370 results on '"E. Escudero"'
Search Results
2. Efecto de las heterogeneidades superficiales de las aleaciones de aluminio sobre el crecimiento y propiedades de las capas anódicas
- Author
M. J. Bartolomé, S. Feliu Jr., V. López, E. Escudero, J. A. González, and S. Feliu
- Subjects
anodizado ,aluminio ,elementos aleantes ,heterogeneidades superficiales ,óxido de aluminio ,Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,TN1-997 - Abstract
En el presente trabajo se estudian, mediante el análisis XPS (espectroscopia fotoelectrónica de rayos-X), los recubrimientos de anodizado, sellados y sin sellar, obtenidos sobre Al-puro y aleaciones de Al-Cu, Al-Mg-Si y Al-Mg. En general, se observa un aumento significativo en las relaciones O/Al en el recubrimiento como resultado del proceso de sellado. En el caso de las aleaciones de Al-Cu y Al-Mg, se ha observado también un significativo aumento de la relación O/Al respecto al Al-puro y la aleación Al-Mg-Si, que puede estar asociado a una mayor porosidad de los recubrimientos obtenidos sobre las primeras. Se ha intentado así mismo establecer posibles relaciones entre las características de las capas anódicas y las heterogeneidades superficiales que también han actuado en la fase previa al anodizado. Según los resultados de este trabajo, estas mismas heterogeneidades afectan el grado de disolución del substrato metálico durante la operación de anodizado.
- Published
- 2007
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3. Contribución de la microscopía electrónica al estudio de los procesos de sellado en el aluminio anodizado en ácido oxálico
- Author
Mª J. Bartolomé, V. López, E. Escudero, and J. A. González
- Subjects
aluminio anodizado en ácido oxálico ,sellado ,microscopía electrónica ,Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,TN1-997 - Abstract
La microscopía electrónica de transmisión (MET) de los recubrimientos anódicos revela una subestructura en la cual se diferencian claramente tres regiones: una banda muy delgada en los límites de las celdas hexagonales; las paredes de las celdas contaminadas con los aniones procedentes del baño de anodización; y la alúmina hidratada que llena los poros con una cierta cantidad de agua retenida. La microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) parece ser una herramienta muy adecuada para observar, tanto en la superficie como en los níveles más internos, los cambios estructurales asociados con cada grado de sellado. Ambos tipos de microscopía electrónica permiten la posibilidad de visualizar las diferentes etapas de los muy complejos mecanismos de sellado y envejecimiento indirectamente determinados por técnicas gravimétricas y electroquímicas.
- Published
- 2007
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4. La fibra dietética Dietary fibre
- Author
E. Escudero Álvarez and P. González Sánchez
- Subjects
Fibra dietética ,Flora colónica ,Fermentación ,Ácidos grasos de cadena corta ,Dietary fibre ,Colonic Flora ,Fermentation ,Short chain fatty acids ,Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases ,RC620-627 - Abstract
Actualmente y después de treinta años de investigación, la fibra dietética forma parte de lo que se considera una dieta saludable. No existe todavía una definición única que englobe los distintos componentes de la fibra dietética y sus funciones. Los factores mayoritarios de la fibra son los hidratos de carbono complejos y la lignina, aunque nuevos productos pueden ser, en el futuro, incluidos en el concepto de fibra. Las fibras dietéticas alcanzan el intestino grueso y son atacadas por la microflora colónica, dando como productos de fermentación ácidos grasos de cadena corta, hidrógeno, dióxido de carbono y metano. Los ácidos grasos de cadena corta representan no solo una forma de recuperar energía, sino que van a estar implicados en otras funciones beneficiosas para el organismo humano. Aunque no existen todavía datos concluyentes sobre la recomendación de los distintos tipos de fibra, sigue siendo adecuado indicar una dieta que aporte de 20-35 g/día de fibra de diferentes fuentes. Existe consenso en recomendar mezcla de fibras o fibra tipo polisacárido de soja en el estreñimiento. Hay pocos datos concluyentes, todavía, acerca del beneficio de la fibra en la prevención del cáncer colorrectal y la enfermedad cardiovascular. Pero una ingesta rica en fibra es recomendable desde los primeros años de la vida, ya que a menudo va acompañada de un estilo de vida que a largo plazo ayuda a controlar otros factores de riesgo.Currently and after 30 years of research, dietary fibre is part of what is considered a healthy diet. There is no single definition yet comprising the different components of dietary fibre and its functions. The main factors of fibre are complex carbohydrates and lignin, although new products may be included in the future within the concept of fibre. Dietary fibres reach the large bowel and are attacked by colonic microflora, yielding short chain fatty acids, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane as fermentation products. Short chain fatty acids represent a way of recovering energy and they are also implicated in other beneficial functions for the human organism. Although there are no yet conclusive data on recommendations of different types of fibre, it is still appropiate to indicate a diet providing 20-35 g/day of fibre from different sources. There is a consensus to recommend a mixture of fibres or fibre like soybean polysaccharide for constipation. There are few conclusive data, still, on the benefit of fibre on prevention of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease. However, a fibre-rich diet is recommended from early years of life since it is often associated to a lifestyle that in the long term helps controlling other risk factors.
- Published
- 2006
5. Autoprotección del aluminio anodizado sin sellar expuesto a la atmósfera
- Author
E. Escudero, M. J. Bartolomé, V. López, J. Simancas, J. A. González, M. Morcillo, and E. Otero
- Subjects
aluminio ,anodizados sin sellan autosellado ,técnicas electroquímicas ,meb ,met ,Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,TN1-997 - Abstract
Para confirmar o rebatir la idea, muy difundida, de que la operación de sellado es imprescindible para garantizar una buena resistencia del aluminio anodizado a la corrosión atmosférica, se expusieron muestras de anodizados sin sellar, de tres espesores diferentes, en 9 atmósferas de Iberoamérica, con salinidades comprendidas entre 3,9 y 684 mg m-2 d-1 de cloruros. Por las más variadas técnicas, desde la microscopía electrónica de barrido o transmisión a la medida directa por gravimetría, pasando por los ensayos normalizados de control de calidad del sellado y la medida indirecta por técnicas electroquímicas, se demuestra la capacidad de autosellado, durante la exposición a la atmósfera, de los recubrimientos anódicos sin sellar. Sorprendentemente, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en recubrimientos protectores de otra naturaleza, la calidad de los anodizados mejora con el envejecimiento.
- Published
- 2005
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6. Durabilidad del aluminio desnudo y anodizado en atmósferas de muy diferentes corrosividades. I. Aluminio desnudo
- Author
J. A. González, E. Escudero, V. López, J. Simancas, and M. Morcillo
- Subjects
aluminio ,anodizado ,durabilidad ,eie ,corrosión atmosférica ,Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,TN1-997 - Abstract
Se estudia el comportamiento del aluminio desnudo durante la exposición atmosférica en 11 estaciones de ensayos naturales, con salinidades que oscilan entre 2,1 y 684 mg Cl-1m-2d-1. En atmósferas de agresividades bajas y moderadas, el aluminio se comporta como un material pasivo, pero la insignificante corrosión que se produce es suficiente para perjudicar el aspecto. Sin embargo, el aluminio es susceptible a la corrosión por picaduras, ya durante el primer año de exposición atmosférica, para salinidades de 50 mg Cl-1m-2d-1 o superiores y, durante el segundo año, para salinidades > 10 mg Cl-1m-2d-1. A efectos comparativos se incluyen resultados de aluminio protegido con un anodizado de 28 μm de espesor, expuesto en las mismas estaciones de ensayo. Un anodizado de 28 μm, correctamente sellado, evita el riesgo de corrosión localizada, incluso en las situaciones más desfavorables.
- Published
- 2004
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7. Durabilidad del aluminio desnudo y anodizado en atmósferas de muy diferentes corrosividades. II. Aluminio anodizado
- Author
V. López, E. Escudero, J. A. González, E. Otero, and M. Morcillo
- Subjects
aluminio ,anodizado ,durabilidad ,pérdida de masa ,corrosión atmosférica ,Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,TN1-997 - Abstract
Se estudia el comportamiento de tres anodizados, de 7, 17 y 28 μm, aproximadamente, durante la exposición en 11 estaciones de corrosión atmosférica, con salinidades que oscilan entre 2,1 y 684 mg Cl-1m-2d-1 En la valoración de resultados se utilizaron técnicas gravimétricas, de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIE), microanálisis por EDX, ensayos normalizados de control de calidad, microscopía óptica y, ocasionalmente, microscopía electrónica. Se demuestra que la anodización, con un sellado correcto y siempre que supere un umbral mínimo de espesor, no bien definido, es una solución adecuada para prevenir la corrosión localizada del aluminio y conservar el aspecto, incluso, en atmósferas de elevada corrosividad. Los anodizados de 7 μm sufren corrosión, en los ambientes más agresivos, a partir del segundo ciclo anual. La corrosión, cuando se presenta, es localizada, en forma de picaduras o de corrosión filiforme. Palabras clave
- Published
- 2004
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8. Autosellado de las capas anódicas del aluminio en atmósferas muy diferentes
- Author
J. A. González, M. Morcillo, E. Escudero, V. López, A. Bautista, and E. Otero
- Subjects
aluminio ,anodizado ,probetas selladas ,probetas sin sellar ,autosellado ,Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,TN1-997 - Abstract
Está muy difundida la idea de que el comportamiento del aluminio es superior al del aluminio anodizado y sin sellar, desde el punto de vista de la resistencia a la corrosión, en los ambientes naturales. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos en la exposición de anodizados sin sellar, de tres espesores diferentes, a 9 atmósferas de Iberoamérica, con salinidades comprendidas entre 3,9 y 517 mg.m-2.d-1 de cloruros, muestran, sin lugar a dudas, lo contrario. Con tiempo suficiente, tanto más rápidamente cuanto mayor sean las precipitaciones y la humedad relativa ambiental, tiene lugar un proceso de autosellado que conduce a recubrimientos que superan las normas de calidad exigidas en la práctica industrial. Los anodizados, sellados y sin sellar, son recubrimientos protectores que mejoran su calidad, en la mayoría de los ambientes naturales, con el envejecimiento.
- Published
- 2003
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9. Cambios en la morfología de las capas anódicas porosas de óxido de aluminio durante el envejecimiento en ambientes naturales y artificiales
- Author
V. López, E. Otero, A. Bautista, E. Escudero, and J. A. González
- Subjects
capas anódicas ,aluminio ,morfología de las capas ,subestructura ,microscopía electrónica de transmisión ,Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,TN1-997 - Abstract
La microscopía electrónica de transmisión, por una parte, y la espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica, por otra, demuestran que el agua retenida en las películas anódicas porosas de óxido de aluminio es la principal responsable de su reactividad bajo la irradiación del haz de electrones en el MET, en el envejecimiento acelerado en la estufa a 100 ºC o en el envejecimiento natural de meses y años en la atmósfera a temperatura ambiente. Aunque, de cinéticas muy diferentes, existe una indudable semejanza entre las transformaciones estructurales y físico-químicas que tienen lugar en los tres medios. Las capas sin sellar, prácticamente exentas de agua, apenas cambian su estructura por efecto del haz de electrones y muestran los mismos diagramas de impedancia después de horas a 100 ºC o de años a temperatura ambiente en atmósferas secas.
- Published
- 2003
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10. Abrogation of mercuric chloride-induced nephritis in the Brown Norway rat by treatment with antibodies against TNFα
- Author
A. Molina, F. Sánchez-Madrid, T. Bricio, A. Martín, E. Escudero, V. Alvarez, and F. Mampaso
- Subjects
Pathology ,RB1-214 - Abstract
HgCl2 induces an autoimmune disease in the Brown Norway rat characterized by synthesis of autoantibodies (mainly, anti-GBM Abs), severe proteinuria and interstitial nephritis. Also, HgCl2- injected rats develop glomerular cell infiltrates consisting of ED1+ cells (monocyte/macrophage), starting on day 4 and reaching a maximum on day 8. Treatment with anti-TNF-α antiserum had preventative effects as it reduced the urinary protein levels to close to the normal range and also blocked the influx of inflammatory cells in the renal glomeruli and interstitium, but circulating anti-GBM and lineal glomerular IgG deposits were unmodified. In addition, whole isolated glomeruli from HgCl2-induced nephritis secreted TNF-α commencing on day 8, being maximally detected on day 11 and preceding, between 2 to 3 days, the development of proteinuria. The administration of anti-TNF-α antiserum or anti-α4 integrin mAb completely abrogated the synthesis of TNF-α in glomeruli isolated from the respective treated groups of animals, in addition to the proteinuria. Taken together our results confirm that TNF-α plays an important role in the induction and development of HgCl2-induced nephritis and highlights the pathogenic importance of the local release of TNF in those renal diseases in which prominent glomerular macrophage accumulation is a constant feature.
- Published
- 1995
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11. La fibra dietética
- Author
E. Escudero Álvarez and P. González Sánchez
- Subjects
Fibra dietética ,Flora colónica ,Fermentación ,Ácidos grasos de cadena corta ,Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases ,RC620-627 - Abstract
Actualmente y después de treinta años de investigación, la fibra dietética forma parte de lo que se considera una dieta saludable. No existe todavía una definición única que englobe los distintos componentes de la fibra dietética y sus funciones. Los factores mayoritarios de la fibra son los hidratos de carbono complejos y la lignina, aunque nuevos productos pueden ser, en el futuro, incluidos en el concepto de fibra. Las fibras dietéticas alcanzan el intestino grueso y son atacadas por la microflora colónica, dando como productos de fermentación ácidos grasos de cadena corta, hidrógeno, dióxido de carbono y metano. Los ácidos grasos de cadena corta representan no solo una forma de recuperar energía, sino que van a estar implicados en otras funciones beneficiosas para el organismo humano. Aunque no existen todavía datos concluyentes sobre la recomendación de los distintos tipos de fibra, sigue siendo adecuado indicar una dieta que aporte de 20-35 g/día de fibra de diferentes fuentes. Existe consenso en recomendar mezcla de fibras o fibra tipo polisacárido de soja en el estreñimiento. Hay pocos datos concluyentes, todavía, acerca del beneficio de la fibra en la prevención del cáncer colorrectal y la enfermedad cardiovascular. Pero una ingesta rica en fibra es recomendable desde los primeros años de la vida, ya que a menudo va acompañada de un estilo de vida que a largo plazo ayuda a controlar otros factores de riesgo.
12. Rank Analysis of Cubic Multivariate Cryptosystems.
- Author
John Baena, Daniel Cabarcas, Daniel E. Escudero, Karan Khathuria, and Javier A. Verbel
- Published
- 2018
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13. Efficient ZHFE Key Generation.
