2,193 results on '"Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology"'
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2. Doing Anthropology in Wartime and War Zones: World War I and the Cultural Sciences in Europe
- Author
Johler, Reinhard, Marchetti, Christian, Scheer, Monique, Johler, Reinhard, Marchetti, Christian, and Scheer, Monique
- Abstract
World War I marks a well-known turning point in anthropology, and this volume is the first to examine the variety of forms it took in Europe. Distinct national traditions emerged and institutes were founded, partly due to collaborations with the military. Researchers in the cultural sciences used war zones to gain access to "informants": prisoner-of-war and refugee camps, occupied territories, even the front lines. Anthropologists tailored their inquiries to aid the war effort, contributed to interpretations of the war as a "struggle" between "races", and assessed the "warlike" nature of the Balkan region, whose crises were key to the outbreak of the Great War.
- Published
- 2023
3. L'impact de QAnon et d'autres idéologies du complot sur l'Afrique subsaharienne à l'ère du capitalisme mondial
- Author
Kohnert, Dirk and Kohnert, Dirk
- Abstract
With the attack on the Capitol by the 'Proud Boys', Donald Trump's 'deep state' allegations reached the peak of US conspiracy ideologies. Conspiracy was at the core of Trump's policies, including his repeated claims that President Barack Obama was born in Africa. It reflects Trump's deep dislike of African states. After all, a third of the Republican electorate agreed with the far-right QAnon paranoia and other bizarre conspiracy theories. From the outside, the United States was taking on the shape of a banana republic. When US media identified a South African journalist as the mastermind behind QAnon's global rollout in 2019, many Republicans equated Africa with Pandora's box. However, it is no coincidence that the black continent is associated with occult powers. In the social sciences, the modernity of witchcraft beliefs in Africa has been debated hotly for decades. Modern techniques and utensils have become central to the occult's continued importance to Africans. The crisis of the modern nation-state is closely intertwined with the global spread of neoliberal capitalism and the 'invisible hand' that shapes its political and material conditions and forms of society. Beliefs in witchcraft and zombies reflect the alienation of labour, capitalist exploitation, and class formation in African societies. The poor of Africa and the people of the Global South in general, do not lack modernity but have been denied the promise of modernization. Today, even cybercriminals working in the Ivory Coast, impersonating Europeans on social media profiles and seducing partners into falling in love with them, feel compelled to seek the advice of witch doctors to outwit their prey. Given the worldwide importance of social media, this suggests that the virtual space of the global economy as a hotbed of magic and witchcraft is under researched. As in the US election campaign and its entanglement with fake news, examination of the cosmology of the occult in Africa and elsewhere reveals, Avec l'attaque du Capitole par les "Proud Boys", les allégations "d'État profond" de Donald Trump ont atteint le parangon des idéologies comploteuses américaines. Le complot était au cœur de la politique de Trump, y compris ses affirmations répétées selon lesquelles le président Barack Obama est né en Afrique. Cela reflète la profonde aversion de Trump pour les États africains. Après tout, un tiers de l'électorat républicain était d'accord avec la paranoïa d'extrême droite QAnon et d'autres théories du complot bizarres. De l'extérieur, les États-Unis prenaient la forme d'une république bananière. Lorsque les médias américains ont identifié un journaliste sud-africain comme le cerveau derrière le déploiement mondial de QAnon en 2019, de nombreux républicains ont assimilé l'Afrique à la boîte de Pandore. Cependant, ce n'est pas un hasard si le continent noir est associé à des puissances occultes. Dans les sciences sociales, la modernité des croyances sur la sorcellerie en Afrique fait l'objet de vifs débats depuis des décennies. Les techniques et ustensiles modernes sont devenus essentiels à l'importance continue de l'occultisme pour les Africains. La crise de l'État-nation moderne est étroitement liée à la propagation mondiale du capitalisme néolibéral et à la « invisible hand » qui façonne ses conditions politiques et matérielles et ses formes de société. Les croyances en la sorcellerie et les zombies reflètent l'aliénation du travail, l'exploitation capitaliste et la formation de classe dans les sociétés africaines. Les pauvres d'Afrique et les peuples du Sud en général ne manquent pas de modernité, mais ils se sont vu refuser la promesse de la modernisation. Aujourd'hui, même les cybercriminels travaillants en Côte d'Ivoire, se faisant passer pour des Européens sur les réseaux sociaux et incitant leurs partenaires à tomber amoureux d'eux, se sentent obligés de demander conseil à des sorciers pour déjouer leur proie. Compte tenu de l'importance mondiale des médias
- Published
- 2023
4. QAnon and other conspiracy ideologies' impact on Sub-Saharan Africa in the age of Global Capitalism
- Author
Kohnert, Dirk and Kohnert, Dirk
- Abstract
With the attack on the Capitol by the 'Proud Boys', Donald Trump's 'deep state' allegations reached the peak of US conspiracy ideologies. Conspiracy was at the core of Trump's policies, including his repeated claims that President Barack Obama was born in Africa. It reflects Trump's deep dislike of African states. After all, a third of the Republican electorate agreed with the far-right QAnon paranoia and other bizarre conspiracy theories. From the outside, the United States was taking on the shape of a banana republic. When US media identified a South African journalist as the mastermind behind QAnon's global rollout in 2019, many Republicans equated Africa with Pandora's box. However, it is no coincidence that the black continent is associated with occult powers. In the social sciences, the modernity of witchcraft beliefs in Africa has been debated hotly for decades. Modern techniques and utensils have become central to the occult's continued importance to Africans. The crisis of the modern nation-state is closely intertwined with the global spread of neoliberal capitalism and the 'invisible hand' that shapes its political and material conditions and forms of society. Beliefs in witchcraft and zombies reflect the alienation of labour, capitalist exploitation, and class formation in African societies. The poor of Africa and the people of the Global South in general, do not lack modernity but have been denied the promise of modernization. Today, even cybercriminals working in the Ivory Coast, impersonating Europeans on social media profiles and seducing partners into falling in love with them, feel compelled to seek the advice of witch doctors to outwit their prey. Given the worldwide importance of social media, this suggests that the virtual space of the global economy as a hotbed of magic and witchcraft is under researched. As in the US election campaign and its entanglement with fake news, examination of the cosmology of the occult in Africa and elsewhere reveals, Mit dem Angriff der 'Proud Boys' auf das Kapitol erreichten die 'Deep State'-Anschuldigungen von Donald Trump den Höhepunkt der US-Verschwörungsideologien. Verschwörung war der Kern von Trumps Politik, einschließlich seiner wiederholten Behauptung, Präsident Barack Obama sei in Afrika geboren. Sie spiegelt Trumps tiefe Abneigung gegenüber afrikanischen Staaten wider. Immerhin ein Drittel der Wählerschaft der Republikaner stimmte der rechtsextremen QAnon-Paranoia und anderen bizarren Verschwörungstheorien zu. Von außen betrachtet nahmen die Vereinigten Staaten immer mehr die Form einer Bananenrepublik an. Als US-Medien 2019 einen südafrikanischen Journalisten als Vordenker hinter der weltweiten Verbreitung von QAnon identifizierten, wurde Afrika von vielen Republikanern mit der Büchse der Pandora gleichgesetzt. Es ist jedoch kein Zufall, dass der schwarze Kontinent mit okkulten Kräften in Verbindung gebracht wird. In der Sozialwissenschaft wird die Modernität des Hexenglaubens in Afrika seit Jahrzehnten heiß diskutiert. Moderne Techniken und Gebrauchsgegenstände, gewöhnlich westlichen Ursprungs, sind zentral für die anhaltende Bedeutung des Okkulten für Afrikaner geworden. Die Krise des modernen Nationalstaates ist eng verwoben mit der weltweiten Verbreitung des neoliberalen Kapitalismus und der 'invisible hand', die seine politischen und materiellen Voraussetzungen sowie seine Gesellschaftsformen prägt. Der Glaube an Hexerei und Zombies spiegelte die Entfremdung von Arbeit, kapitalistische Ausbeutung und Klassenbildung in afrikanischen Gesellschaften wider. So mangelt es den Armen Afrikas und den Menschen im globalen Süden im Allgemeinen nicht an Modernität, sondern ihnen wurde das Modernisierungsversprechen vorenthalten. Heute fühlen sich selbst in der Elfenbeinküste arbeitende Internetbetrüger, die sich in Social-Media-Profilen als Europäer ausgeben und Partner dazu verführen, sich in sie zu verlieben, genötigt, nach dem Rat von Hexendoktoren zu suchen, um ihre Be
- Published
- 2023
5. Reliving the Bayanihan Spirit: SPRCNHS Landayan Annex Narratives in the New Normal
- Author
Adlit, Marlon F., Martinez, Marites R., Adlit, Marlon F., and Martinez, Marites R.
- Abstract
Bayanihan spirit has been culturally embedded among Filipinos throughout history. Bayanihan also known as tulongan or damayan, is common among Filipinos. In the Philippines, this is a system of mutual assistance and care that serves as a foundation for family and community. In times of adversity, natural calamities, and acts of God, bayanihan becomes a distinct Filipino culture. During this pandemic, the educational system becomes vulnerable to ensure the safety of all learners as well as stakeholders. The study is qualitative research and employed a narrative approach. The study explores the educational and socio-cultural contexts of the experiences among participants, embracing the stories of the pandemic and how it affected them in the "new normal" of the educational processes. Five teachers and five external stakeholders participated in this study. The paper also converges and corroborates the aggregate of teacher and stakeholder narratives. The outcomes include an understanding of the new normal, school and community preparation for the start of classes, narratives of the Bayanihan spirit as manifested by teachers and stakeholders, symbols describing feelings about Bayanihan, and significant experiences during the pandemic.
