Baldissarri, C, Fourie, M, Baldissarri C., Fourie M. M., Baldissarri, C, Fourie, M, Baldissarri C., and Fourie M. M.
Organizational dehumanization (OD) is a pervasive phenomenon that can be defined as the employee's perception of being dehumanized, treated as an instrument, and denied personal subjectivity by their organization. Studies examining dehumanization in the workplace have proliferated in recent years and increasingly underscore the insidious effects of OD for employees, their social relations, and the organization itself. Here, we review research over the past 5 years on OD that has contributed significantly to our understanding of its (organizational, interpersonal, situational, and environmental) triggers and its consequences at individual and organizational levels. We conclude by discussing future research directions that may equip us to better understand and protect humanness at work.