24 results on '"Dyah Titisari Widyastuti"'
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- Author
Thalita Kumala and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
Applied Mathematics ,General Mathematics - Abstract
This paper lists the architectural characteristics of Chinese Mainland Architecture in terms of architectural heritage conservation. Chinese residing in various countries can strongly maintain their culture, showing a distinctive architectural identity. The concept experienced adaptation to various natural and cultural contexts of countries outside their home country, the four-seasons country, Mainland China. The current situation of fast-growing construction, developments, and alteration of cultures and nature is both an opportunity and a threat to old Chinese housing. This paper aims to identify and understand architectural characteristics enabling physical conservation holistically. Research methods are in stages, the first stage being a literature review on typology and principles of Chinese architecture; the second stage is to structure and analyze the characteristic architectural findings; and the third stage is to draw conclusions from the process of interpretation, answering the research questions. A holistic literature review is needed to understand and categorize each housing based on its architectural characteristics.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Mohammad Bintang Lazuardi Rachmanie, Dyah Titisari Widyastuti, and Alyas Abibawa Widita
- Subjects
Applied Mathematics ,General Mathematics - Abstract
Development of equitable and environmentally friendly public transit services is a pre-requisite if Indonesian cities were to attain sustainability objectives. Recent advances in transportation technology have introduced Autonomous Tram (AT) as an environmentally conscious option. This article investigates the prospect of implementing AT system using Surakarta as a case study. In doing so, we qualitative observe daily mobile patterns obtained through a primary survey and by considering existing Batik Solo Trans (BST) bus routes. Results indicate locations of road corridors most prominently used, overlapped with the existing bus services, indicating the geographic prospects of where to locate the AT system, The results from this study are expected to be a reference in AT research as a potentially sustainable public transportation service in Indonesia.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Mitigasi Risiko Penyebaran Virus Covid-19 di Statiun Kereta Api
- Author
Muhammad Pramono Hadi, Ika Putra, Dyah Titisari Widyastuti, Deni Prasetio Nugroho, Arsito Bayu Pramono Putro, Dindi Eneng Chandraning Sasmito, and Nunuj Nurdjanah, ST., MT.
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Pergerakan orang antarwilayah dapat mempengaruhi penyebaran virus dalam wilayah tersebut. Status zona pandemi di wilayah menjadi salah satu faktor analisis risiko stasiun sebagai klaster penularan dan risiko penumpang tertular COVID-19 di kereta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko penyebaran virus ketika menggunakan perjalanan dengan moda kereta api dan kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko penyebaran virus di stasiun kereta api. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode pengukuran risiko yaitu pengukuran potensi penyebaran COVID-19 di stasiun Kereta Api. Metode ini dilakukan dengan mengukur tingkat risiko penumpang Kereta Api tertular virus COVID-19. Metode pengukuran konsep risiko terkait dengan fenomena COVID-19 menggunakan pendekatan persamaan risiko dengan parameter Bahaya, Kerentanan, dan Kapasitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta yang pada saat sebelum pandemi melayani sekitar 1.219 penumpang per jam sibuk. Pada saat pandemi, jumlah rata-rata penumpang per jam sibuk adalah sekitar 189 penumpang dengan berbagai kebijakan pembatasan yang dilakukan. Intervensi yang dilakukan dengan membatasi kerentanan orang (pembatasan jumlah penumpang) dan kerentanan ruang (penerapan pemanfaatan ruang agar lebih terbuka, tidak menumpuk, dan mengurangi kontak) serta meningkatkan kapasitas dengan penerapan protokol kebijakan kesehatan akan mampu mengurangi potensi risiko penyebaran virus COVID-19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status wilayah merah memiliki risiko dua kali lipat dari status oranye. Status wilayah merah diharapkan menjadi dasar mitigasi kebijakan pembatasan jumlah penumpang yang diperbolehkan naik, peningkatan protokol COVID-19 yang semakin ketat, seperti kebijakan bagi penumpang untuk diwajibkan swab atau tidak, penggunaan alat pendeteksi awal COVID-19, dan pemisahan kereta bagi penumpang yang berasal dari stasiun wilayah berstatus merah. Kebijakan pengurangan jumlah penumpang pada tiap perjalanan kereta mencapai 50% dari jumlah maksimal penumpang sudah sesuai dengan Kajian Manajemen Risiko dalam studi ini karena akan mengurangi risiko lebih dari sampai 75% dibandingkan dengan jumlah penumpang maksimal
