116 results on '"Filtres elèctrics"'
Search Results
2. Metodología de diseño de filtros CRF/SCF basada en modelos de resonadores BAW acoplados acústicamente
- Author
Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de
- Subjects
Ressonadors ,Filtres elèctrics - Published
- 2021
3. Estudi comparatiu dels filtres de Kalman i IMM per a navegació
- Subjects
Filtres de Kalman ,Electrònica en navegació ,Filtres elèctrics ,Sistemes de posicionament global - Published
- 2021
4. Estudio de las capas de acoplamiento y alternativas al reflector de Bragg en estructuras BAW-CRF
- Author
Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de
- Subjects
Circuits per microones ,Ressonadors ,Filtres elèctrics - Published
- 2021
5. Characterization and modeling of a coaxial cavity quadruplet based filter for mobile phone LTE-2 band
- Author
Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de
- Subjects
Dispositius de microones ,Filtres elèctrics - Published
- 2021
6. Estudi comparatiu dels filtres de Kalman i IMM per a navegació
- Author
Comajuncosas Fortuño, Andreu, Seco Granados, Gonzalo, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria
- Subjects
Filtres de Kalman ,Electrònica en navegació ,Filtres elèctrics ,Sistemes de posicionament global - Abstract
Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia. Els sistemes híbrids de navegació integren mesures de posició i velocitat provinents de satèl·lits (GPS) i d'unitats de mesura inercials (IMU).Les dades d'aquests sensors s'han de fusionar i suavitzar, i per a aquest propòsit existeixen diversos algorismes de filtratge, que tracten les dades conjuntament o per separat. En aquest treball s'han codificat en Matlab els algorismes dels filtres de Kalman i IMM, i s'han comparat les seves prestacions en diverses trajectòries d'un vehicle. S'han avaluat quantitativament els errors dels dos filtres, i s'han sintonitzat els seus paràmetres per a minimitzar aquests errors. Amb una correcta sintonia dels filtres, s'ha comprovat que el filtre IMM és superior al filtre de Kalman, tant per maniobres brusques com per maniobres suaus, malgrat que la complexitat i el temps de càlcul requerit són majors. Aided navigation systems integrate position and speed measurements provided by satellites (GPS) and inertial measurement units (IMU). Data from these sensors must be fused and smoothed, and several filtering algorithms have been developed for this purpose. They use data from all sensors together or separately. In this work, Kalman and IMM filter algorithms have been coded in Matlab, and they have been applied to several vehicle paths, in order to compare their performances. Errors in both filters have been quantitatively estimated, and filter parameters have been tuned to minimize these errors. It has been seen that IMM filter is better than Kalman, when both of them are properly tuned, and both for sharp maneuvers and for smooth ones, although IMM filter is more complex and time demanding. Los sistemas híbridos de navegación integran medidas de posición y velocidad provenientes de satélites (GPS) y de unidades de medida inerciales (IMU). Los datos de estos sensores deben fusionarse y suavizarse, y a tal efecto existen diversos algoritmos de filtrado, que tratan los datos conjuntamente o por separado. En este trabajo se han codificado en Matlab los algoritmos de los filtros de Kalman e IMM, y se han comparado sus prestaciones en diversas trayectorias de un vehículo. Se han evaluado cuantitativamente los errores de ambos filtros, y se han sintonizado sus parámetros para minimizar dichos errores. Con una sintonía correcta de los filtros, se ha comprobado que el filtro IMM es superior al filtro de Kalman, tanto para maniobras bruscas como suaves. Ello no obstante, la complejidad y el tiempo de cálculo requerido son mayores.
- Published
- 2021
7. Synthesis considerations for acoustic wave filters and duplexers starting with shunt resonator
- Author
Guerrero, Eloi, Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria
- Subjects
Dispositius de microones ,Multiplexatge ,Telèfon mòbil ,621.3 - Enginyeria elèctrica. Electrotècnia. Telecomunicacions ,Ressonadors ,Filtres elèctrics - Abstract
This project presents a synthesis procedure for acoustic wave ladder filters and duplexers taking also into consideration the case of networks whose first resonator is in shunt configuration. The feasibility of these networks in terms of the phase of the filter function is investigated and a lowpass synthesis view of the issues that might arise is presented providing different approaches for designers to achieve feasible networks. Aquest projecte presenta una metodologia de síntesi de filtres i duplexors d'ona acústica en topologia d'escala tenint també en compte el cas de les xarxes que comencen amb un ressonador en paral·lel. La viabilitat d'aquestes xarxes s'investiga en termes de la fase de la funció de filtrat i s'aporta una visió de síntesi pas baix de les limitacions que poden aparèixer, proveint alhora diferents solucions perquè els dissenyadors puguin obtenir xarxes viables.
- Published
- 2021
8. Metodología de diseño de filtros CRF/SCF basada en modelos de resonadores BAW acoplados acústicamente
- Author
Corrales López, Edén, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria, and Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de
- Subjects
Ressonadors ,Filtres elèctrics - Abstract
La creixent utilització de sistemes de comunicacions mòbils ha impulsat la demanda de filtres passabanda miniaturitzats d'elevades prestacions operant en el rang de freqüències de microones. Els Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR) estan esdevenint la principal alternativa als filtres basats en ressonadors Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) o als basats en ressonadors ceràmics. Els Stacked Crystal Filters (SCF) i els Coupled Resonator Filters (CRF) són configuracions FBAR que permeten assolir una excel·lent atenuació en la banda de refús. Aquest treball presenta un innovador circuit equivalent elèctric que modela el CRF. Llavors, es desenvolupa una metodologia de síntesi de filtres per al SCF i per al CRF utilitzant els seus circuits equivalents elèctrics. La metodologia de disseny presentada permet obtenir les dimensions de l'estructura del filtre acústic partint de les especificacions del filtre i de les restriccions pròpies de la tecnologia. S'han implementat diferents respostes de Chebyshev per a sistemes de comunicacions reals per tal de validar el procediment de disseny dels filtres obtenint els resultats esperats. La creciente utilización de sistemas de comunicaciones móviles ha impulsado la demanda de filtros pasobanda miniaturizados de elevadas prestaciones operando en el rango de frecuencias de microondas. Los Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR) se estan posicionando como la principal alternativa a los filtros basados en resonadores Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) o a los resonadores cerámicos. Los Stacked Crystal Filters (SCF) y los Coupled Resonator Filters (CRF) son configuraciones FBAR que permiten conseguir una excelente atenuación en la banda de rechazo. Este trabajo presenta un novedoso circuito equivalente eléctrico que modela el CRF. Entonces, se desarrolla una metodología de síntesis de filtros para el SCF y para el CRF partiendo de sus circuitos equivalentes eléctricos. La metodología de diseño presentada permite obtener las dimensiones de la estructura del filtro acústico partiendo de las especificaciones del filtro y de las propias restricciones de la tecnología. Se han implementado diferentes respuestas de Chebyshev para sistemas de comunicaciones reales para validar el procedimiento de diseño de los filtros obteniendo los resultados esperados. The increasing use of mobile communications systems has launched the demand on high performance miniature bandpass filters operating into the microwave frequency range. Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR) are turning into the main alternative to current filters based on Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) or ceramic resonators. Stacked Crystal Filters (SCF) and Coupled Resonator Filters (CRF) are FBAR configurations that show excellent stopband attenuation performances. This work presents a novel electrical equivalent circuit modeling the CRF. Thus, a filter synthesis methodology for the SCF and CRF is developed using their electrical equivalent circuits. The presented design methodology allows obtaining the acoustical filter structure dimensions starting with the filter specifications and the technology constraint. Several Chebyshev responses for real communications systems have been implemented in order to validate the filter design procedure which have obtained the expected results.
