114 results on '"Guard, J."'
Search Results
2. Microbiological impact of three commercial laying hen housing systems
- Author
Jones, D.R., Cox, N.A., Guard, J., Fedorka-Cray, P.J., Buhr, R.J., Gast, R.K., Abdo, Z., Rigsby, L.L., Plumblee, J.R., Karcher, D.M., Robison, C.I., Blatchford, R.A., and Makagon, M.M.
- Published
- 2015
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3. In vitro penetration of Salmonella Enteritidis through yolk membranes of eggs from 6 genetically distinct commercial lines of laying hens
- Author
Gast, R.K., Jones, D.R., Anderson, K.E., Guraya, R., Guard, J., and Holt, P.S.
- Published
- 2010
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4. Assignment of serotype to Salmonella enterica isolates obtained from poultry and their environment in southern Brazil
- Author
Pulido-Landínez, M., Sánchez-Ingunza, R., Guard, J., and Nascimento, V. Pinheiro do
- Published
- 2013
- Full Text
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5. Effect of the relative shift between the electron density and temperature pedestal position on the pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-C
- Author
Stefanikova, E., Frassinetti, L., Saarelma, S., Loarte, A., Nunes, I., Garzotti, L., Lomas, P., Rimini, F., Drewelow, P., Kruezi, U., Lomanowski, B., De La Luna, E., Meneses, L., Peterka, M., Viola, B., Giroud, C., Litaudon, Maggi C., Abduallev, X., Abhangi, S., Abreu, M., Afzal, P., Aggarwal, M., Ahlgren, K. M., Ahn, T., J. H., Aho, Mantila, Aiba, L., Airila, N., Albanese, M., Aldred, R., Alegre, V., Alessi, D., Aleynikov, E., Alfier, P., Alberto, Alkseev, Allinson, A., Alper, M., Alves, B., Ambrosino, E., Ambrosino, G., Amicucci, R., Amosov, L., Andersson, Sundã©n, Angelone, E., Anghel, M., Angioni, M., Appel, C., Appelbee, L., Arena, C., Ariola, P., Arnichand, M., Arshad, H., Ash, S., Ashikawa, A., Aslanyan, N., Asunta, V., Auriemma, O., Fulvio, Austin, Avotina, Y., Axton, L., Ayres, M. D., Bacharis, C., Baciero, M., Baiã¡o, A., Bailey, D., Baker, S., Balboa, A., Balden, I., Balshaw, M., Bament, N., Banks, R., Baranov, J. W., Barnard, Y. F., Barnes, M. A., Barnes, D., Barnsley, M., Baron, Wiechec, Barrera, Orte, Baruzzo, L., Matteo, Basiuk, Bassan, V., Bastow, M., Batista, R., Batistoni, A., Baughan, P., Bauvir, R., Baylor, B., Bazylev, L., Beal, B., Beaumont, J., Beckers, P. S., Beckett, M., Becoulet, B., Bekris, A., Beldishevski, N., Bell, M., Belli, K., Bellinger, F., Belonohy, M., Ben, Ayed, Benterman, N., Bergsã¥ker, N. A., Bernardo, H., Bernert, J., Berry, M., Bertalot, M., Besliu, L., Beurskens, C., Bieg, M., Bielecki, B., Biewer, J., Bigi, T., Bã¬lkovã¡, M., Binda, P., Bisoffi, F., Bizarro, A., Bjã¶rkas, J. P. S., Blackburn, C., Blackman, J., Blackman, K., Blanchard, T. R., Blatchford, P., Bobkov, P., Boboc, V., Bodnã¡r, A., Bogar, G., Bolshakova, O., Bolzonella, I., Tommaso, Bonanomi, Bonelli, N., Boom, F., Booth, J., Borba, J., Borodin, D., Borodkina, D., Botrugno, I., Bottereau, A., Boulting, C., Bourdelle, P., Bowden, C., Bower, M., Bowman, C., Boyce, C., Boyd, T., Boyer, C., Bradshaw, H. J., Braic, J. M. A., Bravanec, V., Breizman, R., Bremond, B., Brennan, S., Breton, P. D., Brett, S., Brezinsek, A., Bright, S., Brix, M. D. J., Broeckx, M., Brombin, W., Matteo, Broså‚awski, Brown, A., Brown, D. P. D., Bruno, M., Bucalossi, E., Buch, J., Buchanan, J., Buckley, J., Budny, M. A., Bufferand, R., Bulman, H., Bulmer, M., Bunting, N., Buratti, P., Burckhart, P., Buscarino, A., Busse, A., Butler, A., Bykov, N. K., Byrne, I., Cahyna, J., Calabrã², P., Calvo, G., Camenen, I., Camp, Y., Campling, P., Cane, D. C., Cannas, J., Capel, B., Card, A. J., Cardinali, P. J., Carman, A., Carr, P., Carralero, M., Carraro, D., Carvalho, L., Carvalho, B. B., Carvalho, I., Casson, P., Castaldo, F. J., Catarino, C., Caumont, N., Causa, J., Cavazzana, F., Cave, Ayland, Cavinato, K., Cecconello, M., Ceccuzzi, M., Cecil, S., Cenedese, E., Angelo, Cesario, Challis, R., Chandler, C. D., Chandra, M., Chang, D., Chankin, C. S., Chapman, A., Chapman, I. T., Chernyshova, S. C., Chitarin, M., Giuseppe, Ciraolo, Ciric, G., Citrin, D., Clairet, J., Clark, F., Clark, E., Clarkson, M., Clatworthy, R., Clements, D., Cleverly, C., Coad, M., Coates, J. P., Cobalt, P. A., Coccorese, A., Cocilovo, V., Coda, V., Coelho, S., Coenen, R., Coffey, J. W., Colas, I., Collins, L., Conka, S., Conroy, D., Conway, S., Coombs, N., Cooper, D., Corradino, S. R., Corre, C., Corrigan, Y., Cortes, G., Coster, S., Couchman, D., Cox, A. S., Craciunescu, M. P., Cramp, T., Craven, S., Crisanti, R., Croci, F., Croft, G., Crombã©, D., Crowe, K., Cruz, R., Cseh, N., Cufar, G., Cullen, A., Curuia, A., Czarnecka, M., Dabirikhah, A., Dalgliesh, H., Dalley, P., Dankowski, S., Darrow, J., Davies, D., Davis, O., Day, W., Day, C., I. E., Bock, De, Castro, De, De La Cal, De La