The purpose of this study is to establish responsibilities, policies, and procedures for the Human Resources Development of BHEL: HERP VARANASI. This study examines the benefits, the satisfaction regarding training programs, and improvements in training and development of employees in an organization. The focus of current study is to understand the affect of Training and Development. The major finding of the study indicated that training and development of employees increases organizational effectiveness and enhances competitiveness. This study projects that how training and development practices could enhance to improve organizational effectiveness and retain human capital. An introduction to Training and Development Training refers to the instructions provided to increase the knowledge and skill for the current job. An educated and well-trained work force is considered to be essential to the maintenance of a business firm’s competitive advantage in a global economy. These activities may occur in short burst or be over a longer period of time. The employee performance depends on various factors. But the most important factor of employee performance is training. Training is important to enhance the capabilities of employees. Now a day’s training is the most important factor in the business world because training increases the efficiency and the effectiveness of both employees and the organization. Training & development refers to any activities at all through which managers and workers improve their work-related skills and knowledge. Training is considered as the process of upgrading the knowledge, developing skills, bringing about attitude and behavioral changes, and improving the ability of the trainee to perform tasks effectively and efficiently in organizations (Wills, 1994; Palo et al, 2003; Robert et al,2004). BHEL: HERP VARANASI (Heavy Equipment Repair Plant) – An overview HERP is located at Shivpur, 11 Kms from main railway station and 15 Kms from Varanasi Airport. HERP is also situated at the center of the largest power belt of northern region. This power belt supplies 10650 MW of power to the country. In the line with BHEL’s of providing constant service at their doorsteps, the idea of establishing repair shop in the vicinity of power station was mooted objective. Accordingly, two repair plants at Bombay & Varanasi came into existence; the foundation equipment repair plant sprawling in 29.8 acre area at Varanasi was laid on 20th September 1984 by Chief Minister of U.P. Shri Narayan Dutt Tiwari within a short span of 21 month much before the schedule. Starting a manufacturer of OM Harzing, 2004). workforce and retention of the existing staff. Similarly, Echard and Berge (2008) stated that effective training techniques can produce significant business results especially in customer service, product development, and capability in obtaining new skill set. It is very necessary for the organization to design the training very carefully (Michael Armstrong,2000). The design of the training should be according to the needs of the employees (Ginsberg, 1997). It seems that Training design plays a very vital role in the employee as well as organizational performance. a bad training design is nothing but the loss of time and money (Tsaur and Lin, 2004). It is very difficult for an employee to perform well at the job place without any pre-training (Thomas N. Garavan, 1997). Trained employees perform well as compared to untrained employees (Partlow, 1996; Tihanyi et al., 2000; Boudreau et al.,2001). Every organization should develop its employees according to the need of that time so that they could compete with their competitors (Carlos A. Primo Braga,1995). Objectives of this paper • To study the Training & Development in BHEL: HERP VARANSI • To study the benefits of training in BHEL: HERP VARANSI Research methodology The study is based on primary data and the information is collected by supplying the questionnaire as well as interviewing the respondents. There were total 135 non-executives in the study out of which 116 were provided information and remaining were either absent or refused to respond. The analysis of the questionnaire was undertaken using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).