Energetic materials are sensitive to “low” mechanical, chemical and thermal stresses,whose origin is probably linked to their microstructural damaging. The present study focuses on acomposite propellant composed of ammonium perchlorate grains in a polyurethane binder (HTPB).To describe the thermo-mechanical behavior of this material, at the mesoscopic scale under lowimpact, drop weight tests are carried out under various experimental configurations, adding a highspeed camera recorder and ante- and post-mortem X-ray microtomographies. Several modificationsof the usual device are developed in order to explore as many experimental configurations as possi-ble. Results obtained during validation tests of the modified device enable us to consider that it cangive the required data for the identification and characterization of the damage mechanisms thatcould be part of the hot spots initiation process and reaction ignition under low impact. 1. INTRODUCTIONAlthough energetic materials are potentially sensitive, they are designed to be stable in normalconditions and under mechanical, chemical or thermal “weak” aggressions too. In this study, onlymechanical stresses, and particularly low speed impacts (i.e., low pressure, “long” applicationtime) are considered. Indeed, during their life cycle, from their manufacturing to their operationaluse or their dismantling, ammunitions are exposed to low intensity repetitive impacts and canreact at an untimely moment.This is why, in ammunition safety studies, damage(s) leading to ignition under weak loads areanalysed. Their mechanical origins and evolutions related to the energetic material environmentmust be determined in order to predict a reaction/no-reaction threshold. Thus, understanding thethermo-mechanical behaviour of a composite propellant, like butalite, requires a multi-scalecharacterization of each of its components. Indeed, according to the type of loading, nonlinearbehavior can be due to strain localizations in the matrix or interfacial damage, grains multi-cracking or grains plasticity.In order to discriminate the origin and the type of damage, according to the intensity and thetype of loading, a modified version of the drop weight test is used. This device is one of thenormativetestsdevelopedtoestablishacomparativeenergeticclassificationofthetestedmaterials[1, 2]. After a short description of the studied butalite, this article presents the modifications madeinto this test, in order to implement a high speed video camera. These measurements arecompleted by X-ray microtomographies of the samples, before and after tests. Coupling these twotechniques should enable us to determine the types of damage generated as a function of theloading.Threetypesofsamplesarestudied:thefirstispureHTPB,thesecondaphantommaterial(i.e., inert with a mechanical behavior equivalent to the butalite), and the last is made up ofbutalite.DYMAT 2009 (2009) 367–372 EDP Sciences, 2009DOI: 10.1051/dymat/2009052