Luna, Masi, De, Pablos, De, J. L., Temmerman, De, Tommasi, De, Vries, De, Deakin, P., Deane, K., Degli, Agostini, Dejarnac, F., Delabie, R., Den, Harder, Dendy, N., Denis, R. O., Denner, J., Devaux, P., Devynck, S., Maio, Di, Siena, Di, Troia, Di, Dinca, C., D'Inca, P., Ding, R., Dittmar, B., Doerk, T., Doerner, H., Donnã©, R. P., Dorling, T., S. E., Dormido, Canto, Doswon, S., Douai, S., Doyle, D., Drenik, P. T., Drewelow, A., Drews, P., Duckworth, P., Dumont, P. h., Dumortier, R., Dunai, P., Dunne, D., Äžuran, M., Durodiã©, I., Dutta, F., Duval, P., Dux, B. P., Dylst, R., Dzysiuk, K., Edappala, N., Edmond, P. V., Edwards, J., Edwards, A. M., Eich, J., Ekedahl, T. h., Jorf, El, Elsmore, R., Enachescu, C. G., Ericsson, M., Eriksson, G., Eriksson, F., Eriksson, J., Esposito, L. G., Esquembri, B., Esser, S., Esteve, H. G., Evans, D., Evans, B., Evison, G. E., Ewart, G., Fagan, G. D., Faitsch, D., Falie, M., Fanni, D., Fasoli, A., Faustin, A., Fawlk, J. M., Fazendeiro, N., Fedorczak, L., Felton, N., Fenton, R. C., Fernades, K., Fernandes, A., Ferreira, H., Fessey, J., Fã©vrier, J. A., Ficker, O., Field, O., Fietz, A., Figueiredo, S., Figueiredo, A., Fil, J., Finburg, A., Firdaouss, P., Fischer, M., Fittill, U., Fitzgerald, L., Flammini, M., Flanagan, D., Fleming, J., Flinders, C., Fonnesu, K., Fontdecaba, N., Formisano, J. M., Forsythe, A., Fortuna, L., Fortuna, Zalesna, Fortune, E., Foster, M., Franke, S., Franklin, T., Frasca, T., Frassinetti, M., Freisinger, L., Fresa, M., Frigione, R., Fuchs, D., Fuller, V., Futatani, D., Fyvie, S., Gã¡l, J., Galassi, K., Gaå‚azka, D., Galdon, Quiroga, Gallagher, J., Gallart, J., Galvã¡o, D., Gao, R., Gao, X., Garcia, Y., Garcia, Carrasco, Garcã¬a, Muã±oz, Gardarein, M., Garzotti, J. L., Gaudio, L., Gauthier, P., Gear, E., Gee, D. F., Geiger, S. J., Gelfusa, B., Gerasimov, M., Gervasini, S., Gethins, G., Ghani, M., Ghate, Z., Gherendi, M., Giacalone, M., Giacomelli, J. C., Gibson, L., Giegerich, C. S., Gil, T., Gil, C., Gilligan, L., Gin, S., Giovannozzi, D., Girardo, E., Giroud, J. B., Giruzzi, C., Gerardo, Glã¶ggler, Godwin, S., Goff, J., Gohil, J., Goloborod'Ko, P., Gomes, V., Goncalves, R., Goniche, B., Goodliffe, M., Goodyear, M., Gorini, A., Gosk, G., Goulding, M., Goussarov, R., Gowland, A., Graham, R., Graham, B., Graves, M. E., Grazier, J. P., Grazier, N., Green, P., Greuner, N. R., Grierson, H., Griph, B., Grisolia, F. S., Grist, C., Groth, D., Grove, M., Grundy, R., Grzonka, C. N., Guard, J., Guã©rard, D., Guillemaut, C., Guirlet, C., Gurl, R., Utoh, C., Hackett, H. H., Hacquin, L. J., Hagar, S., Hager, A., Hakola, R., Halitovs, A., Hall, M., S. J., Hallworth, Cook, S. P., Hamlyn, Harris, Hammond, C., Harrington, K., Harrison, C., Harting, J., Hasenbeck, D., Hatano, F., Hatch, Y., Haupt, D. R., Hawes, T. D. V., Hawkes, J., Hawkins, N. C., Hawkins, J., Haydon, P., Hayter, P. W., Hazel, N., Heesterman, S., Heinola, P. J. L., Hellesen, K., Hellsten, C., Helou, T., Hemming, W., Hender, O. N., Henderson, T. C., Henderson, M., Henriques, S. S., Hepple, R., Hermon, D., Hertout, G., Hidalgo, P., Highcock, C., Hill, E. G., Hillairet, M., Hillesheim, J., Hillis, J., Hizanidis, D., Hjalmarsson, K., Hobirk, A., Hodille, J., Hogben, E., Hogeweij, C. H. A., Hollingsworth, G. M. D., Hollis, A., Homfray, S., Horã¡äek, D. A., Hornung, J., Horton, G., Horton, A. R., Horvath, L. D., Hotchin, L., Hough, S. P., Howarth, M. R., Hubbard, P. J., Huber, A., Huddleston, V., Hughes, T. M., Huijsmans, M., Hunter, G. T. A., Huynh, C. L., Hynes, P., Iglesias, A. M., Imazawa, D., Imbeaux, N., Imrã¬å¡ek, F., Incelli, M., Innocente, M., Irishkin, P., Ivanova, Stanik, Jachmich, I., Jacobsen, S., Jacquet, A. S., Jansons, P., Jardin, J., Jã¤rvinen, A., Jaulmes, A., Jednorã³g, F., Jenkins, S., Jeong, I., Jepu, C., Joffrin, I., Johnson, E., Johnson, R., Johnston, T., Jane, Joita, Jones, L., Jones, G., Hoshino, T. T. C., Kallenbach, K. K., Kamiya, A., Kaniewski, K., Kantor, J., Kappatou, A., Karhunen, A., Karkinsky, J., Karnowska, D., Kaufman, I., Kaveney, M., Kazakov, G., Kazantzidis, Y., Keeling, V., Keenan, D. L., Keep, T., Kempenaars, J., Kennedy, M., Kenny, C., Kent, D., Kent, J., Khilkevich, O. N., Kim, E., Kim, H. T., Kinch, H. S., King, A., King, C., King, D., Kinna, R. F., Kiptily, D. J., Kirk, V., Kirov, A., Kirschner, K., Kizane, A., Klepper, G., Klix, C., Knight, A., Knipe, P., Knott, S. J., Kobuchi, S., Kã¶chl, T., Kocsis, F., Kodeli, G., Kogan, I., Kogut, L., Koivuranta, D., Kominis, S., Kã¶ppen, Y., Kos, M., Koskela, B., Koslowski, T., Koubiti, H. R., Kovari, M., Kowalska, Strzè©ciwilk, Krasilnikov, E., Krasilnikov, A., Krawczyk, V., Kresina, N., Krieger, M., Krivska, K., Kruezi, A., Ksiaå¼ek, U., Kukushkin, I., Kundu, A., Kurki, Suonio, Kwak, T., Kwiatkowski, S., Kwon, R., Laguardia, O. J., Lahtinen, L., Laing, A., Lam, A., Lambertz, N., Lane, H. T., Lang, C., Lanthaler, P. T., Lapins, S., Lasa, J., Last, A., Åaszyå„ska, J. R., Lawless, E., Lawson, R., Lawson, A., Lazaros, K. D., Lazzaro, A., Leddy, E., Lee, J., Lefebvre, S., Leggate, X., Lehmann, H. J., Lehnen, J., Leichtle, M., Leichuer, D., Leipold, P., Lengar, F., Lennholm, I., Lerche, M., Lescinskis, E., Lesnoj, A., Letellier, S., Leyland, E., Leysen, M., Li, W., Liang, L., Likonen, Y., Linke, J., Linsmeier, J., Lipschultz, C. h., Liu, B., Liu, G., Schiavo, Lo, Loarer, V. P., Loarte, T., Lobel, A., Lomanowski, R. C., Lomas, B., Lã¶nnroth, P. J., Lã³pez, J., J. M., Lã³pez, Razola, Lorenzini, J., Losada, R., Lovell, U., Loving, J. J., Lowry, A. B., Luce, C., Lucock, T., Lukin, R. M. A., Luna, A., Lungaroni, C., Lungu, M., Lungu, C. P., Lunniss, M., Lupelli, A., Lyssoivan, I., Macdonald, A., Macheta, N., Maczewa, P., Magesh, K., Maget, B., Maggi, P., Maier, C., Mailloux, H., Makkonen, J., Makwana, T., Malaquias, R., Malizia, A., Manas, A., Manning, P., Manso, A., Mantica, M. E., Mantsinen, P., Manzanares, M., Maquet, A., Marandet, P. h., Marcenko, Y., Marchetto, N., Marchuk, C., Marinelli, O., Marinucci, M., Markoviä, M., Marocco, T., Marot, D., Marren, L., Marshal, C. A., Martin, R., Martin, A., Martìn