14 results on '"Gómez, Maria Esther"'
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2. La responsabilidad social pública en el servicio de rentas internas, provincia El Oro
- Author
Chuchuca Gómez, Maria Esther and Salcedo Muñoz, Virgilio
- Published
- 2017
3. Effect of partially refined palm oil in lipid profile in rats
- Author
Salinas, Nancy, Márquez, Mercedes, Sutil, Rosalía, Pacheco, Emperatriz, Muñoz, Marielena, and Gómez, Maria Esther
- Subjects
Aceite de palma ,carotenos ,tocoferoles ,cholesterol ,carotenes ,Palm oil ,colesterol ,triglycerides ,tocopherols ,triglicéridos - Abstract
El aceite de palma es rico en carotenos, tocoferoles y tocotrienoles. El proceso de refinación para consumo humano, produce algunas alteraciones de sus propiedades. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de un aceite de palma parcialmente refinado, blanqueado y desodorizado (RBD rojo) sobre el perfil lipídico y niveles de vitamina A (retinol) y E (a tocoferol) en 3 grupos de ratas: B (alimento comercial para animales de laboratorio: ST + 5% de polvo de yema de huevo), C (ST + 5% de polvo de yema de huevo + 14 RBD rojo) ambos hiperlipidemia inducida y D (ST + 14% RBD rojo) frente a un control (A) durante 35 días. El RBD rojo indujo una disminución significativa de CT en los grupos C y D (81 ± 11 mg/dL y 77 ± 7 mg/dL, respectivamente) al compararlos con el grupo control (99 ± 11 mg/dL) para el día 35 de experimentación; así como un incremento del HDL-C en grupo C (53 ± 4 mg/dL) y D (53 ± 5 mg/dL) cuando se compararon con el grupo B (44 ± 3 mg/dL) el cual recibió sólo PH, resultando una menor relación CT/HDL (1,5 ± 0,1). Además en los grupos C y D aumentaron significativamente (p £ 0,05) las concentraciones séricas de retinol (26 ± 5 µg/dL y 58 ± 18 µg/dL) y a tocoferol (165 ± 58 µg/dL y 445 ± 65 µg/dL) respectivamente. Estos resultados permiten concluir que la suplementación con RBD rojo disminuye el CT mejorando la relación CT/HDL. La presencia de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (oleico) y las altas concentraciones de a-tocoferol y retinol, en el aceite de palma RBD rojo utilizado, incidieron favorablemente sobre el perfil lipídico de las ratas con hiperlipidemia inducida Palm oil is rich in carotenoids, tocopherols and tocotrienols. This oil is refined for its human consumption bringing as a consequence an alteration of their properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the partially refined, bleached and deodorized palm oil (RBD red) on the lipid profile and levels of vitamin A (retinol) and E (a tocopherol) in 4 groups of rats: B (commercial food Protinal® for laboratory animals: ST + 5% egg yolk powder); C (ST + 5% egg yolk powder + 14 RBD red) both groups with induced hyperlipidemia; and D (ST + 14% RBD red), as compared with a control A (ST) during 35 days. The results were: the RBD red induced significative decreases of TC (total cholesterol) in groups C and D (81 ±11 mg/dL and 77 + 7 mg/dL), respectively, when compared with the control group (99 ± 11 mg/dL) for 35 days experimentation. Additionally, an increment of the HDL-C (53 ± 4 mg/dL) in the C group and in the D group (53 ± 5 mg/dL) were observed when compared with group B (44 ± 3 mg/dL), resulting in a lower ratio of TC/HDL-C (1.5 ± 0.1). In the groups C and D, there were significant increases (p < 0.05) in the serum concentrations of retinol (26 ± 5 µg/dL and 58 ± 18 µg/dL) and a tocopherol (165 ± 58 µg/dL) and 445 ± 65 µg/dL). These results allow to conclude that the supplementation with RBD red diminishes the TC, improving the ratio TC/HDL-C. The presence of a monosaturated fatty acid (oleic acid) and the high concentrations of micronutrients (á tocopherol and retinol) in RBD red palm oil, influence favorably the lipid profile of rats with induced hyperlipidemia
- Published
- 2008
4. Serum Insulin, leptin and growth hormone levels are associated with body mass index and obesity index in adolescents
- Author
Molero-Conejo, Emperatriz, Morales, Luz Marina, Fernández, Virginia, Raleigh, Xiomara, Casanova, Angel, Connell, Lissette, Gómez, Maria Esther, Ryder, Elena, and Campos, Gilberto
