Prenatal stress modifies the serotonergic system by altering the synthesis, metabolism, receptors and serotonin content in the hippocampus. However, it is currently unknown whether serotonin release in the ventral hippocampus of prenatally stressed rats is altered. In this study, serotonin (5-HT) and its metabolite, 5‑hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels were analysed in dialysates (in vivo) and in homogenates (in vitro) of the ventral hippocampus. This was made after the sucrose preference test and after forced swim test (FST) in male adult progeny from mothers that were stressed by immersion in cold water during the last week of gestation. Serum concentration of corticosterone was also evaluated in control and in prenatally stressed males. Sucrose preference was differently affected in prenatally stressed males: 69% showed decreased sucrose consumption, and were considered anhedonic; 31% exhibited sucrose consumption similar to control and were considered non‑anhedonic. During the FST, increased immobility and decreased swimming were observed in prenatally stressed males. After sucrose test, content and release of 5‑HT in prenatally stressed rats were similar to those in the control group, with higher metabolite. After the FST, 5-HT content increased, but its release increased slightly in anhedonic rats and did not change in non-anhedonic rats, with lower metabolite. The response of the adrenal axis to the FST was larger in anhedonic prenatally stressed males, than in control and non‑anhedonic males. These data show that behavioural disruption caused by prenatal stress is related to low release and lower metabolism of serotonin in the ventral hippocampus in adult male offspring, as well as to hyperactivity and hyperreactivity of the adrenal axis.