43 results on '"Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke"'
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2. Extensivering melkveehouderij en akkerbouw : Krimp in veestapel, groei in areaal of vermindering bouwplanintensiteit
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Daatselaar, Co, Schrijver, Raymond, de Jong, Klaas, Smit, Bert, Manshanden, Mark, Pessers, Ralph, van Eldik, Zoe, Westerink, Judith, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Daatselaar, Co, Schrijver, Raymond, de Jong, Klaas, Smit, Bert, Manshanden, Mark, Pessers, Ralph, van Eldik, Zoe, and Westerink, Judith
- Abstract
This report describes two ways for extensification in the dairy and arable sectors. In the dairy sector, the options are to decrease the herd size while maintaining a stable farm area or to lease additional land while maintaining a stable herd size. In the arable sector, the ratios of non-break crops (mainly root crops such as potatoes, sugar beets, onions and carrots) in the cropping plan can be decreased while maintaining a stable farm area or additional land can be leased while maintaining stable areas for non-break crops. Extensification leads to loss of income, unless it is compensated through additional farm activities, a shift to organic production and sales, or compensation by the administration., Dit rapport beschrijft twee manieren van extensivering in de melkveehouderij en de akkerbouw. In de melkveehouderij zijn de opties om de veestapel te verkleinen bij gelijkblijvende bedrijfsoppervlakte of om extra grond bij te pachten bij gelijkblijvende veestapel. In de akkerbouw kunnen de aandelen niet-rustgewassen (met name rooigewassen zoals aardappelen, suikerbieten, uien en peen) in het bouwplan verlaagd worden bij gelijkblijvende bedrijfsoppervlakte, of er kan extra grond worden gepacht bij gelijkblijvende arealen niet-rustgewassen. Extensivering gaat gepaard met inkomensverlies, tenzij dit gecompenseerd wordt door aanvullende activiteiten, omschakeling naar biologische productie en afzet ofcompensatie door de overheid.
- Published
- 2024
3. Waardering van natuurinclusieve landbouw door ketenpartijen en banken : een discoursanalyse
- Author
Westerink, Judith, Donders, Josine, van Eldik, Zoe, de Lauwere, Carolien, Josemans, Meike, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Westerink, Judith, Donders, Josine, van Eldik, Zoe, de Lauwere, Carolien, Josemans, Meike, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke
- Abstract
One of the ways in which chain parties and banks are in contact with farmers is through newsletters and brochures. This study investigates which messages chain parties and Banks communicate about the future of agriculture, and the extend to which these correspond with the transition towards nature inclusive farming that is envisioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality., Ketenpartijen en banken hebben contact met boeren onder meer door middel van nieuwsbrieven en brochures. Dit onderzoek gaat na welke boodschappen ketenpartijen en banken uitdragen over de toekomst van de landbouw en in hoeverre deze samengaan met de door het Ministerie van LNV gewenste transitie richting natuurinclusieve landbouw.
- Published
- 2023
4. Quickscan biodiversiteit op melkgeitenbedrijven
- Author
Bondt, Nico, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Doornewaard, Gerben, Beldman, Alfons, Puister, Linda, Kortstee, Harry, Bondt, Nico, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Doornewaard, Gerben, Beldman, Alfons, Puister, Linda, and Kortstee, Harry
- Abstract
A short exploratory study looked at what dairy goat farmers could do to improve biodiversity. There are numerous possibilities, including on the own yard, the own land and through feed measures. It is important not only to look at the ‘technical’ possibilities for improving biodiversity, but also to pay sufficient attention to support among farmers and economic aspects., Door een kort verkennend onderzoek is bekeken wat melkgeitenhouders zouden kunnen doen aan het verbeteren van de biodiversiteit. Er zijn tal van mogelijkheden, onder andere op het eigen erf, op de eigen grond en door voermaatregelen. Het is belangrijk om niet alleen te kijken naar de ‘technische’ mogelijkheden voor verbetering van de biodiversiteit, maar ook voldoende aandacht te besteden aan draagvlak en economische aspecten.
- Published
- 2023
5. Nature-inclusive urban development : lessons learned in three real estate projects in Dutch cities
- Author
Mattijssen, Thomas J.M., Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke W.C., Kortstee, Harry J.M., Polman, Nico B.P., Snep, Robbert, Mattijssen, Thomas J.M., Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke W.C., Kortstee, Harry J.M., Polman, Nico B.P., and Snep, Robbert
- Abstract
An increasing number of real estate actors appear to be searching for ways to incorporate nature and biodiversity in urban development projects. In this article, we study three Dutch urban development projects with high biodiversity ambitions in order to learn how they came to fruition. We combine transition theory with practice theory and identify key barriers and drivers on the basis of these approaches. We highlight that incorporating biodiversity in urban development projects requires considerable knowledge development, implies a higher entrepreneurial risk and asks for various pragmatic solutions to overcome barriers. We identify four key recommendations for promoting nature-inclusive urban development: (1) facilitate knowledge development and exchange; (2) incorporate and reward biodiversity in environmental certification schemes and tender criteria; (3) translate a strategic vision on biodiversity into concrete regulations to bridge the policy implementation gap; (4) stimulate the uptake of nature-inclusive urban development in corporate visions.