- Published
- 2022
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5. Karakter Spasial Arsitektur Dalem Kabupaten di Kota-Kota Pesisir Utara Jawa
- Author
Deny Setya Afriyanto and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Bentuk pusat kota tradisional Jawa dibentuk dari serangkaian elemen yang utamanya terdiri dari alun-alun, masjid, dan istana/tempat tinggal pemimpin. Ruang pusat kota tradisional di pesisir utara Jawa merupakan miniatur keraton. Pada pusat kota pesisir utara Jawa, tidak terdapat istana kerajaan melainkan bangunan tempat tinggal pemimpin yang disebut sebagai Dalem Kabupaten. Sebagai bagian dari pusat kota tradisional Jawa, karakter spasial Dalem Kabupaten perlu untuk diketahui sebagai bagian dari perkembangan sejarah kawasan kota bersejarah. Dalam rangka mengetahui karakter spasial dari Dalem Kabupaten, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, sementara pengumpulan data melalui data literatur dan observasi. Kegiatan observasi di sini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi lapangan mengenai aspek-aspek yang berhubungan dengan keruangan arsitektur Dalem Kabupaten seperti setting, orientasi, tata massa, dan denah bangunan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa terdapat pola dominan dalam arah orientasi bangunan Dalem Kabupaten yaitu menghadap ke utara, sementara Jepara merupakan satu-satunya Dalem Kabupaten yang menghadap ke arah barat. Dalam skala denah dan tata massa bangunan Dalem Kabupaten memiliki komponen inti berupa pendopo, pringgitan, dalem, dan gandok. Diketahui pula bahwa bangunan dalem pada Dalem Kabupaten tidak memiliki senthong tengah. Hal ini merupakan pengaruh dari karakter kota pesisir dan berbeda dengan karakter kota pedalaman.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Marchelia Dwi Rikatyani and null Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Spatial transformation in corridors road space is a shape transformation of the road space structure and shape from the previous condition to the current condition, including physical and non-physical spaces, namely roads and the scope of road space as a form of a spatial structure. The Cendrawasih – Demangan Baru corridor road space has a strategic location, which is in Depok District as the center of education and economy in Sleman Regency and it is directly next to the Yogyakarta city. It has a direct impact on the Cendrawasih – Demangan Baru corridor road space so it be through a spatial transformation due to the increase of commercial activity in this area. This study used a qualitative rationalistic method with comparative descriptive analysis. This study examined the spatial transformation of the Cendrawasih – Demangan Baru corridor road space from 2006 to 2021 by combining field observations, interviews, and literature studies. Based on the analysis and theoretical study results, there was a significant transformation in the scope of the road space which included a partial transformation to a total transformation, while the roads and pedestrian paths had not changed in their dimensions, but both of them could not fulfill the needs of road space users due to the transformation in the road space scope. The factors causing the transformation were function transformation, ownership transformation and building transformation.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Node-Place Model Analysis on Attached Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Areas : The Case of Wates Train and Bus Station Area
- Author
Muhammad Yusuf Alfyan and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
Applied Mathematics ,General Mathematics - Abstract
Wates Train Station (Wates train station) and Wates Bus Station (Wates bus station) are two transportation nodes located in the Wates District moreover provide a wider area in the scale of the Kulon Progo Regency. These two transport nodes are near to each other and intersect within the radius of the TOD area. The presence of the Yogyakarta International Airport in Temon District was projected to increase the transportation intensity on Wates train station yet Wates bus station as the nodes of the current public transport service. This study was aimed to measure the Node - Place (N - P) index on both TOD areas. The Bertolini’s N - P model is a commonly used method on the measurement of TOD performance in terms of the transportation intensity towards land use (activity) intensity. The identifications were based on the TOD theory and the N - P indicators. Measurements were conducted through a weighted multi - criteria analysis. The analysis resulted in the same type of node - place index on both TOD areas, the “unbalanced node”. An unbalanced node indicates poor land use development regards a high transportation capability. Wates train station area has the index of node 0,72 and place 0,25 while the Wates bus station has the index of node 0,64 and place 0,16.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Study on Place Attachment of Street Vendors to the Trading Space in Alun-alun Jepara