De Aguilera, Martã¬nez, A., F. J., Martã¬n, Solã¬s, Martynova, J. R., Maruyama, Y., Masiello, S., Maslov, A., Matejcik, M., Mattei, S., Matthews, M., Maviglia, G. F., Mayer, F., Mayoral, M., M. L., May, Smith, Mazon, T., Mazzotta, D., Mcadams, C., Mccarthy, R., Mcclements, P. J., Mccormack, K. G., Mccullen, O., Mcdonald, P. A., Mcintosh, D., Mckean, S., Mckehon, R., Meadows, J., Meakins, R. C., Medina, A., Medland, F., Medley, M., Meigh, S., Meigs, S., Meisl, A. G., Meitner, G., Meneses, S., Menmuir, L., Mergia, S., Merrigan, K., Mertens, I. R., Meshchaninov, P. h., Messiaen, S., Meyer, A., Mianowski, H., Michling, S., Middleton, Gear, Miettunen, D., Militello, J., Militello, Asp, Miloshevsky, E., Mink, G., Minucci, F., Miyoshi, S., Mlynã¡å™, Y., Molina, J., Monakhov, D., Moneti, I., Mooney, M., Moradi, R., Mordijck, S., Moreira, S., Moreno, L., Moro, R., Morris, F., Morris, A. W., Moser, J., Mosher, L., Moulton, S., Murari, D., Muraro, A., Murphy, A., Asakura, S., N. N., Na, Nabais, Y. S., Naish, F., Nakano, R., Nardon, T., Naulin, E., Nave, V., Nedzelski, M. F. F., Nemtsev, I., Nespoli, G., Neto, F., Neu, A., Neverov, R., Newman, V. S., Nicholls, M., Nicolas, K. J., Nielsen, T., Nielsen, A. H., Nilsson, P., Nishijima, E., Noble, D., Nocente, C., Nodwell, M., Nordlund, D., Nordman, K., Nouailletas, H., Nunes, R., Oberkofler, I., Odupitan, M., Ogawa, T., O'Gorman, M. T., Okabayashi, T., Olney, M., Omolayo, R., O'Mullane, O., Ongena, M., Orsitto, J., Orszagh, F., Oswuigwe, J., Otin, B. I., Owen, R., Paccagnella, A., Pace, R., Pacella, N., Packer, D., Page, L. W., Pajuste, A., Palazzo, E., Pamela, S., Panja, S., Papp, S., Paprok, P., Parail, R., Park, V., Parra, Diaz, Parsons, F., Pasqualotto, M., Patel, R., Pathak, A., Paton, S., Patten, D., Pau, H., Pawelec, A., Paz, Soldan, Peackoc, C., Pearson, A., Pehkonen, I. J., Peluso, S. P., Penot, E., Pereira, C., Pereira, A., Pereira, Puglia, P. P., Perez Von Thun, Peruzzo, C., Peschanyi, S., Peterka, S., Petersson, M., Petravich, P., Petre, G., Petrella, A., Petrå¾ilka, N., Peysson, V., Pfefferlã©, Y., Philipps, D., Pillon, V., Pintsuk, M., Piovesan, G., Pires Dos Reis, Piron, Lidia, Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Pizzo, F., Plyusnin, V., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O. G., Pool, P. J., Popovichev, S., Porfiri, M. T., Porosnicu, C., Porton, M., Possnert, G., Potzel, S., Powell, T., Pozzi, J., Prajapati, V., Prakash, R., Prestopino, G., Price, D., Price, M., Price, R., Prior, P., Proudfoot, R., Pucella, G., Puglia, P., Puiatti, M. E., Pulley, D., Purahoo, K., Pã¼tterich, T. h., Rachlew, E., Rack, M., Ragona, R., Rainford, M. S. J., Rakha, A., Ramogida, G., Ranjan, S., Rapson, C. J., Rasmussen, J. J., Rathod, K., Rattã¡, G., Ratynskaia, S., Ravera, G., Rayner, C., Rebai, M., Reece, D., Reed, A., Rã©fy, D., Regan, B., Regaã±a, J., Reich, M., Reid, N., Reimold, F., Reinhart, M., Reinke, M., Reiser, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Reyes, Cortes, Reynolds, S. D. A., Riccardo, S., Richardson, V., Riddle, N., Rigamonti, K., Rimini, D., Risner, F. G., Riva, J., Roach, M., Robins, C., Robinson, R. J., Robinson, S. A., Robson, T., Roccella, D. W., Rodionov, R., Rodrigues, R., Rodriguez, P., Rohde, J., Romanelli, V., Romanelli, F., Romanelli, M., Romazanov, S., Rowe, J., Rubel, S., Rubinacci, M., Rubino, G., Ruchko, G., Ruiz, L., Ruset, M., Rzadkiewicz, C., Saarelma, J., Sabot, S., Safi, R., Sagar, E., Saibene, P., Saint, Laurent, Salewski, F., Salmi, M., Salmon, A., Salzedas, R., Samaddar, F., Samm, D., Sandiford, U., Santa, D., Santala, P., Santos, M. I. K., Santucci, B., Sartori, A., Sartori, F., Sauter, R., Scannell, O., Schlummer, R., Schmid, T., Schmidt, K., Schmuck, V., Schneider, S., Schã¶pf, M., Schwã¶rer, K., Scott, D., Sergienko, S. D., Sertoli, G., Shabbir, M., Sharapov, A., Shaw, S. E., Shaw, A., Sheikh, R., Shepherd, H., Shevelev, A., Shumack, A., Sias, A., Sibbald, G., Sieglin, M., Silburn, B., Silva, S., Silva, A., Simmons, C., Simpson, P. A., Simpson, Hutchinson, Sinha, J., Sipilã¤, A., Sips, S. K., Sirã©n, A. C. C., Sirinelli, P., Sjã¶strand, A., Skiba, H., Skilton, M., Slabkowska, R., Slade, K., Smith, B., Smith, N., Smith, P. G., Smith, R., Smithies, T. J., Snoj, M., Soare, L., Solano, S., Somers, E. R., Sommariva, A., Sonato, C., Piergiorgio, Sopplesa, Sousa, A., Sozzi, J., Spagnolo, C., Silvia, Spelzini, Spineanu, T., Stables, F., Stamatelatos, G., Stamp, I., Staniec, M. F., Stankå«nas, P., Stan, Sion, Stead, C., Stefanikova, M. J., Stepanov, E., Stephen, I., Stephen, A. V., Stevens, M., Stevens, A., Strachan, B. D., Strand, J., Strauss, P., Strã¶m, H. R., Stubbs, P., Studholme, G., Subba, W., Summers, F., Svensson, H. P., Åšwiderski, J., Szabolics, Å. ., Szawlowski, T., Szepesi, M., Suzuki, G., Tã¡l, T. T., Tala, B., Talbot, T., Talebzadeh, A. R., Taliercio, S., Cesare, Tamain, Tame, P., Tang, C., Tardocchi, W., Taroni, M., Taylor, L., Taylor, D., Tegnered, K. A., Telesca, D., Teplova, G., Terranova, N., David, Testa, Tholerus, D., Thomas, E., Thomas, J., Thomas, J. D., Thompson, P., Thompson, A., Thompson, C. A., Thorne, V. K., Thornton, L., Thrysã¸e, A., Tigwell, A. S., Tipton, P. A., Tiseanu, N., Tojo, I., Tokitani, H., Tolias, M., Tomeå¡, P., Tonner, M., Towndrow, P., Trimble, M., Tripsky, P., Tsalas, M., Tsavalas, M., Tskhakaya, Jun, Turner, D., Turner, I., Turnyanskiy, M. M., Tvalashvili, M., Tyrrell, G., Uccello, S. G. J., Abidin, Ul, Uljanovs, Z., Ulyatt, J., Urano, D., Uytdenhouwen, H., Vadgama, I., Valcarcel, A. P., Valentinuzzi, D., Valisa, M., Vallejos, Olivares, Valovic, P., Van De Mortel, Van, Eester, Van, Renterghem, Van, Rooij, Varje, G. J., Varoutis, J., Vartanian, S., Vasava, S., Vasilopoulou, K., Vega, T., Verdoolaege, J., Verhoeven, G., Verona, R., Verona, Rinati, Veshchev, G., Vianello, E., Vicente, N., Viezzer, J., Villari, E., Villone, S., Vincenzi, F., Pietro, Vinyar, Viola, I., Vitins, B., Vizvary, A., Vlad, Z., Voitsekhovitch, M., Vondrã¡äek, I., Vora, P., Vu, N., Pires De Sa, Wakeling, W. W., Waldon, B., Walkden, C. W. F., Walker, N., Walker, M., Walsh, R., Wang, M., Wang, E., Warder, N., Warren, S., Waterhouse, R. J., Watkins, J., Watts, N. W., Wauters, C., Weckmann, T., Weiland, A., Weisen, J., Weiszflog, H., Wellstood, M., West, C., Wheatley, A. T., Whetham, M. R., Whitehead, S., Whitehead, A. M., Widdowson, B. D., Wiesen, A. M., Wilkinson, S., Williams, J., Wilson, M., Wilson, A. R., Wilson, D. J., Wilson, H. R., Wischmeier, J., Withenshaw, M., Withycombe, G., Witts, A., Wood, D. M., Wood, D., Woodley, R., Wray, C., Wright, S., Wright, J., J. C., Wu, Wukitch, J., Wynn, S., Xu, A., Yadikin, T., Yanling, D., Yao, W., Yavorskij, L., Yoo, V., Young, M. G., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I. D., Zacks, R., Zagorski, J., Zaitsev, R., Zanino, F. S., Zarins, R., Zastrow, A., Zerbini, K. D., Zhang, M., Zhou, W., Zilli, Y., Zoita, E., Zoletnik, V., Zychor, S., I, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla. RNM138: Física Nuclear Aplicada, JET Contributors, Viola, B., Department of Physics, and Materials Physics
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Electron density ,Materials science ,Physics::Instrumentation and Detectors ,Thomson scattering ,education ,114 Physical sciences ,01 natural sciences ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,Pedestal ,ASDEX Upgrade ,Physics::Plasma Physics ,Position (vector) ,0103 physical sciences ,Pedestal position ,pedestal stability ,010306 general physics ,Jet (fluid) ,EUROPED ,JET ,pedestal ,pedestal position ,Pedestal stability ,Plasma ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Electron temperature ,Atomic physics ,physics - Abstract
The electron temperature and density pedestals tend to vary in their relative radial positions, as observed in DIII-D (Beurskens et al 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 056120) and ASDEX Upgrade (Dunne et al 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 14017). This so-called relative shift has an impact on the pedestal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability and hence on the pedestal height (Osborne et al 2015 Nucl. Fusion 55 063018). The present work studies the effect of the relative shift on pedestal stability of JET ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) baseline low triangularity (δ) unseeded plasmas, and similar JET-C discharges. As shown in this paper, the increase of the pedestal relative shift is correlated with the reduction of the normalized pressure gradient, therefore playing a strong role in pedestal stability. Furthermore, JET-ILW tends to have a larger relative shift compared to JET carbon wall (JET-C), suggesting a possible role of the plasma facing materials in affecting the density profile location. Experimental results are then compared with stability analysis performed in terms of the peeling-ballooning model and with pedestal predictive model EUROPED (Saarelma et al 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion). Stability analysis is consistent with the experimental findings, showing an improvement of the pedestal stability, when the relative shift is reduced. This has been ascribed mainly to the increase of the edge bootstrap current, and to minor effects related to the increase of the pedestal pressure gradient and narrowing of the pedestal pressure width. Pedestal predictive model EUROPED shows a qualitative agreement with experiment, especially for low values of the relative shift. EURATOM 633053 Swedish Energy Agency 40146-1
- Published
- 2018
6. Erosion and deposition in the JET divertor during the second ITER-like wall campaign
- Author