- Published
- 2023
6. Vererbte Regionen: Aneignungen und Nutzungen von regionalem Heritage im Wendland und in der Lausitz im Vergleich
- Author
Hagemann, Jenny and Hagemann, Jenny
- Abstract
Kulturelles Erbe spielt in Grenzregionen nicht nur im Kontext von Beheimatung eine zentrale Rolle, es kommt auch in energieindustriell bedingten Transformationsprozessen zum Tragen: so etwa im Wendland als ehemaligem "Zonenrandgebiet" und in der Lausitz als Nachbar zu Polen seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Seinen zugrunde liegenden historischen Entwicklungen und aktuellen Handlungsräumen geht die Autorin in ihrer interdisziplinären Studie nach, indem sie historischen Vergleich, Diskursanalyse und qualitative Interviews miteinander verbindet. Sie liefert neue Erkenntnisse für Heritage Studies und Regionalgeschichte gleichermaßen und bietet erstmals Vorschläge zur Konzeptionalisierung von "regionalem Heritage" an.
- Published
- 2023
7. Optimierung des Selbst: Konzepte, Darstellungen und Praktiken
- Author
Dalski, Loreen, Flöter, Kirsten, Keil, Lisa, Lohse, Kathrin, Sand, Lucas, Schülein, Annabelle, Dalski, Loreen, Flöter, Kirsten, Keil, Lisa, Lohse, Kathrin, Sand, Lucas, and Schülein, Annabelle
- Abstract
Von Fitnessstudios über Schlaf-Apps bis hin zu Heilsteinen - das Streben nach Selbstoptimierung hat einen festen Platz in der Alltagskultur der Gegenwart. Was unter dem ubiquitären Begriff zu verstehen ist, wird allerdings kontrovers diskutiert. Selbstoptimierung provoziert: Kritiker*innen lehnen sie als Teil eines neoliberalen Zwangs ab, Befürworter*innen deuten sie als Ausdruck von Autonomie. Die Beiträger*innen des interdisziplinären Bandes differenzieren den Diskurs über die Selbstoptimierung: Sie hinterfragen gegenwärtige Wertungsmuster, heben Ambiguitäten und Brüche hervor und decken die kulturelle Komplexität des Phänomens auf.
- Published
- 2023
8. La Lucha Continua: A Presentist Lens on Social Protest in Ecuador
- Author
Schwab, Julia
- Subjects
Social Problems ,Sociology and Political Science ,Social Psychology ,Amazonasgebiet ,Politikwissenschaft ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,soziale Probleme ,Protestbewegung ,Amazon region ,violence ,Entwicklungsland ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Political science ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,racism ,Gewalt ,indigenous peoples ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Klimawandel ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,protest movement ,developing country ,Protest ,indigene Völker ,Rassismus ,ddc:360 ,climate change ,Soziale Probleme und Sozialdienste ,ddc:320 ,ddc:300 ,Amazon ,CONAIE ,Indigenous movement ,energy transition ,extractivism ,rentier society ,Ecuador ,Social problems and services - Abstract
Ecuador has one of the most progressive constitutions in Latin America. It defines the state as plurinational and guarantees collective rights to Indigenous people and even to Nature itself. At the same time, the oil sector has been of strategic importance and “national interest” to both right‐ and left‐wing governments for the last decades, contributing with its rents and revenues to around one‐third of the state coffers. Therefore, the extractivist model remains unchallenged and still promises development—while reproducing systemic inequalities and a “continuum of violence.” In June 2022, the Indigenous movement called for a nationwide strike to draw attention to the socio‐economic crisis following the pandemic. The authorities harshly repressed the mobilization and a racializing media discourse demarcated the “Indigenous” agenda from the needs of “all Ecuadorians,” classifying the protesters as “terrorists” and thus, a threat to the nation. Drawing on ethnographic research, this article discusses the role of extractivism in social mobilization. Exploring the future of social protest in Ecuador in the face of new pressures like climate change and the energy transition, it argues that extractivist patterns will change globally and amplify social discontent and mobilization.
- Published
- 2023
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9. The Making and Shaping of the Young Gael: Irish‐Medium Youth Work for Developing Indigenous Identities
- Author
Eliz McArdle and Gail Neill
- Subjects
cultural identity ,Sociology and Political Science ,Social Psychology ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Identitätsbildung ,youth work ,Jugendarbeit ,informelles Lernen ,Sozialwesen, Sozialplanung, Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik ,post-colonialism ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,identity ,Irland ,kulturelle Identität ,indigenous peoples ,informal learning ,youth ,education ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,identity formation ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,Social Work, Social Pedagogics, Social Planning ,Identität ,indigene Völker ,Gaelic ,Indigenous ,Irish language ,Northern Ireland ,informal education ,Postkolonialismus ,ddc:360 ,Soziale Probleme und Sozialdienste ,Jugend ,ddc:300 ,Social problems and services ,Bildung ,Ireland - Abstract
Identity exploration and formation is a core rumination for young people. This is heightened in youth where flux and transition are characteristic of this liminal state and intensified further in contexts where identity is disputed and opposed, such as in Northern Ireland. In this post‐colonial setting, the indigenous Irish language and community recently gained some statutory protections, but the status and place of the Irish‐speaking population continue to be strongly opposed. Drawing on focus group data with 40 young people involved in the emerging field of Irish‐medium youth work, this article explores how informal education offers an approach and setting for the development of identities in contested societies. Principles of emancipation, autonomy, and identity formation underpin the field of youth work and informal education. This dialogical approach to learning and welfare focuses on the personal and social development of young people and troubles those systems that marginalise and diminish their place in society. This article identifies how this youth work approach builds on language development to bring to life a new social world and space for Irish‐speaking young people. It identifies political activism and kinship development as key components in strengthening individual and collective identity. This article proposes a shift in emphasis from the language‐based formal education sector to exploit the under‐recognised role of informal education in the development of youth identity, cultural belonging, and language revitalisation.
- Published
- 2023
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10. Endangered Urban Commons: Lahore’s Violent Heritage Management and Prospects for Reconciliation
- Author
Helena Cermeño and Katja Mielke
- Subjects
Denkmalpflege ,Raumplanung und Regionalforschung ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,India ,nostalgia ,Sociology & anthropology ,shared history ,Nostalgie ,strukturelle Gewalt ,Gefährdung ,Lahore ,Pakistan ,Indien ,urban commons memory ,ddc:710 ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Kulturerbe ,housing ,heritage housing ,Cultural Sociology, Sociology of Art, Sociology of Literature ,Landscaping and area planning ,reminiscence ,Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,Wohnungswesen ,historische Entwicklung ,ethnic conflict ,Area Development Planning, Regional Research ,evacuee property ,Wohnen ,cultural heritage ,Öffentliches Gut ,Erinnerung ,historical development ,ethnischer Konflikt ,Urban Studies ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,structural violence ,ddc:300 ,ddc:301 ,heritage ,urban commons ,Kultursoziologie, Kunstsoziologie, Literatursoziologie - Abstract
The debate on urban commons yields relevance for shared histories and heritage in divided and post-conflict societies. Albeit memory is always subjective, heritage management tends to engender a linear view of the past that suggests a preconceived future development. Where the past is denigrated to prove the impossibility of ethnoreligious communities’ coexistence even though they have lived together peacefully for centuries, it risks corroborating us-them divisions for posterity and undermines reconciliation and peacebuilding. In this historically informed article, we argue that urban change in Lahore since 1947 has gone hand in hand with the purposive destruction of the common heritage shared by India and Pakistan. This interpretation of the past for the future reflects different forms of violence that surface in heritage management. Based on empirical data collected on heritage practices in the Old City of Lahore, Pakistan, we analyse the approach of the Walled City of Lahore Authority towards heritage management. Our focus on ignored dimensions and objects of heritage sheds light on the systematic denial of a shared history with Hindus and Sikhs before and during the 1947 partition of British India. This partial ignorance and the intentional neglect, for instance, of housing premises inhabited once by Hindus and other non-Muslim minorities, prevent any constructive confrontation with the past. By scrutinising the relationship between urban change, nostalgia, memory and heritage, this article points out that heritage management needs to be subjected to a constructive confrontation with the past to pave the ground for future reconciliation.