- Author
Aisyah Farah Dina Purba and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
Applied Mathematics ,General Mathematics - Abstract
The old alun-alun of Jepara is the center of city activity and also used to be the center of street vendors activity. Since 2019, the local government decided to move all the street vendors activity into new alun-alun where is one kilometres away from the previous location. The majority of street vendor stated that the new location is not as comfortable as the previous location. It becomes their reason for illegally returning to trade in the old alun-alun. This research aims to examine how far is the place attachment influence for trading based on the preference of street vendors. The exploration of place attachment was based on three variables, i.e. attachment of person, process, and place. Qualitative research method was conducted through literature review, interview, and field observation. The result shows there is no influence of person and process in street vendors place attachment in trading. Only the physical and social form of place indicates the significant influence in place attachment. The factors of access, space shape and size, amenities, and attractiveness activity contribute to the place attachment in trading that is not found yet in new alun-alun.
- Published
- 2022
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9. Tipologi dan Morfologi Kota Bersejarah Lasem
- Author
Mutiawati Mandaka, Ikaputra Ikaputra, and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Abstract
Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengapa tipologi dan morfologi pada kota bersejarah (historic city) penting untuk dipelajari. Pembahasan yang ada pada paper ini masih bersifat general terutama terkait dengan tipologi dan morfologi pada historic city namun masih dapat dikembangkan lagi. Fokus amatan historic city mengambil studi kasus di kota Lasem. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah literature review dengan menekankan pada scoping review. Scoping review dipilih sebagai metode untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan beberapa studi kasus dari contoh-contoh tipologi dan morfologi historic city dunia seperti di Tokyo, Venesia dan Paris digunakan sebagai gambaran umum dan fokus amatan penelitian adalah di Lasem, Temuan penelitian yaitu tipologi dan morfologi historic city ini menghasilkan bahwa historic city terbentuk dari urban artefak yang diperoleh dari sejarah pembentukan city skeleton yang terdiri dari streets, plots dan buldings yang terbentuk melalui proses waktu yang lama dengan sejarah yang berbeda-beda yang penting untuk dipelajari agar mampu memprediksi rencana kota di masa depan.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Transit-Oriented Development: An Approach to Sustainable Development Locus: Jatinegara Station, East Jakarta
- Author
Tri Endangsih, Arif Kusumawanto, and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Abstract
The rapid rate of population growth is a critical problem worldwide. The increase in population causes many problems, especially in the provision of housing with limited land in urban areas. These problems cause disruption of the social environment and reduce the quality of the environment. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is one of the alternative solutions in solving these problems, with the concept of city development that maximizes diverse and integrated land use by promoting healthy lifestyles through walking and cycling and maximizing the use of mass transportation modes. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of knowing the application of TOD development for planning to achieve a sustainable city. This study reveals how transit-oriented development design and policies help in achieving sustainable development despite having to maintain high density. With this research, it is hoped that it can provide input to local governments, especially the East Jakarta City Planning Service in the context of structuring and developing the Jatinegara station area.