- Published
- 2021
9. Characterization and modeling of a coaxial cavity quadruplet based filter for mobile phone LTE-2 band
- Author
Eslava Sabaté, David, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria, and Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de
- Subjects
Dispositius de microones ,Filtres elèctrics - Abstract
En aquest projecte es tracta la caracterització i modelatge d'un filtre de cavitats mitjançant el simulador electromagnètic 3D HFSS. Partint de les especificacions d'un filtre real de telefonia es realitzarà una caracterització completa, modelat i extracció del diagrama nodal ideal. Per a aconseguir-ho, prèviament s'estudiarà el tipus de responsa a aconseguir i es caracteritzarà amb polinomis. Amb l'enfocament de la matriu d'acoblament, primer un conjunt de característiques dels paràmetres S són creats. Seguidament es defineix una topologia del filtre adecuada i finalment la corresponent matriu d'acoblament és sintetitzada. Aquesta matriu d'acoblament defineix tot el filtre, i amb això el corresponent filtre físic pot ser dissenyat i fabricat. Per tancar l'intèrval entre la representació de la matriu d'acoblament d'un filtre i el filtre físic, es dónen uns mètodes per mesurar/calcular els acoblaments i el Q extern. Aquests paràmetres poden ser determinats amb l'ús d'un simulador EM 3D com l'utilitzat en aquest projecte, HFSS. En este proyecto se trata la caracterización y modelado de un filtro de cavidad mediante el simulador electromagnético 3D HFSS. Partiendo de las especificaciones de un filtro real de telefonía se realizará una caracterización completa, modelado y extracción de diagrama nodal ideal. Para ello previamente se estudiará el tipo de respuesta a conseguir y se caracterizará con polinomios. Con el enfoque de la matriz de acoplo, primero un conjunto de características de los parámetros S son creadas. Seguidamente se define una topología del filtro adecuada y finalmente la correspondiente matriz de acoplo es sintetizada. Esta matriz de acoplo define del todo al filtro, y con esto el correspondiente filtro físico puede ser diseñado y fabricado. Para cerrar el intervalo entre la representación de la matriz de acoplo de un filtro y el filtro físico, se dan unos métodos para medir/calcular los acoplos y el Q externo. Estos parámetros pueden ser determinados con el uso de un simulador EM 3D como el utilizado en este proyecto, HFSS. In this project the characterization of a cavity filter by 3D electromagnetic simulator HFSS is proposed. Based on the specifications of a real cellular filter complete characterization, modeling and ideal nodal diagram extraction will be performed. To do so, previously the kind of response to achieve will be studied and characterized with polynomials. With the coupling matrix synthesis approach, a set of filter S-parameter characteristics is first created. Then a suitable filter topology is defined and finally the corresponding coupling matrix is synthesized. This coupling matrix fully defines the filter and, with this at hand, the corresponding physical filter can be designed and manufactured. To close the gap between the coupling matrix representation of a filter and the physical filter, practical directions about how to measure/calculate coupling bandwidths and external Q are given. These parameters can be determined by use of 3D EM simulator as the one used in this project, HFSS.
- Published
- 2021
10. Estudio de las capas de acoplamiento y alternativas al reflector de Bragg en estructuras BAW-CRF
- Author
Esteva Nebot, Bárbara, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria, and Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de
- Subjects
Circuits per microones ,Ressonadors ,Filtres elèctrics - Abstract
Las capas de acoplamiento son un elemento clave en los dispositivos BAW CRF. El factor de acoplamiento K de estas capas permite el diseño de una determinada respuesta. Debido al limitado número de materiales con las que implementarlas, las soluciones que utilizan capas de λ/4 ofrecen un rango discreto de K. Por otra parte, el reflector de Bragg es un mecanismo de aislamiento mecánico entre el sustrato y la estructura BAW que está formado por capas alternas de alta y baja impedancia acústica de λ/4. El problema que presenta es la reducción del factor de calidad asociado a las pérdidas producida por las ondas shear. Este proyecto presenta un método para la obtención de un rango continuo de factores de acoplamiento y estudia la mejora del factor de calidad de las estructuras BAW con reflector de Bragg partiendo de dos materiales con alta y baja impedancia acústica. Les capes d'acoblament son un element clau dels dispositius BAW CRF. El factor d'acoblament K d'aquestes capes permet el disseny d'una determinada resposta. Degut al limitat nombre de materials amb les que implementar-les, les soluciones que utilitzen capes de λ/4 ofereixen un rang discret de K. Per altre banda, el reflector de Bragg és un mecanisme d'aïllament mecànic entre el substrat i l'estructura BAW que esta format per capes alternes de alta i baixa impedància acústica de λ/4. El problema que presenta és la reducció del factor de qualitat associat a les pèrdues produïdes per les ones shear. Aquest projecte presenta un mètode per l'obtenció d'un rang continu de factors d'acoblament i la millora del factor de qualitat de les estructures BAW amb reflector de Bragg partint de dos materials amb alta i baixa impedància acústica. Coupling layers are one of the key elements in Bulk Acoustic Wave Coupled Resonators Filters device. The coupling factor of these layers can be stated during the CRF design to achieve a specified response. We obtain limited and discrete range of coupling factor values with λ/4 thickness layers solutions because exist a reduced set of materials to implement coupling layers. On the other hand, Bragg reflector is an isolation mechanism between substrate and BAW structure which is formed by λ/4 thickness layers with high and low acoustic impedance. The problem of this is quality factor reduction associated with losses arising from shear waves. This paper presents an approach to obtain a wide continuous range of coupling factors and studies an improvement of BAW device with Bragg reflector quality factors starting from two common materials with high and low acoustic impedance each.
- Published
- 2021
11. Fast simulation method of distributed nonlinearities in surface acoustic wave resonators
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group, González Rodríguez, Marta, Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, Mateu Mateu, Jordi, González Arbesú, José María, Aigner, Robert, Huebner, Sebatian, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group, González Rodríguez, Marta, Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, Mateu Mateu, Jordi, González Arbesú, José María, Aigner, Robert, and Huebner, Sebatian
- Abstract
Understanding the mechanism of nonlinearity in SAW/BAW devices is growing up in importance because these, even being weak, can cause desensitization of the receivers and limiting their performance. Proper nonlinear distributed models have been extensively used, usually running Harmonic Balance (HB) simulations being in some cases very time consuming. The motivation of this work is to apply a new method of analysis for the simulation of harmonics (H) and intermodulation products (IMD) generation in SAW devices. The method is called the Input-Output Equivalent Sources (IOES) and it allows extremely fast and robust simulations of large distributed weak nonlinear circuits., This work was supported in part by the Spanish Gov. through grants TEC2017-84817-C2-2-R, TEC2017-88343-C4-2-R and 2017 SGR-813. Research wasalso supported by the Secretary of Universities and Research of the Generalitatde Catalunya and the European Social Fund through grant FI_B-00136., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2020
12. Synthesis considerations for acoustic wave filters and duplexers starting with shunt resonator
- Author
Guerrero Menéndez, Eloi and Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de
- Subjects
Dispositius de microones ,Multiplexatge ,Telèfon mòbil ,621.3 - Enginyeria elèctrica. Electrotècnia. Telecomunicacions ,Ressonadors ,Filtres elèctrics - Abstract
This project presents a synthesis procedure for acoustic wave ladder filters and duplexers taking also into consideration the case of networks whose first resonator is in shunt configuration. The feasibility of these networks in terms of the phase of the filter function is investigated and a lowpass synthesis view of the issues that might arise is presented providing different approaches for designers to achieve feasible networks. Aquest projecte presenta una metodologia de síntesi de filtres i duplexors d’ona acústica en topologia d’escala tenint també en compte el cas de les xarxes que comencen amb un ressonador en paral·lel. La viabilitat d’aquestes xarxes s’investiga en termes de la fase de la funció de filtrat i s’aporta una visió de síntesi pas baix de les limitacions que poden aparèixer, proveint alhora diferents solucions perquè els dissenyadors puguin obtenir xarxes viables.
- Published
- 2020
13. Fast simulation method of distributed nonlinearities in surface acoustic wave resonators
- Author
J.M. Gonzalez-Arbesu, Carlos Collado, Jordi Mateu, Sebastian Huebner, M Gonzelez-Rodriguez, Robert Aigner, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group
- Subjects
Work (thermodynamics) ,Velocity measurement ,Computer science ,Filtres elèctrics ,01 natural sciences ,Harmonic analysis ,Harmonic balance ,Resonator ,0103 physical sciences ,Electronic engineering ,Resonators ,Analytical models ,010301 acoustics ,Filtres de microones ,Microwave amplifiers ,Surface acoustic wave ,Computational modeling ,Enginyeria de la telecomunicació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Sistemes de comunicació de microones ,Nonlinear system ,Integrated circuit modeling ,Circuits de microones ,Harmonics ,Microwave circuits ,Surface acoustic wave devices ,Intermodulation - Abstract
Understanding the mechanism of nonlinearity in SAW/BAW devices is growing up in importance because these, even being weak, can cause desensitization of the receivers and limiting their performance. Proper nonlinear distributed models have been extensively used, usually running Harmonic Balance (HB) simulations being in some cases very time consuming. The motivation of this work is to apply a new method of analysis for the simulation of harmonics (H) and intermodulation products (IMD) generation in SAW devices. The method is called the Input-Output Equivalent Sources (IOES) and it allows extremely fast and robust simulations of large distributed weak nonlinear circuits. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Gov. through grants TEC2017-84817-C2-2-R, TEC2017-88343-C4-2-R and 2017 SGR-813. Research wasalso supported by the Secretary of Universities and Research of the Generalitatde Catalunya and the European Social Fund through grant FI_B-00136.
