Francisco Plácido Magalhães Oliveira, Fernanda Atanaena Gonçalves de Andrade, Marcus Emanuel Barroncas Fernandes, Milton Gonçalves da Silva Junior, Daniela S. Santana, Marcos P. Elias, Ivanete A. Gomes, Lucinéia B. Brabo, Waldelice R. Sedovim, Janice Muriel-Cunha, Dioniso de Souza Sampaio, and Jairo S. Fernandes
The PA-458 highway construction caused severe impact on mangrove Forest in the Ajuruteua peninsula, Braganca-PA, mainly at the Km 17. In order to better understand the effect of the highway construction on mangrove forest, it was undertaken a phytographic profile and a study on the structure of mangrove stands under three different levels of environmental destruction: Degraded Area (DA), Semi-Degraded Area (SDA), and Non-Degraded Area (NDA). Considering the three levels of destruction, mangrove stands comprise trees from 3 to 9 m of height, describing a gradient from the most impacted area till the non-impacted one, whereas values of mean DBH of these trees range from 4.2 to 10 cm. The trees dominance and density showed significant differences between the three different levels of impact (ANOVA, F=13.30; df=15; p