In this paper, the authors have critically explored the level of use of internet marketing in the banking industry, conducted an analysis of the current situation, set out the reasons calling for a more comprehensive implementation of internet marketing techniques and identified factors which affect the selection of their optimum combination. For the purposes of this analysis, we have used qualitative research based on a semi-structured in-depth interview. Qualitative research conducted on a sample of 19 representatives of banks. In addition to these type of surveys, an analysis and evaluation of the websites banks was carried out as well, based on the Web Assessment Index (WAI), whereas the Facebook Assessment Index (FAI) method was used for assessing the effects of using Facebook (as the quintessential representative of social networks). The results indicate that internet marketing has vast potential in the banking industry, that the potential of various instruments of internet marketing are not the same and that there are numerous limitations to their implementation banks. This paper aims to use the obtained results to help the banks’ employees and management recognize and consider the potential of internet marketing at a more profound level and properly adapt the selected combination of instruments to different client profiles. The identified barriers to the implementation of this marketing concept in Montenegrin banks may provide a basis for seeking solutions for their removal, and thus, in the final part of the paper, in addition to reflecting on the identified problems, the authors put forward their recommendations and suggestions. Results of the analysis can serve as a literary base for the comparative analysis of this kind in developing countries, such as Montenegro., U ovom radu autori su kritički istraživali razinu korištenja internet marketinga u bankarskoj industriji, proveli analizu trenutačne situacije, postavili razloge koji zahtijevaju sveobuhvatniju implementaciju internetskih marketinških tehnika i identificiranih čimbenika koji utječu na odabir njihove optimalne kombinacije. Za potrebe ove analize koristili smo kvalitativno istraživanje temeljeno na polustrukturiranom dubinskom intervjuu. Kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku od 19 predstavnika banaka. Uz ove vrste anketa provedena je analiza i evaluacija banaka web stranica, temeljena na indeksu procjene weba (WAI), dok je metoda Facebook procjene procjene (FAI) korištena za procjenu učinaka upotrebe Facebooka (kao suštinskog predstavnika društvenih mreža). Rezultati pokazuju da internet marketing ima ogroman potencijal u bankarskoj industriji, da potencijal različitih instrumenata internet marketinga nije isti i da postoje brojna ograničenja za njihovu implementaciju u bankama. Ovaj rad ima za cilj koristiti dobivene rezultate kako bi zaposlenicima i menadžmentu banaka prepoznali i razmotrili potencijal internet marketinga na dubljoj razini te pravilno prilagodili odabranu kombinaciju instrumenata na različite profile klijenata. Identificirane prepreke provedbi ovog marketinškog koncepta u crnogorskim bankama mogu pružiti osnovu za traženje rješenja za njihovo uklanjanje, pa će u konačnom dijelu rada, osim razmišljanja o identificiranim problemima, autori predočiti svoje preporuke i prijedloge. Rezultati analize mogu poslužiti kao literarna baza za usporednu analizu ove vrste u zemljama u razvoju, kao što je Crna Gora.