihilated by a given ideal., Comment: 20 pages. Small issues in the proof of Theorem 4.2 have been fixed. Final version. To appear in Journal of Functional Analysis
- Published
- 2015
17. Ideals in a multiplier algebra on the ball
- Author
Clouâtre, Raphaël and Davidson, Kenneth R.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Complex Variables ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis - Abstract
We study the ideals of the closure of the polynomial multipliers on the Drury-Arveson space. Structural results are obtained by investigating the relation between an ideal and its weak-$*$ closure, much in the spirit of the corresponding classical facts for the disc algebra. Zero sets for multipliers are also considered and are deeply intertwined with the structure of ideals. Our approach is primarily based on duality arguments., Comment: 21 pages. Version 2. Accepted for publication in Transactions of the AMS
- Published
- 2015
18. The unit ball of the predual of $H^\infty(\mathbb{B}_d)$ has no extreme points
- Author
Clouâtre, Raphaël and Davidson, Kenneth R.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Mathematics - Complex Variables - Abstract
We identify the exposed points of the unit ball of the dual space of the ball algebra. As a corollary, we show that the predual of $H^\infty(\mathbb{B}_d)$ has no extreme points in its unit ball., Comment: 7 pages. Final version. To appear in Proceedings of the AMS
- Published
- 2015
19. Duality, convexity and peak interpolation in the Drury-Arveson space
- Author
Clouâtre, Raphaël and Davidson, Kenneth R.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Mathematics - Complex Variables ,Mathematics - Operator Algebras - Abstract
We consider the closed algebra $\mathcal{A}_d$ generated by the polynomial multipliers on the Drury-Arveson space. We identify $\mathcal{A}_d^*$ as a direct sum of the preduals of the full multiplier algebra and of a commutative von Neumann algebra, and establish analogues of many classical results concerning the dual space of the ball algebra. These developments are deeply intertwined with the problem of peak interpolation for multipliers, and we generalize a theorem of Bishop-Carleson-Rudin to this setting by means of Choquet type integral representations. As a byproduct we shed some light on the nature of the extreme points of the unit ball of $\mathcal{A}^*_d$., Comment: 50 pages. Final version. Accepted for publication in Advances in Mathematics
- Published
- 2015
20. Nevanlinna-Pick Families and Singular Rational Varieties
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Shamovich, Eli, Gohberg, Israel, Founding Editor, Ball, Joseph A., Series Editor, Böttcher, Albrecht, Series Editor, Dym, Harry, Series Editor, Langer, Heinz, Series Editor, Tretter, Christiane, Series Editor, Curto, Raul E, editor, Helton, William, editor, Lin, Huaxin, editor, Tang, Xiang, editor, Yang, Rongwei, editor, and Yu, Guoliang, editor
- Published
- 2020
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21. Semicrossed Products of Operator Algebras: A Survey
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Fuller, Adam H., and Kakariadis, Evgenios T. A.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47A20, 47L25, 47L65, 46L07 - Abstract
Semicrossed product algebras have been used to study dynamical systems since their introduction by Arveson in 1967. In this survey article, we discuss the history and some recent work, focussing on the conjugacy problem, dilation theory and C*-envelopes, and some connections back to the dynamics, Comment: 29 pages
- Published
- 2014
22. Semicrossed Products of Operator Algebras by Semigroups
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Fuller, Adam H., and Kakariadis, Evgenios T. A.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47A20, 47L25, 47L65, 46L07 - Abstract
We examine the semicrossed products of a semigroup action by $*$-endomorphisms on a C*-algebra, or more generally of an action on an arbitrary operator algebra by completely contractive endomorphisms. The choice of allowable representations affects the corresponding universal algebra. We seek quite general conditions which will allow us to show that the C*-envelope of the semicrossed product is (a full corner of) a crossed product of an auxiliary C*-algebra by a group action. Our analysis concerns a case-by-case dilation theory on covariant pairs. In the process we determine the C*-envelope for various semicrossed products of (possibly nonselfadjoint) operator algebras by spanning cones and lattice-ordered abelian semigroups. In particular, we show that the C*-envelope of the semicrossed product of C*-dynamical systems by doubly commuting representations of $\mathbb{Z}^n_+$ (by generally non-injective endomorphisms) is the full corner of a C*-crossed product. In consequence we connect the ideal structure of C*-covers to properties of the actions. In particular, when the system is classical, we show that the C*-envelope is simple if and only if the action is injective and minimal. The dilation methods that we use may be applied to non-abelian semigroups. We identify the C*-envelope for actions of the free semigroup $\mathbb{F}_+^n$ by automorphisms in a concrete way, and for injective systems in a more abstract manner. We also deal with C*-dynamical systems over Ore semigroups when the appropriate covariance relation is considered., Comment: 100 pages; comments and references updated
- Published
- 2014
23. Multipliers of embedded discs
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Hartz, Michael, and Shalit, Orr
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L30, 47A13, 46E22 - Abstract