- Published
- 2023
6. Transition pathways development for healthier diets in urban food environments of Accra, Ghana
- Author
Linderhof, Vincent, Bulten, Ellen, van Eldik, Zoe, Obeng, Elisabeth, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, de Haas, Wim, Hu, Xiaolu, Nigten, Vanessa, Lacey, Ninja, Kapazoglou, Martha, Linderhof, Vincent, Bulten, Ellen, van Eldik, Zoe, Obeng, Elisabeth, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, de Haas, Wim, Hu, Xiaolu, Nigten, Vanessa, Lacey, Ninja, and Kapazoglou, Martha
- Abstract
There are multiple ways to achieve healthier diets in urban food environments. However, people with different backgrounds will have different views on how food systems and urban food environments should change to achieve the healthier diets’ objective or overcome the identified gaps. With a participatory approach, one can determine common visions on what the future food system including urban food environments should look like. Moreover, multiple pathways with diverging emphasis can exist next to each other. However, the organisation of workshops without a network is time consuming. With the collaboration of the Collective Impact Coalition on Ghanaian Urban Food Environments (GUFE) initiated by the Netherlands Food Partnership, a series of participatory workshops with stakeholders was organised to identify the common vision on what the food environment in Accra should look like in 2050, which transition pathways were envisioned, and which action perspectives were identified for the pathways. Within the GUFE coalition, actions were proposed and for those actions a Theory of Change (TOC) exercise was employed. The results of the transition pathways were linked to those TOC results of the GUFE actions. The multiple interactions with the stakeholders resulted in three different pathways towards healthier diets in Accra. The emphases of these pathways were different: i) the cultural pathway maintaining and promoting Accra’s food culture, ii) the economic pathways optimising the food supply chain into Accra in every stage of the process, and iii) and the environmental pathway on greening the city with food crops and trees. The emphasis emerged from the group of stakeholders rather than indicated by the researchers beforehand. Although the descriptions of the pathways were drawn up independently, there can be observed some similarities and differences when comparing the action perspectives of the three pathways. The common elements of the action perspectives were education
- Published
- 2023
7. Just transition: an operational framework to make transitions more just : Lessons learned from science and practice
- Author
Coninx, Ingrid, de Rooij, Bertram, Casu, Flavia, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Eweg, Annemiek, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, Mekonnen, Daniel, Reemer, Thies, Termeer, Emma, van Alphen, Monica, van Assendelft, Yael, van Ree, Marlies, Zeinstra, Thamar, Coninx, Ingrid, de Rooij, Bertram, Casu, Flavia, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Eweg, Annemiek, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, Mekonnen, Daniel, Reemer, Thies, Termeer, Emma, van Alphen, Monica, van Assendelft, Yael, van Ree, Marlies, and Zeinstra, Thamar
- Abstract
Just transition is currently a leading principle in discussions about transitions. But what does that mean? How do we make sure that transitions are just? We have developed an operational framework to help people in the transition process to put justice in practice, based on a review of the literature, analysis of just transition practices and dialogues between policymakers, scientists and practitioners. We have scoped our work in the context of food systems transformation and climate change. The operational framework consists out of four steps and several questions that help to raise awareness on the potential to make transitions more just. It can even be used to initiate a dialogue among people in transition process on how they jointly would put justice into the transition practices. The report concludes with a knowledge agenda that summarises pending research questions that would be useful to further complete the operational framework., Rechtvaardige transitie is een veel gebruikt principe. Maar wat bedoelen mensen ermee? En hoe realiseer je een transitie die als rechtvaardig beschouwd wordt? Op basis van wetenschappelijke bevindingen, analyse van praktijkervaringen en dialogen tussen beleidsmakers, wetenschappers en praktijk mensen is er in dit rapport een operationeel kader ontwikkeld dat ervoor zorgt dat rechtvaardigheid beter ingebed wordt in de transitieprocessen. Om dit kader te maken, is gebruik gemaakt van de context van voedselsysteemtransformatie en klimaatadaptatie/mitigatie. Het operationeel kader bestaat uit vier stappen die elk een aantal vragen omvatten. Deze vragen maken mensen in transitie processen meer bewust van de mogelijkheden om de transitie meer rechtvaardig te laten verlopen. De vragen stimuleren een diepgaande zoektocht en kunnen in sommige processen zelfs een gesprek tot stand brengen over hoe mensen rechtvaardigheid concreet willen vorm geven.Het rapport eindigt met een kennisagenda die een overzicht geeft van de huidige kennisvragen waar nog onduidelijkheid over is. Een aantal van die vragen zouden verder verkend kunnen worden om zo hetoperationele kader weer verder aan te vullen.
- Published
- 2022
8. Online kennis delen en leren : verkenning onder jonge agrariërs
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Kortstee, Harry, Adema, Houkje, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Kortstee, Harry, and Adema, Houkje
- Abstract
This research explored the possible options for initiating more online practical networks, in line with young current and future farmers (next generation). It also studied the most promising elements for online platforms that strengthen the interaction between the practical field (such as farmers and horticulturists) and between scientists and the practical field in terms of knowledge sharing and learning. The main focus is on the interest in online practical networks and online knowledge exchange, the need for information, what an online practical network should look like, what a suitable way of online exchange is and what requirements it should meet., In dit onderzoek is verkend wat de mogelijke opties zijn voor het in gang zetten van meer online praktijknetwerken, aansluitend bij jonge (toekomstige) boeren (next generation). Ook is bestudeerd wat de meest kansrijke elementen zijn voor online platforms die de interactie tussen praktijk (zoals boeren en tuinders onderling) en wetenschappers en praktijk versterken op het gebied van kennisdeling en leren. Daarbij is vooral gekeken naar de interesse voor online praktijknetwerken en online kennisuitwisseling, de informatiebehoefte, hoe een online praktijknetwerk eruit zou moeten zien, wat een geschikte manier van online uitwisselen is en waar dit aan zou moeten voldoen.