- Published
- 2020
14. Estudio diseño y validación de un filtro activo de 100 kVA
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Candela García, José Ignacio, Celdrán Martínez, Andrés, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Candela García, José Ignacio, and Celdrán Martínez, Andrés
- Abstract
Este proyecto desarrolla el estudio, diseño y validación de un filtro activo en paralelo de 100 kVA para la eliminación de armónicos,potencia reactiva y desequilibrios enredes de 400 V. Por un lado, se estudiarán las distintas estrategias de control de los filtros activos basadas en la teoría de la potencia instantánea. Para ello, se hará una introducción a la forma tradicional de estudiar los circuitos eléctricos, para después introducirla teoría de la potencia instantánea y su aplicación en los filtros activos. Por el otro lado, se diseñará el convertidor con su respectivo filtro de salida adecuado a los requerimientos de los filtros activos. Además, se hará un modelo de simulación por el cual podrá ser validado. Finalmente, se construirán distintos modelos de filtros activos con las etapas de control y potencia, los cuales serán validados mediante la simulación.
- Published
- 2019
15. Third-Harmonic and intermodulation distortion in bulk acoustic-wave resonators
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group, García Pastor, David, Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, Mateu Mateu, Jordi, Aigner, Robert, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group, García Pastor, David, Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, Mateu Mateu, Jordi, and Aigner, Robert
- Abstract
This article discusses on the measured third-order intermodulation (IMD3) products and third harmonics (H3) appearing in a set of six different solidly mounted resonators (SMR) and bulk acoustic-wave (BAW) resonators with different shapes and stack configurations. The discussion is supported by a comprehensive nonlinear distributed circuit model that considers the nonlinear effects potentially occurring in any layer of the resonator stack. The aluminum-nitride (AlN) and silicon-dioxide (SiO2) layers are identified as the most significant contributors to the IMD3 and H3. The frequency profile of the third-order spurious signals also reveals that, in temperature-compensated resonators, where the SiO2 layers are usually thicker, the remixing effects from the second-order nonlinear terms are the major contributors to the IMD3 and H3. These second-order terms are those that explain the second-harmonic (H2) generation, whose measurements are also reported in this article. Unique values of the nonlinear material constants can explain all the measurements despite the resonators have different shapes, resonance frequencies, and stack configurations., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2019
16. X-band UAV-SAR optimization and validation
- Author
Royo, Miquel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, and Aguasca Solé, Alberto
- Subjects
banda base ,Radar ,tecnologia radar ,Circuits de microones ,Electric filters ,Audio Amplifiers ,Amplifiers (Electronics) ,Microwave circuits ,Amplificadors de baixa freqüència ,Filtres elèctrics ,alta freqüència ,Enginyeria de la telecomunicació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Amplificadors (Electrònica) - Abstract
This project consists on the improvement of an already validated System, as it is the work of a finished PhD Thesis. Due to the wide range of that thesis, many sub blocs need to be revaluated and optimized. That is the main motivation of this project as the original prototype admitted improvements in many ways; such as in weight reduction or the use of other electronic components and new materials that, when finished, have led to a outperform of the System. The Base Band circuitry Works wrongly and the High Frequency generates oscillations that caused several problems that led to a not working System. Furthermore, the design of new prototypes is greatly limited by the high consumption of power of the amplifiers, over 10 Watts. Throughout this project, a profound analysis is carried out for each bloc and improved as much as possible until a robust, well-performing system is reached, fulfilling many of the initial goals. Este proyecto consiste en la mejora de un sistema que ya ha estado validado, puesto que es el propósito de una tesis doctoral terminada. Debido a la gran extensión de la tesis, muchos de los subsistemas han quedado pendientes de una revisión i optimización. La motivación de este se re sume en: la reducción de peso, la utilización de otros componentes alternativos i nuevos materiales que, una vez terminado, han permitido un mejor comportamiento del sistema. Nos encontramos con que la banda base tiene problemas en cuanto a comportamiento y la parte de alta frecuencia genera harmónicos que impiden el funcionamiento correcto del sistema. Hay que añadir que el diseño de los prototipos está muy limitado por el alto consumo de les etapas amplificadoras, de más de 10 Vatios. A lo largo de este proyecto, analizo uno a uno los bloques del sistema y los mejoro en la medida de lo posible hasta conseguir un sistema robusto que funciona correctamente compliendo muchos de los requisitos iniciales. Aquest projecte consisteix en la millora d'un sistema que ja ha estat validat, ja que és el propòsit d'una tesi doctoral ja acabada. Degut a la gran extensió de la tesi, molts dels blocs han quedat pendents d'una revisió i optimització. És aquesta la motivació d'aquest projecte ja que el prototip original permetia millores en molts sentits; tan en la reducció de pes com en la utilització d'altres components alternatius i nous materials que, un cop acabat aquest projecte, han permès un millor comportament del sistema. Ens trobem amb que la banda base té problemes en quant a comportament i la part d'alta freqüència genera molts harmònics que impedien el funcionament del sistema. A més, el disseny dels prototips està molt limitat per l'alt consum de les etapes amplificadores, de més de 10 Watts. Al llarg d'aquest projecte, analitzo un a un els blocs del sistema i els milloro en la mesura del possible, fins a aconseguir un sistema robust que funciona correctament complint molts dels requisits inicials.
- Published
- 2018
17. Remote power control strategy based on virtual flux approach for the grid tied power converters
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable, Fazlin Roslan, Nurul, Luna Alloza, Álvaro, Rocabert Delgado, Joan, Candela García, José Ignacio, Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable, Fazlin Roslan, Nurul, Luna Alloza, Álvaro, Rocabert Delgado, Joan, Candela García, José Ignacio, and Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro
- Abstract
The control of active and reactive power for the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) based power plants are very important. The injection of active and reactive power to the grid is normally controlled at the Point of Common Connection (PCC) where this point is typically far away from the power converter station. This paper proposed a controlling principle which is based on virtual flux approach that permits to control remotely the power injected at the PCC. The results will show that the Virtual Flux (VF) estimation is capable to estimate the grid voltage in any point of the network as well as the capability of the control principle to inject the specific amount of active and reactive power at a point that can be some kilometers away. In this paper, the basic principle for the remote power control is presented and the effectiveness of the proposed system has been validated by experimental studies., Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2018
18. X-band UAV-SAR optimization and validation
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Aguasca Solé, Alberto, Royo, Miquel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Aguasca Solé, Alberto, and Royo, Miquel
- Abstract
This project consists on the improvement of an already validated System, as it is the work of a finished PhD Thesis. Due to the wide range of that thesis, many sub blocs need to be revaluated and optimized. That is the main motivation of this project as the original prototype admitted improvements in many ways; such as in weight reduction or the use of other electronic components and new materials that, when finished, have led to a outperform of the System. The Base Band circuitry Works wrongly and the High Frequency generates oscillations that caused several problems that led to a not working System. Furthermore, the design of new prototypes is greatly limited by the high consumption of power of the amplifiers, over 10 Watts. Throughout this project, a profound analysis is carried out for each bloc and improved as much as possible until a robust, well-performing system is reached, fulfilling many of the initial goals., Este proyecto consiste en la mejora de un sistema que ya ha estado validado, puesto que es el propósito de una tesis doctoral terminada. Debido a la gran extensión de la tesis, muchos de los subsistemas han quedado pendientes de una revisión i optimización. La motivación de este se re sume en: la reducción de peso, la utilización de otros componentes alternativos i nuevos materiales que, una vez terminado, han permitido un mejor comportamiento del sistema. Nos encontramos con que la banda base tiene problemas en cuanto a comportamiento y la parte de alta frecuencia genera harmónicos que impiden el funcionamiento correcto del sistema. Hay que añadir que el diseño de los prototipos está muy limitado por el alto consumo de les etapas amplificadoras, de más de 10 Vatios. A lo largo de este proyecto, analizo uno a uno los bloques del sistema y los mejoro en la medida de lo posible hasta conseguir un sistema robusto que funciona correctamente compliendo muchos de los requisitos iniciales., Aquest projecte consisteix en la millora d'un sistema que ja ha estat validat, ja que és el propòsit d'una tesi doctoral ja acabada. Degut a la gran extensió de la tesi, molts dels blocs han quedat pendents d'una revisió i optimització. És aquesta la motivació d'aquest projecte ja que el prototip original permetia millores en molts sentits; tan en la reducció de pes com en la utilització d'altres components alternatius i nous materials que, un cop acabat aquest projecte, han permès un millor comportament del sistema. Ens trobem amb que la banda base té problemes en quant a comportament i la part d'alta freqüència genera molts harmònics que impedien el funcionament del sistema. A més, el disseny dels prototips està molt limitat per l'alt consum de les etapes amplificadores, de més de 10 Watts. Al llarg d'aquest projecte, analitzo un a un els blocs del sistema i els milloro en la mesura del possible, fins a aconseguir un sistema robust que funciona correctament complint molts dels requisits inicials.