- Published
- 2021
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11. Movement Patterns of Commuterline Users in the Medan City Train Station Area Based on Transit
- Author
Dyah Titisari Widyastuti and Fidyan Aulia Nasution
- Subjects
Transport engineering ,Gridlock ,Heading (navigation) ,business.industry ,Light rail transit ,Applied Mathematics ,General Mathematics ,Public transport ,Business ,Paratransit ,Transit-oriented development ,Bus rapid transit - Abstract
At the time of this research, Medan City was threatened with the gridlock, a situation where the number of vehicles exceeds the available road capacity. To prevent the gridlock happens, Medan Train Station (Medan ts.) area as the center activity of Medan City, will be developed into an area based on the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) concept by adding Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The addition is hoped to encourage walking and public transportation usage for visitors in Medan ts. area. This study aims to determine and mapping the movement patterns of commuterline users, in this case Medan – Binjai line which is the only line available, as the basis for the application of the concept of TOD in the Medan ts. area. The research uses observation and interview as the methods. The results of the study showed that the majority of commuterline users of the Medan ts. relied on paratransit when heading or leaving the station than walking. This can be seen from 70% of users (weekday) and 83.3% of users (weekends) using paratransit when heading to the station and 86.6% of users (weekday) and 66.6% of users (weekends) using paratransit when leaving the station.
- Published
- 2021
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12. Karakter arsitektur masjid Jawa pada Masjid Pathok Negoro
- Author
Muhammad Nur Hakimuddin At-toyibi and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Abstract
Sebagai bagian dari sistem pemerintahan Yogyakarta, Masjid Pathok Negoro memiliki nilai-nilai budaya yang sangat tinggi. Alur sejarah yang terjadi di Pulau Jawa membentuk budaya yang beraneka ragam yang kemudian saling berakulturasi membentuk sebuah budaya baru. Masjid Jawa merupakan produk akulturasi budaya yang terbentuk dalam berjalannya sejarah perkembangan budaya di Pulau Jawa. Hal ini mempengaruhi terbentuknya karakter arsitektur masjid Jawa yang sarat akan unsur budaya tidak terkecuali arsitekur dari Masjid Pathok Negoro di Yogyakarta. Adanya unsur budaya dalam karakter arsitektur Masjid Pathok Negoro memperkuat nilai dari keempat masjid sebagai bagian dari Kesultanan Yogyakarta. Karakter arsitektur Masjid Pathok Negoro dapat diidentifikasi melalui tiga aspek yaitu physical system, spatial system dan stylistic system pada arsitekturnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakter arsitektur dari Masjid Pathok Negoro dan menemukan relevansinya dengan karakter masjid Jawa dan akulturasi budaya. Metode dalam penelitian ini bersifat kualitiatif dengan penalaran induktif yang menggunakan studi tipologi sebagai sarana identifikasi karakter arsitektur. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan aspek-aspek apa saja yang menunjukkan bahwa karakter arsitektur Masjid Pathok Negoro Relevan dengan karakter masjid Jawa yang kaya akan nilai akulturasi budaya baik dari Hindu, Jawa dan Islam.
- Published
- 2021
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13. Identifikasi Legibilitas pada Koridor Jalan Affandi, Sleman
- Author
Dyah Titisari Widyastuti and Astereizha Hani Dania P
- Abstract
Masyarakat Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta mengenal Jalan Affandi sebagai kawasan komersial sebagai dampak kawasan pendukung kawasan pendidikan (yang lebih dahulu dibangun) di sekitarnya. Pada saat ini pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup pesat pada koridor Jalan Affandi menyebabkan pembangunan area kawasan komersial yang tidak terkendali dan bangkitan aktivitas kawasan pendukungnya yang tidak diselaraskan dengan perancangan karakter visual yang baik sehingga dikhawatirkan akan membingungkan pengamat serta menghilangkan legibilitas pada suatu koridor Jalan Affandi. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan penjelasan deskriptif naratif. Studi ini meneliti mengenai legibilitas koridor Jalan Affandi menggunakan elemen citra kota Lynch dengan metode wawancana dan mental mapping dengan purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan dikaji kembali dengan teori, dapat diketahui bahwa legibilitas pada koridor Jalan Affandi belum semuanya jelas dan merata. Elemen yang paling menonjol di Koridor Jalan Affandi adalah district dan Edge dan yang tidak menonjol adalah elemen Nodes.
