6,967 results on '"EARLY RETIREMENT"'
Search Results
2. Focus on the Future: Achieving Balance in Career & Life Integration.
- Author
ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Student Services, Greensboro, NC., Walz, Garry R., Knowdell, Richard, Walz, Garry R., Knowdell, Richard, and ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Student Services, Greensboro, NC.
- Abstract
This book contains conference papers from the 2000 International Career Development Conference. The intent is to broaden the dissemination of the ideas presented at the conference, and to provide the authors with an international platform for communicating their ideas. The presentations include the following: (1) "Retaining Knowledge Workers: Connecting Individual Well-Being and Organizational Performance" (Deborah P. Bloch); (2) "Dancing through the Emotional Aspects of the Career Search" (Robert C. Chope); (3) "Mothers and Daughters: Connections, Curricula, and Careers" (Sally Gelardin, Stephanie Vandrick, and Dolores LaGuardia); (4) "21st Century Digital Resources for Career Planning across the Lifespan" (Mary Gumlia, Betty Hopperstad, and James Weston); (5) "Get the Balance Right" (Rebecca Jaurigue Haddock); (6) "Flexible Work Arrangement: Guiding Our Clients through the Maze" (Karen Hanen); (7) "Creating Lifespan Balance: Redefining Career Success and Reinventing Retirement" (Helen Harkness); (8) "Hand-Me-Down Dreams: Integrating Family Perspectives into Career Counseling" (Mary H. Jacobsen); (9) "Loving Them as They Are: Helping Parents Break the Cycle of Hand-Me-Down Dreams" (Mary H. Jacobsen); (10) "The Yoga of Work: Strategies for Right-Livelihood from the World's Wisdom Traditions" (E. H. Rick Jarow); (11) "Mastering Life Work Transistions: Using the Internet To Find Your Dream Job" (Deborah L. Knox and Sandra S. Butzel); (12) "Life after IBM: A Survey" (Carol Mason); (13) "Start Your Own Radio Show on Career Development" (Liz Plotkin and Gail Nicholson); (14) "Is Licensure in Your Future?" (Dean Porter, Mary Clare, & Susan Zgliczynski); (15) "Addressing the Relationship between Career Development and Spirituality When Working with College Students" (Joanna Royce-Davis); (16) "Leveraging Advantage: Career Education Strategies for Disenfranchised Students" (Darryl T. Stevens and Michael Guest); (17) "Partnerships: Integrating the Career Center and Academic Units" (Ruth White and Jonne Kraning); and (18) "Helping Women Shape a Career Path and a Life That Works" (Caitlin P. Williams). (MKA)
- Published
- 2001
3. Special Features of the Finnish Labour Market and Challenges for Education.
- Author
Rouhelo, Anne and Ruoholinna, Tarita
- Abstract
Research synthesized from three studies of the Finnish labor market indicates that a rapidly changing working life in Finland (and the rest of Europe) sets many different challenges for the workforce. In Finland, the population is even more aged than in the other European Union (EU) member states, and the transition of older workers to retirement is also happening, on average, faster than in other EU countries. Demand in the Finnish labor market is directed to the younger, and usually more educated group, while the supply comes increasingly from the aging group. Current developments in demographic structure and the eagerness of employees to take early retirement have stimulated the debate over ways of maintaining working capacity. Education and training is considered essential for older workers (aged 45 and over). A large proportion of these workers should be retrained or given supplementary training to avoid their early retirement. On the other hand, the situation of younger and more highly educated workers is not easy either. Many younger workers find themselves over-educated and under-employed, since a high level of education does not guarantee sufficient occupational know-how. Employment qualifications favored by employers are work experience, personality, and academic credentials. The challenge to education and labor policy in Finland and the EU will be to determine how to balance the work experience of older workers and the academic knowledge of younger workers. (KC)
- Published
- 2000
4. Impact of an Early Retirement Program: A Case Analysis of a Community College.
- Author
Roman, Lawrence Allen
- Abstract
This case study examines the impact of Early Retirement Incentive Programs (ERIP) on Ohio's two-year public colleges through a single case study analysis at Monticello Community College. Data came from interviews and an examination of college documents. This study specifically sought to address: (1) the financial impact (savings versus costs) of ERIP at the college; (2) the perceived impacts of ERIP on academic matters in the institution; (3) the impact of ERIP on the structure and composition of faculty members; and (4) the problems caused from ERIP implementation. Findings showed that: (1) early retirement has a net present value, indicating that the program is financially feasible; (2) there is no evidence that any savings generated by ERIPs were invested in classroom facilities or equipment; however, college programs have been maintained and class size has not risen significantly; (3) there has been no substantial change to the structure and composition of the faculty, primarily due to restrictions on the administration from the faculty's collective bargaining agreement; and (4) administrators experienced reduced flexibility in regards to staffing due to restrictions imposed by the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS). (Contains 17 tables, 15 appendices [including the interview questions], and 92 references.) (KP)
- Published
- 1999
5. Pensions and Productivity.
- Author
Upjohn (W.E.) Inst. for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI., Dorsey, Stuart, Cornwell, Christopher, Macpherson, David, Dorsey, Stuart, Cornwell, Christopher, Macpherson, David, and Upjohn (W.E.) Inst. for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI.
- Abstract
This book analyzes the productivity theory of pensions. First, it reviews the history and institutional practices of private pensions and government policy. Chapter 1 discusses demand-side and supply-side perspectives on pensions, the significance of the productivity theory of pensions, and the organization of this book. Chapter 2 traces origins of private pensions and evolution of current coverage and discusses federal policies. Chapter 3 shows how workers who leave a job with a defined-benefit pension are penalized, presents advantages of defined-benefit plans in establishing retirement incentives, and discusses how defined-contribution plans may convey productive incentives. Second, the book considers whether pension incentives are consistent with models of internal labor markets. Chapter 4 reviews employment models in which specific training and monitoring costs generate job-specific productivity gains and compares pension incentives with ideal solutions. Third, the book evaluates empirical evidence that pensions promote productivity. Chapter 5 reviews empirical studies that test the pension-productivity hypothesis, which addresses the growing popularity of defined-contribution plans. It considers whether the declining market share of defined-benefit plans is evidence that pension incentives are no longer important. Chapter 6 tests one of the channels by which pensions may enhance worker productivity: by promoting investments in worker training. Chapter 7 reports direct estimates of productivity gains for firms that sponsor defined-benefit pensions. Chapter 8 presents a pension policy and research recommendations. (Appendixes contain 131 references and author and subject indexes.) (YLB)
- Published
- 1998
6. Proposal for an Early Retirement Incentive Program at Mercer County Community College.
- Author
Princeton Univ., NJ. Mid-Career Fellowship Program. and Schwartz, Arthur E.
