This survey of the earthworms from all 95 counties of Tennessee, USA, documents the presence of 20 species previously unreported from the state, increasing the state list to 62 species. Reported from the state for the first time are: Diplocardia alba, D. alabamana, D. eiseni, D. farmvillensis, D. gatesi, D. hulberti, D. invecta, D. longiseta, D. macdowelli, D. meansi, D. michaelseni, D. nova, D. riparia, D. rugosa, D. smithii, D. sylvicola, D. texensis, D. varivesicula, D. verrucosa and Microscolex phosphoreus. In addition, one as yet undescribed species, referenced herein as Diplocardia n.sp. TN01, was collected. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]