Ecdyonurus dispar gratificus ssp. nov. Figures 1–55 Ecdyonurus sp. nov.: Martynov 2012: 132; Martynov 2013: 15–16, fig. 5 Description. Male imago (main part of adults were reared from larvae) (Figs. 1, 4, 6, 9– 13). Size: body length 9.7 – 11.0 mm, forewing length 10.5–11.4 mm, cerci length 20.0– 24.5 mm (approximately 1.9–2.2 times longer than body). General color of body pale, yellowish brown to light brown (Fig. 1). Head light brown to brown, with paler (dirty yellow to light brown) clypeal part. No stripes or bands on the head. Eyes divided by a narrow gap, narrower than central ocellus; unicolorous grayish-blue to grayish-black, sometimes with one whitish strip laterally. Ocelli black at the base, whitish apically. Antennae light brown, paler basally (Figs. 1, 6). Prothorax dirty brown, paler centrally (Fig. 1). Mesothorax light brown to brown dorsally; diffuse brownish spot around anterolateral scutal suture. Prelateroscutum and posterior arc of prealar bridge with elongated dark brown spots. Scutellum dark brown. Metathorax brown to dark brown. Laterally thorax pale; mesothorax yellowish-brown, with brown to black spots on katepimeron and katepisternum; ventrally intensively brown. Forelegs generally darker than middle and hind ones (Fig. 1). Forefemora brown proximally, distinctly darker distally (approximately 1 / 2 to 2 / 3 of femora length dark brown). Foretibia and tarsi darker than distal part of femur or slightly paler. Middle and hind legs yellow to yellowish-brown; tibia darker proximally; tarsal segment V darker than other ones. All tarsal claws brown. Wings hyaline, transparent, with yellowish-brown to brown venation; no dark maculation around transversal veins; costal and subcostal field distally yellowish-milk colored in pterostigmatic area; pterostigma with several, mainly simple, cross veins (only 3–4 transversal veins are forked). Wings with typical Heptageniidae venation. Abdominal terga yellow to yellowish-brown; tergum I unicolorous brown, distinctly darker than others; terga II–VIII with broad diffuse brownish spot centrally, pair of small elongated pale spots situated centrally (passing occasionally on pale tine strokes, at least on terga II–VII); tergum IX unicolorous brown; tergum X unicolorous yellowish-brown. Terga II–VIII laterally yellowish-brown, with distinct brown oblique stripes connected dorsally in posterior margin of segment (Fig. 4). Sterna yellowish to dirty-yellowish, with two unclear brownish spots. Reddish to violet nerve ganglia visible on the sterna II–VIII. Cerci dark brown to yellow, distinctly paler apically. Joints of segments blackish. Genitalia. Styliger yellowish with distinctly brown forceps, with two small, not curved, symmetrical and rounded protuberances near forceps segment I; segment II with small hump at inner margin basally (Figs. 9–10). Penis lobes yellowish-brown, moderately expanded, not stretched laterally, with rounded outline distally, broadly trapezoidal. Basal sclerite massive, well separated from lateral sclerite with 1–3 small teeth (Figs. 12 a). Lateral sclerite large, tapered proximally; the widest part of lateral sclerite situated at its distal end; the tip of lateral sclerite distinctly broad. Apical sclerite remarkably wide, straight; the tip distinctly projecting above the lobes; inner margin covered with small spines (Figs. 11–13). Titilators brown, wide. Female imago (Figs. 2 –3, 5, 7–8). Size: body length 9.7–12.4 mm, forewing length 10.6–13.5 mm, cerci length 14.8–21.8 mm (approximately 1.4–1.7 times longer than body). Head yellowish-brown with reddish maculation; eyes and basal part of ocelli unicolorous grayish-black (Fig. 7). Antennae yellow to brown, paler basally. Thorax dorsally and ventrally brown to dark brown, with spots situated similar to those in male imago. Lateral portions of thorax yellow to brown (Figs. 2, 7). Legs slightly more robust than in male imago. Forelegs brown to dark brown, distinctly darker than middle and hind ones. Middle and hind legs yellowish-brown; femora darker than tibia and tarsi. Wings hyaline, transparent, with well visible brown venation. Costal and subcostal field distally milky colored, with numerous cross veins in pterostigmatic area. Color pattern of abdomen similar to those in male imago (Figs. 3, 5), occasionally more distinct. Blackish neural ganglia visible on sterna I–VII. Abdominal terga yellowish-brown, with unclear reddish maculation. Subgenital and subanal plates as in Fig. 8; subgenital plate widely rounded, occasionally reaching articulation of segment IX; subanal plate distinctly bent, with smoothly rounded outline distally. Cerci dark brown basally (at least of 1 / 3 of the length), yellowish-brown to yellow distally. Male subimago (Figs. 14–15). Size: body length 