- Abstract
A project was undertaken to evaluate existing models of early retirement incentive programs (ERIPs) and recommend an ERIP for New Jersey's Mercer County Community College (MCCC). The following categories of ERIPs were reviewed: state plans for New York and Minnesota; K-12 school districts plans at the Castro Valley Unified School District and 48 school divisions in Saskatchewan (Canada); university programs at the University of Missouri, University of California, University of Virginia, and Quebec's McGill University (Canada); and five New Jersey county college programs at Camden County College, Cumberland County College, Middlesex County College, and Gloucester County College, as well as New York's Dutchess County College. Based an analysis of these ERIPs, a two-track program was recommended for MCCC that would offer faculty the option to accept immediate early retirement (Plan A) or a transitional approach of reduced workload from one to six semesters (Plan B). The recommended program also contained the following characteristics: (1) faculty should be 55 years or older and have completed 25 years of service at the college to participate; (2) they should have a 3-month window in which to choose to participate; (3) Plan A would provide 2% of the final year's salary times the number of years employed, while Plan B would allow faculty to teach half load at 60% of salary; and (4) other incentives would include life-time health benefits, Internet access, and free tuition and fees. Contains 13 references. (BCY)
- Published
- 1997
7. Issues of Education at Community Colleges: Essays by Fellows in the Mid-Career Fellowship Program at Princeton University, June 1997.
- Author
Princeton Univ., NJ. Mid-Career Fellowship Program., Balabkins, Xenia P., Balabkins, Xenia P., and Princeton Univ., NJ. Mid-Career Fellowship Program.
- Abstract
This collection contains essays on contemporary issues facing community colleges written by fellows in Princeton University's Mid-Career Fellowship Program. The essays are as follows: "Is Middlesex County College Accomplishing Its Mission?" (Xenia P. Balabkins); "The Coming of Age of Women's Studies: Attention Must be Paid" (Lynne M. DeCicco); "The Psychology of Women and Gender" (Miriam M. Dumville); "An English Professor Considers Mathematics" (Noreen L. Duncan); "On Assessing Philosophical Literacy" (Saul Kelton); "Literary Magazines at Community Colleges: Their Forms and Impact" (Bonnie M. MacDougall); "Clarifying Institutional Policy Toward International Students: A Community College Self-Study Model" (Sara B. Pfaffenroth); "Multiculturalism: A Design for Introductory Literature on the Community College Level" (Madeline Santoro); "New Technologies in Mathematics" (Jorge Sarmiento); "Proposal for an Early Retirement Incentive Program at Mercer County Community College" (Arthur E. Schwartz); "Has Collective Bargaining Damaged Shared Governance?" (Anthony Signorelli); and "Foreign Languages at New Jersey Two-Year Colleges" (George R. Willard). (HAA)
- Published
- 1997
8. Studying Faculty Flows Using an Interactive Spreadsheet Model. AIR 1997 Annual Forum Paper.
- Author
Kelly, Wayne
- Abstract
This paper describes a spreadsheet-based faculty flow model developed and implemented at the University of Calgary (Canada) to analyze faculty retirement, turnover, and salary issues. The study examined whether, given expected faculty turnover, the current salary increment system was sustainable in a stable or declining funding environment, and whether further early retirement incentives would be necessary. The model, called the Academic Staff Resource Projection Model, is based on the Markov chain approach to project faculty movement out four years. It was developed using Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet software. Nine alternative policies and assumptions were tested concerning: (1) retirements for ages 55 to 70; (2) resignation rates by years of service; (3) age distribution of newly hired staff; (4) annual attrition of one rank replaced by another rank; (5) overall attrition replacement ratio; (6) adjustments to allow for addition or elimination of academic programs; (7) starting salaries; (8) salary schedule information; and (9) rate of promotion to next rank. Six figures and flow charts illustrate the model and show the spreadsheet file structure and flows. Three appendixes include a policy variables worksheet, a salary schedule, and an age distribution schedule. (Contains 16 references.) (CH)
- Published
- 1997
9. A Greying Faculty: Challenge or Stumbling Block to the Twenty-First Century.
- Author
Princeton Univ., NJ. Mid-Career Fellowship Program. and Kreisman, Leonard T.
- Abstract
Although even a few years ago researchers were suggesting that faculty aging and the resulting retirements would result in a huge demand for new hires, job opportunities have become scarce for recent graduates of doctoral programs. It is important, however, that colleges be able to hire new personnel to bring new ideas into the institution. In considering efforts to induce more "greying" faculty to retire, colleges should take into account the effect of later retirement in terms of the relative lack of diversity of older faculty and the possibility that they will be out of touch with new developments in their discipline. Specifically, early retirement efforts must address the following issues: (1) economic security and inflation, by, for example, crediting additional years of service to early retirees to increase their pension; (2) health coverage, including the possibility of continuing coverage to retirees until they are eligible for Medicare; (3) flexibility, by offering phased-out retirement options through the gradual reduction of teaching loads over a 5-year period; and (4) personal worth factors, including the need to treat retiring faculty as individuals who have made and can still make a contribution to the institution by offering them continued access to library and computer services and keeping them informed of developments. Includes two sample retirement program models. A list of questions for prospective retirees is appended. (BCY)
- Published
- 1996
10. Staff Layoffs and Terminations--Managing the Risks.
- Author
National Association of Coll. and Univ. Attorneys, Washington, DC., United Educators Insurance Risk Retention Group, Inc., Chevy Chase, MD., Michaelson, Martin, and White, Lawrence
- Abstract
This paper reviews legal risks associated with staff layoffs at institutions of higher education and methods for managing those risks and describes planning steps designed to minimize institutional legal exposure. Legal risks include claims of breach of contract, discrimination, tortious conduct, and violation of labor laws, collective bargaining agreements, and other legal obligations. Well-managed institutions exhibit three common characteristics in planning and implementing staff layoffs: (1) a team approach to decision-making; (2) development of well-crafted and consistently administered personnel policies before initiation of the layoff process; and (3) attentiveness to existing and potential problem cases. Prior to implementing staff layoffs, institutions should: first, ascertain the reasons for and magnitude of the downsizing; second, prepare to counteract the argument that downsizing can be avoided by increasing revenues or cutting expenditures elsewhere; and third, prepare to show that the institution has considered alternative reductions in nonpersonnel expenditures, e.g., furloughs; reduced work time; hiring freezes and elimination of positions through attrition; and negotiated retirements. Preparation for the least disruptive layoff process requires advance communication with affected employees, consideration of quantitative and qualitative layoff criteria, a pre-implementation review, and establishment of an acceptable appeals process. Provision of severance benefits to affected employees and attention to the residual effects on remaining employees are components of a prudent risk management strategy. (CK)
- Published
- 1996
11. Leaving Employment Early. IES Report 322.
- Author
Sussex Univ., Brighton (England). Inst. for Employment Studies., Dench, S., and Norton, R.
- Abstract
Seven major British employing organizations were surveyed regarding their attitudes toward early retirement, attachment to/subsequent experiences in the labor market, financial situation, and the types of advice and support available to them. The overall response rate was 60% (1,012 returned questionnaires). Of the respondents, 53% took early retirement voluntarily, 31% said their retirement was partly voluntary, and 15% felt coerced into early retirement. At their time of retirement, only 28% of the respondents planned to find another job. Over time, however, 47% had looked for another job. Of those individuals, 49% found a job they considered satisfactory, 16% found a job with which they were not satisfied, and 34% found no job. Ninety-two percent of the respondents were receiving a company pension, and 63% reported income from savings/investments. Approximately two-thirds of the respondents had received some advice/support from the organization from which they were retiring. When asked how they regarded their early retirement in retrospect, 69% of the respondents considered it a good thing, 25% considered it tolerable, and 14% considered it a disaster. (Contains 24 tables and 16 references.) (MN)
- Published
- 1996
12. Out of Uniform. A Career Transition Guide for Ex-Military Personnel.
- Author
Drier, Harry N. and Drier, Harry N.
