Uspeh je danes tisto kar na koncu šteje, vendar za njim stojijo dobri zaposleni. Biti uspešen, biti zadovoljen in biti motiviran. Vse te tri komponente zajema dober sistem nagrajevanja. Diplomsko delo v uvodnem delu zajema predstavitev obravnavanega problema, namen in cilje diplomske naloge, ter metodologijo raziskovanja. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo se posvetili motivaciji in njenim teorijam, nagrajevanju in sistemu nagrajevanja. V empirični, raziskovalni del je bilo vključeno podjetje X, kjer smo izvedli raziskavo. Podjetje X je proizvodno podjetje, zato smo tudi raziskavo o nagrajevanju usmerili zgolj v proizvodnjo. Želeli smo izvedeti, ali zaposleni poznajo in razumejo obstoječi sistem nagrajevanja in ali je njihova delovna uspešnost ustrezno nagrajena z variabilnim delom plače. Predpostavljali smo, da jih denarna nagrada motivira bolj kot nedenarna nagrada. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, kako mlajši zaposleni (do 35 let) in starejši zaposleni (nad 35 let) kot delovna motivatorja izpostavijo plačo in stalnost zaposlitve. Raziskovali smo s pisnim anketiranjem, prejeta podatke pa obdelali s statističnim programom SPSS 19. Ugotovili smo, da zaposleni ne poznajo in ne razumejo obstoječega sistema nagrajevanja in da njihova delovna uspešnost ni ustrezno nagrajena z variabilnim delom plače. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da jih denarna nagrada (plača) motivira bolj kot nedenarna. Za starejše zaposlene lahko trdimo, da je njihov največji delovni motivator stalnost zaposlitve, medtem ko mlajši zaposleni ne izpostavijo plače kot njihovega glavnega delovnega motivatorja ampak so to odnosi s sodelavci. Today it is success that counts, but behind it are skilled employees. The three components included in a fitting reward system are to be successful, happy and motivated. In the introduction of the dissertation, one can find the presentation of the problem and also the purpose and methodology of conduced survey. In the theoretical part of the study, we will focus on motivation and its theories, rewarding and the structure of rewarding. In the empirical part of the survey, we included the Company X in which we conducted the study. The Company X is a manufacturing company and the survey focused on its production level. We wanted to learn whether its employees know and understand the existing structure of rewarding and whether their work performance stands appropriately rewarded with the variable portion of their salary. In the study, we assumed that it is the financial reward that motivates more than the non-monetary reward. The interest of the study was also in how both younger (under 35 years of age) and older (over 35 years of age) employees as a motivator expose salary and steady employment. We did the study through written interview, and then analyzed the gained data with the help of SPSS19 Statistical Programme. We learned that the employees do not know or understand the structure of rewarding and that their salaries rise inappropriately rewarded in the variable portion of their salaries. Study also showed us that employees feel better of with financial reward than the non-monetary one. For the older employees, it stands confirmed that they consider steady employment as better motivator, whereas the younger ones put more value on personal relations than salaries and rewards.