9.9–10.4 mm, forewing length 10.5 –11.0 mm, cerci length 12.1–13.6 mm (approximately 1.2–1.3 times longer than body). Head yellow to yellowish-brown, with grayish maculation. Eyes grayish-black apically; two distinct blackish stripes laterally, one of them at its base (Fig. 14). Ocelli as in male imago. Antennae grayish-brown, paler basally. Prothorax yellowish-gray to brown, darker laterally. Mesothorax dorsally pale, yellow to yellowish-brown (especially in central part). Spots arrangement the same than in male imago. Lateral portions of mesothorax yellowish, with darker suturae. Metathorax yellowish-brown (Fig. 14). Ventral side of thorax yellowish-brown to brown. Forelegs darker than middle and hind ones. Forefemora yellowish-gray to yellow proximally; intensively brown distally. Middle and hind legs uniformly yellowish-gray to yellow, tarsi occasionally darker. Wings dull yellowish-gray to brownish, relatively transparent. Venation yellowish-gray to brown; in some specimens, transversal veins darker than longitudinal, brown to black. Color pattern of abdominal terga similar to those in male imago, occasionally slightly paler. Lateral part of terga I–VIII with distinct brown stripes connected distally in posterior part of segments (Fig. 15). Sterna slightly darker than terga. Styliger plate yellowish-gray to yellow, forceps and protuberances of styliger plate slightly or distinctly darker, yellowish-brown to dark brown. The typical shape of penis already well apparent. Cerci brown to dark brown, distinctly paler apically. Female subimago (Fig. 16). Size: body length 9.8–12.6 mm, forewing length 10.5–14.5 mm, cerci length 10.1– 12.1 mm (approximately 1.1–1.2 times longer than body). Head and antennae yellow to yellowish-brown. Dorsal side of prothorax yellow, whitish posteromedially. Mesothorax pale, whitish-yellow to yellow, with brownish spots around suturae. Metathorax yellowish-brown. Legs of the same arrangement and color pattern as in male subimago. Wings uniformly dull yellowish-gray to brownish, relatively transparent, with brown to dark brown venation. Abdominal color pattern the same as in male subimago. Cerci dark brown (Fig. 16). Mature larva (Figs. 17–51). Size: body length (slightly differs between males and females): in male 8.8–11.8 mm; cerci length 8.0– 9.5 mm, paracercus length 8.0– 9.1 mm; in female 10.0– 14.4 mm, cerci length 9.0– 12.3 mm, paracercus length 8.0– 10.5 mm. General body color yellowish-brown to brown (Figs. 17–20). Abdominal segments of mature larvae with well visible dark pattern on lateral sides of terga, similar to adults (Fig. 21). Head yellowish-brown to brown, with apparent light (yellow) pattern consisting of: two central spots near fore margin; one central and two elongated transversally spots near antennal bases; lateral margins with two further spots near eyes; one central and two lateral spots near posterior margin. Head rectangular with the widest part at the level of the eyes (Fig. 19). Antennae yellow to light brown. Mouthparts: Labrum not wide, only slightly stretched laterally; one row of 6–9 median bristles dorsally typical of the subgenus Ecdyonurus (cf. Belfiore & Buffagni 1994) (Figs. 31–32). Hypopharynx without specific features, generally with long hair on the outer margin and distal part, typical of the subgenus Ecdyonurus. Mandibles (n = 20) with 9–11 prosthecal bristles. Maxillae (n = 20) (characters listed by Haybach 1999): number of comb-shaped bristles (N_CBS) = 13–18 (mainly 15−18) (+ 1–3 pointed bristles); number of teeth on 5 th comb-shaped bristle (N_TCB 5) = 9–12 (mainly 9–10); number of hairs on dorsal upper side (N_DOR) = 1–11 (mainly 3–5); outer margin of maxillae without hairs (N_OUT) = 0; number of hairs on ventral basal part of maxillae (N_VEN) = 5–17 (mainly 5–8); number of hairs at the base of maxillary palps (N_PLBas) = 9–13; number of hairs at outer base of the first segment of maxillary palps (N_PLH) = 11–16; number of setae on the outer margin of the first segment of maxillary palps (N_PLS) = 33–40; number of setae on the inner side of the first segment of maxillary palps (N_PLP) = 35–75 (mainly 40–60). Labial palps with numerous hairs on the dorsal side of its first segment (N_LPH) = 15–24 (mainly 17–20) arranged in 1–2 (rarely 3) rows. Glossae slightly stretched laterally (Fig. 33). Pronotum yellowish-brown to brown; several pale spots situated centrally and laterally; lateral projection paler (Fig. 19). Pronotum extended laterally and rounded. Lateral projection relatively short, asymmetrical, sometimes slightly curved outwards at the apex (Figs. 42–45). Apex of lateral projection bluntly pointed or pointed; the width/ length ratio of semipronotum to caudal projection (cf. Bauernfeind & Humpesch 2001) is 3.2–3.8. Meso- and