185 results on '"GORIUP, Jana"'
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- Author
Hošnjak, Ana Marija, primary and Goriup, Jana, additional
- Published
- 2022
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3. Factors Affecting Tourism Activity Selection among Silver Hair Tourists
- Author
Kežman, Mihaela, primary and Goriup, Jana, additional
- Published
- 2022
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4. Pomen prenosa vrednot med generacijami
- Author
Kežman, Mihaela, primary, Goriup, Jana, additional, and Gorenak, Mitja, additional
- Published
- 2022
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5. Is education for using humour in nursing needed?
- Author
Goriup, Jana, Stričević, Jadranka, and Sruk, Vida
- Subjects
education ,genetic structures ,humor ,humour ,bolniki ,udc:316.772.4:616-083:37 ,nurses ,patients ,eye diseases ,zdravstvena nega ,fluids and secretions ,izobraževanje ,nursing ,medicinske sestre ,sense organs - Abstract
Introduction: Although there has been considerable discussion regarding the presence of therapeutic aspects of humour in the nurse educational programme and syllabus, little is known about the use of humour in the nurse - patient relationship and the needed topics in the Slovene educational system for nurses. From educational and medical perspectives, humour is anything that evokes laughter and it has been proven that laughter contributes to physical health. A sense of humour in nursing has a conformist, quantitative and productive importance which is manifested through the essential elements of humour: meta-communication sensitivity, personal affection for humour and emotional admissibility. As nurses spend a lot of time with patients, humour adds to the quality of their work as well as to the nurses’ satisfaction with their work with patients. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the significance of humour in nursing both for the employees and for the patients and to discuss humour within the framework of nursing profession in Slovenia. The specific objective of our study is to explore the attitudes of Slovenian nurses towards humour and their actual use of humour during their interaction with patients. Methods: For the purpose of this study, a quantitative research methodology was adopted. A questionnaire was used to collect data on the topic and a set of statistical analyses (frequency distribution method, the χ2 and Spearman rank correlation test) was performed on the data obtained. Results: Our study shows that Slovenian nurses are prone to the use of humour in their work and they welcome it as an integral part of their work with patients. We found that humour also enhances their sense of belonging to the nursing profession and serves as a tool for socialization. Discussion: Humour, employed in nursing can help overcome certain difficulties which nurses face in the workplace as they also try to fulfil some social objectives and get socialized via humour. These psychological-sociological features of humour stand out as cognitive and social benefits of the positive emotions of joy, the use of humour for social communication and their influence on the release of stress and coping, which draws from the ergonomics of humour as social interaction. Therefore, topics of humour in nurse education are required. Limitations: 279 Slovenian nurses with different levels of education participated in the study. Conclusions: Humour should be used by nurses since it is important in their professional interaction with patients. It can be used as a bridge between individuals and can serve as a means of individual's integration into groups, cultures and, consequently, into the society as a whole.
- Published
- 2018
6. Sodelovanje med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki:: an evaluation of the attitudes of nursing and medical students: Cooperation between nurses and doctors: ocene študentov zdravstvene nege in medicine
- Author
Goriup, Jana, Koželj, Anton, Križmarić, Miljenko, and Strauss, Maja
- Abstract
Introduction: Good cooperation between doctors and nurses enables a higher quality of patient treatment. The purpose of the study was to determine how students of medicine and students of nursing evaluate the relationships between nurses and doctors.Methods: In a non-experimental quantitative study, a Jefferson scale was used to evaluate co-operation between doctors and nurses. 428 students were included in a convenience sample of whom 235 (54.9 %) were nursing students and 193 (45.1 %) were medical students. The data were analysed with bivariate statistics and the t-test.Results: The findings have shown statistically significant differences regarding the gender of the respondents and with some claims also with respect to the students' study programme. The female respondents in general agreed more with the claims than the male respondents. The biggest difference regarding gender was with respect to the claim that students of medicine and nursing students should participate in teamwork during their studies, so that they could understand their roles better (t = 2.59, p = 0.010). In general, the nursing students agreed with the claims more than the medical students. Comparing the two study programmes, the greatest difference was found with respect to the claim that "The nurse should be seen as a doctor's co-worker and colleague, and not as a doctor's assistant" (t = 15.24, p < 0.001).Discussion and conclusion: The findings have shown statistically significant differences in the evaluation of the relationship between nurses and doctors according to gender and study programme. The differences in the views of the students from the two faculties provide an opportunity for future curriculum design of these two study programmes. Uvod: Dobrosodelovanje med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami omogoča višjo kakovost zdravstvene obravnave pacientov. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako odnose med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki ocenjujejo študenti zdravstvene nege in medicine.Metode: V neeksperimentalni kvantitativni raziskavi je bila uporabljena Jeffersonova lestvica za oceno sodelovanja med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami. V priložnostni vzorec je bilo zajetih 428 študentov. Od tega 235 (54,9 %) študentov zdravstvene nege in 193 (45,1 %) študentov medicine. Podatki so bili analizirani z bivariatno statistiko in t-testom. Rezultati: Ugotovitve kažejo statistično pomembne razlike glede na spol anketirancev, pri nekaterih trditvah pa tudi glede na vrsto študija. Anketiranke so se v večji meri strinjale s trditvami. Največja razlika glede na spol anketiranih je bila pri trditvi, da bi morali biti študentje medicine in zdravstvene nege vključeni v timsko delo, da bi razumeli svoje vloge (t = 2,59, p = 0,010). Študentje zdravstvene nege so se večinoma bolj strinjali s trditvami kot študentje medicine. V primerjavi med vrstama študija je bila največja razlika glede strinjanja pri trditvi %Na medicinsko sestro je treba gledati kot na zdravnikovo sodelavko in kolegico in ne kot na pomočnico% (t = 15,24, p < 0,001). Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovitve kažejo statistično pomembne razlike v oceni odnosov med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki glede na spol anketiranih ter vrsto študija. Razlike glede različnih pogledov študentov obeh fakultet ponujajo priložnost za načrtovanje obeh izobraževanih programov.
- Published
- 2018
7. Upravljanje znanja za družbo znanja in medgeneracijsko izobraževanje
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Bezenšek, Vilma-Alina
- Subjects
education ,izobraževanje ,intergenerational learning ,(socialna) integracija ,družba znanja ,udc:005 ,(social) integration ,lifelong learning ,knowledge society ,vseživljenjsko učenje ,elderly ,medgeneracijsko učenje ,starejši - Abstract
The impact of globalization on contemporary post-modern society in the light of an aging population requires methods and techniques of education that are appropriate for young people and reflect (or accommodate) intergenerational learning. The purpose of this paper is to analyse, through empirical research and study of literature, the context of the elderly who are too often marginalized and to show the impact of the knowledge of society based on the use of modern information and communication technologies, on intergenerational learning. The authors analyse some of the consequences of the demographic changes and highlight the role and importance of intergenerational learning and collaboration for sustainability, especially in the Slovenian ageing society. We identify the role and importance of intergenerational learning for coexistence of generations. In the analysis of the empirical data of the conducted research, we conclude that the effectiveness of the knowledge society is influenced by both: the globalization processes and the intergenerational integration, as well as (and in particular) the cultural capital of younger generations and, last, but not least, the willingness of all generations to participate in the transmission and acquisition of knowledge. Vpliv globalizacije na sodobno post-moderno družbo z vidika starajoče se populacije zahteva izobraževalne metode in tehnike, ki so primerne za mlade ter odražajo (ali omogočajo) medgeneracijsko učenje. Namen prispevka je, preko empirične raziskave in preučevanja literature, analizirati kontekst starejših, ki so prepogosto odrinjeni na rob družbe, ter prikazati vpliv znanja družbe, temelječe na uporabi sodobnih informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologij, na medgeneracijsko učenje. Avtorici analizirata nekatere posledice demografskih sprememb ter izpostavita vlogo in pomen medgeneracijskega učenja in sodelovanja za trajnost s poudarkom na slovenski starajoči se družbi. Opredeljena je vloga in pomen medgeneracijskega učenja za sobivanje generacij. V okviru analize empiričnih podatkov izvedene raziskave je bil ugotovljen vpliv na učinkovitost družbe znanja tako z vidika procesov globalizacije in medgeneracijske integracije, kakor tudi (natančneje) kulturnega kapitala mlajših generacij ter nenazadnje tudi pripravljenosti vseh generacij za sodelovanje pri prenosu in pridobivanju znanja.