- Published
- 2021
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14. Mencari Bentuk Pembelajaran Rancang Kota dalam Konteks Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru
- Author
Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
Class (computer programming) ,Social space ,Process (engineering) ,Computer science ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Mathematics education ,Urban design ,Creativity ,Educational institution ,Adaptation (computer science) ,Studio ,media_common - Abstract
Title: Seeking Appropriate Approach for Urban Design Learning under the New Normal Condition Basically, it is urgently needed to build appropriate learning methods in the current pandemic condition, where the teaching and learning process at various levels of education demands a major change from what originally took place face-to-face in educational institution classrooms to turning into screen-to-screen in the personal spaces of individual respective environments. This should not be as simple as simply transferring class material onto a computer screen, but more than that, how the pedagogical aspects of each discipline must be fulfilled, how learning competencies can be fulfilled equivalent to learning under normal conditions. Design learning basically cannot be separated from learning the process of designing in a studio, where pedagogically integrates a learner-centered approach, methods of interaction between learners, and the studio as a physical and social space that forms an atmosphere that triggers creativity. Likewise in urban design learning is based on not only a theoretical component but also an empirical component. This study aims to develop content and learning methods for urban design, that cannot be separated from its pedagogical aspects, as a form of adaptation of urban design learning norms during the pandemic period and their potential as an alternative learning method in the future.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Kajian Pustaka Olah Desain Arsitektur Pusaka
- Author
Laretna Trisnantari Adishakti, Dimas Wihardyanto, Ikaputra Ikaputra, Dwita Hadi Rahmi, Dyah Titisari Widyastuti, and Alyas Abibawa Widita
- Subjects
Complementary and alternative medicine ,Pharmaceutical Science ,Pharmacology (medical) - Published
- 2023
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- Author
Tiffany Prananingrum Bleszynski and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
Geography ,Aesthetics ,City development ,Respondent ,Sense of place ,Meaning (existential) ,Recreation - Abstract
Qualitative research aims to find out the impression that people feel about the Mahakam Tepian Park Area through the Sense of Place component, so in city development it might become a 'good place' while maintaining its characteristics. The research methods are questionnaires and field observations. The results showed that gathering on weekends was the dominant activity carried out, while the Mahakam River and Pesut Monument became the most recognizable physical forms. The meaning of the biggest respondent describes the Mahakam Tepian Park as a place with beautiful scenery to dispel weary and recreation. Structuring the physical forms will support the activity thus creating a good sense of place for the overall Mahakam Tepian Park.
- Published
- 2018
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17. Transforming Principle of ‘Diversity’ of World Rail-Transit Oriented Development Best Practices into Indonesia Rail Station Districts
- Author
Ikaputra, Bambang Hari Wibisono, Dyah Titisari Widyastuti, and Danang Parikesit
- Subjects
Economic growth ,General Energy ,Health (social science) ,General Computer Science ,General Mathematics ,Best practice ,Rail transit ,General Engineering ,Business ,Environmental planning ,General Environmental Science ,Education ,Diversity (business) - Published
- 2017
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18. Walkability Pada Jalur Pergantian Antarmoda Pada Kawasan Dermaga Kota Palembang
- Author
Dyah Titisari Widyastuti and An Nurrakis
- Abstract
