A variety of breast deformities of differing appearances can be grouped together within an extensive syndrome that is characterized by anomalies of the breast base and preferentially involves the lower quadrants. Tuberous breasts are the most typical, but not the only, form of the deformity. The authors studied a series of 37 patients who had breast surgery, and they used a classification of three types: I, II, and III (in increasing order of severity). In type I breasts (minor form), only the lower medial quadrant is deficient; in type II breasts, both lower quadrants are deficient; and in type III breasts, all four quadrants are deficient. The study showed a predominance of minor forms (54 percent of breasts operated on) and of combinations including at least one minor form (81 percent of patients). Seventy percent of women had a breast asymmetry of more than 100 g. Only 27 percent of breasts operated on were hypotrophic, 45 percent were of normal volume, and 28 percent were hypertrophic. The authors propose a procedure to treat the minor forms of the deformity, using a mammaplasty with a superior pedicle and a lower lateral dermoglandular flap to fill the deficient lower medial quadrant. They define the indications of the classic techniques according to the type of deformity and stress the frequent need for secondary revision. more...