- Published
- 2023
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11. Permanences Against Cultural Amnesia: Reconstructing the Urban Narrative of the Rum Community of Fener, Istanbul
- Author
İlgi Toprak
- Subjects
displacement ,Turkey ,ethnische Gruppe ,Raumplanung und Regionalforschung ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,gentrification ,Türkei ,Sociology & anthropology ,Rum heritage ,cultural amnesia ,permanence ,urban change ,Stadtentwicklung ,ethnic group ,sozialer Wandel ,Stadt ,Vertreibung ,town ,Sociology of Settlements and Housing, Urban Sociology ,kollektive Identität ,ddc:710 ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Stadtteil ,Landscaping and area planning ,Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,collective identity ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,historische Entwicklung ,Area Development Planning, Regional Research ,social change ,city quarter ,urban development ,historical development ,Siedlungssoziologie, Stadtsoziologie ,Urban Studies ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,ddc:300 ,ddc:301 ,Gentrifizierung - Abstract
In this article I reconstruct the place narrative of the Rum community (Greeks of Turkey) in Fener, Istanbul through unrest, displacement, and gentrification, and how the urban fabric, everyday life, and encounters transformed through different phases of urban change. Fener was a neighbourhood where cultural groups coexisted with mutual respect. This environment started to deteriorate when societal unrest towards non-Muslims resulted in a city-wide assault in 1955 and a subsequent displacement of many non-Muslims from the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood decayed and later became an attractive spot for gentrifiers because of its multicultural history. This implicated a massive physical change after an unimplemented regeneration project leading to gentrification. I theorize this narrative mainly based on Whitehead’s “permanences,” the stabilities in the physical and non-physical presence of Rums in Fener and Bhabha’s “in-between temporalities” as complements of permanences, defining space-time envelopes that signify both adjustment and resilience, but also amnesia as a result of urban unrest through social and physical change. The Rum urban narrative provides a complex story of challenged community identity; therefore, it necessitates the use of several qualitative research methods: interviews with older residents, historical investigation with documentation, and personal observation. The study results show that the Rum community’s daily practices and placeworlds were lost; however, the community remembers permanences better than in-between temporalities. Linking fragmented narratives by reconstructing them fights cultural amnesia and leads to a better connection with place and past contexts.
- Published
- 2023
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12. Negativer Anarchismus: Rezension zu 'Unherrschaft und Gegenherrschaft' von Florian Mühlfried
- Author
Briese, Olaf
- Subjects
Anarchie ,Ethnografie ,Georgien ,Herrschaft ,Macht ,Staat ,Soziales Leben ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,ddc:300 ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology - Abstract
Florian Mühlfried: Unherrschaft und Gegenherrschaft. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz 2022. 978-3-7518-0558-2
- Published
- 2023
13. Stadt und Transnationalität in Zentralasien: Neuer und Alter Kosmopolitismus als Medium regionaler und globaler Volksdiplomatie
- Author
Magnus Marsden and Vera Skvirskaja
- Subjects
Auswanderung ,internal migration ,ethnische Gruppe ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,diaspora ,transnationality ,Sociology & anthropology ,ethnic group ,Zentralasien ,Central Asia ,Sociology of Settlements and Housing, Urban Sociology ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,rural-urban migration ,kulturelle Vielfalt ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,UdSSR-Nachfolgestaat ,minority ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,USSR successor state ,Kosmopolitismus ,Stadtbevölkerung ,Landflucht ,cosmopolitanism ,Siedlungssoziologie, Stadtsoziologie ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Binnenwanderung ,urban population ,Minderheit ,Transnationalität ,ddc:300 ,emigration ,ddc:301 ,cultural diversity - Abstract
Das Leben in den Städten Zentralasiens hat in den vergangenen dreißig Jahren einen tiefgreifenden Wandel erfahren. Vor allem haben sich das Ausmaß und die Konstellationen kultureller und religiöser Vielfalt verändert. Häufig wird angenommen, dass der urbane Raum für gegenseitige Abhängigkeiten und komplexe Formen des Zusammenlebens nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion abgenommen hat. Als Grund gilt die Binnenmigration vom Land in die Städte bei gleichzeitiger Auswanderung ethnoreligiöser Minderheiten. Der Beitrag untersucht, wie vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklungen neue Formen der Vielfalt in den urbanen Zentren Zentralasiens entstanden sind. Dabei steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt, welche Auswirkungen die Diasporagemeinden ethnoreligiöser Minderheiten, die außerhalb der Region entstanden sind, für ihre Herkunftsstädte in Zentralasien haben.
- Published
- 2023
14. Urban Heritage in Transformation: Physical and Non-Physical Dimensions of Changing Contexts
- Author
Frank Eckardt and Aliaa AlSadaty
- Subjects
socioeconomic development ,Raumplanung und Regionalforschung ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Sociology & anthropology ,Stadtentwicklung ,Sociology of Settlements and Housing, Urban Sociology ,keine Angabe ,ddc:710 ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Kulturerbe ,Landscaping and area planning ,Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,non-physical transformation ,patterns of change ,physical transformation ,urban heritage ,sozioökonomische Entwicklung ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,historische Entwicklung ,not specified ,Area Development Planning, Regional Research ,cultural heritage ,urban development ,historical development ,Siedlungssoziologie, Stadtsoziologie ,Urban Studies ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,ddc:300 ,ddc:301 - Abstract
Urban heritage is at the core of the process of many changes observable in the cities today. The pace of urban change in heritage contexts, however, differs widely across the globe. In some areas, it goes slowly, in others it is astonishingly rapid. In some cases, change is coupled with risks of erosion of heritage and urban areas of value and in others change is synonymous with prosperity and positive impacts. Change in urban heritage areas is not only confined to the physical and tangible aspects, but needs to be regarded as mirroring changes related socio-political practices, economic implications, and cultural impacts. In this regard, the present thematic issue looks at various patterns of the interrelationship between heritage and urban change from both the physical and the non-physical perspectives. This editorial presents the topic of urban heritage and patterns of physical and non-physical transformation in urban heritage contexts and introduces the thematic issue “Urban Heritage and Patterns of Change: Spatial Practices of Physical and Non-Physical Transformation.”
- Published
- 2023
15. Indigenous Emancipation: The Fight Against Marginalisation, Criminalisation, and Oppression
- Author
O’Brien, Grace, Pan, Pey‐Chun, Sheikh, Mustapha, and Prideaux, Simon
- Subjects
displacement ,colonialism ,Social Problems ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,soziale Probleme ,Emanzipation ,soziale Ungleichheit ,Kriminalisierung ,Gerechtigkeit ,Vertreibung ,criminalization ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,indigenous peoples ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,social inequality ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,Marginalität ,marginality ,indigene Völker ,Diskriminierung ,justice ,Kolonialismus ,ddc:360 ,Soziale Probleme und Sozialdienste ,ddc:300 ,Unterdrückung ,emancipation ,Social problems and services ,Indigenous emancipation ,Indigenous rights ,marginalisation ,settler‐ colonialism ,oppression ,discrimination - Abstract
This thematic issue addresses the challenges faced by Indigenous peoples in protecting their rights and maintaining their unique cultures and ways of life. Despite residing on all continents and possessing distinct social, cultural, economic, and political characteristics, Indigenous peoples have historically faced oppression and violation of their rights. Measures to protect Indigenous rights are gradually being recognized by the international community, but ongoing issues such as illegal deforestation, mining, and land clearances continue to desecrate sacred sites and oppress Indigenous peoples. Indigenous women and youth are particularly vulnerable, facing higher levels of gender‐based violence and overrepresentation in judicial sentencing statistics. Land rights continue to be threatened by natural resource extraction, infrastructure projects, large‐scale agricultural expansion, and conservation orders. There is also a heightened risk of statelessness for Indigenous peoples whose traditional lands cross national borders, leading to displacement, attacks, killings, and criminalization.
- Published
- 2023
16. Between Legal Indigeneity and Indigenous Sovereignty in Taiwan: Insights From Critical Race Theory
- Author
Scott E. Simon and Awi Mona
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Social Psychology ,Urteil ,Souveränität ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Taiwan ,Gleichstellung ,judgment or sentence ,autonomy ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,racism ,affirmative action ,indigenous peoples ,Gesetzesnovellierung ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Indigenous sovereignty ,critical race theory ,legal indigeneity ,Demokratisierung ,amendment ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,sovereignty ,democratization ,indigene Völker ,Autonomie ,Rassismus ,Recht ,ddc:340 ,ddc:300 ,Law - Abstract
Taiwan, home to over 580,000 Indigenous people in 16 state‐recognized groups, is one of three Asian countries to recognize the existence of Indigenous peoples in its jurisdiction. Taiwan’s Indigenous peoples remember their pre‐colonial lives as autonomous nations living according to their own laws and political institutions, asserting that they have never ceded territory or sovereignty to any state. As Taiwan democratized, the state dealt with resurgent Indigenous demands for political autonomy through legal indigeneity, including inclusion in the Constitution since 1997 and subsequent legislation. Yet, in an examination of two court rulings, we find that liberal indigeneity protects individuals, while consistently undermining Indigenous sovereignty. In 2021, the Constitutional Court upheld restrictive laws against hunting, seeking to balance wildlife conservation and cultural rights for Indigenous hunters, but ignoring Indigenous demands to create autonomous hunting regimes. In 2022, the Constitutional Court struck down part of the Indigenous Status Act, which stipulated that any child with one Indigenous parent and one Han Taiwanese parent must use an Indigenous name to obtain Indigenous status and benefit from anti‐discrimination measures. Both rulings deepen state control over Indigenous lives while denying Indigenous peoples the sovereign power to regulate these issues according to their own laws. Critical race theory (CRT) is useful in understanding how legislation designed with good intentions to promote anti‐discrimination can undermine Indigenous sovereignty. Simultaneously, studies of Indigenous resurgence highlight an often‐neglected dimension of CRT—the importance of affirming the nation in the face of systemic racism.
- Published
- 2023
17. Anishinaabe Law at the Margins: Treaty Law in Northern Ontario, Canada, as Colonial Expansion
- Author
Brown, Tenille E.