- Author
John B. Baena, Daniel Cabarcas, Daniel E. Escudero, Jaiberth Porras-Barrera, and Javier A. Verbel
- Published
- 2016
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14. Validation of a LC-UV method for determination of tildipirosin in goat milk
- Author
JS Galecio, V Hernandis, E Escudero, and P Marín
- Subjects
Tildipirosin ,Milk ,General Veterinary ,Goats ,HPLC ,Ultraviolet - Abstract
A simple, rapid, low-cost, and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed to determine tildipirosin in milk goat. Milk samples were precipitated with acetonitrile, and after evaporation, tildipirosin was determined by reverse-phase chromatography with an ultraviolet detector set at a wavelength of 289 nm. Tildipirosin was separated on a Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C18 column, 150 x 3.0 mm, 5 μm with gradient chromatographic elution. The retention times for tildipirosin and tylosin tartrate were 4.4 min and 10.5 min, respectively. Calibration curves were ranged from 100 to 2500 µg/L. The lower limit of detection was 75 µg/L, and the lower limit of quantitation was 100 µg/L. The accuracy and precision were always
- Published
- 2023
15. A Liquid-Liquid Extraction Operation to Remove Arsenic(V) from Liquid Effluents by the Use of Cyanex 923 Extractant
- Author
Francisco José Alguacil, E. Escudero, and J.I. Robla
- Published
- 2023
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16. ESICM LIVES 2016: part three: Milan, Italy. 1–5 October 2016
- Author
Velasquez, T., Mackey, G., Lusk, J., Kyle, U. G., Fontenot, T., Marshall, P., Shekerdemian, L. S., Coss-Bu, J. A., Nishigaki, A., Yatabe, T., Tamura, T., Yamashita, K., Yokoyama, M., Ruiz-Rodriguez, J. C., Encina, B., Belmonte, R., Troncoso, I., Tormos, P., Riveiro, M., Baena, J., Sanchez, A., Bañeras, J., Cordón, J., Duran, N., Ruiz, A., Caballero, J., Nuvials, X., Riera, J., Serra, J., Rutten, A. M. F., van Ieperen, S. N. M., Der Kinderen, E. P. H. M., Van Logten, T., Kovacikova, L., Skrak, P., Zahorec, M., Kyle, U. G., Akcan-Arikan, A., Silva, J. C., Mackey, G., Lusk, J., Goldsworthy, M., Shekerdemian, L. S., Coss-Bu, J. A., Wood, D., Harrison, D., Parslow, R., Davis, P., Pappachan, J., Goodwin, S., Ramnarayan, P., Chernyshuk, S., Yemets, H., Zhovnir, V., Pulitano’, S. M., De Rosa, S., Mancino, A., Villa, G., Tosi, F., Franchi, P., Conti, G., Patel, B., Khine, H., Shah, A., Sung, D., Singer, L., Haghbin, S., Inaloo, S., Serati, Z., Idei, M., Nomura, T., Yamamoto, N., Sakai, Y., Yoshida, T., Matsuda, Y., Yamaguchi, Y., Takaki, S., Yamaguchi, O., Goto, T., Longani, N., Medar, S., Abdel-Aal, I. R., El Adawy, A. S., Mohammed, H. M. E. H., Mohamed, A. N., Parry, S. M., Knight, L. D., Denehy, L., De Morton, N., Baldwin, C. E., Sani, D., Kayambu, G., da Silva, V. Z. M., Phongpagdi, P., Puthucheary, Z. A., Granger, C. L., Rydingsward, J. E., Horkan, C. M., Christopher, K. B., McWilliams, D., Jones, C., Reeves, E., Atkins, G., Snelson, C., Aitken, L. M., Rattray, J., Kenardy, J., Hull, A. M., Ullman, A., Le Brocque, R., Mitchell, M., Davis, C., Macfarlane, B., Azevedo, J. C., Rocha, L. L., De Freitas, F. F. M., Cavalheiro, A. M., Lucinio, N. M., Lobato, M. S., Ebeling, G., Kraegpoeth, A., Laerkner, E., De Brito-Ashurst, I., White, C., Gregory, S., Forni, L. G., Flowers, E., Curtis, A., Wood, C. A., Siu, K., Venkatesan, K., Muhammad, J. B. H., Ng, L., Seet, E., Baptista, N., Escoval, A., Tomas, E., Agrawal, R., Mathew, R., Varma, A., Dima, E., Charitidou, E., Perivolioti, E., Pratikaki, M., Vrettou, C., Giannopoulos, A., Zakynthinos, S., Routsi, C., Atchade, E., Houzé, S., Jean-Baptiste, S., Thabut, G., Genève, C., Tanaka, S., Lortat-Jacob, B., Augustin, P., Desmard, M., Montravers, P., de Molina, F. J. González, Barbadillo, S., Alejandro, R., Álvarez-Lerma, F., Vallés, J., Catalán, R. M., Palencia, E., Jareño, A., Granada, R. M., Ignacio, M. L., Cui, N., Liu, D., Wang, H., Su, L., Qiu, H., Li, R., Jaffal, K., Rouzé, A., Poissy, J., Sendid, B., Nseir, S., Paramythiotou, E., Rizos, M., Frantzeskaki, F., Antoniadou, A., Vourli, S., Zerva, L., Armaganidis, A., Riera, J., Gottlieb, J., Greer, M., Wiesner, O., Martínez, M., Acuña, M., Rello, J., Welte, T., Atchade, E., Mignot, T., Houzé, S., Jean-Baptiste, S., Thabut, G., Lortat-Jacob, B., Tanaka, S., Augustin, P., Desmard, M., Montravers, P., Soussi, S., Dudoignon, E., Ferry, A., Chaussard, M., Benyamina, M., Alanio, A., Touratier, S., Chaouat, M., Lafaurie, M., Mimoun, M., Mebazaa, A., Legrand, M., Sheils, M. A., Patel, C., Mohankumar, L., Akhtar, N., Noriega, S. K. Pacheco, Aldana, N. Navarrete, León, J. L. Ávila, Baquero, J. Durand, Bernal, F. Fernández, Ahmadnia, E., Hadley, J. S., Millar, M., Hall, D., Hewitt, H., Yasuda, H., Sanui, M., Komuro, T., Kawano, S., Andoh, K., Yamamoto, H., Noda, E., Hatakeyama, J., Saitou, N., Okamoto, H., Kobayashi, A., Takei, T., Matsukubo, S., Rotzel, H. B., Lázaro, A. Serrano, Prada, D. Aguillón, Gimillo, M. Rodriguez, Barinas, O. Diaz, Cortes, M. L. Blasco, Franco, J. Ferreres, Roca, J. M. Segura, Carratalá, A., Gonçalves, B., Turon, R., Mendes, A., Miranda, F., Mata, P. J., Cavalcanti, D., Melo, N., Lacerda, P., Kurtz, P., Righy, C., Rosario, L. E. de la Cruz, Lesmes, S. P. Gómez, Romero, J. C. García, Herrera, A. N. García, Pertuz, E. D. Díaz, Sánchez, M. J. Gómez, Sanz, E. Regidor, Hualde, J. Barado, Hernández, A. Ansotegui, Irazabal, J. M. Guergué, Spatenkova, V., Bradac, O., Suchomel, P., Urli, T., Lazzeri, E. Heusch, Aspide, R., Zanello, M., Perez-Borrero, L., Garcia-Alvarez, J. M., Arias-Verdu, M. D., Aguilar-Alonso, E., Rivera-Fernandez, R., Mora-Ordoñez, J., De La Fuente-Martos, C., Castillo-Lorente, E., Guerrero-Lopez, F., Lesmes, S. P. Gómez, Rosario, L. E. De la Cruz, Pertuz, E. D. Díaz, Hernández, A. Ansotegui, Romero, J. C. García, Sánchez, M. J. Gómez, Herrera, A. N. García, Ramírez, J. Roldán, Sanz, E. Regidor, Hualde, J. Barado, León, J. P. Tirapu, Navarro-Guillamón, L., Cordovilla-Guardia, S., Iglesias-Santiago, A., Guerrero-López, F., Fernández-Mondéjar, E., Vidal, A., Perez, M., Juez, A., Arias, N., Colino, L., Perez, J. L., Pérez, H., Calpe, P., Alcala, M. A., Robaglia, D., Perez, C., Lan, S. K., Cunha, M. M., Moreira, T., Santos, F., Lafuente, E., Fernandes, M. J., Silva, J. G., Rosario, L. E. de la Cruz, Lesmes, S. P. Gómez, Herrera, A. N. García, Romero, J. C. García, Pertuz, E. D. Díaz, Sánchez, M. J. Gómez, Sanz, E. Regidor, Echeverría, J. G. Armando, Hernández, A. Ansotegui, Hualde, J. Barado, Podlepich, V., Sokolova, E., Alexandrova, E., Lapteva, K., Kurtz, P., Shuinotsuka, C., Rabello, L., Vianna, G., Reis, A., Cairus, C., Salluh, J., Bozza, F., Torres, J. C. Barrios, Araujo, N. J. Fernández, García-Olivares, P., Keough, E., Dalorzo, M., Tang, L. K., De Sousa, I., Díaz, M., Marcos-Zambrano, L. J., Guerrero, J. E., Gomez, S. E. Zamora, Lopez, G. D. Hernandez, Cuellar, A. I. Vazquez, Nieto, O. R. Perez, Gonzalez, J. A. Castanon, Bhasin, D., Rai, S., Singh, H., Gupta, O., Bhattal, M. K., Sampley, S., Sekhri, K., Nandha, R., Aliaga, F. A., Olivares, F., Appiani, F., Farias, P., Alberto, F., Hernández, A., Pons, S., Sonneville, R., Bouadma, L., Neuville, M., Mariotte, E., Radjou, A., Lebut, J., Chemam, S., Voiriot, G., Dilly, M. P., Mourvillier, B., Dorent, R., Nataf, P., Wolff, M., Timsit, J. F., Ediboglu, O., Ataman, S., Ozkarakas, H., Kirakli, C., Vakalos, A., Avramidis, V., Obukhova, O., Kurmukov, I. A., Kashiya, S., Golovnya, E., Baikova, V. N., Ageeva, T., Haritydi, T., Kulaga, E. V., Rios-Toro, J. J., Perez-Borrero, L., Aguilar-Alonso, E., Arias-Verdu, M. D., Garcia-Alvarez, J. M., Lopez-Caler, C., De La Fuente-Martos, C., Rodriguez-Fernandez, S., Sanchez-Orézzoli, M. Gomez, Martin-Gallardo, F., Nikhilesh, J., Joshi, V., Villarreal, E., Ruiz, J., Gordon, M., Quinza, A., Gimenez, J., Piñol, M., Castellanos, A., Ramirez, P., Jeon, Y. D., Jeong, W. Y., Kim, M. H., Jeong, I. Y., Ahn, M. Y., Ahn, J. Y., Han, S. H., Choi, J. Y., Song, Y. G., Kim, J. M., Ku, N. S., Shah, H., Kellner, F., Rezai, F., Mistry, N., Yodice, P., Ovnanian, V., Fless, K., Handler, E., Alejos, R. Martínez, Romeu, J. D. Martí, Antón, D. González, Quinart, A., Martí, A. Torres, Llaurado-Serra, M., Lobo-Civico, A., Ventura-Rosado, A., Piñol-Tena, A., Pi-Guerrero, M., Paños-Espinosa, C., Peralvo-Bernat, M., Marine-Vidal, J., Gonzalez-Engroba, R., Montesinos-Cerro, N., Treso-Geira, M., Valeiras-Valero, A., Martinez-Reyes, L., Sandiumenge, A., Jimenez-Herrera, M. F., Helyar, S., Riozzi, P., Noon, A., Hallows, G., Cotton, H., Keep, J., Hopkins, P. A., Taggu, A., Renuka, S., Sampath, S., Rood, P. J. T., Frenzel, T., Verhage, R., Bonn, M., Pickkers, P., van der Hoeven, J. G., van den Boogaard, M., Corradi, F., Melnyk, L., Moggia, F., Pienovi, R., Adriano, G., Brusasco, C., Mariotti, L., Lattuada, M., Bloomer, M. J., Coombs, M., Ranse, K., Endacott, R., Maertens, B., Blot, K., Blot, S., Amerongen, M. P. van Nieuw, van der Heiden, E. S., Twisk, J. W. R., Girbes, A. R. J., Spijkstra, J. J., Riozzi, P., Helyar, S., Cotton, H., Hallows, G., Noon, A., Bell, C., Peters, K., Feehan, A., Keep, J., Hopkins, P. A., Churchill, K., Hawkins, K., Brook, R., Paver, N., Endacott, R., Maistry, N., van Wijk, A., Rouw, N., van Galen, T., Evelein-Brugman, S., Taggu, A., Krishna, B., Sampath, S., Putzu, A., Fang, M., Berto, M. Boscolo, Belletti, A., Cassina, T., Cabrini, L., Mistry, M., Alhamdi, Y., Welters, I., Abrams, S. T., Toh, C. H., Han, H. S., Gil, E. M., Lee, D. S., Park, C. M., Winder-Rhodes, S., Lotay, R., Doyle, J., Ke, M. W., Huang, W. C., Chiang, C. H., Hung, W. T., Cheng, C. C., Lin, K. C., Lin, S. C., Chiou, K. R., Wann, S. R., Shu, C. W., Kang, P. L., Mar, G. Y., Liu, C. P., Dubó, S., Aquevedo, A., Jibaja, M., Berrutti, D., Labra, C., Lagos, R., García, M. F., Ramirez, V., Tobar, M., Picoita, F., Peláez, C., Carpio, D., Alegría, L., Hidalgo, C., Godoy, K., Bakker, J., Hernández, G., Sadamoto, Y., Katabami, K., Wada, T., Ono, Y., Maekawa, K., Hayakawa, M., Sawamura, A., Gando, S., Marin-Mateos, H., Perez-Vela, J. L., Garcia-Gigorro, R., Peiretti, M. A. Corres, Lopez-Gude, M. J., Chacon-Alves, S., Renes-Carreño, E., Montejo-González, J. C., Parlevliet, K. L., Touw, H. R. W., Beerepoot, M., Boer, C., Elbers, P. W. G., Tuinman, P. R., Abdelmonem, S. A., Helmy, T. A., El Sayed, I., Ghazal, S., Akhlagh, S. H., Masjedi, M., Hozhabri, K., Kamali, E., Zýková, I., Paldusová, B., Sedlák, P., Morman, D., Youn, A. M., Ohta, Y., Sakuma, M., Bates, D., Morimoto, T., Su, P. L., Chang, W. Y., Lin, W. C., Chen, C. W., Facchin, F., Zarantonello, F., Panciera, G., De Cassai, A., Venrdramin, A., Ballin, A., Tonetti, T., Persona, P., Ori, C., Del Sorbo, L., Rossi, S., Vergani, G., Cressoni, M., Chiumello, D., Chiurazzi, C., Brioni, M., Algieri, I., Tonetti, T., Guanziroli, M., Colombo, A., Tomic, I., Colombo, A., Crimella, F., Carlesso, E., Gasparovic, V., Gattinoni, L., Neto, A. Serpa, Schmidt, M., Pham, T., Combes, A., de Abreu, M. Gama, Pelosi, P., Schultz, M. J., Katira, B. H., Engelberts, D., Giesinger, R. E., Ackerley, C., Yoshida, T., Zabini, D., Otulakowski, G., Post, M., Kuebler, W. M., McNamara, P. J., Kavanagh, B. P., Pirracchio, R., Rigon, M. Resche, Carone, M., Chevret, S., Annane, D., Eladawy, S., El-Hamamsy, M., Bazan, N., Elgendy, M., De Pascale, G., Vallecoccia, M. S., Cutuli, S. L., Di Gravio, V., Pennisi, M. A., Conti, G., Antonelli, M., Andreis, D. T., Khaliq, W., Singer, M., Hartmann, J., Harm, S., Carmona, S. Alcantara, Almudevar, P. Matia, Abellán, A. Naharro, Ramos, J. Veganzones, Pérez, L. Pérez, Valbuena, B. Lobo, Sanz, N. Martínez, Simón, I. Fernández, Arrigo, M., Feliot, E., Deye, N., Cariou, A., Guidet, B., Jaber, S., Leone, M., Resche-Rigon, M., Baron, A. Vieillard, Legrand, M., Gayat, E., Mebazaa, A., Balik, M., Kolnikova, I., Maly, M., Waldauf, P., Tavazzi, G., Kristof, J., Herpain, A., Su, F., Post, E., Taccone, F., Vincent, J. L., Creteur, J., Lee, C., Hatib, F., Jian, Z., Buddi, S., Cannesson, M., Fileković, S., Turel, M., Knafelj, R., Gorjup, V., Stanić, R., Gradišek, P., Cerović, O., Mirković, T., Noč, M., Tirkkonen, J., Hellevuo, H., Olkkola, K. T., Hoppu, S., Lin, K. C., Hung, W. T., Chiang, C. C., Huang, W. C., Juan, W. C., Lin, S. C., Cheng, C. C., Lin, P. H., Fong, K. Y., Hou, D. S., Kang, P. L., Wann, S. R., Chen, Y. S., Mar, G. Y., Liu, C. P., Paul, M., Bougouin, W., Geri, G., Dumas, F., Champigneulle, B., Legriel, S., Charpentier, J., Mira, J. P., Sandroni, C., Cariou, A., Zimmerman, J., Sullivan, E., Noursadeghi, M., Fox, B., Sampson, D., McHugh, L., Yager, T., Cermelli, S., Seldon, T., Bhide, S., Brandon, R. A., Brandon, R. B., Zwaag, J., Beunders, R., Pickkers, P., Kox, M., Gul, F., Arslantas, M. K., Genc, D., Zibandah, N., Topcu, L., Akkoc, T., Cinel, I., Greco, E., Lauretta, M. P., Andreis, D. T., Singer, M., Garcia, I. Palacios, Cordero, M., Martin, A. Diaz, Pallás, T. Aldabó, Montero, J. Garnacho, Rey, J. Revuelto, Malo, L. Roman, Montoya, A. A. Tanaka, Martinez, A. D. C. Amador, Ayala, L. Y. Delgado, Zepeda, E. Monares, Granillo, J. Franco, Sanchez, J. Aguirre, Alejo, G. Camarena, Cabrera, A. Rugerio, Montenegro, A. Pedraza, Pham, T., Beduneau, G., Schortgen, F., Piquilloud, L., Zogheib, E., Jonas, M., Grelon, F., Runge, I., Terzi, N., Grangé, S., Barberet, G., Guitard, P. G., Frat, J. P., Constan, A., Chrétien, J. M., Mancebo, J., Mercat, A., Richard, J. C. M., Brochard, L., Soilemezi, E., Koco, E., Savvidou, S., Nouris, C., Matamis, D., Di