- Subjects
hyperleptinemia ,hormona de crecimiento ,insulino resistencia ,hyperinsulinemia ,growth hormone ,Insulin Resistance ,hiperinsulinemia ,Adolescents ,Adolescentes ,hiperleptinemia - Abstract
La leptina, insulina y hormona de crecimiento influyen en la masa grasa, composición corporal y distribución grasa. El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre los niveles de insulina, leptina y hormona de crecimiento con parámetros antropométricos y lipídicos en adolescentes. Se estudiaron 95 adolescentes entre 13 y 18 años. Se realizó una historia clínico-nutricional donde se midió el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y los pliegues subcutáneos. Se determinaron los niveles basales de glicemia, triglicéridos, colesterol total, HDL-C, LDL-C y VLDL-C, insulina, leptina y hormona de crecimiento. Los niveles de leptina e insulina se relacionaron positivamente con el IMC y el Índice de Obesidad (IOB). La insulina, leptina e indicadores de obesidad se relacionaron en forma negativa con la hormona de crecimiento. El 52% de los adolescentes con IMC≥21,09 Kg/m² e IOB >42,02 mm se consideraron metabólicamente obesos, debido a que comparados con los adolescentes normales, presentaron niveles elevados de insulina (18,68± 1,52 vs 10,08± 0,38 m U/ml), HOMA IR (3,34± 0,24 vs 1,76± 0,07), leptina (16,30± 1,24 vs 8,11± 1,32 ng/dl) y triglicéridos (78,56± 4,38 vs 64,39± 5,48 mg/dl) y disminución de HDL-C (39,09± 1,27 vs 43,30± 2,38 mg/dl). Estas mismas alteraciones se observaron en adolescentes obesos en quienes se produjo además una disminución significativa de la hormona de crecimiento. Se concluye que en los adolescentes estudiados existió una serie de factores de riesgo como hiperinsulinemia, hiperleptinemia y hormona de crecimiento disminuida relacionada con marcadores de obesidad, alteraciones lipídicas e insulino resistencia, lo cual puede conducir a la aparición temprana de diabetes tipo 2 y enfermedad cardiovascular. Leptin, insulin and growth hormone levels seem to regulate body composition, fat distribution and fat mass. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship among insulin, leptin and growth hormone levels in a group of adolescents. Ninety five adolescents (31 boys and 64 girls) between 13 and 18 y. of age were studied. A medical and nutritional history was made which included body mass index (BMI) and subcutaneous skinfolds measurements. Basal levels of glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C, leptin, insulin and growth hormone were determined. The leptin and insulin levels were positively associated with body mass index (BMI) and obesity index (OBI). Insulin, leptin and obesity markers were negatively associated with growth hormone level. Fifty two percent of the adolescents with BMI ≥21.09 kg/m² were considered metabolically obese because they had elevated levels of insulin (18.68 ± 1.52 vs. 10.08 ± 0.38 m U/ml), HOMA IR (3.34± 0.24 vs. 1.76± 0.07), leptin (16.30± 1.24 vs. 8.11± 1.32 ng./dl) and triglycerides (78.56± 4.38 vs 64.39± 5.48 mg/dl) and lower levels of HDL-C (39.09± 1.27 vs 43.30± 2.38 mg/dl), compared with normal group. The same alterations were observed in the obese group, in which significative decrease in growth hormone level was added. We conclude that hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia and low growth hormone levels, may be established as risk factors related to obesity markers, lipid alterations and insulin resistance that can lead to an early development of Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
- Published
- 2006
5. Respuesta de la Glucosa/Insulina a una sobrecarga glucosada en sujetos con riesgo a diabetes tipo 2
- Author
Ryder, Elena, Gómez, Maria Esther, Fernández, Virginia, Campos, Gilberto, Morales, Luz Marina, Valbuena, Humberto, and Raleigh, Xiomara
- Subjects
obesity ,antecedentes de diabetes ,Respuesta glucosa-insulina ,familial history of diabetes ,hyperinsulinemia ,dislipidemia ,Glucose-insulin response ,hiperinsulinemia ,obesidad - Abstract