- Published
- 2022
9. Time to be more radical : what conditions are needed for justice in transitions?
- Author
Reeme, Thies, van Assendelft, Yael, van Alphen, Monica, Coninx, Ingrid, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, de Rooij, Bertram, Termeer, Emma, van Woerkom, Marijke, Reeme, Thies, van Assendelft, Yael, van Alphen, Monica, Coninx, Ingrid, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, de Rooij, Bertram, Termeer, Emma, and van Woerkom, Marijke
- Published
- 2022
10. Unpacking ‘the how’ of just transition practices : highlights from the 4th Just Transition Dialogue 2022
- Author
Reemer, Thies, van Assendelft, Yael, van Alphen, Monica, Coninx, Ingrid, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, de Rooij, Betram, Termeer, Emma, Reemer, Thies, van Assendelft, Yael, van Alphen, Monica, Coninx, Ingrid, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, de Rooij, Betram, and Termeer, Emma
- Published
- 2022
11. Just: show it and then you know it?! : Highlights from the 3rd Just Transition Dialogue 2022
- Author
Assendelft, Yael, Reemer, Thies, van Alphen, Monica, Coninx, Ingrid, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, de Rooij, Betram, Termeer, Emma, Assendelft, Yael, Reemer, Thies, van Alphen, Monica, Coninx, Ingrid, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, de Rooij, Betram, and Termeer, Emma
- Published
- 2022
12. Enhancing Urban Biodiversity : A Theory of Planned Behavior Study of the Factors Influencing Real Estate Actors’ Intention to Use Nature-Inclusive Design and Construction Concepts
- Author
van Haaster-De Winter, Mariët A., Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke W.C., Mattijssen, Thomas J.M., Polman, Nico B.P., van Haaster-De Winter, Mariët A., Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke W.C., Mattijssen, Thomas J.M., and Polman, Nico B.P.
- Abstract
This paper presents the results of an exploration into the adoption of biodiversity-friendly practices by the real estate sector, by researching which factors determine companies’ intentions to use nature-inclusive design and construction concepts (NID). NID represents practices in which nature and building are inextricably linked when (re)designing building projects. We applied the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), a well-known framework for studying behavior. A telephone survey was carried out among 103 employees at different types of companies in the real estate sector. The findings showed that attitude, social norms, and perceived behavioral control are all significant explanatory variables for the intention of using NID. Perceived behavioral control is the strongest predictor. In addition, interest in NID strengthens the predictive value of perceived behavioral control. The empirical findings in this study serve as a first attempt to provide insights into the determinants of behavior in favor of using NID and, by extension, looking for drivers for change. The study was carried out in the Netherlands, but the results may be applicable or interesting to other countries as well when looking for opportunities to enhance biodiversity in urban areas or considering how the real estate sector could give substance to their vital role in spatial developments.
- Published
- 2022
13. Just: show itand then you know it?! : Highlights from the 3rd Just Transition Dialogue 2022
- Author
Assendelft, Yael, Reemer, Thies, van Alphen, Monica, Coninx, Ingrid, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Likoko, Eunice, Harding, Tossa, Koopmanschap, Esther, de Rooij, Betram, and Termeer, Emma
- Subjects
Advisory B ,Advisory C ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,Advisory ,Portfolio Support Group ,Advisory A ,Life Science ,Secretariaat ,Regional Development and Spatial Use ,International Policy ,Regionale Ontwikkeling en Ruimtegebruik ,Internationaal Beleid ,Green Economy and Landuse - Published
- 2022
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14. Enhancing Urban Biodiversity: A Theory of Planned Behavior Study of the Factors Influencing Real Estate Actors’ Intention to Use Nature-Inclusive Design and Construction Concepts
- Author
van Haaster-de Winter, Mariët A., primary, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke W. C., additional, Mattijssen, Thomas J. M., additional, and Polman, Nico B. P., additional
- Published
- 2022
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15. Tools for transition
- Author
de Haas, Wim and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke
- Subjects
Groene Economie en Ruimte ,Biodiversiteit en Beleid ,Life Science ,Biodiversity and Policy ,Green Economy and Landuse - Abstract
At the moment, many toolboxes for stakeholder engagement exist. This document describes approaches, methods and techniques that can be applied when involving stakeholders in the process of developing transition pathways to a sustainable food system.
- Published
- 2021
16. Een breder bereik van kennis en innovatie : kennisdeling en leren rond biodiversiteit binnen de kringlooplandbouw, deel 2
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke and Kortstee, Harry
- Subjects
animal production ,poultry ,pigs ,dierlijke productie ,Innovation- and Risk Management and Information Governance ,knowledge transfer ,varkens ,dierenwelzijn ,animal welfare ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,pluimvee ,kennisoverdracht ,Green Economy and Landuse - Abstract
This research studied how the interaction between science and practice (vertical) and practice (horizontal) is experienced and can be accelerated. The aim is to share knowledge more efficiently, to learn from each other and to create new networks. The focus is on networks and area-oriented approaches within dairy farming and arable farming. The main focus is on reaching and stimulating entrepreneurs, crucial points to accelerate knowledge sharing and learning, what knowledge is needed and how networks can be connected and new ones can be set up. In dit onderzoek is bestudeerd hoe de interactie tussen wetenschap en praktijk (verticaal) en praktijk onderling (horizontaal) wordt ervaren en kan worden versneld om kennis efficiënter te delen, onderling te leren en nieuwe netwerken te laten ontstaan. De focus ligt hierbij op netwerken en gebiedsgerichte aanpakken binnen de bollenteelt, vollegrondsgroenteteelt, varkens- en pluimveehouderij. Daarbij is vooral gekeken naar het bereiken en stimuleren van ondernemers, cruciale aandachtspunten om kennisdeling en leren te versnellen, aan welke kennis er behoefte is en hoe je netwerken kunt verbinden en nieuwe kunt opzetten.
