282 results on '"Djordjević, Nenad"'
Search Results
2. A numerical study on the influence of internal corrugated reinforcements on the biaxial bending collapse of thin-walled beams
- Author
Vignjevic, Rade, Liang, Ce, Hughes, Kevin, Brown, Jason C., De Vuyst, Tom, Djordjevic, Nenad, and Campbell, James
- Published
- 2019
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3. Modelling of strain softening materials based on equivalent damage force
- Author
Vignjevic, Rade, Djordjevic, Nenad, Vuyst, Tom De, and Gemkow, Simone
- Published
- 2018
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4. Modelling of shock waves in fcc and bcc metals using a combined continuum and dislocation kinetic approach
- Author
Djordjevic, Nenad, Vignjevic, Rade, Kiely, Lewis, Case, Simon, De Vuyst, Tom, Campbell, James, and Hughes, Kevin
- Published
- 2018
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5. Recovery of copper sulphides mineral grains at coarse rock fragments size
- Author
Djordjevic, Nenad
- Published
- 2014
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6. Thermal stress FEM analysis of rock with microwave energy
- Author
Wang, Yicai and Djordjevic, Nenad
- Published
- 2014
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7. Re-print of: FDTD simulation of microwave heating of variable feed
- Author
Jokovic, Vladimir, Rizmanoski, Vladimir, Djordjevic, Nenad, and Morrison, Rob
- Published
- 2014
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8. FDTD simulation of microwave heating of variable feed
- Author
Jokovic, Vladimir, Rizmanoski, Vladimir, Djordjevic, Nenad, and Morrison, Rob
- Published
- 2014
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9. Image based modeling of rock fragmentation
- Author
Djordjevic, Nenad
- Published
- 2013
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10. Improvement of energy efficiency of rock comminution through reduction of thermal losses
- Author
Djordjevic, Nenad
- Published
- 2010
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11. Modelling comminution patterns within a pilot scale AG/SAG mill
- Author
Djordjevic, Nenad, Morrison, Rob, Loveday, Brian, and Cleary, Paul
- Published
- 2006
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12. The in vitro protein degradability of legume and sudan grass forage types and ensiled mixtures
- Author
Stojanović, Bojan, Stojanović, Bojan, Djordjević, Nenad, Simić, Aleksandar, Božičković, Aleksa, Davidović, Vesna, Ivetić, Aleksandra, Stojanović, Bojan, Stojanović, Bojan, Djordjević, Nenad, Simić, Aleksandar, Božičković, Aleksa, Davidović, Vesna, and Ivetić, Aleksandra
- Abstract
This study examined the in vitro crude protein (CP) degradability of wilted, dried for hay and ensiled Medicago sativa, Trifolium pratense and Sorghum sudanense, as well as of ensiled legume-sudan grass mixtures. The rumen degradable protein (RDP) was estimated using the latest Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system (CNCPS v6.5) and with the Streptomyces griseus protease assay (48 h of incubation). Sudan grass forages were the lowest in moderately degradable CP and the highest in CP fraction C, while red clover showed the least values for the soluble true protein like alfalfa forages for slowly degradable protein bound in neutral detergent fibre (NDF). Ensiling of legume-sudan grass mixtures decreases N-NH3 content by 12.2 and 5.1% in comparison with alfalfa and red clover silages, respectively. The RDP values for sudan grass (fresh, wilted, hay) were lower by 7.2 to 7.9% or 10.4 to 15.7% (CNCPS or S. griseus procedure) and up to 0.8 or 5.3 to 9.7% in comparison with alfalfa and red clover, respectively. The reduction of protein degradability in ensiled legume-sudan grass mixtures was 5.5 or 6.1% and 1.5 or 3% compared to alfalfa and red clover silages, respectively. Due to higher rumen undegradable protein content, the sudan grass and legume-sudan grass mixtures may be efficiently used to improve the protein utilization in ruminant nutrition.
- Published
- 2020
13. Quality of silage of mixed sunchoke and lucerne forage
- Author
Dubljević, Radislav, Dubljević, Radislav, Djordjević, Nenad, Radonjić, D., Djokić, M., Dubljević, Radislav, Dubljević, Radislav, Djordjević, Nenad, Radonjić, D., and Djokić, M.
- Abstract
The paper presents the chemical composition, nutritional and usable value of sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) and the possibility of using it for animal nutrition in fresh and canned form. Tests show that sunchoke cut in mid-June contains about 9.43% of crude protein, 2.49% of crude fat, 19.93% of crude cellulose, 50.50% of NFE (nitrogen-free extractives) and 17.65% of ash in the dry matter. Although lucerne biomass had a more favorable chemical composition (18.13% crude protein, 6.72% crude fat, 25.24% crude cellulose, 39.35% BEM and 10.56% ash), the benefits of sunchoke are in the more successful growing in less favorable natural, primarily soil conditions, the more suitable it is for ensiling and the longer it stays on one planted plot. Since it is predominantly an energy (carbohydrate) nutrient, the possibility of ensiling the green biomass of sunchoke in a mixture with 25, 50 and 75% fresh lucerne (25% dry matter) was investigated. The obtained results show that with the increase of lucerne participation, the nutritional value of silage increases, but the quality decreases. In addition to its role in conventional feed production, sunchoke can be an important plant in the system of organic production, production for industrial processing and for extensive cultivation in hunting grounds.
- Published
- 2020
14. Recommendations and results of supplemental feeding of pheasants depending on the season
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, and Beuković, Miloš
- Abstract
The quality and quantity of natural food resources and food from agricultural land vary considerably depending on the type of the hunting ground and the season. In order to achieve better body weight of the hunted pheasants, to preserve their number and achieve better reproductive potential of these birds, supplemental feeding is necessary. Previous studies have shown that feeding of pheasants in hunting grounds in all seasons, and especially during the winter, yields positive results. The achieved results, however, are significantly dependent on the degree of anthropogenic activity in the hunting grounds, as well as the amount of natural food. Moreover, nutrition must be adequate not only in terms of the quantity, but also the quality. This means that instead of single feeds (most commonly cereals: wheat, corn, etc.), complete mixtures should be used, which is a costly solution. However, pheasants aged five or more months are increasingly in demand for hunting on the polygons. Nevertheless, hunting in preserved nature and with a diverse wildlife fund will never lose its significance., Kvalitet i kvantitet prirodnih resursa hrane, kao i sa poljoprivrednih površina, značajno se razlikuju zavisno od tipa lovišta i godišnjeg doba. U cilju postizanja bolje odstrelne mase, očuvanja brojnosti i postizanja boljeg reproduktivnog potencijala fazana, neophodno je prihranjivanje. Dosadašnja istraživanja ukazuju da pihranjivanje fazana u lovištu, u svim godišnjim dobima, a naročito u toku zime, daje pozitivne rezultate. Međutim, postignuti rezultati značajno zavise od stepena antropogene delatnosti u lovištima, kao i od količine prirodne hrane. Pri tome, prihranjivanje mora biti adekvatno ne samo u kvantitativnom, već i u kvalitativnom smislu. Zbog toga umesto pojedinačnih hraniva (najčešće žita: pšenice, kukuruza...) treba koristiti kompletne smeše, što je skupo rešenje. Umesto toga, sve se više traže fazani starosti pet ili više meseci, za lov na poligonima. Ipak, lov u očuvanoj prirodi i sa raznovrsnim fondom divljači nikada neće izgubiti na značaju.
- Published
- 2017
15. Protein degradability of grassland forage under simulated rotational spring grazing
- Author
Stojanović, Bojan, Stojanović, Bojan, Simić, Aleksandar, Grubić, Goran, Djordjević, Nenad, Božičković, Aleksa, Davidović, Vesna, Stojanović, Bojan, Stojanović, Bojan, Simić, Aleksandar, Grubić, Goran, Djordjević, Nenad, Božičković, Aleksa, and Davidović, Vesna
- Abstract
A cutting experiment was conducted to analyze the changes in the crude protein (CP) fraction content and in the estimated ruminal protein degradability of forage, obtained in conditions of simulated rotational spring grazing on permanent grassland. The field trial was conducted on permanent pasture during 2015 and included three cuttings as a simulated rotational spring grazing. For determination of protein degradability of pasture forage, the fractionation of the CP according to Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS v6.5) and the Streptomyces griseus protease assay were used. Relative to CP, no significant differences were found among cuts for ammonia N content (A1 fraction) and for protein fraction C which is completely unavailable to the animals. Values for soluble true protein (A2 fraction) and cell wall-associated protein, which is acid detergent soluble (B2), were significantly increased (p lt 0.05) while a significant reduction (p lt 0.05) of the moderately degradable protein (B1) content was determined during the growing season. The lower rumen degradable protein (RDP) content of grassland herbage was obtained in the second cut which was significant (p lt 0.05) according to the CNCPS procedure. Obtained high solubility and degradability of CP in pasture require adequate content of readily available carbohydrates in rations for grazing ruminants to provide efficient utilization of consumed protein., Istraživanje je obavljeno u cilju utvrđivanja promena u sadržaju frakcija sirovog proteina (SP) i ruminalne razgradivosti proteina zelene mase dobijene košenjem prirodnog travnjaka u uslovima koji su odgovarali rotacijskoj pregonskoj ispaši tokom prolećne sezone. Poljski ogled je izveden na permanentnom pašnjaku tokom proleća 2015. godine i uključivao je tri otkosa koji su odgovarali ciklusima ispaše. Za determinisanje razgradivosti proteina zelene mase, frakcionisanje sirovog proteina je obavljeno prema proceduri Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS v6.5), kao i primenom in vitro metode korišćenjem Streptomyces griseus proteaze. U odnosu na SP, nisu utvrđene značajne razlike između otkosa - ciklusa ispaše u pogledu sadržaja amonijačnog N (frakcija A1), kao i u pogledu sadržaja proteinske frakcije C, koja je potpuno nedostupna životinjama. Sadržaj rastvorljivog pravog proteina (frakcija A2) i proteina vezanog za ćelijski zid, koji je rastvorljiv u kiselom deterdžentu (frakcija B2) se značajno povećavao (p lt 0,05), dok se sadržaj umereno razgradive frakcije proteina (B1) značajno smanjivao (p lt 0,05) tokom prolećne sezone vegetacije. Najmanja vrednost za ruminalnu razgradivost i učešće RDP (protein razgradiv u rumenu) u SP zelene mase sa pašnjaka utvrđena je u drugom otkosu, a ova razlika je bila značajna (p lt 0,05) kada je ruminalna razgradivost proteina determinisana korišćenjem procedure CNCPS. Utvrđeno visoko učešće rastvorljive frakcije SP i visoka ruminalna razgradivost SP zelene mase sa pašnjaka ukazuju na potrebu podrobnijeg balansiranja obroka za preživare na paši u pogledu sadržaja lako razgradivih ugljenih hidrata, a u cilju obezbeđenja efikasnog iskorišćavanja konzumiranog proteina.