Mayer, M., Krat, S., Baron-Wiechec, A., Gasparyan, Y., Heinola, K., Koivuranta, S., Likonen, J., Ruset, C., De Saint-Aubin, G., Litaudon, Widdowson A., Abduallev, X., Abhangi, S., Abreu, M., Afzal, P., Aggarwal, M., Ahlgren, K. M., Ahn, T., J. H., Aho, Mantila, Aiba, L., Airila, N., Albanese, M., Aldred, R., Alegre, V., Alessi, D., Aleynikov, E., Alfier, P., Alberto, Alkseev, Allinson, A., Alper, M., Alves, B., Ambrosino, E., Ambrosino, G., Amicucci, R., Amosov, L., Andersson, Sundã©n, Angelone, E., Anghel, M., Angioni, M., Appel, C., Appelbee, L., Arena, C., Ariola, P., Arnichand, M., Arshad, H., Ash, S., Ashikawa, A., Aslanyan, N., Asunta, V., Auriemma, O., Fulvio, Austin, Avotina, Y., Axton, L., Ayres, M. D., Bacharis, C., Baciero, M., Baiã¡o, A., Bailey, D., Baker, S., Balboa, A., Balden, I., Balshaw, M., Bament, N., Banks, R., Baranov, J. W., Barnard, Y. F., Barnes, M. A., Barnes, D., Barnsley, M., Baron, Wiechec, Barrera, Orte, Baruzzo, L., Matteo, Basiuk, Bassan, V., Bastow, M., Batista, R., Batistoni, A., Baughan, P., Bauvir, R., Baylor, B., Bazylev, L., Beal, B., Beaumont, J., Beckers, P. S., Beckett, M., Becoulet, B., Bekris, A., Beldishevski, N., Bell, M., Belli, K., Bellinger, F., Belonohy, M., Ben, Ayed, Benterman, N., Bergsã¥ker, N. A., Bernardo, H., Bernert, J., Berry, M., Bertalot, M., Besliu, L., Beurskens, C., Bieg, M., Bielecki, B., Biewer, J., Bigi, T., Bã¬lkovã¡, M., Binda, P., Bisoffi, F., Bizarro, A., Bjã¶rkas, J. P. S., Blackburn, C., Blackman, J., Blackman, K., Blanchard, T. R., Blatchford, P., Bobkov, P., Boboc, V., Bodnã¡r, A., Bogar, G., Bolshakova, O., Bolzonella, I., Tommaso, Bonanomi, Bonelli, N., Boom, F., Booth, J., Borba, J., Borodin, D., Borodkina, D., Botrugno, I., Bottereau, A., Boulting, C., Bourdelle, P., Bowden, C., Bower, M., Bowman, C., Boyce, C., Boyd, T., Boyer, C., Bradshaw, H. J., Braic, J. M. A., Bravanec, V., Breizman, R., Bremond, B., Brennan, S., Breton, P. D., Brett, S., Brezinsek, A., Bright, S., Brix, M. D. J., Broeckx, M., Brombin, W., Matteo, Broså‚awski, Brown, A., Brown, D. P. D., Bruno, M., Bucalossi, E., Buch, J., Buchanan, J., Buckley, J., Budny, M. A., Bufferand, R., Bulman, H., Bulmer, M., Bunting, N., Buratti, P., Burckhart, P., Buscarino, A., Busse, A., Butler, A., Bykov, N. K., Byrne, I., Cahyna, J., Calabrã², P., Calvo, G., Camenen, I., Camp, Y., Campling, P., Cane, D. C., Cannas, J., Capel, B., Card, A. J., Cardinali, P. J., Carman, A., Carr, P., Carralero, M., Carraro, D., Carvalho, L., Carvalho, B. B., Carvalho, I., Casson, P., Castaldo, F. J., Catarino, C., Caumont, N., Causa, J., Cavazzana, F., Cave, Ayland, Cavinato, K., Cecconello, M., Ceccuzzi, M., Cecil, S., Cenedese, E., Angelo, Cesario, Challis, R., Chandler, C. D., Chandra, M., Chang, D., Chankin, C. S., Chapman, A., Chapman, I. T., Chernyshova, S. C., Chitarin, M., Giuseppe, Ciraolo, Ciric, G., Citrin, D., Clairet, J., Clark, F., Clark, E., Clarkson, M., Clatworthy, R., Clements, D., Cleverly, C., Coad, M., Coates, J. P., Cobalt, P. A., Coccorese, A., Cocilovo, V., Coda, V., Coelho, S., Coenen, R., Coffey, J. W., Colas, I., Collins, L., Conka, S., Conroy, D., Conway, S., Coombs, N., Cooper, D., Corradino, S. R., Corre, C., Corrigan, Y., Cortes, G., Coster, S., Couchman, D., Cox, A. S., Craciunescu, M. P., Cramp, T., Craven, S., Crisanti, R., Croci, F., Croft, G., Crombã©, D., Crowe, K., Cruz, R., Cseh, N., Cufar, G., Cullen, A., Curuia, A., Czarnecka, M., Dabirikhah, A., Dalgliesh, H., Dalley, P., Dankowski, S., Darrow, J., Davies, D., Davis, O., Day, W., Day, C., I. E., Bock, De, Castro, De, De La Cal, De La Luna, Masi, De, Pablos, De, J. L., Temmerman, De, Tommasi, De, Vries, De, Deakin, P., Deane, K., Degli, Agostini, Dejarnac, F., Delabie, R., Den, Harder, Dendy, N., Denis, R. O., Denner, J., Devaux, P., Devynck, S., Maio, Di, Siena, Di, Troia, Di, Dinca, C., D'Inca, P., Ding, R., Dittmar, B., Doerk, T., Doerner, H., Donnã©, R. P., Dorling, T., S. E., Dormido, Canto, Doswon, S., Douai, S., Doyle, D., Drenik, P. T., Drewelow, A., Drews, P., Duckworth, P., Dumont, P. h., Dumortier, R., Dunai, P., Dunne, D., Äžuran, M., Durodiã©, I., Dutta, F., Duval, P., Dux, B. P., Dylst, R., Dzysiuk, K., Edappala, N., Edmond, P. V., Edwards, J., Edwards, A. M., Eich, J., Ekedahl, T. h., Jorf, El, Elsmore, R., Enachescu, C. G., Ericsson, M., Eriksson, G., Eriksson, F., Eriksson, J., Esposito, L. G., Esquembri, B., Esser, S., Esteve, H. G., Evans, D., Evans, B., Evison, G. E., Ewart, G., Fagan, G. D., Faitsch, D., Falie, M., Fanni, D., Fasoli, A., Faustin, A., Fawlk, J. M., Fazendeiro, N., Fedorczak, L., Felton, N., Fenton, R. C., Fernades, K., Fernandes, A., Ferreira, H., Fessey, J., Fã©vrier, J. A., Ficker, O., Field, O., Fietz, A., Figueiredo, S., Figueiredo, A., Fil, J., Finburg, A., Firdaouss, P., Fischer, M., Fittill, U., Fitzgerald, L., Flammini, M., Flanagan, D., Fleming, J., Flinders, C., Fonnesu, K., Fontdecaba, N., Formisano, J. M., Forsythe, A., Fortuna, L., Fortuna, Zalesna, Fortune, E., Foster, M., Franke, S., Franklin, T., Frasca, T., Frassinetti, M., Freisinger, L., Fresa, M., Frigione, R., Fuchs, D., Fuller, V., Futatani, D., Fyvie, S., Gã¡l, J., Galassi, K., Gaå‚azka, D., Galdon, Quiroga, Gallagher, J., Gallart, J., Galvã¡o, D., Gao, R., Gao, X., Garcia, Y., Garcia, Carrasco, Garcã¬a, Muã±oz, Gardarein, M., Garzotti, J. L., Gaudio, L., Gauthier, P., Gear, E., Gee, D. F., Geiger, S. J., Gelfusa, B., Gerasimov, M., Gervasini, S., Gethins, G., Ghani, M., Ghate, Z., Gherendi, M., Giacalone, M., Giacomelli, J. C., Gibson, L., Giegerich, C. S., Gil, T., Gil, C., Gilligan, L., Gin, S., Giovannozzi, D., Girardo, E., Giroud, J. B., Giruzzi, C., Gerardo, Glã¶ggler, Godwin, S., Goff, J., Gohil, J., Goloborod'Ko, P., Gomes, V., Goncalves, R., Goniche, B., Goodliffe, M., Goodyear, M., Gorini, A., Gosk, G., Goulding, M., Goussarov, R., Gowland, A., Graham, R., Graham, B., Graves, M. E., Grazier, J. P., Grazier, N., Green, P., Greuner, N. R., Grierson, H., Griph, B., Grisolia, F. S., Grist, C., Groth, D., Grove, M., Grundy, R., Grzonka, C. N., Guard, J., Guã©rard, D., Guillemaut, C., Guirlet, C., Gurl, R., Utoh, C., Hackett, H. H., Hacquin, L. J., Hagar, S., Hager, A., Hakola, R., Halitovs, A., Hall, M., S. J., Hallworth, Cook, S. P., Hamlyn, Harris, Hammond, C., Harrington, K., Harrison, C., Harting, J., Hasenbeck, D., Hatano, F., Hatch, Y., Haupt, D. R., Hawes, T. D. V., Hawkes, J., Hawkins, N. C., Hawkins, J., Haydon, P., Hayter, P. W., Hazel, N., Heesterman, S., Heinola, P. J. L., Hellesen, K., Hellsten, C., Helou, T., Hemming, W., Hender, O. N., Henderson, T. C., Henderson, M., Henriques, S. S., Hepple, R., Hermon, D., Hertout, G., Hidalgo, P., Highcock, C., Hill, E. G., Hillairet, M., Hillesheim, J., Hillis, J., Hizanidis, D., Hjalmarsson, K., Hobirk, A., Hodille, J., Hogben, E., Hogeweij, C. H. A., Hollingsworth, G. M. D., Hollis, A., Homfray, S., Horã¡äek, D. A., Hornung, J., Horton, G., Horton, A. R., Horvath, L. D., Hotchin, L., Hough, S. P., Howarth, M. R., Hubbard, P. J., Huber, A., Huddleston, V., Hughes, T. M., Huijsmans, M., Hunter, G. T. A., Huynh, C. L., Hynes, P., Iglesias, A. M., Imazawa, D., Imbeaux, N., Imrã¬å¡ek, F., Incelli, M., Innocente, M., Irishkin, P., Ivanova, Stanik, Jachmich, I., Jacobsen, S., Jacquet, A. S., Jansons, P., Jardin, J., Jã¤rvinen, A., Jaulmes, A., Jednorã³g, F., Jenkins, S., Jeong, I., Jepu, C., Joffrin, I., Johnson, E., Johnson, R., Johnston, T., Jane, Joita, Jones, L., Jones, G., Hoshino, T. T. C., Kallenbach, K. K., Kamiya, A., Kaniewski, K., Kantor, J., Kappatou, A., Karhunen, A., Karkinsky, J., Karnowska, D., Kaufman, I., Kaveney, M., Kazakov, G., Kazantzidis, Y., Keeling, V., Keenan, D. L., Keep, T., Kempenaars, J., Kennedy, M., Kenny, C., Kent, D., Kent, J., Khilkevich, O. N., Kim, E., Kim, H. T., Kinch, H. S., King, A., King, C., King, D., Kinna, R. F., Kiptily, D. J., Kirk, V., Kirov, A., Kirschner, K., Kizane, A., Klepper, G., Klix, C., Knight, A., Knipe, P., Knott, S. J., Kobuchi, S., Kã¶chl, T., Kocsis, F., Kodeli, G., Kogan, I., Kogut, L., Koivuranta, D., Kominis, S., Kã¶ppen, Y., Kos, M., Koskela, B., Koslowski, T., Koubiti, H. R., Kovari, M., Kowalska, Strzè©ciwilk, Krasilnikov, E., Krasilnikov, A., Krawczyk, V., Kresina, N., Krieger, M., Krivska, K., Kruezi, A., Ksiaå¼ek, U., Kukushkin, I., Kundu, A., Kurki, Suonio, Kwak, T., Kwiatkowski, S., Kwon, R., Laguardia, O. J., Lahtinen, L., Laing, A., Lam, A., Lambertz, N., Lane, H. T., Lang, C., Lanthaler, P. T., Lapins, S., Lasa, J., Last, A., Åaszyå„ska, J. R., Lawless, E., Lawson, R., Lawson, A., Lazaros, K. D., Lazzaro, A., Leddy, E., Lee, J., Lefebvre, S., Leggate, X., Lehmann, H. J., Lehnen, J., Leichtle, M., Leichuer, D., Leipold, P., Lengar, F., Lennholm, I., Lerche, M., Lescinskis, E., Lesnoj, A., Letellier, S., Leyland, E., Leysen, M., Li, W., Liang, L., Likonen, Y., Linke, J., Linsmeier, J., Lipschultz, C. h., Liu, B., Liu, G., Schiavo, Lo, Loarer, V. P., Loarte, T., Lobel, A., Lomanowski, R. C., Lomas, B., Lã¶nnroth, P. J., Lã³pez, J., J. M., Lã³pez, Razola, Lorenzini, J., Losada, R., Lovell, U., Loving, J. J., Lowry, A. B., Luce, C., Lucock, T., Lukin, R. M. A., Luna, A., Lungaroni, C., Lungu, M., Lungu, C. P., Lunniss, M., Lupelli, A., Lyssoivan, I., Macdonald, A., Macheta, N., Maczewa, P., Magesh, K., Maget, B., Maggi, P., Maier, C., Mailloux, H., Makkonen, J., Makwana, T., Malaquias, R., Malizia, A., Manas, A., Manning, P., Manso, A., Mantica, M. E., Mantsinen, P., Manzanares, M., Maquet, A., Marandet, P. h., Marcenko, Y., Marchetto, N., Marchuk, C., Marinelli, O., Marinucci, M., Markoviä, M., Marocco, T., Marot, D., Marren, L., Marshal, C. A., Martin, R., Martin, A., Martìn De Aguilera, Martã¬nez, A., F. J., Martã¬n, Solã¬s, Martynova, J. R., Maruyama, Y., Masiello, S., Maslov, A., Matejcik, M., Mattei, S., Matthews, M., Maviglia, G. F., Mayer, F., Mayoral, M., M. L., May, Smith, Mazon, T., Mazzotta, D., Mcadams, C., Mccarthy, R., Mcclements, P. J., Mccormack, K. G., Mccullen, O., Mcdonald, P. A., Mcintosh, D., Mckean, S., Mckehon, R., Meadows, J., Meakins, R. C., Medina, A., Medland, F., Medley, M., Meigh, S., Meigs, S., Meisl, A. G., Meitner, G., Meneses, S., Menmuir, L., Mergia, S., Merrigan, K., Mertens, I. R., Meshchaninov, P. h., Messiaen, S., Meyer, A., Mianowski, H., Michling, S., Middleton, Gear, Miettunen, D., Militello, J., Militello, Asp, Miloshevsky, E., Mink, G., Minucci, F., Miyoshi, S., Mlynã¡å™, Y., Molina, J., Monakhov, D., Moneti, I., Mooney, M., Moradi, R., Mordijck, S., Moreira, S., Moreno, L., Moro, R., Morris, F., Morris, A. W., Moser, J., Mosher, L., Moulton, S., Murari