- Published
- 2021
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17. Case study analysis Transition Pathways 2020
- Author
Bosselaar, Jonne, Obeng, Elisabeth, Bos, Bram, Broeze, Jan, Bulten, Ellen, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Elzen, Boelie, de Haas, Wim, de Koning, Susan, Kraan, Marloes, Linderhof, Vincent, Wigboldus, Seerp, and de Roo, Nina
- Subjects
Advisory ,OT Team Agriculture & Society ,Emissie & Mestverwaarding ,WASS ,Biodiversity and Policy ,Filosofie ,Philosophy ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,Supply Chain & Information Management ,Onderz. Form. B ,Biodiversiteit en Beleid ,Life Science ,International Policy ,Emissions & Manure Valorisation ,OT Team Landbouw & Samenleving ,Internationaal Beleid ,Green Economy and Landuse - Published
- 2021
18. Overzicht handelingsperspectieven voor beleid gericht op extensivering van de landbouw
- Author
van Eldik, Zoe, Westerink, Judith, Schrijver, Raymond, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Schütt, Jeroen, van Eldik, Zoe, Westerink, Judith, Schrijver, Raymond, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, and Schütt, Jeroen
- Abstract
In order to stimulate extensification of agriculture, public authorities can make use of various policy instruments that target factors influencing decisions of farmers regarding the intensity of their farm. This report is an inventory of options for public policy action and identifies behavioural factors that are addressed in policy development only to a limited extent., Overheden kunnen verschillende instrumenten inzetten om desgewenst extensivering van de landbouw mogelijk te maken en die aansluiten bij factoren die een rol spelen bij de keuzes van boeren om al dan niet te extensiveren. Dit rapport inventariseert aanbevolen handelingsperspectieven voor de overheid en identificeert gedragsfactoren die nog beperkt in beeld zijn in beleidsontwikkeling voor extensivering.
- Published
- 2021
19. Tools for transitions : An inventory of approaches, methods and tools for stakeholder engagement in developing transition pathways to sustainable food systems
- Author
de Koning, Susan, de Haas, Wim, de Roo, Nina, Kraan, Marloes, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, de Koning, Susan, de Haas, Wim, de Roo, Nina, Kraan, Marloes, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke
- Abstract
The global food system is facing big problems, such as global food security for a growing population, climate change and biodiversity conservation, which ask for transitions of the food system. To analyze or contribute to a food system transition it is important to explore possible ‘transition pathways’ towards more sustainable food systems. A ‘transition pathway’ is a narrative that describes how a new or adapted system may evolve out of a previous system. To create impact pathways need to be developed with the engagement of stakeholders. In this document, an overview is given of approaches, methods and tools which are relevant for stakeholder engagement in the development of transition pathways towards sustainable food systems. The report is intended for those who are involved in transition initiatives in a role as researcher, consultant of process facilitator. Approaches refer to the paradigms behind the way research is done. Methods are the strategies and processes that are utilized in – here - the development of transition pathways. Tools are the means that help to fulfil a task in a (research) project, for instance to collect, analyse or present information. The number of tools is endless. We distinguished several approaches: • Participatory research • Action research (e.g. multi-stakeholder partnerships) • Shared knowledge creation (e.g. community of practice) • Combinations of models and participation (e.g. transition support system approach) • Issue advocacy Next to that, we specifically describe the (different) role(s) of researchers in stakeholder involvement. Stakeholder involvement requires new skills of researchers. It helps if they have a broad experience and can understand several worlds. Approaches come to expression in the used methods. We distinguish: • Interactive scenario-building (e.g. participatory mapping) • Back-casting (e.g. socio-technical scenarios) • Participatory design (e.g. reflexive interactive design) • Participatory ‘research in pr
- Published
- 2021
20. Natuurinclusieve bedrijfsvoering : Praktische maatregelen en cijfers voor akkerbouw en melkveehouderij
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Polman, Nico, Beldman, Alfons, Doorneweerd, Gerben, Janssens, Bas, Dekking, Arjan, and de Wolf, Pieter
- Subjects
species-rich grasslands ,OT Team Agriculture & Society ,WASS ,nature-inclusive agriculture ,bodembeheer ,maatregelen ,natuurinclusieve landbouw ,erfvogels ,circular agriculture ,Consument & Keten ,kringlooplandbouw ,Green Economy and Landuse ,biodiversity ,agri-environment schemes ,measures ,biodiversiteit ,Innovation- and Risk Management and Information Governance ,kruidenrijke graslanden ,veehouderij ,farmyard birds ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,livestock farming ,agrarisch natuurbeheer ,Consumer and Chain ,OT Team Landbouw & Samenleving ,soil management - Abstract
Natuurinclusieve landbouw kan een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan de verduurzaming van de landbouw. Door natuur een prominentere plek te geven binnen het bedrijf, andere gewassen te telen of stikstofemissies te beperken, wordt biodiversiteit op en rond het bedrijf bevorderd. Voor de ondernemer is het belangrijk dat het verdienvermogen van de onderneming op peil blijft. Het herstellen van biodiversiteit vraagt om een integrale benadering van de bedrijfsvoering. Op het bedrijf grijpt alles op elkaar in: landgebruik, veebezetting, natuurmaatregelen, afzet, bedrijfseconomie, arbeidsfilm et cetera. Om de biodiversiteit te verbeteren zal het nemen van één maatregel niet voldoende zijn; er moet meer gebeuren. Juist de inzet van meerdere maatregelen kan uiteindelijk leiden tot een positief effect op de biodiversiteit. Deze brochure beschrijft praktische maatregelen die melkveehouders en akkerbouwers kunnen nemen om tot een natuurinclusievere bedrijfsvoering te komen. Sommige maatregelen zijn eenvoudig in te passen, andere zijn moeilijker en vragen aanpassing van management en kennis. Per maatregel wordt kort ingegaan op de bijdrage aan biodiversiteit, de inpasbaarheid in de bedrijfsvoering en de impact op kosten en opbrengsten voor verschillende bedrijfstypen.
