Owen K. Atkin, Oliver L. Phillips, Nikolaos M. Fyllas, Brian J. Enquist, Norma Salinas, Lisa Patrick Bentley, Sandra Díaz, Yoko Ishida, Rossella Guerrieri, Miles R. Silman, Emanuel Gloor, Gregory P. Asner, William Farfan-Rios, Joana Zaragoza-Castells, Roberta E. Martin, Alexander Shenkin, Yadvinder Malhi, Lasantha K. Weerasinghe, Patrick Meir, Walter Huaraca Huasco, Fyllas N.M., Bentley L.P., Shenkin A., Asner G.P., Atkin O.K., Diaz S., Enquist B.J., Farfan-Rios W., Gloor E., Guerrieri R., Huasco W.H., Ishida Y., Martin R.E., Meir P., Phillips O., Salinas N., Silman M., Weerasinghe L.K., Zaragoza-Castells J., Malhi Y., and Swenson, DN
One of the major challenges in ecology is to understand how ecosystems respond to changes inenvironmental conditions, and how taxonomic and functional diversity mediate these changes. Inthis study, we use a trait-spectra and individual-based model, to analyse variation in forest primaryproductivity along a 3.3 km elevation gradient in the Amazon-Andes. The model accuratelypredicted the magnitude and trends in forest productivity with elevation, with solar radiation andplant functional traits (leaf dry mass per area, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentration, andwood density) collectively accounting for productivity variation. Remarkably, explicit representationof temperature variation with elevation was not required to achieve accurate predictions offorest productivity, as trait variation driven by species turnover appears to capture the effect oftemperature. Our semi-mechanistic model suggests that spatial variation in traits can potentiallybe used to estimate spatial variation in productivity at the landscape scale. Fil: Fyllas, Nikolaos M.. University of Oxford; Reino Unido Fil: Patrick Bentley, Lisa. University of Oxford; Reino Unido Fil: Shenkin, Alexander. University of Oxford; Reino Unido Fil: Asner, Gregory P.. Carnegie Institution for Science. Department of Global Ecology; Reino Unido Fil: Atkin, Owen K.. The Australian National University. ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology. Research School of Biology; Australia Fil: Díaz, Sandra Myrna. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentina Fil: Enquist, Brian J.. Arizona State University; Estados Unidos Fil: Farfan Rios, William. University Wake Forest; Estados Unidos Fil: Gloor, Emanuel. University of Leeds; Reino Unido Fil: Guerrieri, Rossella. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; España. University of Edinburgh; Reino Unido Fil: Huaraca Huasco, Walter. Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco; Perú Fil: Ishida, Yoko. James Cook University; Australia Fil: Martin, Roberta E.. Carnegie Institution for Science. Department of Global Ecology; Estados Unidos Fil: Meir, Patrick. University of Edinburgh; Reino Unido. The Australian National University. Research School of Biology. Division of Plant Sciences; Australia Fil: Phillips, Oliver. University of Leeds; Reino Unido Fil: Salinas, Norma. University of Oxford; Reino Unido. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú; Perú Fil: Silman, Miles. University Wake Forest; Estados Unidos Fil: Weerasinghe, Lasantha K.. The Australian National University. Research School of Biology. Division of Plant Sciences; Australia Fil: Zaragoza Castells, Joana. The Australian National University. Research School of Biology. Division of Plant Sciences; Australia. University of Exeter; Reino Unido Fil: Malhi, Yadvinder. University of Oxford; Reino Unido