26 results on '"Gámez García P"'
Search Results
2. The Advantage of Multispectral Images in Fruit Quality Control for Extra Virgin Olive Oil Production
- Author
Martínez Gila, Diego M., Navarro Soto, Javiera P., Satorres Martínez, Silvia, Gómez Ortega, Juan, and Gámez García, Javier
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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3. Classification of olive fruits and oils based on their fatty acid ethyl esters content using electronic nose technology
- Author
Martínez Gila, Diego M., Sanmartin, Chiara, Navarro Soto, Javiera, Mencarelli, Fabio, Gómez Ortega, Juan, and Gámez García, Javier
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
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4. CTA contributions to the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013)
- Author
Consortium, The CTA, Abril, O., Acharya, B. S., Actis, M., Agnetta, G., Aguilar, J. A., Aharonian, F., Ajello, M., Akhperjanian, A., Alcubierre, M., Aleksic, J., Alfaro, R., Aliu, E., Allafort, A. J., Allan, D., Allekotte, I., Aloisio, R., Amato, E., Ambrosi, G., Ambrosio, M., Anderson, J., Angüner, E. O., Antonelli, L. A., Antonuccio, V., Antonucci, M., Antoranz, P., Aravantinos, A., Argan, A., Arlen, T., Aramo, C., Armstrong, T., Arnaldi, H., Arrabito, L., Asano, K., Ashton, T., Asorey, H. G., Aune, T., Awane, Y., Baba, H., Babic, A., Baby, N., Bähr, J., Bais, A., Baixeras, C., Bajtlik, S., Balbo, M., Balis, D., Balkowski, C., Ballet, J., Bamba, A., Bandiera, R., Barber, A., Barbier, C., Barceló, M., Barnacka, A., Barnstedt, J., de Almeida, U. Barres, Barrio, J. A., Basili, A., Basso, S., Bastieri, D., Bauer, C., Baushev, A., Becciani, U., Becerra, J., Becherini, Y., Bechtol, K. C., Tjus, J. Becker, Beckmann, V., Bednarek, W., Behera, B., Belluso, M., Benbow, W., Berdugo, J., Berge, D., Berger, K., Bernard, F., Bernardino, T., Bernlöhr, K., Bertucci, B., Bhat, N., Bhattacharyya, S., Biasuzzi, B., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Billotta, S., Bird, T., Birsin, E., Bissaldi, E., Biteau, J., Bitossi, M., Blake, S., Bigas, O. Blanch, Blasi, P., Bobkov, A., Boccone, V., Böttcher, M., Bogacz, L., Bogart, J., Bogdan, M., Boisson, C., Gargallo, J. Boix, Bolmont, J., Bonanno, G., Bonardi, A., Bonev, T., Bonifacio, P., Bonnoli, G., Bordas, P., Borgland, A., Borkowski, J., Bose, R., Botner, O., Bottani, A., Bouchet, L., Bourgeat, M., Boutonnet, C., Bouvier, A., Brau-Nogué, S., Braun, I., Bretz, T., Briggs, M., Brigida, M., Bringmann, T., Britto, R., Brook, P., Brun, P., Brunetti, L., Bruno, P., Bucciantini, N., Buanes, T., Buckley, J., Bühler, R., Bugaev, V., Bulgarelli, A., Bulik, T., Busetto, G., Buson, S., Byrum, K., Cailles, M., Cameron, R., Camprecios, J., Canestrari, R., Cantu, S., Capalbi, M., Caraveo, P., Carmona, E., Carosi, A., Carosi, R., Carr, J., Carter, J., Carton, P. -H., Caruso, R., Casanova, S., Cascone, E., Casiraghi, M., Castellina, A., Catalano, O., Cavazzani, S., Cazaux, S., Cerchiara, P., Cerruti, M., Chabanne, E., Chadwick, P., Champion, C., Chaves, R., Cheimets, P., Chen, A., Chiang, J., Chiappetti, L., Chikawa, M., Chitnis, V. R., Chollet, F., Christof, A., Chudoba, J., Cieślar, M., Cillis, A., Cilmo, M., Codino, A., Cohen-Tanugi, J., Colafrancesco, S., Colin, P., Colome, J., Colonges, S., Compin, M., Conconi, P., Conforti, V., Connaughton, V., Conrad, J., Contreras, J. L., Coppi, P., Coridian, J., Corona, P., Corti, D., Cortina, J., Cossio, L., Costa, A., Costantini, H., Cotter, G., Courty, B., Couturier, S., Covino, S., Crimi, G., Criswell, S. J., Croston, J., Cusumano, G., Dafonseca, M., Dale, O., Daniel, M., Darling, J., Davids, I., Dazzi, F., de Angelis, A., De Caprio, V., De Frondat, F., Pino, E. M. de Gouveia Dal, de la Calle, I., De La Vega, G. A., Lopez, R. de los Reyes, de Lotto, B., De Luca, A., de Naurois, M., de Oliveira, Y., Wilhelmi, E. de Oña, de Palma, F., de Souza, V., Decerprit, G., Decock, G., Deil, C., Delagnes, E., Deleglise, G., Delgado, C., della Volpe, D., Demange, P., Depaola, G., Dettlaff, A., Di Girolamo, T., Di Giulio, C., Di Paola, A., Di Pierro, F., di