- Published
- 2018
19. Receding-horizon model predictive control for a three-phase VSI with an LCL filter
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEPIC - Sistemes Electrònics de Potència i de Control, Guzmán Solà, Ramon, García de Vicuña Muñoz de la Nava, José Luis, Camacho Santiago, Antonio, Miret Tomàs, Jaume, Rey, Juan M, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEPIC - Sistemes Electrònics de Potència i de Control, Guzmán Solà, Ramon, García de Vicuña Muñoz de la Nava, José Luis, Camacho Santiago, Antonio, Miret Tomàs, Jaume, and Rey, Juan M
- Abstract
© 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works., This paper presents a Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control with receding horizon for a threephase voltage source inverter with LCL filter, using a reduced model of the converter. The main advantages of using this reduced model is that an active damping can be achieved while the computational burden is reduced. Besides, in order to eliminate the model uncertainties, and also to achieve a zero steady state error, the proposed converter model includes an embedded integrator. Regarding the control scheme, a Kalman filter is used in order to estimate the three-phase currents without oscillation. The objective is to find the control signals vector that minimizes the error between the current and its reference. It is important to remark that the control signals obtained fromthe cost function can be used directly in a space vector modulator, without the use of additional controllers such as proportionalintegral or proportional-resonant. Compared with the Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control, the proposedmethod operates at fixed switching frequency without using any restriction in the cost function. Simulation and experimental results show that this proposalworks correctly even in case of grid harmonics and voltage sags., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2018
20. Remote power control strategy based on virtual flux approach for the grid tied power converters
- Author
Nurul Fazlin Roslan, Jose Ignacio Candela, Joan Rocabert, Pedro Rodriguez, Alvaro Luna, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable
- Subjects
proportional resonant current controller ,Computer science ,020209 energy ,Control (management) ,Flux ,Filtres elèctrics ,02 engineering and technology ,voltage sensorless ,Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència::Convertidors de corrent elèctric [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Renewable energy sources ,remote point ,LCL-filter ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Point (geometry) ,Convertidors de corrent elèctric ,Energies::Energia elèctrica::Automatització i control de l'energia elèctrica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,business.industry ,voltage source converter ,020208 electrical & electronic engineering ,Electrical engineering ,Electric filters ,Converters ,AC power ,virtual flux estimation ,Grid ,Electric current converters ,Power (physics) ,Renewable energy ,Energies renovables ,business - Abstract
The control of active and reactive power for the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) based power plants are very important. The injection of active and reactive power to the grid is normally controlled at the Point of Common Connection (PCC) where this point is typically far away from the power converter station. This paper proposed a controlling principle which is based on virtual flux approach that permits to control remotely the power injected at the PCC. The results will show that the Virtual Flux (VF) estimation is capable to estimate the grid voltage in any point of the network as well as the capability of the control principle to inject the specific amount of active and reactive power at a point that can be some kilometers away. In this paper, the basic principle for the remote power control is presented and the effectiveness of the proposed system has been validated by experimental studies.
- Published
- 2018
21. Receding-horizon model predictive control for a three-phase VSI with an LCL filter
- Author
Ramon Guzman, Jaume Miret, Juan M. Rey, Antonio Camacho, Luis Garcia de Vicuna, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automàtica i Informàtica Industrial, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEPIC - Sistemes Electrònics de Potència i de Control
- Subjects
Computer science ,Xarxes elèctriques ,Filtres elèctrics ,02 engineering and technology ,Harmonic analysis ,Zero state response ,Control theory ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,LCL filter ,Model predictive control ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Predictive control ,Oscillation ,Enginyeria elèctrica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,020208 electrical & electronic engineering ,Kalman, Filtratge de ,Enginyeria electrònica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Kalman filter ,Three-phase ,Control and Systems Engineering ,Control system ,Integrator ,Harmonics ,Inverter ,Current control ,Kalman filtering - Abstract
© 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper presents a Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control with receding horizon for a threephase voltage source inverter with LCL filter, using a reduced model of the converter. The main advantages of using this reduced model is that an active damping can be achieved while the computational burden is reduced. Besides, in order to eliminate the model uncertainties, and also to achieve a zero steady state error, the proposed converter model includes an embedded integrator. Regarding the control scheme, a Kalman filter is used in order to estimate the three-phase currents without oscillation. The objective is to find the control signals vector that minimizes the error between the current and its reference. It is important to remark that the control signals obtained fromthe cost function can be used directly in a space vector modulator, without the use of additional controllers such as proportionalintegral or proportional-resonant. Compared with the Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control, the proposedmethod operates at fixed switching frequency without using any restriction in the cost function. Simulation and experimental results show that this proposalworks correctly even in case of grid harmonics and voltage sags.
- Published
- 2018
22. Software development tool for the nonlinear analysis of BAW resonators and filters
- Author
Perea Robles, Rafael and Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos
- Subjects
BAW filters ,BAW resonators ,Electric filters ,Harmonic ,IMD3 ,Filtres elèctrics ,Enginyeria de la telecomunicació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,BAW ,Electro-acoustic devices ,Admittance matrix ,Nonlinear distortion ,IMD2 ,H3 ,Circuits de microones ,H2 ,Microwave circuits ,Resonators ,Intermodulation - Published
- 2017
23. Waveguide filter modeling and simulation using mode-matching, fullwave network analysis and swarm optimization
- Author
Bouchachi, I., Mateu, Jordi, Riabi, M.L., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group
- Subjects
Network analysis (Planning) ,Electric filters, Wave-guide ,Filtres elèctrics ,Enginyeria de la telecomunicació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Anàlisi de xarxes (Planificació) - Abstract
The paper presents the synthesis of forth-order waveguide bandpass filter, employing a symmetric configuration and leading to symmetric response with four poles and two transmission zeroes. For this synthesis we aimed to use most appropriate and reliable techniques of analysis, simulation and optimization. In order to reduce the computing time (reduce the number of unknown variables in the optimization) and simplify the further realization of the filter, the coupling between resonating cavities is generated by purely inductive or capacitive iris. Obtained results and commercial software simulator results are presented for validation.