Mussi, R., Spadaro, S., Volta, C. A., Mariani, M., Colaprico, A., Antonio, C., Bruno, F., Grasso, S., Rodriguez, A., Martín-Loeches, I., Díaz, E., Masclans, J. R., Gordo, F., Solé-Violán, J., Bodí, M., Avilés-Jurado, F. X., Trefler, S., Magret, M., Reyes, L. F., Marín-Corral, J., Yebenes, J. C., Esteban, A., Anzueto, A., Aliberti, S., Restrepo, M. I., Larsson, J. Skytte, Redfors, B., Ricksten, S. E., Haines, R., Powell-Tuck, J., Leonard, H., Ostermann, M., Berthelsen, R. E., Itenov, T. S., Perner, A., Jensen, J. U., Ibsen, M., Jensen, A. E. K., Bestle, M. H., Bucknall, T., Dixon, J., Boa, F., MacPhee, I., Philips, B. J., Doyle, J., Saadat, F., Samuels, T., Huddart, S., McCormick, B., DeBrunnar, R., Preece, J., Swart, M., Peden, C., Richardson, S., Forni, L., Kalfon, P., Baumstarck, K., Estagnasie, P., Geantot, M. A., Berric, A., Simon, G., Floccard, B., Signouret, T., Boucekine, M., Fromentin, M., Nyunga, M., Sossou, A., Venot, M., Robert, R., Follin, A., Renault, A., Garrouste, M., Collange, O., Levrat, Q., Villard, I., Thévenin, D., Pottecher, J., Patrigeon, R. G., Revel, N., Vigne, C., Mimoz, O., Auquier, P., Pawar, S., Jacques, T., Deshpande, K., Pusapati, R., Wood, B., Pulham, R. A., Wray, J., Brown, K., Pierce, C., Nadel, S., Ramnarayan, P., Azevedo, J. R., Montenegro, W. S., Rodrigues, D. P., Sousa, S. C., Araujo, V. F., Leitao, A. L., Prazeres, P. H., Mendonca, A. V., Paula, M. P., Das Neves, A., Loudet, C. I., Busico, M., Vazquez, D., Villalba, D., Lischinsky, A., Veronesi, M., Emmerich, M., Descotte, E., Juliarena, A., Bisso, M. Carboni, Grando, M., Tapia, A., Camargo, M., Ulla, D. Villani, Corzo, L., dos Santos, H. Placido, Ramos, A., Doglia, J. A., Estenssoro, E., Carbonara, M., Magnoni, S., Donald, C. L. Mac, Shimony, J. S., Conte, V., Triulzi, F., Stretti, F., Macrì, M., Snyder, A. Z., Stocchetti, N., Brody, D. L., Podlepich, V., Shimanskiy, V., Savin, I., Lapteva, K., Chumaev, A., Tjepkema-Cloostermans, M. C., Hofmeijer, J., Beishuizen, A., Hom, H., Blans, M. J., van Putten, M. J. A. M., Longhi, L., Frigeni, B., Curinga, M., Mingone, D., Beretta, S., Patruno, A., Gandini, L., Vargiolu, A., Ferri, F., Ceriani, R., Rottoli, M. R., Lorini, L., Citerio, G., Pifferi, S., Battistini, M., Cordolcini, V., Agarossi, A., Di Rosso, R., Ortolano, F., Stocchetti, N., Lourido, C. Mora, Cabrera, J. L. Santana, Santana, J. D. Martín, Alzola, L. Melián, del Rosario, C. García, Pérez, H. Rodríguez, Torrent, R. Lorenzo, Eslami, S., Dalhuisen, A., Fiks, T., Schultz, M. J., Hanna, A. Abu, Spronk, P. E., Wood, M., Maslove, D., Muscedere, J., Scott, S. H., Saha, T., Hamilton, A., Petsikas, D., Payne, D., Boyd, J. G., Puthucheary, Z. A., McNelly, A. S., Rawal, J., Connolly, B., McPhail, M. J., Sidhu, P., Rowlerson, A., Moxham, J., Harridge, S. D., Hart, N., Montgomery, H. E., Jovaisa, T., Thomas, B., Gupta, D., Wijayatilake, D. S., Shum, H. P., King, H. S., Chan, K. C., Tang, K. B., Yan, W. W., Arias, C. Castro, Latorre, J., De La Rica, A. Suárez, Garrido, E. Maseda, Feijoo, A. Montero, Gancedo, C. Hernández, Tofiño, A. López, Rodríguez, F. Gilsanz, Gemmell, L. K., Campbell, R., Doherty, P., MacKay, A., Singh, N., Vitaller, S., Nagib, H., Prieto, J., Del Arco, A., Zayas, B., Gomez, C., Tirumala, S., Pasha, S. A., Kumari, B. K., Martinez-Lopez, P., Puerto-Morlán, A., Nuevo-Ortega, P., Pujol, L. Martinez, Dolset, R. Algarte, González, B. Sánchez, Riera, S. Quintana, Álvarez, J. Trenado, Quintana, S., Martínez, L., Algarte, R., Sánchez, B., Trenado, J., Tomas, E., Brock, N., Viegas, E., Filipe, E., Cottle, D., Traynor, T., Martínez, M. V. Trasmonte, Márquez, M. Pérez, Gómez, L. Colino, Martínez, N. Arias, Muñoz, J. M. Milicua, Bellver, B. Quesada, Varea, M. Muñoz, Llorente, M. Á. Alcalá, Calvo, C. Pérez, Hillier, S. D., Faulds, M. C., Hendra, H., Lawrence, N., Maekawa, K., Hayakawa, M., Ono, Y., Kodate, A., Sadamoto, Y., Tominaga, N., Mizugaki, A., Murakami, H., Yoshida, T., Katabami, K., Wada, T., Sawamura, A., Gando, S., Silva, S., Kerhuel, L., Malagurski, B., Citerio, G., Chabanne, R., Laureys, S., Puybasset, L., Nobile, L., Pognuz, E. R., Rossetti, A. O., Verginella, F., Gaspard, N., Creteur, J., Ben-Hamouda, N., Oddo, M., Taccone, F. S., Ono, Y., Hayakawa, M., Iijima, H., Maekawa, K., Kodate, A., Sadamoto, Y., Mizugaki, A., Murakami, H., Katabami, K., Wada, T., Sawamura, A., Gando, S., Kodate, A., Katabami, K., Wada, T., Ono, Y., Maekawa, K., Hayakawa, M., Sawamura, A., Gando, S., Andersen, L. W., Raymond, T., Berg, R., Nadkarni, V., Grossestreuer, A., Kurth, T., Donnino, M., Krüger, A., Ostadal, P., Janotka, M., Vondrakova, D., Kongpolprom, N., Cholkraisuwat, J., Pekkarinen, P. T., Ristagno, G., Masson, S., Latini, R., Bendel, S., Ala-Kokko, T., Varpula, T., Vaahersalo, J., Hoppu, S., Tiainen, M., Mion, M. M., Plebani, M., Pettilä, V., Skrifvars, M.B., Son, Y., Kim, K. S., Suh, G. J., Kwon, W. Y., Ko, J. I., Park, M. J., Cavicchi, F. Zama, Iesu, E., Nobile, L., Vincent, J. L., Creteur, J., Taccone, F. S., Tanaka, H., Otani, N., Ode, S., Ishimatsu, S., Martínez, L., Algarte, R., Sánchez, B., Romero, I., Martínez, F., Quintana, S., Trenado, J., Vondrakova, D., Ostadal, P., Kruger, A., Janotka, M., Malek, F., Neuzil, P., Yeh, Y. C., Chen, Y. S., Wang, C. H., Huang, C. H., Chao, A., Lee, C. T., Lai, C. H., Chan, W. S., Cheng, Y. J., Sun, W. Z., Kaese, S., Horstmann, C., Lebiedz, P., Mourad, M., Gaudard, P., Eliet, J., Zeroual, N., Colson, P., Ostadal, P., Mlcek, M., Hrachovina, M., Kruger, A., Vondrakova, D., Janotka, M., Mates, M., Hala, P., Kittnar, O., Neuzil, P., Jacky, A., Rudiger, A., Spahn, D. R., Bettex, D. A., Kara, A., Akin, S., Dos reis Miranda, D., Struijs, A., Caliskan, K., van Thiel, R. J., Dubois, E. A., de Wilde, W., Zijlstra, F., Gommers, D., Ince, C., Marca, L., Xini, A., Mongkolpun, W., Cordeiro, C. P. R., Leite, R. T., Lheureux, O., Bader, A., Rincon, L., Santacruz, C., Preiser, J. C., Chao, A., Chao, A. S., Chen, Y. S., Kim, W., Ahn, C., Cho, Y., Lim, T. H., Oh, J., Choi, K. S., Jang, B. H., Ha, J. K., Mecklenburg, A., Stamm, J., Soeffker, G., Kubik, M., Sydow, K., Reichenspurner, H., Kluge, S., Braune, S., Bergantino, B., Ruberto, F., Magnanimi, E., Privato, E., Zullino, V., Bruno, K., Pugliese, F., Sales, G., Girotto, V., Vittone, F., Brazzi, L., Fritz, C., Kimmoun, A., Vanhuyse, F., Trifan, B., Orlowski, S., Albuisson, E., Tran, N., Levy, B., Chhor, V., Joachim, J., Follin, A., Champigneulle, B., Chatelon, J., Fave, G., Mantz, J., Pirracchio, R., Diaz, D. Díaz, Villanova, M., Aguirregabyria, M., Andrade, G., López, L., Palencia, E., John, G., Cowan, R., Hart, R., Lake, K., Litchfield, K., Song, J. W., Lee, Y. J., Cho, Y. J., Choi, S., Vermeir, P., Vandijck, D., Blot, S., Mariman, A., Verhaeghe, R., Deveugele, M., Vogelaers, D., Chok, L., Bachli, E. B., Bettex, D., Cottini, S. R., Keller, E., Maggiorini, M., Schuepbach, R., Fiks, T., Stiphout, C., Grevelink, M., Vaneker, I., Ruijter, A., Buise, M., Spronk, P. E., Tena, S. Altaba, Barrachina, L. Galarza, Portillo, J. H. Rodriguez, Aznar, G. Pagés, Campos, L. Mateu, Sellés, M. D. Ferrándiz, Tomás, M. Arlandis, Muncharaz, A. Belenguer, Skinner, L., Monsalvo, S., Olavarria, E., Stümpfle, R., Na, S. J., Park, J., Chung, C. R., Park, C. M., Suh, G. Y., Yang, J. H., Witter, T., Brousseau, C., Butler, M. B., Erdogan, M., Dougall, P. C. Mac, Green, R. S., Abbott, T. E. F., Torrance, H. D. T., Cron, N., Vaid, N., Emmanuel, J., Siddiqui, S. S., Prabu, N., Chaudhari, H. K., Patil, V. P., Divatia, J. V., Solanki, S., Kulkarni, A. P., Gutierrez, L. A. Rincon, Bader, A., Brasseur, A., Lheureux, O., Vincent, J. L., Creteur, J., Taccone, F. S., Hempel, D., Stauffert, N., Recker, F., Schröder, T., Reusch, S., Schleifer, J., Breitkreutz, R., Sjövall, F., Perner, A., Møller, M. Hylander, Moraes, R. B., Borges, F. K., Guillen, J. A. V., Zabaletta, W. J. C., Ruiz-Ramos, J., Ramirez, P., Marqués-Miñana, M. R., Villarreal, E., Gordon, M., Sosa, M., Concha, P., Castellanos, A., Menendez, R., Ramírez, C. Sánchez, Santana, M. Cabrera, Balcázar, L. Caipe, Escalada, S. Hípola, Viera, M. A. Hernández, Vázquez, C. F. Lübbe, Díaz, J. J. Díaz, Campelo, F. Artiles, Monroy, N. Sangil, Santana, P. Saavedra, Santana, S. Ruiz, Gutiérrez-Pizarraya, A., Garnacho-Montero, J., Martin, C., Baumstarck, K., Leone, M., Martín-Loeches, I., Pirracchio, R., Legrand, M., Mainardi, J. L., Mantz, J., Cholley, B., Hubbard, A., Frontera, P. Ruiz, Vega, L. M. Claraco, Miguelena, P. Ruiz de Gopegui, Usón, M. C. Villuendas, López, A. Rezusta, Clemente, E. Aurensanz, Ibañes, P. Gutiérrez, Aguilar, A. L. Ruiz, Palomar, M., Olaechea, P., Uriona, S., Vallverdu, M., Catalan, M., Nuvials, X., Aragon, C., Lerma, F. Alvarez, Jeon, Y. D., Jeong, W. Y., Kim, M. H., Jeong, I. Y., Ahn, M. Y., Ahn, J. Y., Han, S. H., Choi, J. Y., Song, Y. G., Kim, J. M., Ku, N. S., Bassi, G. Li, Xiol, E. Aguilera, Senussi, T., Idone, F. A., Motos, A., Chiurazzi, C., Travierso, C., Fernández-Barat, L., Amaro, R., Hua, Y., Ranzani, O. T., Bobi, Q., Rigol, M., Torres, A., Fernández, I. Fuentes, Soler, E. Andreu, de Vera, A. Pareja Rodríguez, Pastor, E. Escudero, Hernandis, V., Ros Martínez, J., Rubio, R. Jara, Torner, M. Miralbés, Brugger, S. Carvalho, Eroles, A. Aragones, Moles, S. Iglesias, Cabello, J. Trujillano, Schoenenberger, J. A., Casals, X. Nuvials, Vidal, M. Vallverdu, Garrido, B. Balsera, Martinez, M. Palomar, Mirabella, L., Cotoia, A., Tullo, L., Stella, A., Di Bello, F., Di Gregorio, A., Dambrosio, M., Cinnella, G., Rosario, L. E. de la Cruz, Lesmes, S. P. Gómez, Romero, J. C. García, Herrera, A. N. García, Pertuz, E. D. Díaz, Sánchez, M. J. Gómez, Sanz, E. Regidor, Hualde, J. Barado, Hernández, A. Ansotegui, Ramirez, J. Roldán, Takahashi, H., Kazutoshi, F., Okada, Y., Oobayashi, W., Naito, T., Baidya, D. K., Maitra, S., Anand, R. K., Ray, B. R., Arora, M. K., Ruffini, C., Rota, L., Corona, A., Sesana, G., Ravasi, S., Catena, E., Naumann, D. N., Mellis, C., Husheer, S. L., Bishop, J., Midwinter, M. J., Hutchings, S., Corradi, F., Brusasco, C., Manca, T., Ramelli, A., Lattuada, M., Nicolini, F., Gherli, T., Vezzani, A., Young, A., Carmona, A. Fernández, Santiago, A. Iglesias, Guillamon, L. Navarro, Delgado, M. J. García, Delgado-Amaya, M., Curiel-Balsera, E., Rivera-Romero, L., Castillo-Lorente, E., Carrero-Gómez, F., Aguayo-DeHoyos, E., Healey, A. J., Cameron, C., Jiao, L.R., Stümpfle, R., Pérez, A., Martin, S., del Moral, O. Lopez, Toval, S., Rico, J., Aldecoa, C., Oguzhan, K., Demirkiran, O., Kirman, M., Bozbay, S., Kosuk, M. E., Asyralyyeva, G., Dilek, M., Duzgun, M., Telli, S., Aydin, M., Yilmazer, F., Hodgson, L. E., Dimitrov, B. D., Stubbs, C., Forni, L. G., Venn, R., Vedage, D., Shawaf, S., Naran, P., Sirisena, N., Kinnear, J., Dimitrov, B. D., Hodgson, L. E., Stubbs, C., Forni, L. G., Venn, R., Londoño, J. Gonzalez, Cardenas, C. Lorencio, Ginés, A. Sánchez, Gubianas, C. Murcia, Sánchez, E. Clapes, Sirvent, J. M., Panafidina, V., Shlyk, I., Ilyina, V., Judickas, S., Kezyte, G., Urbanaviciute, I., Serpytis, M., Gaizauskas, E., Sipylaite, J., Sprung, C. L., Munteanu, G., Morales, R. C., Kasdan, H., Volker, T., Reiter, A., Cohen, Y., Himmel, Y., Meissonnier, J., Banderas-Bravo, M. E., Gómez-Jiménez, C., García-Martínez, M. V., Martínez-Carmona, J. F., Fernández-Ortega, J. F., O‘Dwyer, M. J., Starczewska, M., Wilks, M., Vincent, J. L., Torsvik, M., Gustad, L. T., Bangstad, I. L., Vinje, L. J., Damås, J. K., Solligård, E., Mehl, A., Tsunoda, M., Kang, M., Saito, M., Saito, N., Akizuki, N., Namiki, M., Takeda, M., Yuzawa, J., Yaguchi, A., Frantzeskaki, F., Tsirigotis, P., Chondropoulos, S., Paramythiotou, E., Theodorakopoulou, M., Stamouli, M., Gkirkas, K., Dimopoulou, I. K., Makiko, S., Tsunoda, M., Kang, M., Yuzawa, J., Akiduki, N., Namiki, M., Takeda, M., Yaguchi, A., Preau, S., Ambler, M., Sigurta, A., Saeed, S., Singer, M., Jochmans, S., Chelly, J., Vong, L. V. P., Sy, O., Serbource-Goguel, J., Rolin, N., Weyer, C. M., Abdallah, R. I., Adrie, C., Vinsonneau, C., Monchi, M., Mayr, U., Huber, W., Karsten, E., Lahmer, T., Thies, P., Henschel, B., Fischer, G., Schmid, R. M., Ediboglu, O., Ataman, S., Naz, I., Yaman, G., Kirakli, C., Su, P. L., Kou, P. S., Lin, W. C., Chen, C. W., Lozano, J. A. Benítez, Sánchez, P. Carmona, Francioni, J. E. Barrueco, Ferrón, F. Ruiz, Simón, J. M. Serrano, Riad, Z., Mezidi, M., Aublanc, M., Perinel, S., Lissonde, F., Louf-Durier, A., Yonis, H., Tapponnier, R., Richard, J. C., Louis, B., Guérin, C., Mezidi, M., Yonis, H., Aublanc, M., Lissonde, F., Louf-Durier, A., Perinel, S., Tapponnier, R., Richard, J. C., Guérin, C., Marmanidou, K., Oikonomou, M., Nouris, C., Loizou, C., Soilemezi, E., Matamis, D., Somhorst, P., Gommers, D., Hayashi, K., Hirayama, T., Yumoto, T., Tsukahara, K., Iida, A., Nosaka, N., Sato, K., Ugawa, T., Nakao, A., Ujike, Y., Hirohata, S., Mojoli, F., Torriglia, F., Giannantonio, M., Orlando, A., Bianzina, S., Tavazzi, G., Mongodi, S., Pozzi, M., Iotti, G. A., Braschi, A., Jansen, D., Gadgil, S., Doorduin, J., Roesthuis, L., van der Hoeven, J. G., Heunks, L. M. A., Chen, G. Q., Sun, X. M., He, X., Yang, Y. L., Shi, Z. H., Xu, M., Zhou, J. X., Pereira, S. M., Tucci, M. R., Tonelotto, B. F. F., Simoes, C. M., Morais, C. C. A., Pompeo, M. S., Kay, F. U., Amato, M. B. P., Vieira, J. E., Suzuki, S., Mihara, Y., Hikasa, Y., Okahara, S., Morimatsu, H., Kwon, H. M., Moon, Y. J., Lee, S. H., Jung, K. W., Shin, W. J., Jun, I. G., Song, J. G., Hwang, G. S., Lee, S., Moon, Y. J., Kwon, H. M., Jung, K., Shin, W. J., Jun, I. G., Song, J. G., Hwang, G. S., Ramelli, A., Manca, T., Corradi, F., Brusasco, C., Nicolini, F., Gherli, T., Brianti, R., Fanzaghi, P., Vezzani, A., Tudor, B. A., Klaus, D. A., Lebherz-Eichinger, D., Lechner, C., Schwarz, C., Bodingbauer, M., Seemann, R., Kaczirek, K., Fleischmann, E., Roth, G. A., Krenn, C. G., Malyshev, A., Sergey, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Nomura, T., Yoshitake, E., Idei, M., Yoshida, T., Takaki, S., Yamaguchi, O., Kaneko, M., Goto, T., Tencé, N., Zaien, I., Wolf, M., Trouiller, P., Jacobs, F. M., Kelly, J. M., Veigas, P., Hollands, S., Min, A., Rizoli, S., Robles, C. M. Coronado, de