Con el fin de determinar el efecto de ciertos factores de riesgo para diabetes tipo 2 tales como los antecedentes familiares, la obesidad y las dislipidemias, sobre la respuesta glicémica e insulínica a una sobrecarga glucosada, se estudiaron 135 individuos (77 mujeres y 58 hombres) en edades entre 20 y 68 años, con glicemias basales menores de 110 mg/dL, pero considerados con riesgo para diabetes tipo 2 por presentar uno o más de los factores citados. Encontramos que la presencia de dichos factores de riesgo no afectó la respuesta glicémica en ningún caso, sin embargo tanto las concentraciones basales de insulina así como la respuesta post sobrecarga fue afectada por la obesidad, tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres, elevándose en forma significativa (p < 0,0001) las concentraciones de insulina. La presencia de dislipidemia elevó en forma significativa (p < 0,002) las concentraciones basales y la respuesta insulínica solo en los hombres. Cuando estuvo presente la coexistencia de antecedentes familiares de diabetes tipo 2 y la obesidad, los individuos mostraron una disminución significativa (p < 0,002) tanto de los valores basales como de la repuesta insulínica. Concluimos que sin alterarse la respuesta glicémica, la presencia de un factor de riesgo como obesidad, dislipidemia o historia familiar de diabetes conduce a hiperinsulinemia basal y estimulada por glucosa, mientras que la coexistencia de obesidad y antecedentes familiares produce un déficit en la secreción de insulina. With the purpose of determining how certain risk factors for type 2 diabetes such as family history of diabetes, obesity and dyslipidemia, affect the glucose-insulin response to a glucose challenge, 135 individuals (77 women and 58) men were studied. Their ages ranged from 20-68 years, their basal glycemic values were less than 110 mg/dL but they were considered at risk for diabetes due to the presence of one or more of those factors. We found that the presence of those risk factors did not affect the glycemic response in any case. However, the basal insulin levels as well as the post-challenge values were increased significatively (p
- Published
- 2001
6. Respuesta de la Glucosa/Insulina a una Sobrecarga Glucosada en Sujetos Con Riesgo A Diabetes Tipo 2
- Author
Ryder, Elena, Gómez, Maria Esther, Fernández, Virginia, Campos, Gilberto, Morales, Luz Marina, Valbuena, Humberto, Raleigh, Xiomara, Ryder, Elena, Gómez, Maria Esther, Fernández, Virginia, Campos, Gilberto, Morales, Luz Marina, Valbuena, Humberto, and Raleigh, Xiomara
- Abstract
Con el fin de determinar el efecto de ciertos factores de riesgo para diabetes tipo 2 tales como los antecedentes familiares, la obesidad y las dislipidemias, sobre la respuesta glicémica e insulínica a una sobrecarga glucosada, se estudiaron 135 individuos (77 mujeres y 58 hombres) en edades entre 20 y 68 años, con glicemias basales menores de 110 mg/dL, pero considerados con riesgo para diabetes tipo 2 por presentar uno o más de los factores citados. Encontramos que la presencia de dichos factores de riesgo no afectó la respuesta glicémica en ningún caso, sin embargo tanto las concentraciones basales de insulina así como la respuesta post sobrecarga fue afectada por la obesidad, tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres, elevándose en forma significativa (p < 0,0001) las concentraciones de insulina. La presencia de dislipidemia elevó en forma significativa (p < 0,002) las concentraciones basales y la respuesta insulínica solo en los hombres. Cuando estuvo presente la coexistencia de antecedentes familiares de diabetes tipo 2 y la obesidad, los individuos mostraron una disminución significativa (p < 0,002) tanto de los valores basales como de la repuesta insulínica. Concluimos que sin alterarse la respuesta glicémica, la presencia de un factor de riesgo como obesidad, dislipidemia o historia familiar de diabetes conduce a hiperinsulinemia basal y estimulada por glucosa, mientras que la coexistencia de obesidad y antecedentes familiares produce un déficit en la secreción de insulina
- Published
- 2009
7. Evaluación del efecto de un aceite de palma parcialmente refinado con un alto contenido en micronutrientes sobre el perfil lipídico de ratas.