- Published
- 2017
24. A Comparative Study of Methods for Estimating Virtual Flux at the Point of Common Coupling in Grid-Connected Voltage Source Converters with LCL Filter
- Author
Pedro Rodriguez, Jon Are Suul, Joan Rocabert, Nurul Fazlin Roslan, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable
- Subjects
Engineering ,Electric networks ,proportional resonant current controller ,020209 energy ,Ripple ,Filtres elèctrics ,02 engineering and technology ,Xarxes elèctriques -- Estabilitat ,Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència::Convertidors de corrent elèctric [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,law.invention ,Synchronization (alternating current) ,Electric fault location ,law ,Mesh analysis ,Control theory ,LCL-filter ,Power electronics ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Electronic engineering ,Convertidors de corrent elèctric ,Voltage source ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Enginyeria elèctrica::Distribució d’energia elèctrica::Xarxes elèctriques [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Transformadors elèctrics ,business.industry ,voltage source converter ,020208 electrical & electronic engineering ,Electric filters ,AC power ,virtual flux estimation ,Electric current converters ,Capacitor ,Control and Systems Engineering ,Filter (video) ,Electrònica de potència ,business ,Voltage - Abstract
Grid synchronization based on virtual flux (VF) estimation allows for control of grid-connected power converter without depending on ac-voltage measurements. This is useful in voltage-sensor-less applications for reducing cost and complexity of the control hardware, and can be utilized in case of limited reliability or availability of voltage measurements at the intended point of synchronization to the grid. However, for voltage source converters (VSC) with LCL filters, the influence of the capacitor current must be taken into account to ensure accurate VF estimation at the point of common coupling (PCC) with the grid. This paper presents a comparative evaluation of three VF-based methods for grid synchronization of VSCs with LCL filters, with three different ways of obtaining the capacitor current. The VF estimation in the first method is based only on the measured converter currents. The second method includes capacitor voltage measurements used for estimating the capacitor currents, while the capacitor currents are measured in the third approach. Comparative results from time-domain simulations are presented, demonstrating good performance of the estimation and accurate control of the active and reactive power at the PCC with all three methods, as long as sufficiently accurate filter parameters and current measurements are available. However, the approach based on capacitor current measurements is sensitive to noise due to the high ripple current compared with the fundamental frequency current in the capacitors. The operation of a converter with VF-based grid synchronization including estimation of the capacitor current is demonstrated by experimental results, verifying the voltage sensor-less operation with LCL filter. © 1972-2012 IEEE.
- Published
- 2017
25. Characterization and modeling of a coaxial cavity quadruplet based filter for mobile phone LTE-2 band
- Author
Eslava Sabaté, David and Paco Sánchez, Pedro Antonio de
- Subjects
Dispositius de microones ,621.3 - Enginyeria elèctrica. Electrotècnia. Telecomunicacions ,Filtres elèctrics - Abstract
En aquest projecte es tracta la caracterització i modelatge d'un filtre de cavitats mitjançant el simulador electromagnètic 3D HFSS. Partint de les especificacions d'un filtre real de telefonia es realitzarà una caracterització completa, modelat i extracció del diagrama nodal ideal. Per a aconseguir-ho, prèviament s'estudiarà el tipus de responsa a aconseguir i es caracteritzarà amb polinomis. Amb l'enfocament de la matriu d'acoblament, primer un conjunt de característiques dels paràmetres S són creats. Seguidament es defineix una topologia del filtre adecuada i finalment la corresponent matriu d'acoblament és sintetitzada. Aquesta matriu d'acoblament defineix tot el filtre, i amb això el corresponent filtre físic pot ser dissenyat i fabricat. Per tancar l'intèrval entre la representació de la matriu d'acoblament d'un filtre i el filtre físic, es dónen uns mètodes per mesurar/calcular els acoblaments i el Q extern. Aquests paràmetres poden ser determinats amb l'ús d'un simulador EM 3D com l'utilitzat en aquest projecte, HFSS. En este proyecto se trata la caracterización y modelado de un filtro de cavidad mediante el simulador electromagnético 3D HFSS. Partiendo de las especificaciones de un filtro real de telefonía se realizará una caracterización completa, modelado y extracción de diagrama nodal ideal. Para ello previamente se estudiará el tipo de respuesta a conseguir y se caracterizará con polinomios. Con el enfoque de la matriz de acoplo, primero un conjunto de características de los parámetros S son creadas. Seguidamente se define una topología del filtro adecuada y finalmente la correspondiente matriz de acoplo es sintetizada. Esta matriz de acoplo define del todo al filtro, y con esto el correspondiente filtro físico puede ser diseñado y fabricado. Para cerrar el intervalo entre la representación de la matriz de acoplo de un filtro y el filtro físico, se dan unos métodos para medir/calcular los acoplos y el Q externo. Estos parámetros pueden ser determinados con el uso de un simulador EM 3D como el utilizado en este proyecto, HFSS. In this project the characterization of a cavity filter by 3D electromagnetic simulator HFSS is proposed. Based on the specifications of a real cellular filter complete characterization, modeling and ideal nodal diagram extraction will be performed. To do so, previously the kind of response to achieve will be studied and characterized with polynomials. With the coupling matrix synthesis approach, a set of filter S-parameter characteristics is first created. Then a suitable filter topology is defined and finally the corresponding coupling matrix is synthesized. This coupling matrix fully defines the filter and, with this at hand, the corresponding physical filter can be designed and manufactured. To close the gap between the coupling matrix representation of a filter and the physical filter, practical directions about how to measure/calculate coupling bandwidths and external Q are given. These parameters can be determined by use of 3D EM simulator as the one used in this project, HFSS.
- Published
- 2016
26. Waveguide filter modeling and simulation using mode-matching, fullwave network analysis and swarm optimization
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group, Bouchachi, Islem, Mateu Mateu, Jordi, Lahdi Riabi, Mohamed, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group, Bouchachi, Islem, Mateu Mateu, Jordi, and Lahdi Riabi, Mohamed
- Abstract
The paper presents the synthesis of forth-order waveguide bandpass filter, employing a symmetric configuration and leading to symmetric response with four poles and two transmission zeroes. For this synthesis we aimed to use most appropriate and reliable techniques of analysis, simulation and optimization. In order to reduce the computing time (reduce the number of unknown variables in the optimization) and simplify the further realization of the filter, the coupling between resonating cavities is generated by purely inductive or capacitive iris. Obtained results and commercial software simulator results are presented for validation., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2017
27. Software development tool for the nonlinear analysis of BAW resonators and filters
- Author
Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, Perea Robles, Rafael, Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, and Perea Robles, Rafael
- Published
- 2017
28. Third order intermodulation and thermal effects in electro-acoustic devices for communications
- Author
Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, García Pastor, David, Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, and García Pastor, David
- Published
- 2017
29. A comparative study of methods for estimating virtual flux at the point of common coupling in grid connected voltage source converters with LCL filter
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable, Fazlin Roslan, Nurul, Suul, Jon Are, Rocabert Delgado, Joan, Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable, Fazlin Roslan, Nurul, Suul, Jon Are, Rocabert Delgado, Joan, and Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro
- Abstract
Grid synchronization based on Virtual Flux (VF) estimation allows for control of grid-connected power converter without depending on AC-voltage measurements. This is useful in voltage-sensor-less applications for reducing cost and complexity of the control hardware, and can be utilized in case of limited reliability or availability of voltage measurements at the intended point of synchronization to the grid. However, for Voltage Source Converters (VSC) with LCL filters, the influence of the capacitor current must be taken into account to ensure accurate VF estimation at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) with the grid. This paper presents a comparative evaluation of three VF-based methods for grid synchronization of VSCs with LCL filters, with three different ways of obtaining the capacitor current. The VF estimation in the first method is based only on the measured converter currents. The second method includes capacitor voltage measurements used for estimating the capacitor currents, while the capacitor currents are measured in the third approach. Comparative results from time-domain simulations are presented demonstrating good performance of the estimation and accurate control of the active and reactive power at the PCC with all three methods, as long as sufficiently accurate filter parameters and current measurements are available. However, the approach based on capacitor current measurements is sensitive to noise due to the high ripple current compared to the fundamental frequency current in the capacitors. The operation of a converter with VF-based grid synchronization including estimation of the capacitor current is demonstrated by experimental results, verifying the voltage sensor-less operation with LCL-filter., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2017