Oca Sandoval, M. A. Montes, Tarabrin, O., Gavrychenko, D., Mazurenko, G., Tarabrin, P., Garcia, I. Palacios, Martin, A. Diaz, Mendez, M. Casado, orden, V. Arellano, Noval, R. Leal, McCue, C., Gemmell, L., MacKay, A., Luján, J., Villa, P., Llorente, B., Molina, R., Alcázar, L., Juanas, C. Arenillas, Rogero, S., Pascual, T., Cambronero, J. A., Almudévar, P. Matía, Domínguez, J. Palamidessi, Carmona, S. Alcántara, Castañeda, D. Palacios, Abellán, A. Naharro, Lucendo, A. Pérez, Pérez, L. Pérez, Rivas, R. Fernández, Sanz, N. Martínez, Ramos, J. Veganzones, Villamizar, P. Rodríguez, Javadpour, S., Kalani, N., Amininejad, T., Jamali, S., Sobhanian, S., Laurent, A., Bonnet, M., Rigal, R., Aslanian, P., Hebert, P., Capellier, G., Contreras, M. R. Diaz, Mejías, C. Rodriguez, Ruiz, F. C. Santiago, Lombardo, M. Duro, Perez, J. Castaño, de Hoyos, E. Aguayo, Estella, A., Viciana, R., Fontaiña, L. Perez, Rico, T., Madueño, V. Perez, Recuerda, M., Fernández, L., Sandiumenge, A., Bonet, S., Mazo, C., Rubiera, M., Ruiz-Rodríguez, J. C., Gracia, R. M., Espinel, E., Pont, T., Kotsopoulos, A., Jansen, N., Abdo, W. F., Gopcevic, A., Gavranovic, Z., Vucic, M., Glogoski, M. Zlatic, Penavic, L. Videc, Horvat, A., Martin-Villen, L., Egea-Guerero, J. J., Revuelto-Rey, J., Aldabo-Pallas, T., Correa-Chamorro, E., Gallego-Corpa, A. I., Granados, P. Ruiz del Portal-Ruiz, Faivre, V., Wildenberg, L., Huot, B., Lukaszewicz, A. C., Simsir, M., Mengelle, C., Payen, D., Sanz, N. Martinez, Valbuena, B. Lobo, de la Fuente, M. Valdivia, Almudena, P. Matía, Pérez, L. Pérez, Carmona, S. Alcántara, Abellán, A. Navarro, Simón, I. Fernández, Muñoz, J. J. Rubio, Ramos, J. Veganzones, Carmona, S. Alcantara, Almudevar, P. Matia, Abellan, A. Naharro, Lucendo, M. A. Perez, Perez, L. Perez, Dominguez, J. Palamidessi, Rivas, R. Fernandez, Villamizar, P. Rodriguez, Wee, S., Ong, C., Lau, Y. H., Wong, Y., Banderas-Bravo, M. E., Olea-Jiménez, V., Mora-Ordóñez, J. M., Gómez-Jiménez, C., Muñoz-Muñoz, J. L., Vallejo-Báez, J., Daga-Ruiz, D., Lebrón-Gallardo, M., Rialp, G., Raurich, J. M., Morán, I., Martín, M. C., Heras, G., Mas, A., Vallverdú, I., Hraiech, S., Bourenne, J., Guervilly, C., Forel, J. M., Adda, M., Sylla, P., Mouaci, A., Gainnier, M., Papazian, L., Bauer, P. R., Kumbamu, A., Wilson, M. E., Pannu, J. K., Egginton, J. S., Kashyap, R., Gajic, O., Yoshihiro, S., Sakuraya, M., Hayakawa, M., Hirata, A., Kawamura, N., Tsutui, T., Yoshida, K., Hashimoto, Y., Chang, C. H., Hu, H. C., Chiu, L. C., Hung, C. Y., Li, S. H., Kao, K. C., Sibley, S., Drover, J., D’Arsigny, C., Parker, C., Howes, D., Moffatt, S., Erb, J., Ilan, R., Messenger, D., Ball, I., Boyd, J. G., Harrison, M., Ridi, S., Muscedere, J., Andrade, A. H., Costa, R. C., Souza, V. A., Gonzalez, V., Amorim, V., Rolla, F., Filho, C. A. C. Abreu, Miranda, R., Atchasiri, S., Buranavanich, P., Wathanawatthu, T., Suwanpasu, S., Bureau, C., Rolland-Debord, C., Poitou, T., Clavel, M., Perbet, S., Terzi, N., Kouatchet, A., Similowski, T., Demoule, A., Diaz, P., Nunes, J., Escórcio, S., Silva, G., Chaves, S., Jardim, M., Câmara, M., Fernandes, N., Duarte, R., Jardim, J. J., Pereira, C. A., Nóbrega, J. J., Chen, C. M., Lai, C. C., Cheng, K. C., Chou, W., Lee, S. J., Cha, Y. S., Lee, W. Y., Onodera, M., Nakataki, E., Oto, J., Imanaka, H., Nishimura, M., Khadjibaev, A., Sabirov, D., Rosstalnaya, A., Akalaev, R., Parpibaev, F., Antonucci, E., Rossini, P., Gandolfi, S., Montini, E., Orlando, S., van Nes, M., Karachi, F., Hanekom, S., Andrade, A. H., Pereira, U. V., Filho, C. A. C. Abreu, Costa, R. C., Parkin, M. S. W., Moore, M., Andrade, A. H., Costa, R. C., Carvalho, K. V. Silva, Filho, C. A. C. Abreu, Min, H. J., Kim, H. J., Lee, D. S., Choi, Y. Y., Lee, E. Y., Song, I., Kim, D. J., E, Y. Y., Kim, J. W., Park, J. S., Cho, Y. J., Lee, J. H., Suh, J. W., Jo, Y. H., Kim, K. S., Lee, Y. J., Ferrero-Calleja, J., Merino-Vega, D., González-Jiménez, A. I., Sigcha, M. Sigcha, Hernández-Tejedor, A., Martin-Vivas, A., Gabán-Díez, Á., Luna, R. Ruiz-de, De la Calle-Pedrosa, N., Temprano-Gómez, I., Afonso-Rivero, D., Pellin-Ariño, J. I., Algora-Weber, A., Fumis, R. R. L., Ferraz, A. B., Junior, J. M. Vieira, Kirca, H., Cakin, O., Unal, M., Mutlu, H., Ramazanoglu, A., Cengiz, M., Nicolini, E. A., Pelisson, F. G. F., Nunes, R. S., da Silva, S. L., Carreira, M. M., Bellissimo-Rodrigues, F., Ferez, M. A., Basile-Filho, A., Chao, H. C., Chen, C. M., Chen, L., Hravnak, M., Clermont, G., Pinsky, M., Dubrawski, A., Varas, J. Luján, Montero, R. Molina, Sánchez-Elvira, L. Alcázar, Díaz, P. Villa, Delgado, C. Pintado, Ruiz, B. Llorente, Guerrero, A. Pardo, Galache, J. A. Cambronero, Sherif, H., Hassanin, H., El Hossainy, R., Samy, W., Ly, H., David, H., Burtin, P., Charpentier, C., Barral, M., Courant, P., Fournel, E., Gaide-Chevronnay, L., Durand, M., Albaladejo, P., Payen, J. F., Chavanon, O., Ortiz, A. Blandino, Pozzebon, S., Lheureux, O., Brasseur, A., Vincent, J. L., Creteur, J., Taccone, F. S., Fumagalli, F., Scala, S., Affatato, R., De Maglie, M., Zani, D., Novelli, D., Marra, C., Luciani, A., De Zani, D., Luini, M., Letizia, T., Pravettoni, D., Staszewsky, L., Masson, S., Belloli, A., Di Giancamillo, M., Scanziani, E., Latini, R., Ristagno, G., Kye, Y. C., Suh, G. J., Kwon, W. Y., Kim, K. S., Yu, K. M., Babini, G., Ristagno, G., Grassi, L., Fumagalli, F., Bendel, S., De Maglie, M., Affatato, R., Masson, S., Latini, R., Scanziani, E., Reinikainen, M., Skrifvars, M., Kappler, F., Blobner, M., Schaller, S. J., Roasio, A., Costanzo, E., Cardellino, S., Iesu, E., Cavicchi, F. Zama, Fontana, V., Nobile, L., Vincent, J. L., Creteur, J., Taccone, F. S., Park, M., You, K. M., Suh, G. J., Kwon, W. Y., Ko, S. B., Kim, K. S., Xini, A., Marca, L., Lheureux, O., Brasseur, A., Vincent, J. L., Creteur, J., Taccone, F. S., Beane, A., Thilakasiri, M. C. K. T., De Silva, A. P., Stephens, T., Sigera, C. S., Athapattu, P., Jayasinghe, S., Padeniya, A., Haniffa, R., Santiago, A. Iglesias, Sáez, V. Chica, Ruiz-Ruano, R. de la Chica, González, A. Sánchez, Kunze-Szikszay, N., Wand, S., Klapsing, P., Wetz, A., Heyne, T., Schwerdtfeger, K., Troeltzsch, M., Bauer, M., Quintel, M., Moerer, O., Cook, D. J., Rutherford, W. B., Scales, D. C., Adhikari, N. K., Cuthbertson, B. H., Suzuki, T., Takei, T., Fushimi, K., Iwamoto, M., Nakagawa, S., Mendsaikhan, N., Begzjav, T., Lundeg, G., Dünser, M. W., Romero, D. González, Cabrera, J. L. Santana, Santana, J. D. Martín, Padilla, Y. Santana, Pérez, H. Rodríguez, Torrent, R. Lorenzo, Kleinpell, R., Chouris, I., Radu, V., Stougianni, M., Lavrentieva, A., Lagonidis, D., Price, R. D. T., Day, A., Arora, N., Henderson, M. A., Hickey, S., Costa, M. I. Almeida, Carvalho, J. P., Gomes, A. A., Mergulhão, P. J., Chan, K. K. C., Shum, H. P., Yan, W. W., Maghsoudi, B., Tabei, S. H., Masjedi, M., Sabetian, G., Tabatabaei, H. R., Akbarzadeh, A., Saigal, S., Pakhare, A., Joshi, R., Pattnaik, S. K., Ray, B., Rousseau, A. F., Michel, L., Bawin, M., Cavalier, E., Reginster, J. Y., Damas, P., Bruyere, O., Zhou, J. C., Cauwenberghs, H., De Backer, A., Neels, H., Deblier, I., Berghmans, J., Himpe, D., Barea-Mendoza, J. A., Portillo, I. Prieto, Fernández, M. Valiente, Gigorro, R. Garcia, Vela, J. L. Perez, Mateos, H. Marín, Alves, S. Chacón, Varas, G. Morales, Rodriguez-Biendicho, A., Carreño, E. Renes, González, J. C. Montejo, Yang, J. S., Chiang, C. H., Hung, W. T., Huang, W. C., Cheng, C. C., Lin, K. C., Lin, S. C., Chiou, K. R., Wann, S. R., Lin, K. L., Kang, P. L., Mar, G. Y., Liu, C. P., Zhou, J. C., Choi, Y. J., Yoon, S. Z., Gordillo-Brenes, A., Fernandez-Zamora, M. D., Perez-Borrero, L., Arias-Verdu, M. D., Aguilar-Alonso, E., Herruzo-Aviles, A., Garcia-Delgado, M., Hinojosa-Perez, R., Curiel-Balsera, E., Rivera-Fernandez, R., Lesmes, S. P. Gómez, Rosario, L. E. De la Cruz, Hernández, A. Ansotegui, Herrera, A. N. García, Sanz, E. Regidor, Sánchez, M. J. Gómez, Hualde, J. Barado, Pascual, O. Agudo, León, J. P. Tirapu, Irazabal, J. M. Guergue, Pérez, A. González, Fernández, P. Alvarez, Amor, L. Lopéz, Albaiceta, G. Muñiz, Lesmes, S. P. Gómez, Rosario, L. E. De la Cruz, Hernández, A. Ansotegui, Sanz, E. Regidor, Sánchez, M. J. Gómez, Calvo, S. Aldunate, Herrera, A. N. García, Hualde, J. Barado, Pascual, O. Agudo, León, J. P. Tirapu, Corona, A., Ruffini, C., Spazzadeschi, A., Marrazzo, F., Gandola, A., Sciurti, R., Savi, C., Catena, E., Ke, M. W., Cheng, C. C., Huang, W. C., Chiang, C. H., Hung, W. T., Lin, K. C., Lin, S. C., Wann, S. R., Chiou, K. R., Tseng, C. J., Kang, P. L., Mar, G. Y., Liu, C. P., Bertini, P., De Sanctis, F., Guarracino, F., Bertini, P., Baldassarri, R., Guarracino, F., Buitinck, S. H., van der Voort, P. H. J., Oto, J., Nakataki, E., Tsunano, Y., Izawa, M., Tane, N., Onodera, M., Nishimura, M., Ghosh, S., Gupta, A., De Gasperi, A., Mazza, E., Limuti, R., Prosperi, M., Bissenova, N., Yergaliyeva, A., Talan, L., Yılmaz, G., Güven, G., Yoruk, F., Altıntas, N. D., Mukherjee, D. N., Agarwal, L. K., Mandal, K., Palomar, M., Balsera, B., Vallverdu, M., Martinez, M., Garcia, M., Castellana, D., Lopez, R., Barcenilla, F., Kaminsky, G. E., Carreño, R., Escribá, A., Fuentes, M., Gálvez, V., Del Olmo, R., Nieto, B., Vaquerizo, C., Alvarez, J., De la Torre, M. A., Torres, E., Bogossian, E., Nouer, S. Aranha, Salgado, D. Ribeiro, Brugger, S. Carvalho, Jiménez, G. Jiménez, Torner, M. Miralbés, Vidal, M. Vallverdú, Garrido, B. Balsera, Casals, X. Nuvials, Gaite, F. Barcenilla, Cabello, J. Trujillano, Martínez, M. Palomar, Doganci, M., Izdes, S., Besevli, S. Guzeldag, Alkan, A., Kayaaslan, B., Ramírez, C. Sánchez, Balcázar, L. Caipe, Santana, M. Cabrera, Viera, M. A. Hernández, Escalada, S. Hípola, Vázquez, C. F. Lübbe, Penichet, S. M. Marrero, Campelo, F. Artiles, López, M. A. De La Cal, Santana, P. Saavedra, Santana, S. Ruíz, Repessé, X., Artiguenave, M., Paktoris-Papine, S., Espinasse, F., Dinh, A., El Sayed, F., Charron, C., Géri, G., Vieillard-Baron, A., Marmanidou, K., Oikonomou, M., Nouris, C., Dimitroulakis, K., Soilemezi, E., Matamis, D., Ferré, A., Guillot, M., Teboul, J. L., Lichtenstein, D., Mézière, G., Richard, C., Monnet, X., Pham, T., Beduneau, G., Schortgen, F., Piquilloud, L., Zogheib, E., Jonas, M., Grelon, F., Runge, I., Terzi, N., Grangé, S., Barberet, G., Guitard, P. G., Frat, J. P., Constan, A., Chrétien, J. M., Mancebo, J., Mercat, A., Richard, J. C. M., Brochard, L., Prīdāne, S., Sabeļņikovs, O., Mojoli, F., Orlando, A., Bianchi, I., Torriglia, F., Bianzina, S., Pozzi, M., Iotti, G. A., Braschi, A., Beduneau, G., Pham, T., Schortgen, F., Piquilloud, L., Zogheib, E., Jonas, M., Grelon, F., Runge, I., Terzi, N., Grangé, S., Barberet, G., Guitard, P. G., Frat, J. P., Constan, A., Chrétien, J. M., Mancebo, J., Mercat, A., Richard, J. C. M., Brochard, L., Kondili, E., Psarologakis, C., Kokkini, S., Amargianitakis, V., Babalis, D., Chytas, A., Chouvarda, I., Vaporidi, K., Georgopoulos, D., Trapp, O., Kalenka, A., Mojoli, F., Orlando, A., Bianchi, I., Torriglia, F., Bianzina, S., Pozzi, M., Iotti, G. A., Braschi, A., Lozano, J. A. Benítez, Sánchez, P. Carmona, Francioni, J. E. Barrueco, Ferrón, F. Ruiz, Simón, J. M. Serrano, Spadaro, S., Karbing, D. S., Gioia, A., Moro, F., Corte, F. Dalla, Mauri, T., Volta, C. A., Rees, S. E., Petrova, M. V., Mohan, R., Butrov, A. V., Beeharry, S. D., Vatsik, M. V., Sakieva, F. I., Gobert, F., Yonis, H., Tapponnier, R., Fernandez, R., Labaune, M. A., Burle, J. F., Barbier, J., Vincent, B., Cleyet, M., Richard, J. C., Guérin, C., Shinotsuka, C. Righy, Creteur, J., Taccone, F. S., Törnblom, S., Nisula, S., Vaara, S., Poukkanen, M., Andersson, S., Pettilä, V., Pesonen, E., Xie, Z., Liao, X., Kang, Y., Zhang, J., Kubota, K., Egi, M., Mizobuchi, S., Hegazy, S., El-Keraie, A., El Sayed, E., El Hamid, M. Abd, Rodrigues, N. J., Pereira, M., Godinho, I., Gameiro, J., Neves, M., Gouveia, J., e Silva, Z. Costa, Lopes, J. A., Mckinlay, J., Kostalas, M., Kooner, G., Dudas, G., Horton, A., Kerr, C., Karanjia, N., Creagh-Brown, B., Forni, L., Yamazaki, A., Ganuza, M. Sanz, Molina, J. A. Martinez, Martinez, F. Hidalgo, Freile, M. T. Chiquito, Fernandez, N. Garcia, Travieso, P. Medrano, Bandert, A., Frithiof, R., Lipcsey, M., Smekal, D., Schlaepfer, P., Durovray, J. D., Plouhinec, V., Chiappa, C., Bellomo, R., Schneider, A. G., Mitchell, S., Durrant, J., Street, H., Dunthorne, E., Shears, J., Caballero, C. Hernandez, Hutchison, R., Schwarze, S., Ghabina, S., Thompson, E., Prowle, J. R., Kirwan, C. J., Gonzalez, C. A., Pinto, J. L., Orozco, V., Patiño, J. A., Garcia, P. K., Contreras, K. M., Rodriguez, P., Echeverri, J. E., GETGAG Working Group, JSEPTIC (Japanese Society of Education for Physicians and Trainees in Intensive Care) Clinical Trial Group, CAPCRI Study, for the ReVA Research Network and the PROVE Network Investigators, from the FROG ICU Investigators, The WIND study group, Plug Working Group, GETGAG/SEMICYUC, AKI Research Group, St George’s University of London, IPREA Study Group, FINNRESUSCI Study Group, PICS- HCPA: Programa Intrahospitalar de Combate à Sepse do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, ENVIN-HELICS Study Group, ARIAM registry of adult cardiac surgery, The Rapid Diagnosis of Infections in the Critically Ill Team, Tokyo Womens Medical University, PLUG working group, PLUG Working Group, On behalf of Okayama Research Investigation Organizing Network (ORION)investigators, PS-ICU Group, Japan Septic Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (JSEPTIC DIC) study group, Student Research Committee - Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, ARIAM-ANDALUCIA, The WIND study group, PLUG Working Group, The WIND study group, PLUG Working Group, and Plug working group