Sciascio, G., Díaz, C., Dick, J., Dickherber, R., Dickinson, H., Diez-Blanco, V., Digel, S., Dimitrov, D., Disset, G., Djannati-Ataï, A., Doert, M., Dohmke, M., Domainko, W., Prester, D. Dominis, Donat, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Dournaux, J. -L., Drake, G., Dravins, D., Drury, L., Dubois, F., Dubois, R., Dubus, G., Dufour, C., Dumas, D., Dumm, J., Durand, D., Dwarkadas, V., Dyks, J., Dyrda, M., Ebr, J., Edy, E., Egberts, K., Eger, P., Einecke, S., Eleftheriadis, C., Elles, S., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Engelhaupt, D., Enomoto, R., Ernenwein, J. -P., Errando, M., Etchegoyen, A., Evans, P. A., Falcone, A., Faltenbacher, A., Fantinel, D., Farakos, K., Farnier, C., Farrell, E., Fasola, G., Favill, B. W., Fede, E., Federici, S., Fegan, S., Feinstein, F., Ferenc, D., Ferrando, P., Fesquet, M., Fetfatzis, P., Fiasson, A., Fillin-Martino, E., Fink, D., Finley, C., Finley, J. P., Fiorini, M., Curcoll, R. Firpo, Flandrini, E., Fleischhack, H., Flores, H., Florin, D., Focke, W., Föhr, C., Fokitis, E., Font, L., Fontaine, G., Fornasa, M., Förster, A., Fortson, L., Fouque, N., Franckowiak, A., Franco, F. J., Frankowski, A., Fransson, C., Fraser, G. W., Frei, R., Fresnillo, L., Fruck, C., Fugazza, D., Fujita, Y., Fukazawa, Y., Fukui, Y., Funk, S., Gäbele, W., Gabici, S., Gabriele, R., Gadola, A., Galante, N., Gall, D., Gallant, Y., Gámez-García, J., Garczarczyk, M., García, B., López, R. Garcia, Gardiol, D., Gargano, F., Garrido, D., Garrido, L., Gascon, D., Gaug, M., Gaweda, J., Gebremedhin, L., Geffroy, N., Gerard, L., Ghedina, A., Ghigo, M., Ghislain, P., Giannakaki, E., Gianotti, F., Giarrusso, S., Giavitto, G., Giebels, B., Giglietto, N., Gika, V., Giomi, M., Giommi, P., Giordano, F., Girard, N., Giro, E., Giuliani, A., Glanzman, T., Glicenstein, J. -F., Godinovic, N., Golev, V., Berisso, M. Gomez, Gómez-Ortega, J., Gonzalez, M. M., González, A., González, F., Muñoz, A. González, Gothe, K. S., Grabarczyk, T., Gougerot, M., Graciani, R., Grandi, P., Grañena, F., Granot, J., Grasseau, G., Gredig, R., Green, A., Greenshaw, T., Grégoire, T., Grillo, A., Grimm, O., Grondin, M. -H., Grube, J., Grudzinska, M., Gruev, V., Grünewald, S., Grygorczuk, J., Guarino, V., Gunji, S., Gyuk, G., Hadasch, D., Hagedorn, A., Hagiwara, R., Hahn, J., Hakansson, N., Hallgren, A., Heras, N. Hamer, Hara, S., Hardcastle, M. J., Harezlak, D., Harris, J., Hassan, T., Hatanaka, K., Haubold, T., Haupt, A., Hayakawa, T., Hayashida, M., Heller, R., Henault, F., Henri, G., Hermann, G., Hermel, R., Herrero, A., Hervet, O., Hidaka, N., Hinton, J. A., Hirotani, K., Hoffmann, D., Hofmann, W., Hofverberg, P., Holder, J., Hörandel, J. R., Horns, D., Horville, D., Houles, J., Hrabovsky, M., Hrupec, D., Huan, H., Huber, B., Huet, J. -M., Hughes, G., Humensky, T. B., Huovelin, J., Huppert, J. -F., Ibarra, A., Ikawa, D., Illa, J. M., Impiombato, D., Incorvaia, S., Inoue, S., Inoue, Y., Iocco, F., Ioka, K., Israel, G. L., Jablonski, C., Jacholkowska, A., Jacquemier, J., Jamrozy, M., Janiak, M., Jean, P., Jeanney, C., Jimenez, J. J., Jogler, T., Johnson, C., Johnson, T., Journet, L., Juffroy, C., Jung, I., Kaaret, P., Kabuki, S., Kagaya, M., Kakuwa, J., Kalkuhl, C., Kankanyan, R., Karastergiou, A., Kärcher, K., Karczewski, M., Karkar, S., Kasperek, J., Kastana, D., Katagiri, H., Kataoka, J., Katarzyński, K., Katz, U., Kawanaka, N., Kazanas, D., Kelley-Hoskins, N., Kellner-Leidel, B., Kelly, H., Kendziorra, E., Khélifi, B., Kieda, D. B., Kifune, T., Kihm, T., Kishimoto, T., Kitamoto, K., Kluźniak, W., Knapic, C., Knapp, J., Knödlseder, J., Köck, F., Kocot, J., Kodani, K., Köhne, J. -H., Kohri, K., Kokkotas, K., Kolitzus, D., Komin, N., Kominis, I., Konno, Y., Köppel, H., Korohoda, P., Kosack, K., Koss, G., Kossakowski, R., Koul, R., Kowal, G., Koyama, S., Kozioł, J., Krähenbühl, T., Krause, J., Krawzcynski, H., Krennrich, F., Krepps, A., Kretzschmann, A., Krobot, R., Krueger, P., Kubo, H., Kudryavtsev, V. A., Kushida, J., Kuznetsov, A., La Barbera, A., La Palombara, N., La Parola, V., La Rosa, G., Lacombe, K., Lamanna, G., Lande, J., Languignon, D., Lapington, J. S., Laporte, P., Laurent, B., Lavalley, C., Flour, T. Le, Padellec, A. Le, Lee, S. -H., Lee, W. H., Lefèvre, J. -P., Leich, H., de