Introduction. Fibrinogen, like many proteins of hemostasis and fibrinolysis system, participates in many physiological processes, and its content may increase or decrease under various pathological conditions, and these modulations often serve as a diagnostic sign of the disease. Aim: to determine fibrinogen level and euglobulin lysis time as function of attraction degree to ethanol in rats. Materials and methods. The work was performed on male Wistar rats (n = 300) weighing 250–350 g. After 2 weeks of acclimatization the consumption of 10% ethanol and water in individual boxes was daily tested for 7 days. These fluids were available for 23 hours without access to food. Positions of 2 drinking pipettes of 50 ml volume randomly changed every 24 hours. Results. It was found that fibrinogen content was higher but fibrinolytic activity was lower in rats with more expressed initial degree of attraction to ethanol. Conclusion. 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