- Abstract
This book is designed to help career military personnel make the transition to civilian life and careers. The first 14 chapters cover targeted issues and include many tips on how to cope with each important aspect of the transition. Topics include the following: psychology of transition, helping the family with the transition, financing the transition, goal setting, planning for the future, testing options, college, the job search, the job market, researching target companies, developing one's own labor market, networking, and case studies. These chapters are followed by a methods section of short checklists, examples, and formats for seven specific tasks the job seeker will need to perform: skill training, scheduling time, resumes and application forms, cover letters, portfolios, interviewing, and follow-up communication. Five appendixes provide additional information in the following categories: military organizations, recommended reading, resources and assistance, veterans' benefits, and foreign opportunities. (KC)
- Published
- 1995
13. The Federal Workforce Restructuring Act of 1993. Hearing on S. 1535 To Amend Title 5, United States Code, To Eliminate Narrow Restrictions on Employee Training, To Provide a Temporary Voluntary Separation Incentive, and For Other Purposes before the Committee on Governmental Affairs. United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, First Session (October 19, 1993).
- Author
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.
- Abstract
This document records the oral and written testimony of witnesses who testified at a hearing on a proposed amendment to the Federal Workforce Restructuring Act of 1993. The amendment would spell out how the federal work force is to be reduced in size and would provide cash incentives for early retirement as well as make retraining of existing workers more feasible. Witnesses included Senators Glenn, Roth, Stevens, Sasser, Pryor, and Akaka, as well as several officials of the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Defense. The witnesses generally supported the idea of the amendment but pointed out the need to ensure that new workers were not hired to replace each one who left and that top-level officials as well as lower supervisors and workers were chosen for early retirement or voluntary layoff. The text of the amendment is included in the document. (KC)
- Published
- 1994
14. No Pain, No Gain: How One College Emerged Stronger from the Fiscal Crisis.
- Author
Prince George's Community Coll., Largo, MD. Office of Institutional Research. and Clagett, Craig A.
- Abstract
Due to state revenue shortfalls and mandated Medicaid and welfare expenditures, substantial cuts were made in state aid to higher education institutions in Maryland in 1992. To meet the fiscal crisis, Prince George's Community College (PGCC) implemented several cost containment measures that had been considered, but not acted upon, in the past. These included freezes on hiring and equipment purchases and the elimination of all conference travel, professional development and training events. An employee furlough plan was implemented, with 12-month employees losing 7 days, and 10-month employees losing 5. Additionally, an Instructional Services Fee (IFS) was implemented in spring 1992 to replace 271 separate student fees, raising revenue for the school through a system of three fee levels based on the expense of offering given courses. In 1993, three additional strategies were implemented to ensure that PGCC would meet its widening deficits. The first strategy was administrative reorganization, in which seven administrative positions were abolished (representing a 17% decrease) through combining divisions or offices within the school. The second strategy was a voluntary resignation incentive program offered to employees with a minimum of 20 years of service. Seventeen (10%) of those eligible applied and were approved. The third strategy involved cost savings through downsizing efforts, including eliminating vacant positions from the operating budget and reducing hours of operation, and resulted in the elimination of 17 full-time and 10 part-time classified staff positions. (MAB)
- Published
- 1993
15. Graying Teachers: A Report on State Pension Systems and School District Early Retirement Incentives.
- Author
ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management, Eugene, OR. and Auriemma, Frank V.
- Abstract
Nearly a million teachers will reach retirement age in the next 9 to 11 years. This report presents a complete state-by-state overview of the retirement programs available to America's teachers. Chapter 1 presents the issues of teacher aging, retirement, and early retirement and asks how school districts might effectively manage the retirement and replacement of teachers. Chapter 2 surveys retirement plans in the 50 states and provides information on how to calculate a teacher's pension, with relevant data by state. Chapter 3 looks at local and state programs to entice teachers to retire early. Empirical methods are used to assess the effectiveness of various plans. Case studies of early retirement incentive plans in six districts show how these plans work. Based on conclusions drawn from these data, school officials are advised on how to create, implement, and evaluate an early retirement program. Chapter 4 calls for a national task force on teacher retirement and argues that the future of the teacher retirement system depends on resolving six related issues: (1) threatened financial viability; (2) lack of consistency between local and state policies; (3) lack of portability of plans; (4) lack of system flexibility in investment and withdrawal of funds for teachers; (5) lack of control by teachers as individuals and as a group; and (6) lack of equity among teachers in various districts. (21 tables, 48 references) (MLF)
- Published
- 1992
16. Aging Work Force Brings New Look at Teacher Retirement.
- Author
Oregon School Study Council, Eugene. and Auriemma, Frank V.
- Abstract
Higher salaries and improved working conditions have combined to make teaching a more attractive profession and to reduce teacher turnover rates. At the same time, however, the teaching work force has aged and faces problems in retirement programs. All levels of government should work with interested groups to find solutions to six major problems associated with retirement programs: financial inviability, conflicting state and federal policies, lack of portability of plans, inflexibility, lack of participant control, and inequity between districts. One national and 50 state commissions, which would include all interested parties, should be formed to find solutions to the problems of teacher retirement policies. In many states, high ratios of retired to working teachers threaten the viability of pension funds. Also, some states have shifted more of the financial burden for pension plans to teachers. Many school boards have used early retirement incentives to save money and give teachers more flexibility. However, these efforts often conflict with state policies designed to promote teacher longevity. A national survey should examine this state-local conflict and the negative aspects of early retirement programs. A nationwide 5-year vesting period, greater flexibility, and more individual control are possible solutions to problems in teacher retirement systems. (Contains 16 references.) (JPT)
- Published
- 1992
17. Retirement and Retiree Health Benefits Provisions Survey, 1990-91.
- Author
National Education Association, Washington, DC. Research Div.
- Abstract
Findings of a national survey that examined retirement and retiree health benefits provisions are presented in this document. A 1990-91 survey mailed to all state and local retirement plans in which education employees participate elicited responses from 53 state-sponsored and 5 local-sponsored plans (representing a total active membership of 6.4 million employees). The latest in the National Education Association's 20-year-old series, this report includes a section on health benefits provisions, with 24 of the plans reporting a health insurance option for retirees. Characteristics of plans for education employees only and those for all public employee retirees and their varying benefits are described. The following other areas are discussed: retirement eligibility (normal retirement age, early retirement age, vesting, portability); legislation and governance (composition and authority of boards of trustees, recent pension legislation); and funding (employee and employer contributions, investment policies). Thirty-one tables are included. Appendices contain benefit formula/accrual rates, retirement eligibility requirements, employee and employer contribution rates, plan membership and financial information, and retirement system health insurance information. (LMI)
- Published
- 1992
18. Racial and Gender Differences in Timing and Factors Associated with Retirement.
- Author
Choi, Namkee G.