- Published
- 2017
8. Medical education in the field of communication as a value and a means of health quality improvement
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Kodrič, Kleopatra
- Subjects
komunikacija ,udc:614.253 ,education ,izobraževanje ,communication ,vrednote ,values ,zdravniki ,bolniki ,patients ,doctors - Abstract
The article discusses the issues of communication between a doctor and a patient as one of the main approaches within the patients' medical treatment. This approach, which includes the field of communication in medicine as a value, more and more appears as obligatory not only in the field of profession itself, but also in the field of the patients' needs. Communication covers a huge part of our social as well as intimate lives . Our social functioning is based on communication. The transfer and preserving of values is based on communication. Especially in the field of medicine, the function of communication appears to be one of the key elements to allow a better and complete treatment of the patient. The article discusses studies which have shown that communication skills have to be developed, it is advisable to introduce them into the educational programmes for med students and medical staff. Researches have shown that students, who were taught the field of communication skills, later as doctors or medical staff obtained a lot more information about patients than those who were not given such education.
- Published
- 2017
9. Some aspects of burnout in nursing homes
- Author
Leskovic, Ljiljana, Vukovič, Goran, Leskovar, Robert T., and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
burnout ,health care facilities, manpower, and services ,education ,satisfaction ,domovi za ostarele ,nursing homes ,elder people ,nurses ,delo ,humanities ,psihosomatski simptomi ,work ,udc:159.944.4:616-036.8-083 ,health services administration ,izgorelost ,zadovoljstvo ,medicinske sestre ,psychosomatic symptoms ,psychological phenomena and processes - Abstract
Nursing personnel in nursing homes for elderly citizens are exposed to a number of factors that contribute to possible burnout syndrome. For this reason, the set objective of the research was to measure the degree of burnout, check the correlation between the burnout syndrome and satisfaction at work, and psychosomatic symptoms, as well as to figure out the main characteristics of burnout syndrome among the nursing personnel in nursing homes for the elderly in Slovenia.
- Published
- 2017
10. Some sociological, medical and legislative views on video game addiction
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Arnuš, Aleksander
- Subjects
lige ,smrt ,program 12 korakov ,twelve-step programs ,video games ,vrstniki ,centri za pomoč ,udc:613.8:004.38 ,odvisnost ,peers ,leagues ,video igre ,risk-reward ,parenting ,death ,vzgoja ,help centers ,tveganje-nagrada ,addiction ,human activities - Abstract
Millions of people worldwide play video games also in Slovenian post-modern society. Most of them do it for enjoyment, yet a small number of individuals show traits associated with addictive behaviour when interacting with their games. The authors in the article point out that, compared to drug abuse, there exist some more approachable life-related activities that can lead to addiction. They stimulate the excretion of endorphins and lead to the transformation of consciousness. Addiction to video games is an ostensible attempt to satisfy the immanent human need for meaning. The economy of the Slovenian young consumer society inspires it and is based on "learning" of these alienated needs. The modern hyperpragmatic society makes it possible for young people to have a fragmented identity and places them under the pressure of constant choice of (formally open opportunities). The purpose of this paper is to familiarize the reader with possible causes, clinical signs and methods of treatment of this disorder in Slovenian post-modern society, and explain the reasons why currently no medical textbook in the world contains any information regarding video game addiction. We intend, further, to demonstrate that gaming has become a type of "sport" in certain countries and demonstrate how potentially devastating even this type of addiction can be. The authors present the results of a research, which was undertaken on a sample of 350 individuals, to determine the appearance of indicators of behavioural addiction to video games and their connection with some family factors. They determine that through addiction to video games, post-modern societies have developed an addictive identity.
- Published
- 2017
11. Education of older people for combating their loneliness
- Author
Goriup, Jana, Čagran, Branka, and Krošl, Katja
- Subjects
education ,osamljenost ,residence type ,contacts ,loneliness ,udc:376-053.9:364 ,izobraževanje odraslih ,domska oskrba ,elder people ,starejši - Abstract
The article discusses education of older people for combating their loneliness, the reasons for it, and its consequences. The current theoretical findings were the reason for the empirical study of the research problem by the authors. In the empirical part, some aspects of the life of older people regarding their residences were compared: among older people living with their relatives, alone, with a partner, or in a retirement home, with special regard to the reasons/causes for residence, and the feeling of loneliness and contacts with relatives. The obtained empirical results showed that older people living alone or in a retirement home are in a worse position compared to those living with relatives or with a partner. The most at risk are older people living alone.
- Published
- 2017
12. Sodelovanje med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki
- Author
Strauss, Maja, primary, Goriup, Jana, additional, Križmarić, Miljenko, additional, and Koželj, Anton, additional
- Published
- 2018
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13. The Role of Education and Knowledge about Aging in Creating Young People’s Attitudes to the Elderly
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary and Lahe, Danijela, additional
- Published
- 2018
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14. Cooperation between nurses and doctors: an evaluation of the attitudes of nursing and medical students
- Author
Strauss, Maja, Goriup, Jana, Križmarić, Miljenko, Koželj, Anton, Strauss, Maja, Goriup, Jana, Križmarić, Miljenko, and Koželj, Anton
- Abstract
Introduction: Good cooperation between doctors and nurses enables a higher quality of patient treatment. The purpose of the study was to determine how students of medicine and students of nursing evaluate the relationships between nurses and doctors. Methods: In a non-experimental quantitative study, a Jefferson scale was used to evaluate co-operation between doctors and nurses. 428 students were included in a convenience sample of whom 235 (54.9 %) were nursing students and 193 (45.1 %) were medical students. The data were analysed with bivariate statistics and the t-test. Results: The findings have shown statistically significant differences regarding the gender of the respondents and with some claims also with respect to the students' study programme. The female respondents in general agreed more with the claims than the male respondents. The biggest difference regarding gender was with respect to the claim that students of medicine and nursing students should participate in teamwork during their studies, so that they could understand their roles better (t = 2.59, p = 0.010). In general, the nursing students agreed with the claims more than the medical students. Comparing the two study programmes, the greatest difference was found with respect to the claim that "The nurse should be seen as a doctor's co-worker and colleague, and not as a doctor's assistant" (t = 15.24, p < 0.001). Discussion and conclusion: The findings have shown statistically significant differences in the evaluation of the relationship between nurses and doctors according to gender and study programme. The differences in the views of the students from the two faculties provide an opportunity for future curriculum design of these two study programmes., Uvod: Dobro sodelovanje med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami omogoča višjo kakovost zdravstvene obravnave pacientov. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako odnose med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki ocenjujejo študenti zdravstvene nege in medicine. Metode: V neeksperimentalni kvantitativni raziskavi je bila uporabljena Jeffersonova lestvica za oceno sodelovanja med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami. V priložnostni vzorec je bilo zajetih 428 študentov. Od tega 235 (54,9 %) študentov zdravstvene nege in 193 (45,1 %) študentov medicine. Podatki so bili analizirani z bivariatno statistiko in t-testom. Rezultati: Ugotovitve kažejo statistično pomembne razlike glede na spol anketirancev, pri nekaterih trditvah pa tudi glede na vrsto študija. Anketiranke so se v večji meri strinjale s trditvami. Največja razlika glede na spol anketiranih je bila pri trditvi, da bi morali biti študentje medicine in zdravstvene nege vključeni v timsko delo, da bi razumeli svoje vloge (t = 2,59, p = 0,010). Študentje zdravstvene nege so se večinoma bolj strinjali s trditvami kot študentje medicine. V primerjavi med vrstama študija je bila največja razlika glede strinjanja pri trditvi »Na medicinsko sestro je treba gledati kot na zdravnikovo sodelavko in kolegico in ne kot na pomočnico« (t = 15,24, p < 0,001). Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovitve kažejo statistično pomembne razlike v oceni odnosov med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki glede na spol anketiranih ter vrsto študija. Razlike glede različnih pogledov študentov obeh fakultet ponujajo priložnost za načrtovanje obeh izobraževanih programov.