metathorax yellowish-brown to darker brown; longitudinal pale (yellowish) lines in middle and lateral sides (Fig. 19). Legs yellowish-brown to brown; yellow pattern dorsally similar to "broken" cross (four lateral spots on a dark field) (Fig. 34). The nymphs' forelegs slightly darker than other ones. Tibiae yellow, with distinct brownish smudge centrally; tarsi yellowish-brown, with light smudge centrally (two brownish rings basally and apically). The length/ width ratio of metafemora is 2.8–3.2. Bristles on dorsal surface of femora of various types (Figs. 35–40): pointed or bluntly pointed apically bristles, with strongly convergent margins (dominant type); bluntly pointed apically bristles, with slowly convergent margins or spatula-like elongated bristles, with sub-parallel margins. Outer margin of femora with row of long slender bristles and regular row of small pointed spines (Fig. 41) (in contrast to E. aurantiacus (Burmeister, 1839), cf. Haybach 1999: 128, fig. 4 f; Haybach & Thomas 2002: 87, fig. 34). Tarsal claw brown, with 2–3 teeth (rarely up to 4–5 teeth) (Figs. 46−49). Abdominal terga yellowish-brown to brown with contrast yellow pattern. Tergum I with broad light spot centrally; terga II and III with two spots centrally, and two spots laterally near posterior margin of segment. The variations of color pattern of the terga IV–X are shown in Figs. 17, 18, 20. The nymphs with distinct hypodermal markings on lateral sides of abdominal terga as in imago (dark oblique stripes) (Fig. 21). Posterior margin of terga with large pointed teeth alternating with small ones (Figs. 50–51). Numerous small submarginal spines arranged in 2–3 rows. Surface of terga with numerous fain hairs. Sterna yellowish-brown: sternum I unicolorous with unclear light spots centrally; sterna II–IV with brown elongated spots laterally near anterior margin of segment; sterna V and VI with color pattern resembling that of the previous segments, but including broader spots laterally, divided towards the posterior margin of segment; sterna VII and VIII with diffuse brown spots laterally along the sides of segment, and one small spot (mainly on sternum VIII) frontally; (in male) sternum IX with dark brown spot frontally, and two spots laterally along the sides of segment (these spots surround the segment); forceps anlagen yellow colored centrally, with broad brown spots near bases of each forceps; (in female) sternum IX unicolorous brown, slightly paler distally. Well visible violet nerve ganglia on the segments II–VII (Figs. 22–23). Gills yellowish to light brown with distinct dark tracheation, sometimes with a conspicuous pigmented zone extending over the central and proximal part. Gill I with a specific shape: distinctly broad and asymmetrical; relatively long with divergent proximally margins in basal part (at least throughout of 1 / 2 – 2 / 3 of gill plate length); apical part broadly rounded; the widest part situated in 2 / 3 to 3 / 4 of gill length (Figs. 24–25). Gill IV distinctly wide and asymmetrical, occasionally outer margin conspicuously convex (Figs. 26–28). Gill VII elongated and asymmetrical, without a tuft of tracheal filaments (Figs. 29–30). Larger specimens have more rounded outline of gills (Figs. 25, 28, 30). Cerci and paracercus yellowish-brown to brown, paler distally. Egg. Measurements: length 160–175 μm; width 135–150 μm. Egg slightly elongated (Fig. 52). Chorionic surface covered by numerous attachment structures (represented by knob-terminated coiled threads – KCTs) and small tubercles, typical of the Ecdyonurus eggs (cf. e.g. Gaino & Rebora 2003; Kłonowska-Olejnik et al. 2007); significant concentrations of relatively large KCTs attachment structures (diameter 4.0– 4.4 μm, distance between them 1.8 –7.0 μm) on the whole surface of the egg. Many small rounded tubercles (0.7–1.1 μm) spaced at a distance of 0.05–0.7 μm, and scattered on the chorionic surface between KCTs attachment structures (Figs. 53–54). The same concentration of KCTs attachment structures on both eggs poles. Three to six micropyles visible in subequatorial area. Sperm guide ovoidal or slightly elongated, 8.0–10.0 μm in length and 5.2 –7.0 μm in width. Micropylar rim absent; margins of micropyles covered by a few sparsely distributed tubercles (Fig. 55). Etymology. The new subspecies is named in honor of Dr. Vladimir V. Martynov, father and first scientific adviser of the first author (name originates from the Latin adjective gratificus, i.e. appreciative). Material examined. Types . HOLOTYPE: male imago, UKRAINE, Donetsk Ridge, Donetsk Region, Artemivs’kyi District, vicinity of Debaltsevo urban settlement, (border of Donetsk and Lugansk Regions), Bulavyna River in the forest, 48 º 18 ’ 55 ’’N 38 º 26 ’07’’E, 22.08. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg. PATARYPES: UKRAINE, 4 larvae (were mounted on slides with Liquide de Faure), Donetsk Ridge, Donetsk Region, Artemivs’kyi District, vicinity of Debaltsevo urban settlement, (border of Donetsk and Lugansk Regions), Bulavyna River in the forest, 48 º 18 ’ 55 ’’N 38 º 26 ’07’’E, 13.07. 2008, Martynov A.V. leg.; 1 larva, ibid, 3.05. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 4 larvae, ibid, 16.05. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 6 larvae (one mounted on slide with Canada balsam), ibid, 30.05. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 24 larvae, ibid, 11.06. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 41 larvae, ibid, 1.07. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 1 female subimago, ibid, 17.07. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 14 larvae, ibid, 18.07. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 19 larvae, ibid, 1.08. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 43 larvae (11 were mounted on slides with Canada balsam), 2 female subimagoes, ibid, 20.08. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 7 larvae, 1 female subimago, ibid, 19.09. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 2 larvae, ibid, 4.06. 2011, Sergeev M.E. leg.; 6 larvae, ibid, 18.06. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 35 larvae, 3 female imagoes, ibid, 8.07. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 36 larvae, 9 female subimagoes, 9 male subimagoes, 20 female imagoes, 10 male imagoes, ibid, 22 – 23.08.2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 1 larva, ibid, 15 − 16.10.2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 2 larvaе, Donetsk Ridge, Donetsk Region, Amvrosiiv’kyi District, vicinity of Blahodatne village (2 km N −W from the village), stream in the forest – left tributary of Krynka river, 47 º 53 ’ 41 ’’N 38 º 27 ’00’’E, 20.11. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 6 larvaе, Donetsk Ridge, Lugansk Region, Antratsytivs’kyi District, vicinity of Fashchevka village, stream in the forest, 48 º 15 ’ 34 ’’N 38 º 35 ’ 53 ’’E, 13.07. 2008, Martynov A.V. leg.; 2 larvae (were mounted on slides with Canada balsam), ibid, 1.08. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 1 larva (mounted on slide with Liquide de Faure), Lugansk Region, Antratsytivs’kyi District, vicinity of Bokovo-Platove village, Kripen’ka River in the forest, 48 º08’01’’N 39 º01’ 29 ’’E, 24.10. 2008, Martynov A.V. leg.; 1 larva (mounted on slide with Liquide de Faure) Donetsk Ridge, Luhansk Region, Antratcitivs’kyi District, vicinity of Faschevka village, head of the Mius River in the forest, 48 º 16 ’00’’N 38 º 34 ’ 29 ’’E, 13.07. 2008, Martynov A.V. leg. Further material examined (no types). 2 larvae, Donetsk Ridge, Donetsk Region, Artemivs’kyi District, vicinity of Debaltsevo urban settlement, (border of Donetsk and Lugansk Regions), Bulavyna River in the forest, 48 º 18 ’ 55 ’’N 38 º 26 ’07’’E, 17.04. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 7 larvae, ibid, 2.05. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 38 larvae, ibid, 30.05. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 35 larvae, ibid, 11.06. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 34 larvae, ibid, 1.07. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 53 larvae, ibid, 18.07. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 62 larvae, ibid, 1.08. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 22 larvae, ibid, 20.08. 2010, Martynov A.V. leg.; 1 larva, ibid, 13.03. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 8 larvae, ibid, 29.04. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 10 larvae, ibid, 4.06. 2011, Sergeev M.E. leg.; 1 larva, ibid, 18.06. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 183 larvae, ibid, 8.07. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 12 larvae, ibid, 15 – 16.10.2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 1 larva, Donetsk Ridge, Donetsk Region, Artemivs’kyi District, vicinity of Debaltsevo urban settlement, (border of Donetsk and Lugansk Regions), stream in the forest – right tributary of Bulavyna River in the forest, 48 º 18 ’ 46 ’’N 38 º 25 ’ 58 ’’E, 8.07. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 1 larva, Donetsk Ridge, Donetsk Region, Amvrosiiv’kyi District, vicinity of Blahodatne village (2 km N −W from the village), stream in the forest – left tributary of Krynka river, 47 º 53 ’ 41 ’’N 38 º 27 ’00’’E, 20.11. 2011, Martynov A.V. leg.; 9 larvaе, Donetsk Ridge, Donetsk Region, Amvrosiiv’kyi District, vicinity of Blahodatne village, Krynka river, 47 º 53 ’ 37 ’’N 38 º 30 ’ 17 ’’E, 18.05. 2011, Sergeev M.E. leg.; 9 larvaе, Donetsk Ridge, Donetsk Region, Shakhtar