The copulation of insects takes place in antipodal, inverse antipodal, sympodal, inverse sympodal, reverse sympodal, pseudosympodal, epipodal, reverse epipodal, semiepipodal, reverse semiepipodal, clinopodal, schizopodal, inverse schizopodal, semischizopodal, orthopodal, reverse orthopodal, lateralopodal, parallelopodal, pseudoepipodal, cyclopodal, pseudocyclopodal and sinusoidal position of male and female. The copulation of beakflies (Mecoptera) takes mainly place in schizopodal and sympodal position of male and female as well as subordinately also in epipodal and antipodal position of both partners, whereas an inverse antipodal, inverse sympodal, reverse sympodal, pseudosympodal, reverse epipodal, semiepipodal, reverse semiepipodal, clinopodal, inverse schizopodal, semischizopodal, orthopodal, reverse orthopodal, lateralopodal, parallelopodal, pseudoepipodal, cyclopodal, pseudocyclopodal and sinusoidal position of both partners does not occur in the pairing of beakflies. The copulation of beakflies (Mecoptera) takes place in different positions in the scorpionflies (Panorpidae), the hangingflies (Bittacidae) and the snow scorpionflies (Boreidae). The schizopodal position of both partners in the pairing occurs in the copulation of beakflies (Mecoptera) only in the scorpionflies (Panorpidae) but not in the hangingflies (Bittacidae) and the snow scorpionflies (Boreidae). The epipodal position of both partners in the pairing occurs in the copulation of beakflies (Mecoptera) only in the snow scorpionflies (Boreidae) but not in the scorpionflies (Panorpidae) and the hangingflies (Bittacidae). The sympodal position of both partners in the pairing and the antipodal position of both partners in the pairing occur in the copulation of beakflies (Mecoptera) only in the scorpionflies (Panorpidae) and the hangingflies (Bittacidae) but not in the snow scorpionflies (Boreidae). The copulation of snakeflies (Raphidioptera) takes mainly place in inverse antipodal, epipodal, semiepipodal and antipodal position of male and female as well as subordinately also in semischizopodal position of both partners, whereas a sympodal, inverse sympodal, reverse sympodal, pseudosympodal, reverse epipodal, reverse semiepipodal, clinopodal, schizopodal, inverse schizopodal, orthopodal, reverse orthopodal, lateralopodal, parallelopodal, pseudoepipodal, cyclopodal, pseudocyclopodal and sinusoidal position of both partners does not occur in the pairing of snakeflies. The copulation of alderflies (Megaloptera: Sialidae) takes place in epipodal, reverse semiepipodal, orthopodal, lateralopodal and antipodal position of male and female, whereas an inverse antipodal, sympodal, inverse sympodal, reverse sympodal, pseudosympodal, reverse epipodal, semiepipodal, clinopodal, schizopodal, inverse schizopodal, semischizopodal, reverse orthopodal, lateralopodal, parallelopodal, pseudoepipodal, cyclopodal, pseudocyclopodal and sinusoidal position of both partners does not occur in the pairing of alderflies. The copulation of fishflies (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) takes place in antipodal, epipodal and clinopodal position of male and female, whereas an inverse antipodal, sympodal, inverse sympodal, reverse sympodal, pseudosympodal, reverse epipodal, semiepipodal, reverse semiepipodal, schizopodal, inverse schizopodal, semischizopodal, orthopodal, reverse orthopodal, lateralopodal, parallelopodal, pseudoepipodal, cyclopodal, pseudocyclopodal and sinusoidal position of both partners does not occur in the pairing of fishflies. The copulation of stoneflies (Plecoptera) takes mainly place in epipodal position of male and female as well as subordinately also in antipodal, lateralopodal, schizopodal, inverse schizopodal and orthopodal position of both partners, whereas an inverse antipodal, sympodal, inverse sympodal, reverse sympodal, pseudosympodal, reverse epipodal, semiepipodal, reverse semiepipodal, clinopodale, semischizopodal, reverse orthopodal, parallelopodal, pseudoepipodal, cyclopodal, pseudocyclopodal and sinusoidal position of both partners does not occur in the pairing of stoneflies. The copulation of caddisflies (Trichoptera) takes mainly place in antipodal position of male and female as well as subordinately also in schizopodal, orthopodal and pseudosympodal position of both partners, whereas an inverse antipodal, sympodal, inverse sympodal, reverse sympodal, epipodal, reverse epipodal, semiepipodal, reverse semiepipodal, clinopodal, inverse schizopodal, semischizopodal, reverse orthopodal, lateralopodal, parallelopodal, pseudoepipodal, cyclopodal, pseudocyclopodal and sinusoidal position of both partners does not occur in the pairing of caddisflies. The copulation of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) takes mainly place in reverse semiepipodal position of male and female as well as subordinately also in antipodal and sympodal position of both partners, whereas an inverse antipodal, inverse sympodal, reverse sympodal, pseudosympodal, epipodal, reverse epipodal, semiepipodal, clinopodal, schizopodal, inverse schizopodal, semischizopodal, orthopodal, reverse orthopodal, lateralopodal, parallelopodal, pseudoepipodal, cyclopodal, pseudocyclopodal and sinusoidal position of both partners does not occur in the pairing of mayflies. The different positions during the copulation of beakflies (Mecoptera), snakeflies (Raphidioptera), alderflies (Megaloptera: Sialidae), stoneflies (Plecoptera), caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are described, and the systematical distribution of the different positions during the pairing is explained and illustrated with examples from the individual orders, families and genera of beakflies (Mecoptera), snakeflies (Raphidioptera), alderflies (Megaloptera: Sialidae), stoneflies (Plecoptera), caddisflies (Trichoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Distribution and abundance of the different positions in the copulation of male and female in the most important orders of insects are summarized in the tables 1 - 3 in Mader (2019). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]