- Published
- 2018
15. Ovire starejših pri aktivnostih v domovih za starejše
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Macuh, Bojan
- Published
- 2017
16. The role of knowledge about aging in creating young people's attitudes to the elderly
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Lahe, Danijela
- Published
- 2017
17. Is Education for Using Humour in Nursing Needed? (Slovenian Case Study on Sociological and Ergonomic Aspects of the Impact of Humour on Nursing Professionals)
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary, Stričević, Jadranka, additional, and Sruk, Vida, additional
- Published
- 2017
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18. Društvena uloga majke nakon prestanka bračnih i vanbračnih veza
- Author
Macuh, Bojan, primary and Goriup, Jana, additional
- Published
- 2017
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19. Sociološki pogled na migracije medicinskih sestara
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary, Stričević, Jadranka, additional, and Haložan, David, additional
- Published
- 2017
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20. The social role of mother after the cessation of marital and extra-marital relationship
- Author
Macuh, Bojan, primary and Goriup, Jana, additional
- Published
- 2017
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21. Some sociological aspects of nurses and their migration
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary, Stričević, Jadranka, additional, and Haložan, David, additional
- Published
- 2017
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22. Some sociological aspects of the spread of mobbing among teachers in elementary schools
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Purgaj, Tjaša
- Subjects
delovno mesto ,konflikti ,mobbing ,workplace ,teachers ,conflicts ,emotional violence ,udc:364.63:373.3.011.3-051 ,učitelji ,elementary schools ,mobing ,psihično nasilje ,osnovne šole - Abstract
Prispevek predstavlja raziskavo pojava mobinga v različnih delovnih okoljih slovenske osnovne šole, in sicer na podlagi empiričnih podatkov, zbranih v treh osnovnih šolah kot delovnih organizacijah. Avtorici ugotavljata razlike med šolami glede pogostosti pojavljanja pojava, značilnosti žrtev, vzrokov, zaradi katerih se pojavi, in posledic, ki nastanejo. Podatki empiričnih raziskav psihosocialnih pogojev v šolah kot delovnih organizacijah kažejo, da je vse več zaposlenih žrtev mobinga. Mobing je definiran kot močan socialni stresor v delovnih organizacijah. Napaden posameznik oz. družbena skupina mobing doižvlja kot konfliktno situacijo in komunikacijo na delovnem mestu. Napaden posameznik, žrtev konflikta, je izpostavljen stalnim in dlje časa trajajočim napadom ene ali več oseb na delovnem mestu, z namenom, da ga izrinejo iz delovne organizacije ali mu kako drugače škodujejo. Nad napadeno osebo se izvajajo pritiski, ustrahovanja, osebo se ponižuje, nadleguje ali kako drugače nanjo negativno vpliva.Žrtev zaradi psihičnih obremenitev v večini primerov zboli in pogosto tudi zapusti delovno mesto. Mobing lahko posameznika prizadene do tolikšne mere, da se ni več sposoben vključiti v nobeno delovno okolje. Posameznik posledice najpogosteje doživlja kot stres, raztresenost, težave s koncentracijo in družinske probleme. The paper presents a discussion on the appearance of mobbing in different working environments in Slovene elementary schools. The research is based on empirical facts collected in three different schools as a type work organization. There are some differences between organizations in the frequencies that mobbing appears, victims' characteristics, and the reasons and consequences that appear after the mobbing .The results of the empirical research on the psychosocial conditions in the work place show that more and more teachers as employees are mobbing victims. Mobbing is defined as a very strong social stress factor. Each individual or a social group experiences mobbing as a conflict situation that can involve communication at work. Attacked individuals, the victims of the conflict, are exposed to the permanent and long-term attacks of one or more people at work. The intention of these attacks is to oust the individual from the organization or to harm them in any other way. A lot of pressure is being put on these people and also intimidation, humiliation, molestation or some other negative influences appear. Because of the psychological burden caused by this, the victim usually becomes ill and often leaves the work position. Mobbing can affect the individual in a way that they are no longer capable for fitting in to any new work environment. The most frequent consequences that the victims suffered were: the feeling of being stressed, insomnia, concentration problems and family problems.
- Published
- 2015
23. Some sociological aspects of women in science being divided between work and family in Slovene society
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Oblak, Urška
- Subjects
family ,coordination ,inequality ,znanost ,diskriminacija ,delo ,work ,udc:316.346.2:305-055.2(497.4) ,družina ,usklajevanje ,neenakost ,ženske ,women ,science ,discrimination - Abstract
V sodobni družbi mnogi lik ženske še vedno povezujejo s predsodki, ki žensko utesnjujejo in ji jemljejo motivacijo za kakovostno delo. Še posebej zato, ker obstajajo določene dejavnosti, ki jih ženska po mnenju okolja ne zna ali ne zmore dovolj dobro opraviti. Med zadnje zaradi stopnje izobrazbe in količine dela prištevamo tudi področje znanosti. Podrobneje smo raziskali in preučili položaj žensk v znanosti in v družinskem okolju v sodobni slovenski družbi. Osredotočili smo se zlasti na njihov položaj, ki ga še vedno zaznamujeta diskriminacija in neenakost. Vsa ta področja so pomembna, da družba ne izgublja intelektualnega potenciala žensk. Pri tem smo upoštevali dejstvo, da so v primerjavi s preteklostjo sedaj ženskam dopuščene nove vloge in možnosti javnega delovanja, a le ob ohranjanju tradicionalnih nalog. Prav zaradi tega lahko trdimo, da so ženske v znanstveni sferi spolno diskriminirane. In present-day society the image of a woman is still linked to prejudice that restricts women and steals their motivation for quality work performance. Especially because the environment is of opinion there are certain activities that a woman is incapable of doing or unable to do them good enough. Science is one of the spheres where - for the level of education and the quantity of work - this holds true. Our aim was to research and study the position of women in science and in family environment in contemporary Slovene society. We focused largely on their present position which is still denoted by discrimination and inequality. All these fields are extremely important in light of society not losing the intellectual potential of women. Within the framework of this thesis, a research was made which determined the position of women in science in our country. On the other hand, we have to consider the fact that in comparison with the past, women are nowadays allowed new roles and possibilities of public activity, but only providing they carry out their traditional functions. That is why we can assert that women in science are sexually discriminated.
