Ginkgo biloba L. is the eldest plant growing on the Earth; preparations made of its leaves and seeds represent an integral part of the Chinese medicine for over a millennium. The plant species was first discovered by Linnaeus in 1771, its name thereby originating from the Latin words bis (two) and lobus (lobe), which duly illustrate the specific shape of its leaf. Contemporary Ginkgo biloba L. plant based pharmaceuticals mostly comprise extracts recovered from leaves harvested during fall, when the concentration of active components reaches its peak. Recent investigations have managed to establish the chemical composition of the plant leaf, together with the mechanisms underlying its beneficial effects on rheological profile of the blood and acceleration of its flow. High price of these preparations and their vast popularity have soon become an incentive for counterfeiting Ginkgo biloba L. extracts and the release of bogus drugs comprising cheaper extracts coming from other plants. Namely, modern Ginkgo biloba L.-based medicinal products and food supplements comprise extracts recovered from the plant leaf that get to be standardized according to its key pharmacological active components, most often flavone glycosides (represented in the share of 22%-27%) and terpene trilactones (represented in the share of 6%-7%). The flavonoids that predominate such preparations and are most relevant from the pharmacological standpoint are quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin, their total amount and mutual ratios, thereby being an unquestionable indicator of the extract authenticity. Therefore, most of the analyses aiming at verifying the authenticity of a given Ginkgo biloba L.-based product boil down to the analysis of these parameters. Counterfeiting involves partial or full replacement of the Ginkgo biloba L. extract (GBE) with a cheaper plant extract of a similar composition, the latter occasionally being enriched with an additional amount of flavonoids, most often quercetin, not originating from the Ginkgo biloba L. plant. The aim of this study was to verify the authenticity and quality of Ginkgo biloba L.-based products circulating on the Croatian market. To that effect, 10 samples of products produced by various manufacturers were analyzed in a certified laboratory. The parameters based on which the authenticity of the preparations was assessed were the shares of aglycones of typical ginkgo flavone glycosides, that is to say, quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin, and mutual ratios of the established quantities of quercetin to kaempferol as the key clues to unmasking Ginkgo extracts counterfeiting. The amount of ginkgo flavone glycosides was established using high performance liquid chromatography. The analysis proved 80% of the samples analyzed to be conformant to the label statements as regards the total amount of flavone glycosides and their mutual ratios. In 20% of the samples, the ratio of quercetin to kaempferol deviated from normal values; on top of that, the presence of the phytoestrogen genistein, one of the components typically comprised by the Sophora japonica L. plant, was also proven, documenting counterfeiting of the GBE and its replacement by the Sophora japonica L. extracts in the samples under consideration. Due to the untrue label statements descriptive of these products, the information on the presence of pharmacologically active genistein was neglected to be mentioned despite its unfavorable health impact that can be expected in some consumer groups. The results of this study indicated the frequency of counterfeiting the Ginkgo biloba L.-based products found on the Croatian market to be deemed substantial. Therefore, a more rigorous and more thorough control of these products and sanctioning of irresponsible manufacturers and distributers is proposed, so as to contribute to a higher market representation of high-quality products, as well as to avoid health risks and downsize the rate of their counterfeiting., Ginkgo biloba L. najstarija je biljka na zemlji, a pripravci od njegovih listova i sjemenaka dio su kineske medicine već više tisuća godina. Vrstu je 1771. godine otkrio Linnaeus, a ime je dobila od latinskih riječi bis, tj. dva i lobus zbog specifičnog oblika lista. Današnji farmaceutski oblici biljke Ginkgo biloba L. sadrže uglavnom ekstrakte iz listova ubranih ujesen kada je najveća koncentracija aktivnih komponenata. Suvremenim istraživanjima određen je kemijski sastav njegovog lista, a utvrđeni su i mehanizmi njegovog pozitivnog djelovanja na reološka svojstva krvi i ubrzanje njezinog protoka. Visoka cijena i velika popularnost ubrzo su postali poticaj za krivotvorenje ekstrakta biljke Ginkgo biloba L. jeftinijim ekstraktima drugih biljaka. Naime, suvremeni medicinski proizvodi i dodaci prehrani na osnovi biljke Ginkgo biloba L. sadrže ekstrakte njegovog lista koji se standardiziraju prema njegovim ključnim farmakološki aktivnim sastavnicama; najčešće je to 22%-27% flavonoid glikozida i 6%-7% terpenskih trilaktona. Kvercetin, kempferol i izoramnetin su dominantni i farmakološki najvažniji flavonoidi, a njihova ukupna količina i međusobni omjeri nedvojben su pokazatelj autentičnosti ekstrakta. Stoga se i većina analiza za utvrđivanje ispravnosti proizvoda koji sadrže biljku Ginkgo biloba L. temelji na analizi ovih parametara. Krivotvorenja podrazumijevaju djelomičnu ili potpunu zamjenu ektrakta Ginkgo biloba L. nekim jeftinijim biljnim ekstraktom sličnog sastava uz eventualno obogaćivanje dodatnom količinom flavonoida, najčešće kvercetina, koji ne potječu od biljke Ginkgo biloba L. Svrha ovoga rada bila je provjeriti autentičnost i kakvoću pripravaka Ginkgo biloba L. na hrvatskom tržištu. Analizirano je ukupno 10 uzoraka različitih proizvođača. Kao pokazatelji njihove ispravnosti određivani su udjeli aglikona karakterističnih ginkoflavonoglikozida: kvercetin, kempferol i izoramnetin te omjeri nađenih količina kvercetina i kempferola kao ključni pokazatelji krivotvorenja ginkgo-ekstrakta. Količina ginkoflavonoglikozida određena je metodom tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti. Analizom je utvrđeno da 80% uzoraka odgovara navodima deklaracije u pogledu ukupne količine flavonoglikozida kao i u pogledu njihovog međusobnog omjera. U 20% uzoraka omjer kvercetina i kempferola odstupao je od uobičajenih vrijednosti, a dokazano je i prisustvo fitoestrogena genisteina, jedne od karakterističnih sastavnica biljke Sophora japonica L., čijim ekstraktom je krivotvoren ginkgo-ekstrakt u analiziranim uzorcima. Zbog neistinite deklaracije na proizvodima koji su sadržavali ove ekstrakte izostalo je i obvezno upozorenje o prisutnosti farmakološki aktivnog genisteina koji može izazvati neželjene zdravstvene posljedice kod pojedinih skupina potrošača. Rezultati ovoga rada ukazuju na značajnu pojavnost krivotvorenja proizvoda biljke Ginkgo biloba L. na hrvatskom tržištu te se zbog toga predlaže njihova temeljitija kontrola kao i sankcioniranje neodgovornih proizvođača i trgovaca, čime bi se doprinijelo većem udjelu kvalitetnijih proizvoda i izbjegli zdravstveni rizici te smanjila pojavnost prijevare.