Molinari, Francesco, Elsevier, Rabuffetti, Marco, Cannazza, Pietro, Martina Letizia Contente, Andrea Pinto, Diego Romano, Hoyos Vidal, María Pilar, Alcántara León, Andrés Rafael, Ivano Eberini, Tommaso Laurenzi, Louise Gourlay, Flavio Di Pisa, Francesco Molinari, Molinari, Francesco, Elsevier, Rabuffetti, Marco, Cannazza, Pietro, Martina Letizia Contente, Andrea Pinto, Diego Romano, Hoyos Vidal, María Pilar, Alcántara León, Andrés Rafael, Ivano Eberini, Tommaso Laurenzi, Louise Gourlay, Flavio Di Pisa, and Francesco Molinari
Benzil reductases are dehydrogenases preferentially active on aromatic 1,2-diketones, but the reasons for this peculiar substrate recognition have not yet been clarified. The benzil reductase (KRED1-Pglu) from the non conventional yeast Pichia glucozyma showed excellent activity and stereoselectivity in the monoreduction of space-demanding aromatic 1,2-dicarbonyls, making this enzyme attractive as biocatalyst in organic chemistry. Structural insights into the stereoselective monoreduction of 1,2-diketones catalyzed by KRED1-Pglu were investigated starting from its 1.77 Å resolution crystal structure, followed by QM and classical calculations; this study allowed for the identification and characterization of the KRED1-Pglu reactive site. Once identified the recognition elements involved in the stereoselective desymmetrization of bulky 1,2-dicarbonyls mediated by KRED1-Pglu, a mechanism was proposed together with an in silico prediction of substrates reactivity., Depto. de Química en Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Fac. de Farmacia, TRUE, pub