Oliveira, M. A. Leigui, Lelas, D., Lenain, J. -P., Leoni, R., Leopold, D. J., Lerch, T., Lessio, L., Leto, G., Lieunard, B., Lieunard, S., Lindemann, R., Lindfors, E., Liolios, A., Lipniacka, A., Lockart, H., Lohse, T., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., Lopatin, A., Lopez, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Lorca, A., Lorenz, E., Louis, F., Lubinski, P., Lucarelli, F., Lüdecke, H., Ludwin, J., Luque-Escamilla, P. L., Lustermann, W., Luz, O., Lyard, E., Maccarone, M. C., Maccarone, T. J., Madejski, G. M., Madhavan, A., Mahabir, M., Maier, G., Majumdar, P., Malaguti, G., Malaspina, G., Maltezos, S., Manalaysay, A., Mancilla, A., Mandat, D., Maneva, G., Mangano, A., Manigot, P., Mannheim, K., Manthos, I., Maragos, N., Marcowith, A., Mariotti, M., Marisaldi, M., Markoff, S., Marszałek, A., Martens, C., Martí, J., Martin, J. -M., Martin, P., Martínez, G., Martínez, F., Martínez, M., Massaro, F., Masserot, A., Mastichiadis, A., Mathieu, A., Matsumoto, H., Mattana, F., Mattiazzo, S., Maurer, A., Maurin, G., Maxfield, S., Maya, J., Mazin, D., Comb, L. Mc, McCann, A., McCubbin, N., McHardy, I., McKay, R., Meagher, K., Medina, C., Melioli, C., Melkumyan, D., Melo, D., Mereghetti, S., Mertsch, P., Meucci, M., Meyer, M., Michałowski, J., Micolon, P., Mihailidis, A., Mineo, T., Minuti, M., Mirabal, N., Mirabel, F., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Mistò, A., Mizuno, T., Moal, B., Moderski, R., Mognet, I., Molinari, E., Molinaro, M., Montaruli, T., Monte, C., Monteiro, I., Moore, P., Olaizola, A. Moralejo, Mordalska, M., Morello, C., Mori, K., Morlino, G., Morselli, A., Mottez, F., Moudden, Y., Moulin, E., Mrusek, I., Mukherjee, R., Munar-Adrover, P., Muraishi, H., Murase, K., Murphy, A. StJ., Nagataki, S., Naito, T., Nakajima, D., Nakamori, T., Nakayama, K., Naumann, C., Naumann, D., Naumann-Godo, M., Nayman, P., Nedbal, D., Neise, D., Nellen, L., Neronov, A., Neustroev, V., Neyroud, N., Nicastro, L., Nicolau-Kukliński, J., Niedźwiecki, A., Niemiec, J., Nieto, D., Nikolaidis, A., Nishijima, K., Nishikawa, K. -I., Noda, K., Nolan, S., Northrop, R., Nosek, D., Nowak, N., Nozato, A., Oakes, L., O'Brien, P. T., Ohira, Y., Ohishi, M., Ohm, S., Ohoka, H., Okuda, T., Okumura, A., Olive, J. -F., Ong, R. A., Orito, R., Orr, M., Osborne, J. P., Ostrowski, M., Otero, L. A., Otte, N., Ovcharov, E., Oya, I., Ozieblo, A., Padilla, L., Pagano, I., Paiano, S., Paillot, D., Paizis, A., Palanque, S., Palatka, M., Pallota, J., Palatiello, M., Panagiotidis, K., Panazol, J. -L., Paneque, D., Panter, M., Panzera, M. R., Paoletti, R., Papayannis, A., Papyan, G., Paredes, J. M., Pareschi, G., Parraud, J. -M., Parsons, D., Pauletta, G., Arribas, M. Paz, Pech, M., Pedaletti, G., Pelassa, V., Pelat, D., Perez, M. d. C., Persic, M., Petrucci, P. -O., Peyaud, B., Pichel, A., Pieloth, D., Pierre, E., Pita, S., Pivato, G., Pizzolato, F., Platino, M., Platos, Ł., Platzer, R., Podkladkin, S., Pogosyan, L., Pohl, M., Pojmanski, G., Ponz, J. D., Potter, W., Poutanen, J., Prandini, E., Prast, J., Preece, R., Profeti, F., Prokoph, H., Prouza, M., Proyetti, M., Puerto-Giménez, I., Pühlhofer, G., Puljak, I., Punch, M., Pyzioł, R., Quel, E. J., Quesada, J., Quinn, J., Quirrenbach, A., Racero, E., Rainò, S., Rajda, P. J., Rameez, M., Ramon, P., Rando, R., Rannot, R. C., Rataj, M., Raue, M., Ravignani, D., Reardon, P., Reimann, O., Reimer, A., Reimer, O., Reitberger, K., Renaud, M., Renner, S., Reville, B., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Ribordy, M., Richards, G., Richer, M. G., Rico, J., Ridky, J., Rieger, F., Ringegni, P., Ripken, J., Ristori, P. R., Rivière, A., Rivoire, S., Rob, L., Rodeghiero, G., Roeser, U., Rohlfs, R., Rojas, G., Romano, P., Romaszkan, W., Romero, G. E., Rosen, S. R., Lees, S. Rosier, Ross, D., Rouaix, G., Rousselle, J., Rousselle, S., Rovero, A. C., Roy, F., Royer, S., Rudak, B., Rulten, C., Rupiński, M., Russo, F., Ryde, F., Saavedra, O., Sacco, B., Saemann, E. O., Saggion, A., Sahakian, V., Saito, K., Saito, T., Saito, Y., Sakaki, N., Sakonaka, R., Salini, A., Sanchez, F., Sanchez-Conde, M., Sandoval, A., Sandaker, H., Sant'Ambrogio, E., Santangelo, A., Santos, E. M., Sanuy, A., Sapozhnikov, L., Sarkar, S., Sartore, N., Sasaki, H., Satalecka, K., Sawada, M., Scalzotto, V., Scapin, V., Scarcioffolo, M., Schafer, J., Schanz, T., Schlenstedt, S., Schlickeiser, R., Schmidt, T., Schmoll, J., Schovanek, P., Schroedter, M., Schubert, A., Schultz, C., Schultze, J., Schulz, A., Schure, K., Schussler, F., Schwab, T., Schwanke, U., Schwarz, J., Schwarzburg, S., Schweizer, T., Schwemmer, S., Schwendicke, U., Schwerdt, C., Segreto, A., Seiradakis, J. -H., Sembroski, G. H., Servillat, M., Seweryn, K., Sharma, M., Shayduk, M., Shellard, R. C., Shi, J., Shibata, T., Shibuya, A., Shore, S., Shum, E., Sideras-Haddad, E., Sidoli, L., Sidz, M., Sieiro, J., Sikora, M., Silk, J., Sillanpää, A., Singh