- Published
- 2015
24. Vloga managementa pri obravnavi poklicnega izgorevanja zaposlenih
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Marguč, Mirjam
- Published
- 2015
25. Some Aspects of Burnout in Nursing Homes
- Author
Leskovic, Ljiljana, primary, Vukovič, Goran, additional, Leskovar, Robert, additional, and Goriup, Jana, additional
- Published
- 2016
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26. Vpliv globalizacije na družbo znanja in medgeneracijsko učenje
- Author
Goriup, Jana
- Published
- 2014
27. Nekateri sociološki vidiki problematike žensk v znanosti med delom in družino v slovenski družbi: Some sociological aspects of women in science being divided between work and family in Slovene society
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Oblak, Urška
- Abstract
In present-day society the image of a woman is still linked to prejudice that restricts women and steals their motivation for quality work performance. Especially because the environment is of opinion there are certain activities that a woman is incapable of doing or unable to do them good enough. Science is one of the spheres where - for the level of education and the quantity of work - this holds true. Our aim was to research and study the position of women in science and in family environment in contemporary Slovene society. We focused largely on their present position which is still denoted by discrimination and inequality. All these fields are extremely important in light of society not losing the intellectual potential of women. Within the framework of this thesis, a research was made which determined the position of women in science in our country. On the other hand, we have to consider the fact that in comparison with the past, women are nowadays allowed new roles and possibilities of public activity, but only providing they carry out their traditional functions. That is why we can assert that women in science are sexually discriminated. V sodobni družbi mnogi lik ženske še vedno povezujejo s predsodki, ki žensko utesnjujejo in ji jemljejo motivacijo za kakovostno delo. Še posebej zato, ker obstajajo določene dejavnosti, ki jih ženska po mnenju okolja ne zna ali ne zmore dovolj dobro opraviti. Med zadnje zaradi stopnje izobrazbe in količine dela prištevamo tudi področje znanosti. Podrobneje smo raziskali in preučili položaj žensk v znanosti in v družinskem okolju v sodobni slovenski družbi. Osredotočili smo se zlasti na njihov položaj, ki ga še vedno zaznamujeta diskriminacija in neenakost. Vsa ta področja so pomembna, da družba ne izgublja intelektualnega potenciala žensk. Pri tem smo upoštevali dejstvo, da so v primerjavi s preteklostjo sedaj ženskam dopuščene nove vloge in možnosti javnega delovanja, a le ob ohranjanju tradicionalnih nalog. Prav zaradi tega lahko trdimo, da so ženske v znanstveni sferi spolno diskriminirane.
- Published
- 2011
28. Education of Older People for Combating Their Loneliness
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary, Čagran, Branka, additional, and Krošl, Katja, additional
- Published
- 2015
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29. Older People and Their Loneliness: A Case in a Transitional Society
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary, Cagran, Branka, additional, Krošl, Katja, additional, and Mulej, Matjaz, additional
- Published
- 2015
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30. Nekateri sociološki vidiki razširjenosti mobinga med učitelji v osnovni šoli: Some sociological aspects of the spread of mobbing among teachers in elementary schools
- Author
Goriup, Jana and Purgaj, Tjaša
- Published
- 2009
31. Nekateri sociološki vidiki celostnega pristopa v vzgoji predšolskega otroka
- Author
Goriup, Jana
- Published
- 2008
32. Ovire starejših pri aktivnostih v domovih za starejše.
- Author
Macuh, Bojan and Goriup, Jana
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Universal Excellence (JUE) / Revija za Univerzalno Odličnost (RUO) is the property of Fakulteta za Organizacijske Studije v Novem mestu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
33. Medical Education in the Field of Communication as a Value and a Means of Health Quality Improvement
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary and Kodrič, Kleopatra, additional
- Published
- 2014
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34. Some Sociological, Medical and Legislative Views on Video Game Addiction (A Slovenian Case Study)
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary and Arnuš, Alexander, additional
- Published
- 2014
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35. Pravica predšolskega otroka do (optimalnega) povezovanja družine in vrtca
- Author
Goriup, Jana
- Published
- 2001
36. Nekateri vidiki vizije in strategije prilagajanja družbenih ciljev področja vzgoje in izobraževanja evropskim zahtevam
- Author
Goriup, Jana
- Published
- 1999
37. The Role of Knowledge about Aging in Creating Young People's Attitudes to the Elderly.
- Author
Lahe, Danijela and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
SOCIAL conditions of older people ,INTERGENERATIONAL communication ,POSTMODERNISM (Philosophy) ,AGING ,NEGATIVITY (Philosophy) ,TWENTY-first century - Abstract
Copyright of Šolsko Polje is the property of Solsko Polje and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
38. Cilji in vsebina pouka o človekovih pravicah v predmetniku slovenske osnovne šole
- Author
Goriup, Jana
- Published
- 1996
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary
- Published
- 2012
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40. Some Sociological, Legislative and Pedagogical Aspects of the Prevalence of Mobbing among Teachers in Primary School (Case Study)
- Author
Goriup, Jana, primary, Šoba, Vilma Alina, additional, and Purgaj, Tjaša, additional
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
- Subjects
SOCIAL role ,SOCIAL change ,NURSING & society ,RESEARCH ,COLLEGE students ,NURSES - Abstract
Changes in social roles and changes in social thinking in the post-modern society have led to changes in gender structure in certain occupations. Some former exclusively male occupations have now become also available to women -- and vice versa. This state has been observed focusing in the field of health care which until recently, has been specifically understood as a women's professional field, in which more and more men are integrated nowadays. Notably, the share of men in nursing has been increasing recently, but an increased enrolment of men in nursing studies can be noted as well. By increasing the proportion of men in typically female profession, it logically comes to a slowdown of drastic changes and the perception of men in nursing. The issue of men in nursing is associated with stereotypes of nurses and stereotypes about male nurses. The widespread stereotype of the nurse -- an angel of mercy -- is deeply present in our society, as a nurse is seen as the one who first or last offers a caring and gentle hand to the sick, the baby, the injured and the dying. In the history of social relations this role has been understood and practised for a long time as exclusively female. The character of a nurse in the contemporary Slovenian post-modern society no longer coincides with the traditional idea of the roles of men and therefore poses a problem for patients, doctors and even the employees in health care. Patients who are in contact with men employed in health care develop a different relationship towards them with a woman who is a nurse. The relationship is more imbued with humour, based on camaraderie and the physical contact is reduced to an absolute minimum. Doctors prefer to ask them and do not expect (and require even less!) them to cook coffee or open the door for them. In the nursing team male colleagues are treated differently than female colleagues. Most of the differences are observed in the task distribution and the duties, as men are assigned to work where the need for greater physical strength and / or greater technical complexity is evident. For all the reasons above, male nursing is distributed at psychiatry, in emergency rooms and emergency services, while it is less noticeable at the pre-natal department of gynecology and paediatrics. In a study in which we wanted to clarify some misconceptions rooted in the Slovenian society, especially regarding the "typical female profession of nursing," we analysed the presence of men in nursing -- in the field of health care. The study was based on a quantitative methodology from May to the end of June 2012 involving respondents, regular (39%) and part-time (61%) undergraduate students of nursing. Based on empirical data, we found how the respondents, students of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor, regardless of the study mode, did not detect differences in treatment of students during the study. Nevertheless, the respondents highlighted the notion of a typical feminine