This article aims to analyze the actual presence of Cultural Studies in history teaching in order to lead to a reflection on pedagogical able to ensure the principle that founds and justifies school education as a social institution. Being the school the place where education is for life where they form new generations for the exercise of total citizenship, this study contributes significantly to make it a place of discovery and meaning, a synonym for the new, where the educator awakens in the students what they already know contributing to the formation of conscious citizens who have the understanding of their daily lives, subjects of history providing opportunities for the recovery of its history. The presence of Cultural Studies for educational practice has become something relevant, a form of reconciliation and engagement with the different. The application of cultural studies in the classroom would help students, in a more dynamic way, to reorder and restructure information and experiences leading the student to learn to think through the knowledge related to culture and also to discover imposed speeches about the other. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a real presença dos Estudos Culturais no ensino de história, com a finalidade de levar a reflexão sobre uma proposta pedagógica capaz de garantir o princípio, que funda e justifica a educação escolar como instituição social. Sendo a escola o lugar onde se educa para a vida, onde se formam as novas gerações para o exercício da plena cidadania, esse estudo vem contribuir significativamente para torná-la um lugar de descoberta e de significado, sinônimo de novo, onde o educador desperte no aluno o que ele já sabe, contribuindo para a formação de cidadãos conscientes e que tenham compreensão de seu cotidiano, sujeitos da história, oportunizando o resgate de sua história. A presença dos Estudos Culturais à prática educativa tornou-se algo relevante, uma forma de aproximação e de envolvimento com o diferente. A aplicação desses Estudos Culturais na sala de aula ajudaria os alunos, de forma mais dinâmica, a reordenar e a reestruturar essas informações e experiências, levando assim o aluno a aprender a pensar por meio dos conhecimentos relacionados com a cultura, além de descobrir discursos impostos como verdades sobre o outro. Palavras-chave: currículo; Estudos Culturais; educação; História. The teaching of History and Cultural StudiesAbstract: This article aims to analyze the actual presence of Cultural Studies in history teaching in order to lead to a reflection on pedagogical able to ensure the principle that founds and justifies school education as a social institution. Being the school the place where education is for life where they form new generations for the exercise of total citizenship, this study contributes significantly to make it a place of discovery and meaning, a synonym for the new, where the educator awakens in the students what they already know contributing to the formation of conscious citizens who have the understanding of their daily lives, subjects of history providing opportunities for the recovery of its history. The presence of Cultural Studies for educational practice has become something relevant, a form of reconciliation and engagement with the different. The application of cultural studies in the classroom would help students, in a more dynamic way, to reorder and restructure information and experiences leading the student to learn to think through the knowledge related to culture and also to discover imposed speeches about the other.Keywords: Curriculum, Cultural Studies, Education, History.