- Abstract
Numerous studies have analyzed the determinants of early retirement or retirement on time among older men and women. However, not many studies of the determinants of retirement have analyzed racial and gender differences, both between and within groups. Using data from the 1968-1987 interview waves of the Panel Studies of Income Dynamics, this study analyzed the racial and gender differences in timing, and factors associated with the retirement of a sample of 528 older workers. The analysis of the timing of retirement indicated that women are more likely to be retired than men by ages 65-66, and that black males past age 60 have a lower retirement rate than white males. Multivariate analysis also indicated that a black male's retirement is associated with a wider variety of factors than a white male's retirement. A female worker's decision to retire appears to be influenced by a smaller number of variables than that of her male counterpart. Most important, however, is the finding that an older worker's retirement is largely influenced by his or her family's economic needs. This study differs from earlier studies of retirement in the following aspects. First, it utilized an event-history approach for a prospective analysis of determinants of retirement using longitudinal panel data. Second, in its multivariate analysis, this study simultaneously controlled for variables which represented characteristics of both individual workers and their families. (LLL)
- Published
- 1991
19. Planning Grant To Initiate a National Center for Transition to Teaching. Final Report.
- Author
American Univ., Washington, DC. School of Education. and Tesconi, Charles A.
- Abstract
A study tested the feasibility of recruiting career switchers, early leavers and retirees from government and military service to teaching. The study also documented the need for a National Center for Transition to Teaching (NCTTT). The effort established a National Board of Advisors consisting of 17 high-level military, government, and university educators. Exploratory outreach consisted of advertising, direct mail, a recruitment meeting, and collateral activities. Project findings indicated that certain conventional recruitment methods can attract interest. Advertising in a Washington-area chain of military weeklies generated 143 inquiries and a poster campaign to 450 government and military offices resulted in 3 inquiries a week. In addition educators who had developed similar programs offered encouragement and specific cautions. Finally, high-level military and government officials endorsed efforts to enable the transition of their personnel into teaching careers. In addition the study revealed that there are programs for these recruits but that they tend to operate in isolation from each other. The study findings also suggested that institutionalization of a NCTTT should be decoupled from recruitment and that such a Center should focus more on research, placement, information clearinghouse activities, and general service provision. An appendix lists members of the National Advisory Board. (JB)
- Published
- 1991
20. Modernization and Age Management in France: French Older Workers and Employment.
- Author
International Exchange Center on Gerontology, Tampa, FL., Gaullier, Xavier, and Thomas, Charles
- Abstract
In the new context of economic recovery, employment creation, new technologies, and labor shortages in some sectors, France cannot sustain a systematic policy of rejecting aging workers. This policy has led gradually to the recognition that early retirement was merely an easy way out of the problem that has many substantially adverse effects on the economic, political, and social spheres. A new consensus on age management has three aspects: older workers in the workplace, older workers' layoffs, and reemployment of the older unemployed. In the workplace, stereotypes should be eliminated; enterprises should invest in massive, diversified, and integrated training programs; and forward-looking personnel management should be used. Adjustment initiatives for retirees could be made more attractive, and fewer, more selective, and more rigorously negotiated early retirement agreements are required. The implementation of an appropriate policy for reemployment of older workers implies action in five directions: (1) change in employment practices and behaviors; (2) emphasis on job placement; (3) expansion of sources of employment; (4) targeted, motivating training in an individualized program; and (5) local management based on partnership. A proactive policy must guide the public authorities, enterprises, unions, and workers. (A glossary of French terms is appended.) (YLB)
- Published
- 1991
21. Early Retirement: The Cost to Canadian Universities.
- Author
Jefferson, Anne L.
- Abstract
A study examined effects of early retirement plans (ERP) at Canadian Universities. In response to current conditions within Canadian universities and a Canadian Supreme Court decision upholding mandatory retirement requirements, many universities have sought to encourage faculty retirement through ERPs. In order to study the cost of such programs, a survey was distributed to 58 Canadian universities. Twenty-seven institutions responded and of those 14 (24 percent) had ERP in place and operating long enough to participate in the study. Although this number was low, the institutions were representative. Results indicated that only one institution found the plan to be of greater financial cost than anticipated. Only two institutions found their ERP less of a financial burden than initially anticipated due to few faculty opting for the more expensive options and performance of investment being greater than anticipated. Few institutions were able or willing to specifically state the added expense of their ERP but those that did listed the following as added expenses: (1) payroll taxes; (2) use of savings for increased operating expenses; and (3) potential cost in university pension plan. Overall, most respondents believed that the predicted costs and savings of early retirement plans were borne out in practice. Six references and an appendix containing four sample survey questions are included. (JB)
- Published
- 1991
22. Rethinking Worklife Options for Older Persons.
- Author
International Federation on Ageing, Washington, DC., JDC-Brookdale Inst. of Gerontology and Adult Human Development in Israel, Jerusalem., Habib, Jack, Nusberg, Charlotte, Habib, Jack, Nusberg, Charlotte, International Federation on Ageing, Washington, DC., and JDC-Brookdale Inst. of Gerontology and Adult Human Development in Israel, Jerusalem.
- Abstract
This volume contains 19 papers that were presented at a conference addressing critical issues related to employment options for older persons. They are arranged in four sections that cover early retirement policies and their implications; older workers of Asia and the Pacific; the impact of technological change on the employment prospects of older persons; and the reorganization of work, leisure, and education over the life cycle. The papers are: "Work, Aging and the Life Cycle" (Xavier Gaullier); "Early Exit and the Employment of Older Workers in the 1990s in the United Kingdom" (Frank Laczko); "Early Retirement Policies and Practices in the United States" (Denise F. Loftus); "Early Retirement and the Middle-Aged" (Malcolm H. Morrison); "Ageism in the British Labor Market" (Alan Walker); "Older Workers in Asia and the Pacific" (John McCallum); "Work, Retirement and Income Security" (Lita J. Domingo); "Older Workers in a Developing Economy" (Nii-K Plange); "Older Japanese Workers" (Michiko Naoi); "The Impact of Technological Change on Employment Prospects for Older Persons" (Harvey L. Sterns); "New Technologies and the Aging of the Labor Force" (Marie-Noel Beauchesne-Florival); "The Impact of Technological Change on Employment for Older Persons from a West German Perspective" (Gerald A. Straka); "Older Workers and Technology" (Robert A. Harootyan); "Implications of Technological Advances for Canadian Workers" (Neil Charness); "The Reorganization of Work, Leisure and Education over the Life Cycle" (Jack Habib, Charlotte Nusberg); "Flexibility and Free Choice in Working Life" (Gosta Rehn); "Does Flexible Life Scheduling Have a Future?" (Fred Best); "Emerging Changes in the Structure of the Employment Relationship and Their Projected Effects on the Distinction between Work and Retirement" (Dan Jacobson); and "Leisure and the Structure of Our Life Worlds" (Jon Hendricks, Stephen J. Cutler). (KC)
- Published
- 1990
23. The Impact of Universities' ERPs?
- Author
Jefferson, Anne L.
- Abstract
Early retirement plans (ERPs) have recently been considered and implemented at a number of universities as a means to address their need to contain costs while simultaneously generating new ideas and energy within the institution through the revitalization of faculty ranks. This endorsement of ERPs by university administrators, however, is occurring without sufficient information about the impact of such plans in financial and academic terms. This paper addresses this deficiency and identifies four questions that must be answered to ensure that the university selected ERP is based on more than conjecture. These questions are: (1) How does increased flexibility affect provincial allocation of monies to universities and thus their ability to operate comprehensive programs? (2) Where are the universities spending their newly acquired flexibility dollars? (3) What are the academic implications of this allocation of flexibility dollars? (4) Is the quality of the applicant pool at least comparable to that of the group of retiring faculty? Institutions of higher education that answer these questions first, before entering into an ERP, will be better able to fit the new ERP with the institutional mandate. Knowing that an ERP results in increased flexibility dollars is an insufficient reason for its adoption. Contains 12 references. (Author/GLR)
- Published
- 1990
24. The Early Retirees of Canadian Universities.
- Author
Jefferson, Anne L.