30. Spatial filtering by axisymmetric photonic crystals
- Author
Martynas Peckus, Kestutis Staliunas, L. Maigyte, Darius Gailevičius, Vytautas Purlys, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Física, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. DONLL - Dinàmica no Lineal, Òptica no Lineal i Làsers
- Subjects
Diffraction ,Gaussian ,Rotational symmetry ,Physics::Optics ,Filtres elèctrics ,Cristalls -- Propietats elèctriques ,02 engineering and technology ,Electric filters, Crystal ,01 natural sciences ,Crystal symmetry ,Gaussian beams ,010309 optics ,symbols.namesake ,Photonic crystals ,Optics ,Transparent optical networks ,Fiber optic networks ,Beamforming ,0103 physical sciences ,Optical filter ,Photonic structure ,Photonic crystal ,Physics ,Spatial filter ,Física [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Two-dimensional photonic crystals ,business.industry ,Physical principles ,Three-dimensional crystals ,Spatial filterings ,Diffraction limited ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Crystal filters ,Energy gap ,Longitudinal direction ,symbols ,Transverse dimensions ,Photonics ,0210 nano-technology ,business ,Cristalls fotònics ,Beam divergence - Abstract
Photonic crystals due to their angular bandgaps and quasi-bandgaps can provide spatial (angular) filtering of light. Two-dimensional photonic crystals (photonic structures modulated along the longitudinal and along one transverse dimension) can provide spatial filtering in one one-dimensional, decreasing the beam divergence in one quadrature. Three-dimensional crystals can provide two-dimensional filtering, with the shape of the filtering window corresponding to the symmetry of photonic crystal (e.g. forming a quadratic, or hexagonal shape beams). For many applications axisymmetric spatial filtering is required, in order to obtain diffraction limited axisymmetric Gaussian beams. For that purpose we developed and fabricated axisymmetric photonic crystal-like structures (periodic in longitudinal direction, but aperiodic in transverse direction). We overview the axisymmetric filtering: physical principles, simulations, fabrication, and experimental measurements
- Published
- 2016
31. Node de mesura de distància mitjançant ultrasons per a la xarxa de sensors d'un robot humanoide
- Author
Cerda Casado, Juan de la, Chávez Domínguez, Juan Antonio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Pal Robotics, and PAL Robotics
- Subjects
PCB ,ultrasound ,Electronic circuit design ,Amplificadores operacionales ,humanoide ,Enginyeria electrònica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Circuits electrònics--Disseny i construcció ,Amplifiers (Electronics) ,humanoid ,ultrasonidos ,Filtres elèctrics ,Microcontroladors ,Amplificadors operacionals ,Circuits impresos ,microcontroller ,microcontroladores ,sound waves ,Microcontrollers ,filtros MFB ,Amplificadors (Electrònica) ,ondas sonoras ,MFB filter ,operational amplifier ,Ones -- Propagació - Abstract
Nodo de medida de distancia por ultrasonidos para la red de sensores de un robot humanoide
- Published
- 2016
32. IPEM technology aplication in the design of an EMI filter
- Author
Romani Buschman, Joan, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, and Miguel López, José María
- Subjects
Electric filters ,Filtros ,Filtres elèctrics ,Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Processament del senyal::Filtres analògics i digitals [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] - Abstract
En este PFC se lleva a cabo una introducción a la tecnología IPEM (Integrated Power Electronics Moduls)y se orientan los resultados hacia la realización de filtros EMC In this project will be studied the principles of the IPEM (Integrated Power Electronics Moduls) Technology and will be applied in the design of an electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter En este PFC se lleva a cabo una introducción a la tecnología IPEM (Integrated Power Electronics Moduls)y se orientan los resultados hacia la realización de filtros EMI En aquest projecte es farà una introducció a la tecnologia IPEM (Integrated Power Electronics Moduls) i s'aplicarà de cara a la realització de filtres EMI
- Published
- 2015
33. Nodo de medida de distancia por ultrasonidos para la red de sensores de un robot humanoide
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Pal Robotics, Chávez Domínguez, Juan Antonio, Cerda Casado, Juan de la, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Pal Robotics, Chávez Domínguez, Juan Antonio, and Cerda Casado, Juan de la
- Abstract
Nodo de medida de distancia por ultrasonidos para la red de sensores de un robot humanoide
- Published
- 2016
34. Spatial filtering by axisymmetric photonic crystals
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Física, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. DONLL - Dinàmica no Lineal, Òptica no Lineal i Làsers, Staliunas, Kestutis, Gailevicius, Darius, Purlys, Vytautas, Maigyte, Lina, Peckus, Martynas, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Física, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. DONLL - Dinàmica no Lineal, Òptica no Lineal i Làsers, Staliunas, Kestutis, Gailevicius, Darius, Purlys, Vytautas, Maigyte, Lina, and Peckus, Martynas
- Abstract
Photonic crystals due to their angular bandgaps and quasi-bandgaps can provide spatial (angular) filtering of light. Two-dimensional photonic crystals (photonic structures modulated along the longitudinal and along one transverse dimension) can provide spatial filtering in one one-dimensional, decreasing the beam divergence in one quadrature. Three-dimensional crystals can provide two-dimensional filtering, with the shape of the filtering window corresponding to the symmetry of photonic crystal (e.g. forming a quadratic, or hexagonal shape beams). For many applications axisymmetric spatial filtering is required, in order to obtain diffraction limited axisymmetric Gaussian beams. For that purpose we developed and fabricated axisymmetric photonic crystal-like structures (periodic in longitudinal direction, but aperiodic in transverse direction). We overview the axisymmetric filtering: physical principles, simulations, fabrication, and experimental measurements, Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2016
35. A comparative study of methods for estimating virtual flux at the point of common coupling in grid connected voltage source converters with LCL filter
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable, Roslan, Nurul Fazlin, Suul, Jon Are, Luna Alloza, Álvaro, Rocabert Delgado, Joan, Candela García, José Ignacio, Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable, Roslan, Nurul Fazlin, Suul, Jon Are, Luna Alloza, Álvaro, Rocabert Delgado, Joan, Candela García, José Ignacio, and Rodríguez Cortés, Pedro
- Abstract
Grid connected Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) with LCL filters usually have voltage measurements at the filter capacitors, while it can be important to control the active or reactive power injection at the grid-side of the LCL filter, for instance at a Point of Common Coupling (PCC). Synchronization to the PCC voltage can be obtained by Virtual Flux (VF) estimation, which can also allow for voltage sensor-less operation of VSCs. This paper is presenting a comparative evaluation of methods for estimating the VF at the PCC, considering a VSC connected to the grid through an LCL filter with a Proportional Resonant (PR) controller as the inner current control loop. The VF estimation is achieved by using frequency adaptive dual SOGI-QSGs (DSOGI-VF). The Frequency Locked Loop (FLL) is used in order to keep the positive and negative sequence (PNS) VF estimation inherently frequency adaptive. Three different methods are considered for obtaining the capacitor current needed for estimating the VF at the grid side of the LCL filter which are based on fully estimation by using the voltage sensor-less method, by estimating the capacitor current from the measured voltage or by using additional capacitor current sensors. The results have been compared and validated by simulation studies., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2016
36. An inverter dead-time feedforward compensation scheme for PMSM sensorless drive operation
- Author
Joel Cathelin, Antoni Arias, Demba Diallo, Laboratoire de génie électrique de Paris (LGEP), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité - SUPELEC (FRANCE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis - Structural Element Dynamics and Fracture, Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis, University Carlos III of Madrid-University Carlos III of Madrid, IEEE, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. ACES - Control Avançat de Sistemes d'Energia
- Subjects
Torsion ,Computer science ,Filtres elèctrics ,02 engineering and technology ,Torsió ,Compensation (engineering) ,[SPI]Engineering Sciences [physics] ,Extended Kalman filter ,0203 mechanical engineering ,Computer Science::Systems and Control ,Control theory ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Electronic engineering ,Torque ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,Hardware_MEMORYSTRUCTURES ,Inverter dead-time ,020208 electrical & electronic engineering ,Electric filters ,Sensorless ,Feed forward ,020302 automobile design & engineering ,Dead time ,Desenvolupament humà i sostenible::Enginyeria ambiental [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor ,Voltametria ,Direct torque control ,Duty cycle ,Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Voltammetry ,Inverter ,Kalman Filter - Abstract
In this paper, we propose a feedforward compensation scheme of the inverter dead-time to improve the performances of a sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) drive at low speed and low load torque. Based on the identification of the duty cycle error due to the inverter dead-time an analytical expression depending on the phase currents is derived. It allows adjusting the input voltage of the Extended Kalman Filter that estimates the position and the speed. The experimental results in sensorless mode show a significant improvement in the position estimation, in the balance of the phase currents and also a reduction of the torque ripples while maintaining the torque average value. © 2014 IEEE.