- Published
- 2019
16. Effect of phenological phase of dry grazing pasture on fatty acid composition of cows' milk
- Author
Radonjić, Dušica, Radonjić, Dušica, Djordjević, Nenad, Marković, Bozidarka, Marković, Milan, Stesević, Danijela, Dajić-Stevanović, Zora, Radonjić, Dušica, Radonjić, Dušica, Djordjević, Nenad, Marković, Bozidarka, Marković, Milan, Stesević, Danijela, and Dajić-Stevanović, Zora
- Abstract
The fatty acid content is a very important feature of the milk that affects the health of consumers. The aim of this study was to estimate cow's milk fatty acid composition in early vegetative, late vegetative and reproductive phase, with the simultaneous determination of the pasture biomass chemical and botanical composition. The research was conducted on Agrostis castellana semi-natural dry grassland in the vicinity of Podgorica, Montenegro. Cows were put to grazing during the whole experimental period. This pasture was assessed as moderate to good quality and botanically diversified. The chemical composition of the grassland biomass changed with the maturity phase. A significant increase in the content of DM, crude fiber, fat and a decrease in crude protein content were determined throughout three phenological phases (p lt 0.05). The content of total milk fat did not show significant variability during first two phases, but it did in the third phase. The content of milk fat and protein was high in all phases, although it is a dry pasture with a poor quality of biomass in the third phase. The content of majority saturated fatty acids (SFAs) increased with grass maturity, while total content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) decreased. The polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) content kept the same level up to the reproductive phase. The phenological phase significantly influenced the content of fatty acids in the third phase (p lt 0.05). A notable number of SFAs, MUFAs end PUFAs had the highest content in the second phase.
- Published
- 2019
17. The importance of compression level as a factor in silage quality
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, Dubljević, Radislav, Mitrović, Dragoljub, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, Dubljević, Radislav, and Mitrović, Dragoljub
- Abstract
The results of experiments where lucerne, maize, sunflower and sorghum were ensiled and the importance of compression level on the quality of obtained silages were presented in the paper. Level of compression is more important in silages with higher dry matter content, with more mature material which is also cut in longer particles. With the higher level of silage mass compression the higher degree of anaerobic condition is provided and therefore higher production of lactic acid with lower production of acetic acid, which results in lower pH values. With higher compression of silages the total loss of nutrients is reduced, although it may be higher when moisture content is higher. That is why with perennial legumes and grasses it is better to wilt the material, while maize and sorghum are cut at the optimum maturity phase, prior to ensiling., U radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimenata siliranja lucerke, kukuruza, suncokreta i sirka, i značaj stepena sabijenosti za kvalitet silaža od različitog materijala. Stepen kompresije je utoliko značajniji ukoliko materijal koji se silira ima veći sadržaj suve materije, potiče od zrelijeg materijala i krupnije je seckan. Pri većem stepenu sabijanja silomase u startu se obezbeđuje veći stepen anaerobnosti, te je veća produkcija mlečne i manja produkcija sirćetne kiseline, odnosno potižu se niže pH vrednosti. Pri boljem stepenu sabijenosti smanjuju se i ukupni gubici u hranljivim materijama, mada oni mogu da budu veći kod vlažnijeg materijala. Zato se kod višegodišnjih leguminoza i trava vrši provenjavanje a za kukuruz, suncokret i sirak siliranje se obavlja u optimalnoj fazi zrelosti.
- Published
- 2015
18. Improvement of silages prepared from byproducts with natural or synthetic nitrogen sources
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, and Božičković, Aleksa
- Abstract
The results of ensiling of various byproducts of crops, vegetables, food and vine industry are shown in the article. These products are ensiled because of their high moisture content, while their nitrogen content is increased by mixing them with fresh lucerne or its hay, or non-protein nitrogen (NPN) compounds are added. The results of domestic experiments show that better results are achieved when lucerne was added, considering lower pH values and lower amounts of ammonia and soluble nitrogen in the produced silages. However, when grape pomace was ensiled in September the problem is low availability of lucerne and that is why NPN compounds are utilized. When they are used the amount of soluble nitrogen matters in silage is increased, which may cause some negative influence on production, health and fertility in ruminants., U radu su prikazani rezultati siliranja različitih pratećih proizvoda ratarstva, povrtarstva, prehrambene industrije i vinarija. Navedeni proizvodi se, zbog visokog sadržaja vlage, konzervišu siliranjem a u cilju povećanja sadržaja sirovih proteina vrši se njihovo kombinovanje sa zelenom lucerkom i lucerkinim senom, ili se dodaju NPN jedinjenja. Rezultati domaćih eksperimenata pokazuju da se pri upotrebi lucerke dobijaju bolji rezultati u pogledu kvaliteta silaža, odnosno manje pH vrednosti i manje količine amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota. Međutim, pri siliranju komine grožđa u septembru mesecu, javlja se problem zbog malih količina lucerke, zbog čega se koriste NPN jedinjenja. Njihovom upotrebom povećava se količina rastvorljivih azotnih materija u silaži, što može biti problem za proizvodnost, zdravlje i plodnost preživara.
- Published
- 2015
19. Effects of provisioned feed grains to reproductive parameters of pheasant at spring
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, Živković, Dragić, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, and Živković, Dragić
- Abstract
This paper presents an results overview from experiments about supplemental nutrition pheasant hunting grounds, during reproduction period. Previous studies have generally followed the effects of using a grain cereals (wheat and barley) for the purpose of supplemental nutrition hens to reproductive parameters. Due to the fact that the grain carbohydrate nutrient is deficient to protein and calcium, results are lacking, or were minimal in some parameters. Therefore, the proposed use feed properly balanced all the necessary nutrients, with the maximum feeder dispersion (one feeder per territory males), in order to reduce predation and direct losses of birds and eggs., U radu je izložen pregled rezultata istraživanja o dopunskoj ishrani fazana u lovištima za vreme reprodukcije. Dosadašnja istraživanja su uglavnom pratila efekte korišćenja zrna nekog žita (pšenice ili ječma) u cilju dopunske ishrane fazanki. Zbog činjenice da su žita ugljenohidratna hraniva, deficitarna u proteinima i kalcijumu, rezultati su izostali. Zbog toga se predlaže korišćenje adekvatno balansirane hrane na sve potrebne hranljive sastojke, uz maksimalnu disperziju hranilica (jedna hranilica po jednoj teritoriji mužjaka) u cilju smanjenja predatorstva i direktnih gubitaka ptica i jaja.
- Published
- 2015
20. Balancing parent flock concentrate mixture accordance with the norms and restrictions
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, and Beuković, Miloš
- Abstract
The paper presents the needs of pheasant flock and the possibility of designing a mixture with substitutions feed of animal origin or products of soybean processing. Basis of concrete examples, three types of concentrate mixtures, it can be seen that the preparation of concentrate mixtures for pheasants hens possible without the use of animal feedstuffs, while reducing the share of products of soybean processing, using synthetic amino acids. Thanks to this, a lower price and concentrate mixtures. At the same time, it is possible to fulfill the requirements in accordance with the standards and restrictions for certain nutrients because of the presence of some toxic matters., U radu su izložene potrebe matičnog jata fazana i mogućnost balansiranja smeša uz supstituciju hraniva animalnog porekla ili proizvoda prerade soje. Na osnovu konkretnih primera, odnosno tri vrste smeša koncentrata, vidi se da je pripremanje smeša koncentrata za fazanke nosilje moguće bez upotrebe hraniva animalnog porekla, uz smanjenje udela proizvoda prerade soje, korišćenjem sintetičkih aminokiselina. Zahvaljujući tome, postiže se i niža cena smeša koncentrata. Istovremeno, na taj način moguće je ispuniti zahteve u skladu sa normativima, kao i ograničenja za pojedina hraniva zbog prisustva nekih antinutritivnih materija.
- Published
- 2015
21. Determination of Green Forage and Silage Protein Degradability of Some Pea (Pisum sativum L.) plus Oat (Avena sativa L.) Mixtures Grown in Serbia
- Author
Blagojević, Milomir, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Vasić, Tanja, Milenković, Jasmina, Petrović, Mirjana, and Marković, Jordan
- Subjects
Degradability ,food and beverages ,Protein fractions ,oat mixture [Pea] - Abstract
This research was conducted to determine the effect of seed rates in mixtures of pea + oat on the green forage and silage protein fractions evaluated by Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system (CNCPS). Experiment was established in autumn of 2012, on October the 20th and plant samples were taken in spring 2013 at forming the first pods on 2/3 plants of pea at Institute for forage crops, Krusevac, Republic of Serbia, using five different mixture rates of pea and oat crops (100% pea + 0% oat; 0% pea + 100% oat; 25% pea + 75% oat; 50% pea + 50% oat and 75% pea + 25% oat). After harvesting pea: oat mixtures were treated with bacterial inoculant and ensiled in anaerobic jars for 45 days. Green forages and silage samples were analyzed for DM (dry matter), CP (crude protein), primary protein fractions-TP (true protein), NPN (non protein nitrogen), IP (insoluble protein), SolP (soluble protein), NDICP (neutral detergent insoluble crude protein) and ADICP (acid detergent insoluble crude protein) and protein fractions by CNCPS. An analysis of variance found statistically significant differences among mixture rates for all variables, except IP and SolP. Silage from monoculture pea had the highest NPN (696.2 g kg(-1) CP) and SolP (713.8 g kg(-1) CP), followed by the mixture of pea with oat 75:25 (662.5 and 653.4 g kg(-1) CP, respectively). Analyzing the CNCPS protein fractions of pea: oat silages it was found that silage from pea monoculture contained the highest PA fraction (non protein nitrogen, immediately degraded in the rumen) and that PA fraction increased with increasing pea ratios in silages, which was a direct reflection of their high NPN and SolP in green forages and in silages. Because of those facts 25:50 and 50:50 pea: oat mixtures silages could be recommended for ruminant feeding. The investigated bacterial inoculant can increase the TP content, as well as PB 1 (true protein rapidly degraded in the rumen) and PB 3 (slowly degraded True Protein in the rumen, because it is associated with the cell wall) fractions.