- Published
- 2016
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17. Chronic toxicity and long-term outcome in intraoperative electron radiotherapy as boost followed by whole-breast irradiation
- Author
M. Mollà, G. Oses, Alberto Biete, E. Escudero, D Muñoz-Guglielmetti, Xavier Caparrós, C. Cases, Jordi Saez, A. Herreros, M. Molina, I. Valduvieco, J. Mases, I. Alonso, Blanca Farrús, and C. Castro
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Radiation therapy ,03 medical and health sciences ,030104 developmental biology ,0302 clinical medicine ,Hematoma ,Breast cancer ,Oncology ,Whole Breast Irradiation ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Seroma ,medicine ,Fat necrosis ,Radiology ,business ,Pathological ,Chronic toxicity - Abstract
The administration of a dose boost to the tumor bed after breast-conserving surgery has proven to reduce local recurrence. Intra-operative electron radiotherapy (IOERT) offers an alternative method to deliver a boost with several advantages, such as direct visualization of the tumor bed, less inter- and intrafraction motion and a reduction in the number of medical appointments. The objective of our study is to assess chronic toxicity and long-term outcome for our patients after IOERT boost. Forty-six patients treated at our institution between July 2013 and June 2020 with IOERT boost during Breast-Conserving Surgery and consecutive whole breast irradiation were prospectively analyzed. A 10–12 Gy boost was prescribed to 42 patients and 4 patients received a 20 Gy boost. An analysis for overall survival, local relapse and distant progression was performed. Acute and chronic toxicity was assessed by CTCAE 4.0. The median age was 64.5 years (40–90). The median follow-up was 62 months (4–86). We had no local recurrences but 2 patients (4.3%) presented a distant recurrence. Mean pathological tumor size was 16 mm (6–52). 84.8% (39) of the patients had invasive ductal carcinoma. 52.2% (24) presented histological grade II. 52.2% (24) were Luminal A like, 21.7% (10) Luminal B like, 13% (6) HER2 positive, 13% (6) triple negative. No Grade 3–4 chronic toxicity was observed. Grade 1–2 fibrosis was evidenced in 13% (6) of the patients, 4.3% (2) patients presented fat necrosis, 6.5% (3) presented seroma, 4.3% (2) had localized pain, 2.2% (1) presented localized hematoma and 2.2% (1) presented localized edema. IOERT boost in breast cancer treatment during BCS is a safe option with low chronic toxicity. The recurrence rates are comparable to published data and emphasize that IOERT as boost is an effective treatment.
- Published
- 2021
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18. Perfil de salud mental, en relación a la depresión, de los estudiantes del 3er semestre de la carrera de medicina en UAEH durante el periodo julio-diciembre 2017
- Author
Mariela Corona-Aguilar, Alejandra Ramírez-González, Ximena Moreno-Rodríguez, Josefina Reynoso Vázquez, María G. Castillo-Oviedo, Martín E. Escudero-Hernández, Jesús Carlos Ruvalcaba-Ledezma, Ángel E. Oscoy-Hernández, Brenda E. Barraza Sánchez, and Juliana Ramírez-Martínez
- Abstract
El objetivo del presente artículo consistió en describir el estado emocional relacionado con el trastorno de depresión en los alumnos del tercer semestre de medicina para poder determinar los cambios generados al estar estudiando esta carrera. Método. Estudio descriptivo, de tipo inductivo con metodología cuantitativa, mediante la aplicación de 250 encuestas estructuradas a alumnos de medicina que se encontraban cursando el tercer semestre. Resultados. En su mayoría los alumnos encuestados no presentan problemas con su estado emocional, sin embargo, al menos un 10% de los encuestados se encuentra en riesgo de presentar un episodio depresivo de leve a moderado, lo cual es imperativo reconocer individualmente para evitar de manera temprana mayor impacto negativo en la salud de los alumnos. Conclusión. Este estudio ayuda a apreciar que ser médicos va más allá de procurar la salud de las demás personas e ignorar la de los mismos estudiantes, además de que la depresión muchas veces no se toma en cuenta, se piensa que nunca se padecerá de ella lo que genera una idea errónea y gracias a este artículo se demuestra lo contrario.
- Published
- 2019
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19. A pre-specified analysis of the Dapagliflozin and Prevention of Adverse Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease (DAPA-CKD) randomized controlled trial on the incidence of abrupt declines in kidney function
- Author
Hiddo J.L. Heerspink, David Cherney, Douwe Postmus, Bergur V. Stefánsson, Glenn M. Chertow, Jamie P. Dwyer, Tom Greene, Mikhail Kosiborod, Anna Maria Langkilde, John J.V. McMurray, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Peter Rossing, C. David Sjöström, Robert D. Toto, David C. Wheeler, Glenn Chertow, Fan Fan Hou, John McMurray, Robert Toto, Bergur Stefansson, L.E. Maffei, P. Raffaele, S.E. Solis, C.A. Arias, D. Aizenberg, C. Luquez, C. Zaidman, N. Cluigt, M. Mayer, A. Alvarisqueta, A. Wassermann, R. Maldonado, J. Bittar, M. Maurich, L.E. Gaite, N. Garcia, L. Sivak, P.O. Ramallo, J.C. Santos, R. Garcia Duran, J.A. Oddino, A. Maranon, L.N. Maia, D.D. Avila, E.J.G. Barros, M.H. Vidotti, D. Panarotto, I.D.L. Noronha, L.A.A. Turatti, L. Deboni, M.E. Canziani, M.C. Riella, M.R. Bacci, R.P. Paschoalin, R.J. Franco, J.C. Goldani, E. St-Amour, A.W. Steele, R. Goldenberg, S. Pandeya, H. Bajaj, D. Cherney, S.M. Kaiser, J.R. Conway, S.S. Chow, G. Bailey, J. Lafrance, J. Winterstein, S. Cournoyer, D. Gaudet, F. Madore, R.L. Houlden, A. Dowell, M. Langlois, N. Muirhead, H. Khandwala, A. Levin, F. Hou, Y. Xue, L. Zuo, C. Hao, Z. Ni, C. Xing, N. Chen, Y. Dong, R. Zhou, X. Xiao, Y. Zou, C. Wang, B. Liu, Q. Chen, M. Lin, Q. Luo, D. Zhang, J. Wang, M. Chen, X. Wang, A. Zhong, J. Dong, C. Zhu, T. Yan, P. Luo, Y. Ren, P. Pai, D. Li, R. Zhang, J. Zhang, M. Xu, Y. Zhuang, Y. Kong, X. Yao, X. Peng, F.I. Persson, T.K. Hansen, R. Borg, U. Pedersen Bjergaard, D. Hansen, M. Hornum, H. Haller, G. Klausmann, D. Tschope, T. Kruger, P. Gross, C. Hugo, N. Obermuller, L. Rose, P. Mertens, H. Zeller-Stefan, A. Fritsche, L. Renders, J. Muller, K. Budde, B. Schroppel, I. Wittmann, P. Voros, M. Dudas, G.A. Tabak, R. Kirschner, A. Letoha, I. Balku, Z. Hermanyi, G. Zakar, I. Mezei, G.G. Nagy, J. Lippai, A. Nemeth, D. Khullar, P.K. Gowdaiah, E. Fernando Mervin, V.A. Rao, D. Dewan, K. Goplani, V.S.K. Maddi, M.S. Vyawahare, R.K. Pulichikkat, R. Pandey, S.K. Sonkar, V.K. Gupta, S. Agarwal, A.J. Asirvatham, A. Ignatius, S. Chaubey, S. Melemadathil, H. Alva, Y. Kadam, H. Shimizu, A. Sueyoshi, H. Takeoka, Y. Abe, T. Imai, Y. Onishi, Y. Fujita, Y. Tokita, M. Oura, Y. Makita, A. Idogaki, R. Koyama, H. Kikuchi, N. Kashihara, T. Hayashi, Y. Ando, T. Tanaka, M. Shimizu, S. Hidaka, T. Gohda, K. Tamura, M. Abe, Y. Kamijo, T. Imasawa, Y. Takahashi, M. Nakayama, M. Tomita, F. Hirano, Y. Fukushima, A. Kiyosue, S. Kurioka, E. Imai, K. Kitagawa, M. Waki, J. Wada, K. Uehara, H. Iwatani, K. Ota, S. Shibazaki, K. Katayama, I. Narita, M. Iinuma, S. Matsueda, S. Sasaki, A. Yokochi, T. Tsukamoto, T. Yoshimura, S. Kang, S. Lee, C.S. Lim, H. Chin, K.W. Joo, S.Y. Han, T.I. Chang, S. Park, H. Park, C.W. Park, B.G. Han, D.R. Cha, S.A. Yoon, W. Kim, S.W. Kim, D. Ryu, R. Correa Rotter, S.S. Irizar Santana, G. Hernandez Llamas, R. Valdez Ortiz, N.C. Secchi Nicolas, G. Gonzalez Galvez, J.R. Lazcano Soto, T. Bochicchio Riccardelli, E.A. Bayram Llamas, D.R. Ramos Ibarra, M.G.S. Melo, J.G. Gonzalez Gonzalez, J.H. Sanchez Mijangos, M. Madero Robalo, A. Garcia Castillo, H.A. Manrique, J.C. Farfan, R. Vargas, A. Valdivia, A. Dextre, E. Escudero, J.R. Calderon Ticona, L. Gonzales, J. Villena, L. Leon, G. Molina, A. Saavedra, E. Garrido, H. Arbanil, S. Vargas Marquez, J. Rodriguez, R. Isidto, A.J. Villaflor, M.A. Gumba, L. Tirador, R.S. Comia, R.A. Sy, M.L.V.V. Guanzon, G. Aquitania, N.C. De Asis, A.A. Silva, C.M. Romero, M.E. Lim, R.A. Danguilan, M. Nowicki, H. Rudzki, K. Landa, I. Kucharczyk-Bauman, B. Gogola-Migdal, M. Golski, A. Olech-Cudzik, T. Stompor, T. Szczepanik, B. Miklaszewicz, R. Sciborski, M. Kuzniewski, K. Ciechanowski, D. Wronska, W. Klatko, S. Mazur, G. Popenda, M. Myslicki, L.Z. Bolieva, S. Berns, A. Galyavich, T. Abissova, I. Karpova, D. Platonov, N. Koziolova, L. Kvitkova, R. Nilk, T. Medina, A. Rebrov, M. Rossovskaya, I. Sinitsina, E. Vishneva, N. Zagidullin, T. Novikova, N. Krasnopeeva, O. Magnitskaya, N. Antropenko, M. Batiushin, V. Escudero Quesada, C. Barrios Barrea, E. Espinel Garauz, J.M. Cruzado Garrit, C. Morales Portillo, J.L. Gorriz Teruel, S. Cigarran Guldris, M. Praga Terente, N.R. Robles Perez-Monteoliva, F.J. Tinahones Madueno, A. Soto Gonzalez, C. Diaz Rodriguez, H. Furuland, A. Saeed, K. Dreja, J. Spaak, A. Bruchfeld, M. Kolesnyk, O. Levchenko, N. Pyvovarova, V. Stus, V. Doretskyy, N. Korobova, O. Horoshko, I. Katerenchuk, Y.M. Mostovoy, M. Orynchak, O. Legun, I. Dudar, O. Bilchenko, S. Andreychyn, A. Levchenko, L. Zub, N. Tereshchenko, I. Topchii, T. Ostapenko, S. Bezuglova, M. Kopytsya, O. Turenko, P. Mark, J. Barratt, S. Bhandari, D. Fraser, P. Kalra, S.P. Kon, K. Mccafferty, A. Mikhail, O.P. Alvarado, R. Anderson, N.S. Andrawis, A. Arif, S.A. Benjamin, G. Bueso, R.S. Busch, K.W. Carr, P. Crawford, N. Daboul, G.M. De La Calle, B. Delgado, J. Earl, M.A. El-Shahawy, R.J. Graf, G. Greenwood, A. Guevara, E.M. Wendland, R.K. Mayfield, M. Montero, D.J. Morin, P. Narayan, V. Numrungroad, A.C. Reddy, R. Reddy, M.B. Samson, R. Trejo, M.B. Butcher, J.K. Wise, L.R. Zemel, M. Raikhel, D. Weinstein, P. Hernandez, A. Wynne, B.V. Khan, G.A. Sterba, A. Jamal, D. Ross, S.F. Rovner, A. Tan, F. Ovalle, R.J. Patel, J. Talano, D.R. Patel, A. Burgner, N. Aslam, M. Elliott, S. Goral, A. Jovanovich, J.A. Manley, K. Umanath, D. Waguespack, D. Weiner, M. Yu, L. Schneider, D. Jalal, T. Le, N. Nguyen, H. Nguyen, D. Nguyen, V. Nguyen, T. Do, P. Chu, D. Ta, N. Tran, B. Pham, Marc A. Pfeffer, Stuart Pocock, Karl Swedberg, Jean L. Rouleau, Nishi Chaturvedi, Peter Ivanovich, Andrew S. Levey, Heidi Christ-Schmidt, Claes Held, Christina Christersson, Johannes Mann, Christoph Varenhorst, Real World Studies in PharmacoEpidemiology, -Genetics, -Economics and -Therapy (PEGET), Groningen Kidney Center (GKC), Life Course Epidemiology (LCE), and Value, Affordability and Sustainability (VALUE)
- Subjects
Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Urology ,Renal function ,Placebo ,Kidney ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Glucosides ,medicine ,Humans ,Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems ,Dapagliflozin ,Benzhydryl Compounds ,Renal Insufficiency, Chronic ,Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors ,Creatinine ,Kardiologi ,business.industry ,Incidence ,Hazard ratio ,Acute kidney injury ,dapagliflozin ,medicine.disease ,chemistry ,acute kidney injury ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,Nephrology ,Albuminuria ,medicine.symptom ,business ,chronic kidney disease ,SGLT2 inhibitors ,Kidney disease ,Glomerular Filtration Rate - Abstract
This pre-specified analysis of DAPA-CKD assessed the impact of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibition on abrupt declines in kidney function in high-risk patients based on having chronic kidney disease (CKD) and substantial albuminuria. DAPA-CKD was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that had a median follow-up of 2.4 years. Adults with CKD (urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio 200-5000 mg/g and estimated glomerular filtration rate 25-75 mL/min/1.73m2) were randomized to dapagliflozin 10 mg/day matched to placebo (2152 individuals each). An abrupt decline in kidney function was defined as a pre-specified endpoint of doubling of serum creatinine between two subsequent study visits. We also assessed a post-hoc analysis of investigator-reported acute kidney injury-related serious adverse events. Doubling of serum creatinine between two subsequent visits (median time-interval 100 days) occurred in 63 (2.9%) and 91 (4.2%) participants in the dapagliflozin and placebo groups, respectively (hazard ratio 0.68 [95% confidence interval 0.49, 0.94]). Accounting for the competing risk of mortality did not alter our findings. There was no heterogeneity in the effect of dapagliflozin on abrupt declines in kidney function based on baseline subgroups. Acute kidney injury-related serious adverse events were not significantly different and occurred in 52 (2.5%) and 69 (3.2%) participants in the dapagliflozin and placebo groups, respectively (0.77 [0.54, 1.10]). Thus, in patients with CKD and substantial albuminuria, dapagliflozin reduced the risk of abrupt declines in kidney function. HJLH and DC are co-primary authors. The DAPA-CKD Trial Committees and Investigators are listed in the Appendix.