, B. B., Sironi, G., Sitarek, J., Skole, C., Smareglia, R., Smith, A., Smith, D., Smith, J., Smith, N., Sobczyńska, D., Sol, H., Sottile, G., Sowiński, M., Spanier, F., Spiga, D., Spyrou, S., Stamatescu, V., Stamerra, A., Starling, R. L. C., Stawarz, Ł., Steenkamp, R., Stegmann, C., Steiner, S., Stella, C., Stergioulas, N., Sternberger, R., Sterzel, M., Stinzing, F., Stodulski, M., Stolarczyk, Th., Straumann, U., Strazzeri, E., Stringhetti, L., Suarez, A., Suchenek, M., Sugawara, R., Sulanke, K. -H., Sun, S., Supanitsky, A. D., Suric, T., Sutcliffe, P., Sykes, J. M., Szanecki, M., Szepieniec, T., Szostek, A., Tagliaferri, G., Tajima, H., Takahashi, H., Takahashi, K., Takalo, L., Takami, H., Talbot, G., Tammi, J., Tanaka, M., Tanaka, S., Tasan, J., Tavani, M., Tavernet, J. -P., Tejedor, L. A., Telezhinsky, I., Temnikov, P., Tenzer, C., Terada, Y., Terrier, R., Teshima, M., Testa, V., Tezier, D., Thayer, J., Thuermann, D., Tibaldo, L., Tibolla, O., Tiengo, A., Timpanaro, M. C., Tluczykont, M., Peixoto, C. J. Todero, Tokanai, F., Tokarz, M., Toma, K., Tonachini, A., Torii, K., Tornikoski, M., Torres, D. F., Torres, M., Toscano, S., Toso, G., Tosti, G., Totani, T., Toussenel, F., Tovmassian, G., Travnicek, P., Treves, A., Trifoglio, M., Troyano, I., Tsinganos, K., Ueno, H., Umana, G., Umehara, K., Upadhya, S. S., Usher, T., Uslenghi, M., Vagnetti, F., Valdes-Galicia, J. F., Vallania, P., Vallejo, G., van Driel, W., van Eldik, C., Vandenbrouke, J., Vanderwalt, J., Vankov, H., Vasileiadis, G., Vassiliev, V., Veberic, D., Vegas, I., Vercellone, S., Vergani, S., Verzi, V., Vettolani, G. P., Veyssière, C., Vialle, J. P., Viana, A., Videla, M., Vigorito, C., Vincent, P., Vincent, S., Vink, J., Vlahakis, N., Vlahos, L., Vogler, P., Voisin, V., Vollhardt, A., von Gunten, H. -P., Vorobiov, S., Vuerli, C., Waegebaert, V., Wagner, R., Wagner, R. G., Wagner, S., Wakely, S. P., Walter, R., Walther, T., Warda, K., Warwick, R. S., Wawer, P., Wawrzaszek, R., Webb, N., Wegner, P., Weinstein, A., Weitzel, Q., Welsing, R., Werner, M., Wetteskind, H., White, R. J., Wierzcholska, A., Wiesand, S., Wilhelm, A., Wilkinson, M. I., Williams, D. A., Willingale, R., Winde, M., Winiarski, K., Wischnewski, R., Wiśniewski, Ł., Wojcik, P., Wood, M., Wörnlein, A., Xiong, Q., Yadav, K. K., Yamamoto, H., Yamamoto, T., Yamazaki, R., Yanagita, S., Yebras, J. M., Yelos, D., Yoshida, A., Yoshida, T., Yoshikoshi, T., Yu, P., Zabalza, V., Zacharias, M., Zajczyk, A., Zampieri, L., Zanin, R., Zdziarski, A., Zech, A., Zhao, A., Zhou, X., Zietara, K., Ziolkowski, J., Ziółkowski, P., Zitelli, V., Zurbach, C., and Zychowski, P.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Compilation of CTA contributions to the proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), which took place in 2-9 July, 2013, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Comment: Index of CTA conference proceedings at the ICRC2013, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). v1: placeholder with no arXiv links yet, to be replaced once individual contributions have been all submitted. v2: final with arXiv links to all CTA contributions and full author list
- Published
- 2013
5. Online system for the identification and classification of olive fruits for the olive oil production process
- Author
Aguilera Puerto, Daniel, Cáceres Moreno, Óscar, Martínez Gila, Diego Manuel, Gómez Ortega, Juan, and Gámez García, Javier
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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6. Morbidity and mortality of serious gastrointestinal complications after lung transplantation
- Author
Zevallos-Villegas, Annette, Alonso-Moralejo, Rodrigo, Cambra, Félix, Hermida-Anchuelo, Ana, Pérez-González, Virginia, Gámez-García, Pablo, Sayas-Catalán, Javier, and De Pablo- Gafas, Alicia
- Published
- 2019
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7. A novel model-driven approach to support development cycle of robotic systems
- Author
Estévez, Elisabet, Sánchez-García, Alejandro, Gámez-García, Javier, Gómez-Ortega, Juan, and Satorres-Martínez, Silvia
- Published
- 2016
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8. A machine vision system for defect characterization on transparent parts with non-plane surfaces
- Author
Satorres Martínez, S., Gómez Ortega, J., Gámez García, J., and Sánchez García, A.
- Published
- 2012