- Published
- 2017
22. Sırbistan Koşullarında yetiştirilen kimi bezelye (Pisum sativum L.) + yulaf (Avena sativa L.) yeşil ot ve silaj
- Author
Blagojević, M., Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Vasić, T., Milenković, Jasmina, Petrović, M., and Marković, J.
- Subjects
animal structures ,Degradability ,food and beverages ,Protein fractions ,oat mixture [Pea] - Abstract
This research was conducted to determine the effect of seed rates in mixtures of pea + oat on the green forage and silage protein fractions evaluated by Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system (CNCPS). Experiment was established in autumn of 2012, on October the 20th and plant samples were taken in spring 2013 at forming the first pods on 2/3 plants of pea at Institute for forage crops, Kruševac, Republic of Serbia, using five different mixture rates of pea and oat crops (100% pea + 0% oat; 0% pea + 100% oat; 25% pea + 75% oat; 50% pea + 50% oat and 75% pea + 25% oat). After harvesting pea:oat mixtures were treated with bacterial inoculant and ensiled in anaerobic jars for 45 days. Green forages and silage samples were analyzed for DM (dry matter), CP (crude protein), primary protein fractions-TP (true protein), NPN (non protein nitrogen), IP (insoluble protein), SolP (soluble protein), NDICP (neutral detergent insoluble crude protein) and ADICP (acid detergent insoluble crude protein) and protein fractions by CNCPS. An analysis of variance found statistically significant differences among mixture rates for all variables, except IP and SolP. Silage from monoculture pea had the highest NPN (696.2 g kg-1 CP) and SolP (713.8 g kg-1 CP), followed by the mixture of pea with oat 75:25 (662.5 and 653.4 g kg-1 CP, respectively). Analyzing the CNCPS protein fractions of pea:oat silages it was found that silage from pea monoculture contained the highest PA fraction (non protein nitrogen, immediately degraded in the rumen) and that PA fraction increased with increasing pea ratios in silages, which was a direct reflection of their high NPN and SolP in green forages and in silages. Because of those facts 25:50 and 50:50 pea:oat mixtures silages could be recommended for ruminant feeding. The investigated bacterial inoculant can increase the TP content, as well as PB1 (true protein rapidly degraded in the rumen) and PB3 (slowly degraded True Protein in the rumen, because it is associated with the cell wall) fractions.
- Published
- 2017
23. Climate impacts, the degree of forestation and natural resources of food to the age structure of brown hare
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, and Beuković, Miloš
- Abstract
The paper gives review about effects of local climate and forestation to the leveret’s percentage, of brown hare population research in hunting grounds of Serbia. Performed research rely to measurement of dry eye lens (Lens crystaline), basis of which it can perform precise classification by age category of hunted hares. Practically, for planning degree of use brown hare, the most important are age category: up to one year, and over one year. The statistical analysis of data collected during several years and in various hunting grounds of Serbia, has not found significant influence factors of climate (temperature and precipitation) and the degree of forestation (as an indicator of the benefits of environment and natural resources, food). Based on the literature review, it can be concluded that the size and age structure of the population of brown hare have a big impact, in addition to examined, and anthropogenic factors., U radu je dat pregled domaćih istraživanja uticaja klime i šumovitosti na procenat mladih u populaciji zeca u lovištima Srbije. Obavljena ispitivanja se baziraju na merenju osušenog očnog sočiva (Lens crystalina), na osnovu čega se može izvršiti precizno razvrstavanje ulovljenih životinja u starosne kategorije. Za praksu planiranja stepena korišćenja zeca najznačajnije su starosne kategorije do jedne i preko jedne godine. Pri statističkoj analizi podataka prikupljenih iz više godina i iz različitih lovišta Srbije nije utvrđen signifikantan uticaj faktora klime (temperature i padavina) i stepena pošumljenosti (kao pokazatelja pogodnosti životne sredine i prirodnih resursa hrane). To ukazuje da je uticaj dugih faktora i njihovo interakcijsko delovanje mnogo veće. Na osnovu pregleda literature može se zaključiti da na brojnost i starosnu strukturu populacije zeca veliki uticaj imaju, pored ispitivanih, pre svega antropogeni faktori.
- Published
- 2014
24. Forages in organic animal production systems
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, and Božičković, Aleksa
- Abstract
Various methods of preparations and use of forage feeds for feeding animals in organic production systems were described in the paper. The base of this review is in the Act about control and certification in organic production and methods of organic production (2011). The main factors responsible for production of such feeds are: conversion (transition) period, methods of soil processing, production of organic fertilizers, use of certified seeds, use and list of allowed preparations for plant protection, feed conservation technology, transport and keeping of feeds, amounts of feed and feeding techniques. The herbivore feeding in organic production systems should be mostly relying on pasture, depending on the availability in various seasons, but also with some limitations which are different from conventional production. In periods without vegetation conserved forage is used - hay and silage. Silage production technology is basically similar to the one used in conventional production, and allows the use of inoculants as fermentation stimulants, and even use of some organic acids in order to rapidly obtain the appropriate pH values. The use of urea for feed supplementation (silage, concentrate) is absolutely forbidden. Considering that the Act about control and certification in organic production and methods of organic production (2011) defines minimal amount of 60% of forages in herbivore feeding, and in milk producing animals it is defined as 50% (in the first 3 months of lactation), even more care should be given to forages compared to conventional systems., U radu su prikazani različiti postupci pripremanja voluminozne hrane za domaće životinje u skladu sa principima organske stočarske proizvodnje. Osnovu ovog pregleda i razmatranja čini Pravilnik o kontroli i sertifikaciji u organskoj proizvodnji i metodama organske proizvodnje (2011). Osnovni faktori odgovorni za proizvodnju takve hrane su: period konverzije (prelaska), način obrade zemljišta, priprema organskog đubriva, upotreba sertifikovanog semena, upotreba i lista sredstava za zaštitu bilja, tehnologija konzervisanja hraniva, transport i skladištenje hrane, količine hrane i tehnika ishrane... Ishrana biljojeda u organskoj stočarskoj proizvodnji u najvećoj mogućoj meri treba da se zasniva na ispaši, u zavisnosti od raspoloživosti pašnjaka u različito doba godine, ali i tu postoje određena ograničenja koja je razlikuju od konvencionalne ishrane. U periodu van vegetacije koristi se konzervisana hrana - seno i silaža. Tehnologija spremanja silaže je u osnovi slična kao i za konvencionalnu proizvodnju, i dozvoljava upotrebu inokulanata kao stimulatora fermentacije, pa čak i nekih organskih kiselina u cilju brzog postizanja odgovarajuće pH vrednosti. Upotreba uree kao sredstva za oplemenjivanje hrane (silaže, koncentrata…), apsolutno je zabranjena. S obzirom da je Pravilnikom o kontroli i sertifikaciji u organskoj proizvodnji i metodama organske proizvodnje (2011) definisan minimum učešća suve materije iz kabaste hrane u obrocima za biljojede od 60%, a u u slučaju životinja koje se koriste za proizvodnju mleka najmanje 50% (tokom prva tri meseca laktacije), još veća pažnja se mora pokloniti kvalitetu kabaste hrane.
- Published
- 2014
25. The influence of wilting and compaction degree on parameters of chemical composition, proteolysis and quality of lucerne silage
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Radivojević, Mihailo, Božičković, Aleksa, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Radivojević, Mihailo, and Božičković, Aleksa
- Abstract
The influence of wilting, actually two levels of dry matter content (DM = 250 and 360 gkg-1) and three levels of compaction (460, 550 and 620 gdm-3) on variations in parameters of chemical composition, proteolysis and quality of lucerne silage was investigated. The experiment was set as 2x3 factorial with three replications per each treatment. Based on the results of chemical analysis, there was no significant variation within the contents of basic nutrients (p>0.05), while some variation was observed in lipid and carbohydrate contents. In silages with higher dry matter content the reduction of fermentation was observed, with acetate as dominant product in acid contents in A2B1 treatment, and also reduction in proteolytic processes which shows as lower ammonia and soluble nitrogen content (p lt 0.05). With the increase of level of compaction the increase in lactic acid was observed, with decrease in ammonia and soluble nitrogen (p lt 0.05). In material with natural moisture content, regardless of the level of compaction, the butyric fermentation was observed and intensified aminogenesis. On the basis of this investigation it can be concluded that wilting and adequate compaction are the key physical factors which influence silage quality parameters., U radu je ispitivan uticaj provenjavanja, odnosno dva stepena sadržaja suve materije (SM = 250 i 360 gkg-1) i tri stepena sabijenosti (460, 550 i 620 gdm-3) na promene parametara hemijskog sastava, proteolize i kvaliteta silaže lucerke. Eksperiment je postavljen po statističkom modelu 2x3 u tri ponavljanja po svakom tretmanu. Na osnovu rezultata laboratorijskih analiza, utvrđeno je nesignifikantno variranje u sadržaju pojedinih hranljivih materija (p>0,05), izuzev masti i ugljenih hidrata. U silažama sa većim stepenom suve materije utvrđena je redukcija fermentacije, sa dominacijom sirćetne u ukupnom sadržaju kiselina u tretmanu A2B1, kao i redukcija proteolitičkih procesa, odnosno manji sadržaj amonijaka i rastvorljivog zota (p lt 0,05). Sa povećanjem stepena sabijenosti došlo je do porasta apsolutnog udela mlečne kiseline i smanjenja udela amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota (p lt 0,05). U materijalu sa prirodnim sadržajem vlage, bez obzira na stepen sabijanja, došlo je do buterne fermentacije i intenziviranja aminogeneze. Na osnovu izvedenih ispitivanja može se zaključiti da su provenjavanje i adekvatno sabijanje ključni fizički faktori za parametre kvaliteta silaže lucerke.
- Published
- 2013
26. Nutrition effect of pheasant parent flocks to production results
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Milutin, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, and Djordjević, Milutin
- Abstract
This paper presents a literature review of nutrition pheasant parent flocks in aviaries. Nutrition affects to the number, size, and biological quality of the eggs directly from the necessary nutrients that provide by diet, or indirectly through the body’s reserves, which are provided in the past. Comparing the recommendations of the various standards (AEC, INRA, NRC) and the value for the content of nutrients that are used in the experiments and the pheasant, the differences can be observed, especially in the protein content. Norms recent (NRC) calls on the similarity between the needs of pheasants and turkeys and recommend optimal balance of protein and energy (Mcal ME for each maximum 5.6% protein). By the way, in recent experiments, more attention is paid to micronutrients (trace elements, vitamins), physical form of concentrated feed and the etc. Because of these problems and shortcomings it is necessary to continue research, to the current recommendations for nutrient content corrected in order to reduce feeding costs and achieve better results of parent flocks., U radu je dat pregled literaturnih podataka iz ishrane matičnog jata fazana u volijerama. Ishrana utiče na broj, veličinu i biološki kvalitet jaja direktno preko neophodnih hranljivih materija koje se obezbeđuju obrokom, ili indirektno preko telesnih rezervi koje su obezbeđene u ranijem periodu. Poređenjem preporuka iz različitih normativa (AEC, INRA, NRC) i vrednosti za sadržaj hranljivih materija koje se koriste u eksperimentima i na fazanerijama, mogu se uočiti razlike, pre svega u sadržaju proteina. Normativi novijeg datuma (NRC) pozivaju se na sličnost potreba fazana i ćuraka i preporučuju optimalan odnos energije i proteina (za svaku Mcal ME maksimalno 5,6% proteina). Osim toga, u eksperimentima novijeg datuma više pažnje se poklanja mikro-hranivima (mikroelementima, vitaminima), fizičkoj formi koncentrovane hrane i sl. Zbog navedenih problema i nedostataka neophodno je nastaviti istraživanja, kako bi se dosadašnje preporuke za sadržaj hranljivih materija korigovale, u cilju smanjenja troškova ishrane i postizanja boljih proizvodnih rezultata matičnog jata.
- Published
- 2013
27. The importance of supplement feed pheasants and hares for reproductive performance and hunted weight
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Milutin, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, and Djordjević, Milutin
- Abstract
In this review paper has been shown how the specific nutrition of brown hare and pheasant, forms and procedures of supplement, and their impact on reproductive performance and weight of the hunted species. Pheasant use of nutrients in the diet of vegetable and animal origin. Food of animal origin (mainly insects) participate in the meal to 80% of offspring, and in serving adults with 20-30%. Nutrition brown hare as expressive herbivore is based on wild plant species and crop cultures. Previous studies indicate that in rural areas about 50% rabbit diet consists only 2-3 plant species, where winter wheat is dominated by green. Supplementary feeding wildlife involves not only planning and food intake in open hunting areas during the winter, but the use of crops throughout the year. The quality of food (natural and supplemental) affects the reproductive results of a hares across the energy value of milk (14.5 kJg-1 in Spring and 11.03 kJg-1 in autumn), and the mass of hunting hares (higher in rural areas). Supplementary feeding of pheasants in the spring contributes to improving the reproduction of some results, and improving the percentage of body weight and survival of young pheasants who have settled in the hunting area., U radu su na revijalan način prikazane nutritivne specifičnosti zeca i fazana, oblici i postupci dodatne ishrane, i njihov uticaj na reproduktivne rezultate i odstrelnu masu ovih vrsta divljači. Fazan koristi u ishrani hraniva biljnog i životinjskog porekla. Hrana životinjskog porekla (prvenstveno insekti) učestvuju u obroku podmlatka do 80%, a u obroku odraslih sa 20-30%. Ishrana zeca kao ortodoksnog herbivore se zasniva na divljim biljnim vrstama i ratarskim kulturama. Ranija istraživanja ukazuju da u poljoprivrednim područjima oko 50% ishrane zeca čine samo 2-3 biljne vrste, pri čemu zimi dominira zelena pšenica. Dopunska ishrana divljači podrazumeva ne samo plansko unošenje hrane u otvorena lovišta tokom zime, već i korišćenje namenski gajenih ratarskih kultura u toku cele godine. Kvalitet ishrane (prirodne i dopunske) utiče na reproduktivne rezultate zeca preko energetske vrednosti mleka (14,5 kJg-1 u proleće i 11,03 kJg-1 u jesen), kao i na odstrelnu masu zečeva (veća u poljoprivrednim područjima). Dopunska ishrana fazana u proleće doprinosi popravljanju nekih reproduktivnih rezultata, kao i popravljanju procenta preživljavanja i telesne mase mladih fazana koji su naseljeni u lovišta.
- Published
- 2012
28. The importance of arable land in Serbia to the feed pheasant and brown hare and the number of populations
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Milutin, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Dejan, Beuković, Miloš, and Djordjević, Milutin
- Abstract
In this review paper has been shown how the specific feeding brown hares and pheasant, the structure of arable land in the hunting grounds of Serbia and its importance as a nutrient base for the number of populations of these species. The spatial distribution and abundance of brown hares and pheasants primarily affect natural factors (climate, disease and predators) and to some extent, extent and anthropogenic factors (agricultural work, transportation, hunting ...). Hunting grounds in Serbia occupy a total area of 8,828,528.29 hectares, of which the fields and fields 3,787,836.13 hectares or 42.9%. This structure in the hunting area (the area under cereals in particular) have a major impact on the number of brown hares and pheasants, which in recent years has the trend. In contrast, the recorded increase in the percentage of killing relative to base stock of game, which the hardest in 2008. amounted to 18.02% and 45.78% for the pheasants. Based on the literature review it is evident that the intensification of agriculture and reducing the natural diversity of food are of great importance for the number of hares and pheasant populations. A partial solution to this problem is in the preservation of 'green oasis' and found a 'green corridor' between large areas of monoculture, organic vegetable production, control the number of predators and offspring production in the rabbit and pheasant farm. ., U radu su na revijalan način prikazane specifičnosti ishrane fazana i zeca, struktura obradivih površina u lovištima Srbije i njihov značaj kao hranidbene baze za brojnost populacija ovih vrsta divljači. Na prostornu distribuciju i brojnost fazana i zeca utiču prvenstveno prirodni faktori (klima, bolesti i predatori) a u značajnoj meri i antropogeni faktori (poljoprivredni radovi, saobraćaj, lov...). Lovišta u Srbiji zauzimaju ukupnu površinu od 8.828.528,29 ha, od čega je pod njivama i oranicama 3.787.836,13 ha, odnosno 42,9%. Ovakva struktura površina u lovištima (naročito površina pod cerealijama) ima veliki uticaj na brojnost populacija zeca i fazana, koja zadnjih godina ima trend smanjenja. Nasuprot tome, beleži se povećanje procenta odstrela u odnosu na matični fond divljači, koji za zeca u 2008. godini iznosi 18,02% a za fazana 45,78%. Na osnovu pregleda literature evidentno je da intenzifikacija poljoprivrede i smanjenje raznovrsnosti prirodne ishrane imaju veliki značaj za brojnost populacija zeca i fazana. Delimično rešenje ovog problema je u: očuvanju 'zelenih oaza' i zasnivanje 'zelenih koridora' između velikih površina sa monokultura, organskoj biljnoj proizvodnji, kontroli brojnosti predatora i proizvodnji podmlatka zeca i fazana u odgajivalištima. . PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31009.
- Published
- 2012
29. The influence of development phase, cut and degree of wilting on parameters of chemical composition, proteolysis and quality in lucerne silage
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Dinić, Bora, Stojanović, Bojan, Radivojević, Mihailo, Božičković, Aleksa, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Dinić, Bora, Stojanović, Bojan, Radivojević, Mihailo, and Božičković, Aleksa
- Abstract
Different phases of plant development (beginning of bloom - 10% flowers, midbloom - 50% flowers), two growth cycles (II and IV cut) and two levels of biomass wilting (DM = 320 gkg-1 and 410 gkg-1) on changes in chemical composition, proteolysis and quality of lucerne silage were investigated in this experiment. Experiment was set as statistical model 2×2×2 (2k). Based on the results of chemical analysis it is confirmed that in earlier cut lucerne silages there was more crude protein, ammonia and soluble nitrogen , and less crude fiber (p lt 0.05). Lucerne silages from IV cut were very little different from silages from II cut in nutrient content and quality parameters. Wilting lucerne to the highest level of dry matter reduced total fermentation and proteolysis (p lt 0.05). At the same time there were no significant differences in chemical composition of silages (p>0.05), unless protein. On the basis of this investigations it can be concluded that ensiling of lucerne in latter phases of plant development, with higher degree of wilting, produces silages with better quality parameters, but also with significantly lower nutritive value. Therefore the use of various methods of induction and stimulation of lactic acid fermentation is recommended for lucerne mass cut in earlier development phases - with the aim to obtain maximum nutrients and best quality., U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitih faza razvića (početak cvetanja - 10% iscvetalosti, sredina cvetanja - 50% iscvetalosti), dva ciklusa korišćenja (II i IV otkos) i dva stepena provenulosti biomase, odnosno sadržaja suve materije (SM = 320 g/kg i 410 g/ kg) na promene parametara hemijskog sastava, proteolize i kvaliteta silaže lucerke. Eksperiment je postavljen po statističkom modelu 2×2×2 (2k). Na osnovu rezultata hemijskih analiza utvrđeno je u silažama ranije košene lucerke veći sadržaj proteina, amonijaka i rastvorljivog zota i manji sadržaj sirove celuloze (p lt 0,05). Silaže lucerke iz IV otkosa su se minimalno razlikovale u pogledu sadržaja hranljivih materija i parametara kvaliteta u odnosu na silaže lucerke iz II otkosa. Provenjavanje lucerke do većeg nivoa suve materije je dovelo do redukcije fermentacije i proteolize (p lt 0,05). Pri tome nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u pogledu hemijskog sastava silaža (p>0,05), izuzev proteina. Na osnovu izvedenih ispitivanja može se zaključiti da se siliranjem lucerke iz kasnijih faza razvića, uz veći stepen provenjavanja, postiže bolji kvalitet silaža, ali se signifikantno smanjuje hranljiva vrednost. Zbog toga se preporučuje primena različitih metoda indukcije i stimulacije mlečnokiselinskog vrenja za materijal košen u ranijim fenofazama, kako bi se dobila maksimalna hranljiva vrednost i maksimalan kvalitet.