- Abstract
Because an option for early retirement in Canadian Universities has created a need to know more about the vacancies early retirement creates and the potential to fill these vacancies, a survey of 15 representative universities was conducted. The sample included institutions of faculty numbering less than 100 to institutions of faculty numbering more than 1,200. The data revealed that the early retirees are primarily males motivated to retire early for a variety of reasons: availability of plans, diminished job satisfaction, health, climatic condition of the city, burn-out, desire to move to a retirement home, incompatibility, family, advantages of the plan, personal and institution's dissatisfaction, financial considerations, personal reasons, uncomfortable work station, expectation of university regarding scholarly activities, pursuit of other interests while drawing a pension and other career opportunities. Their value to the university was dispersed throughout the faculty members' teaching research and service duties. Projected areas of critical shortage due to early retirement are accounting, economics, engineering, computer science, commerce, administration, and psychology. Institutions offered a variety of predictions as to their ability to fill vacancies that would be created from 1990 to 1995. (JB)
- Published
- 1990
25. The Future of Older Workers.
- Author
International Exchange Center on Gerontology, Tampa, FL. and Sheppard, Harold L.
- Abstract
This book contains seven chapters on work and older workers based on an international symposium held at the University of South Florida in 1989. Chapter titles and authors are as follows: (1) "The Corporate Sector's Stake in Older Workers" (Daniel Knowles); (2) "A Seller's Market for Older Workers" (Audrey Freedman); (3) "Retirees' Reentry into the Labor Force" (Melissa A. Hardy); (4) "The Work Environment and Employee Benefits as Incentives for the Older Worker" (Audrey G. McCool, George E. Stevens); (5) "The Health Status of Older Workers: Issues and Policy Implications" (Thomas N. Chirikos); (6) "Training Opportunities for Older Workers" (Peter Plett); and (7) "Modernization and Older Worker Policies: An Appraisal of the French Experience" (Xavier Gaullier). (KC)
- Published
- 1990
26. Work History and Later-Life Labor Force Participation: Evidence from a Large Telecommunications Firm.
- Author
Singh, Gangaram and Verma, Anil
- Abstract
Of 1,805 early retirees, 40% returned to work (17% full time, 51% part time, 32% self employed). Return was positively related to work attachment and tenure at last job. Clerical workers were less likely than managers to choose part-time work over retirement. Lateral mobility and high work attachment were negatively related to postretirement self-employment. (Contains 62 references.) (SK)
- Published
- 2003
27. Factors Related To Bridge Employment Participation among Private Sector Early Retirees.
- Author
Davis, Mark A.
- Abstract
Hierarchical regression analyses of data on 133 early retirees showed that organizational tenure, certainty of retirement plans, and career-related pull factors accounted for a significant portion of variance in participation in bridge employment (part-time, self-, and temporary employment). Significance of these variables differed depending on whether bridge employment was in the same or different industry. (Contains 44 references.) (SK)
- Published
- 2003
28. Patterns of Work and Retirement for a New Century.
- Author
Clark, Robert L. and Quinn, Joseph F.
- Abstract
The average retirement age for men shifted from 70 in 1950 to 65 in 1970 to 62 in 1985. Whether the trend toward early retirement has ended depends on interpretation of changes in the last 2 decades, including elimination of mandatory retirement, modifications in social security and pension plans, and increased longevity. (Contains 18 references.) (SK)
- Published
- 2002
29. Ensuring Health and Income Security for an Aging Workforce. [Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the National Academy of Social Insurance (12th, Washington, D.C., January 26-27, 2000)].
- Author
Upjohn (W.E.) Inst. for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI., National Academy of Social Insurance, Washington, DC., Budetti, Peter P., Burkhauser, Richard V., Gregory, Janice M., Hunt, H. Allan, Budetti, Peter P., Burkhauser, Richard V., Gregory, Janice M., Hunt, H. Allan, Upjohn (W.E.) Inst. for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI., and National Academy of Social Insurance, Washington, DC.
- Abstract
This book contains 15 articles on older workers and the challenges of health insurance, Social Security, retirement, job loss, and working until older ages. Following an introduction by the editors, the articles are organized in five sections that also include commentaries on the articles. The following are included in Section 1, "Charting the Landscape: What Risks Do Older Workers Face?": "Health Insurance Coverage of People in the Ten Years before Medicare Eligibility" (Katherine Swartz and Betsey Stevenson); "Workers' Compensation and Older Workers" (John F. Burton, Jr. and Emily A. Spieler); "Unemployment Compensation and Older Workers" (Christopher J. O'Leary and Stephen A. Wandner); "Getting Older in the 21st Century" (Mark V. Nadel); and "Social Insurance and the Older Worker" (Robert Haveman). Section 2, "Job Loss: Income and Health Coverage," includes: "The Effects of Job Loss on Older Workers: Employment, Earnings, and Wealth" (Sewin Chan and Ann Huff Stevens); "The Effect of a Job Loss on the Employment Experience, Benefits, and Retirement Savings of Bank Officers" (Jill S. Quadagno, David A. Macpherson, and Jennifer Reid Keene); and "Extending Health Insurance Coverage for Older Workers and Early Retirees: How Well Have Public Policies Worked?" (Karen Pollitz). Section 3, "Chronic Illness and Disability: Policy Issues for an Aging Workforce," includes: "Permanent Partial Disability from Occupational Injuries: Earnings Losses and Replacement in Three States" (Jeff E. Biddle, Leslie I. Boden, and Robert T. Reville); "How Working-Age People with Disabilities Fared over the 1990s Business Cycle" (Richard V. Burkhauser, Mary C. Daly, and Andrew J. Houtenville); and "Health, Disability, and the Aging Workforce from the Employer's Perspective" (Bruce G. Flynn). Within Section 4, "Is Working Longer and Retiring Later Possible?" are: "Retirement Trends and Policies To Encourage Work among Older Americans" (Gary Burtless and Joseph F. Quinn); "Employer Perspective on Retirement Trends and Policies To Encourage Work among Older Americans" (Anna M. Rappaport); and "Living Longer, but Able to Work?" (Glenn Pransky). Section 5, "Filling Gaps in Health Coverage: Sharing Responsibility and Costs," contains "Policy Options for Filling Gaps in the Health Insurance Coverage of Older Workers and Early Retirees" (Len M. Nichols). The book is indexed by cited authors and by subject. (KC)
- Published
- 2001
30. Working Time in Comparative Perspective. Volume II: Life-Cycle Working Time and Nonstandard Work.
- Author
Upjohn (W.E.) Inst. for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI., Houseman, Susan, Nakamura, Alice, Houseman, Susan, Nakamura, Alice, and Upjohn (W.E.) Inst. for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI.
