1. Discursive textual analysis of the decisions of the Court of Justice of Amazonas as functional representative of social citizenship in the contexts of crisis pragmatics and responsive legality
- Author
Dantas, Thiago Braga, Valle, Maria Izabel de Medeiros, Freitas, Marilene Corr??a da Silva, Scherer, Elenise Faria, Cunha, Belinda Pereira da, and Silva Filho, Erivaldo Cavalcante e
- Subjects
Crise ,FILOSOFIA [CIENCIAS HUMANAS] ,SOCIOLOGIA [CIENCIAS HUMANAS] ,Responsividade Jur??dica ,Pol??tica social - Amazonas ,DIREITO [CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS] ,CIENCIA POLITICA [CIENCIAS HUMANAS] ,Pol??tica econ??mica - Amazonas ,TJAM - Tribunal de Justi??a do Amazonas ,Representa????o funcional - Abstract
Submitted by THIAGO DANTAS (thiagobd@gmail.com) on 2022-02-03T01:16:01Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Ata de defesa.pdf: 1194554 bytes, checksum: f58d250a49d30d481f45476340cbd882 (MD5) Carta de encaminhamento.pdf: 435128 bytes, checksum: cd7137dc5f2990a516bfb272b88f864c (MD5) Tese com ficha.pdf: 1996132 bytes, checksum: 28a493be4269f7633d2865c140182a45 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by PPGSCA Sociedade e Cultura na Amaz??nia (ppgsca@ufam.edu.br) on 2022-02-03T19:41:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Ata de defesa.pdf: 1194554 bytes, checksum: f58d250a49d30d481f45476340cbd882 (MD5) Carta de encaminhamento.pdf: 435128 bytes, checksum: cd7137dc5f2990a516bfb272b88f864c (MD5) Tese com ficha.pdf: 1996132 bytes, checksum: 28a493be4269f7633d2865c140182a45 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2022-02-04T03:05:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Ata de defesa.pdf: 1194554 bytes, checksum: f58d250a49d30d481f45476340cbd882 (MD5) Carta de encaminhamento.pdf: 435128 bytes, checksum: cd7137dc5f2990a516bfb272b88f864c (MD5) Tese com ficha.pdf: 1996132 bytes, checksum: 28a493be4269f7633d2865c140182a45 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2022-02-04T03:05:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Ata de defesa.pdf: 1194554 bytes, checksum: f58d250a49d30d481f45476340cbd882 (MD5) Carta de encaminhamento.pdf: 435128 bytes, checksum: cd7137dc5f2990a516bfb272b88f864c (MD5) Tese com ficha.pdf: 1996132 bytes, checksum: 28a493be4269f7633d2865c140182a45 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2021-07-20 This thesis has as its object of study the decisions of the Court of Justice of Amazonas (TJAM) in conflicts of public interest in which the Executive Powers of the state and municipal spheres have used the discursive strategy of the crisis. The objectives of this research are: to build the decision-making profile of the TJAM regarding its external alignment with the Executive Powers of the state and municipal spheres in the face of the crisis discourse; assess the institutional metamorphosis of the Judiciary in the pragmatics of the crisis; and find out which theoretical conception can support the application of Law in its post-modern complexity. An inductive method was used, with qualitative research, implemented by discursive textual analysis, with its respective phases: unitarization, categorization and production of the metatext. As for the results, cases related to fundamental and social rights and the supremacy of the public interest were identified, such as those related to personnel expenses, nomination in public competition, twelfth to the city council, suspension of the bidding process, right to health, tariff of collective transport and exoneration or postponement of tax collection. In the identified cases, it was intended that the concrete effects of the crises were presumed, in a kind of crypto-pragmatism that honored economic consequentialism, which was not accepted by the TJAM. In this way, the TJAM acted as a functional representative of social citizenship, shielding the pretension of establishing states of exception, as a complement to political representation in a post-democratic environment. The Judiciary is democratically competent and legitimated to enforce the limits of substantial democracy, deliberatively, from the perspective of demodiversity, when the argument of judicial activism is superficial in view of all the factors that must be overcome to avoid the institutional weaknesses of the courts amidst its interinstitutional fragility. Finally, legal pragmatism can theoretically and practically encompass the legal complexity in postmodernity, which is contingent and prospective, the basis of Atienza's post-positivist vision, which faced the excesses of neoconstitutionalism, by promoting offenses to legal integrity with too much openness. The TJAM followed its remarkable historical background in the defense of fundamental rights, which shows that the legal practice is a continuous process of self-correction without rupture, of a responsive nature to the social environment. A presente tese tem como objeto de estudo as decis??es do Tribunal de Justi??a do Amazonas (TJAM) nos conflitos de interesse p??blico em que os Poderes Executivos das esferas estadual e municipal tenham se utilizado da estrat??gia discursiva da crise. Os objetivos da presente pesquisa s??o: construir o perfil decis??rio do TJAM quanto ao seu alinhamento externo aos Poderes Executivos das esferas estadual e municipais diante do discurso da crise; avaliar a metamorfose institucional do Poder Judici??rio na pragm??tica da crise; e apurar qual concep????o te??rica pode subsidiar a aplica????o do Direito na sua complexidade p??s-moderna. Empregou-se m??todo indutivo, com pesquisa do tipo qualitativa, implementada pela an??lise textual discursiva, com as suas respectivas fases: unitariza????o, categoriza????o e produ????o do metatexto. Quanto aos resultados, foram identificados casos relacionados com direitos fundamentais, sociais e ?? supremacia do interesse p??blico, tais como os ligados com gasto de pessoal, nomea????o em concurso p??blico, duod??cimo ?? c??mara municipal, suspens??o de processo licitat??rio, direito ?? sa??de, tarifa de transporte coletivo e exonera????o ou adiamento de recolhimento de tributos. Nos casos identificados, pretendia-se que os efeitos concretos das crises fossem presumidos, numa esp??cie de criptopragmatismo que prestigiava o consequencialismo econ??mico, o que n??o foi acolhido pelo TJAM. Desta forma, o TJAM agiu enquanto representante funcional da cidadania social, ao blindar a pretens??o de estabelecimento de estados de exce????o, de forma complementar ?? representa????o pol??tica em ambiente p??s-democr??tico. O Judici??rio ?? democraticamente competente e legitimado para fazer valer os limites da democracia substancial, de forma deliberativa, na perspectiva da demodiversidade, quando o argumento do ativismo judicial ?? superficial diante de todos os fatores que devem ser superados para se evitarem as debilidades institucionais das cortes em meio a sua fragilidade interinstitucional. Por fim, o pragmatismo jur??dico pode comportar te??rica e praticamente a complexidade jur??dica na p??s-modernidade, que ?? contingente e perspectivada, base da vis??o p??s-positivista de Atienza, que enfrentou os excessos do neoconstitucionalismo, ao promover ofensas ?? integridade jur??dica com abertura demasiada. O TJAM seguiu seus antecedentes hist??ricos marcantes na defesa dos direitos fundamentais, o que evidencia que a pr??tica jur??dica ?? cont??nuo processo de autocorre????o sem ruptura, de cariz responsivo ao meio social.
- Published
- 2021