- Published
- 2020
21. Towards sustainable and circular farming in the Netherlands : Lessons from the socio-economic perspective
- Author
Vrolijk, Hans, Reijs, Joan, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke
- Subjects
Performance and Impact Agrosectors ,markteconomieën ,Programmamanagement ,inkomen ,rendement ,economics ,Performance en Impact Agrosectoren ,market economies ,returns ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,income ,agrarische handel ,circular agriculture ,kringlooplandbouw ,agricultural trade ,economie ,Green Economy and Landuse - Abstract
The dutch dairy sector has shown a strong development in the last decades, resulting in fewer but larger and more specialised farms. Larger farms and more intensive ways of production have raised concerns about environmental impacts. This paper shows that there is a clear economic incentive to increase the scale of production. Larger farms tend to show better economic results in terms of lower cost prices and higher incomes. The environmental results are more diverse and depend on the chosen indicators. Larger farms are able to include environmental objectives in their farm management when there are clear incentives to do so. These incentives can be provided by policies, but also by private sector initiatives. Several sustainability initiatives have been developed to monitor and improve the sustainability performance of farms. Our current way of agricultural production is faced with several sustainability challenges. Circular food systems are expected to contribute to the solution of these challenges. In the Netherlands, policy measures and sector initiatives are developed to increase sustainability and to implement and experiment with the concept of Circular Agriculture. This concept is deliberately broadly defined. However, to guide development towards more sustainable production systems, it requires objective parameters and goals at different levels of scale. This would allow all stakeholders to develop solutions in their own circumstances and objectively evaluate progress. One of the bottlenecks of the transition towards more circular food systems is the search for new business models for farmers. Some frontrunners are currently developing new circular farming businesses. These innovative (social) entrepreneurs are experimenting with new business models that contribute to the realisation of circular agriculture. This paper describes methods that have been developed to assist farmers but also regional governments in the transition to a more sustainable agriculture and the development of new business models. Developing new business models together with frontrunners is just a first step. Questions like ’How to broaden these initiatives to sector level?’, ‘How to provide effective incentives?’, ‘How to incorporate external effects in prices?’ and ‘What are the costs of farm investments or practices to improve sustainability?’ and ‘Who should pay for a more circular agriculture?’ are still very much unanswered.
- Published
- 2020
22. Transition pathways - analyzing transitions in food systems : A synthesis of seven case studies
- Author
Dengerink, Just, de Roo, Nina, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Bos, Bram, Hetterscheid, Bas, Kraan, Marloes, Bonnand, Johann, de Haas, Wim, Linderhof, Vincent, Dengerink, Just, de Roo, Nina, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Bos, Bram, Hetterscheid, Bas, Kraan, Marloes, Bonnand, Johann, de Haas, Wim, and Linderhof, Vincent
- Published
- 2020
23. Een breder bereik van kennis en innovatie : Kennisdeling en leren rond biodiversiteit binnen de kringlooplandbouw
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Kortstee, Harry, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, and Kortstee, Harry
- Abstract
This research studied how the interaction between science and practice (vertical) and practice (horizontal) is experienced and can be accelerated. The aim is to share knowledge more efficiently, to learn from each other and to create new networks. The focus is on networks and area-oriented approaches within dairy farming and arable farming. The main focus is on reaching and stimulating entrepreneurs, crucial points to accelerate knowledge sharing and learning, what knowledge is needed and how networks can be connected and new ones can be set up., In dit onderzoek is bestudeerd hoe de interactie tussen wetenschap en praktijk (verticaal) en praktijk onderling (horizontaal) wordt ervaren en kan worden versneld om kennis efficiënter te delen, onderling te leren en nieuwe netwerken te laten ontstaan. De focus ligt hierbij op netwerken en gebiedsgerichte aanpakken binnen de melkveehouderij en akkerbouw. Daarbij is vooral gekeken naar het bereiken en stimuleren van ondernemers, cruciale aandachtspunten om kennisdeling en leren te versnellen, aan welke kennis er behoefte is en hoe je netwerken kunt verbinden en nieuwe kunt opzetten.
- Published
- 2020
24. De bijdrage van de vastgoedsector aan een natuurinclusieve leefomgeving : Achtergrondrapport
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Mattijssen, Thomas, van Haaster-de Winter, Mariët, Kortstee, Harry, Polman, Nico, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Mattijssen, Thomas, van Haaster-de Winter, Mariët, Kortstee, Harry, and Polman, Nico
- Abstract
The real estate industry can play a key role in a wider transition to a nature-inclusive living environment that offers social, economic and ecological resilience. In this research, we look explicitly for a pro-active green contribution from the industry to the liveability and resilience of urban areas. To set such practices in motion, we are looking for points of departure in the considerations being made by different actors in the real estate industry. We do this by developing a transition approach for nature-inclusive enterprise. This approach looks at the real estate industry more widely, including landowners, investors, architects, property owners and project developers., De vastgoedsector kan een belangrijke rol spelen in een bredere transitie naar een natuurinclusieve leefomgeving die sociaal, economisch en ecologisch veerkrachtig is. In de huidige praktijk legt groen het vaak af tegen concurrerende ruimteclaims. Met dit project zoeken we naar aanknopingen om beweging in de vastgoedsector te creëren naar meer groen in een stedelijke omgeving. Dat doen we door het ontwikkelen van een transitieaanpak voor natuurinclusief ondernemen. In deze aanpak wordt gekeken naar de vastgoedsector in brede zin (zoals grondbezitters, investeerders, architecten, vastgoedeigenaren en projectontwikkelaars).