trait of nurses' (e.g., kindness, care, tenderness, empathy, warmth) and men's properties (e.g. strength, determination and authoritativeness). Although they estimated, how the respondents, i.e. the study part-time students expressed more devotion and concern towards more masculine features. Such expectations also reflect the perceptions of employees in health care based on gender in the Slovenian post -- modern society. The respondents also highlighted high requirements for a good nurse. Her personal qualities are important: highly stressed due diligence, empathy, assertiveness and independence. These properties are the preconditions for the exercising her professional competence. And, last but not least, they are expected- from patients to relatives and members of the nursing and medical team as well. According to how gender has been surveyed, we can conclude that it does not affect the quality of a good nurse. But at the same time we noted how, in the choice of work conditions, the gender does affect some fields of health care areas, as the respondents marked the emergency room, medical care and psychiatry to be the most masculine while they attributed nursing care in paediatrics, administrative work and gynecology more as a female workforce. This is also confirmed by Evans (2004), who states how the presence of women in psychiatric wards and emergency rooms has been more noticeable than in other areas of health care. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
- Subjects
EDUCATION ,PREJUDICES ,WOMEN in science ,RESEARCH institutes - Abstract
The image of a woman in the present Slovene society is still linked to prejudice to set limits and makes her feel bad. Especially, because the environment's opinion contains some certain activities how a woman is incapable of doing or is not able to do them good enough. One of the areas with this belief is the area of science. Different public researches and academic institutions are stimulating massive enrolling of women to higher education and science. This is showing significant gradual increase in the proportion of women in education and researching positions in Slovenia over past decades. One of the most important measures for encouraging women/mothers/housewives to pursue an academic/science career was the exclusion of maternity and her role in domestic work and later on also parental leave from the time set for elections to higher academic/scientific titles for women. The actual position of women in science and research in Slovenia is similar to those which have been observed all around the world: horizontal and vertical segregation, subtle discrimination and thus worse situation in regard to the male scientists, in spite of the quantitative prevalence of the women students at the graduate level. This is particularly the case, after the introduction of the paid (and excluded) one year leave of absence for a child, including parental (male) leave of absence. This also increased the number of birth rate among young scientists, although this was unfortunately counteracted in the past few years by their precarious work. The contemporary period is also characterized by the increased difficulty for women to get employed, especially younger, highly educated professionals, usually meaning the potential to have children and leaving for long maternity leave and, normally domestic work. Because of their domestic duties and household occupation top positions (at institutes, academia and industry) are not occupied by women to a greater than up to a few percent. This is also true for many other decision-making positions in Slovenia. The situation is slightly improving, but it seems how in order to get established at leading position, a woman in the field of science has to work harder than her male colleague, as confirmed by several recent studies. A "men-like behavior" is expected from a woman at leading position. However, the proportion of women at leading positions in scientific bodies has increased since the transition period, but a pay gap within scientific institutions still exists (women earning are ranging from 90% - 95% of men's gross earning). But, a closer look shows how the main source of these subtle differences comes from the differences at the leading positions scientist, where functional supplements and financial stimulation can vary up to 50 %. According to the available data of staff distribution, the vertical gender segregation does exist in world-known mode: women are concentrated in the lower professional strata as it shows the hierarchical order by the gender structure of leading staff in research projects and by the asymmetric participation of women and men in the scientific boards, creating science policy as well as in the top management of institutions of science. Our research aim was to study and research on the pattern of casual 206 women employed in science and in academic and research institutions the position of women in science and family environment in contemporary Slovene society according to educational influences. We were particularly concentrated on their present position which in great dimension is denoted by discrimination and inequality; especially as her formal work is understood as her precarious work and her domestic work as invisible and unpaid, from "love" done work. All these areas are extremely important for the society, not to lose the intellectual potential of women, especially in the situation of active economic crises. Within the framework of this thesis our research determinated the position of women in the field of science and in her domestic environment as well. On the other hand, we have to consider the fact how in comparison with the past, women are nowadays allowed to take new roles and possibilities of public activities, but only when the traditional duties are preserved. That is why we can assert that women in science are sexually discriminated. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
43. A preschool child in kindergarten and dietary limitations
- Author
Lenart, Mojca and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
dietni režim ,diet program ,verska dieta ,medically indicated diet ,predšolski otrok ,medicinsko indicirana dieta ,preschool child ,religious diet ,udc:373.2:615.874.24(043.2) - Abstract
Diplomsko delo Predšolski otrok v vrtcu in prehranske omejitve je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. Teoretični del zajema opredelitev prehranjevanja v vrtcu, kamor je vključen, opis smernic za prehranjevanje v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah, kaj določa kurikulum za vrtce glede prehrane, kakšni so dietni režimi v vrtcih ter kakšna so najnovejša priporočila za medicinsko indicirane diete. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela pa smo razdelili razloge za različne prehranske omejitve na medicinsko indicirane razloge v svoj sklop in verske ter etične razloge v drug samostojen sklop ter jih podrobneje opisali. Z izvedbo empiričnega dela smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je za otroke s prehranskimi omejitvami v ptujskih vrtcih dobro poskrbljeno in kakšni so pogoji za odobritev dietnega krožnika za predšolskega otroka v teh vrtcih. Tako empirični del zajema tri vodene intervjuje, in sicer z organizatorko prehrane Vrtca Ptuj, ravnateljico Zasebnega vrtca Vilinski gaj in uslužbenko Vrtca Montessori Ptuj, sledi jim pa še analiza posameznega intervjuja. Na podlagi izvedenih intervjujev smo prišli do zaključka, da ptujski vrtci omogočajo diete na podlagi medicinsko indiciranih diet, v enem izmed vrtcev pa pridejo v poštev za dieto tudi razna druga potrdila. Dissertation thesis A preschool child in kindergarten and dietary limitations is composed out of two parts. The theoretical part includes nutrition definition in kindergarten with description of nutrition guidelines valid for educational institutions, what the nutrition curriculum provides for kindergarten and what are the diet programmes and recent recommendations for medically indicated diets. In the continuation of theoretical part, we have divided the reasons for different dietary restrictions, i.e. medically indicated reasons into their own set and religious and ethical reasons to another separate set and describe both sets in more detail. Through the empirical work we wanted to find out whether children with nutritional restrictions in kindergartens in Ptuj are well taken care of and what are the conditions for approving a diet plate for a pre-schooler in these kindergartens. The empirical part covers three guided interviews with the nutrition organizer of Ptuj kindergarten, the headmaster of private kindergarten Vilinski gaj and a staff member of Montessori kindergarten Ptuj, followed by an analysis of each interview. Based on the interviews we have come to conclusion, that kindergartens provide diets based on medically indicated diets and various other certificates are also being considered in one of the kindergartens.