Musi river which divides the city of Palembang becomes a potential for water moda tranportation. there are four piers in the pier of city palembang. Bekang pier, Point pier, Ampera pier, Pasar 16 pier. The existence of the four piers is a generator for land transportation moda that move around the pier. For people who use land and water transportation, they move on foot, giving rise to pedestrian paths that connect land and water transit points. However, this area is not supported by good pedestrian paths and encourages intermodal users to prefer using motorized vehicles rather than walking in daily activities. To increase walking activities, it needs to be supported by a pleasant, comfortable track and a good pedestrian path. The purpose of this study is to find the level of walkability, and develop strategies to increase the level of walkability that is appropriate in the dock area of Palembang. Walkability level assessment consists of 7 (seven) variables, Accessible variables, Connected variables, Legible variables, Comfortable variables, Safe variables, Secure variables and Pleasant variables. The results show that the level of walkability in the Palembang City pier area is at a very bad level (1.4 on a scale of 5), with safety from pedestrian crime as the most influential component of walkability.Keywords : walkability, intermodal change point, city transportationABSTRAKSungai musi yang membelah Kota Palembang menjadi potensi bagi moda transportasi air. Terdapat empat titik dermaga pada kawasan Dermaga Kota Palembang, Dermaga Bekang, Dermaga Point, Dermaga Ampera, Dermaga Pasar 16. Keberadaan empat dermaga tersebut menjadi generator bagi moda transportasi darat yang bergerak di sekitar dermaga. Bagi masyarakat pengguna trnasportasi antarmoda darat dan air melakukan perpindahan dengan berjalan kaki sehingga menimbulkan jalur-jalur pejalan kaki yang menghubungkan titik transit antarmoda darat dan air. Namun, kawasan ini tidak didukung oleh jalur pejalan kaki yang baik dan mendorong pengguna antarmoda lebih memilih menggunakan kendaraan bermotor daripada berjalan kaki dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas berjalan, perlu ditunjang dengan suasana jalur yang menyenangkan, nyaman serta jalur pejalan kaki yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan tingkat walkability, dan menyusun strategi untuk meningkatkan level walkability yang sesuai pada kawasan dermaga kota palembang. Penilaian tingkat walkability terdiri dari 7 (tujuh) variable yaitu, kemudahan akses, keterhubungan, keterbacaan, kenyamanan, keamanan dari lalulintas, keamanan dari kriminal, dan menyenangkan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tingkat walkability di kawasan dermaga Kota Palembang berada pada level sangat buruk (1,4 pada skala 5), dengan keamanan dari tindakan kriminal jalur pejalan kaki sebagai komponen walkability yang paling berpengaruh.Kata kunci : walkability, titik-titik pergantian moda, transportasi kota
- Published
- 2020
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19. Tipologi Arsitektur Fasad Bangunan Pecinan Melayu Kasus: Jalan Perniagaan Kampung Cina Melayu Bagansiapiapi, Rokan Hilir,Riau
- Author
Gladies Imanda Utami Rangkuty and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Art ,Humanities ,media_common - Abstract
Arsitektur pecinan di Bagansiapiapi merupakan komponen utama pada kawasan kampung pecinan sebagai sebuah identitas dengan berbagai bentukan fasad yang di pengaruhi budaya Melayu lokal. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kota yang beorientasi ekonomi sering tidak sejalan dengan pemahaman untuk mempertahankan citra bangunan, sehingga memiliki dampak transformasi distrik yang dapat menghilangkan eksistensi arsitektur pecinan yang saat ini berada atau bersinggungan dengan pusat-pusat komersial kota. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada perubahan bentukan fasad yang terjadi di kawasan Jalan Perniagaan Bagansiapiapi. Tipologi arsitektur fasad bangunan pecinan di lakukan dengan tujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui karakter bentuk elemen pembentuk fasad arsitektur pecinan, (2) Mendapatkan bentukan yang dominan pada setiap elemen pembentuk fasad, sehingga dapat ditemukan bangunan pecinan yang masih mempertahankan keasliannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, yang diarahkan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengintrerpretasikan suatu kondisi yang ada. Analisis yang digunakan dengan cara klasifikasi fasad pada elemen arsitektur pecinan melayu diantaranya tipe modul dimensi bangunan, kepemilikan dan fungsi,bentukan komponen fasad (atap, ventilasi, pintu, jendela, dinding, dan panggung). Temuan penelitian ini adalah fasad bangunan pecinan di Bagansiapiapi pada elemen bentukan fasad yang memiliki dominasi: 1) Komposisi modul dimensi inti (a) 1 lantai dengan fungsi rumah tinggal bermaterial kayu, 2) Bentuk atap pelana, bentukan jendela persegi panjang polos dan memiliki ornamen, bentuk pintu dengan dua daun