- Published
- 2020
25. Transition pathways - contours of an analytical framework
- Author
Elzen, Boelie, de Haas, Wim, Wigboldus, Seerp, Bos, Bram, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Elzen, Boelie, de Haas, Wim, Wigboldus, Seerp, Bos, Bram, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke
- Published
- 2020
26. Van A naar Biodiversiteit : Op weg naar een natuurinclusieve landbouw
- Author
Smits, Marie-José, Dawson, Andrew, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Ferwerda-van Zonneveld, Reina, Michels, Rolf, Migchels, Gerard, Polman, Nico, Schrijver, Raymond, Sukkel, Wijnand, Vogelzang, Theo, Kistenkas, Fred, Smits, Marie-José, Dawson, Andrew, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Ferwerda-van Zonneveld, Reina, Michels, Rolf, Migchels, Gerard, Polman, Nico, Schrijver, Raymond, Sukkel, Wijnand, Vogelzang, Theo, and Kistenkas, Fred
- Abstract
This report explores first of all literature on transition management. The knowledge gained is taken into account to develop a route planner, which can be used to stimulate nature-inclusive agriculture at a regional level. This route planner is intended for stakeholders who want to promote nature-inclusive agriculture in their own region. We then ask ourselves what nature-inclusive agriculture means, and how it relates to circular agriculture and ecosystem services. An important focus in the route planner is the development of a vision. For this reason, concrete measures are described for arable farming and livestock farming that fit into such a nature-inclusive vision., In dit rapport wordt allereerst literatuur over transitiemanagement verkend. De opgedane kennis wordt meegenomen om een routeplanner te ontwikkelen, die gebruikt kan worden om natuurinclusieve landbouw op regioniveau te stimuleren. Deze routeplanner is bedoeld voor initiatiefnemers die in hun eigen regio natuurinclusieve landbouw willen bevorderen. Vervolgens vragen we ons af wat onder natuurinclusieve landbouw wordt verstaan, en hoe die zich verhoudt tot kringlooplandbouw en ecosysteemdiensten. Een belangrijk aandachtspunt in de routeplanner is het ontwikkelen van een toekomstbeeld. Daarom worden voor de akkerbouw en veehouderij concrete maatregelen beschreven die passen in een dergelijk natuurinclusief toekomstbeeld.
- Published
- 2020
27. The role of agency in the emergence and development of social innovations in rural areas. Analysis of two cases of social farming in Italy and the Netherlands
- Author
Torre, Cristina Dalla, Ravazzoli, Elisa, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Polman, Nico, Melnykovych, Mariana, Pisani, Elena, Gori, Francesca, Da Re, Riccardo, Vicentini, Kamini, Secco, Laura, Torre, Cristina Dalla, Ravazzoli, Elisa, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Polman, Nico, Melnykovych, Mariana, Pisani, Elena, Gori, Francesca, Da Re, Riccardo, Vicentini, Kamini, and Secco, Laura
- Abstract
Social innovation is considered a relevant concept to tackle societal challenges and needs in rural areas and to promote smart, inclusive and sustainable growth. The characterising sector of rural areas is agriculture; therefore, the focus of this paper is on social innovation in the field of social farming. Among the many factors leading to the emergence and development of social innovation, agency has been considered relevant in the literature on transformability and transformative social innovation as it is the ability to turn contextual difficulties into opportunities for social innovation and for inclusive growth. This paper proposes an evaluation framework to assess the different dimensions of agency by triangulating quantitative with qualitative data and by using indicators. This paper adopts a case study approach, analysing two cases of social farming in Italy and the Netherlands. The results show that the social innovation idea and the resilience of the agency are among the most relevant dimensions for the emergence and development of social innovations. Finally, this paper discusses the three most relevant factors for agency to lead to social innovation: idea and embeddedness of the agency, transformability of the context through agencys resilience, and agency as catalyst for empowerment.
- Published
- 2020
28. Food Secure Metropolitan Areas: The Transition Support System Approach
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, primary, Linderhof, Vincent, additional, Mattijssen, Thomas J.M., additional, and Polman, Nico, additional
- Published
- 2020
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29. The Role of Agency in the Emergence and Development of Social Innovations in Rural Areas. Analysis of Two Cases of Social Farming in Italy and The Netherlands
- Author
Dalla Torre, Cristina, primary, Ravazzoli, Elisa, additional, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, additional, Polman, Nico, additional, Melnykovych, Mariana, additional, Pisani, Elena, additional, Gori, Francesca, additional, Da Re, Riccardo, additional, Vicentini, Kamini, additional, and Secco, Laura, additional
- Published
- 2020
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30. Deliverable D5.3 Report on Social Innovation Assessment in Each Selected Case Study
- Author
Govigli, Valentino Marini, Melnykovych, Mariana, Mifsud, Elena Górriz, Torre, Cristina Dalla, Ravazzoli, Elisa, Re, Riccardo Da, Pisani, Elena, Secco, Laura, Vincentini, Kamini, Ludvig, Alice, Weiss, Gerhard, Zivojinovic, Ivana, Kluvánková, Tatiana, Spacek, Martin, Ebun Akinsete, Barlagne, Carla, Baselice, Antonio, Bengoumi, Mohammed, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Egartner, Sigrid, Gibson, Houda, Gramm, Verena, Herrmann, Peter, Hewitt, Richard James, Kozová, Mária, Arbia Labidi, Lolini, Martina, Lopolito, Antonio, Miller, David, Niedermayr, Julia, Nijnik, Maria, Perlik, Manfred, Polman, Nico, Prokofieva, Irina, Prosperi, Maurizio, Fernández-Blanco, Carmen Rodríguez, Sarkki, Simo, Vassilopoulos, Achilleas, and Wagner, Klaus
- Published
- 2019
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31. Creating a sustainable food system together : The application of the Transition Support System approach in the Dutch province of Overijssel
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Kortstee, Harry, and Linderhof, Vincent
- Subjects
Groene Economie en Ruimte ,Life Science ,WASS ,Innovation- and Risk Management and Information Governance ,Green Economy and Landuse - Published
- 2019
32. Inspiratie voor een leefbare stad
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, van Haaster-de Winter, Mariët, Mattijssen, Thomas, and Polman, Nico
- Subjects
management of urban green areas ,bosbouw in steden ,afval ,speelterreinen ,groenbeheer ,WASS ,food supply ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,steden ,playgrounds ,wastes ,voedselvoorziening ,Consument & Keten ,Consumer and Chain ,towns ,urban forestry ,Green Economy and Landuse - Abstract
Hoe kun je burgers actief betrekken bij oplossingen voor een gezond, leefbaar en duurzaam stedelijk gebied? Er spelen tal van uitdagingen. Hoe kun je in een tijd van grondstofschaarste omgaan met afval? Hoe kun je eraan bijdragen dat een groeiende bevolking toegang heeft en houdt tot voldoende gezond voedsel? Hoe bescherm je een stad tegen extreme weersomstandigheden zoals wateroverlast en droogte? In deze brochure reiken we je via inspirerende praktijkvoorbeelden mogelijkheden aan om burgers te informeren over, faciliteren bij en motiveren naar ander gedrag.