- Published
- 2012
30. Contemporary aspects of lucerne use in animal nutrition
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Dinić, Bora, Božičković, Aleksa, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Dinić, Bora, and Božičković, Aleksa
- Abstract
An overview of current trends in lucerne use in animal nutrition in different forms: fresh lucerne, preserved lucerne - hay and haylage, or a component of mixtures as dehydrated lucerne and protein-carotenoide concentrate of lucerne juice are presented in paper. The nutritive value of lucerne is directly affected by the stage of maturity, method of preservation, processing and utilization in animal diets. Based on morphological changes the chemical composition of alfalfa plants can be estimated with high correlations (above 90%). Due to numerous factors that affect on chemical composition of lucerne hay, the nutritive value is highly variable, and using of lucerne hay in rations for ruminants is minimal, according to requirements for optimal digestion and ruminal function. The cut length of lucerne haylage affects average particle length of total mixed rations for ruminants. The physical form and effectiveness of ration is significant parameter for regular rumen function, digestibility of nutrients, and production performances of ruminants, particularly highyielding lactating cows. The largest reasons for difficulties in preserving lucerne as haylage are in its high buffer capacity, the insufficient content of fermentable sugars and fast degradation of nitrogen compounds. The most favorable results were obtained with simultaneous use of carbohydrate supplements with homofermentative lactic bacteria for wilted plant material. In spite of relatively high content of crude fiber, lucerne may be significant for nonruminant nutrition after specific treatment and processing, particularly for hen feeding with the purpose of yolk color modification. Lucerne juice may be particularly important for this purpose because it is a proteincarotenoide concentrate. It can be concluded that lucerne still remains one of the main feedstuffs due to its high nutrition value and exceptional biological characteristics.
- Published
- 2012
31. The influence of compression level and inoculation on biochemical changes in lucerne silages
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, and Božičković, Aleksa
- Abstract
The effect of different levels of compression (A1 = 420 gdm-1, A2 = 560 gdm-1) and inoculation (B1 = no inoculant, B2 = with inoculant) on changes in chemical composition, proteolysis and quality of lucerne silage was investigated in this paper. Based on the results of chemical analysis we found that in silages with more compressed material there was a reduction in the amount of ammonia nitrogen, soluble nitrogen and acetic acid, and increased content of protein nitrogen ('true'protein) and production of lactic acid (p lt 0.05). With the inoculation of the ensiling material the production of ammonia nitrogen and acetic acid was reduced but the content of lactic acid and acidity was increased (p lt 0.05). The interaction of both investigated factors (A×B) induced a decrease in the proteolysis degree, increase of lactic acid production and decrease in acetic acid production, and decrease in pH values (p lt 0.001) in investigated silages. The investigated factors had less influence on the chemical composition of lucerne material, and the significant variations were observed in fat and NFE contents. On the basis of this investigation the degree of compression is the most important parameter in ensiling technology. With the adequate compression and reduction of air in the starting material, the aerobic phase is reduced and the activity of proeolytic enzymes is decreased. In practice the special attention should be given to factors on which directly or indirectly the level of compression of ensiled material depends: wilting, cutting, object selection and/or selection of machines used for compression., U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitog stepena sabijanja (A1 = 420 gdm-1, A2 = 560 gdm-1) i inokulacije (B1 = bez inokulanta, B2 = sa inokulantom) na promene parametara hemijskog sastava, proteolize i kvaliteta silaže lucerke. Na osnovu rezultata hemijskih analiza utvrđeno je u silažama od bolje sabijenog materijala smanjenje količine amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota, kao i sirćetne kiseline, i povećanje količine proteinskog azota ('pravog' proteina) i mlečne kiseline (p lt 0,05). Inokulacijom siliranog materijala smanjena je produkcija amonijačnog azota i sirćetne kiseline i istovremeno povećana produkcija mlečne kiseline i kiselost silaža (p lt 0,05). Interakcijom ispitivanih faktora (A×B) došlo je do smanjenja stepena proteolize u silažama, povećanja produkcije mlečne kiseline i smanjenja količine sirćetne kiseline, a time i smanjenja pH vrednosti (p lt 0,001). Ispitivani faktori su bili od manjeg značaja za promene parametara hemijskog sastava hraniva pa su signifikantno varirali samo količina masti i BEM-a. Na osnovu izvedenih ispitivanja može se zaključiti da je stepen sabijanja najvažnija mera u tehnologiji siliranja hraniva. Adekvatnim sabijanjem skraćuje se trajanje aerobne faze i ograničava delatnost proteilitičkih enzima. U praksi treba posvetiti maksimalnu pažnju faktorima od kojih direktno ili indirektno zavisi stepen sabijenosti siliranog materijala: stepenu provenulosti, dužini seckanja, izboru tipa objekta za siliranje i/ili izboru mehanizacije za sabijanje (gaženje ili baliranje).
- Published
- 2011
32. Feeding pheasant chicks in pens
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, and Božičković, Aleksa
- Abstract
The overview of the results of pheasant chicks feeding in pens is given in this paper. Rearing of pheasant chicks in the controlled environment is important because they are not produced in sufficient numbers in the nature. Body mass of pheasant chicks in the moment when they are released in the hunting ground is very important for their survival rate during the period when they are adapting to the natural conditions. It can be concluded from the published data that intensive rearing of pheasant chicks requires high protein levels, which in the first 30 days is between 28 and 32%, while later, in the period prior to the release they need 24 to 26% crude protein in the diet. Investigations in our country, where concentrate mixture with 30% protein was given until 28 days of age, and 24% protein from 28 to 42 day, the obtained body mass was 457.07g. Higher protein level than this is not rational, and may be harmful because it may cause pathological changes in liver and kidneys. After the first rearing phase pheasant chicks should be given grains and forage mass in order to prepare them for the feeding in the nature. The rearing is finished at the age of about 60 days, when they are released with body mass about 400-440 g., U radu je dat pregled rezultata ishrane podmladka fazana u volijerama. Odgoj fazančića u kontrolisanim uslovima je neophodan zbog nedovoljne prirodne produkcije fazana. Telesna masa fazančića u momentu puštanja u lovište je jako važna za stepen preživljavanja u periodu prilagođavanja na prirodne uslove. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka može se zaključiti da intenzivan odgoj fazančića u kontrolisanim uslovima zahteva visok nivo proteina, koji u prvom periodu (do 30 dana) iznosi 28-32%, a kasnije, do ispuštanja u lovišta, 24-26%. U istraživanjima kod nas, pri korišćenju smeše sa 30% proteina do 28. dana starosti i sa 24% proteina od 28. do 42. dana starosti, ostvarena je telesna masa od 457,07 g. Veći nivo proteina od navedenog je neracionalan, a može biti i štetan jer dovodi do patoloških promena na jetri i bubrezima. Nakon prvog perioda odgoja, fazančićima se daje zrnasta hrana i zelena masa u cilju prilagođavanja na ishranu u prirodi. Odgoj fazančića se završava sa oko 60 dana starosti, kada se puštaju u lovište sa telesnom masom od 400 - 440 g.
- Published
- 2011
33. Modern technologies in ensiling maize and lucerne
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, Ivetić, Aleksandra, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, and Ivetić, Aleksandra
- Abstract
In this paper we present the overview of the modern techniques for ensiling of maize and lucerne in order to obtain maximal quality and preservation of their nutritive value. I recent times it can be observed that special hybrids are being produced for maize silage, with the aim of greater digestibility. In previous decades investigations were focused on brown-midrib hybrids (bm3) due to their lower lignin content and increased in vitro NDF digestibility. In recent years much of the emphasis is placed on leafy maize hybrids for silage, which have large proportion of leaves , higher moisture in the grain and softer texture of the cob. In order to increase nutritive value of maize silage also the high oil and waxy hybrids are produced. In order to achieve maximal quality of lucerne silages and control in nutrient degradation during the ensiling process the various technological methods are developed, such as wilting, carbohydrate stimulation, inoculation and chemical conservation. Along with those methods which are not new, in recent times the selection of legume cultivars suitable for ruminant digestion is becoming important, and also genetic manipulations with the aim to decrease proteolysis during the ensiling process., U radu je dat pregled savremenih postupaka pripremanja silaže kukuruza i senaže lucerke, koji se preduzimaju u cilju postizanja maskimalne hranljive vrednosti. Za pripremanje kuruzne silaže sve više se radi na selekcionisanju specijalnih hibrida povećane svarljivosti. Ranijih decenija su bili veoma aktuelni brown-midrib hibridi (bm3) zbog znatno nižeg udela lignina a time i povećane in vitro svarljivosti NDF vlakana. Zadnjih godina su dosta ispitivani leafy hibridi kukuruza za silažu, koji se karakterišu velikom količinom lišća, većim udelom vlage u zrnu i mekšom teksturom klipa. U cilju povećanja hranljive vrednosti kukuruzne silaže, gaje se hibridi sa povećanim sadržajem ulja- voskovci (waxy) i dr. U cilju postizanja maksimalnog kvaliteta silaža i kontrole degradacije hranljivih materija, u toku siliranja leguminoza koriste se različiti postupci kao što je provenjavanje, ugljenohidratna stimulacija, inokulacija i hemijsko konzervisanje. Pored ovih tehnologija starijeg datuma, u zadnje vreme vrši se selekcija sorti leguminoza na ruminalnu razgradivost, kao i genetske manipulacije u cilju smanjenja proteolize.
- Published
- 2011
34. Management of roe deer and wild boar populations with the aim to reduce devastation in agriculture and forestry of Serbia
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Grubić, Goran, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Grubić, Goran, and Beuković, Miloš
- Abstract
The devastation from roe deer and wild boar populations in agriculture and forestry usually occur due to the deficits, low quality or inaccurate feed distribution in the hunting grounds, game disturbance and their habits. With the adequate management measures those harmful effects may be reduced or prevented. One of more important measures is the increase of feed production in the hunting ground or additional feeding with feeds from other sources during the periods when devastations occur. That way the harmful effects in agriculture and forestry may be reduced up to 50%. With those measures, at the same time, the number of animals is preserved, the losses are reduced and the quality of trophies is increased - in other words the harms on game animals is reduced. Also, it is possible to do a number of mechanic or chemical measures to protect crops, orchards and vineyards, forests, domestic animals and bees. It is also possible to fence the hunting ground and keep game animals in controlled environment., Štete od srna i divljih svinja u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu najčešće nastaju zbog nedostataka, lošeg kvaliteta i neodgovarajuće distribucije hrane u lovištu, uznemiravanja divljači, kao i zbog navika divljači. Odgovarajućim gazdinskim merama u lovištu ove štete se mogu smanjiti ili sprečiti. Jedna od važnijih mera je svakako povećanje proizvodnje hrane u samom lovištu ili prihranjivanje divljači hranom iz drugih izvora u periodu kada nastaju štete. Na ovaj način se štete od divljači u šumarstvu i poljoprivredi mogu smanjiti i do 50%. Navedenim postupcima se, istovremeno, održava odgovarajuća brojnost divljači, kontrolišu gubici i povećava kvalitet trofeja, odnosno, smanjuju se štete na samoj divljači. Pored toga, moguće je preduzeti i niz mehaničkih ili hemijskih mera zaštite ratarskih i povrtarskih useva, voćnjaka i vinograda, šuma, domaćih životinja i pčela, ili ograditi lovište i gajiti divljač u kontrolisanim uslovima.