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9. Life Cycle Assessment of residential streets from the perspective of favoring the human scale and reducing motorized traffic flow. From cradle to handover approach.
- Author
Gámez-García, Diana C., Saldaña-Márquez, Héctor, Gómez-Soberón, José M., Corral-Higuera, Ramón, and Arredondo-Rea, Susana P.
- Subjects
TRAFFIC flow ,RESIDENTIAL areas ,ENVIRONMENTAL impact analysis ,CONSTRUCTION industry ,PEDESTRIAN areas - Abstract
Highlights • The non-motorized mobility in a residential Street (RS) generate lower environmental impacts (EI). • Omitting a detailed analysis in the materials selection for a specific zone of RS may occasion significant EI. • The specific use of materials employed in the construction of the RS has a significant influence on the EI. • The use of granite should be limited in configuring and designing RS. • Applying LCA in the design phase can lead to a reduction in the EI generated in the product and construction stages of a RS. Abstract Currently, few studies have compared the variations in environmental impact throughout the different stages of the life cycle of urban construction elements; and of these, only a minority approach it from the perspective of favoring mobility on a human scale and reducing the space allocated to motorized traffic flow. This study, by means of quantitative data, shows the environmental implications associated with prioritizing the non-motorized mobility of a city's inhabitants during the design process of an urban construction element, the residential street (referring to the stages of the product and the construction process: the "cradle to handover" approach). An emerging methodology in urban themes was used in order to obtain the environmental analysis: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The results show that the increase in the human scale and the favoring of non-motorized mobility generate a lower environmental impact (considering the same uses of materials for the different zones of analysis). Additionally, it was possible to establish the influence that the specific use of materials employed in the construction of the streets may have, as well as the importance that an LCA acquires in the design of the urban environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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10. Sustainable social housing: The comparison of the Mexican funding program for housing solutions and building sustainability rating systems.
- Author
Saldaña-Márquez, Héctor, Gómez-Soberón, José M., Arredondo-Rea, Susana P., Gámez-García, Diana C., and Corral-Higuera, Ramón
- Subjects
SUSTAINABLE development ,BUILDING design & construction ,SUSTAINABILITY ,ENERGY conservation in buildings ,BUILDINGS & the environment - Abstract
In the last decade, Mexico has been prominent among the Upper-middle-income countries (UMC) due to the application of its Funding Program for Housing Solutions (FPHS) in dealing with social housing. This paper shows the results of the evaluations carried out, through the internationally recognized Building Sustainability Rating Systems (BSRS), on different housing units built under this program. It was necessary to carry out a normalization criteria process (NCP) due to the particular characteristics of each BSRS and the complexity they presented in carrying out a comparative analysis. Case studies indicate that housing developed by the FPHS obtained low qualifications according to internationally focused BSRS, with significant deficiencies concerning materials, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and management. However, this study provides indicators of its possible integration in the social housing of countries with characteristics analogous to those of Mexico. Among all indicators, that those referring to the urban environment are capable of being integrated into the social housing. Among the findings, some aspects of the FPHS evaluation process impede the integration of sustainable characteristics in Mexican social housing. On the other hand, the FPHS evaluation model, which gives priority to urban environment aspects above all else, may represent a new paradigm towards the achievement of the sustainable social housing (SSH). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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11. Executive Summary of the SEPAR Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer.