- Published
- 2014
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37. Mechanical tuning of substrate integrated waveguide filters
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group, Mira, Fermin, Mateu Mateu, Jordi, Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CSC - Components and Systems for Communications Research Group, Mira, Fermin, Mateu Mateu, Jordi, and Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos
- Abstract
©2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works., This paper presents a novel approach for tuning substrate integrated waveguide resonators, realized by placing an additional metallized via-hole on the waveguide cavity. The approach presented here can be applied as a trimming technique, as well as to develop filter designs with tunable center frequencies and tunable bandwidths. Three different filters are designed and implemented, demonstrating excellent trimming, 10% tuning of the center frequency, and 100% tuning of the bandwidth, respectively., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2015
38. Differential- and common-mode radiofrequency interference filters based on complementary split ring resonators: a conduction and radiation impact analysis
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. RFEMC - Grup de Radiofreqüència i Compatibilitat Electromagnètica en Xarxes de Comunicacions, Gil Galí, Ignacio, Fernández García, Raúl, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. RFEMC - Grup de Radiofreqüència i Compatibilitat Electromagnètica en Xarxes de Comunicacions, Gil Galí, Ignacio, and Fernández García, Raúl
- Abstract
This paper aims to analyse the design techniques of differential transmission lines loaded with metamaterials. Specifically, complementary split-ring resonators were etched on the ground plane of a microstrip transmission line in order to mitigate both differential- and common-mode propagation in differential signalling. Several prototypes were manufactured and characterised in printed circuit boards. The topologies under test were measured and compared as radiofrequency interference filters, taking into account frequency response, signal integrity, and near- and far-field radiation impact with regard to a reference (solid ground) board., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author’s final draft)
- Published
- 2015
39. Study of chaotic behavior in automatic tuning loops for continuous–time filters
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. EPIC - Energy Processing and Integrated Circuits, Martínez García, Herminio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. EPIC - Energy Processing and Integrated Circuits, and Martínez García, Herminio
- Abstract
Continuous–time filters (CTFs) with automatic tuning loops are nonlinear feedback systems with potential instability. Thus, their appropriate linear dynamic modeling should be obtained to assure stability in case an improved design of the loop controllers is to be carried out. A systematic approach using a small signal model would allow obtaining these controllers. However, bifurcations and nonlinear phenomena may appear which cannot be predicted by this analysis. This leads to potential instability, semiperiodic or chaotic behavior and, thus, circuit malfunction. The aim of this paper is to show by means of simulations and experimental results that nonlinear phenomena, which cannot be predicted by the common small signal analysis, may appear in this kind of circuits when circuit parameters are varied., Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2015
40. Aplicación de la tecnología IPEM en la realización de filtros EMI
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Miguel López, José María, Romani Buschman, Joan, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Miguel López, José María, and Romani Buschman, Joan
- Abstract
En este PFC se lleva a cabo una introducción a la tecnología IPEM (Integrated Power Electronics Moduls)y se orientan los resultados hacia la realización de filtros EMC, In this project will be studied the principles of the IPEM (Integrated Power Electronics Moduls) Technology and will be applied in the design of an electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter, En este PFC se lleva a cabo una introducción a la tecnología IPEM (Integrated Power Electronics Moduls)y se orientan los resultados hacia la realización de filtros EMI, En aquest projecte es farà una introducció a la tecnologia IPEM (Integrated Power Electronics Moduls) i s'aplicarà de cara a la realització de filtres EMI
- Published
- 2015
41. Estudio de la amplificación aparente de armónicos con la colocación de filtros en redes industriales
- Author
Fernández Pereira, Cristian, Balcells Sendra, Josep, Morcego Seix, Bernardo, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica
- Subjects
Electric filters ,Càrrega i distribució elèctriques ,Energies::Energia elèctrica::Automatització i control de l’energia elèctrica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Filtres elèctrics ,Electric charge and distribution - Published
- 2014
42. Steady-state and dynamic performance of front-end diode rectifier loads as predicted by dynamic average-value models
- Author
Vijay K. Sood, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, Ali Davoudi, Sina Chiniforoosh, Maryam Saeedifard, Juri Jatskevich, J. A. Martinez, Hamid Atighechi, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica
- Subjects
Engineering ,Steady state (electronics) ,Energy Engineering and Power Technology ,Filtres elèctrics ,line-commutated rectifiers ,Precision rectifier ,Front and back ends ,Rectifier ,Control theory ,Power electronics ,operational modes ,Electric current rectifiers ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,MATLAB ,Electrical impedance ,Diode ,computer.programming_language ,Complement (set theory) ,business.industry ,Energies::Energia elèctrica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,dynamic impedance ,Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Electrònica de potència ,Transient (oscillation) ,Average-value modeling ,business ,computer - Abstract
The detailed switch-level models of front-end diode recti fi er loads can be readily implemented using a number of transient simulation programs, such as PSCAD/EMTDC, and the toolboxes in Matlab/Simulink. To improve the simulation ef fi ciency for the system-level studies, the so-called dynamic ave rage models have been widely used by researchers and en- gineers. Recently, several aver age-value modeling methodologies for the conventional three-phase (six-pulse) front-end recti fi er loads have been discussed, and the dynamic performance of sev- eral developed models has been demonstrated in discontinuous and continuous modes. In this paper, the effects of topological variations of the ac-side fi lters on the system performance are investigated. Also, the steady-st ate and dynamic impedances pre- dicted by the average models under balanced and unbalanced operation are compared. The studies and analyses presented here extend and complement those set forth in the preceding companion publication.
- Published
- 2013
43. Estudi comparatiu dels filtres de Kalman i IMM per a navegació
- Author
Comajuncosas Fortuño, Andreu, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria, and Seco Granados, Gonzalo
- Subjects
Filtres de Kalman ,621.3 - Enginyeria elèctrica. Electrotècnia. Telecomunicacions ,Electrònica en navegació ,Filtres elèctrics ,Sistemes de posicionament global - Abstract
Els sistemes híbrids de navegació integren mesures de posició i velocitat provinents de satèl·lits (GPS) i d’unitats de mesura inercials (IMU).Les dades d’aquests sensors s’han de fusionar i suavitzar, i per a aquest propòsit existeixen diversos algorismes de filtratge, que tracten les dades conjuntament o per separat. En aquest treball s’han codificat en Matlab els algorismes dels filtres de Kalman i IMM, i s’han comparat les seves prestacions en diverses trajectòries d’un vehicle. S’han avaluat quantitativament els errors dels dos filtres, i s’han sintonitzat els seus paràmetres per a minimitzar aquests errors. Amb una correcta sintonia dels filtres, s’ha comprovat que el filtre IMM és superior al filtre de Kalman, tant per maniobres brusques com per maniobres suaus, malgrat que la complexitat i el temps de càlcul requerit són majors. Aided navigation systems integrate position and speed measurements provided by satellites (GPS) and inertial measurement units (IMU). Data from these sensors must be fused and smoothed, and several filtering algorithms have been developed for this purpose. They use data from all sensors together or separately. In this work, Kalman and IMM filter algorithms have been coded in Matlab, and they have been applied to several vehicle paths, in order to compare their performances. Errors in both filters have been quantitatively estimated, and filter parameters have been tuned to minimize these errors. It has been seen that IMM filter is better than Kalman, when both of them are properly tuned, and both for sharp maneuvers and for smooth ones, although IMM filter is more complex and time demanding. Los sistemas híbridos de navegación integran medidas de posición y velocidad provenientes de satélites (GPS) y de unidades de medida inerciales (IMU). Los datos de estos sensores deben fusionarse y suavizarse, y a tal efecto existen diversos algoritmos de filtrado, que tratan los datos conjuntamente o por separado. En este trabajo se han codificado en Matlab los algoritmos de los filtros de Kalman e IMM, y se han comparado sus prestaciones en diversas trayectorias de un vehículo. Se han evaluado cuantitativamente los errores de ambos filtros, y se han sintonizado sus parámetros para minimizar dichos errores. Con una sintonía correcta de los filtros, se ha comprobado que el filtro IMM es superior al filtro de Kalman, tanto para maniobras bruscas como suaves. Ello no obstante, la complejidad y el tiempo de cálculo requerido son mayores.
- Published
- 2013
44. Analysis on capability of harmonic damping using active filter acting as resistive harmonic impedance
- Author
Alvaro Luna, Pedro Rodriguez, Khairul Nisak Md Hasan, J. Ignacio Candela, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable
- Subjects
Energies::Energia elèctrica::Automatització i control de l'energia elèctrica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Resistive touchscreen ,Total harmonic distortion ,Engineering ,business.industry ,Electric power distribution ,Electric filters ,Filtres elèctrics ,Power factor ,Harmonics (Electric waves) ,Power (physics) ,Harmònics (Ones elèctriques) ,Control theory ,Harmonics ,Harmonic ,Energia elèctrica -- Distribució ,Electric power system stability ,Sistemes de distribució d'energia elèctrica -- Estabilitat ,business ,Active filter ,Voltage - Abstract
This paper presents the analysis of shunt active filter (SAF) in harmonic damping. SAF with voltage-based detection control act as an active damping and able to attenuate harmonic propagation throughout the power distribution network. The active filter is implemented on two different power line networks to assess its practicality in different network configuration. The first network is 220-V distribution power line and the second network is the reduced equivalent WPP network of 150-kV, 444.4-MVA. Assessment on the best place for active filter implementation is supported by using harmonic resonance mode analysis method.