- Abstract
This is the second of two volumes of selected papers presented at the 1996 conference "Changes in Working Hours in Canada and the United States." Eleven chapters explore an expanded set of working-time issues, which may be loosely grouped under these two topics: working time over the life cycle and nonstandard work arrangements. "Introduction and Overview" (Susan Houseman, Alice Nakamura) is followed by these two chapters in Part I that examine general patterns and trends in working time over the life cycle for the United States (U.S.) and Canada and introduce a number of the basic terms and concepts used in the rest of the volume: "The Life Cycle of Working Time in the U.S. and Canada: Long-Term Evidence" (John D. Owen) and "Perspectives on Working Time over the Life Cycle" (Michael Wolfson, Geoff Rowe). Part II contains these five chapters that examine individuals' work decisions at key points in the life cycle: "Adults Returning to School--Payoffs from Studying at a Community College" (Duane E. Leigh, Andrew M. Gill); "Children's Effects on Women's Labor Market Attachment and Earnings" (William E. Even, David A. Macpherson); "U.S. Health Policy and Mothers of Children with Disabilities" (Janet Hunt-McCool); "Early Retirees of a Telecommunications Firm--Patterns of Employment and Working Time" (Gangaram Singh, Anil Verma); "Working Time over the Life Cycle: Do Public Pensions Matter?" (Michael Baker, Dwayne Benjamin). Part III focuses on various forms of nonstandard employment. The first three chapters have to do with worker behavior and employment patterns. The fourth examines employer hiring practices. They are "Self-Employment and Schedule Flexibility for Married Females: Evidence for the U.S. from SIPP (Survey of Income and Program Participation)" (Theresa J. Devine); "Work Site and Work Hours: The Labor Force Flexibility of Home-Based Female Workers" (Linda N. Edwards, Elizabeth Field-Hendrey); "A Comparative Analysis of Moonlighting in Canada and the U.S." (Jean Kimmel, Lisa M. Powell); and "Large Companies and the Changing Use of Temporary Workers: Trends and Impacts on Financial Measures of Performance" (Shulamit Kahn et al.). Cited author and subject indexes are appended. Each paper contains references. (YLB)
- Published
- 2001
31. Retirement, the Nursing Workforce, and the Year 2005.
- Author
Minnick, Ann F.
- Abstract
An analysis of labor force projections confirms that early employment withdrawal by registered nurses could have a profound effect on health care. Available policy mechanisms to encourage or discourage early withdrawal require several years to implement, which makes timely decisions imperative. (Contains 18 references.) (Author)
- Published
- 2000
32. Staffing Alternatives: Use of Retired Persons, Flex-Time, Job Sharing and Other Suggestions. Suggested Personnel Policy Guidelines for School Districts. [Revised].
- Author
Oregon State Dept. of Education, Salem.
- Abstract
This report addresses three alternatives in employing certified and classified staff in school districts: early retirement, flexible working hours, and (in the most detail) job sharing. It is noted that financial reductions make it difficult for schools to meet both their budgets and rising community/parental expectations, while declining enrollments and the increasing age of school personnel further complicate the staff management problem. Early retirement is suggested as a means of reducing the total number of school employees; to illustrate features of such programs, results are cited from a survey of Oregon school districts using early retirement. Alternative daily schedules are briefly noted as a way of staggering work schedules and serving staff needs. Job sharing is emphasized, with analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to both job sharers and school districts. Union objections to job sharing are summarized as well. Included are some tips on implementing job-sharing arrangements. Appendixes provide (1) a job-sharing checklist, (2) a bibliography, and (3) a description of a series on creative cost management. (JW)
- Published
- 1983
33. Tertiary Education Funding in Times of Contraction.
- Author
Jackson, Graham W.
- Abstract
Consideration of a wide variety of options in maximizing income and controlling expenditures is recommended for Australian universities. Although marketing, fund raising, investment, and other income-producers are possibilities, tight control of expenditures is seen as the most effective retrenchment strategy. (MSE)
- Published
- 1984
34. An Early Retirement Option for Australian Academics?
- Author
Over, Ray
- Abstract
Issues of early retirement of college and university faculty are examined as they relate to Australia's aging faculty population, and the conditions necessary to promote early retirement successfully in this context are considered. (MSE)
- Published
- 1987
35. Retirement before Age 65 Is a Growing Trend in the Private Sector. Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Civil Service, Post Office and General Services, Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate.
- Author
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.
- Abstract
The General Accounting Office examined retirement age trends in the private sector to assist the Congress in its effort to devise a retirement system for Federal employees. The Census Bureau's Current Population Survey (CPS) was identified as a source of information about private sector retirement patterns. March 1974, 1979, and 1984 data were used to identify persons receiving private pension income and their demographic characteristics. Analysis focused on male and female pension recipients aged 50 and older. About half of the individuals who receive private pensions started receiving them by age 62; almost 60 percent started receiving them before reaching 65. Median retirement age was 62. The proportion of people receiving private pension income at ages under 65 increased rapidly between 1973 and 1983. The proportion of all men aged 50 to 64 who received pension income essentially doubled. Women experienced a substantial but smaller increase in pension receipt. About one-third of male private pension recipients aged 50 to 61 were receiving Social Security disability payments, Supplemental Security Income, or Workers' Compensation. (Appendixes include a report with the data and methodology used to derive the results. CPS questionnaires regarding type of benefits received are also provided.) (YLB)
- Published
- 1985
36. Flexibility in Academic Staffing: Effective Policies and Practices. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 1, 1985.
- Author
Association for the Study of Higher Education., ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, Washington, DC., and Mortimer, Kenneth P.
- Abstract
Academic staffing practices used at four-year colleges and universities are identified, and recommendations are offered for achieving staffing flexibility in the face of conditions such as scarce resources. In addition to considering faculty flow models (e.g., Markov models and simulators) as a management/planning tool to evaluate personnel and fiscal strategies, four reallocation and reduction strategies are examined: across-the-board attrition, across-the-board decrements, selective attrition, and selective decrements. General factors that limit an institution's flexibility in managing scarce resources and adapting to environmental uncertainty include: excessive external budgetary controls, limited time to respond to change, limited capacity to reallocate resources, and internal opposition. The following 13 staffing practices are examined: flexibility in tenure and staffing, control of academic positions by attrition, contract systems, nontenure-track appointments, part-time appointments, tenure quotas, extended probation and suspension of "up-or-out" rules, stricter tenure standards, review of tenured faculty, early retirement incentives, retrenchment, closure of academic programs, and retraining and reallocating faculty. (SW)
- Published
- 1985
37. Pension Plans. Many Workers Don't Know When They Can Retire. Briefing Report to the Chairman, Select Committee on Aging, House of Representatives.
- Author
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC. Div. of Human Resources.
- Abstract
A study assessed the level of workers' knowledge of their pension plan's provisions related to early and normal retirement. The data used were from the 1983 Survey of Consumer Finances. The survey, which was based on a nationwide sample of more than 3,800 households and more than 1,000 public and private pension plans that covered them, asked the respondents if they would be eligible for early retirement and when they would first be eligible for full retirement benefits (normal retirement) or reduced retirement benefits (early retirement). The following inferences were drawn on the basis of the data collected in the 1983 survey: (1) over 40 percent of the 22 million workers in pension plans offering early retirement were either incorrect or did not know about their eligibility for early retirement benefits; (2) about 75 percent of the 12 million workers who were correct about being eligible for early retirement benefits were either incorrect or did not know about their eligibility data; (3) workers who would be eligible for early retirement were from 3 to 17 times more likely to know about their eligibility than those who would not be eligible; (4) having had education beyond high school and being more than 5 years from eligibility for early retirement were two factors associated with a higher likelihood of being correct about one's own retirement benefits; and (5) women were from 2.5 to 5 times as likely as men to say that they did not know about their early retirement eligibility. (An appendix details the log-linear analysis used in this study.) (MN)
- Published
- 1987
38. The Coming Teacher Shortage: What Schools Can Do about It.
- Author
Oregon School Study Council, Eugene. and Dunlap, Diane M.