- Author
Villar Álvarez, Felipe, Muguruza Trueba, Ignacio, Belda Sanchis, José, Molins López-Rodó, Laureano, Rodríguez Suárez, Pedro Miguel, Sánchez de Cos Escuín, Julio, Barreiro, Esther, Borrego Pintado, M. Henar, Disdier Vicente, Carlos, Flandes Aldeyturriaga, Javier, Gámez García, Pablo, Garrido López, Pilar, León Atance, Pablo, Izquierdo Elena, José Miguel, Novoa Valentín, Nuria M, Rivas de Andrés, Juan José, Royo Crespo, Íñigo, Salvatierra Velázquez, Ángel, Seijo Maceiras, Luís M., and Solano Reina, Segismundo
- Abstract
Copyright of Archivos de Bronconeumología (English Edition) is the property of Sociedad Espanola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica (SEPAR) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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12. Recomendaciones SEPAR de diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas.
- Author
Álvarez, Felipe Villar, Trueba, Ignacio Muguruza, Sanchis, José Belda, López-Rodó, Laureano Molins, Rodríguez Suárez, Pedro Miguel, de Cos Escuín, Julio Sánchez, Barreiro, Esther, Henar Borrego Pintado, M., Vicente, Carlos Disdier, Aldeyturriaga, Javier Flandes, Gámez García, Pablo, Garrido López, Pilar, León Atance, Pablo, Izquierdo Elena, José Miguel, Novoa Valentín, Nuria M., Rivas de Andrés, Juan José, Crespo, Íñigo Royo, Velázquez, Ángel Salvatierra, Seijo Maceiras, Luis M., and Reina, Segismundo Solano
- Published
- 2016
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13. Corrección videotoracoscópica mínimamente invasiva del pectus excavatum
- Author
Santana Rodríguez, N., primary, Hernández Rodríguez, H., additional, Gámez García, P., additional, Madrigal Royo, L., additional, Córdoba Peláez, M., additional, and Varela Ugarte, A., additional
- Published
- 2002
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14. Angiolipoma mediastínico en reloj de arena
- Author
Gámez García, P., primary, de Pablo Gafas, A., additional, Salas Antón, C., additional, Santolaya Cohen, R., additional, Madrigal Royo, L., additional, and Varela de Ugarte, A., additional
- Published
- 2002
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15. Aproximación Basada en UML para el Diseño y Codificación Automática de Plataformas Robóticas Manipuladoras
- Author
Estévez, Elisabet, Sánchez García, Alejandro, Gámez García, Javier, and Gómez Ortega, Juan
- Abstract
Hoy en día, los robots manipuladores están presentes en todas las instalaciones de producción moderna industriales. Por ello, a la robótica manipuladora se la considera una disciplina decisiva en el sector industrial. Además, en un futuro no muy lejano los robots manipuladores pasarán a ser también esenciales en la vida cotidiana de la sociedad. Así, existe una demanda creciente de aplicaciones con robots manipuladores con requisitos software como son la reutilización, flexibilidad y adaptabilidad. Lamentablemente, en la actualidad hay una falta de estandarización de plataformas hardware y software, por lo que es extremadamente complicado satisfacer estos requisitos. Así, se contempla, por lo tanto, una necesidad de definir una metodología que proporcione unas pautas y guíe en el diseño, implementación y en la ejecución de sistemas software para este tipo de aplicaciones. Este trabajo explora las ventajas proporcionadas por la Ingeniería Dirigida por Modelos (MDE- Model Driven Engineering) en el diseño y desarrollo de tareas realizadas por robots manipuladores. En concreto se propone una aproximación basada en un sub-conjunto de diagramas UML (diagrama de componentes y diagrama de despliegue) para el diseño de este tipo de aplicaciones. Además, se identifican y definen los pasos a realizar para la generación automática de código que se ejecutará sobre los middlewares (MW) de comunicación más utilizados en esta disciplina. Para ello, se hará uso de las técnicas Model-To-Model y Model-To-Text nuevamente de MDE. Este trabajo, detalla la generación del código para OROCOS (el MW basado en componentes más extendido) y ROS. Finalmente, se presentan dos casos de estudio, el primero de ellos consiste en una aplicación industrial para el ensamblado de faro de vehículos que se ejecuta sobre OROCOS. El segundo caso de estudio es una aplicación de robótica de servicios en la que un robot manipulador antropomórfico realiza la tarea de seguimiento de un objeto en movimiento. Este segundo caso de estudio se ejecuta sobre ROS.
- Published
- 2017
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16. Laboratorio Web SCORM de Control PID con Integración Avanzada
- Author
Ruano Ruano, Ildefonso, Gámez García, Javier, and Gómez Ortega, Juan
- Abstract
Los laboratorios Web (WebLabs) son recursos cada vez más utilizados en las carreras técnicas universitarias. Cuando se presentan integrados en un sistema de gestión de aprendizaje (LMS, Learning Management System) se obtienen una serie de ventajas para alumnos y docentes entre las que destaca el hecho de mostrarse en un entorno conocido y la posibilidad de personalizar la experiencia gracias a la identificación de usuarios que realiza el LMS. Este trabajo muestra un WebLab sobre control Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo (PID), un contenido fundamental de las asignaturas de Automática que se encuentra en todos los grados de Ingeniería Industrial. Este WebLab ha sido desarrollado mediante una metodología innovadora con la que se obtiene un recurso de aprendizaje eficaz basado en un paquete SCORM (Shared Content Object Reference Model). SCORM es el estándar de contenidos de e-learning más utilizado y es compatible con la mayoría de los LMS del mercado, esto permite que el WebLab pueda ser reutilizado fácilmente en diferentes entornos LMS. El WebLab contiene un plan de aprendizaje que incluye una serie de recursos de utilidad docente como teoría de control PID, pruebas de evaluación, un laboratorio virtual de control PID de un motor de corriente continua y experimentos personalizados para cada alumno cuyos resultados son almacenados en el LMS. Este WebLab se ha presentado en el LMS institucional de la Universidad de Jaén a 340 alumnos de la asignatura “Automática Industrial” en el curso 2014-15. Los datos de uso han permitido realizar diversas evaluaciones que demuestran que los alumnos que lo han completado han obtenido un rendimiento excelente en el propio WebLab, han conseguido unos resultados muy superiores al resto de alumnos en la evaluación final de la asignatura y lo han valorado muy positivamente. También se ha demostrado la reusabilidad del WebLab en diferentes LMS compatibles con SCORM (ILIAS y Moodle) analizando los problemas que se han planteado en este sentido.