- Subjects
History ,Canada ,legal agreement ,colonialism ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Rechtsabkommen ,indigene Völker ,Kolonialismus ,Recht ,Kanada ,ddc:340 ,Geschichte ,ddc:300 ,Law ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Anishinaabe Nation ,Indigenous law ,Northern Ontario ,Restoule ,Robinson Treaties ,treaty law ,contract ,ddc:900 ,Vertrag ,indigenous peoples - Abstract
In 1850, 17 years before the Dominion of Canada was created, colonial officers in representation of Her Majesty the Queen, concluded Treaty Numbers 60 and 61 with the Anishinaabe Nation of Northern Ontario. The Robinson Treaties - so named after William Benjamin Robinson, a government official - include land cessions made by the Anishinaabe communities in return for ongoing financial support and protection of hunting rights. The land areas included in the treaty are vast territories that surround two of Canada's great lakes: Lake Superior and Lake Huron. These lands were important for colonial expansion as settlements began to move west across North America. The treaties promised increased annual annuity payments "if and when" the treaty territory produced profits that enabled "the Government of this Province, without incurring loss, to increase the annuity hereby secured to them." This amount has not been increased in 150 years. This article reviews Restoule v. Canada, a recent Ontario decision brought by Anishinaabe Treaty beneficiaries who seek to affirm these treaty rights. A reading of the Robinson Treaties that implements the original treaty promise and increases annuity payments would be a hopeful outcome of the Restoule v. Canada decision for it would be the implementation of reconciliation. In addition, the Restoule decision has important insights to offer about how Indigenous law can guide modern‐day treaty interpretation just as it guided the adoption of the treaty in 1850. The Robinson Treaties are important for the implementation of treaty promises through Indigenous law and an opportunity to develop a Canada in which Indigenous peoples are true partners in the development and management of natural resources.
- Published
- 2023
18. Leibliche Präsenz: Eine Soziologie holistischer Erfahrung
- Author
Alexander Antony
- Subjects
Social Psychology ,pragmatism ,Pragmatismus ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Diskursanalyse ,ethnography ,sociological theory ,ddc:150 ,Ethnographie ,Psychology ,discourse analysis ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,soziologische Theorie ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,body ,Kulturphilosophie ,Körper ,philosophy of culture ,Psychologie ,Praxistheorie ,Soziologie des Körpers ,Leib ,Atemarbeit ,Atemtherapie ,ddc:300 ,sociology of the body ,Sozialpsychologie ,Körpersoziologie - Abstract
In welcher Hinsicht können körperlich-leibliche Erfahrungen als Teil sozialer Aktivitäten verstanden werden und wie kann man sie sozialwissenschaftlich untersuchen? Unter Rückgriff auf den klassischen Pragmatismus, insbesondere John Dewey, und soziologische Praxistheorien leistet Alexander Antony einen Beitrag zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen. Er entwickelt eine Soziologie leiblicher Praxis, welche Sozialtheorie, methodologische Reflexion und die Erforschung der Produktion ge- und erlebter Körperlichkeit miteinander verschränkt. Empirisch widmet sich das Buch aus einer diskursanalytischen und ethnographischen Perspektive der Praktik der Atemarbeit, einem "ganzheitlichen" Therapie- und Selbsterfahrungsangebot. Die Atemarbeit zielt darauf, eine bewusst erlebte leibliche Selbstbezüglichkeit zu etablieren, um derart körperliches, psychisches und seelisch-spirituelles Wohlbefinden zu befördern. Auf unterschiedlichen Analyseebenen spürt der Autor der Frage nach, wie individuelles leibliches Erleben und die diskursive und soziomaterielle Produktion von Erfahrungssituationen zusammenspielen. Die zentrale Einsicht: Sozialität geht buchstäblich unter die Haut.
- Published
- 2023
19. Leben mit Wölfen: Affekte, Gefühle und Stimmungen in Mensch-Wolf-Beziehungen
- Author
Thorsten Gieser
- Subjects
ethnology ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Wolf ,Affekt ,Koexistenz ,Anthropozän ,Mensch ,Atmosphäre ,Stimmung ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Lausitz ,Westerwald ,Jagd ,Wildtier ,Human-animal Studies ,Cultural Studies ,Kulturwissenschaft ,Affect ,Coexistence ,Anthropocene ,Human ,Germany ,Hunting ,Human-Animal Studies ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Ethnologie ,Kulturanthropologie ,Tier ,human-environment relationship ,ddc:300 ,animal ,Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehung ,cultural anthropology ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology - Abstract
Die Wölfe kehren zurück nach Deutschland - und mit ihnen auch die Konflikte zwischen Mensch und Wolf. Eine zentrale Rolle spielen dabei die Affekte, Atmosphären, Gefühle und Stimmungen, die ihre Rückkehr auslöst. Mit ethnografischen Mitteln untersucht Thorsten Gieser die komplexe Verflechtung von Natur und Gesellschaft im Anthropozän. Seine These: Die Wölfe bewegen und berühren uns in einer gemeinsamen Lebenswelt und stoßen damit einen Prozess an, uns als mehr-als-menschliche Gesellschaft neu zu denken. Er zeigt Wege zu einem konstruktiven Umgang mit Affekten auf, schlägt ein komplexes Verständnis von Wölfen als affektive Akteure vor und begreift somit das Mensch-Wolf-Verhältnis radikal neu.
- Published
- 2022
20. Vererbte Regionen : Aneignungen und Nutzungen von regionalem Heritage im Wendland und in der Lausitz im Vergleich
- Author
Hagemann, Jenny, Schmiechen-Ackermann, Detlef, and Bös, Mathias
- Subjects
Strukturwandel ,History ,German Democratic Republic (GDR) ,Deutsches Reich ,Kulturmarketing ,Nationalsozialismus ,Dewey Decimal Classification::300 | Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie::370 | Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Raumplanung und Regionalforschung ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Raum ,twentieth century ,Geschichte ,Region ,ddc:710 ,German Reich ,Weimarer Republik ,Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,Social History, Historical Social Research ,20. Jahrhundert ,Area Development Planning, Regional Research ,Lausitz ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Saxony ,social geography ,ddc:300 ,Brandenburg ,Sozialgeographie ,ddc:900 ,Erinnerungskultur ,Wendland ,Grenze ,Cultural Marketing ,culture of remembrance ,Lower Saxony ,cultural studies ,Kulturgeographie ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Diskursanalyse ,Dewey Decimal Classification::300 | Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie::320 | Politik ,DDR ,Transformation ,ddc:370 ,Niedersachsen ,cultural anthropology ,discourse analysis ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Kulturerbe ,Landscaping and area planning ,regionale Entwicklung ,Sachsen ,Dewey Decimal Classification::300 | Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Kulturwissenschaft ,Grenzgebiet ,Nazism ,historische Entwicklung ,regional identity ,regionale Identität ,Identität ,regional development ,cultural heritage ,Weimar Republic (Germany, 1918-33) ,historical development ,cultural geography ,Kulturanthropologie ,structural change ,border region ,ddc:320 ,Sozialgeschichte, historische Sozialforschung - Abstract
Kulturelles Erbe spielt in Grenzregionen nicht nur im Kontext von Beheimatung eine zentrale Rolle, es kommt auch in energieindustriell bedingten Transformationsprozessen zum Tragen: so etwa im Wendland als ehemaligem »Zonenrandgebiet« und in der Lausitz als Nachbar zu Polen seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Seinen zugrunde liegenden historischen Entwicklungen und aktuellen Handlungsräumen geht Jenny Hagemann in ihrer interdisziplinären Studie nach, indem sie historischen Vergleich, Diskursanalyse und qualitative Interviews miteinander verbindet. Sie liefert neue Erkenntnisse für Heritage Studies und Regionalgeschichte gleichermaßen und bietet erstmals Vorschläge zur Konzeptionalisierung von »regionalem Heritage« an.