- Published
- 2020
44. The role of a kindergarden teacher in preventing infections and common infection disseases
- Author
Ratajc, Suzana and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
nalezljive bolezni ,preschool children ,role of the educator ,prevent ,udc:373.2:616-022.1 (043.2) ,vloga vzgojitelja ,preprečevanje ,kindergarden ,infections ,predšolski otrok ,okužbe ,infectious disseases ,vrtec - Abstract
Raziskovalni problem pričujočega diplomskega dela z naslovom Vloga vzgojitelja pri preprečevanju okužb in pogostih nalezljivih bolezni so pogoste nalezljive bolezni predšolskega otroka in vloga vzgojitelja pri prepoznavanju in pravilnem ukrepanju ob pojavu nalezljivih bolezni v vrtcu. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili najpogostejše povzročitelje okužb in načine širjenja nalezljivih bolezni. Osredotočili smo se na vlogo, naloge in dolžnosti vzgojitelja pri odkrivanju bolezni, preprečevanju okužb, prepoznavanju bolezenskih znakov, simptomov in stanj, krepitvi imunskega sistema predšolskega otroka in pri svetovanje staršem. Predstavili smo tudi potrebne ukrepe, ki jim morajo slediti tako strokovni delavci kot tudi starši in vrtci ob pojavu oziroma sumu na nalezljivo bolezen. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili z anketnim vprašalnikom v vrtcu Šentjur, ki so ga izpolnjevale vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljic. V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali imajo vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljic dovolj znanja in kako ukrepajo pri pojavu okužbe pri otroku. Podatke smo obdelali s pomočjo programa SPSS. Raziskava je pokazala, da imajo vzgojiteljice in pomočnice dovolj znanja o preprečevanju širjenja okužb ne glede na starost in delovno mesto. Ugotovili smo, da so v času izobraževanja pridobile premalo znanja z zdravstveno-preventivnega področja. The main research problem of the graduate assigment »The role of a kindergarden teacher in preventing infections and common infection disseases« are: common infection disseases of preschool child and the role of the educator at recognizing and correctly acting at appearance of dissease. In the theoretical part, we defined the most common producers of disseases and ways of spreading infectious disseases. We focused on a role, assigments and duty of the educator at dissease appearance, signs, simptoms and conditions, at strengthening the immune system of preschool children and advising parents. We also introduced major conditions, which must be followed by professional workers as parents and kindergardens at the apperance of infection disseases. In the empirical part, the final results were introduced, which were acquired with survey questionnaires from the kindergarden in Šentjur, with the help of the educator and their assistans. In the research, we tried to find out if educators and their assistans have enough knowledge and how do they act at dissease apperances on children. Data was processed with SPSS program. Research showed us, that educators and assistans have enough knowledge at preventing the spread of infections not considering age and work place. We found out, that in the time of education, they acquired too little knowledge from the health-preventive area.
- Published
- 2019
45. The satisfaction of the older population treatment in the reference ambulance in the Savinska region
- Author
Podpečan, Saša and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
age [Keywords] ,old people ,ageing ,staranje ,graduate nurse ,diplomirana medicinska sestra ,starost ,population ,populacija ,udc:614.21-053.9(043.2) ,starostniki - Abstract
Izhodišča: Število starostnikov z leti narašča in vse bolj kaže, da bo naraščalo tudi v prihodnje. Posledično se zaradi tega veča število obiskov referenčnih ambulant. Referenčne ambulante so namenjene preventivni obravnavi, zgodnjemu odkrivanju kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni in boljšemu nadzoru le-teh, predvsem pri starejši populaciji, ki ima sama pri tem velikokrat težave. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kako je starejša populacija zadovoljna z uvedbo referenčnih ambulant in delom diplomiranih medicinskih sester z ozirom na situacijo v Savinjski regiji. Raziskovalna metodologija: Za raziskovalni del magistrske naloge je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Uporabili smo tehniko anketiranja s pomočjo validiranega vprašalnika. Cilj je bil anketirati 200 ljudi, starejših od 60 let, ki so bili obravnavani v referenčnih ambulantah v Savinjski regiji. Rezultati: Razdelili smo 200 anket, 196 anketiranih je anketo popolnoma izpolnilo. Delež anketirank je bil 54,6 %, anketirancev je bilo 45,4 %. Anketirani, sodelujoči v raziskavi, so zadovoljni z odnosom in znanjem diplomiranih medicinskih sester, saj je bilo povprečje na lestvici od 1 do 5 blizu 5. Prav tako se anketirani strinjajo, da zaradi RADM posvečajo več pozornosti skrbi za zdravje in da manj obiskujejo zdravnika. Delež obiska referenčne ambulante pa je pri starejših anketirankah enak kot pri anketirancih, in sicer jih večina obišče ambulanto enkrat letno. Diskusija in zaključek: Referenčne ambulante so med starejšimi pacienti v Savinjski regiji upravičile pričakovanja. Starejši pacienti so zadovoljni s takšnim načinom dela, kar je razvidno iz dobljenih empiričnih podatkov izvedene raziskave. Introduction: The number of elderly people has been increasing over the years and it looks that it will continue to rise. Consequently, the number of visits to reference clinics is increasing. Reference clinics are intended for preventive treatment, early discovery of chronically non-contagious diseases and better control over them, mainly with the older population that often has related problems. The purpose of the research is to find out how satisfied the older population is with the introduction of reference clinics and the work of graduate nurses in the Savinja region. Research methodology: For the research part of this thesis quantitative research methodology was used. We used the survey technique with the help of a validated questionnaire. The goal was to survey 200 people over the age of 60 that have been treated in reference clinics. Results: 196 people were ready to take part in the research, 54.6% of which were women and 45.4% men. The respondents were satisfied with the attitude and knowledge of graduate nurses on the scale from 1 to 5 the average response was close to 5. They also agree they pay more attention to their own health because of reference clinic and less frequently see their doctor. The proportion of referral clinics visits is the same among elderly women and elderly men most of them visit the clinic once a year. Discussion and conclusion: Reference clinics have justified the Savinja region patients’ expectations. The elderly are satisfied with this type of work, which is evident from the research.