- Published
- 2010
35. Domestic results of the ensiling of annual legumes and cereals combination produced in conjunction
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, Damjanović, Mirjana, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Božičković, Aleksa, and Damjanović, Mirjana
- Abstract
The domestic results of the ensiling of annual legumes and cereals combination produced in conjunction are presented in the paper. The technology of conjunction production of vetch or peas with cereals in order to produce green mass as fodder or for silage is accepted in many farms in Serbia and was used for decades. With conjunction production of annual legumes the problem of their support is biologically solved and silage with more balanced chemical composition and nutritive is obtained. Contrary to that, production of soy or faba beans in conjunction with maize, and preparing silage of that biomass is present only in scientific papers and very rarely in practice today. The main reason for that is problem with sowing annual legumes and very small percentage of those species in total plant mass. As an alternative to that, in some papers the kidney beans production as annual legume was described in conjunction with maize. The kidney beans proportion in total bio mass was up to 30%, which is significantly improving protein value of produced silage with its maximum quality., U radu su prikazani domaći rezultati siliranja različitih združenih useva jednogodišnjih leguminoza sa strnim ili prosolikim žitima. Tehnologija gajenja združenih useva grahorice ili graška sa strnim žitima u cilju proizvodnje biomase u zelenom konvejeru ili za silažu prihvaćena je na mnogim farmama Srbije i koristi se decenijama. Pri združenom gajenju jednogodišnjih leguminoza rešava se biološki problem polegljivosti leguminoza i dobija se silaža sa bolje izbalansiranim hemijskim sastavom i hranljivom vrednošću. Nasuprot tome, gajenje soje i boba u združenoj setvi sa kukuruzom i siliranje takve biomase je za sada prisutno samo u naučnim radovima, a vrlo malo i u praksi. Glavni razlog za to je zasenjivanje jednogodišnjih leguminoza, odnosno jako malo učešće ovih vrsta u ukupnoj biljnoj masi. Kao alternativa tom problemu u nekim domaćim ogledima nudi se gajenje pasulja kao jednogodišnje leguminoze u kombinaciji sa kukuruzom. Učešće biomase pasulja u ukupnoj biomasi za siliranje iznosi i do 30%, usled čega se bitno povećava proteinska vrednost takve silaže uz njen maksimalan kvalitet.
- Published
- 2010
36. Determination of green forage and silage protein degradability of some pea (Pisum sativum L.) + oat (Avena sativa L.) mixtures grown in Serbia
- Author
Blagojević, M., Blagojević, M., Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Vasić, T., Milenković, Jasmina, Petrović, M., Marković, J., Blagojević, M., Blagojević, M., Djordjević, Nenad, Dinić, Bora, Vasić, T., Milenković, Jasmina, Petrović, M., and Marković, J.
- Abstract
This research was conducted to determine the effect of seed rates in mixtures of pea + oat on the green forage and silage protein fractions evaluated by Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system (CNCPS). Experiment was established in autumn of 2012, on October the 20th and plant samples were taken in spring 2013 at forming the first pods on 2/3 plants of pea at Institute for forage crops, Kruševac, Republic of Serbia, using five different mixture rates of pea and oat crops (100% pea + 0% oat; 0% pea + 100% oat; 25% pea + 75% oat; 50% pea + 50% oat and 75% pea + 25% oat). After harvesting pea:oat mixtures were treated with bacterial inoculant and ensiled in anaerobic jars for 45 days. Green forages and silage samples were analyzed for DM (dry matter), CP (crude protein), primary protein fractions-TP (true protein), NPN (non protein nitrogen), IP (insoluble protein), SolP (soluble protein), NDICP (neutral detergent insoluble crude protein) and ADICP (acid detergent insoluble crude protein) and protein fractions by CNCPS. An analysis of variance found statistically significant differences among mixture rates for all variables, except IP and SolP. Silage from monoculture pea had the highest NPN (696.2 g kg-1 CP) and SolP (713.8 g kg-1 CP), followed by the mixture of pea with oat 75:25 (662.5 and 653.4 g kg-1 CP, respectively). Analyzing the CNCPS protein fractions of pea:oat silages it was found that silage from pea monoculture contained the highest PA fraction (non protein nitrogen, immediately degraded in the rumen) and that PA fraction increased with increasing pea ratios in silages, which was a direct reflection of their high NPN and SolP in green forages and in silages. Because of those facts 25:50 and 50:50 pea:oat mixtures silages could be recommended for ruminant feeding. The investigated bacterial inoculant can increase the TP content, as well as PB1 (true protein rapidly degraded in the rumen) and PB3 (slowly degraded True Protein in the rumen, because it is
- Published
- 2017
37. Contemporary silage additives
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Radivojević, Mihailo, Božičković, Aleksa, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Radivojević, Mihailo, and Božičković, Aleksa
- Abstract
The overview of additives used in silage preparation is presented in the paper. Those most present around the world these days are biological additives (bacterialenzymatic inoculants). They are used to enhance the fermentation in the plant material which is difficult to ensile (leguminous), and also in order to increase aerobic stability in maize silage (which is the most common in our country). Aside from those mentioned, also the additives based on zeolite are intensively investigated in Serbia. The obtained results show the decrease in some mycotoxin contents in silages with the zeolite added. It is also confirmed that those additives decrease proteolytic activity, which is particularly important in maize silage with urea added., U radu je dat pregled aditiva koji se danas najviše koriste pri siliranju. Najaktuelniji su, širom sveta, biološki dodaci (bakterijsko-enzimski inokulanti). Koriste se radi intenzifikacije fermentacije u biljnom materijalu koji se teže silira (leguminoze), kao i u cilju povećanja aerobne stabilnosti kukuruzne silaže (najčešće spremana vrsta slaže kod nas). Osim ovih dodataka, u Srbiji se nekoliko godina intenzivno ispituju aditivi na bazi zeolita. Dobijeni rezultati govore o smanjenju količine nekih mikotoksina u silaži sa dodatim sredstvima na bazi zeolita. Pored toga, dokazano je i smanjenje proteolitičkih procesa, što je naročito bitno za silaže kukuruza sa dodatom ureom.
- Published
- 2009
38. Determination of the feed intake in wild ruminants
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Popović, Zoran, and Beuković, Miloš
- Abstract
The basic methods for determination of the feed intake in wild ruminants were presented in the paper. Those methods are: field observation, esophageal fistula, microscoping and chemical analysis of the rumen contents and feces. Compared to other methods, the procedure of sensory, microscopic and chemical analysis is the most straightforward and provides valid evaluation of the feed ingestion in wild ruminants. The negative aspect of the method is in the necessity to sacrifice the animal., U radu su prikazani osnovni postupci utvrđivanja sastava ishrane divljih preživara, kao što su metod opservacije na terenu, metod jednjačke fistule, mikroskopiranje ili hemijska analiza buražnog sadržaja i mikroskopiranje ili hemijska analiza fecesa. U odnosu na ove metode, postupci organoleptičkog, mikroskopskog ili hemijskog ispitivanja sastava buraga vrši se najjednostavnije i daje najrealniju ocenu ishrane divljih preživara. Glavni nedostatak metode je potreba za žrtvovanjem životinja.
- Published
- 2009
39. The contemporary methods in the industrial production of animal feedstuffs
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Lević, Jovanka, Sredanović, Slavica, Stojanović, Bojan, Knežević-Damjanović, Mirjana, Pandurević, Tatjana, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Lević, Jovanka, Sredanović, Slavica, Stojanović, Bojan, Knežević-Damjanović, Mirjana, and Pandurević, Tatjana
- Abstract
In the second half of the 20-th century there was a sudden development of feed milling industry, as a result of the need of general progress and improvement of standard of living. Feed milling industry become one of the most developed areas of industry. The development of this industry is based on the use of the latest knowledge in the field of animal nutrition science, engineering and information technologies. As a result, the modern models of mixers are used today, which are able to achieve high degree of homogeneousness of concentrate mixtures, feed shaping machines (pellet mills), equipment for hydro thermal processing (extruders and expanders), devices for addition of fat, robots for bagging and many others. The maximal control and synchronization of work of all these machines is achieved with computers, while quality control in raw materials and final products is done with modern analytical devices. In the production of concentrate mixtures also various additives are used, which have nutritive or pronutritive role, or are important in prophylactic protection of animals and also conditioners. There is an increasing demand for quality control of concentrate mixtures, and the HACCP system is used in recent years to maintain the product’s quality., U drugoj polovini XX veka dolazi do naglog razvoja industrije hrane za životinje, kao rezultata i zahteva opšteg društvenog progresa i porasta standarda stanovništva. U skladu sa tim, industrija hrane za životinje postaje u mnogim zemljama jedna od najrazvijenijih industrijskih grana. Razvoj ove industrije zasniva se na korišćenju najnovijih znanja iz oblasti nauke o ishrani životinja, zatim mašinske industrije i informatike. U skladu sa tim, danas se koriste savremeni tipovi mešalica kojima se postiže visok stepen homogenosti smeša, mašine za uobličavanje hraniva (peletirke), oprema za hidrotermičku obradu hraniva (ekstruderi i ekspanderi), uređaji za dodavanje velikih količina masti, roboti za uvrećavanje gotovih proizvoda i dr. Maksimalna kontrola i sinhronizacija rada svih ovih mašina obavlja se savremenim kompjuterima, dok se kotrola kvaliteta hraniva i gotovih proizvoda obavlja savremenim analitičkim sredstvima. Pored uobičajenih hraniva, u proizvodnji smeša koncentrata koriste se i različite vrste dodataka, koji imaju hranljivu ili pronutritivnu ulogu, ili su značajni kao profilaktici i kondicioneri. Kvalitet smeša koncentrata je pred sve strožijim kriterijumima, od kojih u zadnje vreme najveći značaj ima HACCP sistem.