- Published
- 2021
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20. Main role of antibodies in demyelination and axonal damage in Multiple Sclerosis
- Author
Mari Cruz Sadaba, Ursula Muñoz, E. Escudero, Carolyn Sloan, John Tzartos, Cristina Sebal, and Margaret M. Esiri
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Neurofilament ,Multiple Sclerosis ,medicine.disease_cause ,White matter ,03 medical and health sciences ,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience ,0302 clinical medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,biology ,business.industry ,Multiple sclerosis ,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ,Cell Biology ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Oligodendrocyte ,Axons ,Oligodendroglia ,030104 developmental biology ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Immunoglobulin M ,biology.protein ,Immunohistochemistry ,Antibody ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Oxidative stress - Abstract
Background Antibodies and oxidative stress are hallmarks of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions. We aimed to clarify the relation between them, their role in MS patients, and to investigate their specificity, comparing MS with classical neurodegenerative diseases (ND). Methods Brain samples from 14 MS cases, 6 with ND and 9 without neurological diseases (controls). Immunohistochemistry assays were used to detect oxidized lipids (EO6), IgG and IgM, oligodendrocytes (Olig2), axons (NF, neurofilament) and cellular (TUNEL) and axonal damage (APP, amyloid precursor protein). Results We did not observe EO6 in controls. All samples from MS patients showed EO6 in oligodendrocytes and axons within lesions. We did not detect co-localization between EO6 and antibodies. Neither did we between EO6 and TUNEL or APP. 94.4% of TUNEL positive cells in normal appearing white matter were also stained for IgG and 75.5% for IgM. IgM, but not IgG co-localized with APP. EO6 was associated with axonal damage in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We did not observe association between antibodies and cellular or axonal damage in ND patients. MS patients showed a higher number of B cells and plasma cells in the lesions and meninges than controls. The number of B cells and plasma cells was associated with the presence of antibodies and with the activity of the lesions. Conclusions We observed a main role of B-lymphocytes in the development of MS lesions. Antibodies contribute to the oligodendrocyte and axonal damage in MS. Oxidative stress was associated with axonal damage in ALS.
- Published
- 2021
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21. Angioedema Due to Acquired Deficiency of C1-Inhibitor: A Cohort Study in Spain and a Comparison With Other Series
- Author
F.J. Muñoz-Bellido, M. Castro, B. Sáenz de San Pedro, C. Díaz, E. Escudero, Maria L. Baeza, Anna Sala-Cunill, Teresa Caballero, A. Prieto-García, M.G. García, R. Núñez, T González-Quevedo, S. Varela, E. Laffond, Mar Guilarte, R. Lleonart, and N. Prior
- Subjects
Male ,Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Delayed Diagnosis ,Lymphoproliferative disorders ,Asymptomatic ,C1-inhibitor ,Autoimmune Diseases ,Autoimmune thyroiditis ,Cohort Studies ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,medicine ,Immunology and Allergy ,Humans ,Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic ,Angioedema ,biology ,business.industry ,Angioedemas, Hereditary ,Thyroiditis, Autoimmune ,Retrospective cohort study ,bacterial infections and mycoses ,medicine.disease ,Spain ,biology.protein ,Female ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Complement C1 Inhibitor Protein ,Cohort study - Abstract
[Background] Data on acquired angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-AAE) from 4 European countries (France, Italy, Germany, and Hungary) were recently published., [Objective] To report data from a group of 50 patients with acquired C1-INH deficiency from Spain, of whom 46 had angioedema, and compare them with other European series., [Methods] We performed a retrospective observational study of 46 patients with C1-INH-AAE and 4 asymptomatic patients. Clinical and biological characteristics and associated diseases were assessed and compared with other European series., [Results] Women accounted for 73.9% of cases. The prevalence of C1-INH-AAE related to hereditary forms was 1/10.1. Overall, 8.7% patients were aged, [Conclusions] This study emphasizes the possibility of C1-INH-AAE in patients younger than 40 and in autoimmune diseases other than systemic lupus erythematosus such as autoimmune thyroiditis.
- Published
- 2021
22. Application of activated carbon obtained from spent coffee ground wastes to effective terbium recovery from liquid solutions
- Author
Lorena Alcaraz, Dayana Nathaly Saquinga, Félix A. López, E. Escudero, Francisco José Alguacil, and European Commission
- Subjects
lcsh:TN1-997 ,Materials science ,Inorganic chemistry ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Terbium ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,01 natural sciences ,Endothermic process ,symbols.namesake ,Adsorption ,Desorption ,medicine ,General Materials Science ,Rare earth recovery ,lcsh:Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Terbium elution ,Spent coffee wastes ,technology, industry, and agriculture ,Metals and Alloys ,Langmuir adsorption model ,Microporous material ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,chemistry ,symbols ,Low-cost adsorbent ,0210 nano-technology ,Mesoporous material ,Activated carbon ,medicine.drug - Abstract
A process aimed at the recovery of terbium from liquid solutions using activated carbon (AC) derived from spent coffee grounds (SCG) was assessed. AC was obtained using the hydro-alcoholic treatment of SCG, followed by the physical activation of the as‐obtained product. The AC exhibited both microporous and mesoporous structures, which were shown by the corresponding nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. In ad-dition, a certain graphitic character was found in the micro‐Raman measurements. By use of this AC, terbium adsorption was investigated, and the influence of solution pH, temperature, and the adsorbent amount on terbium uptake was tested. In addition, adsorption isotherms and kinetic studies were also evaluated. The best fit was found for the type‐1 Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second‐order kinetics model. Thermodynamic studies revealed that terbium adsorption is an endo-thermic and spontaneous process. Terbium desorption by the use of acidic solutions was also in-vestigated. This work demonstrated that it is possible to recover this valuable metal from liquid solution using the present AC., This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant No. 776851 (Car-E Service). We acknowledge the support for the publication fee from the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).
- Published
- 2021
23. Chronic toxicity and long-term outcome in intraoperative electron radiotherapy as boost followed by whole-breast irradiation
- Author
G, Oses, C, Cases, I, Valduvieco, B, Farrús, I, Alonso, X, Caparrós, J, Mases, D, Muñoz-Guglielmetti, A, Biete, C, Castro, E, Escudero, M, Molina, A, Herreros, J, Saez, and M, Mollà
- Subjects
Adult ,Aged, 80 and over ,Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast ,Breast Neoplasms ,Electrons ,Radiotherapy Dosage ,Middle Aged ,Mastectomy, Segmental ,Fibrosis ,Intraoperative Period ,Postoperative Complications ,Treatment Outcome ,Humans ,Female ,Breast ,Prospective Studies ,Neoplasm Recurrence, Local ,Radiation Injuries ,Aged - Abstract
The administration of a dose boost to the tumor bed after breast-conserving surgery has proven to reduce local recurrence. Intra-operative electron radiotherapy (IOERT) offers an alternative method to deliver a boost with several advantages, such as direct visualization of the tumor bed, less inter- and intrafraction motion and a reduction in the number of medical appointments. The objective of our study is to assess chronic toxicity and long-term outcome for our patients after IOERT boost.Forty-six patients treated at our institution between July 2013 and June 2020 with IOERT boost during Breast-Conserving Surgery and consecutive whole breast irradiation were prospectively analyzed. A 10-12 Gy boost was prescribed to 42 patients and 4 patients received a 20 Gy boost. An analysis for overall survival, local relapse and distant progression was performed. Acute and chronic toxicity was assessed by CTCAE 4.0.The median age was 64.5 years (40-90). The median follow-up was 62 months (4-86). We had no local recurrences but 2 patients (4.3%) presented a distant recurrence. Mean pathological tumor size was 16 mm (6-52). 84.8% (39) of the patients had invasive ductal carcinoma. 52.2% (24) presented histological grade II. 52.2% (24) were Luminal A like, 21.7% (10) Luminal B like, 13% (6) HER2 positive, 13% (6) triple negative. No Grade 3-4 chronic toxicity was observed. Grade 1-2 fibrosis was evidenced in 13% (6) of the patients, 4.3% (2) patients presented fat necrosis, 6.5% (3) presented seroma, 4.3% (2) had localized pain, 2.2% (1) presented localized hematoma and 2.2% (1) presented localized edema.IOERT boost in breast cancer treatment during BCS is a safe option with low chronic toxicity. The recurrence rates are comparable to published data and emphasize that IOERT as boost is an effective treatment.
- Published
- 2020
24. Application of a Low-Cost Cellulose-Based Bioadsorbent for the Effective Recovery of Terbium Ions from Aqueous Solutions
- Author
E. Escudero, Lorena Alcaraz, Francisco José Alguacil, Félix A. López, Floralba López, Lola de Lima, Dayana Nathaly Saquinga, and European Commission
- Subjects
analytical_chemistry ,lcsh:TN1-997 ,Thermogravimetric analysis ,Materials science ,02 engineering and technology ,010402 general chemistry ,01 natural sciences ,Bioadsorbent ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Adsorption ,Desorption ,Rare earth ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,General Materials Science ,Freundlich equation ,Cellulose ,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ,lcsh:Mining engineering. Metallurgy ,Aqueous solution ,Metals and Alloys ,Agricultural wastes ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,0104 chemical sciences ,Cellulose fiber ,chemistry ,agricultural waste ,0210 nano-technology ,Terbium adsorption–desorption ,Nuclear chemistry - Abstract
© 2020 by the authors., The preparation of a low-cost cellulose-based bioadsorbent from cellulosic material extracted from rose stems (CRS) was carried out; rose stems are considered agricultural waste. After the required pretreatment of this waste and further treatment with an acidic mixture of acetic and nitric acids, the CRS product was produced. The resulting bioadsorbent was characterized by several techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, which revealed diffraction maxima related to the cellulose structure, whose calculated crystallinity index (CrI) was 75%. In addition, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) showed signs of acetylation of the sample. The thermal properties of the solid were also evaluated through Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed cellulose fibers before and after the adsorption process, and some particles with irregular shapes were also observed. The CRS bioadsorbent was used for the effective adsorption of valuable Tb(III) from an aqueous solution. The adsorption data showed a good fit to the Freundlich isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic models; however, chemisorption was not ruled out. Finally, desorption experiments revealed the recovery of terbium ions with an efficiency of 97% from the terbium-loaded bioadsorbent., This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant No. 776851 (Car-E Service).
- Published
- 2020
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25. Rendimiento Académico Universitario y Conductas Alimentarias
- Author
María E. Escudero-López, Sergio Zuniga-Jara, Roberto Pizarro-Díaz, and Guillermo Honores-Marin
- Subjects
rendimiento académico ,preferencias alimentarias ,ecuaciones estructurales ,sobrealimentación ,sensibilidad a la recompensa ,Education - Abstract
espanolSe presentan los resultados de una investigacion de tipo transversal, que analizo la relacion entre las conductas alimentarias de riesgo y el rendimiento academico en universitarios. Para esto se aplico encuestas a estudiantes de la Universidad Catolica del Norte (Coquimbo-Chile), y se realizaron mediciones de su indice de masa corporal. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que los estudiantes con mayor vulnerabilidad a la sensibilidad ante la recompensa presentaron niveles de sobrealimentacion elevados, o tendencia a los atracones de comida. Ademas, estos estudiantes presentaron mayores niveles de preferencias por alimentos grasos y dulces. Estos constructos resultaron ser determinantes de un elevado indice de masa corporal, y ademas, de un rendimiento academico mas bajo. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que estrategias para promover la alimentacion saludable en estudiantes universitarios que presentan vulnerabilidad por sensibilidad ante la recompensa, deben ser mas efectivas para mejorar el desempeno academico global. EnglishThis paper presents the results of a cross-sectional research that analyzed the relationship between risky dietary behaviors and academic achievement in university students. A survey was applied to students from the University Catolica del Norte (Coquimbo-Chile), and measurements were made of their body mass index. The results of the study suggest that students with higher vulnerability to sensitivity to the reward presented higher levels of overeating, or tendency to binge eating. In addition, these students had higher levels of preferences for fatty and sweet foods. These constructs proved to be determinants of a higher body mass index, and a lower academic performance. The results of the study suggest that strategies to promote healthy eating in college students with vulnerability to reward sensitivity, must be more effective in improving overall academic performance.
- Published
- 2018
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26. PO-1717 In vivo shielding disc setup verification for breast IOERT
- Author
J. Saez, G. Oses, A. Herreros, M. Mollà, C. Gomà, C. Cases Copestake, E. Escudero, and C. Castro
- Subjects
Materials science ,Oncology ,In vivo ,Electromagnetic shielding ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Hematology ,Biomedical engineering - Published
- 2021
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27. Observational study on the tolerability of cluster immunotherapy schedules in patients sensitized to house dust mites
- Author
T, Garriga-Baraut, primary, P, Jorda Alba, additional, HR, Hernandez Suarez, additional, Perez R, Gonzalez, additional, Perez J, Melgar, additional, D, El-Qutob, additional, Arias E, Escudero, additional, Segovia C, Rondon, additional, Fernandez MJ, Pajaron, additional, Rivero J, Figueroa, additional, N, Cancelliere, additional, B, Soler Lopez, additional, and M, Tortajada-Girbes, additional
- Published
- 2021
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28. Removal of arsenic(V) from aqueous wastes by ion exchange with Lewatit MP64 resin
- Author
Francisco José Alguacil and E. Escudero
- Subjects
Aqueous solution ,Ion exchange ,Chemistry ,Inorganic chemistry ,Batch and column operations ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Multiwalled carbon nanotubes ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,01 natural sciences ,Adsorption ,Lewatit MP64 resin ,0210 nano-technology ,Arsenic(V) ,Arsenic ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
The use of ion exchange technology was studied to remove arsenic(V) from waters by Lewatit MP64 (anion exchanger) resin. Batch and column experimental tests were conducted to provide data for theoretical models and verify the system performance of the exchange process. Results of batch equilibrium tests indicated that Langmuir isotherm describes well the exchange process, whereas experimental data also provide evidence that, under the present experimental conditions, arsenic(V) adsorption onto Lewatit MP64 resin is film-diffusion controlled and obeys the pseudo-first-order kinetics law (pH 4–9). Adsorption results were compared with that obtained with multiwalled carbon nanotubes and other resins. On the other hand, the theoretical model used in the present investigation was found to predict reasonably well the ion exchange breakthrough performance. Arsenic can be eluted with sodium chloride solutions to afford the ultimate arsenic recuperation via precipitation to as arsenate salts or even crystalline scorodite.
- Published
- 2018
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29. On the Need of In Vivo Dosimetry as Quality Control for Intraoperative Electron Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer
- Author
Maria del Carmen Bisi Molina, M. Molla Armada, A. Herreros, E. Escudero, I. Alonso, G. Oses González, X. Caparros, J. Sáez Beltrán, C. Cases, and C. Castro Cuevas
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Radiation ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,medicine.medical_treatment ,medicine.disease ,Radiation therapy ,Breast cancer ,Oncology ,medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Quality (business) ,Radiology ,In vivo dosimetry ,business ,media_common - Published
- 2020
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30. Evaluation of La (III) and Ce(III) Adsorption from Aqueous Solution Using Carbon Nanotubes Adsorbent
- Author
Irene García Díaz, E. Escudero, Francisco José Alguacil, and Félix A. López
- Subjects
Aqueous solution ,metallurgy ,020209 energy ,Inorganic chemistry ,Rare earth ,chemistry.chemical_element ,02 engineering and technology ,Carbon nanotube ,010501 environmental sciences ,01 natural sciences ,law.invention ,Cerium ,Adsorption ,chemistry ,law ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Lanthanum ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
Since the 1960s Rare earths (REs) applications gradually have expanded to everyday life. REs have great strategic importance in industrial and technological development, so it is expected an increase in their demand. Among the REs the European Commission considered Cerium and Lanthanum as critical raw materials. This research article studies the adsorption of Ce and La onto two carbon nanomaterials, multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and carboxylic functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT_ox). The latter has slightly more affinity for REs than MWCNT. The recovery percentage for Ce were 89 and 98% and in the case of for La were 99 and 92% using 0.8 g of MWCNT and 0.2 g of MWCNT_ox respectively. The adsorption process fits a pseudo second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm best represented the metal uptake.