We consider a number of examples of multiplier algebras on Hilbert spaces associated to discs embedded into a complex ball in order to examine the isomorphism problem for multiplier algebras on complete Nevanlinna-Pick reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. In particular, we exhibit uncountably many discs in the ball of $\ell^2$ which are multiplier biholomorphic but have non-isomorphic multiplier algebras. We also show that there are closed discs in the ball of $\ell^2$ which are varieties, and examine their multiplier algebras. In finite balls, we provide a counterpoint to a result of Alpay, Putinar and Vinnikov by providing a proper rational biholomorphism of the disc onto a variety $V$ in $\mathbb B_2$ such that the multiplier algebra is not all of $H^\infty(V)$. We also show that the transversality property, which is one of their hypotheses, is a consequence of the smoothness that they require., Comment: 34 pages; the earlier version relied on a result of Davidson and Pitts that the fibre of the maximal ideal space of the multiplier algebra over a point in the open ball consists only of point evaluation. This result fails for $d = \infty$, and has necessitated some changes; to appear in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
- Published
- 2013
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24. The Choquet boundary of an operator system
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Kennedy, Matthew
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,46L07, 46L52, 47A20, 47L55 - Abstract
We show that every operator system (and hence every unital operator algebra) has sufficiently many boundary representations to generate the C*-envelope., Comment: 15 pages; simplified proof of key lemma, added new short proof of sufficiency of boundary representations
- Published
- 2013
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25. Structure of free semigroupoid algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Dor-On, Adam, and Li, Boyu
- Published
- 2019
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26. The mathematical legacy of William Arveson
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47A, 47D, 47L, 46L - Abstract
This is a retrospective of some of William Arveson's many contributions to operator theory and operator algebras.
- Published
- 2012
27. Conjugate Dynamical Systems on C*-algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Kakariadis, Evgenios T. A.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,47L65, 46L40 (Primary) - Abstract
Let $(A, \alpha)$ and $(B, \beta)$ be C*-dynamical systems where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are arbitrary *-endomorphisms. When $\alpha$ is injective or surjective, we show that the semicrossed products $A \times_\alpha \mathbb{Z}$ and $B \times_\beta \mathbb{Z}$ are isometrically isomorphic if and only if $(A, \alpha)$ and $(B, \beta)$ are outer conjugate. This conclusion also holds in various other cases as well., Comment: 19 pages
- Published
- 2012
28. A 3x3 dilation counterexample
- Author
Choi, Man Duen and Davidson, Kenneth R.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47A20, 47A30, 15A60 - Abstract
We define four 3x3 commuting contractions which do not dilate to commuting isometries. However they do satisfy the scalar von Neumann inequality. These matrices are all nilpotent of order 2. We also show that any three $3\times3$ commuting contractions which are scalar plus nilpotent of order 2 do dilate to commuting isometries., Comment: 11 pages
- Published
- 2012
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29. Operator algebras for analytic varieties
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Ramsey, Christopher, and Shalit, Orr
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras - Abstract
We study the isomorphism problem for the multiplier algebras of irreducible complete Pick kernels. These are precisely the restrictions $\mathcal M_V$ of the multiplier algebra $\mathcal M$ of Drury-Arveson space to a holomorphic subvariety $V$ of the unit ball $\mathbb{B}_d$. We find that $\mathcal M_V$ is completely isometrically isomorphic to $\mathcal M_W$ if and only if $W$ is the image of $V$ under a biholomorphic automorphism of the ball. In this case, the isomorphism is unitarily implemented. This is then strengthend to show that, when $d<\infty$, every isometric isomorphism is completely isometric. The problem of characterizing when two such algebras are (algebraically) isomorphic is also studied. When $V$ and $W$ are each a finite union of irreducible varieties and a discrete variety in $\mathbb{B}_d$ with $d<\infty$, then an isomorphism between $\mathcal M_V$ and $\mathcal M_W$ determines a biholomorphism (with multiplier coordinates) between the varieties; and the isomorphism is composition with this function. These maps are automatically weak-$*$ continuous. We present a number of examples showing that the converse fails in several ways. We discuss several special cases in which the converse does hold---particularly, smooth curves and Blaschke sequences. We also discuss the norm closed algebras associated to a variety, and point out some of the differences., Comment: 39 pages. It has come to light that a result of Davidson and Pitts, that the fibre of the maximal ideal space of the multiplier algebra over a point in the open ball consists only of point evaluation, is not true for $d = \infty$. Version 5 addresses this with some minor changes to the $d=\infty$ case. To appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc
- Published
- 2012