- Author
Salinas, Nancy, Márquez, Mercedes, Sutil, Rosalla, Pacheco, Emperatriz, Muñoz, Marielena, and Gómez, Maria Esther
- Published
- 2008
8. Women relatives of hispanic patients with Type 2 diabetes are more prone to exhibit metabolic disturbances.
- Author
Florez, Hermes, Ryder, Elena, Campos, Gilberto, Fernandez, Virginia, Morales, Luz Marina, Valbuena, Humberto, Rincón, Elisa, Gómez, Maria Esther, and Raleigh, Xiomara
- Published
- 1999
9. Identification of two forms of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase in yeast
- Author
Aragón, Juan J., Gómez, María-Esther, and Gancedo, Carlos
- Published
- 1987
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10. Allosteric inhibition of Dictyostelium discoideum fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase by fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
- Author
Andrés, Vicente, García-Salguero, Leticia, Gómez, María-Esther, and Aragón, Juan J.
- Published
- 1988
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11. Peroxidación Lipídica y Nitritos Plasmáticos en Pacientes Diabéticos Tipo 2. Estudio Preliminar.
- Author
Carrizales, Maira, Torres, Marisabel, Sutil, Rosalia, Muñoz, Marielena, and Gómez, Maria Esther
- Subjects
- *
PEROXIDATION , *NITRATES , *TYPE 2 diabetes , *PEOPLE with diabetes , *NITRIC oxide - Abstract
The increase of lipidic peroxidation and decrease in nitric oxide (NO) levels has been associated to polyneuropathy and to macro and micro vascular complications observed in diabetes mellitus. Objective: to determine seric levels of lipidic peroxidation and nitrates concentration in type 2 diabetic patients. Methodology: 23 diabetic and 23 non diabetics patients were studied. Glucose tolerance test was performed in order diagnose carbohydrates intolerance or absence of diabetes mellitus. Patients signed the informed consent for this research. Glucose, lipidic to peroxidation and nitrates concentration were assayed in diabetics and non diabetics; glycosilated hemoglobin was also assayed in diabetic patients. Results: concerning lipidic peroxidation control subjects showed 1.03 ± 0,15 M t-bars which represent a significant difference (p < 0.0287) with the diabetic patients who had a lower 0.63 ± 0,13 M concentration. Plasma nitrates concentration in diabetic patients showed a mean of 7.65 ± 1 M and the non diabetic subjects a mean of 5.46 ± 0.71 M (p < 0,01). When correlating the results of glycosilated hemoglobin and glucose concentration against lipidic peroxidation and nitrates level, we found no significant differences between both groups. Conclusion: Our results suggest a deficit in nitric oxide production that could induce endothelial damage in diabetic patients. Alternatively, the presence of nitric oxide with altered function or availability could be also a possibility, considering the results of lipidic peroxidation that can be related to antidiabetic drugs treatment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
12. [Effect of partially refined palm oil in lipid profile in rats].
- Author
Salinas N, Márquez M, Sutil R, Pacheco E, Muñoz M, and Gómez ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Palm Oil, Rats, Rats, Sprague-Dawley, Cholesterol blood, Dietary Fats, Unsaturated pharmacology, Plant Oils pharmacology, Triglycerides blood
- Abstract
Palm oil is rich in carotenoids, tocopherols and tocotrienols. This oil is refined for its human consumption bringing as a consequence an alteration of their properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the partially refined, bleached and deodorized palm oil (RBD red) on the lipid profile and levels of vitamin A (retinol) and E (alpha tocopherol) in 4 groups of rats: B (commercial food Protinal for laboratory animals: ST + 5% egg yolk powder); C (ST + 5% egg yolk powder + 14 RBD red) both groups with induced hyperlipidemia; and D (ST + 14% RBD red), as compared with a control A (ST) during 35 days. The results were: the RBD red induced significative decreases of TC (total cholesterol) in groups C and D (81 +/- 11 mg/dL and 77 + 7 mg/dL), respectively, when compared with the control group (99 +/- 11 mg/dL) for 35 days experimentation. Additionally, an increment of the HDL-C (53 +/- 4 mg/dL) in the C group and in the D group (53 +/- 5 mg/dL) were observed when compared with group B (44 +/- 3 mg/dL), resulting in a lower ratio of TC/HDL-C (1.5 +/- 0.1). In the groups C and D, there were significant increases (p < 0.05) in the serum concentrations of retinol (26 +/- 5 microg/dL and 58 +/- 18 microg/dL) and a tocopherol (165 +/- 58 microg/dL) and 445 +/- 65 microg/dL). These results allow to conclude that the supplementation with RBD red diminishes the TC, improving the ratio TC/HDL-C. The presence of a monosaturated fatty acid (oleic acid) and the high concentrations of micronutrients (a tocopherol and retinol) in RBD red palm oil, influence favorably the lipid profile of rats with induced hyperlipidemia.