memanjang ke bawah, bentukan jendela memanjang kebawah dengan penempatan komposisi seimbang kanan dan kiri, penyusunan dinding horizontal, penggunaan struktur panggung. Chinatown architecture in Bagansiapiapi is a significant component of the Chinatown area as an identity with various facade forms influenced by local Malay culture. The growth and development of cities with economic orientation are often not in line with the understanding to maintain the image of the building so that it has the impact of district transformation which can eliminate the existence of Chinatown architecture that currently exists or intersects with the city's commercial centers. This can be seen in the changes in facade formation that occurred in the Bagansiapiapi Commercial Road area. The typology of the facade architecture of the Chinatown building is done with the aim of (1) Knowing the character of the shape of the facade of Chinatown facade, (2) Getting the dominant formation in each facade forming elements, so that Chinatown buildings can still be preserved. The method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, which is directed at describing and interpreting an existing condition. The analysis used through classifying facades on architectural elements of Malay Chinatown includes module types of building dimensions, ownership, and functions, formed by facade components (roofs, vents, doors, windows, walls, and stages). The findings of this study are facades of Chinatown buildings in Bagansiapiapi on facade-shaped elements that have dominance: 1) Composition of modules in the core dimension (a) 1 floor with the function of residential houses with wood material, 2) Form of gable, rectangular plain windows and ornaments, the shape of the door with two leaves extends downward, the shape of the window extends downward with the placement of balanced composition right and left, arrangement of horizontal walls, use of the stage structure
- Published
- 2019
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20. Defining Local Concept of Urban Rail Station Area Development Through Best Practices Approach of Rail-Transit Oriented Development
- Author
Bambang Hari Wibisono, Ikaputra, Danang Parikesit, and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
Transport engineering ,Geography ,Development (topology) ,Best practice ,Rail transit ,Systems engineering ,Urban rail ,General Medicine - Published
- 2016
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21. Kajian Sistem Aktivitas pada Ruang Terbuka Publik Tepi Pantai Baron, Gunungkidul
- Author
Elisabet Nungky Septania, Dyah Titisari Widyastuti, and Ahmad Sarwadi
- Subjects
Public space ,business.industry ,Qualitative descriptive ,Environmental resource management ,Public open space ,Sociology ,Space (commercial competition) ,business ,Unit of analysis - Abstract
Baron Beach is a public space that becomes an icon of Gunungkidul Regency. The conditions of a waterfront that have a river and surrounded by hills also the presence of fishing activities attract visitors. Various kinds of activities that occur in this public open space at the same time with different interests, can cause conflicts between activities even though there are also activities that are in line with each other. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that compares data to utilized public open space during the research period with existing theories. As the unit of analysis are actors who use public open space and the physical conditions of open space. The purpose of this research is to identify activity patterns in utilizing public open space, so that they can be taken into consideration in planning and designing the Public Open Space of Baron Waterfront.
- Published
- 2021
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22. Defining Local Concept Of Urban Rail Station Area Development Through Best Practices Approach Of Rail-Transit Oriented Development
- Author
Dyah Titisari Widyastuti, Ikaputra, Danang Parikesit and Bambang Hari Wibisono
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_GENERAL ,best practices ,rail station area ,ComputingMethodologies_COMPUTERGRAPHICS - Abstract
Basically, Rail-transit Oriented Development (ROD) is an integrated high density mixed use rail station transit area development for improving accessibility to public transport, enhancing pedestrian friendly environment as well as increasing urban mobility. Many developed countries have applied the concept of ROD for generating the compact development of rail station area.