30. Dilation theory, commutant lifting and semicrossed products
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Katsoulis, Elias G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L55 - Abstract
We take a new look at dilation theory for nonself-adjoint operator algebras. Among the extremal (co)extensions of a representation, there is a special property of being fully extremal. This allows a refinement of some of the classical notions which are important when one moves away from standard examples. We show that many algebras including graph algebras and tensor algebras of C*-correspondences have the semi-Dirichlet property which collapses these notions and explains why they have a better dilation theory. This leads to variations of the notions of commutant lifting and Ando's theorem. This is applied to the study of semicrossed products by automorphisms, and endomorphisms which lift to the C*-envelope. In particular, we obtain several general theorems which allow one to conclude that semicrossed products of an operator algebra naturally imbed completely isometrically into the semicrossed product of its C*-envelope, and the C*-envelopes of these two algebras are the same.
- Published
- 2011
31. Semicrossed products of the disc algebra
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Katsoulis, Elias G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras - Abstract
If $\alpha$ is the endomorphism of the disk algebra, $\AD$, induced by composition with a finite Blaschke product $b$, then the semicrossed product $\AD\times_{\alpha} \bZ^+$ imbeds canonically, completely isometrically into $\rC(\bT)\times_{\alpha} \bZ^+$. Hence in the case of a non-constant Blaschke product $b$, the C*-envelope has the form $ \rC(\S_{b})\times_{s} \bZ$, where $(\S_{b}, s)$ is the solenoid system for $(\bT, b)$. In the case where $b$ is a constant, then the C*-envelope of $\AD\times_{\alpha} \bZ^+$ is strongly Morita equivalent to a crossed product of the form $ \rC(\S_{e})\times_{s} \bZ$, where $e \colon \bT \times \bN \longrightarrow \bT \times \bN$ is a suitable map and $(\S_{e}, s)$ is the solenoid system for $(\bT \times \bN, \, e)$ ., Comment: 7 pages
- Published
- 2011
32. The isomorphism problem for some universal operator algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Ramsey, Christopher, and Shalit, Orr
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L30 (Primary) 47A13 (Secondary) - Abstract
This paper addresses the isomorphism problem for the universal (nonself-adjoint) operator algebras generated by a row contraction subject to homogeneous polynomial relations. We find that two such algebras are isometrically isomorphic if and only if the defining polynomial relations are the same up to a unitary change of variables, and that this happens if and only if the associated subproduct systems are isomorphic. The proof makes use of the complex analytic structure of the character space, together with some recent results on subproduct systems. Restricting attention to commutative operator algebras defined by radical relations yields strong resemblances with classical algebraic geometry. These commutative operator algebras turn out to be algebras of analytic functions on algebraic varieties. We prove a projective Nullstellensatz connecting closed ideals and their zero sets. Under some technical assumptions, we find that two such algebras are isomorphic as algebras if and only if they are similar, and we obtain a clear geometrical picture of when this happens. This result is obtained with tools from algebraic geometry, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and some new complex-geometric rigidity results of independent interest. The C*-envelopes of these algebras are also determined. The Banach-algebraic and the algebraic classification results are shown to hold for the weak-operator closures of these algebras as well., Comment: 46 pages. Final version, to appear in Advances in Mathematics
- Published
- 2010
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33. Nevanlinna-Pick Interpolation and Factorization of Linear Functionals
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Hamilton, Ryan
- Subjects
Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,Mathematics - Operator Algebras - Abstract
If $\fA$ is a unital weak-$*$ closed algebra of multiplication operators on a reproducing kernel Hilbert space which has the property $\bA_1(1)$, then the cyclic invariant subspaces index a Nevanlinna-Pick family of kernels. This yields an NP interpolation theorem for a wide class of algebras. In particular, it applies to many function spaces over the unit disk including Bergman space. We also show that the multiplier algebra of a complete NP space has $\bA_1(1)$, and thus this result applies to all of its subalgebras. A matrix version of this result is also established. It applies, in particular, to all unital weak-$*$ closed subalgebras of $H^\infty$ acting on Hardy space or on Bergman space., Comment: 26 pages; minor revisions; to appear in Integral Equations and Operator Theory
- Published
- 2010
34. Isomorphisms of tensor algebras of topological graphs
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Roydor, Jean
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras - Abstract
We show that if two tensor algebras of topological graphs are algebraically isomorphic, then the graphs are locally conjugate. Conversely, if the base space is at most one dimensional and the edge space is compact, then locally conjugate topological graphs yield completely isometrically isomorphic tensor algebras., Comment: Submitted to Indiana University Mathematics Journal.