- Published
- 2008
40. The needs for roe deer in mineral matters and vitamins and process of their additional supply in the hunting fields
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Grubić, Goran, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Grubić, Goran, and Beuković, Miloš
- Abstract
An overview of physiological role of certain minerals and vitamins is given in the paper, and also the ways of their additional supply in our hunting fields. The size of roe deer’s requirements in minerals and vitamins varies throughout the year and depends on their age, sex, physiological state and other factors. The needs in minerals, first of all in calcium and phosphorus, are largest in lactating animals, than in the last third of pregnancy and in males when their antlers grow. Those needs are fulfilled form the natural feeds. However, for the maximal growth of antlers and obtaining of quality trophies the natural feeds may not be sufficient, which may happen in some years and in certain terrains. The requirements in micro elements and fat soluble vitamins are most successfully fulfilled when the mineral - vitamin premixes are included in concentrate mixtures, and with the use of salt blocks. ., U radu je dat pregled fiziološke uloge pojedinih mineralnih materija i vitamina, potrebe srna u mineralima i vitaminima, kao i postupci njihovog dopunskog snabdevanja u uslovima naših lovišta. Veličina potreba u mineralnim materijama i vitaminima varira u toku godine i zavisi od starosti grla, pola, fiziološkog stanja i drugih faktora. Potrebe u mineralnim elementima, pre svega kalcijumu i fosforu, najveće su u dojnih jedinki, zatim u zadnjoj trećini bremenitosti, kao i u mužjaka u periodu rasta rogova. Ove potrebe se zadovoljavaju iz prirodne hrane. Međutim, za maksimalan porast parogova i dobijanje kvalitetnih trofeja, prirodna hrana može biti nedovoljna, što dolazi do izražaja u nekim godinama i na nekim terenima. Potrebe u mikroelementima i liposolubilnim vitaminima najefikasnije se zadovoljavaju upotrebom mineralno-vitaminskih premiksa uključenih u smeše koncentrata, kao i upotrebom blokova soli za lizanje. .
- Published
- 2007
41. The use of feedstuffs of animal origin in connection with the new legislative and possibility for their substitution
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Pandurević, Tatjana, Knežević-Damjanović, Mirjana, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Pandurević, Tatjana, and Knežević-Damjanović, Mirjana
- Abstract
The production and use of feedstuffs of animal origin in our country and the world are explained in the paper. The use of all feedstuffs of animal origin, with the exception of milk products, is forbidden in ruminant feeding due to danger of distribution of lethal disease Bovine spongiform encephalopathy-BSE, and their use is limited in nonruminant nutrition (pigs and poultry). Instead of those feedstuffs various substitutions based on combined plant feeds and synthetic amino acids, or commercial fish meal substitutes are gaining popularity in nonruminant nutrition. In ruminant nutrition there was never widely accepted practice to use animal feedstuffs in our country, aside from dried skimmed milk in milk replacer formulas for calves, lambs and kids. As an alternative, there is a practice to include some urea in concentrate mixtures or when silage is made, which is increasing the crude protein content and significantly decrease costs of feeding. ., U radu je dat pregled proizvodnje i upotrebe hraniva animalnog porekla u našoj zemlji i svetu. Korišćenje hraniva animalnog porekla, sa izuzetkom mleka i proizvoda prerade mleka, zabranjeno je u ishrani preživara zbog opasnosti prenošenja i širenja bolesti Bovine spongiform encephalopathy-BSE (kravlje ludilo), a ograničeno je u ishrani nepreživara (svinja i živine). U ishrani nepreživara sve se češće koriste adekvatne zamene, na bazi kombinacije kvalitetnih hraniva biljnog porekla i sintetičkih aminokiselina, ili komercijalnih zamena za riblje brašno. U ishrani preživara kod nas nikada nije ni postojala praksa upotrebe hraniva animalnog porekla, osim mleka u prahu u zamenama za mleko za telad, jagnjad i jarad. Umesto toga, i danas se praktikuje da se u smeše koncentrata ili pri siliranju kukuruza uključuju odgovarajuće doze uree, čime se povećava količina sirovih proteina, a istovremeno značajno pojeftinjuje ishrana. .
- Published
- 2007
42. The influence of feedstuff type and diet composition on amount and quality of milk produced
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Stojanović, Bojan, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, and Stojanović, Bojan
- Abstract
The amount of protein and fat in milk are main parameters that have influence on milk price, as a result farmers are very concerned for possible influence of the diet on them. Milk fat is under greatest nutritional influence, and their percent depends on availability of precursors needed for its synthesis; but also on presence of substances that might have adverse effect. There can be little influence of the diet on milk proteins. The most successful way to improve protein content is to enhance microbial protein synthesis in the rumen, and to take care about balance of degradable and undegradable protein in the diet. It is not possible to change lactose content with normal nutrition, considering that it is the most consistent milk component., Količina proteina i masti u mleku su glavni parametri za određivanje cene mleka, te su proizvođači zainteresovani za mogućnost uticaja ishranom na njih. Masti su pod najvećim uticajem ishrane, odnosno njihova količina zavisi od prisutnosti neophodnih prekursora, kao i antagonističkih materija. Proteini se u maloj meri mogu korigovati ishranom, i to stimulacijom mikrobijalne sinteze proteina, kao i odnosom razgradive i nerazgradive frakcije. Na količinu laktoze se ne može uticati ishranom, pošto ona predstavlja najstabilniji sastojak mleka.
- Published
- 2007
43. Specific properties of feeds used as additional feeding of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) On various terrains
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Miloš, Grubić, Goran, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Beuković, Miloš, and Grubić, Goran
- Abstract
In appropriate habitat conditions roe deer are able to fulfill all their needs on various natural feeds. The reasons for additional feeding of this game are: feed deficiency during the winter, decreasing in size of natural habitats due to human activity, and the wish to achieve faster gain and better quality of trophies. There are several ways to improve feeding of wild herbivores: various agro-technical measures, organized production of certain plant cultures and additional feeding., U odgovarajućim uslovima staništa srne su u stanju da sve svoje potrebe zadovolje raznovrsnom prirodnom hranom. Razlozi za prihranjevanje ove vrste divljači su: deficit hrane u zimskim uslovima, smanjenje prirodnih staništa zbog čovekove aktivnosti, kao i težnja da se postigne brži porast životinja i kvalitetniji trofeji. Postoji više načina za unapređenje ishrane divljih biljojeda: odgovarajuće agrotehničke mere u lovištima, plansko gajenje pojedinih biljnih kultura u lovištima i dodatna ishrana divljači.
- Published
- 2006
44. Influence of addition of Zenural 70, urea and Min-A-Zel Plus on chemical composition and quality of whole maize plant silage
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Adamović, Milan, Nježić, Dušan, Nježić, Aleksandar, Stojanović, Bojan, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Adamović, Milan, Nježić, Dušan, Nježić, Aleksandar, and Stojanović, Bojan
- Abstract
The influence of addition of Zenural 70, urea and Min-A-Zel Plus on chemical composition and quality of whole maize plant silage with different degree of compression was investigated in the paper. Experiment was two-factorial (2x3) with three replications, where factor A was a degree of compression (A, = 680 g/dm³; A2 = 550 g/dm³), while factor B was an additive type (Decontrol; B2=5 g/kg urea+2 g/kg Min-A-Zel Plus; B3=5 g/kg Zenural 70). Chemical analyses showed that with the addition of Zenural 70 and urea there was significant increase of pH value, total protein, mineral ammonia and soluble nitrogen content. The type of additive had no significant effect on production of lactic, acetic and butyric acid, while in silages with higher degree of compression (680 g/dm3) there was significantly more butyric acid. All silages were graded first class according to DLG and Flieg method, with the exception of lower compressed silage with added urea and Min-A-Zel Plus, which according to Flieg was second class. According to Zelter method, silages with added Zenural 70 were II and III class, while treatments with added urea and Min-A-Zel Plus were IV and V class., U eksperimentu je ispitivan uticaj dodavanja Zenurala 70 i uree na hemijski sastav i kvalitet silaža ćele biljke kukuruza sa različitim stepenom sabijenosti. Eksperiment je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni ogled (2x3) u tri ponavljanja, gde je faktor A bio stepen sabijenosti (A1 = 680 g/dm³; A2 = 550 g/dm³), a faktor B vrsta dodatka (Bi = kontrola; B2 = 5 g/kg uree + 2 g/kg Min-A-Zel-a Plus; B3 = 5 g/kg Zenurala 70). Hemijskim analizama je utvrđeno da je pri dodavanju Zenurala 70 i uree došlo do signifikantnog povećanja pH vrednosti i količine sirovih proteina, mineralnih materija, amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota. Vrsta dodatka nije značajno uticala na produkciju mlečne, sirćetne i buterne kiseline, dok je u silažama sa većim stepenom sabijenosti (680 g/dm3) ustanovljeno statistički više buterne kiseline. Sve silaže su prema DLG i Flieg-ovoj metodi ocenjene prvo klasom kvaliteta, sa izuzetkom silaže manje sabijenosti sa dodatkom uree i Min-A-Zel-a Plus, koja je prema Flieg-u ocenjena drugom klasom. Prema Zelter-ovoj metodi silaže sa dodatkom Zenurala 70 su bile II i III klase, dok su tretmani sa dodatkom uree i Min-A-Zel-a plus bile IV i V klase.
- Published
- 2006
45. Quality and quantity transformations of nitrogen substances in maize silage with added urea and organozeolite
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Adamović, Milan, Stojanović, Bojan, Lalović, Miroslav, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Adamović, Milan, Stojanović, Bojan, and Lalović, Miroslav
- Abstract
In this experiment the influence of urea and organozeolite addition on quality and quantity of nitrogen fractions, chemical composition and quality of maize plant silages was investigated. The experiment was organized as a two factorial, where first factor (A) was addition of urea (a1=0; a2=5 g/kg; a3=10 g/kg green mass) and second factor (B) was addition of organozeolite (b1=0; b2=2 g/kg green mass). Results of chemical analyses showed that with the addition of urea there was a significant increase in the amount of crude, ammonia and soluble nitrogen, and decrease in the amount of true protein nitrogen. Under the influence of urea and organozeolite there were significant variations in absolute values for lactic, acetic and butyric acid. At the same time the relative ratio of organic acids was similar, and therefore all silages were ranked as I quality class according to Flieg scoring system., U eksperimentu je ispitivan uticaj dodavanja uree i organozeolita na hemijski sastav i kvalitet silaža spremljenih od cele biljke kukuruza. Ogled je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni, gde je prvi faktor (A) bio količina dodate uree (a1=0; a2=5; a3=10 g/kg zelene mase), a drugi faktor (B) količina dodatog organozeolita (b1=0; b2=2 g/kg zelene mase). Dodatak uree uticao je značajno na povećanja količine ukupnog, amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota i smanjenje količine proteinskog azota. Upotrebom organozeolita smanjena je produkcija amonijaka i rastvorljivost azotnih materija. Pod uticajem uree i organozeolita došlo je do značajnog variranja apsolutnih vrednosti za mlečnu, sirćetnu i buternu kiselinu. Nasuprot tome, njihov relativni odnos se nije bitnije menjao, pa su sve silaže ocenjene I klasom po Flieg-u.
