Burow, Meike, Jørgensen, Kirsten, Thomsen, Emil, Burow, Meike, Jørgensen, Kirsten, and Thomsen, Emil
Behovet for afgrøder med særlige egenskaber og/eller tilpasninger er steget markant grundet de seneste klimaforandringer. Skabelsen af disse nye afgrøder vil ofte kræve mange specifikke genetiske manipulationer, hvilket sjældent er let at opnå med moderne genredigeringsteknologier. Ligeledes er der også mange gener, man ikke kender funktionen af i mange planter, og disse er heller ikke altid nemme at redigere i med moderne genredigeringsteknologi. Dette projekt er en undersøgelse af mulighederne for at skabe genomsyntese-delen i en maskine, der skal kunne syntetisere afgrøder ud fra DNA-fri celler, der får indsat syntetiserede genomer baseret på et digitalt genom uploadet fra en computer. Denne maskine omtales som planteprinteren. Planteprinteren skal da kunne nøjagtigt syntetisere disse genomer baseret på det digitale genom, der på computeren nemt skal kunne redigeres til præcis det genom, man ønsker at indsætte. I dette projekt er der blevet undersøgt og diskuteret mulighederne for den optimale opdeling af genomet til mindre enkeltstrengede oligonukleotider vha. software, syntesemulighederne for disse ved brug af SPS og EDS til at skabe et DNA-bibliotek, amplifikation af oligonukleotiderne vha. bridge amplification, omdannelsen til dobbeltstrengede chunks ved korresponderende antisense-strenge og overhang extension synthesis, opbevaringen og sorteringen vha. Si-capsules med påsatte bar-koder, og sammensætningen af chunks til kromosomer vha. Gibson Assembly. Yderligere er der også blevet undersøgt mulighederne for at løse problemer ifm. de epigenetiske modifikationer og kromosomernes struktur vha. dCas9-fusionsproteiner og syntetiske histoner, samt hvordan fejlraten undervejs kan minimeres vha. brug af proofreading-polymeraser og MMRS-enzymer, og hvordan og hvornår der bør verificeres undervejs via sekventering og fluorescens-detektion af fluorescerende nukleotider. Undersøgelsen har vist, at syntesedelen i planteprinteren med moderne teknologi og tekni, The need for crops with certain abilities and/or adaptations has increased significantly because of the latest climate changes. The creation of these new crops will often require many specific genetic manipulations which rarely are easy to achieve with modern gene editing technologies. Likewise, there are also many genes whose functions are unknown in many plants, and these are also not always easy to edit with modern gene editing technology. This project is an investigation into the possibilities of creating the genome synthesis part of a machine that shall be able to synthesize crops from DNA-free cells that have synthesized genomes inserted based on a digital genome uploaded from a computer. The machine is called the plant printer. The plant printer will then be able to accurately synthesize these genomes based on the digital genome, which can be easily edited on the computer to the exact genome one wants to insert. There has in this project been investigated and discussed the possibilities for the optimal division of the genome into smaller single-stranded oligonucleotides using software, the synthesis possibilities for these using SPS and EDS to create a DNA library, amplification of the oligonucleotides using bridge amplification, the conversion to double-stranded chunks by using corresponding antisense strands and overhang extension synthesis, the storage and sorting using Si-capsules with barcodes attached, and the assembly of chunks into chromosomes using Gibson Assembly. In addition, there has been an investigation of the possibilities for solving problems related to the epigenetic modifications and the structures of the chromosomes using dCas9 fusion proteins and synthetic histones as well as how the error rate along the way can be minimized by using proofreading polymerases and MMRS enzymes and how and when there should be verified along the way via sequencing and fluorescence detection of fluorescent nucleotides. The study has shown that the