- Abstract
Increased enrollments combined with teacher retirements and resignations are creating a strain on the current supply of qualified teachers. As the demand for new teachers is increasing, the number of new teaching graduates is decreasing proportionally. A national teacher shortage is imminent and already exists is some locations and in some subjects areas such as math and science. In Oregon, a recession has curbed the crisis, but retirements and resignations could create a shortage within the next four years. Historically, there have been four responses to a severe teacher shortage: (1) raid other schools; (2) drop standards for entering the teaching field; (3) raise the student/teacher ratio; and (4) use misassignments and emergency certification. All four have proved to be unsatisfactory. A positive step that can be taken is to talk now with the state Legislatures, the Department of Education, and the professional organizations about the need to prevent any drastic decrease in teaching quality. Districts should also look closely at hiring patterns and at training mentor teachers. Job sharing should be encouraged and recent retirees should be viewed as a major resource. The use of extracurricular support personnel and the role of technology should also be considered. (GJ)
- Published
- 1986
39. Age Discrimination. Use of Waivers by Large Companies Offering Exit Incentives to Employees. Report to Congressional Requesters.
- Author
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC. Div. of Human Resources.
- Abstract
A study reviewed Fortune 100 companies' use of waivers that release employers from certain legal claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 in special short-term exit incentive programs offered to employees. These programs were designed to encourage employees' early departure through some form of financial incentive. Telephone interviews were conducted with company officials at a random sample of 71 of the 1987 Fortune 100 industrial companies. Findings indicated that about 80 percent of Fortune 100 companies sponsored an exit incentive program at least once during 1979 through 1988, according to company officials. About 30 percent of these companies required their employees to sign a waiver as a condition for receiving enhanced benefits. Overall, waiver usage increased during the years 1985-1988 and was highest in 1987 and 1988, when 35 percent of companies with exit incentives used them. Officials from companies that required waivers said such a practice protected the company from lawsuits. Companies not using waivers contended that they were unnecessary because of the voluntary nature of exit incentive programs and the adverse effect that waivers would have on employee relations. (Appendixes include interview and data verification procedures and companies' reasons for waiver choices.) (YLB)
- Published
- 1989
40. Labor Market Effects of Proposed Retirement Options for Teachers in South Carolina.
- Author
Cohn, Elchanan and Williams, C. Glyn
- Abstract
A study investigated the effects on the labor market of various proposed retirement options for teachers in South Carolina. First, questionnaires were sent to personnel officers in the 91 South Carolina school districts eliciting, first, facts and estimates relating to the supply of and demand for teachers and, second, their opinions on the ways in which the various retirement options would affect the teacher labor market in the state. Next, questionnaires were sent to 5,402 teachers to gather information on the labor supply. Twenty-two tables show data from the questionnaires. The first questionnaire (of personnel officers), with a 51% return rate, provided information on the following: (1) vacancies, applicants, offers, and hires; (2) teacher shortage areas; and (3) expected labor supply effects of seven new retirement options. The teachers' questionnaire, with 75% return rate, yielded information on teachers' retirement plans. Included are tables showing the number and percentage of South Carolina public school teachers who plan to leave public school teaching prior to retirement, along with percentage data on their planned activities, number of years prior to retirement, and responses to various new retirement system options. Seven major conclusions were drawn from the study, suggesting that early retirement options will have a very modest effect on the labor supply, but that improved fringe benefits might make the South Carolina public school system more attractive to potential employees. (TE)
- Published
- 1989
41. Rif-Recall as Symbol and Signal: The Differential Effects of Riffing on Teacher Exit Choices.
- Author
Gehrke, Nathalie and Sheffield, Rosemary
- Abstract
A case study of 1100 high school teachers in a large urban district that has experienced declining enrollment for eight years illustrates several of the exit options and career mobility effects of riffing (reduction in force). The findings show that during decline, freely chosen movement out (exit), or laterally (moderate number of location changes), or to enhanced positions was reduced for all, riffed or not. But women and minorities were more likely to experience forced exit (riffing) and more apparently nonvoluntary lateral moves. Further, women were more likely to end up with unwieldy teaching loads, including more preparations in more diverse contents areas. When given the exit options of resignation and retirement, more senior women took them than men, but the content areas which showed the greatest percentage of voluntary exit use were typically male dominated areas (industrial arts and math), where the risks of exit were reduced due to external demands. To young teachers, especially young female and minority teachers, riffing signaled their second class citizenship. To potential teachers, it signaled that high schools are not places of professional growth. And to the school district itself, riffing signaled, or should have signaled, the district's declining long term health. (CMG)
- Published
- 1984
42. Age Discrimination in Employment Act--Waiver of Rights. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Labor of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, Second Session.
- Author
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources.
- Abstract
This congressional hearing addresses the issue of the waiver of rights under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). It reviews an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rule permitting employees to waive their rights under the ADEA without federal supervision. Testimony includes statements, prepared statements, articles, publications, and communications from the Assistant Secretary of Labor, Solicitor of Labor, United States Senators, private citizens, and individuals representing the United States Activities Board, University of Wisconsin Law School, American Association of Retired Persons, United States Chamber of Commerce, California Employment Council, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Boston College Law School, Polaroid Corporation, Union Carbide Corporation, AT&T, and IBM. (YLB)
- Published
- 1988
43. Early Retirement Incentive Programs for Teachers. Policy Issue Series No. 6.
- Author
Consortium on Educational Policy Studies, Bloomington, IN., Tarter, Scott, and McCarthy, Martha
- Abstract
The first section of this policy paper provides an overview of the historical development of early retirement incentive programs (ERIPs), the legal status of ERIPs under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), cost/benefit analyses involving ERIPs, and consideration of ERIPs in Indiana. The second section contains a brief synopsis of state laws that pertain to teacher retirement systems and early retirement incentive programs. (Twenty-eight references are listed.) (SI)
- Published
- 1988
44. Challenges for Continuing Higher Education Leadership: Corporate/Campus Collaboration.
- Author
National Univ. Continuing Education Association, Washington, DC.