- Published
- 2006
46. Possibilities to increase quality and quantity of green fodder for roe and red deer in hunting areas
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Vučković, Savo, Grubić, Goran, Beuković, Miloš, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Vučković, Savo, Grubić, Goran, and Beuković, Miloš
- Abstract
With the appropriate agro technical measures, above all with melioration of flood areas and wetlands, also with cultivating, fertilizing and cutting, it is possible to achieve changes in floristic composition in parts of hunting areas, and in that way to increase quality and quantity of natural food. It is also possible to produce plants with the purpose to obtain better feeding for game. The seeded areas should be formed in several separated and distant places in the hunting area, which allows for the natural distribution of animals searching for food. The seeding of crops should be organized in the system of "green conveyer" in order to obtain continual appearance of fresh green feeds during the vegetation period. Seeded fields should have a fence if possible, and animals should be allowed to enter them only when plants reach the optimal phase for utilization. If animals are kept in gutters or pens the additional feeding with freshly cut green mass is possible., Odgovarajućim agrotehničkim merama, pre svega hidromelioracijom vodoplavnih i vlažnih zemljišta, zatim drljanjem, đubrenjem i košenjem može se postići promena botaničkog sastava u područjima lovišta, i time povećati kvalitet i kvantitet prirodne hrane. Pored toga, u lovištima se mogu planski gajiti kultivisane biljne kulture u cilju proizvodnje kvalitetnije hrane za divljač. Zasejane površine treba formirati na više međusobno udaljenih mesta u lovištu, kako bi se time izvršila i prirodna disperzija životinja u potrazi za hranom. Setva kultura treba da bude organizovana po modelu zelenog konvejera, da bi se omogućilo kontinuirano pristizanje zelene hrane u toku vegetacije. Polja sa zasejanim kulturama treba po mogućstvu ograditi, a divljači dopustiti ulazak tek kada biljke stignu u optimalnu fazu za korišćenje. Ukoliko se životinje drže u gaterima i oborima, moguća je i dodatna ishrana u vidu nakošene zelene mase.
- Published
- 2006
47. Chemical composition of the rumen contents in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) as potential quality indicator of their feeding
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Grubić, Goran, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, and Grubić, Goran
- Abstract
In the experiment the chemical composition of rumen contents in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) was investigated in the "Sarajevska Reka" hunting area. The investigations were done on 20 deer shot from May 2005 to January 2006. Experiment was done as random plan, with four treatments (seasons) and uneven distribution of subjects within treatments. The results of chemical analysis confirmed significant influence of season on the amount of total nitrogen and crude protein, ether extract, crude fibre, ash and ammonia nitrogen (P lt 0.05). Variations in pH values, NFE, calcium and phosphorus in dry matter and total ash of the rumen contents were lower and there was no significant influence of season on those parameters. The obtained results for total protein, calcium and phosphorus in the rumen contents in roe deer shot during the winter show significantly higher presence of those components than the usual recommendations for concentrate mixtures produced for the species. Although those results are not a real indication of the diet's chemical composition, they may be used as potential indicator of the quality of the diet and can be useful when formulating the additional feeding routine for winter months., U eksperimentu je ispitivan Kemijski sastav buražnog sadržaja srne (Capreolus capreolus} u lovištu Sarajevska reka. Ispitivanja su obavljena na uzorcima koji su uzeti od 20 odstreljenih srna u periodu od proleća 2005. (maj) do zime 2006. (januar). Eksperiment je postavljen kao slučajan plan. sa četiri tretmana (godišnja doba) i nejednakom distribucijom broja jedinki po tretmanima. Rezultati hemijske analize ukazuju na signifikantan uticaj ispitivanog faktora (godišnje doba) na količinu ukupnog azota i sirovih proteina, masti, celuloze, pepela i amonijačnog azota (P lt 0.05). Variranje pH vrednosti. BEM-a. sadržaja kalcijuma i fosfora u pepelu i suvoj materiji buražnog sadržaja nisu bila pod uticajem ispitivanog faktora. Dobijeni rezultati za količinu proteina, kalcijuma i fosfora u buražnom sadržaju srna koje su odstreljene zimi. ukazuju na značajno veće prisustvo ovih sastojaka u odnosu na dosadašnje preporuke za sastav smeša koncentrata za srne. Mada ovi rezultati nisu realni pokazatelji hemijskog sastava obroka, mogu da posluže kao potencijalni indikator kvaliteta obroka u cilju korekcije sastava koncentrata za dodatnu ishranu zimi.
- Published
- 2006
48. Pasture in dairy cows nutrition
- Author
Stojanović, Bojan, Grubić, Goran, Djordjević, Nenad, Božičković, Aleksa, and Ivetić, Aleksandra
- Subjects
supplement nutrition ,laktacija ,dairy cattle ,krave ,grazing ,lactation ,konzumiranje ,dopunska ishrana ,paša ,intake - Abstract
In paper there were considered principles and characteristics of pasture utilization in dairy cattle nutrition and significant factors that affect pasture intake. The effects of supplementary nutrition on production performances of dairy cows were also considered. Milk yield of dairy cows on pasture is limited with inability for DM and energy intake to meet requirements for high milk yield, and by imbalance of fermentable carbohydrates and rumen degradable protein. Intake of DM of the grazing dairy cows may reach 3.25-3.5%o BW. On high quality pasture, energy intake from pasture can meet requirements of dairy cows for milk production of 21-24 kg/day. Crude protein content in consumed pasture meets requirements of dairy cows for 17-33% higher milk yield relative to supplied energy from intake pasture. Milk production increases with the amount of concentrate supplementation up to 10 kg DM/day, as also milk fat and protein yield, while milk fat percentage decreases. U radu su razmatrani osnovni principi i karakteristike korišćenja paše u ishrani muznih krava, kao i najznačajniji faktori od kojih zavisi mogućnost konzumiranja paše. Razmatran je uticaj dopunske ishrane na konzumiranje paše i proizvodne performanse muznih krava. Prinos mleka kod krava na paši ograničen je nemogućnošću da konzumiraju dovoljno suve materije (SM) i energije za visoku proizvodnju mleka, i neizbalansiranošću fermentabilnih ugljenih hidrata i proteina razgradivih u rumenu. Konzumiranje SM kod krava na paši može dostići 3,25-3,5% TM. U uslovima kvalitetne ispaše, količina konzumirane energije iz paše može podmiriti potrebe krava za proizvodnju mleka od 21-24 kg/dan. Sadržaj proteina u konzumiranoj paši obezbeđuje potrebe krava u laktaciji za 1733% veću proizvodnju mleka, u odnosu na količinu obezbeđene energije. Prinos mleka kod krava na paši se povećava sa dodatom kolicinom koncentrovane hrane u obroku do 10 kgSM/dan, kao i prinos mlečne masti i proteina, dok se sadržaj masti u mleku smanjuje.
- Published
- 2015
49. Feeding of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L) and red deer (Cervus elaphus L) in different conditions
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Radivojević, Mihailo, Grubić, Goran, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Popović, Zoran, Radivojević, Mihailo, and Grubić, Goran
- Abstract
In this paper an overview was given of feeding roe deer and red deer in different conditions. As herbivores and ruminants, these animals eat a large number of feeds, like pasture or browse, and feed selection depends mostly on season. Being selective grazers they obtain relatively high level of protein and low level of fiber in their diets. Additional feeding is required if high gain is wanted and better quality of trophy, which depends on the quality and quantity of available natural feeds and the season. Additional feeds can be hay, roots and tubers, silage, sugar beet pulp and brewers grains, and among concentrates cereal and legume grains including the feed mixes produced by feed mills. Farm production of red deer requires very intensive additional feeding because it is necessary to meet the nutritive requirements of animals., U radu je dat pregled domaće i strane literature, koja se odnosi na ishranu srna i jelena u različitim uslovima. Kao herbivori i preživari, ove životinje u ishrani koriste veliki broj biljnih vrsta, u vidu paše ili brsta, a izbor hraniva zavisi od sezone. Selektivnim konzumiranjem postiže se veći nivo proteina i manji celuloze u obrocima. U cilju postizanja većih prirasta i boljeg kvaliteta trofeja neophodna je dopunska ishrana, koja u kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom smislu zavisi od raspoložive prirodne hrane i sezone. Za dopunsku ishranu koriste se seno, korenasto-krtolasta hraniva, silaža, repini rezanci i pivski treber, a od koncentrata zrnevlje žita i leguminoza, kao i industrijski proizvedene smeše koncentrata. Farmski uslovi gajenja jelena zahtevaju veoma intenzivnu dopunsku ishranu, uz poštovanje određenih preporuka.
- Published
- 2005
50. Feeding cows with rations based on different types of silage
- Author
Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Radivojević, Mihailo, Stojanović, Bojan, Adamović, Ognjen, Djordjević, Nenad, Djordjević, Nenad, Grubić, Goran, Radivojević, Mihailo, Stojanović, Bojan, and Adamović, Ognjen
- Abstract
This paper gives the overview of the trend of production of conserved feeds in the world, chemical composition of silages from domestic investigations and summary of works that covered the field of different silage usage, single or combined, in cow rations. It is stressed that combining silages made from legumes and maize has many advantages, also the necessity to correct the nutritive value of these rations with other feeds and concentrates., U radu je prikazan trend proizvodnje konzervisane kabaste hrane u svetu hemijski sastav silaža iz domaćih eksperimenata, kao i pregled radova koji se odnose na korišćenje različitih vrsta silaža, pojedinačno ili u kombinaciji u obrocima za krave. Ukazano je na višestruku prednost kombinovanja silaže leguminoza i kukuruzne silaže, kao i neophodnost korigovanja hranljive vrednosti takvih obroka drugim hranivima ili koncentratima.
- Published
- 2005
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