, D., Muraro, A., Murphy, A., Asakura, S., N. N., Na, Nabais, Y. S., Naish, F., Nakano, R., Nardon, T., Naulin, E., Nave, V., Nedzelski, M. F. F., Nemtsev, I., Nespoli, G., Neto, F., Neu, A., Neverov, R., Newman, V. S., Nicholls, M., Nicolas, K. J., Nielsen, T., Nielsen, A. H., Nilsson, P., Nishijima, E., Noble, D., Nocente, C., Nodwell, M., Nordlund, D., Nordman, K., Nouailletas, H., Nunes, R., Oberkofler, I., Odupitan, M., Ogawa, T., O'Gorman, M. T., Okabayashi, T., Olney, M., Omolayo, R., O'Mullane, O., Ongena, M., Orsitto, J., Orszagh, F., Oswuigwe, J., Otin, B. I., Owen, R., Paccagnella, A., Pace, R., Pacella, N., Packer, D., Page, L. W., Pajuste, A., Palazzo, E., Pamela, S., Panja, S., Papp, S., Paprok, P., Parail, R., Park, V., Parra, Diaz, Parsons, F., Pasqualotto, M., Patel, R., Pathak, A., Paton, S., Patten, D., Pau, H., Pawelec, A., Paz, Soldan, Peackoc, C., Pearson, A., Pehkonen, I. J., Peluso, S. P., Penot, E., Pereira, C., Pereira, A., Pereira, Puglia, P. P., Perez Von Thun, Peruzzo, C., Peschanyi, S., Peterka, S., Petersson, M., Petravich, P., Petre, G., Petrella, A., Petrå¾ilka, N., Peysson, V., Pfefferlã©, Y., Philipps, D., Pillon, V., Pintsuk, M., Piovesan, G., Pires Dos Reis, Piron, Lidia, Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Pizzo, F., Plyusnin, V., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O. G., Pool, P. J., Popovichev, S., Porfiri, M. T., Porosnicu, C., Porton, M., Possnert, G., Potzel, S., Powell, T., Pozzi, J., Prajapati, V., Prakash, R., Prestopino, G., Price, D., Price, M., Price, R., Prior, P., Proudfoot, R., Pucella, G., Puglia, P., Puiatti, M. E., Pulley, D., Purahoo, K., Pã¼tterich, T. h., Rachlew, E., Rack, M., Ragona, R., Rainford, M. S. J., Rakha, A., Ramogida, G., Ranjan, S., Rapson, C. J., Rasmussen, J. J., Rathod, K., Rattã¡, G., Ratynskaia, S., Ravera, G., Rayner, C., Rebai, M., Reece, D., Reed, A., Rã©fy, D., Regan, B., Regaã±a, J., Reich, M., Reid, N., Reimold, F., Reinhart, M., Reinke, M., Reiser, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Reyes, Cortes, Reynolds, S. D. A., Riccardo, S., Richardson, V., Riddle, N., Rigamonti, K., Rimini, D., Risner, F. G., Riva, J., Roach, M., Robins, C., Robinson, R. J., Robinson, S. A., Robson, T., Roccella, D. W., Rodionov, R., Rodrigues, R., Rodriguez, P., Rohde, J., Romanelli, V., Romanelli, F., Romanelli, M., Romazanov, S., Rowe, J., Rubel, S., Rubinacci, M., Rubino, G., Ruchko, G., Ruiz, L., Ruset, M., Rzadkiewicz, C., Saarelma, J., Sabot, S., Safi, R., Sagar, E., Saibene, P., Saint, Laurent, Salewski, F., Salmi, M., Salmon, A., Salzedas, R., Samaddar, F., Samm, D., Sandiford, U., Santa, D., Santala, P., Santos, M. I. K., Santucci, B., Sartori, A., Sartori, F., Sauter, R., Scannell, O., Schlummer, R., Schmid, T., Schmidt, K., Schmuck, V., Schneider, S., Schã¶pf, M., Schwã¶rer, K., Scott, D., Sergienko, S. D., Sertoli, G., Shabbir, M., Sharapov, A., Shaw, S. E., Shaw, A., Sheikh, R., Shepherd, H., Shevelev, A., Shumack, A., Sias, A., Sibbald, G., Sieglin, M., Silburn, B., Silva, S., Silva, A., Simmons, C., Simpson, P. A., Simpson, Hutchinson, Sinha, J., Sipilã¤, A., Sips, S. K., Sirã©n, A. C. C., Sirinelli, P., Sjã¶strand, A., Skiba, H., Skilton, M., Slabkowska, R., Slade, K., Smith, B., Smith, N., Smith, P. G., Smith, R., Smithies, T. J., Snoj, M., Soare, L., Solano, S., Somers, E. R., Sommariva, A., Sonato, C., Piergiorgio, Sopplesa, Sousa, A., Sozzi, J., Spagnolo, C., Silvia, Spelzini, Spineanu, T., Stables, F., Stamatelatos, G., Stamp, I., Staniec, M. F., Stankå«nas, P., Stan, Sion, Stead, C., Stefanikova, M. J., Stepanov, E., Stephen, I., Stephen, A. V., Stevens, M., Stevens, A., Strachan, B. D., Strand, J., Strauss, P., Strã¶m, H. R., Stubbs, P., Studholme, G., Subba, W., Summers, F., Svensson, H. P., Åšwiderski, J., Szabolics, Å. ., Szawlowski, T., Szepesi, M., Suzuki, G., Tã¡l, T. T., Tala, B., Talbot, T., Talebzadeh, A. R., Taliercio, S., Cesare, Tamain, Tame, P., Tang, C., Tardocchi, W., Taroni, M., Taylor, L., Taylor, D., Tegnered, K. A., Telesca, D., Teplova, G., Terranova, N., David, Testa, Tholerus, D., Thomas, E., Thomas, J., Thomas, J. D., Thompson, P., Thompson, A., Thompson, C. A., Thorne, V. K., Thornton, L., Thrysã¸e, A., Tigwell, A. S., Tipton, P. A., Tiseanu, N., Tojo, I., Tokitani, H., Tolias, M., Tomeå¡, P., Tonner, M., Towndrow, P., Trimble, M., Tripsky, P., Tsalas, M., Tsavalas, M., Tskhakaya, Jun, Turner, D., Turner, I., Turnyanskiy, M. M., Tvalashvili, M., Tyrrell, G., Uccello, S. G. J., Abidin, Ul, Uljanovs, Z., Ulyatt, J., Urano, D., Uytdenhouwen, H., Vadgama, I., Valcarcel, A. P., Valentinuzzi, D., Valisa, M., Vallejos, Olivares, Valovic, P., Van De Mortel, Van, Eester, Van, Renterghem, Van, Rooij, Varje, G. J., Varoutis, J., Vartanian, S., Vasava, S., Vasilopoulou, K., Vega, T., Verdoolaege, J., Verhoeven, G., Verona, R., Verona, Rinati, Veshchev, G., Vianello, E., Vicente, N., Viezzer, J., Villari, E., Villone, S., Vincenzi, F., Pietro, Vinyar, Viola, I., Vitins, B., Vizvary, A., Vlad, Z., Voitsekhovitch, M., Vondrã¡äek, I., Vora, P., Vu, N., Pires De