- Published
- 2019
46. The role of a family in healthy eating habits by preschool children
- Author
Sever, Katja and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
zdrava prehrana ,preschool children ,prehranjevalne navade ,vloga družine ,udc:373.2:613.2(043.2) ,healthy diet ,težave pri prehranjevanju ,eating habits ,eating disorders ,predšolski otrok ,vloga vrtca ,role of the family ,role of the kindergarten - Abstract
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vloga družine za zdravo prehranjevanje predšolskega otroka smo v teoretičnem delu predstavili zdravo prehrano predšolskega otroka. Zajeli smo zdrave in nezdrave prehranjevalne navade predšolskih otrok ter se osredotočili na vlogo družine pri zdravem prehranjevanju predšolskega otroka. Vključili smo tudi vlogo vrtca, saj ocenjujemo, da družina in vrtec korakata z roko v roki pri navajanju predšolskih otrok na zdravo prehranjevanje. Ob koncu smo zajeli še težave, ki se najpogosteje pojavljajo pri prehranjevanju predšolskega otroka. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate izvedene raziskave, katere namen je bil ugotoviti, kakšne so prehranjevalne navade družin s predšolskimi otroki, kako družina vpliva na zdravo prehranjevanje in prehranjevalne navade predšolskega otroka ter kakšna je vloga vrtca pri tem. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 200 staršev predšolskih otrok iz različnih vrtcev v Prekmurju. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da imajo družine s predšolskimi otroki zdrave prehranjevalne navade, družina in vrtec pa v veliki meri pozitivno vplivata na prehranjevanje predšolskega otroka. Pozitivne ugotovitve so, da starši poskrbijo za vsakodnevno zaužit zajtrk predšolskega otroka, družine dnevno zaužijejo tri do pet obrokov. Starši predšolske otroke vključujejo v pripravo obrokov in pogrinjkov, veliko družin s predšolskimi otroki obroke pripravlja doma, več kot polovica staršev pa otroke omejuje pri uživanju prevelikih količin sladkorja in maščob. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da otroci skoraj ne pijejo gaziranih pijač. Več kot polovica družin s predšolskim otrokom hrano prideluje doma, če hrano kupijo pa preverjajo poreklo in sestavine izdelka. Starši prehrano v vrtcu ocenjujejo kot povsem primerno za predšolskega otroka. Nekaj negativnih rezultatov kaže, da predšolski otroci izmed vseh obrokov največkrat izpuščajo dopoldansko malico in da večina staršev predšolske otroke nagrajuje s sladkarijami ter sladoledom. Včasih se družine s predšolskim otrokom prehranjujejo s hitro pripravljenimi obroki, občasno pa obiskujejo restavracije s hitro pripravljeno hrano. Starši predšolskih otrok navajajo alergije na določeno hrano, pogoste prebavne motnje in prekomerno telesno težo kot najpogostejše težave s prehranjevanjem. In the diploma work entitled The role of a family in healthy eating habits by preschool children, we presented in the theoretical part the healthy diet of a preschool child. We embraced the healthy and unhealthy eating habits of preschool children and focused on the role of the family for the healthy eating of preschool children. We also included the role of the kindergarten for healthy eating habits of preschool children, as we estimate the family and kindergarten are marching hand in hand in developing healthy eating habits for preschool children. At the end, we also encountered the problems that most often occur in eating habits by preschool children. In the empirical part, we presented the results of a research carried out to determine the eating habits of families with preschool children, how the family influences healthy eating habits and the eating habits of a preschool child, and what role the kindergarten plays in this. The study included 200 parents of preschool children from different kindergartens in Prekmurje. On the basis of the gained results, we have found out that families with preschool children have healthy eating habits, and that the family and kindergarten have a positive effect on the preschool child eating habits. Positive findings are that parents provide daily breakfast for a preschool child and that the family consumes three to five meals a day. Parents of preschool children include their children in the preparation of meals, many families with preschool children prepare meals at home, more than half of parents always limit their children by using excessive amounts of sugar and fat, and the results also show that children almost do not drink carbonated drinks. More than half of the families with preschool children grow food at home, and if they buy food, they check the origin and ingredients of the product. Parents assess nutrition in kindergarten as suitable for a preschool child. Some negative results show that preschool children are most likely to miss the morning snack most of the parents of preschool children reward their children with sweets and ice cream. Sometimes, families with a preschool child eat fast-food meals and occasionally they visit fast-food restaurants. Parents of preschool children refer to some food allergies, frequent gastrointestinal disorders and overweight as the most common nutritional problems.
- Published
- 2019
47. Children's responses to conflict based on gander and age
- Author
Törnar, Janja and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
communication ,konflikti ,Preschool child ,age ,spol ,conflict ,a child's social development ,Predšolski otrok ,gender ,starost ,socialni razvoj otroka ,komunikacija ,udc:373.2:316.77(043.2) - Abstract
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Otrokovi odzivi v konfliktnih situacijah glede na spol in starost smo v prvi vrsti opredelili, kakšen pomen za otroka nosi socialni razvoj, ob tem pa opisali tudi medsebojne odnose. Osredinili smo se na pojem konflikt in vključili definicije različnih avtorjev. V nadaljevanju smo našteli vrste konfliktov in jih na kratko opisali, za tem pa opisali vzroke konfliktov ter preko opredelitev posameznih avtorjev potrdili tudi lastno mnenje, da se vzroki za nastanek konfliktov od posameznika do posameznika razlikujejo. Sledila je opredelitev odzivov na konflikte, kjer smo se osredinili na to, kako se posamezniki odzivajo na konflikte, kako so odzivi na konflikte povezani z družino, na kakšen način se na konflikte odzivajo deklice in dečki ter poiskali opredelitve, kakšna je razlika v odzivanju na konflikte glede na starost. K temu smo v nadaljevanju dodali še načine reševanja konfliktov, ki smo jih povzeli po različni literaturi. Na koncu teoretičnega dela pa smo vključili tudi komunikacijo in jo opredelili z definicijami različnih avtorjev. V empiričnem delu smo z metodo anketiranja pridobili podatke, ki smo jih predstavili v obliki grafov in opisa. Z analizo podatkov smo ugotovili, da konflikt med otroki najpogosteje nastane zaradi igrač, da med dečki konflikt nastane pogosteje kot pa med deklicami, da se deklice na konflikte najpogosteje odzivajo z jokom, dečki pa z agresijo in da so pri dečkih glavni povod za nastanek konflikta igrače, pri deklicah pa pomoč vzgojiteljici. V zaključku diplomskega dela smo ovrednotili hipoteze in predstavili ugotovitve, do katerih smo prišli med prebiranjem literature in z analizo rezultatov ankete. In the following thesis, titled Children's Responses to Conflict Based on Gender and Age, we first specified how important a child’s social development is, including their interpersonal relationships. Then we focused on the concept of conflict, including definitions of various authors. Furthermore, we stated and described the types of conflict as well as the causes for it. Through the definitions of various authors, our own opinion was confirmed i.e. the causes of conflict differ from individual to individual. Then followed the definition of the responses to conflict, where we focused on how individuals respond to conflict, how the responses to conflict are connected to the family background, and in what ways girls and boys respectively respond to conflict. We searched for the differences in responses based on age as well. Furthermore, we included the methods of conflict resolution, and found various ways of resolving conflicts through researching written resources. We also wrote about communication and its various definitions in the final chapter of the theoretical part. In the empirical part of the thesis, we used the interview method to obtain data, which was then presented in the form of tables, charts, and descriptions. According to the data acquired, we established the following: conflict among children most frequently occurs because of toys conflict is more frequent among boys rather than girls boys most frequently respond to conflict by crying, which is also true for girls, and the main cause of conflict in boys are toys, whereas the main cause of conflict in girls is the help of preschool teachers. In the conclusion, we evaluated the hypotheses and presented the findings acquired during my analysis of written resources as well as my analysis of interviews.
- Published
- 2019
48. Sociological aspects of swimming for children in the early childhood education
- Author
Drevenšek, Saša and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
social development ,Otrok v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju ,družba ,gibalni razvoj ,plavanje ,The child in the early childhood educatin ,physical development ,swimming ,society ,udc:373.3(043.2):316.2 ,socialni razvoj - Abstract
Naloga se deli na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni trije večji sklopi, ki se nanašajo na otrokov razvoj: socialni razvoj otroka v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju, čustveni razvoj otroka v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju, gibalni razvoj otroka v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. V nadaljevanju so opisani pomen družine in športne aktivnosti otroka ter vloga družbenih dejavnikov na vključevanje otroka prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja v športne aktivnosti. V empiričnem delu naloge so predstavljeni rezultati intervjujev, opravljenih v kopališču Pristan. Intervjuvali smo deset vaditeljev plavanja treh plavalnih šol. Preučili smo odnos med otroki plavalci v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju do gibalne aktivnosti, do vrstnikov in družbe. Analizirali smo odgovore vaditeljev plavanja, učiteljev učencev, ki plavajo v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. V empiričnem delu so tako predstavljeni odgovori z grafikoni in razlage, ki prikazujejo, da je sociološki vidik otrok v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju pomemben pri plavanju. Rezultati so pokazali pozitiven vpliv na socialni vidik razvoja otrok. Opažamo tudi širši vpliv na celostni razvoj otroka vpliv družine, vaditeljev plavanja, vrstnikov in družbe. This master`s thesis consists of the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into three main parts, that refer to child development: social development of a child in the early childhood education, emotional development of a child in the early childhood education and the movement-based development in the early childhood education. Additionally, we explain the significance of the family, sports activities, and social factors, and how they impact the child integration in the early childhood education. In the empirical part, we presented the results of the interviews that were performed at the Swimming pool Pristan. We studied the attitude of the children, who learn to swim in their early childhood education, towards their physical activity, their peers, and the society. Furthermore, we interviewed ten swimming instructors from three different swimming schools, that teach children how to swim in their early childhood education. Moreover, we analyzed the responses, that were given to us by instructors. In the empirical part of this thesis, we represent the answers with the diagrams and explanations. The results of the research have shown the positive impact of swimming on the social benefits of the children in the early childhood education. In addition, we have noticed the positive influence of the family, swimming instructors, the peers, and the society on the overall child development.
