1. Radyolojide Anatominin Önemi
- Author
Gülekon, İsmail Nadir
- Abstract
THE IMPORTANCE OF RADIOLOGICAL AND SECTIONAL ANATOMY IN EDUCATIONAlthough the history of anatomystarts at the age before christ, history of radiology science is dating to 1895when Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen has discovered X-ray. The history of radiologicalanatomy is as old as the history of radiology. As in every branch of medicine,anatomy has an undeniable place in radiology.1970 was a revolution in terms ofradiology an also in radiological and sectional anatomy. Thanks to the ComputedTomography (CT) device discovered by Sir Godfred Newbold Hounsfield,cross-sectional imaging of human body has become possible and the concept of“sectional anatomy” has emerged. With the developing cross-sectional techniquesin radiology, the importance of sectional anatomy increased. For this purposequestionnaires were distributed with four questions for each radiological andsectional anatomy lecture modalities to volunteers in different classes at GaziUniversity, Faculty of medicine. The students considered that theirunderstanding and perception of anatomy was improved with these two modalities.They also stated that these two modalities should be given in both preclinicaland clinical classes. I think that these two modalities should be given notonly to undergraduate students but also to graduate students (both for radiologyand anatomy specialty training and PhD education). Because anatomy has a greatimportance in radiology education, it would be very useful to perform anatomyrotation for those whoreceive specialty training in radiology.
- Published
- 2022