- Published
- 2020
31. La inflamación, la desnutrición y la infección por SARS-CoV-2: una combinación nefasta
- Author
J. Carretero Gómez, E. Maciá Botejara, J.P. Miramontes González, F. Garrachón Vallo, M. C. Mafé Nogueroles, and E. Escudero Álvarez
- Subjects
Poor prognosis ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,business.industry ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,Inflammation ,General Medicine ,After discharge ,medicine.disease ,Healthy diet ,Dysphagia ,03 medical and health sciences ,Malnutrition ,0302 clinical medicine ,Disease related malnutrition ,medicine ,Citoquine storm ,030212 general & internal medicine ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Intensive care medicine ,Inflamation - Abstract
SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with a high risk of malnutrition, mainly due to increased nutritional requirements and the presence of a severe and universal inflammatory state. Associated symptoms contribute to hyporexia, which perpetuates the negative nutritional balance. Furthermore, dysphagia, especially post-intubation, worsens and makes intake unsafe. This risk is greater in elderly and multimorbid patients. Inflammation to varying degrees is the common link between COVID-19 and the onset of malnutrition, and it is more correct to refer to disease-related malnutrition (DRM). DRM worsens the poor prognosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection, especially in the most severe cases. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and treat people at risk early, avoiding overexposure and direct contact with the patient. We cannot forget the role that a healthy diet plays in both prevention and recovery after discharge.
- Published
- 2020
32. Lethal Adverse Consequence of an Anticoccidial Therapy with Sulfa Drugs in Inland Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps)
- Author
Tinelli Antonella, E Escudero, G Crescenzo, D Gelli, and Lai O.R
- Subjects
Pogona ,Coccidia ,General Veterinary ,biology ,Zoology ,Animal Science and Zoology ,biology.organism_classification ,Bearded dragon - Published
- 2020
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33. Memorias IV Simposio de Investigación Uniremington
- Author
Luis Felipe Molina Villegas, Freimar Segura Sánchez, Luz A. Vélez-Correa, Natalia María Posso Urzola, Raúl Leonardo Rocha Orjuela, Estefanía Velásquez Giraldo, Raúl Mazo Velásquez, Juan Sebastián Álvarez-Gómez, Maily Barón-Ávila, Rosa Ángela Quintero Echeverri, David Ernesto Bautista-Erazo, Lina María Corrales Santa, Isaura Pilar Sánchez, Diana Carolina Montes Valderrama, Johanna Andrea Gutiérrez, María Alejandra Arboleda González, Ingrid Marcela Carvajal, Jeniffer Nathaly Trujillo Calderón, Alejandro Antonio Cardona-Tapias, Laura Yesenia Velásquez, Olga Viviana García Moreno, Paula Marcela Tovar Arboleda, Paola Viviana Zapata Orozco, Tatiana Alejandra Ortiz, Jorge Andrés Escobar Sanz, Cristian Ramírez Velásquez, Mayra Alejandra Sánchez Montoya, Mónica María Córdoba Castrillón, Hugo Alejandro Pérez Velásquez, Natalia Maya-Hernández, Angélica Zuluaga, Juliana Farfán Rodríguez, Jhon Fredy Narváez, Manuel F. Tamayo-Cisneros, Juan Alberto Cano, Yeferson Daniel Valencia Soto, Santiago Jiménez Quintero, Yudy Marcela Quijano Almeida, María Leticia Jaramillo Vergara, Gustavo Alfonso Mendoza Fandiño, Daisy Alejandra Gómez, G Julio César Ángel, Cristian Felipe Rivera Cardona, Andrés Felipe Cadavid, Anyi V. Correa-Cortés, Deissy Milena Gallego, Alfomar Pérez-Valdés, Luis Alfonso Pérez Romero, Ignacio Briceño-Balcázar, Edgar Adel Noreña Mosquera, Jefferson Antonio Buendía Rodriguez, Mauricio Camargo, R Daisy Alejandra Gómez, Jazmín Porras, Harol Armando Areiza, Isaías Saldaña, León Darío Ortiz, Daniel Eduardo Calvo Herrera, Gloria Patricia Cardona Gómez, Natalia García-Valencia, Verónica Guzmán-González, José L. Franco, Paola Orozco Castañeda, Miguel Ángel Ospina, Andrea Arango García, Yira Gaona Navaéz, Nathaly Benavides Cardona, Juan Felipe Cataño Tobón, Luz Adriana Manrique Galeano, Ana María Henao Rodríguez, Jairo Sandoval Sánchez, Brenda J. Rueda Monsalve, R Ana Cristina Cadavid, William Alejandro Ospina Espinosa, León D. Ramírez Arias, Feibert Alirio Guzmán Pérez, Gisela M. García-Montoya, Andrés Orlas-Blair, Lina María Montoya Suárez, Juan Alberto Cano Arroyave, Estefanía Mira Castillo, Norma Lucila Grajales-Becerra, Luiggi Mateo Arango Vásquez, Diana Carolina Mejía Guzmán, Luis Felipe Higuita-Gutiérrez, Érika Francisca Garrido Zea, Piedad María Metaute Paniagua, Nicole Samara Salas Cardona, Johanna Andrea Gutiérrez Vargas, Maricela Bedoya Arenas, Jorge A. Luján, Sara Susana Pérez Santa, Diana Gómez Idárraga, Janny A. Villa Pulgarín, Anyuli Sofía Germán, Edwin A. González, Gloria Patricia Carona Gómez, María Gomez-Saltaren, Daniela Granda-Colunge, Jéssika Vásquez Quinchía, Yolfaris Naidit Yolfaris Naidit, Adriana Rosa Molina Ramírez, Aura María Gil-Villa, Santiago Gómez Velilla, Santiago Saldarriaga, Gisela Hernández-Marín, Dory Andrea Gómez Perdomo, Jorge Alcides Quintero Quintero, Juliana Soto-Olarte, María Fernanda Álvarez-Candamil, Ana M. Ríos Urrea, Juan Esteban Torres Correa, Andrés Felipe Vélez Ortiz, Carlos Eugenio Delgado, Natalia Baena Robledo, Jaime de Jesús Jaramillo Barrientos, Giovanny A. Flórez Osorio, Lina María Palacio Soto, Juan Felipe Campiño, Juan Carlos Cataño Correa, Celina Andrea Múnera, Juan P. Valencia Jiménez, Daniela F. Barrera-Londoño, José David García Ortiz, Jorge Mauricio Sepúlveda Castaño, Margarita María Restrepo Cuartas, Pablo A. Escudero Pineda, Mario Heimer Flórez Guzmán, Jeison Pinto Mejía, Luis Alejandro Velásquez Rengifo, Nataly Arboleda Álvarez, David Alonso Hernández López, Wilman Antonio Palacios Machado, Dione Benjumea Bedoya, Alejandro Navarro Jaramillo, Andrés A. Arias, Juan Carlos Quintana Castillo, Cristian Pulgarín, Juan Carlos Hernández, Walter Osorio Zapata, D D Andrés Andrés, Astrid Carolina Sossa Cárdenas, Hugo Grisales, Verónica Vasco Gómez, A Lina Alarcón, Edison Andrés Tavera Agudelo, Julio C. Martínez Lozano, Rubén Darío Arias Pérez, Vanessa León-Mira, Guillermo León Cartagena Mejía, Sandra P. Duque Quintero, Natalia Amariles, Yudi Tatiana Ceballos Alzate, Ana L. Castaño González, Daniela Chaverra-Alomías, Mónica Duque Quintero, Julieth Flórez, Andrés Jaramillo Múnera, Stephania Márquez Camargo, Jairo León Cardona Jiménez, Ana María Pérez, Daniela Sotomayor Ortega, María Carolina Rodríguez Cano, Angie Dahiana Marín-Pérez, Paola Toro Restrepo, Paula Andrea Pérez Corredor, Dreidy Caterine Castañeda Cataño, Ángela María Barrera Sandoval, César A. Palacio Restrepo, María Eucaris Henao Villa, Mateo Pavoni, Lina María Maya Toro, Elizabeth Mesa Argüelles, Polo Raga Perlaza, María Riguey González Velásque, Diana E. Escudero Cardona, Leidy T. Flórez-Jaramillo, Jesús Armando Álvarez, Laura Guevara Mira, Edwin A. Higuita-David, Jefferson Buendía Rodríguez, Herlin Enrique Palacios Mena, Óscar Ómar Gaviria Cortés, Jeniffer Callejas-Castaño, Juan Carlos Posada Correa, Parastoo Azadi, María Fernanda Vásquez Ciro, Gabriel Antonio Gómez Ocampo, John Fredy Castro-Álvarez, Carlos David Jaramillo, Carlos Arturo Buitrago, Daniela Cano Sánchez, Estefanía Higuita Álvarez, Daniel Noreña, Johnny Alberto Buitrago Mejía, Jhovanny Gil García, Duverney Chaverra Rodríguez, John K. Arismendy Escobar, María Mercedes Villamil Gallego, Óscar Augusto Bedoya Carvajal, Manuela Gaviria Valencia, Susana Sepúlveda-Tamayo, Enrique María Velásquez-Velásquez, Sergio Alejandro Bedoya, Renso S. Gallego Rodríguez, Sara Peña-Acevedo, Nixon Duarte Acosta, Reinel José Guzmán Marín, Yesica N. Naranjo-Muñoz, María C. Noguera-Santamaría, Arias Pérez Padilla-Cuartas, Catalina Sánchez Gómez, Daniel Vargas-Velásquez, Natalia A. Taborda, Ana Lucía Castaño, Stephanie A. Archer-Hartmann, Alejandra Calle Ochoa, Lina M. Yassin, Claudia M. Trujillo-Vargas, Cynthia Lorena Ossaba-Quintero, Luisa Jiménez Ramos, Roberto Carlos Guevara Calume, Jorge Enrique Gallego, Juan Pablo Valencia Jiménez, María T. Rugeles, Francisco Lopera, Paula A. Erazo Balaguera, Sara Acevedo-Castillo, Laura Catalina Tirada Posada, Carlos Eugenio Delgado Jiménez, Fredy Alexander Calle Bedoya, James Howard Atkins, Ana Cristina Cuartas Suárez, José Obdulio Curvelo Hassán, Natalia Giraldo Garzón, Corporación Universitaria Remington, José Duque-Pérez, Erik Felipe Giraldo González, Luis Alejandro Agudelo Flórez, Emilio Espinosa Molsalve, Nathalia Carrero-González, Luisa Fernanda Barbosa Guerrero, Diana Marcela Silva-Colunge, Gustavo Mendoza, Deisy P. Montes-Díaz, Mónica L. Giraldo, Ana M. Pulgarín-Sánchez, Lina Marcela Barrera-Arenas, Daniela Álvarez Giraldo, Bryan Herrera Acevedo, Elizabeth Vásquez-Velásquez, Duvan Alberto Montoya González, Catalina Alzate, Fernando de Almeida Santos, Mauricio Rojas, Julio César Orrego, Álvaro Hoyos Velásquez, Juanita Rivas Llano, José Robinson Ramírez-Pineda, Andrés Villegas-Lanau, Valentina Rincón Giraldo, Alexis Bermudez, Daniel Ricardo Manco Patiño, Xiomara López Legarda, Carlos Andrés Villegas-Lanau, Edgar Noreña, Juliana Villa-Mazo, John Jaime Orozco, José Antonio Polo, Nathaly Fernández Salazar, Noralba Galeano Sarmiento, María J. Casas Soto, Karina Marcela Atencio Tenorio, Yerly Andrés Correa García, Deibys Alexander Cuarán Arboleda, and Diana M. Giraldo Ochoa
- Published
- 2019
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34. La prueba del polígrafo: Una dinámica de aprendizaje basado en juegos (Game Based Learning, GBL) aplicada al estudio de la Fisiología Humana
- Author
Mª De La Cruz Sádaba, Asier Jayo, Rima Barhoum, Úrsula Muñoz, E. Escudero, and Isabel Sánchez-Vera
- Subjects
Innovación educativa ,Emotional stimuli ,Game based learning ,Role-playing ,Adquisición de roles ,Game Based Learning (GBL) ,Collaborative learning ,Educación superior ,Intrinsic motivation ,Specific skills ,Game based ,Enseñanza superior ,Motivación intrínseca ,Competencias especificas ,Tecnologías y educación ,Psychology ,Humanities ,Trabajo colaborativo ,Sympathetic tone ,Aprendizaje basado en juegos - Abstract
[EN] The polygraph test is a practice that we perform for the study of sympathetic tone as a physiological response to cognitive and emotional stimuli. During previous courses we identified some difficulties that limit their educational scope, such as the lack of involvement of the students, both to perform the test and to achieve a conclusion after the interpretation of the results. We aimed to create an environment to generate intrinsic motivation and involvement of the students, so that the acquisition of theoretical concepts and the performance of the experimental methodology, based on the scientific method, were an entertaining, dynamic and active process. In order to overcome the difficulties observed in previous courses, we carried out an approach of Game Based Learnig (GBL) and role-playing by adapting a version of the Cluedo game ("The Mayor has been murdered!"). This method improved significantly the skills reached by the students compared to the method used previously. Moreover, the assessment of the activity by the students and teachers was very positive. In summary, we consider that the experience meets our preliminary aims, so we will carry out it in the upcoming courses., [ES] La prueba del polígrafo es una práctica que realizamos para promover el estudio de la respuesta simpática como adaptación fisiológica a estímulos cognitivos y emocionales. Durante varios cursos hemos podido identificar una serie de dificultades relacionados con la falta de implicación de los alumnos, tanto para realizar la prueba, como para llegar a una conclusión tras el análisis de los resultados. Nuestro objetivo principal en este caso fue crear un entorno que generara de forma intrínseca motivación e implicación de los alumnos, de forma que la adquisición de conceptos teóricos y la metodología experimental basada en el método científico constituyese un proceso entretenido, dinámico y activo. A fin de superar las dificultades observadas en cursos previos, realizamos una estrategia de aprendizaje basado en juegos (Game Based Learning, GBL) y adquisición de roles dentro de nuestro modelo inicial adaptando una versión del juego del Cluedo (“¡Han asesinado al alcalde!”). De esta forma, conseguimos mejorar significativamente las competencias alcanzadas por los alumnos que realizaron la práctica sin la nueva dinámica, y la valoración de la actividad por parte del alumnado y profesorado fue muy positiva. En conjunto, consideramos que la experiencia cumple con nuestros objetivos preliminares, por lo que seguiremos desarrollándola en los cursos venideros.
- Published
- 2019
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35. Historical flat roofs of earth in the Mediterranean. Research for the characterization of the water behavior of the materials of the roofs of Ibiza
- Author
M. E. Escudero Lafont and S. García Morales
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering ,cubierta de tierra ,infiltration capacity ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,terrado ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,01 natural sciences ,capacidad de infiltración ,NA1-9428 ,021105 building & construction ,Marl ,Architecture ,arquitectura vernácula ,Geomorphology ,Roof ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Civil and Structural Engineering ,earth roof ,Building construction ,Building and Construction ,vernacular architecture ,13. Climate action ,Scientific study ,Geology ,TH1-9745 - Abstract
The historic earth flat roofs have been described, in terms of construction, by numerous authors. However, a scientific study of its water behavior has not been carried out. Being a typology extended by the five continents, this article focuses on the earth flat roofs of Ibiza and those of the culturally and historically related areas: Spain and Berber Africa. It compares and analyzes the behavior of the materials used in the roof with respect to rainfall, performing laboratory tests to determine the infiltration capacity and water retention capacity of the materials, especially the top layer of the roof, quantitatively characterizing the impermeability of the marl from Ibiza and explaining its good behavior with respect to rain., Las cubiertas planas de tierra históricas se han descrito constructivamente por numerosos autores. Sin embargo, no se ha realizado un estudio científico de su comportamiento hídrico. Al ser una tipología extendida por los cinco continentes, este artículo se centra en las cubiertas de Ibiza y en las de las zonas que cultural e históricamente han tenido relación: España y África Bereber. Se compara y analiza el comportamiento de los materiales utilizados en la cubierta ante la lluvia, realizando ensayos de laboratorio para determinar la capacidad de infiltración y capacidad de campo de los materiales, especialmente de la última capa de la cubierta, caracterizando así cuantitativamente la impermeabilidad de las margas de Ibiza y explicando su buen comportamiento respecto a la lluvia.
- Published
- 2019
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36. Women in urology: Spanish national survey
- Author
C. González Enguita, E. Segui Moya, I. Nuño De La Rosa, A. Amorós Torres, and E. Escudero Fontano
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,Family medicine ,medicine ,business - Published
- 2021
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37. Extraction of indium(III) from sulphuric acid medium by the ionic liquid (PJMTH+HSO4-)
- Author
Irene García-Díaz, E. Escudero, and Francisco José Alguacil
- Subjects
inorganic chemicals ,Stripping (chemistry) ,Inorganic chemistry ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Filtration and Separation ,Extraction ,02 engineering and technology ,Ionic liquid ,Analytical Chemistry ,Metal ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,020401 chemical engineering ,Amine Primene JMT ,0204 chemical engineering ,Indium(III) ,Aqueous solution ,Extraction (chemistry) ,digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,respiratory tract diseases ,chemistry ,visual_art ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Amine gas treating ,0210 nano-technology ,Selectivity ,Stripping ,Indium - Abstract
The extraction of indium(III) from acidic sulphuric solution by the ionic liquid (PJMTH+HSO4−) was investigated. This ionic liquid was generated by reaction of the primary amine Primene JMT (PJMT) and sulphuric acid solutions. The metal extraction was investigated under various experimental conditions: equilibration time, temperature, metal and sulphuric acid concentrations in the aqueous feed and extractant concentration in the organic solution. Also, the selectivity of the present system against the presence of other metals in the aqueous feed was examined. Indium stripping is effectively done by the use of sulphuric acid solution. Extraction and stripping isotherms were generated within this work.
