A software platform for computer-based education in Fourier transform spectroscopyGreg Fulton and Gary HorlickDepartment of Chemistry, University of AlbertaEdmonton, AlbertaCanada T6G-2G2ABSTRACTThe program SpectroPlot1 was developed in this lab to provide a window based program for acquiring, processingand displaying UV-VIS interferometric data. This program also provides an excellent platform for teaching students basicFourier transform concepts through the use of an extensive library of interferograms and spectra. This allows a student toperform required manipulations on data and to see the results first hand. As well this allows the flexibility of studentinitiated experimentation with different processing techniques (without additional laboratory cost) to observe the effects ofproper and improper data collection and processing. The program and spectral library are available from the authors for theMacintosh. PC users may acquire a text version of the spectral library.1. ThE COMPUTER PLATFORM SPECTROPLOTSpectroPlot is a graphically based computer program for the Macintosh. It was created in this lab for acquiring,processing, and displaying data from a compact UV-VIS-FTS fabricated in this lab at the same time. Since its creationhowever the program has also found use in the acquisition and processing of data from PMTs, PDAs, acquiring electricalsignals for diagnostic purposes, and for use as a data collector in the electronics teaching lab in the Chemistry department.Its wide utility is based on its simple graphical interaction with acquired data. and the wide range of spectral manipulationsavailable to process data. On the computer system it is presently employed (Macintosh IIfx, 16 MB RAM) up to 30windows of data may be viewed simultaneously. Data sets of up to 256k pts have been transformed. The spectralmanipulations available to the user include: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division (scalar or vector (e.g. add twospectra)), integration, differentiation, digital filtering (low pass, high pass, band pass, notch), custom X axis calibration(including nm and statistical calculation, smoothing, FFF (real, complex or amplitude), zero filling (spectra orinterferograms), truncation of data in powers of two, gaussian apodization, graphical alias management, and many others.