- Published
- 2008
13. [Levels of apoproteins B, A1 and CIII as markers for cardiovascular risk in lean and obese adolescents].
- Author
Fernández V, Morales LM, Molero-Conejo E, Casanova A, Campos G, Raleigh X, Gómez ME, and Ryder E
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Apolipoprotein C-III, Biomarkers blood, Body Weight, Female, Humans, Male, Risk Factors, Apolipoprotein A-I blood, Apolipoproteins B blood, Apolipoproteins C blood, Cardiovascular Diseases blood, Obesity blood
- Abstract
Cardiovascular disease is a significant health problem affecting the adult population. Because atherosclerosis may begin in childhood, the aim of the present study was to identify biochemical markers for cardiovascular risk at an early stage of life. We studied 79 adolescents (48 girls and 31 boys) whose ages ranged from 13 to 17 years. A medical history (including pubertal stage by Tanner) was obtained from each subject. Anthropometric assessment was established by height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumferences, skinfolds, centrality index and obesity index. After a 12-h fast, basal blood glucose levels, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C and HDL-C were determined by enzymatic methods, mean basal insulin levels by radio immunoassays and apo A1, B, CIII by turbidimetric immunoassays. According to the BMI and taking 25 Kg/m2 as the cutoff value, 35% of the girls and 16% of the boys were obese. Eighty-five percent of the girls and 58% of the boys were hyperinsulinemic (basal insulin > 12 uU/ml). Circumferences, skinfolds, centrality and obesity index were higher (p < 0.05) in boys than in girls. In both, boys and girls, basal insulin levels were higher than the cutoff insulin value for our lab (>12 microU/ml), with the girls having higher insulin levels than the boys. Apo A1 was negatively associated with the obesity index and positively with HDL-C. Apo B was related to total cholesterol and LDL-C. Apo CIII was associated with basal insulin levels, triglycerides and VLDL-C. Our results suggest that apo CIII might be a good marker for higher insulin levels, insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk in adolescents.
- Published
- 2004
14. Lean adolescents with increased risk for metabolic syndrome.
- Author
Molero-Conejo E, Morales LM, Fernández V, Raleigh X, Gómez ME, Semprún-Fereira M, Campos G, and Ryder E
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Diet, Exercise, Female, Humans, Insulin blood, Insulin metabolism, Life Style, Lipid Metabolism, Lipids blood, Male, Metabolic Syndrome blood, Risk Factors, Metabolic Syndrome etiology, Thinness metabolism
- Abstract
The aim of the present study was to determine in adolescents the relationship between insulin levels and body mass index (BMI), body fat distribution, diet, life style and lipid profile. We studied 167 adolescents (68 boys and 99 girls) whose ages ranged from 14 to 17 years. A detailed medical (including pubertal stage) and nutritional record was obtained from each subject. Biochemical measurements included fasting serum insulin, glucose, total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (Tg), HDL-C, LDL-C and VLDL-C. HOMA insulin resistance (IR) and HOMA beta-cell function (beta-cell) were calculated. Insulin levels were over 84 pmol/L (cut off normal value in our lab) in 56% of the boys and 43% of the girls. Thirty-seven percent of lean adolescents whose BMI was 21.5 +/- 1.9 kg/m2 presented higher fasting insulin levels. HOMA IR, Tg, systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) values when compared to a lean normoinsulinemic group. Insulin levels were correlated (p < 0.01) with body mass index. Both boys and girls in the highest BMI quartile (BMI > 24 kg/m2) had significantly higher serum insulin, HOMA beta-cell, and Tg levels, and the lowest HDL-C levels. A high-energy intake rich in saturated fat and low physical activity were found in this lean but metabolically altered adolescents. We conclude that even with a BMI as low as 21 kg/m2 an inappropriate diet and low physical activity might be responsible for the high insulin levels and dislipidemias in adolescents.
- Published
- 2003
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