- Abstract
Ways that business and colleges can work together to promote continuing higher education and collaboration models are described in articles based on a forum sponsored by the National University Continuing Education Association's Continuing Higher Education Leadership Project. The perspectives of industry and higher education are covered, along with the topics of lifelong learning and early retirement. Article titles and authors are as follows: "High Tech Industries: Staying on the Technological Forefront through Reducation: Implications for Academica" (Terry L. Gildea, Hewlett Packard); "The Corporation and the Campus: Developing New Partnerships" (Robert DeSio); "Quality and Accountability: The Foundations of Collaboration" (Jack Bowsher); "New Roles for Continuing Higher Education" (Mary Walshok); "Toward a New Approach to Collaboration" (Philip Nowlen); "Demographic Challenges for Collaboration" (Allan Ostar); "Effective Education, Technology, and Teaching" (Theodore Bickart); "Knowledge Maintenance for the Professional" (Michael Danchak); "The Limits of Technology" (Leon Botstein); "Early Retirement: Implications for Higher Education" (Dale Hiestand); "The Economic Costs of Early Retirement" (George Anderson); "Retirees as Students" (Letitia Chamberlain); and "Second Careers" (Art Pumo). The following programs are described: Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program, Colorado State University/Hewlett Packard Software Retraining Program, National Technological University, University of California-San Diego Executive Program for Scientists and Engineers, and University of Illinois-Motorola Masters Program. (SW)
- Published
- 1987
45. Early Retirement Programs for Faculty: A Survey of Thirty-Six Institutions, 1987.
- Author
Consortium on Financing Higher Education, Cambridge, MA., Hanson, Katharine H., and Merrill, Lyri
- Abstract
A survey of current early retirement programs and faculty age distributions was conducted among 23 colleges in the Consortium on Financing Higher Education and 13 universities in the Association of American Universities. Tabular data and narrative descriptions are presented in two major sections. The first section presents data on the number of people eligible for basic retirement benefits, those currently receiving them, and methods of predicting the number of future recipients. Information is also provided on normal and average retirement ages at participating schools; the type of retirement environment enjoyed by retirees; and the degree to which the costs, both direct and embedded, of current faculty retirement benefits are understood. The second section presents a summary of current early retirement plans at participating schools. The topics discussed include: options of the various policies; the number of people retiring under the plans; perquisites given to early retirees; evaluations of the plans in fulfilling institutional goals; and assessments of the financial costs of the plans. A list of contact people and an annotated bibliography (67 references) are also provided. (KM)
- Published
- 1987
46. Retirement before Age 65. Trends, Costs, and National Issues. Report to the Chairman, Select Committee on Aging, House of Representatives.
- Author
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.
- Abstract
Two issues were analyzed--the changing characteristics of early pension recipients and the costs of early retirement. The analyses covered men and women aged 50 and older and were based primarily on data from the Census Bureau's March 1984 Current Population Survey. Findings showed that the percentage of the population receiving employer-sponsored pensions at ages younger than 65 had increased rapidly. Individuals with employer-sponsored pension income had much lower labor-force participation rates than nonrecipients of the same age and sex. While the majority of early pension recipients who did not work appeared to be voluntarily retired, a significant minority below age 62 had retired due to disability or poor health. Early retirement represented a potentially significant loss in federal tax revenues. Some recent legislative changes reduced incentives for early retirement and removed obstacles to older worker employment. Additional proposed changes would further remove some financial incentives to retire early in public and private plans. The importance of the adoption of further public policies to encourage later retirement was seen as depending not only on future economic growth but also on unforeseeable economic or demographic circumstances that might alter the current view of what policies will be needed in the next century. (Appendixes include additional data and information on methodology.) (YLB)
- Published
- 1986
47. Early Retirement Programs for Faculty: Three Institutional Case Studies. Occasional Paper Series #12.
- Author
Virginia Univ., Charlottesville. Center for the Study of Higher Education., Clevenger, Bonnie Mason, and Chronister, Jay L.
- Abstract
Experiences with faculty early retirement programs at three public universities are described. The universities range in size from 11,000 to 33,000 full-time equivalent students with 650 to more than 3,000 faculty members. Attention is directed to: goals of each of the institutions in establishing the program, characteristics of individual programs, the number of faculty who have taken the early retirement option, and perceived strengths and weaknesses of the program. Initiatives for the three retirement incentive plans differed: one came from a joint faculty and administrative committee, the second was created and developed by administrators, and the third was developed by faculty members. Goals of the program for two of the universities were to reallocate resources. One school encouraged early retirements in overstaffed departments so that faculty positions could be moved to understaffed departments. The other school sought to reallocate institutional resources by guaranteeing part-time reemployment to any faculty member electing early retirement. The goal of the third university was to provide for a renewal of the professoriate while reducing the total number of faculty at the institution. The questionnaire used to collect the information on the programs is appended. (SW)
- Published
- 1986
48. Survey of Aging Veterans: A Study of the Means, Resources and Future Expectations of Veterans Aged 55 and Over.
- Author
Veterans Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Information Management and Statistics.
- Abstract
A national survey of the needs, resources, and future expectations of veterans aged 55 and over produced findings that the Veterans Administration (VA) will use over the next decade to plan facilities and programs to meet those needs. Findings indicated veterans had a higher educational level and were less likely to be at the lower end of the occupational scale than non-veterans of the same age. Retired veterans were substantially better off. Three-fourths had savings accounts, 42 percent had other investments, and nearly 9 out of 10 owned their own home. Although the majority described their health as excellent or good compared to others their own age, nearly half reported that their health limited their activities. Certain types of chronic diseases, including arthritis and hypertension, were widespread. While four of five veterans had group or private health insurance, Medicare formed the cornerstone of the aging veterans' health coverage. The survey identified, however, the existence of a medically indigent group of veterans. Most veterans did not believe they would be able to absorb the cost of future long-term care needs. An important finding was that current utilization rates of VA hospitals by aging veterans may drastically underrepresent the true demand. (Numerous data tables are provided. The questionnaire is appended.) (YLB)
- Published
- 1983
49. Supply/Demand for Industrial Education University Faculty Based on Retirement Projections: Implications for Industrial Teacher Education, Research and Leadership Development.
- Author
Erekson, Thomas L. and Lundy, Lyndall L.
- Abstract
The supply and demand were projected for university teaching positions in departments listed in the "Industrial Teacher Education Directory" based upon age distribution, retirement projections, and number of doctoral graduates. Data were collected through a mail survey to department heads/chairs. The specific age distribution of industrial education faculty indicated the profession is growing older with one-fifth of the faculty 55 years old or older. Early retirement options had already had an impact on faculty over 55. Not quite two-thirds of the respondents indicated that their institutions had an early retirement option. Department heads estimated 268 new positions and a loss of 92 positions. Findings suggested it had been relatively difficult for department heads to hire replacement faculty. Of those indicating an area, 44.8 percent indicated that electronics-related specialties were the most difficult to fill. There were 357 doctoral students pursuing a program in an area related to industrial education. Data indicated that there will be supply/demand problems in attempting to fill university faculty positions in industrial education with individuals who hold the doctorate. Approximately 1.2 vacancies per doctoral student in the next five years were projected. (YLB)
- Published
- 1986
50. Incentive Early Retirement Programs for Faculty: Innovative Responses to a Changing Environment. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 1, 1987.
- Author
Association for the Study of Higher Education., ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, Washington, DC., Chronister, Jay L., and Kepple, Thomas R.
- Abstract
The literature on incentive early retirement for faculty members is reviewed, including the findings of studies that have assessed the effectiveness of such programs. In addition to describing different types of programs and the incentives offered, attention is directed to legal issues, costs and benefits, assessing whether a program is feasible, and evaluating program effectiveness. Environmental factors that create the milieu in which early retirement programs have developed are briefly reviewed, including increased costs of faculty compensation, shifts in students' course preferences, and faculty morale. Attention is also directed to different types of programs and the purposes for which they have been established. Strategies and factors to be considered in deciding upon the development of programs are presented, using material from case studies. The experiences of selected institutions that have implemented early retirement programs and the reactions of faculty to such programs are also discussed. Recommendations for institutions considering the establishment or revision of incentive early retirement programs are offered. Definitions, key concepts, and terminology are included, along with a generic cost analysis formula. (SW)
- Published
- 1987
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