- Published
- 2010
35. Commutant Lifting for Commuting Row Contractions
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Le, Trieu
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47A20 - Abstract
If $T= \big[ T_1 ... T_n\big]$ is a row contraction with commuting entries, and the Arveson dilation is $\tilde T= \big[ \tilde T_1 ... \tilde T_n\big]$, then any operator $X$ commuting with each $T_i$ dilates to an operator $Z$ of the same norm which commutes with each $\tilde T_i$., Comment: one section and references were added
- Published
- 2009
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36. Completely bounded norms of k$k$‐positive maps.
- Author
Aubrun, Guillaume, Davidson, Kenneth R., Müller‐Hermes, Alexander, Paulsen, Vern I., and Rahaman, Mizanur
- Subjects
MATRICES (Mathematics) ,OPERATOR theory - Abstract
Given an operator system S$\mathcal {S}$, we define the parameters rk(S)$r_k(\mathcal {S})$ (resp. dk(S)$d_k(\mathcal {S})$) defined as the maximal value of the completely bounded norm of a unital k$k$‐positive map from an arbitrary operator system into S$\mathcal {S}$ (resp. from S$\mathcal {S}$ into an arbitrary operator system). In the case of the matrix algebras Mn$\mathsf {M}_n$, for 1⩽k⩽n$1 \leqslant k \leqslant n$, we compute the exact value rk(Mn)=2n−kk$r_k(\mathsf {M}_n) = \frac{2n-k}{k}$ and show upper and lower bounds on the parameters dk(Mn)$d_k(\mathsf {M}_n)$. Moreover, when S$\mathcal {S}$ is a finite‐dimensional operator system, adapting results of Passer and the fourth author [J. Operator Theory 85 (2021), no. 2, 547–568], we show that the sequence (rk(S))$(r_k(\mathcal {S}))$ tends to 1 if and only if S$\mathcal {S}$ is exact and that the sequence (dk(S))$(d_k(\mathcal {S}))$ tends to 1 if and only if S$\mathcal {S}$ has the lifting property. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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37. Operator Algebras with Unique Preduals
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Wright, Alex
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L50 ,46B04 ,47L35 - Abstract
We show that every free semigroup algebras has a (strongly) unique Banach space predual. We also provide a new simpler proof that a weak*-closed unital operator operator algebra containing a weak* dense subalgebra of compact operators has a unique Banach space predual., Comment: 13 pages
- Published
- 2008
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38. Representations of Higher Rank Graph Algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Yang, Dilian
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L55 ,47L30 ,47L75 ,46L05 - Abstract
Let $\Fth$ be a $\Bk$-graph on a single vertex. We show that every irreducible atomic $*$-representation is the minimal $*$-dilation of a group construction representation. It follows that every atomic representation decomposes as a direct sum or integral of such representations. We characterize periodicity of $\Fth$ and identify a symmetry subgroup $H_\theta$ of $\bZ^\Bk$. If this has rank $s$, then $\ca(\Fth) \cong \rC(\bT^s) \otimes \fA$ for some simple C*-algebra $\fA$., Comment: 30 pages
- Published
- 2008
39. Topological Stable Rank of Nest Algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Ji, You Qing
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47A35 ,47L75 ,19B10 - Abstract
We establish a general result about extending a right invertible row over a Banach algebra to an invertible matrix. This is applied to the computation of right topological stable rank of a split exact sequence. We also introduce a quantitative measure of stable rank. These results are applied to compute the right (left) topological stable rank for all nest algebras. This value is either 2 or infinity, and rtsr(T(N)) = 2 occurs only when N is of ordinal type less than omega^2 and the dimensions of the atoms grows sufficiently quickly. We introduce general results on `partial matrix algebras' over a Banach algebra. This is used to obtain an inequality akin to Rieffel's formula for matrix algebras over a Banach algebra. This is used to give further insight into the nest case.