- Published
- 2019
33. Samen bouwen aan een duurzaam voedselsysteem : Transition Support System-aanpak voor een gezamenlijk perspectief voor Overijssel
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Kortstee, Harry, and Linderhof, Vincent
- Subjects
Groene Economie en Ruimte ,circular agriculture ,WASS ,kringlooplandbouw ,Innovation- and Risk Management and Information Governance ,beleid inzake voedsel ,Green Economy and Landuse ,food policy - Published
- 2019
34. Urban food security in Ghana: a policy review
- Author
Linderhof, Vincent, Vlijm, Ricardo, Pinto, Vasco, Raaijmakers, Ireen, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Linderhof, Vincent, Vlijm, Ricardo, Pinto, Vasco, Raaijmakers, Ireen, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke
- Abstract
This policy review aimed (i) to investigate how urgencies such as urbanisation and climate change are recognised in the current policies of a low-income country, and (ii) to investigate how food security, and urban food security in particular, interacts with these policies. Ghana is used as an example. The policy review revealed that the agricultural, nutrition and health, spatial development and climate policies dealt with one or more aspects of food security within the food system framework. The overall conclusion is that the aspects of food security are still covered by the traditional policies: agriculture mainly deals with production, distribution and exchange of food. Nutritional value and food safety, for instance, are main concerns of the health and nutrition policy. However, Ghana is developing the Long-Term National Development Plan (LTNDP) which combines several policies. Food safety is also increasingly considered for the exchange of food from an export perspective: export requires particular food quality standards. The results of our policy review confirm that the integration of food security elements is still in an early process of development. In addition, the urban aspect of food security was hardly considered in the policies relating to food security in Ghana. This review was explored for (urban) food security in Ghana. It is likely that results for other African countries or other low-income countries in other continents would have yielded similar results.
- Published
- 2019
35. Transition support system approach for urban food security in the future : The case of Ghana
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Linderhof, Vincent, Pinto, Vasco, Hennen, Wil, Oudendag, Diti, Kuiper, Marijke, Shutes, Lindsay, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Linderhof, Vincent, Pinto, Vasco, Hennen, Wil, Oudendag, Diti, Kuiper, Marijke, and Shutes, Lindsay
- Abstract
The population of the world is becoming increasingly urbanised due to a combination of natural population growth and rural–urban migration. This will pose major challenges to feed the future population and meet the Sustainable Development Goals. Meeting these complex challenges requires an integrated approach. The transition support system (TSS) approach integrates decision support tools and stakeholder analyses for these complex issues. This study has focused attention on the application of decision support tools of the TSS approach that visualises the urgency of future food security as a proof of concept. To this end, the future food security of the city of Accra, the capital of Ghana, has been taken as a case study. The use of Global-Detector and its maps illustrated a quick way to downscale data and projections from MAGNET (Modular Applied GeNeral Equilibrium Tool) and perform spatial analyses without the burden of acquiring additional data. Downscaling of macroeconomic results of future projections provides insights into future urban food security. Giventhese insights, stakeholders might urge policy or interventions. The results of the exercise are largely determined by the availability of data and maps; in particular, the more detailed information is available, the more accurate the results of our exercise will be.
- Published
- 2019
36. Groen in de stad : het perspectief van de vastgoedsector
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Kortstee, Harry, Michels, Rolf, and Polman, Nico
- Subjects
vergroening ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,stedelijke gebieden ,greening ,urban areas ,beplantingen ,WASS ,Innovation- and Risk Management and Information Governance ,plantations ,Green Economy and Landuse - Published
- 2018
37. Self-initiated nature conservation by farmers: an analysis of Dutch farming
- Author
Runhaar, Hens, Polman, Nico, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Environmental Governance, and Environmental Governance
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,WASS ,02 engineering and technology ,Forest and Nature Conservation Policy ,voluntary conservation ,agrobiodiversity ,Bos- en Natuurbeleid ,Green Economy and Landuse ,Agroforestry ,business.industry ,the Netherlands ,food and beverages ,021107 urban & regional planning ,Self-governance ,Agriculture ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,Nature Conservation ,040103 agronomy & agriculture ,0401 agriculture, forestry, and fisheries ,Agricultural biodiversity ,Business ,self-governance ,Agronomy and Crop Science - Abstract
In Europe, the active contribution of farmers to nature conservation is mainly voluntary. Whereas participation in agri-environmental schemes (AES) has been studied in detail, less is known about self-initiated nature conservation. Given the alarming decline in species diversity and abundance in agricultural landscapes, it is important to explore this form of conservation in more detail. In this paper we report on the results of a survey of Dutch dairy and arable farmers. We conclude that a large majority of farmers conduct self-initiated conservation activities on their farmyards and fields with varying ecological impacts and impacts on farming system. Helping birds was the most often mentioned activity. Farm size, on-farm side activities (in dairy farming), organic farming, the quality of the surrounding area and the absence of external constraints have a positive effect on the number of activities. Intensity has a negative effect on both the number of activities and on the probability that farmers conduct activities with substantial ecological impacts. There is no unambiguous evidence of a ‘crowding-out effect’ due to participation in AES. More research in this area can help contributing to a maximal exploitation of the conservation potential by farmers and to creating synergies with agri-environmental policies.
