Maria Cristina Paz-Cabrera, Pablo Huertas, Cintia Checa-Rodríguez, Juan Ramon Hernandez-Fernaud, Raimundo Freire, Haico van Attikum, Ignacio Alonso-de Vega, Magdalena B. Rother, Wouter W. Wiegant, Veronique A. J. Smits, [Alonso-de Vega,I, Paz-Cabrera,MC, Hernández-Fernaud,JR, Freire,R, Smits,VAJ] Unidad de Investigacion, Hospital Universitario de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain. [Alonso-de Vega,I, Smits,VAJ] Instituto de Tecnologías Biomédicas, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. [Rother,MB, Wiegant,WW, van Attikum,H] Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. [Checa-Rodríguez,C, Huertas,P] Centro Andaluz de Biologíıa Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa-CABIMER, Sevilla, Spain. [Freire,R, Smits,VAJ] Universidad Fernando Pessoa Canarias, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain., Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [SAF2016-80626-R to V.A.J.S./R.F., SAF2016-74855-P to P.H. and BFU2017-90889-REDT to V.A.J.S./P.H.], co-funded by EU-ERDF, Fundacion Canaria Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC) [PIFUN16/18 to V.A.J.S.], I.A.V. is supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Gobierno de Canarias, J.R.H.F. by the Asociacion Española Contra el ˜Cancer, H.v.A. by an ERC Consolidator grant from the European Research Council and a VICI grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Funding for open access charge: FIISC [PIFUN16/18], Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion [SAF2016-80626-R]., Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Fundación Canaria de Investigación Sanitaria, European Research Council, European Commission, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Gobierno de Canarias, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Genética, Universidad de Sevilla. Metabolismo del DNA, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España, and Fundación Canaria Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC), España
Post-translational histone modifications and chromatin remodelling play a critical role controlling the integrity of the genome. Here, we identify histone lysine demethylase PHF2 as a novel regulator of the DNA damage response by regulating DNA damage-induced focus formation of 53BP1 and BRCA1, critical factors in the pathway choice for DNA double strand break repair. PHF2 knockdown leads to impaired BRCA1 focus formation and delays the resolution of 53BP1 foci. Moreover, irradiation-induced RPA phosphorylation and focus formation, as well as localization of CtIP, required for DNA end resection, to sites of DNA lesions are affected by depletion of PHF2. These results are indicative of a defective resection of double strand breaks and thereby an impaired homologous recombination upon PHF2 depletion. In accordance with these data, Rad51 focus formation and homology-directed double strand break repair is inhibited in cells depleted for PHF2. Importantly, we demonstrate that PHF2 knockdown decreases CtIP and BRCA1 protein and mRNA levels, an effect that is dependent on the demethylase activity of PHF2. Furthermore, PHF2-depleted cells display genome instability and are mildly sensitive to the inhibition of PARP. Together these results demonstrate that PHF2 promotes DNA repair by homologous recombination by controlling CtIP-dependent resection of double strand breaks., Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [SAF2016-80626-R to V.A.J.S./R.F., SAF2016-74855-P to P.H. and BFU2017-90889-REDT to V.A.J.S./P.H.], co-funded by EU-ERDF; Fundación Canaria Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC) [PIFUN16/18 to V.A.J.S.]; I.A.V. is supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Gobierno de Canarias; J.R.H.F. by the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer; H.v.A. by an ERC Consolidator grant from the European Research Council and a VICI grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Funding for open access charge: FIISC [PIFUN16/18]; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [SAF2016-80626-R].