Francesco Serrapica, Felicia Masucci, Antonio Di Francia, SERRAPICA, MARIA, Giuseppe De Rosa, PACELLI, CORRADO, Massimo Trabalza-Marinucci (Coordinator), Cesare Castellini, Emiliano Lasagna, Stefano Capomaccio, Katia Cappelli, Simone Ceccobelli, Andrea Giontella, Serrapica, Francesco, Masucci, Felicia, DI FRANCIA, Antonio, Serrapica, Maria, DE ROSA, Giuseppe, and Pacelli, Corrado
The use of Azospirillum as a tool for promoting sustainable production of silage maize: a preliminary evidence under field condition Francesco Serrapica1, Felicia Masucci2, Antonio Di Francia2, Maria Serrapica1, Giuseppe De Rosa2, Corrado Pacelli1 1Scuola di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari ed Ambientali, University of Basilicata, Italy 2Dipartimento di Agraria, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy Contact: The aim of this on-farm study was to evaluate the use of N2- fixing rhizobacteria Azospirillum in maize cropping as a strategy to reduce the use of nitrogen fertilization. The trial was conducted on an irrigated plain farm. Seeds of Zea maize were inoculated with a commercial product (Graminosoil srlVR ) based on Azospirillum spp. live cells at the dose of 5x104 cell form unit/kg seed. The treatments were MC (not inoculated maize seeds, fertilization: N 250 kg ha1) and MA (inoculated maize seeds, none fertilization) that were arranged in 2 contiguous areas, 1 ha each. Maize was harvested at the milky–waxy ripening stage. Measurement of the yield components and of the plant traits were made at harvesting, on a 3 strips (10 m long) per plot. For each strip, 50 plants were manually cut at 10 cm above the ground and weighted in order to determine biomass yield. Moreover, 3 sub-samples, each consisting of 3 plants, were collected to evaluate the plant traits. To this purpose, plants were separated in culm, cob and leaves and the following traits were recorded: culm height, number of green leaves, leaf area, weight of the culm, cob, and leaves. Leaf Area Index (LAI) were calculated based on the leaf area and the plant density for unit area (m2). Finally, 3 samples/plot of freshly chopped forage were collected in order to determine the dry matter content (DM) and chemical composition (Foss NIR systems 6500, Silver Springs, MD). Data were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA, with treatment as factor. By comparing plant traits recorded for MC and MA, the plant height (294 vs 298 cm), number of green leafs (15.7 vs 15.9), leaf area (0.63 vs 0.64 m2), and LAI (4.76 vs 4.77) were not influenced by the treatment (p>.05). Likewise, no significant differences (p>.05) could be detected for the weights of culms (412.0 vs 430.4 g), cobs (416.9 vs 430.9 g), and leaves (141.7 vs 142.5 g). As a consequence, the total biomass yields from MC and MA (72.92 vs 75.28Mg ha1, respectively) were not statistically different (p>.05). In regard of fresh forage chemical composition, no differences were found in terms of DM (34.6 vs 34.7%), crude protein (6.9 vs 6.9%DM), crude fibre (21.8 vs 21.9%DM), ether extract (1.0 vs 1.0%DM), ash (4.8 vs 4.9%DM), and NDF (50.7 vs 50.8%DM). Based on these preliminary results, seed's inoculation with Azospirillum may represent a viable tool for improvement of environmental effects of maize. Acknowledgements The authors are very grateful to the staffs of the farm ‘Eredi Iemma” (Eboli, Italy) for their help. The technical assistance of Maria Catapane is also recognized.