- Published
- 2016
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17. Preservación bifásica del injerto en el trasplante pulmonar
- Author
Gámez García, P., primary, Varela de Ugarte, A., additional, Téllez Cantero, J.C., additional, Castedo Mejuto, E., additional, Rodríguez-Roda Stuart, J., additional, García Montero, C., additional, Serrano-Fiz, S., additional, Burgos Lázaro, R., additional, Téllez de Peralta, G., additional, and Ugarte Basterrechea, J., additional
- Published
- 1998
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18. Hipercalcemia y carcinoma broncogénico
- Author
Gálvez Valdovinos, R., primary, Gámez García, P., additional, and Díaz Hellín Gude, V., additional
- Published
- 1995
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19. Evolution and Complications of Chest Trauma.
- Author
Ávila Martínez, Régulo José, Hernández Voth, Ana, Marrón Fernández, Carmen, Hermoso Alarza, Fátima, Martínez Serna, Iván, Mariscal de Alba, Andrea, Zuluaga Bedoya, Mauricio, Trujillo, María Dolores, Meneses Pardo, José Carlos, Díaz Hellin, Vicente, Larru Cabrero, Emilio, and Gámez García, A. Pablo
- Abstract
Copyright of Archivos de Bronconeumología (English Edition) is the property of Sociedad Espanola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica (SEPAR) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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20. Primary Pulmonary Sarcomatoid Carcinoma.
- Author
Ávila Martínez, Régulo José, Marrón Fernández, Carmen, Hermoso Alarza, Fátima, Zuluaga Bedoya, Mauricio, Meneses Pardo, José Carlos, and Gámez García, A. Pablo
- Abstract
Copyright of Archivos de Bronconeumología (English Edition) is the property of Sociedad Espanola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica (SEPAR) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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21. Quantum Chemical Calculations in Stepwise Adrenaline Deprotonation
- Author
Cuán, María A., Gámez-García, Victoria G., Cortés-Romero, Carlos M., Ramirez-Silva, Maria T., Romero-Romo, Mario R., and Palomar-Pardavé, Manuel E.
- Abstract
Theoretical calculations of adrenaline structures formed during the in-vacuo deprotonation were performed using the DFT approach. The electronic properties of these chemical structures such as the atomic charge, the HOMO-LUMO electron distribution and its energy associated are presented and discussed. According to our results, the proton loss is more feasible during the deprotonation process of the amino group followed by cathecol aromatic ring deprotonation and then by the hydrogen loss of the aliphatic hydroxyl group. In fact, the results of the energy values of the latter deprotonation process indicate that it is very unlikely that the aliphatic OH group might loss its proton since it yields unstable chemical species. Under biological pH environment, adrenaline is a fully protonated species which avoids the amino group might be modified by oxidation-reduction reactions. This causes, however, that the cathecol aromatic ring be sensitive to chemical modification by the aforementioned reactions since adrenaline electronic properties are modified by the protonated amino group. This indicates that orbital re-distribution of the molecule might occur due to the proton presence.
- Published
- 2010
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22. Outcomes of controlled DCDD lung transplantation after thoraco-abdominal vs abdominal normothermic regional perfusion: The Spanish experience.
- Author
Minasyan A, de la Torre M, Rosado Rodriguez J, Jauregui Abularach A, Romero Román A, Novoa Valentin N, Martínez Serna I, Gámez García P, Fontana A, Sales Badia G, González García FJ, Salvatierra Velazquez A, Berjon L, Mons Lera R, Rodríguez Suarez P, Coll E, Miñambres E, Domínguez-Gil B, and Campo-Cañaveral de la Cruz JL
- Abstract
Background: Thoraco-abdominal normothermic regional perfusion (TA-NRP) has emerged as a strategy for evaluating and recovering the heart in controlled donation after the circulatory determination of death (cDCDD). However, its impact on lung grafts remains largely unknown. We aimed to assess the impact of TA-NRP on the outcomes of recipients of cDCDD lungs., Methods: This is a retrospective, multicenter, nationwide study describing the outcomes of cDCDD lung transplants (LTs) performed in Spain from January 2021 to November 2023. Patients were divided in 2 groups based on the recovery technique: TA-NRP with the simultaneous recovery of the heart vs abdominal NRP (A-NRP) without simultaneous heart recovery. The primary endpoint was the incidence of Primary Graft Dysfunction (PGD) grade 3 at 72 hours. Secondary endpoints included the overall incidence of PGD, days on mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital length of stay, early survival rates, and mid-term outcomes., Results: Two hundred and eighty three cDCDD LTs were performed during the study period, 28 (10%) using TA-NRP and 255 (90%) using A-NRP. No differences were observed in the incidence of PGD grade 3 at 72 hours between the TA-NRP and the A-NRP group (0% vs 7.6%; p = 0.231), though the overall incidence of PGD was significantly lower with TA-NRP (14.3% vs 41.5%; p = 0.005). We found no significant differences between the groups regarding other post-transplant outcome variables., Conclusions: TA-NRP allows the simultaneous recovery of both the heart and the lungs in the cDCDD scenario with appropriate LT outcomes comparable to those observed with the A-NRP approach., (Copyright © 2024 International Society for the Heart and Lung Transplantation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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23. Transbronchial Cryobiopsy in the First 51 Patients: Diagnostic Yield, Complication Rates and Survival After 8 Years.
