European agriculture is undergoing a rapid evolution that challenges agronomic research to scale from field to landscape. In particular, the undergoing processes (e.g. urbanization or land abandonment) and the multiple ecosystems services provided by agricultural areas are requiring to broaden the research at the regional level. Since some decades, the European Union is promoting the collection of agricultural data to evaluate the farmers’ eligibility for subsidies and to assess the Common Agricultural Policy performances. Part of these datasets is being increasingly used beyond their administrative functions, as for the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) and the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS). Starting from a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature using these datasets, we will discuss two examples of their application for characterizing cropland and cropping systems. Our aim is to discuss the relevance of these datasets as tools to improve the monitoring and management of agroecosystems at the regional level., {"references":["Benoît, M., Rizzo, D., Marraccini, E., Moonen, A.C., Galli, M., Lardon, S., Rapey, H., Thenail, C., Bonari, E., 2012. Landscape agronomy: a new field for addressing agricultural landscape dynamics. Landsc. Ecol. 27, 1385–1394. doi:10.1007/s10980-012-9802-8","Bertaglia, M., Milenov, P., Angileri, V., Devos, W., 2016. Cropland and grassland management data needs from existing IACS sources (EUR - Scientific and Technical Research Reports). European Commission.","Boiffin, J., Benoît, M., Le Bail, M., Papy, F., Stengel, P., 2014. Agronomie, espace, territoire : travailler « pour et sur » le développement territorial, un enjeu pour l'agronomie. Cah. Agric. 23, 72–83. doi:10.1684/agr.2014.0688","Bradley, D., Hill, B., 2016. Diversity and Innovation in the FADN Data Collection Systems in the EU-28. EuroChoices 15, 5–10. doi:10.1111/1746-692X.12137","Dalgaard, T., Kjeldsen, C., Jørgensen, M.S., Hutchings, N., Mogensen, L., Sahrbacher, A., Damgaard, M., Happe, K., Piorr, A., 2009. Scaling from Farm to Landscape 175–189. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-79470-7_10","Grandgirard, D., Zielinsky, R., 2008. Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) Anomalies' Sampling and Spatial Pattern: Towards convergence of ecological methodologies and GIS technologies. (EUR - Scientific and Technical Research Reports).","Latruffe, L., Piet, L., 2014. Does land fragmentation affect farm performance? A case study from Brittany, France. Agric. Syst. 129, 68–80. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2014.05.005","Leenhardt, D., Angevin, F., Biarnès, A., Colbach, N., Mignolet, C., 2010. Describing and locating cropping systems on a regional scale. A review. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 30, 131–138. doi:10.1051/agro/2009002","Levavasseur, F., Martin, P., Bouty, C., Barbottin, A., Bretagnolle, V., Thérond, O., Scheurer, O., Piskiewicz, N., 2016. RPG Explorer: A new tool to ease the analysis of agricultural landscape dynamics with the Land Parcel Identification System. Comput. Electron. Agric. 127, 541–552. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2016.07.015","Plieninger, T., Draux, H., Fagerholm, N., Bieling, C., Bürgi, M., Kizos, T., Kuemmerle, T., Primdahl, J., Verburg, P.H., 2016. The driving forces of landscape change in Europe: A systematic review of the evidence. Land Use Policy 57, 204–214. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.04.040","Ruiz-Martinez, I., Marraccini, E., Debolini, M., Bonari, E., 2015. Indicators of agricultural intensity and intensification: a review of the literature. Ital. J. Agron. 10, 74. doi:10.4081/ija.2015.656","Sagris, V., 2013. Land Parcel Identification System conceptual model: development of geoinfo community conceptual model (PhD thesis). University of Tartu (Estonia).","Tancoigne, E., Barbier, M., Cointet, J.-P., Richard, G., 2014. The place of agricultural sciences in the literature on ecosystem services. Ecosyst. Serv. 10, 35–48.","Vitali, G., Cardillo, C., Albertazzi, S., Della Chiara, M., Baldoni, G., Signorotti, C., Trisorio, A., Canavari, M., 2012. Classification of Italian Farms in the FADN Database Combining Climate and Structural Information. Cartogr. Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Geovisualization 47, 228–236. doi:10.3138/carto.47.4.1478","Vitali, G., Rizzo, D., Baldoni, G., Bazzani, G.M., Cardillo, C., Canavari, M., 2016. A national pedoclimatic characterization of cropping schemes based on FADN Italian data, in: Farm and Land System Dynamics in the Mediterranean Basin: Integrating Spatial Scales, from the Local to the Global One. Presented at the AgroMed International Conference, Avignon (FRA)."]}