- Published
- 2022
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21. The Ethnographic Quest in the Midst of COVID-19
- Author
Luis Gregorio Abad Espinoza, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca = University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), and Abad Espinoza, L
- Subjects
Digitalisierung ,anthropocene ,mnemonic device ,Ethnobotany ,M-DEA/01 - DISCIPLINE DEMOETNOANTROPOLOGICHE ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,COVID-19 pandemic ,mnemonic devices ,digitalization ,ethnography ,Traditional ecological knowledge--Law and legislation ,Shuar Indians ,Education ,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences ,spatio-temporal realities ,Forschungsarten der Sozialforschung ,Ethnographie ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Human-Non-Human relations ,Ecological anthropology ,Multispecies Ethnography ,Traditional Ecological Knowledge ,Ethnobiology ,Ethnopharmacology ,Digital Ethnography ,Indigenous Societies ,Shuar ,Anthropocene ,technology ,anthropology ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,indigenous peoples ,Amazon River Region ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,[SHS.PHIL]Humanities and Social Sciences/Philosophy ,Traditional medicine ,[SHS.ANTHRO-SE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnology ,indigene Völker ,Anthropologie ,Digital ethnology ,BIO/08 - ANTROPOLOGIA ,spatio-temporal realitie ,Research Design ,ddc:300 ,shuar ,Ethnology - Abstract
International audience; The outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 has threatened ethnographic inquiry, undermining its quintessential characteristic. Participant observation, then, has been thoroughly dismembered by the radical measures implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. This phenomenon, in short, has dragged anthropologists to a liminal state within which ethnography is paradoxically caught in an onto-epistemological unstable vortex. The question of being here and not there, during the pandemic, is epitomised in the instability of different spatio-temporal contexts that overlap through technological mediations. Reflecting on previous fieldwork experiences and current virtual inquiries with the Shuar of the Ecuadorian Amazon unfolds how COVID-19 has thoroughly reshaped how the author approaches subjects' socio-ecological settings. Against this background, the article argues that corporeal immersion remains a necessary condition for the anthropological scrutiny of multispecies relationalities amidst the challenging times of the Anthropocene. The article nevertheless demonstrates that the intellectual efforts to grasp the different material temporalities of virtual spaces embrace the ethical principles concerning the renunciation of fieldwork with vulnerable communities. Furthermore, a reflective and speculative stance is proposed to actualise the snapshots of faraway physicalities linking them to past embodied and multi-sensory experiences. It is ultimately theorised how these mnemonic devices operate as creative forms of inquiry that overcome the pandemic consequences, extra-stimulating our cognitive capabilities to reflect on prior and possible socio-material interactions.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Acts of Belonging: Second Generation Youth in South Tyrol, Italy
- Author
Johanna Mitterhofer
- Subjects
citizenship ,nationale Identität ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Italien ,Staatsangehörigkeit ,South Tyrol ,zweite Generation ,second generation ,group membership ,national identity ,belonging ,Migration, Sociology of Migration ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Migration ,Demography ,junger Erwachsener ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Migrationshintergrund ,minority ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,Südtirol ,Jugendlicher ,regional identity ,regionale Identität ,Gruppenzugehörigkeit ,migration background ,Italy ,Minderheit ,adolescent ,ddc:300 ,young adult - Abstract
This article studies citizenship beyond its manifestation as a formal legal status, by exploring citizenship as a process shaped by people’s everyday practices and experiences of belonging. Through investigating the daily struggles over belonging and membership of young people with migrant background in the autonomous province of South Tyrol in Northern Italy, this study pays particular attention to the ways in which belonging on the macro scale (the nation, the state) and the micro scale (the village, the city, the region) clash, intersect and interact with each other. By highlighting practices of belonging at the margins of a state by actors considered to be at the margins of the state, this article contributes to scholarly debates that “decentre” citizenship by studying it at, from and for the margins.
- Published
- 2022
23. Death and morality: perspectives on the moral function of death among the basoga of Uganda
- Author
Paulous Serugo and Alexander Paul Isiko
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie ,Social Sciences ,kulturelle Faktoren ,moral function ,Basoga ,Afrika ,death ,Uganda ,Sterben ,Function (engineering) ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,media_common ,basoga ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,dying ,Tod ,Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology ,morality ,Morality ,Moral ,cultural factors ,spirituality ,culture ,Spiritualität ,Africa ,ddc:300 ,Psychology ,Social psychology - Abstract
Numerous studies on death in African societies with no doubt have been successfully conducted though their preoccupation has been with the religious and spirituality perspectives. There has been a great deal of theologizing about the spiritual connection between the life here and life after death. Most studies in the humanities have zeroed on burial rituals and rites as means of transition to the spiritual world. Others have concentrated on how different societies cope with the misfortune of death; through grieving, mourning, choosing an heir or heiress and the succession disputes that are always part and parcel of such a culturally acknowledged process. Death is largely constructed as a challenge and misfortune, and many a scholar in the humanities are concerned with how different societies define, perceive, handle and cope with this catastrophe. Most scholarly works have paid a deaf ear to the social value that comes with the demise of an individual. One such social value is the definition and shaping of moral order in society, in which death occurs. Busoga traditional society of Uganda is used as the case study. Busoga is both a geographical reality and cultural entity, found in the eastern part of Uganda. The authors argue that rather than militating life, death promotes and perpetuates moral values on one hand and discourages vices that destabilize society on the other.
- Published
- 2021
24. The Ethnographic Quest in the Midst of COVID-19
- Author
Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio and Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio
- Abstract
The outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 has threatened ethnographic inquiry, undermining its quintessential characteristic. Participant observation, then, has been thoroughly dismembered by the radical measures implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. This phenomenon, in short, has dragged anthropologists to a liminal state within which ethnography is paradoxically caught in an onto-epistemological unstable vortex. The question of being here and not there, during the pandemic, is epitomised in the instability of different spatio-temporal contexts that overlap through technological mediations. Reflecting on previous fieldwork experiences and current virtual inquiries with the Shuar of the Ecuadorian Amazon unfolds how COVID-19 has thoroughly reshaped how the author approaches subjects' socio-ecological settings. Against this background, the article argues that corporeal immersion remains a necessary condition for the anthropological scrutiny of multispecies relationalities amidst the challenging times of the Anthropocene. The article nevertheless demonstrates that the intellectual efforts to grasp the different material temporalities of virtual spaces embrace the ethical principles concerning the renunciation of fieldwork with vulnerable communities. Furthermore, a reflective and speculative stance is proposed to actualise the snapshots of faraway physicalities linking them to past embodied and multi-sensory experiences. It is ultimately theorised how these mnemonic devices operate as creative forms of inquiry that overcome the pandemic consequences, extra-stimulating our cognitive capabilities to reflect on prior and possible socio-material interactions.
- Published
- 2022
25. Ethnografie der Hochschule: Ein Forschungsprogramm
- Author
Meyer, Daniel, Reuter, Julia, Berli, Oliver, Meyer, Daniel, Reuter, Julia, and Berli, Oliver
- Abstract
Der Beitrag diskutiert den Stellenwert ethnografischer Perspektiven in der Hochschulforschung anhand von Pionierstudien und Schlüsseltexten. Ausgehend von Phänomenen aus dem Alltag von Studierenden, des Hochschulpersonals und der Wissensproduktion skizziert er Anknüpfungspunkte einer Ethnografie der Hochschule, die sich mithilfe des Konzepts des Settings neue Themenfelder und methodische Zugänge zur universitären Praxis erschließt und sich damit auch programmatisch zur gängigen Hochschulforschung positioniert.
- Published
- 2022
26. 'Doing market' - Unternehmerische Praxis und der Diskurs um 'ethnische Ökonomie' im Markt für muslimische Mode in Berlin
- Author
Birnbauer, Robert and Birnbauer, Robert
- Abstract
Unter dem Schlagwort "ethnische Ökonomie" wird die berufliche Selbstständigkeit von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Politik und Wissenschaft diskutiert. Indem die Selbstständigen ihren "Markt machen", positionieren sie sich mit dem und gegen diesen Diskurs. Der Autor zeigt aus einer wirtschaftsanthropologischen Perspektive, wie die Unternehmer*innen dabei ihre gesellschaftlichen Positionen und etablierte ökonomische Wissensbestände gleichermaßen verhandeln. Dazu folgt er dem Diskurs um "ethnische Ökonomie" von der politischen in die unternehmerische Praxis und zeigt: Geschäfte im Markt für muslimische Mode werden zum Resultat gesellschaftlicher Diskurse und der Markt zum Effekt beschreibbarer unternehmerischer Praxis - weit jenseits einer "unsichtbaren Hand".
- Published
- 2022
27. Zwischen Shetland und Nubien: Reisebriefe von Alphons Stübel an seine Familie 1856-1866
- Author
Brogiato, Heinz Peter, Schelhaas, Bruno, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde e.V. (IfL), Brogiato, Heinz Peter, Schelhaas, Bruno, and Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde e.V. (IfL)
- Published
- 2022
28. Los recursos hídricos en las regiones indígenas de México
- Author
Villagómez Velázquez, Yanga, Gómez-Martínez, Emanuel, Villagómez Velázquez, Yanga, and Gómez-Martínez, Emanuel
- Abstract
The purpose of this article is to add information to the water policies design’s debate with intercultural view in Mexico. It analyses water resources management in the lands inhabited by indigenous peoples, focused on human right to water. Methodology consists on combining two relevant databases to understand water accessibility in those lands and to locate the concentration of indigenous population. Among its limitations is that the basis of ethnographic interpretation were anthropological publications even though it is necessary firsthand information to understand the conflictive relationship between water management and indigenous people; consequently it should have been better to select case studies. The originality of this document is that synthetizes hydrological and anthropological information within a context of collective rights. Conclusions lead to propose that water management strategies should take into account these communities organization in such a way they can participate in decision-making related to the procedures that actually are created in the National Water Law., El objetivo de este artículo es contribuir con información al debate sobre el diseño de una política hídrica con visión intercultural en México. Se analiza la gestión de los recursos hídricos en los territorios indígenas de México con un enfoque centrado en el derecho humano al agua. La metodología consiste en combinar dos bases de datos relevantes para entender la disponibilidad del recurso en esas regiones y localizar las concentraciones de población indígena. Entre las limitaciones de la investigación está que la interpretación etnográfica se basó sólo en publicaciones antropológicas, a pesar de que es necesaria la información de primera mano - un estudio de caso, por ejemplo - para comprender la relación conflictiva entre la gestión del agua y los pueblos indígenas. La originalidad del documento es que sintetiza la información hidrológica y antropológica en un contexto de derechos colectivos. En las conclusiones se propone que las estrategias para el manejo del agua tomen en cuenta la organización de estas comunidades para que puedan intervenir en la toma de decisiones para los mecanismos que se están creando en la Ley de Aguas Nacionales.