- Published
- 2019
38. Solvent extraction of indium(III) from HCl solutions by the ionic liquid (A324H+)(Cl−) dissolved in Solvesso 100
- Author
E. Escudero, Francisco José Alguacil, and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)
- Subjects
Tertiary amine ,Inorganic chemistry ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Hydrochloric acid ,Extraction ,02 engineering and technology ,Chloride ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,020401 chemical engineering ,Materials Chemistry ,medicine ,0204 chemical engineering ,Indium(III) ,021102 mining & metallurgy ,Aqueous solution ,Precipitation (chemistry) ,Extraction (chemistry) ,Metals and Alloys ,Ionic liquids ,chemistry ,Ionic liquid ,Stripping ,Indium ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Indium(III) is extracted from HCl solutions (0.1–6 M HCl) by the ionic liquid (A324H)(Cl). The ionic liquid was generated in a previous reaction of the tertiary amine Hostarex A324 (triisooctyl amine) dissolved in Solvesso 100 with 1 M HCl solution. The metal extraction was investigated under various experimentalconditions: equilibration time, temperature, metal and HClconcentrations in the aqueous solution and ionic liquid concentration in the organic solution. Experimental results suggested that the indium extraction is due to an anionic exchange reaction between the chloride ion of the ionic liquid and the InCl of the aqueous solution. The performance of the system was compared against the extraction of other metals in binary solution (indium and accompanying metal) and against other ionic liquids. Indium(III) was stripped from metal-loaded organic solutions by the use of diluted hydrochloric acid solutions, and the precipitation of zero valent indium is possible by a further addition of sodium borohydride to the In-bearing strip solution., To the CSIC Agency (Spain) for support.
- Published
- 2019
39. Lethal Adverse Consequence of an Anticoccidial Therapy with Sulfa Drugs in Inland Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps)
- Author
O.R, Lai, primary, Antonella, Tinelli, additional, D., Gelli, additional, E., Escudero, additional, and G., Crescenzo, additional
- Published
- 2020
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40. Aprendizaje combinado en el aula: clase magistral y peer instruction modificada
- Author
E. Escudero, Rima Barhoum, Úrsula Muñoz, and Isabel Sánchez Vera
- Subjects
Innovación educativa ,Charla magistral ,Educación superior ,Flipped learning ,Enseñanza por compañeros ,Enseñanza superior ,Nueva metodología docente ,Peer instruction ,Sociology ,Tecnologías y educación ,Humanities - Abstract
[EN] This work has been described and analyzed the incorporation of a new methodology that has been combined in the same day, about 30-35 minutes of masterful talk together with the application for 15-20 minutes of the methodology peer instruction or teaching by fellow, included within the learning flipped, modified and adapted by us. The teaching experience has been very successful for teachers and pupils. 94% of surveyed students shown in favor of this methodology and the many advantages offering them this method include its perception that are acquiring knowledge and improving their learning, is dynamic, easy, entertaining, value positive resolution of doubts, as well as encouraging attendance in class and work with colleagues. In spite of this, a large number of students referred to as main disadvantage that reduce the exposure time to the professor. The conclusions of this work lead us to think that the shift towards a new teaching methodology has to be carried out gradually, since the students, accustomed to a kind of teaching are more traditional, which are more wary to the change through new methodologies, [ES] En este trabajo se ha descrito y analizado la incorporación de una nueva metodología en la que se ha combinado en el mismo día, unos 30-35 minutos de la charla magistral junto con la aplicación durante 15-20 minutos de la metodología peer instruction o enseñanza por compañeros, englobada dentro del flipped learning y modificada y adaptada por nosotros. La experiencia docente ha sido muy satisfactoria para profesores y alumnos. Un 94% de los alumnos encuestados se muestra a favor de esta metodología y entre las numerosas ventajas que les ofrece este método destaca su percepción de que están adquiriendo conocimientos y mejorando su aprendizaje, es dinámico, fácil, entretenido, valoran positivamente la resolución de dudas, además de fomentar la atención en clase y el trabajo con compañeros. A pesar de ello, un elevado número de alumnos refieren como principal desventaja que se reduzca el tiempo de exposición al profesor. Las conclusiones de este trabajo nos llevan a pensar que el cambio hacia una nueva metodología docente tiene que realizarse de forma progresiva, puesto que son los propios alumnos, acostumbrados a un tipo de enseñanza más tradicional, los que se muestran más recelosos al cambio mediante nuevas metodologías.
- Published
- 2018
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41. Generación colaborativa de conocimiento. Una experiencia de aprendizaje basada en equipos o Team Based Learning (TBL) en la práctica odontológica
- Author
María De La Cruz Sábada, Isabel Sánchez Vera, Úrsula Muñoz, Rima Barhoum, and E. Escudero
- Subjects
Innovación educativa ,Técnica puzzle ,Autoevalucaión ,Trabajo colaborativo y cooperativo ,Encuestas ,Participación ,Work autonomy ,Grupo de expertos ,Educación superior ,Enseñanza superior ,Sociology ,Information acquisition ,Tecnologías y educación ,Communication skills ,Humanities - Abstract
[EN] Lectureres teaching Physiology in the degree of Dentistry at the San Pablo CEU University have been involved in the past years in updating the teaching methodology in the field. The aim has been to favour the acquisition of several competencies by the students such us work autonomy along the progress of the subject, ability to look for and to find information from different sources, acquisition and use of several communication techniques and the implementation of collaborative work. The ultimate goal of these competencies is to broaden their abilities and deepen in knowledge acquisition so they become able to communicate and expand this knowledge in an academic environment. In this work we analyse one of these methodologies, an experience based in Team Based Learnign (TBL) in which additonallyy we have iused gamification learning techniques. The implementation of the new method has been carried out by using digital tools to facilitate information acquisition. The results obtained indicate that this new methodology increases the acquisition of knowledge, minimizes the time of work outside the classroom and improves their communication skills, [ES] En la asignatura de Fisiología del Grado de Odontología los profesores están comprometidos de forma activa en actualizar la metodología docente a utilizar. En los últimos años, se ha fomentado que el alumno adquiriera distintas competencias como son: el aumento de su autonomía para gestionar su progreso en la asignatura, la búsqueda de información en fuentes diversas, el manejo de distintas modalidades de comunicación y el trabajo colaborativo. El objetivo de estas competencias está dirigido a que amplíen sus destrezas para profundizar en la adquisición de los conocimientos y que sean capaces de divulgarlos en el entorno académico. Con esta intención, en la asignatura de Fisiología, se han ofrecido a los alumnos distintas metodologías de aprendizaje. En la presente memoria se aborda el análisis de una de estas metodologías, la experiencia en el aprendizaje basada en equipos o Team Based Learning (TBL), dónde además se han ulizado técnicas de gammificación y aprendizaje cooperativo. La implementación de este método se ha llevado a cabo a través de herramientas digitales para facilitar la recogida sistémica de información. Los resultados obtenidos indica que esta nueva metodología aumenta la adquisición de conocimientos, minimiza el tiempo de trabajo fuera del aula y mejora sus capacidades comunicativas.
- Published
- 2018
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42. P03.05 Could suspected Glioblastomas be Treated without Hystological Diagnosis?
- Author
M. Molla Armada, F Graus Ribas, C. Castro Cuevas, G. Oses González, E. Verger Fransoy, L Pedrosa Eguílaz, T Pujol Farre, C Camacho López, A Lloret Puerto, K Cortés Mateus, T Barreto Zambrano, D Muñoz Guglielmetti, E Pineda Losada, L Oleaga Zufiria, J González Sánchez, I. Valduvieco Ruiz, C. Conill Llobet, S Garrido Alcantud, J. Sáez Beltrán, and E. Escudero López
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Karnofsky Performance Status ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Comorbidity ,Poster Presentations ,Oncology ,Biopsy ,Medical imaging ,medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,Radiology ,Liquid biopsy ,business ,Glioblastoma - Abstract
BACKGROUND Probable unresectable Glioblastomas (GB) diagnosed by imaging techniques withouth anatomo-pathological (ap) confirmation could be treated under standard treatment. We reported the outcomes from this strategy in our center after tumor board evaluation. MATERIAL AND METHODS From January/10 to September/16, 303 patients (pt) with GB were assessed by tumor board, during the same period 66 patients were consecutive analyzed with suspected GB by radiological criteria without histological diagnosis. We focus in the last group and analyzed the demographic/radiological data, non-biopsy causes, treatment type (concomitant Radio-Chemotherapy (RT/Ch), exclusive RT or Ch or Best supportive care (BSC)), Karnofsky index (KI) and degree of comorbidity (Charlson index (CI)). RESULTS Sixty six patients, 17.88% of the total GB cases (with/without ap). Average age: 77 years (33–91). Biopsy: non-diagnostic in 4pt. No biopsy: 62pt; due to non medical indication (71%), localization (22.7%), voluntary (4.5%). Treatment Type: Active: 43.93%, without biopsy due to non-medical indication (44.8%) and localization (41.37%). BSC: 53.03%, without biopsy due to non-medical indication 82.85%, localization 8.5%, voluntary 5.7%. Overall survival: 11.65 months in patients with active treatment and 4.8 months in BSC, greater benefit in CONCLUSION The diagnosis of GB by radiological criteria with the new imaging techniques has a good diagnostic-therapeutic correlation. In cases where surgical intervention is not possible, standard treatment offers good results. Age and KPS are variables that allow predicting a better evolution course. Although it was not possible to obtain a histological diagnosis, in this type of cases liquid biopsy could contribute to diagnosis this type of lesions inaccessible to biopsy.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
López E., Martínez, Villuendas S., Salcedo, García J., Peñalver, Belenguer V., Hernandis, Carrillo P., Marin, Pastor E., Escudero, and Subiela S., Martínez
- Subjects
SEA urchins ,ANTI-inflammatory agents ,CETACEA ,ORGANIC compounds ,POLLUTANTS - Abstract
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- Published
- 2024
44. A first look at culture-dependent endophytic fungal diversity of wild Rubiaceae in Costa Rica
- Author
E Escudero-Leyva, H Castillo, P Juárez, M Granados, E Alvarado, and P Chaverri
- Published
- 2018
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45. Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Neuroprotectant Activities of New Asymmetrical 1,3-Diketones
- Author
Dionisia Sanz, Diana Martínez Casanova, Rosa M. Claramunt, E. Escudero, María Carmen Torralba, José Luis Lavandera, María Pilar Cabildo, Yaiza Rebeca Sánchez-Alegre, María R. Torres, María Pilar Cornago, and Carla I. Nieto
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,antioxidant ,Antioxidant ,β-diketones ,DPPH ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Pharmaceutical Science ,Apoptosis ,medicine.disease_cause ,Antioxidants ,Analytical Chemistry ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Drug Discovery ,oxidative stress ,neuroprotectant ,drug-like properties ,Cytotoxicity ,Membrane Potential, Mitochondrial ,Neurons ,ABTS ,Chemistry ,Quinones ,neurodegeneration ,Ketones ,Neuroprotective Agents ,Biochemistry ,Chemistry (miscellaneous) ,Molecular Medicine ,Curcumin ,Cell Survival ,Iron Chelating Agents ,Neuroprotection ,Article ,lcsh:QD241-441 ,Inhibitory Concentration 50 ,Structure-Activity Relationship ,03 medical and health sciences ,Picrates ,lcsh:Organic chemistry ,Cell Line, Tumor ,medicine ,Humans ,Chelation ,Benzothiazoles ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Biphenyl Compounds ,Organic Chemistry ,Hydrogen Peroxide ,Química inorgánica ,030104 developmental biology ,Sulfonic Acids ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Oxidative stress - Abstract
A series of fourteen new asymmetrical 1,3-diketone derivatives have been synthesized and evaluated in the ABTS, FRAP and DPPH assays as a new chemotype with antioxidant and drug-like properties. All the compounds displayed low cytotoxicity in comparison to curcumin against the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line. Among them, (3Z,5E)-6-(2,5-difluoro-4-hydroxy-phenyl)-1,1,1-trifluoro-4-hydroxyhexa-3,5-dien-2-one (6b) and (3Z,5E)-6-(2,3-difluoro-4-hydroxy-phenyl)-1,1,1-trifluoro-4-hydroxyhexa-3,5-dien-2-one (7b) with excellent solubility and chemical stability in biorelevant media, have also shown a similar Fe+2 chelation behavior to that of curcumin. Additionally, both derivatives 6b and 7b have afforded good neuroprotection activity against H2O2 induced oxidative stress in the same neuronal cell line, with a significant reduction of intracellular ROS levels, in parallel with a good recovery of the Mitochondrial Membrane Potential (&Delta, &Psi, m). Compounds 6b and 7b with a promising antioxidant and drug-like profile, with low cytotoxic and good neuroprotectant activity, constitute a new interesting chemical class with high potential as new therapeutic agents against neurodegenerative diseases.
- Published
- 2018
46. -2proPSA and Prostate Health Index Usefulness for the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer for PSA Range between 3 and 10 ng/ml
- Author
J Juan, Escudero, primary, A, Duran-Rivera, additional, E, Escudero, additional, A, Montoro, additional, M Fabuel del, Toro, additional, M Ramos de, Campos, additional, and E Lopez, Alcina, additional
- Published
- 2018
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47. Evidence of promising biological-pharmacological activities of the sertraline-based copper complex: (SerH
- Author
Nancy, Martini, Juliana E, Parente, Maria Eugenia, Toledo, Graciela E, Escudero, Carlos H, Laino, Juan José, Martínez Medina, Gustavo A, Echeverría, Oscar E, Piro, Luis, Lezama, Patricia A M, Williams, and Evelina G, Ferrer
- Subjects
Male ,Analgesics ,Anti-Infective Agents ,Coordination Complexes ,Sertraline ,Animals ,Cattle ,Rats, Wistar ,Antidepressive Agents ,Copper ,Rats - Abstract
In the current study the ability of copper complex to exert multiple biological activities is combined with the pharmacological action of sertraline (SerH
- Published
- 2017
48. Ionic Conductivity and Potential Application for Fuel Cell of a Modified Imine-Based Covalent Organic Framework
- Author
Montoro C., Rodríguez-San-Miguel D., Polo E., Escudero-Cid R., Ruiz-González M.L., Navarro J.A.R., Ocón P., Zamora F. and We thank the MINECO (Spain) for financial support through Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship. We thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MAT2016-77608-C3-1-P, MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P, CTQ2014-53486-R ENE2016-77055-C3-1-R), and Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MAE-2882) for generous funding.
- Published
- 2017
49. Experiencia en la elaboración de vídeos didácticos por alumnos de Fisiología como parte de su proceso de aprendizaje
- Author
Rima Barhoum, Úrsula Muñoz, Mª José Borrego, E. Escudero, and Isabel Sánchez-Vera
- Subjects
Innovación educativa ,Educación superior ,Enseñanza superior ,Video ,Tecnologías y educación ,Foro ,Creatividad - Abstract
[EN] The discipline of physiology is challenging to teach. For this reason Physiology I teachers’ of Medicine degree are actively involved in updating the teaching methodology used. For this aim, in the last years we have tried to promote the acquisition of different competencies by students such as: increasing their autonomy to monitor their own progress in the subject, searching for knowledge in multiple sources, managing several communication styles and collaborative work to deepen the knowledge and promote its divulgation in the academic environment. For these purposes we have been designer different proposals to the students as the management of engines of computer searches and bibliographic repositories, the creation of didactic vídeos and the sharing of information and knowledge acquired by students through a computer forum. In this report we have done an analysis and reflection on the acceptance of this methodology among all students of the four groups that taken this academic year 2016-2017., [ES] En la asignatura de Fisiología I del Grado de Medicina los profesores participantes en su impartición están comprometidos de forma activa en actualizar la metodología docente a utilizar. Para ello en los últimos años hemos pretendido fomentar la adquisición de distintas competencias por parte del alumnado como son: el aumento de su autonomía para gestionar su progreso en la asignatura, la búsqueda de conocimientos en fuentes diversas, el manejo de distintas modalidades de comunicación de conocimiento y el trabajo colaborativo para profundizar en la el conocimiento y fomentar su divulgación en el entorno académico. Con esta intención se han ido planteando distintas propuestas a los alumnos como el manejo de motores de búsquedas informáticos y repositorios bibliográficos, realización de vídeos didácticos y puesta en común de la información y conocimientos adquiridos por los alumnos a través de un foro informático. En la presente memoria hemos hecho un análisis y reflexión sobre la aceptación de esta metodología entre todos los alumnos de los cuatro grupos que compone este curso académico 2016-2017.
- Published
- 2017
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50. Fluorescent nano-particles for multi-photon thermal sensing
- Author
Carlos Jacinto, J. García Solé, E. Martín Rodríguez, E. Escudero, A. Juarranz de la Fuente, Laura Martínez Maestro, M. C. Iglesias-de la Cruz, John A. Capobianco, Francisco Sanz-Rodríguez, Uéslen Rocha, Daniel Jaque, and Fiorenzo Vetrone
- Subjects
Materials science ,Photon ,business.industry ,Resolution (electron density) ,Biophysics ,Physics::Optics ,Nanoparticle ,General Chemistry ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Biochemistry ,Fluorescence ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,Cadmium telluride photovoltaics ,Quantum dot ,Excited state ,Thermal ,Optoelectronics ,business - Abstract
In this work we report on the ability of Er/Yb co-doped NaYF4 nano-crystals and CdTe Quantum Dots as two-photon excited fluorescent nano-thermometers. The basic physical phenomena causing the thermal sensitivity of the two-photon excited emission bands have been discussed and the maximum thermal resolution achievable in each case has been estimated. The practical application of both systems for thermal sensing at the micro-scale in biological systems is demonstrated. In particular, they have been used to evaluate the thermal loading induced by tightly focused laser beams in both living cells and fluids.
- Published
- 2013
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