- Author
Gómez López A, Valipour A, de Miguel Poch E, García Luján R, Del Pozo Rivas R, Pérez Rojo R, Enguita Vals AB, Alonso Charterina S, de Granda Orive I, Álvarez Martínez CJ, Pérez González V, Gámez García P, Cortés Guerrero M, and Villena Garrido V
- Published
- 2023
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24. Recommendations of the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery on the diagnosis and treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer.
- Author
Álvarez FV, Trueba IM, Sanchis JB, López-Rodó LM, Rodríguez Suárez PM, de Cos Escuín JS, Barreiro E, Henar Borrego Pintado M, Vicente CD, Aldeyturriaga JF, Gámez García P, Garrido López P, León Atance P, Izquierdo Elena JM, Novoa Valentín NM, Rivas de Andrés JJ, Crespo ÍR, Velázquez ÁS, Seijo Maceiras LM, Reina SS, Bujanda DA, Ávila Martínez RJ, de Granda Orive JI, Martínez Ede H, Gude VD, Flor RE, Freixinet Gilart JL, García Jiménez MD, Alarza FH, Sarmiento SH, Honguero Martínez AF, Jiménez Ruiz CA, Sanz IL, Mariscal de Alba A, Martínez Vallina P, Menal Muñoz P, Pérez LM, Olmedo García ME, Rombolá CA, Arregui ÍS, Somiedo Gutiérrez Mdel V, Triviño Ramírez AI, Trujillo Reyes JC, Vallejo C, Lozano PV, Simó GV, and Zulueta JJ
- Subjects
- Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols therapeutic use, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung epidemiology, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung pathology, Cigarette Smoking adverse effects, Combined Modality Therapy, Comorbidity, Diagnostic Techniques, Respiratory System, Humans, Lung Neoplasms epidemiology, Lung Neoplasms pathology, Lung Neoplasms therapy, Mass Screening, Neoplasm Staging, Oxidative Stress, Pneumonectomy methods, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive epidemiology, Pulmonary Medicine, Radiotherapy methods, Risk Factors, Smoking Cessation, Societies, Medical, Spain, Thoracic Surgery, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung diagnosis, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung therapy, Lung Neoplasms diagnosis
- Published
- 2016
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25. [Biphasic graft preservation for lung transplantation].
- Author
Gámez García P, Varela de Ugarte A, Téllez Cantero JC, Castedo Mejuto E, Rodríguez-Roda Stuart J, García Montero C, Serrano-Fiz S, Burgos Lázaro R, Téllez de Peralta G, and Ugarte Basterrechea J
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Female, Heart Transplantation, Heart-Lung Transplantation, Hemodynamics, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prospective Studies, Lung Transplantation methods, Organ Preservation, Pulmonary Artery, Reperfusion methods
- Abstract
The standard, most widely applied way of preserving a lung for transplantation is infusion through the pulmonary artery (PA) of a pulmonaryplegic solution. In this prospective study, we analyzed the initial function of the pulmonary and cardiac graft after biphasic infusion of a solution introduced retrograde through the left auricle and antegrade through the PA. Twenty-six heart and lung grafts (9 unilateral and 17 bilateral) were preserved by cardioplegia and pulmonaryplegia (biphasic) between January 1996 and March 1997. Indicators of graft viability recorded were the ratio of arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2) to inspired fraction (FiO2), mean systemic pressure (MSP), mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP) cardiac output, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR). The variables were recorded upon arrival of the grafts in the intensive care unit and in the first 24 h. Morbidity and mortality after heart transplants were recorded throughout a follow-up period of one month. After transplantation, most patients had a oxygenation coefficient (PaO2/FiO2) greater than 252 mmHg in the first 48 h. Hemodynamic parameters were also kept within normal ranges immediately after surgery and 24 h later. Mean ischemic time was 245 min for unilateral transplants, 215 for the first lung in double lung transplants, and 300 min for the second lung. In the early postoperative period, 3 patients suffered lung graft dysfunction, which was treated satisfactorily with nitric oxide (NO). No heart transplant patient suffered primary heart failure or left ventricular dilatation. We conclude that biphasic pulmonary preservation achieves satisfactory initial functional viability of the graft. Heart grafts removed simultaneously functioned successfully in the transplanted patient without additional pharmacological or mechanical support.
- Published
- 1998
26. [Hypercalcemia and bronchogenic carcinoma].
- Author
Gálvez Valdovinos R, Gámez García P, and Díaz Hellín Gude V
- Subjects
- Carcinoma, Bronchogenic diagnosis, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell diagnosis, Humans, Lung Neoplasms diagnosis, Male, Middle Aged, Carcinoma, Bronchogenic complications, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell complications, Hypercalcemia etiology, Lung Neoplasms complications
- Published
- 1995
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