- Published
- 2022
29. Lieder, Geister und Tabus: Zum soziokulturellen Wandel der Musiktradition bei den Tao in Taiwan
- Author
Lin, Wei-Ya and Lin, Wei-Ya
- Abstract
Die Tao verfügen über ein ganzheitliches Musikkonzept, das unlösbar mit allen Lebensbereichen verwoben ist. Die Autorin untersucht die Singpraxis der Tao daher anhand von ethnomusikologischen sowie sozial- und kulturanthropologischen Methoden und Ansätzen und fragt: Wie haben die Geister den Tao in früheren Zeiten das Singen beigebracht und wie kommunizieren sie, wenn jemand ein Tabu bricht? Was hat Singen mit der Nutzung von Naturressourcen zu tun? Und wie verändert sich das musikalische Verhalten im Lauf der Zeit? Dabei wird deutlich, dass ein tieferes Verständnis soziokultureller Transformationsprozesse nur erfolgen kann, wenn man berücksichtigt, dass zwischen Liedern, Geistern und Tabus wechselseitige Beziehungen bestehen.
- Published
- 2022
30. Transcending human sociality: eco-cosmological relationships between entities in the ecosphere
- Author
Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio and Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio
- Abstract
Based on a discussion of the theoretical contributions of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Pierre Clastres, this article explores social relationships as more than a human dimension. Though strongly analysed by both anthropologists, these relationships appear to involve indigenous societies’ whole ecological and cosmological system. In this sense, reciprocity, social cohesion, and exchange can be understood as material and immaterial interrelationships between entities of a more than a corporeal world. I argue, then, that to go beyond the mere anthropocentric conceptualisation of sociality in a nature good to think, we need to holistically conceive the interconnected levels of trophic, socio-structural and socio-cosmic relationships and exchanges between human and non-human beings in the ecosystem.
- Published
- 2022
31. The Embodied Subjectivities of Videography
- Author
Alkemeyer, Thomas and Alkemeyer, Thomas
- Abstract
In recent ethnographic research, videography represents the “gold standard,” promising to bring more into observable view of an investigated reality than the mere human eye possibly could. While some approaches to videographic research do reflect on the social-constructional contribution of video-technological methods of visualization, they do not reflect on this aspect with regard to researchers as researching subjects in the practices of videographic research. This commentary addresses this “black box.” From a praxeological and subjectification-theoretical perspective, it is interested in the construction of “videographically researching subjects” in the various social sites of videography, focuses on the materiality and (inter-)corporeality of these subjectivation processes, and addresses the epistemological risks inherent in the videographic privileging of the visual sense as well as the videotechnological possibilities of analyzing the collected data material, such as the risk of “scholastic fallacies“ (Bourdieu 2000). In conclusion, some consequences are drawn from this framework for videographic research on violence and for reflecting on the meaning of the body in videography.
- Published
- 2022
32. Conflictividades interculturales: Demandas indígenas como crisis fructíferas
- Author
Briones, Claudia and Briones, Claudia
- Abstract
Fake news, populismos, peligros ambientales por el antropoceno irradian en los últimos años señales de crisis desconcertantes. ¿Qué otras preguntas habría que hacer para encarar los desconciertos y preocupaciones que nos abren? ¿Qué nuevos enfoques están ensayándose en las Ciencias Sociales para afrontar los desafíos que se nos plantean? ¿Dónde buscar definiciones más certeras y alternativas? Este ensayo explora el devenir de las demandas indígenas en América Latina como ámbitos de diagnóstico que indican fallos en las convivencias y sugieren preguntas y caminos para repensar los tiempos que nos toca vivir.
- Published
- 2022
33. Organisiertes Engagement: Das Innenleben studentischer Vereinigungen
- Author
Meyer, Daniel, Reuter, Julia, Berli, Oliver, Meyer, Daniel, Reuter, Julia, and Berli, Oliver
- Abstract
Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Vielfalt studentischen Engagements in Deutschland und skizziert Eckpunkte einer Ethnografie studentischen Vereinslebens. Am Fallbeispiel des Kölner Organisationsforums Wirtschaftskongress (OFW) zeigt er auf, wie sich Studierendeninitiativen ethnografisch erforschen lassen und welche Bedeutung ihnen im Kontext der Hochschulethnografie zukommt. Hierzu erkundet er Praktiken der Vergemeinschaftung, Prozesse der beruflichen Sozialisation und Elemente der materiellen Kultur. Darauf aufbauend arbeitet der Beitrag methodische Besonderheiten einer Ethnografie studentischen Vereinslebens heraus und diskutiert die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen und Potenziale, darunter auch Fragen des Feldzugangs, der Fallauswahl und des Verhältnisses von Nähe und Distanz.
- Published
- 2022
34. Pseudo-event Construction on Instagram by the Iranian Female Micro-Celebrities
- Author
Bicharanlou, Abdollah, Shojaeian, Zeinabß, Bicharanlou, Abdollah, and Shojaeian, Zeinabß
- Abstract
The pseudo-events -events that are created through and for the media- are one of the main opportunities to increase the visibility of micro-celebrities and to grow and maintain their audiences. This study aims to find what happens behind the scenes of pseudo-events that micro-celebrities organize. The primary purpose of this article is to study pseudo-events on social media accounts of Iranian female micro-celebrities on Instagram. Therefore, we aim to answer the following questions: What are pseudo-events on Instagram and what are their characteristics? How do Iranian female micro-celebrities create these pseudo-events? And What are the motivations behind creating these events and the way they are held? The methodology of this research is online ethnography and to answer the questions, we conducted unstructured interviews with 16 micro-celebrities and informants on micro-celebrities’ personal lives. Then, raw data were analyzed using the content analysis method. Based on the analysis, the central theme was fake events whose characteristics are: 1. participants (present and absent), 2. time (event occurrence time, event receipt time), 3. location (in real space, on virtual space), 4. etiquettes and form of performance (type of gifts, music, food, and the well-staged nature of events). The findings also showed that in these events, the represented image is more important than the event itself. In fact, these events are designed and performed for filming and display.
- Published
- 2022
35. Estrategias campesinas para la consolidación de la agricultura familiar en Los Altos de Chiapas, México
- Author
Gómez-Martínez, Emanuel and Gómez-Martínez, Emanuel
- Abstract
Has productive diversification allowed peasant families of Los Altos de Chiapas to consolidate their strategies of social reproduction? To answer this question, this article analyzes peasant family agriculture to understand its level of economic consolidation. The research methodology is a case study on a regional and local scale, including a statistical review to describe the problem, conducting a survey in two municipalities in the region, participatory observation of traditional agriculture work in demonstration plots for native corn improvement, and observation of organic production processes of vegetables, honey and coffee. The result is a profile of the regional agricultural economy that makes it possible to analize productive diversification strategies, highlighting the processes of agroecological management of corn, coffee and honey. These results permit a discussion of the typology of Peasant Family Agriculture (CFA) proposed by the FAO for describing the level of consolidation of peasant family agriculture. The conclusions contribute to an understanding of the stage of economic consolidation stage of peasant strategies. The study provides guidelines to improve the processes of organization of the peasant family economy., ¿La diversificación productiva ha permitido a las familias campesinas de Los Altos de Chiapas consolidar sus estrategias de reproducción social? Para contestar esta pregunta, en este artículo se caracteriza la agricultura familiar campesina a fin de comprender su nivel de consolidación económica. La metodología investigativa es un estudio de casos a escala regional y local, que incluyó revisión estadística para caracterizar la problemática, levantamiento de una encuesta en dos municipios de la región, observación participativa de las labores de agricultura tradicional en parcelas demostrativas de mejoramiento de maíz nativo, seguimiento a procesos de producción orgánica de hortalizas, miel y café. El resultado es un perfil de la economía agrícola regional que permite analizar las estrategias de diversificación productiva y destacar los procesos de manejo agroecológico de maíz, café y miel. El estudio posibilita discutir la tipología de Agricultura Familiar Campesina (AFC) que propone la FAO para caracterizar el nivel de consolidación de la agricultura familiar campesina. Las conclusiones nos permiten comprender en qué fase de consolidación económica se encuentran las estrategias campesinas. El estudio ofrece pautas para mejorar los procesos de organización de la economía familiar campesina.
- Published
- 2022
36. Crisis del multiculturalismo en América Latina: Conflictividad social y respuestas críticas desde el pensamiento político indígena
- Author
Zapata Silva, Claudia and Zapata Silva, Claudia
- Abstract
¿Ha mejorado la calidad de vida de los pueblos indígenas en América Latina luego de tres décadas en las que se ha construido una legislación que los reconoce? La información estadística y el aumento de la conflictividad social en los territorios indígenas conduce a responder negativamente esa interrogante. Este ensayo es una reflexión crítica sobre el agotamiento del momento multicultural en América Latina a partir del diálogo con el pensamiento crítico que ha surgido de los propios movimientos, especialmente de activistas e intelectuales que denuncian la relación que existe entre políticas de reconocimiento y capitalismo extractivista, resistiéndose a las imágenes colonialistas que esas políticas reproducen por cuanto niegan la historicidad y el potencial político de sus pueblos.
- Published
- 2022
37. Acts of Belonging: Second Generation Youth in South Tyrol, Italy
- Author
Mitterhofer, Johanna and Mitterhofer, Johanna
- Abstract
This article studies citizenship beyond its manifestation as a formal legal status, by exploring citizenship as a process shaped by people’s everyday practices and experiences of belonging. Through investigating the daily struggles over belonging and membership of young people with migrant background in the autonomous province of South Tyrol in Northern Italy, this study pays particular attention to the ways in which belonging on the macro scale (the nation, the state) and the micro scale (the village, the city, the region) clash, intersect and interact with each other. By highlighting practices of belonging at the margins of a state by actors considered to be at the margins of the state, this article contributes to scholarly debates that “decentre” citizenship by studying it at, from and for the margins.