- Published
- 2013
45. Uniplanar bandpass filters based on multimodal immitance inverters and end-coupled slotline resonators
- Author
Lluis Pradell, Miquel Ribo, Pierre Blondy, Adrian Contreras, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. RF&MW - Grup de Recerca de sistemes, dispositius i materials de RF i microones, Department of Signal Theory and Communications (TSC), Univ. Politec. de Catalunya, Department of Signal Theory and Communications [Barcelona] (TSC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya [Barcelona] (UPC), MINACOM (XLIM-MINACOM), XLIM (XLIM), and Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
out-of-band rejection ,Engineering ,coplanar waveguide (CPW) ,slotline ,Frequency band ,Slotline ,tunable filter ,Filtres elèctrics ,02 engineering and technology ,Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Radiocomunicació i exploració electromagnètica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Microones ,Resonator ,Band-pass filter ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Electronic engineering ,Insertion loss ,coplanar stripline (CPS) ,Bandpass filter ,Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Radiocomunicació i exploració electromagnètica::Circuits de microones, radiofreqüència i ones mil·limètriques [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,[SPI.NANO]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Micro and nanotechnologies/Microelectronics ,Filtering theory ,Radiation ,business.industry ,Coplanar waveguide ,020208 electrical & electronic engineering ,Bandwidth (signal processing) ,Electric filters ,uniplanar circuits ,020206 networking & telecommunications ,Inverters ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Wireless communication systems ,Coplanar waveguides ,Band pass filters ,Integrated circuit modeling ,Immittance ,multimodal circuit ,Inverter ,business - Abstract
This paper presents the design and implementation of uniplanar bandpass filters that use end-coupled slotline resonators and a new kind of multimodal immitance inverter. These inverters are based on an asymmetric shunt-short-circuit coplanar waveguide (CPW) transition, and are modeled using a multimodal circuit model, which takes into account both fundamental modes of the CPW (the even and the odd modes). From this model, analytical design expressions for the inverters are obtained. These structures are used as input/output inverters of a new class of compact low-loss arbitrary-order easily reconfigurable uniplanar filters featuring half-wavelength and quarter-wavelength end-coupled resonators. A multimodal model is obtained for these filters, which allows an accurate analysis, design, and prediction of their behavior. By using these multimodal tools, three second- and fourth-order prototypes, and a second-order frequency-tunable prototype, were designed and implemented. The fourth-order filter has an insertion loss of 2.2 dB at 2 GHz with an out-of-band rejection better than 20 dB in an extremelywide frequency band. The frequency-tunable filter features a tuning range from 1 to 1.37 GHz with quasi-constant 3-dB bandwidth from 121 to 135 MHz. The measurements show a good agreement with the proposed multimodal model, thus validating the model and the design methodology.
- Published
- 2013
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46. Design of AC-DC power converters with LCL + tuned trap line filter using Si IGBT and SiC MOSFET modules
- Author
Jacek Rabkowski, Pedro Rodriguez, Antoni M. Cantarellas, Szymon Piasecki, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable
- Subjects
Engineering ,Line filter ,business.industry ,Electrical engineering ,Electric filters ,Filtres elèctrics ,Integrated circuit design ,Power factor ,Insulated-gate bipolar transistor ,Convertidors altern-continu ,Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència::Convertidors de corrent elèctric [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Electric current converters ,Distributed generation of electric power ,Metall-òxid-semiconductors ,Power module ,Gate driver ,Electronic engineering ,Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors ,Energia elèctrica -- Distribució ,Power semiconductor device ,Power MOSFET ,business - Abstract
This paper presents a method for improving the design procedure of AC-DC power converters for power generation applications. The proposed methodology is based on selection of the most convenient configuration, in terms of switching frequency and design of the line filter, in order to minimize the overall losses in the system. In this work two types of semiconductor devices are considered: silicon IGBT and silicon carbide MOSFET for the design of a 100 kVA system, and they performance is compared. The AC-DC converter parameters, the design methodology and preliminary simulation results for representatives of Si IGBT and SiC MOSFET modules are presented.
- Published
- 2013
47. Grid connection control of VSC-based high power converters for wave energy applications
- Author
Daniel Remon, Elyas Rakhshani, Pedro Rodriguez, Antoni M. Cantarellas, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEER - Sistemes Elèctrics d'Energia Renovable
- Subjects
Engineering ,Switched-mode power supply ,business.industry ,Electrical engineering ,Electric filters ,Filtres elèctrics ,Power factor ,AC power ,Energies::Energia mareomotriu::Centrals mareomotrius [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència::Convertidors de corrent elèctric [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Power optimizer ,Electric power system ,Power module ,Grid connection ,Grid-connected photovoltaic power system ,Electronic engineering ,Ocean wave power ,business ,Energia maremotriu - Abstract
In the wave energy sector, an increasing concern regarding the grid connection of wave energy converters is recently being experienced, as well as in the main challenges resulting from the grid integration of large scale wave power plants. This increasing interest arise due to the near-commercial developments of several wave energy converter devices, which have already proved its hydrodynamic and power take-off performance. Therefore, this paper proposes a suitable power processing system configuration and its suitable control design used for interfacing the grid connection of such high power wave energy converters while ensuring acceptable grid connection standards compliance. An advanced filter topology will be introduced based on the superposition of LCL+Trap filters as an alternative solution to the conventional LCL filters, as it allows for smaller filter size, while ensuring a reliable and cost-effective power processing solution. Finally, the evaluation of the filter design as well as the power converter control will be introduced in simulation with the purpose of validating the grid connection of wave energy converters.
- Published
- 2013
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48. LCL filter design for an NPC three-level three-phase grid connected inverter
- Author
Benet Barberan, Jordi, Pagès Giménez, Marc, Galceran Arellano, Samuel|||0000-0001-6378-0997, Sudrià Andreu, Antoni|||0000-0001-7337-2751, Montesinos Miracle, Daniel|||0000-0003-3983-0514, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CITCEA - Centre d'Innovació Tecnològica en Convertidors Estàtics i Accionaments
- Subjects
Energies::Energia elèctrica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Electric filters, Digital ,Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Convertidors de corrent elèctric ,Filtres elèctrics ,Electric inverters - Published
- 2012
49. Hybrid modulator for power converters in parallel topology
- Author
Josep Balcells, David Pino González, J. Gago, J. Mon, P. Bogónez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (TIEG) - Terrassa Industrial Electronics Group, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. TIEG - Terrassa Industrial Electronics Group
- Subjects
Engineering ,Interleaving ,business.industry ,Buck converter ,Electrical engineering ,Topology (electrical circuits) ,Filtres elèctrics ,Converters ,Electromagnetic interference ,Power (physics) ,EMI ,Control theory ,Electric resonators ,Metamaterials ,Electronic engineering ,Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,EMI filters ,business ,Modulació (Electrònica) - Abstract
This paper presents a new mixed modulator that combines interleaving and spread-spectrum techniques in order to achieve the lowest level of conducted EMI generation. This modulator is addressed to power converters in parallel arrangement. The practical details of the hybrid modulator and controller implementation on a FPGA are explained. The charac teristics of such modulator in terms of EMI reduction and converter performance are theoretically explored and experimentally validated in a four channel parallel buck converter operating in closed loop.
- Published
- 2012
50. Disseny d’un electro-filtre a pressió a escala de laboratori per filtrar suspensions sòlid-líquid
- Author
Martínez Capilla, David, Llauró Fàbregas, Xavier, and Universitat de Girona. Escola Politècnica Superior
- Subjects
Water -- Purification -- Filtration ,Filters and filtration ,Electric filters ,Filtres elèctrics ,Aigua -- Depuració -- Filtració ,Filtres i filtració - Abstract
La idea principal d’aquest projecte és dissenyar i muntar un electro-filtre a pressió, per tal d’observar si aquesta nova tècnica provoca uns majors rendiments (reducció del temps de filtració i disminució del % d’aigua en el tortó format) respecte la filtració a pressió tradicional emprada en la indústria
- Published
- 2012
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