- Published
- 2008
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- Author
- Published
- 2018
- Author
- Published
- 2018
42. Semicrossed products of simple C*-algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Katsoulis, Elias G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L65, 46L40 - Abstract
Let $(\A, \alpha)$ and $(\B, \beta)$ be C*-dynamical systems and assume that $\A$ is a separable simple C*-algebra and that $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are *-automorphisms. Then the semicrossed products $\A \times_{\alpha} \bbZ^{+}$ and $\B \times_{\beta} \bbZ^{+}$ are isometrically isomorphic if and only if the dynamical systems $(\A, \alpha)$ and $(\B, \beta)$ are outer conjugate., Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in Math. Ann
- Published
- 2007
43. A Constrained Nevanlinna-Pick Interpolation Problem
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Paulsen, Vern I., Raghupathi, Mrinal, and Singh, Dinesh
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,47A57 - Abstract
We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation on the unit disk with the additional restriction that all analytic interpolating functions satisfy $f'(0)=0.$ Alternatively, these results can be interpreted as interpolation results for $H^{\infty}(V),$ where $V$ is the intersection of the bidisk with an algebraic variety. We use an analysis of C*-envelopes to show that these same conditions do not suffice for matrix interpolation.
- Published
- 2007
44. Atomic Representations of Rank 2 Graph Algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Power, Stephen C., and Yang, Dilian
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,47L55 - Abstract
We provide a detailed analysis of atomic *-representations of rank 2 graphs on a single vertex. They are completely classified up to unitary equivalence, and decomposed into a direct sum or direct integral of irreducible atomic representations. The building blocks are described as the minimal *-dilations of defect free representations modelled on finite groups of rank 2., Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2007
45. Dilation Theory for Rank 2 Graph Algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R., Power, Stephen C., and Yang, Dilian
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,47L55 - Abstract
An analysis is given of $*$-representations of rank 2 single vertex graphs. We develop dilation theory for the non-selfadjoint algebras $\A_\theta$ and $\A_u$ which are associated with the commutation relation permutation $\theta$ of a 2 graph and, more generally, with commutation relations determined by a unitary matrix $u$ in $M_m(\bC) \otimes M_n(\bC)$. We show that a defect free row contractive representation has a unique minimal dilation to a $*$-representation and we provide a new simpler proof of Solel's row isometric dilation of two $u$-commuting row contractions. Furthermore it is shown that the C*-envelope of $\A_u$ is the generalised Cuntz algebra $\O_{X_u}$ for the product system $X_u$ of $u$; that for $m\geq 2 $ and $n \geq 2 $ contractive representations of $\Ath$ need not be completely contractive; and that the universal tensor algebra $\T_+(X_u)$ need not be isometrically isomorphic to $\A_u$., Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2007
46. Periodicity in Rank 2 Graph Algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Yang, Dilian
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,47L55 - Abstract
Kumjian and Pask introduced an aperiodicity condition for higher rank graphs. We present a detailed analysis of when this occurs in certain rank 2 graphs. When the algebra is aperiodic, we give another proof of the simplicity of $\ca(\Fth)$. The periodic C*-algebras are characterized, and it is shown that $\ca(\Fth) \simeq \rC(\bT) \otimes \fA$ where $\fA$ is a simple C*-algebra., Comment: 27 pages
- Published
- 2007
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47. Operator algebras for multivariable dynamics
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Katsoulis, Elias G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Dynamical Systems ,47L55, 47L40, 46L05, 37B20, 37B99 - Abstract
Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space with $n$ proper continuous self maps $\tau_i:X \to X$ for $1 \le i \le n$. To this we associate two topological conjugacy algebras which emerge as the natural candidates for the universal algebra of the system, the tensor algebra $\A(X, \tau)$ and the semicrossed product $\rC_0(X)\times_\tau\Fn$. We introduce a concept of conjugacy for multidimensional systems, which we coin piecewise conjugacy. We prove that the piecewise conjugacy class of the system can be recovered from either the algebraic structure of $\A(X, \tau)$ or $\rC_0(X)\times_\tau\Fn$. Various classification results follow as a consequence. For example, for $n=2,3$, the tensor algebras are (algebraically or even completely isometrically) isomorphic if and only if the systems are piecewise topologically conjugate. In order to establish these results we make use of analytic varieties as well as homotopy theory for Lie groups We define a generalized notion of wandering sets and recurrence. Using this, it is shown that $\A(X, \tau)$ or $\rC_0(X)\times_\tau\Fn$ is semisimple if and only if there are no generalized wandering sets. In the metrizable case, this is equivalent to each $\tau_i$ being surjective and $v$-recurrent points being dense for each $v \in \Fn$., Comment: In this version we explicitly exhibit enough (irreducible) boundary repns to faithfully represent the C*-envelope of the tensor algebra of the system. We also show that piecewise conjugacy is not a complete invariant for complete isomorphisms between semicrossed products. The paper has been reorganized
- Published
- 2007
48. Isomorphisms between topological conjugacy algebras
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Katsoulis, Elias G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L80 - Abstract
A family of algebras, which we call topological conjugacy algebras, is associated with each proper continuous map on a locally compact Hausdorff space. Assume that $\eta_i:\X_i\to \X_i$ is a continuous proper map on a locally compact Hausdorff space $\X_i$, for $i = 1,2$. We show that the dynamical systems $(\X_1, \eta_1)$ and $(\X_2, \eta_2)$ are conjugate if and only if some topological conjugacy algebra of $(\X_1, \eta_1)$ is isomorphic as an algebra to some topological conjugacy algebra of $(\X_2, \eta_2)$. This implies as a corollary the complete classification of the semicrossed products $C_0(\X) \times_{\eta} \bbZ^{+}$, which was previously considered by Arveson and Josephson, Peters, Hadwin and Hoover and Power. We also obtain a complete classification of all semicrossed products of the form $A(\bbD) \times_{\eta}\bbZ^{+}$, where $A(\bbD)$ denotes the disc algebra and $\eta: \bbD \to \bbD$ a continuous map which is analytic on the interior. In this case, a surprising dichotomy appears in the classification scheme, which depends on the fixed point set of $\eta$. We also classify more general semicrossed products of uniform algebras., Comment: 25 pages. Accepted for publication in Crelle's Journal
- Published
- 2006
49. 1-Hyperreflexivity and Complete Hyperreflexivity
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Levene, Rupert H.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Functional Analysis ,47L05 - Abstract
The subspaces and subalgebras of B(H) which are hyperreflexive with constant 1 are completely classified. It is shown that there are 1-hyperreflexive subspaces for which the complete hyperreflexivity constant is strictly greater than 1. The constants for $\bC T \otimes B(H)$ are analyzed in detail., Comment: 41 pages
- Published
- 2005
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50. Norms of Schur Multipliers
- Author
Davidson, Kenneth R. and Donsig, Allan P.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Operator Algebras ,Primary 47L80 ,Secondary 15A60 ,47A30 - Abstract
A subset P of N x N is called Schur bounded if every infinite matrix with bounded entries which is zero off of P yields a bounded Schur multiplier on B(H). Such sets are characterized as being the union of a subset with at most k entries in each row with another that has at most k entries in each column, for some finite k. If k is optimal, there is a Schur multiplier supported on the pattern with norm O(k^(1/2)), which is sharp up to a constant. The same techniques give a new, more elementary proof of results of Varopoulos and Pisier on Schur multipliers with given matrix entries of random sign. We consider the Schur multipliers for certain matrices which have a large symmetry group. In these examples, we are able to compute the Schur multiplier norm exactly. This is carried out in detail for a few examples including the Kneser graphs., Comment: 23 pages
- Published
- 2005
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