- Published
- 2022
38. Diversidad agroalimentaria: estrategias de reproducción campesina en economías de autosubsistencia en Los Altos de Chiapas, México
- Author
Alcazar-Sánchez, Jesús Geovani, Gómez-Martínez, Emanuel, Alcazar-Sánchez, Jesús Geovani, and Gómez-Martínez, Emanuel
- Abstract
Objective: To analyze the contribution of family agriculture in the construction of peasant food strategies as a response to socio-productive problems in communities in the municipalities of Tenejapa and San Juan Cancuc, in the Tseltal region of Chiapas’ Highlands. Methodology: The research is a case study that serves to characterize the strategies of social reproduction in a rural self-subsistence economy. The data were obtained through qualitative research techniques, including interviews, field visits, analysis of corn, coffee, honey and vegetable production systems, and focus group discussions. Results: It can be highlighted that agro-food diversity is the main strategy for social reproduction among self-subsistence farmers and that the most valued assets are land and production techniques, as well as the multifunctional nature of agriculture. Limitations: The study and its method can be a reference for analysis of social reproduction strategies in peasant families of indigenous peoples, specifically in contexts of self-subsistence economy. To analyze strategies of farming families with little economic or agricultural diversification, it is necessary to consider other variables and possibly complement the qualitative research method with other quantitative methods to quantify income, for example, a socioeconomic survey. Conclusions. The diversification of agriculture and family food is a viable method to strength social reproduction strategies among peasant families in an economic context of self-subsistence. The agro-food policies could take a multi-scalar approach., Objetivo: analizar el aporte de la agricultura familiar en el diseño de estrategias alimentarias campesinas, como respuesta a los problemas socio-productivos en comunidades de los municipios Tenejapa y San Juan Cancuc, en la región tseltal de Los Altos de Chiapas. Metodología: la investigación es un estudio de caso para caracterizar las estrategias de reproducción social en una economía rural de autosubsistencia. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de técnicas de investigación cualitativas entre las que destacan entrevistas, recorridos en parcelas, análisis de los sistemas productivos maíz, café, miel y hortalizas y discusión con grupos focales. Resultados: la diversidad agroalimentaria es la principal estrategia de reproducción social entre los campesinos de autosubsistencia y que los bienes más preciados son las tierras, las semillas nativas y las técnicas de producción, así como el carácter multifuncional de la agricultura. Limitaciones: el estudio y su método puede ser un referente para análisis de estrategias de reproducción social en familias campesinas de pueblos indígenas, específicamente en contextos de economía de autosubsistencia. Para analizar estrategias de familias campesinas con poca diversificación económica o agrícola, se requiere considerar otras variables y posiblemente complementar el método de investigación cualitativo con otros métodos cuantitativos que permitan cuantificar los ingresos, por ejemplo, una encuesta socioeconómica. Conclusiones: la diversificación de la agricultura y de la alimentación familiar es un método viable para fortalecer las estrategias de reproducción social entre las familias campesinas en contexto económico de autosubsistencia. Las políticas públicas para fortalecer la agricultura familiar campesina podrían adoptar un enfoque multi-escalar.
- Published
- 2022
39. Waves of Extremism: An Applied Ethnographic Analysis of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Football Terraces
- Author
Testa, Alberto and Testa, Alberto
- Abstract
This article offers an overview of a four-month research project, conducted in 2019/2020, which studied extremism in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) football terraces. This work was funded by the International Organisation for Migration - United Nations and by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The research focused on risk factors and how these may govern the “entry” of BiH youth into extreme hard-core football fans groups (Ultras1) and prolong their involvement in them. The study highlighted the nature of these groups and their activity providing detailed recommendations for BiH policymakers, security agencies, and football federations and clubs who wish to understand and effectively respond to this emergent threat for public security in BiH.
- Published
- 2022
40. Ujghuren im chinesisch-kasachstanischen Grenzgebiet: Wirtschaftlicher Wandel und seine Auswirkungen
- Author
La Mela, Verena and La Mela, Verena
- Abstract
Die Ujghuren sind in den letzten Monaten durch Beijings Unterdrückung seiner muslimischen Bevölkerung in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit gerückt. Doch leben auch in Kasachstan (und Kirgistan) viele Angehörige dieser Ethnie. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Traditionen und Lebensweisen der nahe der chinesischen Grenze lebenden kasachstanischen Ujghuren wie auch ihre ökonomische Situation, ihre Anpassung an die Öffnung der Grenze zu China nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion, beschrieben.
- Published
- 2022
41. Solidarität als Praxis: Die Verhandlung von Diversität im Weltsozialforum
- Author
Schall, Nikolas and Schall, Nikolas
- Abstract
Wie ist Solidarität in zunehmend diverseren Gesellschaften möglich? Der Autor geht dieser Frage auf der Ebene individueller Praktiken nach. Am Beispiel des Weltsozialforums 2016 in Montreal analysiert er die mühevollen, situativen Praktiken, die im transnationalen Aktivismus - insbesondere zwischen indigenen und nicht-indigenen Aktivist*innen - notwendig sind, um vor dem Hintergrund einer gewaltvollen Kolonialgeschichte und ungleicher Machtverhältnisse Solidarität herzustellen. Dabei wird deutlich, inwiefern Aushandlungen und ein produktiver Umgang mit Konflikten eine zentrale Bedeutung für das Entstehen von solidarischen Beziehungen haben.
- Published
- 2022
42. Ethnonationalismus in Kirgistan: Die Ereignisse im Juni 2010
- Author
Beyer, Judith and Beyer, Judith
- Abstract
In Kirgistan ist seit der Unabhängigkeit unter wechselnden Regierungen ein Staat errichtet worden, der sich an der Sprache, an imaginierten Ursprüngen, an der neu geschriebenen Geschichte und an als "typisch kirgisisch" verstandenen Werten und Traditionen orientiert. Andere ethnische Gruppen werden geduldet, aber nicht aktiv in den Prozess der Nationswerdung einbezogen. Der Konflikt zwischen ethnischen Kirgisen und ethnischen Usbeken im Juni 2010 geht daher nach Ansicht der Autorin nicht auf weit in der Vergangenheit liegende historische Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Bevölkerungsgruppen oder die Problematik der Grenzziehung in der Sowjetzeit zurück. Das Problem liegt vielmehr darin, dass in den letzten zwanzig Jahren kirgisische Ethnizität zum Hauptmarker kirgisischer Staatlichkeit gemacht wurde.
- Published
- 2022
43. Pospopulares: Las culturas populares después de la hibridación
- Author
Alabarces, Pablo and Alabarces, Pablo
- Abstract
Pospopulares: Las culturas populares después de la hibridación es un balance profundo de los debates que, desde hace treinta años, organizaron los estudios sobre las culturas populares latinoamericanas. A la vez, propone nuevas perspectivas en tiempos de crisis de la categoría: la pregunta central es ¿qué significa hoy lo popular? La relación entre las culturas populares y la cultura de masas ha cambiado radicalmente en este siglo, de un modo que los textos clásicos no podían prever. La cultura de masas se ha transformado en el gran organizador y jerarquizador cultural; pero las culturas populares siguen señalando en América Latina un exceso, algo que persiste fuera de lo mediático. Y lo que permanece inalterable, aunque con ropajes siempre renovados, es la desigualdad material y simbólica. Aunque cada vez cuesta más hablar de el pueblo, lo que permanece es la jerarquización, la discriminación, la subalternidad - de clase, de etnia, de raza, de género-, la invisibilización, el silencio. Todos los espacios donde, tercamente, habla lo popular.
- Published
- 2022
44. El oxímoron de las clases medias negras: Movilidad social e interseccionalidad en Colombia
- Author
Viveros Vigoya, Mara and Viveros Vigoya, Mara
- Abstract
Abordar la existencia de unas clases medias negras en Colombia no sólo es difícil sino un aparente contrasentido, un oxímoron, porque la gente negra es imaginada como inevitablemente pobre y de "clase baja". Pero ¿acaso no existen otras experiencias de clase dentro de esta población? Para responder al vacío investigativo sobre este grupo social este libro examina la configuración de las clases medias negras desde finales de los años treinta del siglo xx, a partir de las historias de vida de miembros de tres generaciones de familias originarias de la región del Pacífico y el Caribe que se identifican como parte de esta clase. Esta indagación se hace desde una perspectiva interseccional, que asume que no se puede entender el funcionamiento de las relaciones de poder que dan forma a estas experiencias desde un solo marco explicativo (de clase, género o raza), y que para hacerlo se deben considerar sus mutuas interrelaciones y afectaciones.