- Published
- 2018
49. Violence and preschool children
- Author
Nahberger, Tanja and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
mediji ,Nasilje ,družina s predšolskim otrokom ,starši predšolskega otroka ,media ,udc:316.62-053.4(043.2):373.2 ,families with preschool children ,vrstniki ,parents of preschool children ,predšolski otrok ,Violence ,preschool child ,peers - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali nasilje pri predšolskih otrocih ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo nanj. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. O nasilju dandanes govori vse več ljudi. Najverjetneje ravno zato, ker je danes v naših življenjih prisotnega več nasilja kot nekoč. Zavedati se moramo, da se že najmlajši otroci srečujejo z različnimi vrstami nasilja, kar lahko močno vpliva na njihov nadaljnji razvoj in življenje. Pomembno pa je tudi, da se nasilja zavedamo ter ga poskušamo čim bolj preprečevati. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo želeli raziskati, kaj je nasilje ter katere vrste nasilja poznamo. Vsako izmed vrst nasilja smo na kratko predstavili. Ker se po našem mnenju največ nasilja v predšolskem obdobju dogaja ravno v otrokovi družini, smo raziskali tudi to poglavje, in sicer z vidika prepoznavanja otroka, ki je žrtev nasilja v družini, predstavili pa smo tudi načine, kako tem otrokom pomagati. Raziskali smo, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na nasilno vedenje oziroma so lahko povod za takšno vedenje, npr. mediji, vrstniki ipd. V empiričnem delu smo poskušali ugotoviti, kako nasilje ocenjujejo starši predšolskih otrok. Raziskava je temeljila na tem, kako starši ocenjujejo nasilje oziroma kaj po njihovem mnenju nasilje sploh je. Povprašali smo jih tudi o tem, ali svojim otrokom dopuščajo gledanje nasilnih vsebin ter ali se z njimi pogovarjajo o nasilju. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kakšna je povezava med (ne)nasilnim vedenjem predšolskih otrok in izobrazbo njihovih staršev ter ali obstajajo razlike v vedenju predšolskih otrok glede na izobrazbo njihovih staršev. Raziskali smo tudi, kaj po mnenju staršev najbolj vpliva na nasilno vedenje otrok: mediji, vrstniki ali družina. Menimo, da je mnenje staršev glede nasilja in njegovega preprečevanja izredno pomembno, saj so predšolski otroci večinoma odvisni od njih ter njihovih ravnanj in mnenj. In the present thesis we focus on violence among preschool children and factors which contribute to such behaviour. The thesis consists of a theoretical and empirical part. Nowadays more and more people talk about violence. A possible reason for that could be the presence of violence in our lives, which seems to have increased compared to the past. We have to acknowledge that even the youngest children encounter various kinds of violence, which may have a strong impact on their further development and life in general. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of violence and to try to prevent it by all means. The theoretical part of the thesis concentrates on defining violence and on the research into various types of violence, of which each type is shortly presented. Since the majority of cases of violent behaviour in preschool period presumably takes place within children’s families, this problem has been given special attention. It includes recognising the child who has been victim of abuse, but also different approaches to helping these children. The research also tries to determine factors which trigger or importantly contribute to violent behaviour, such as the media, peers, etc. The empirical part concentrates on the attitude of parents of preschool children towards violence. The research is based on their views and their explanation of what can be seen as violent behaviour. They were asked about whether their children are allowed to watch violent programmes and whether the parents talk to them about violence. Another aim was to find out if there might be a connection between (non)violent behaviour among preschool children and the education of their parents, and whether or not there are differences in children’s behaviour according to the level of education of their parents. The research also includes the opinion of the parents about what they think is the major cause of violent behaviour of the children: the media, peers, or the family. We firmly believe that the attitude of parents towards violence and the prevention of it is of great importance since preschool children are strongly dependent on them, their opinion and their behaviour.
- Published
- 2018
50. Some aspects of family and delinquency in works of Majda Pšunder
- Author
Ertl, Asja and Goriup, Jana
- Subjects
udc:37Pšunder M.(043.2) ,education ,violence ,family ,Majda Pšunder ,družina ,school ,vzgoja ,šola ,delinkvenca ,delinquency ,nasilje - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi smo proučili nekatere vidike družine in delinkvence v delih pedagoginje Majde Pšunder. Izhajali smo iz njene biografije, saj se je avtorica na svoji bogati akademski poti ukvarjala tudi s področjem družine in odklonskosti mladih. Za potrebe naloge smo izbrana dela, ki se tako ali drugače navezujejo na omenjeno tematiko, kronološko razvrstili in predstavili njihove pomembne vsebinske značilnosti, teoretična izhodišča in rezultate raziskav. Družina je primarna družbena skupina, ki z vzorom, postavljanjem mej, doslednostjo, komunikacijo in učenjem samostojnosti in svobode, otroka usmerja na pot življenja. Z odraščanjem in vključevanjem v vzgojno-izobraževalne institucije otroku ni več družina edini identifikacijski vzorec. Pojavijo se tudi drugi dejavniki, ki lahko vplivajo na otrokovo dojemanje sveta in odklonsko vedenje, ki se najpogosteje kaže v šoli. Šola je vzgojno-izobraževalna ustanova z izdelanim vzgojnim načrtom, ki v primeru otrokovega odklonskega vedenja poseže po alternativnih vzgojnih ukrepih in kasneje tudi po pravnih vzgojnih ukrepih. Za uspešen razvoj mladostnika in adolescenta je pomembno sodelovanje staršev in učiteljev. Za potrebe magistrskega dela smo z avtorico opravili osebni individualni vodeni intervju, ker so nas zanimali njeni motivi za akademsko pot, za raziskovanje tega področja, njeni cilji in zadovoljstvo. Izvedli pa smo še intervjuje s sedmimi sodelavci prof. dr. Majde Pšunder. Master thesis studies and researches various aspects of family and delinquency in works written by teacher and educator Ms Majda Pšunder. Research originates in her biography as the author has dealt in depth with the aspect of family and youth delinquency in her abundant academic career. For the purposes of this master thesis her chosen works have been chronologically reordered and later on presented through their important content characteristics, theoretical basis and research results. Family is a primary unit which by setting examples and boundaries, consistency, communication and teaching about independence and freedom leads and directs a child through life. With growing up and being integrated in educational institutions family no longer presents a primary identification pattern to a child. Other factors interfere and effect child's perspective of the world and delinquent behaviour which is most frequently seen at school. School is an educational institution with a ready-made educational plan and in case of a child's delinquent behaviour it acts according to the alternative disciplinary measures and later on proper disciplinary measures. Consistent cooperation between parents and teachers is most important for a successful child's and teenager's development. For the purposes of this master thesis personal individual interview with the author herself has been carried out as we were interested in motifs for her academic path as well as her interests in this specific field, personal goals and contentment. Interviews with seven other associates of professor Majda Pšunder PhD have been carried out.
- Published
- 2018
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