- Published
- 2018
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23. Enabling The Physical Elements Of A Pedestrian Friendly District Around A Rail Station For Supporting Transit Oriented Development
- Author
Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
- Subjects
pedestrian friendly district ,rail-station district ,Accessibility of daily mobility ,Transit Oriented Development - Abstract
Rail-station area development that is based on the concept of TOD (Transit Oriented Development) is principally oriented to pedestrian accessibility for daily mobility. The aim of this research is elaborating how far the existing physical elements of a rail-station district could facilitate pedestrian mobility and establish a pedestrian friendly district toward implementation of a TOD concept. This research was conducted through some steps: (i) mapping the rail-station area pedestrian sidewalk and pedestrian network as well as activity nodes and transit nodes, (ii) assessing the level of pedestrian sidewalk connectivity joining trip origin and destination. The research area coverage in this case is limited to walking distance of the rail station (around 500 meters or 10-15 minutes walking). The findings of this research on the current condition of the street and pedestrian sidewalk network and connectivity, show good preference for the foot modal share (more than 50%) is achieved. Nevertheless, it depends on the distance from the trip origin to destination., {"references":["C. Curtis, \"Evolution of the Transit-oriented Development Model for Low-density Cities: A Case Study of Perth's New Railway Corridor,\" Journal of Planning Practice and Research, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, Vol. 23 No. 3, pp. 285-302, August 2008.","H. Sung, J. T. Oh, \"Transit-Oriented Development in a High-Density City: Identifying its Association with Transit Ridership in Seoul, Korea,\" Journal of Cities, Vol. 28, pp. 70–82, 2011.","P. Calthorpe, \"The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community and the American Dreams,\" Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 1993.","F. R. Steiner, K. Butler, \"Planning and Urban Design Standards,\" John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2007.","R. Ewing, R. Cervero, \"Travel and the Built Environment: a Meta-Analysis,\" Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol 76 No.3, pp. 265-294, 2010.","M. Southworth, \"Designing the Walkable City,\" Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 131, pp. 246-257, 2005.","J. F. Sallis, L. D. Frank, B. E. Saelens, M. K. Kraft, \"Active Transportation and Physical Activity: Opportunities for Collaboration on Transportation and Public Health Research,\" Journal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 38 No. 4, pp. 249-268, May 2004.","L. Yin, \"Assessing Walkability in the City of Buffalo: Application of Agent-Based Simulation,\" Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 139, Issue 3, pp. 166-175, September 2013.","L. Aurbach, Laurence, \"The Power of Intersection Density,\" Ped Shed Blog, http://pedshed.net/?p=574, 20/10/2013. \n[10]\tJ. Dill, \"Measuring Network Connectivity for Bicycling and Walking,\" Transportation Research Board 2004 Annual Meeting.\n[11]\tT. A. Randall, B. W. Baetz, \"Evaluating Pedestrian Connectivity for Suburban Sustainability,\" Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol 127, pp. 1-15, 2001."]}
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Kumala, Thalita and Dyah Titisari Widyastuti, Architecture Master Program, Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University
- Subjects
architecture, architectural heritage, urban architecture ,architectural characteristics, Chinese Architecture, Chinese Straits, Peranakan Chinese - Abstract
Chinese residing in various countries can strongly maintain their culture, shown in the form of a distinctive architectural identity. The principles of Chinese architecture certainly experience adaptation to various natural and cultural contexts of countries outside their home country, the four-seasons country, Mainland China. Current situation of Yogyakarta as a fast-growing tourism destination, diverse in cultures and nature is both an opportunity and threat towards Chinese housing established since 1755. In this research, the principles of Chinese architecture in their home countries will be studied, as a major influence of Chinese Peranakan Housing in Yogyakarta in order to understand and later on categorize each housing based on it’s architectural characteristics. Research methods are in stages, the first stage being literature review on typology and principles of Chinese architecture; the second stage is to structure and analyze the architectural characteristic findings; and the third stage is to draw conclusions from the process of interpretation, answering the research questions. The results are in the form of architectural characteristics derived from philosophy, principles, libation ritual, and kingship in early China to 1900s China.
- Published
- 2022
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