- Published
- 2018
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38. Self-initiated nature conservation by farmers: an analysis of Dutch farming
- Author
Environmental Governance, Runhaar, Hens, Polman, Nico, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Environmental Governance, Runhaar, Hens, Polman, Nico, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke
- Published
- 2018
39. Comparing cities of the world according to their food security risks and opportunities
- Author
Hennen, Wil, Diogo, Vasco, Polman, Nico, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Hennen, Wil, Diogo, Vasco, Polman, Nico, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke
- Abstract
Due to the combined effect of climate change, expected population growth and increased concentration of population in cities and towns, food insecurity in urban areas is becoming of increasing concern and is regarded as one of the most prominent development challenges for the 21st century. Cities differ with respect to their specific food security risks and opportunities of local food supply to meet the increasing demand for food. The tool “Global Metropolitan Detector” has been developed to compare cities of the world based on different dimensions of food security, particularly availability, accessibility, and affordability of food, risk of floods and climate change, and healthy diets. Worldwide publicly available datasets, e.g. from FAOSTAT, EarthStat and WorldClim, are used. These are separately converted (aggregated/disaggregated) to a homogenous 5 arc-minute grid and combined in the tool to calculate (by weighted average) and compare the demand and local supply of food, including the required area of land to meet the city-specific consumption needs (measured in “Food Metres”). The purpose is to benchmark 850 cities based on several aspects related to food security. The resulting benchmark of cities and their indicator values can be visualised in maps showing their position with respect to food security in general, or investigate particular aspects in more detail, e.g. cities having low/high flood risks or cities that are better able to meet the demand of (fresh) vegetables and fruit from local producers. The maps can support policymakers to identify causes and locations of food insecurity, and the indicative results – based on limited available worldwide data – can serve as an inducement for further investigation with more detailed data from cities.
- Published
- 2018
40. Incentives to contribute to flood adaptation in cities : Stakeholder analyses in Belgium, the UK and the Netherlands
- Author
Soma, Katrine, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, Polman, Nico, Soma, Katrine, Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, and Polman, Nico
- Abstract
Increasingly, urban stakeholders are becoming more engaged in contributing to reducing the intensified flooding risks due to climate change in Belgium, the UK and the Netherlands. The aim of this study is to motivate stakeholder engagement for urban flood management. A template is provided including a total of four steps defining stakeholder positions, task roles and barriers, and showing how to deal with the barriers by suggesting communication levels, strategies and approaches. Overall, green solutions to drainage are thought to be favourable to quality of life, recreation, playground, air quality, health, heat stress, and depending on levels of inclusiveness, green can also contribute to social cohesion.
- Published
- 2018
41. Triple helix networks matching knowledge demand and supply in seven Dutch horticulture Greenport regions
- Author
Geerling-Eiff, Florentien A., Hoes, Anne-Charlotte, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke W.C.
- Subjects
Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies ,knowledge co-production ,Livestock Production/Industries ,Industrial Organization ,Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession ,knowledge valorisation ,triple helix cooperation ,Public Economics ,Crop Production/Industries ,Political Economy ,Agricultural and Food Policy ,Community/Rural/Urban Development ,Labor and Human Capital ,Institutional and Behavioral Economics - Abstract
This paper investigates the triple helix (industry, knowledge workers and governments) cooperation on knowledge co-production and valorisation for innovation, which took place in seven horticultural regions in the Netherlands. It thus provides more empirical insight into the functioning of this form of cooperation. Based on a secondary multiple case study analysis, this paper sets out to ascertain what enabled triple helix cooperation in the seven regions with respect to the organisation, the formulation and support for goals and action on knowledge co-production and valorisation. The results indicate that in order to stimulate innovation through triple helix cooperation, the different partners first need to build a proper working relationship and a common language. In order to accomplish this, primary aims for innovation should not be formulated too ambitiously (i.e. too far beyond the entrepreneurs’ daily practice, in particular SMEs). Knowledge workers and policy makers often want to stimulate knowledge co-production and valorisation more radically and quickly. Hence, they have to temper their ambitions. Procedures regarding the cooperation should be rather simple and flexible. Once a steady working relationship and a common language are developed, then the triple helix collaboration can focus on taking the innovation ambition to a higher level in order to realise more valuable change. At first, entrepreneurs have to experience how they can profit from the cooperation and learn to incorporate knowledge co-production and valorisation step-by-step in their business strategy, including financial investments., https://dx.doi.org/10.7896/j.1052
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
HENNEN, WIL H.G.J., primary, DIOGO, VASCO, additional, POLMAN, NICO B.P., additional, and DIJKSHOORN-DEKKER, MARIJKE W.C., additional
- Published
- 2018
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43. Triple helix networks matching knowledge demand and supply in seven Dutch horticulture Greenport regions
- Author
Geerling-Eff, Florentien, primary, Hoes, Anne-Charlotte, additional, and Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke, additional
- Published
- 2017
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