- Published
- 2022
45. Éthique des machines et identités africaines: Perspectives de l'intelligence artificielle en Afrique
- Author
Kohnert, Dirk and Kohnert, Dirk
- Abstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been embraced enthusiastically by Africans as a new resource for African development. AI could improve well-being by enabling innovation in business, education, health, ecology, urban planning, industry, etc. However, the high expectations could be little more than pious wishes. There are still too many open questions regarding the transfer required, and the selection of appropriate technology and its mastery. Given that the 'technology transfer' concept of modernization theories of the 1960s utterly failed because it had not been adapted to local needs, some scholars have called for an endogenous concept of African AI. However, this caused a lot of controversies. Africa became a battlefield of 'digital empires' of global powers due to its virtually non-existent digital infrastructure. Still, African solutions to African problems would be needed. Additionally, the dominant narratives and default settings of AI-related technologies have been denounced as male, gendered, white, heteronormative, powerful, and western. The previous focus on the formal sector is also questionable. Innovators from the informal sector and civil society, embedded in the local sociocultural environment but closely linked to transnational social spaces, often outperform government development efforts. UNESCO also warned that the effective use of AI in Africa requires the appropriate skills, legal framework and infrastructure. As in the past, calls by African politicians for a pooling of resources, a pan-African strategy, were probably in vain. AI may develop fastest in the already established African technology hubs of South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya. But promising AI-focused activities have also been identified in Ethiopia and Uganda. Gender equality, cultural and linguistic diversity, and changes in labour markets would also be required for AI to enhance rather than undermine socioeconomic inclusion. In addition, ethical questions related to a specific Afric, L'intelligence artificielle (IA) a été accueillie avec enthousiasme par les Africains comme une nouvelle ressource pour le développement de l'Afrique. L'IA pourrait améliorer le bien-être en permettant l'innovation dans les affaires, l'éducation, la santé, l'écologie, l'urbanisme, l'industrie, etc. Cependant, les attentes élevées pourraient n'être rien de plus que des vœux pieux. Il y a encore trop de questions ouvertes sur le transfert nécessaire, le choix de la technologie appropriée et sa maîtrise. Étant donné que le concept de « transfert de technologie » des théories de la modernisation des années 1960 a complètement échoué parce qu'il n'avait pas été adapté aux besoins locaux, certains chercheurs ont appelé à un concept endogène de l'IA africaine. Cependant, cela a provoqué de nombreuses controverses. L'Afrique est devenue un champ de bataille des empires numériques des puissances mondiales en raison de son infrastructure numérique pratiquement inexistant. Pourtant, des solutions africaines aux problèmes africains seraient nécessaires. De plus, les récits dominants et les paramètres par défaut des technologies liées à l'IA ont été dénoncés comme masculins, sexués, blancs, hétéro-normatifs, puissants et occidentaux. L'accent mis précédemment sur le secteur formel est également discutable. Les innovateurs du secteur informel et de la société civile, ancrés dans l'environnement socioculturel local, mais étroitement liés aux espaces sociaux transnationaux, surpassent souvent les efforts de développement du gouvernement. L'UNESCO a également averti que l'utilisation efficace de l'IA en Afrique nécessite des compétences, un cadre juridique et une infrastructure appropriés. Comme par le passé, les appels des politiques africains à une mutualisation des ressources, une stratégie panafricaine, ont probablement été vains. L'IA pourrait se développer plus rapidement dans les pôles technologiques africains déjà établis que sont l'Afrique du Sud, le Nigeria et le Kenya. Ma
- Published
- 2022
46. Happy Ever After? The Marriage Market as a Source of Societal Instability
- Author
German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Afrika-Studien, Hartwig, Renate, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Afrika-Studien, and Hartwig, Renate
- Abstract
There is a long-standing idea that societies with too many men, particularly young and single men - the so-called "bare branches" - have a tendency for vice, risk-taking and violence, ultimately threatening social order and stability. Marriage is an important marker for adulthood across the globe. Yet, participation in the marriage market - looking for a spouse and forming a union - in sub-Saharan Africa is constrained, and the marriage market is an important institution shaping and maintaining inequality in income and opportunities. Traditional marriage practices, such as that of polygyny, where one man is married to more than one woman at the same time, are still prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa and lead to a situation where some men, particularly the young, struggle to find a wife and start a family. Having more men than women in the marriage market gives rise to competition amongst men, spurring frustration and anger among those that struggle to find a bride. The imbalance between men and women in the marriage market has been associated with increasing rebel attacks and intergroup conflict in the region. Hence, there is a palpable need to pay more attention to the marriage market, particularly in sub-Saharan African countries, many of which are already struggling with political and societal instability. A more complete characterisation of the marriage market and its actors is necessary to better understand the underlying forces that cause young and unmarried men to gravitate towards violence. Governments must begin to recognise the importance of the marriage market as an institution perpetrating injustices and economic grievances. At the same time, targeted strategies need to be developed that recognise and address perceived inequalities and thus pre-empt promises by extremist groups, who exploit the relative dearth of brides as a recruitment strategy. Targeted information campaigns and appeals are only short-term solutions. Direct interventions in the marriage m
- Published
- 2022
47. Considérations anthropologiques de la sédentarisation des pionniers dans le peuplement des villages péri-urbains de Daloa (Centre-Ouest de Côte d'Ivoire)
- Author
Zadou, Didié Armand and Zadou, Didié Armand
- Abstract
Les moyens de subsistance pour la survie ont toujours préoccupé l’homme dans son existence. De ce fait, il est en tout temps guidé par la recherche d'un mieux-être dans son élan de colonisation des espaces pourvoyeurs de ressources nécessaires pour la satisfaction des besoins vitaux au quotidien. Ainsi, du stade du nomadisme, l’homme est arrivé à se sédentariser à un endroit précis autour des ressources naturelles pour la subsistance dans une relation homme-nature. Dès lors, dans la dynamique du peuplement des villages péri-urbains de Daloa, la ville capitale du Centre-ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire, quelles sont les facteurs qui ont présidé à la sédentarisation des pionniers respectifs? Cette étude a pour but de comprendre les facteurs de sédentarisation des premiers occupants de quatre villages péri-urbains de Daloa, notamment Sapia, Zaguiguia, Bribouo et Wandaué. Dans une logique compréhensive, l'étude a été réalisée dans une approche qualitative pour les investigations dans les villages. Elle a permis de cerner la sociohistoire de ces villages mettant en exergue les considérations anthropologiques qui ont présidé à la sédentarisation des différents pionniers dans le peuplement des villages objets de l’étude., The means o f subsistence for survival have always preoccupied man in his life. As a result, he is at all times guided by search for better being in his impetus for colonization o f the spaces providing the resources necessary for satisfaction of his daily vital needs. Thus, from nomadism, man has become sedentary around natural resources for his subsistence. Therefore, in dynamic for settlement of urban outskirts villages of Daloa, the capital of west-central Cote d'Ivoire, what physical and human factors contributed to the settlement of respective pioneers? This study aims to understand different factors of sedentarization of the first occupants of four urban outskirts villages of Daloa, like Sapia, Zaguiguia, Bribouo and Wandague. In understanding logic, this study mobilized the techniques and tools of the qualitative approach for investigations. It made it possible to identify the socio-history of these villages, highlighting the anthropological considerations at the basis of settlement of the different pioneers in settlement of the villages studied process.
- Published
- 2022
48. Die netten Nationalisten von nebenan: Rezension zu 'Le vote FN au village: Trajectoires de ménages populaires du périurbain' von Violaine Girard
- Author
Keim, Wiebke and Keim, Wiebke
- Abstract
Violaine Girard: Le vote FN au village: Trajectoires de ménages populaires du périurbain. Paris: Editions du Croquant 2017. 978-2-36512-110-1
- Published
- 2022
49. Identität und soziale Stellung von Juden in Zentralasien: Ein Zustandsbericht aus Kasachstan und Kirgistan
- Author
De Cordier, Bruno and De Cordier, Bruno
- Abstract
Der Artikel befasst sich mit der Situation der jüdischen Bevölkerung Zentralasiens. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf Kasachstan und Kirgistan, wo die zweit- bzw. die drittgrößte jüdische Gemeinschaft der Region lebt. Die Anzahl der jüdischen Einwohner von Kasachstan und Kirgistan ist aufgrund der massiven Emigration nach Israel sehr gering, jedoch versuchen die nicht-emigrierten Gemeindemitglieder eine gemeinsame Identität zu wahren. Diese ist durch gemeinsame Kapazitäten und das Erbe sowjetischen jüdischen Lebens geprägt. Verschiedene Aspekte dieser Identität sollen in diesem Text beleuchtet werden. Dazu gehören unter anderem die gemeinsame Erfahrung alltäglichen jüdischen Lebens in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion, der post-sowjetische Einfluss von internationalen jüdischen Hilfsorganisationen, die Wiederkehr des religiösen Judentums und auch die Einflüsse von Diasporanetzwerken zwischen den Juden in Zentralasien und ihren Verwandten in Israel.
- Published
- 2022
50. 'If It Happens Again': Everyday Responses of the Ruszabon to Existential Dangers in Dushanbe
- Author
Boboyorov, Hafiz and Boboyorov, Hafiz
- Abstract
This article discusses how Russian and Russian-speaking (Ruszabon) inhabitants of Dushanbe, the capital city of Tajikistan, shape and maintain their securityscapes through languages, identities, memories, networks and physical structures of the urban space. Securityscapes are physically built and mentally imagined spaces securing individual or collective life from what people perceive as existential dangers. These dangers reflect both objective and imagined conditions threatening individual and collective extinction. Depending on different existential contexts, securityscapes serve either as distinct or as merged and intertwined spatial categories of individuals and collectives. When the Ruszabon face violence in public due to their ethnic and religious origins, they hide their identities or adapt their lifestyle to the hegemonic demands of the Muslim society. Social networks and the physical structures of urban neighbourhoods shape inner securityscapes, as reflected in the physical isolation of individuals and segregation of families,family friends and religious communities from the public. In particular, the memories of the interethnic clashes in the 1990s in Dushanbe, which are substantially influenced by political interpretations, condition and diminish the everyday practices and future expectations of the Ruszabon.
- Published
- 2022
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