Introduction: Considering the growing human population and the loss of environmental moderation, it is essential to use effective scientific methods to produce as many crops as possible and create more diversity in them. Sustainable agriculture is the most beneficial way to use the sun's energy and convert it into agricultural products without destroying the soil, water and environment. The global approach to the use of medicinal plants and natural compounds in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic-sanitary and food industries, followed by the attention of the people, officials and domestic industries to the use of medicinal and aromatic plants, creates an urgent need for extensive basic and applied research. It shows in this context. Medicinal plants are one of the most valuable resources in Iran's wide range of natural resources, which can play an important role in society's health, job creation, and non-oil exports if scientifically recognized, cultivated, developed, and exploited correctly. The diversity of climate and different ecological conditions have caused the diversity and richness of medicinal plants throughout Iran. The need for comprehensive research and correct utilization of these plants is very necessary, especially when the world's use of medicinal plants in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic-health and food industries has accelerated. In this regard, in this research, it has been tried to evaluate the ecotypes of the common Dragon's head in the region in terms of performance and performance components, and identify and introduce the most suitable ecotypes for the region and, if necessary, in the improvement programs. be noticed. Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate the performance and components of performance of 49 ecotypes of Dragon's head (Gare Zarak) collected from different regions of the country, a research was conducted in the form of randomized complete block design with 3 replications during 1995 and 1996 in the research farm of Tabriz University's Faculty of Agriculture. The most important traits measured were the number of seeds per capsule, number of seeds per plant, thousand seed weight, seed yield and harvest index. Results and Discussion: The obtained results showed that the ecotypes showed significant differences with each other in most of the studied traits. Ecotype No. 37 (Alvar Village, Bostan-Abad) was highly superior in terms of many traits, especially in terms of grain yield. The results of correlation, regression and causality analyzes showed that the number of seeds per plant and the number of seeds per capsule had the highest correlation with seed yield and are considered effective components in increasing seed yield. The highest correlation coefficient (0.879) was observed between the number of seeds per plant and the seed yield of a single plant. Based on the cluster analysis, ecotypes were grouped into two separate clusters based on seed yield and related traits, the second group included 22 ecotypes with the highest value in terms of traits such as number of seeds per plant and number of seeds per capsule. Based on the results of this research, ecotypes No. 37 (Alwar Bostan-Abad village), 23 (Tabriz 4) and 24 (Kalvanagh 14) in terms of seed yield traits and ecotypes No. 14 (Tabriz 3), 44 (Lilab village, Varzeghan) and 37 (Alvar Village, Bostanabad) were recognized as the most appropriate and compatible ecotypes for Tabriz city in terms of dry fodder yield. Conclusion: Based on the average comparison results, ecotype No. 35 (Param 2 Haris village) and ecotype No. 48 (Zanjan) have the highest 1000 seed weight among the studied ecotypes with an average of 5.418 grams and 5.385 grams, respectively. They gave. Based on the results of regression analysis and causality analysis of seed yield, the number of seeds per plant and the number of seeds per capsule had a direct positive effect on the seed yield of a single plant. Based on the Word method and based on grain yield, Dragon's head ecotypes were divided into two groups. The second group includes ecotypes 2, 8, 10, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49. Was. The percentage of deviation from the average for all traits in this group was positive; Therefore, the ecotypes of this group are superior to the first group in terms of performance and traits related to it, and they can be used in breeding programs and selection of suitable ecotypes in terms of seed yield, number of seeds per plant and number of seeds per capsule. According to the results of various statistical analyzes of some important traits with seed yield, it can be said that the selection and cultivation of ecotypes No. 37 (Alvar village, Bostanabad), No. 23 (Tabriz 4), No. 24 (Kluvanq local mass 14), No. 25 (Tashe local mass) Kend 1 Harris) and No. 7 (Kelwanq 6) are recommended to the farmers of Tabriz as the most suitable ecotypes for sowing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]