Sa, Wakeling, W. W., Waldon, B., Walkden, C. W. F., Walker, N., Walker, M., Walsh, R., Wang, M., Wang, E., Warder, N., Warren, S., Waterhouse, R. J., Watkins, J., Watts, N. W., Wauters, C., Weckmann, T., Weiland, A., Weisen, J., Weiszflog, H., Wellstood, M., West, C., Wheatley, A. T., Whetham, M. R., Whitehead, S., Whitehead, A. M., Widdowson, B. D., Wiesen, A. M., Wilkinson, S., Williams, J., Wilson, M., Wilson, A. R., Wilson, D. J., Wilson, H. R., Wischmeier, J., Withenshaw, M., Withycombe, G., Witts, A., Wood, D. M., Wood, D., Woodley, R., Wray, C., Wright, S., Wright, J., J. C., Wu, Wukitch, J., Wynn, S., Xu, A., Yadikin, T., Yanling, D., Yao, W., Yavorskij, L., Yoo, V., Young, M. G., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I. D., Zacks, R., Zagorski, J., Zaitsev, R., Zanino, F. S., Zarins, R., Zastrow, A., Zerbini, K. D., Zhang, M., Zhou, W., Zilli, Y., Zoita, E., Zoletnik, V., Zychor, S., I, and JET Contributors
- Subjects
Jet (fluid) ,Surface analysis ,Materials science ,Divertor ,JET-ILW ,Material deposition ,Material erosion ,Nuclear engineering ,Condensed Matter Physics ,01 natural sciences ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,13. Climate action ,Material Erosion ,0103 physical sciences ,Erosion ,010306 general physics ,Deposition (chemistry) ,Mathematical Physics - Abstract
Erosion of plasma-facing materials and successive transport and redeposition of eroded material are crucial processes determining the lifetime of plasma-facing components and the trapped tritium inventory in redeposited material layers. Erosion and deposition in the JET divertor were studied during the second JET ITER-like wall campaign ILW-2 in 2013-2014 by using a poloidal row of specially prepared divertor marker tiles including the tungsten bulk tile 5. The marker tiles were analyzed using elastic backscattering with 3-4.5 MeV incident protons and nuclear reaction analysis using 0.8-4.5 MeV 3He ions before and after the campaign. The erosion/deposition pattern observed during ILW-2 is qualitatively comparable to the first campaign ILW-1 in 2011-2012: deposits consist mainly of beryllium with 5-20 at.% of carbon and oxygen and small amounts of Ni and W. The highest deposition with deposited layer thicknesses up to 30 μm per campaign is still observed on the upper and horizontal parts of the inner divertor. Outer divertor tiles 5, 6, 7 and 8 are net W erosion areas. The observed D inventory is roughly comparable to the inventory observed during ILW-1. The results obtained during ILW-2 therefore confirm the positive results observed in ILW-1 with respect to reduced material deposition and hydrogen isotopes retention in the divertor.
- Published
- 2017
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7. Overview of fuel inventory in JET with the ITER-like wall
- Author
Widdowson, A., Coad, J. P., Alves, E., Baron-Wiechec, A., Barradas, N. P., Brezinsek, S., Catarino, N., Corregidor, V., Heinola, K., Koivuranta, S., Krat, S., Lahtinen, A., Likonen, J., Matthews, G. F., Mayer, M., Petersson, P., Litaudon, Rubel M., Abduallev, X., Abhangi, S., Abreu, M., Afzal, P., Aggarwal, M., Ahlgren, K. M., Ahn, T., J. H., Aho, Mantila, Aiba, L., Airila, N., Albanese, M., Aldred, R., Alegre, V., Alessi, D., Aleynikov, E., Alfier, P., Alberto, Alkseev, Allinson, A., Alper, M., Alves, B., Ambrosino, E., Ambrosino, G., Amicucci, R., Amosov, L., Andersson, Sundã©n, Angelone, E., Anghel, M., Angioni, M., Appel, C., Appelbee, L., Arena, C., Ariola, P., Arnichand, M., Arshad, H., Ash, S., Ashikawa, A., Aslanyan, N., Asunta, V., Auriemma, O., Fulvio, Austin, Avotina, Y., Axton, L., Ayres, M. D., Bacharis, C., Baciero, M., Baiã¡o, A., Bailey, D., Baker, S., Balboa, A., Balden, I., Balshaw, M., Bament, N., Banks, R., Baranov, J. W., Barnard, Y. F., Barnes, M. A., Barnes, D., Barnsley, M., Baron, Wiechec, Barrera, Orte, Baruzzo, L., Matteo, Basiuk, Bassan, V., Bastow, M., Batista, R., Batistoni, A., Baughan, P., Bauvir, R., Baylor, B., Bazylev, L., Beal, B., Beaumont, J., Beckers, P. S., Beckett, M., Becoulet, B., Bekris, A., Beldishevski, N., Bell, M., Belli, K., Bellinger, F., Belonohy, M., Ben, Ayed, Benterman, N., Bergsã¥ker, N. A., Bernardo, H., Bernert, J., Berry, M., Bertalot, M., Besliu, L., Beurskens, C., Bieg, M., Bielecki, B., Biewer, J., Bigi, T., Bã¬lkovã¡, M., Binda, P., Bisoffi, F., Bizarro, A., Bjã¶rkas, J. P. S., Blackburn, C., Blackman, J., Blackman, K., Blanchard, T. R., Blatchford, P., Bobkov, P., Boboc, V., Bodnã¡r, A., Bogar, G., Bolshakova, O., Bolzonella, I., Tommaso, Bonanomi, Bonelli, N., Boom, F., Booth, J., Borba, J., Borodin, D., Borodkina, D., Botrugno, I., Bottereau, A., Boulting, C., Bourdelle, P., Bowden, C., Bower, M., Bowman, C., Boyce, C., Boyd, T., Boyer, C., Bradshaw, H. J., Braic, J. M. A., Bravanec, V., Breizman, R., Bremond, B., Brennan, S., Breton, P. D., Brett, S., Brezinsek, A., Bright, S., Brix, M. D. J., Broeckx, M., Brombin, W., Matteo, Broså‚awski, Brown, A., Brown, D. P. D., Bruno, M., Bucalossi, E., Buch, J., Buchanan, J., Buckley, J., Budny, M. A., Bufferand, R., Bulman, H., Bulmer, M., Bunting, N., Buratti, P., Burckhart, P., Buscarino, A., Busse, A., Butler, A., Bykov, N. K., Byrne, I., Cahyna, J., Calabrã², P., Calvo, G., Camenen, I., Camp, Y., Campling, P., Cane, D. C., Cannas, J., Capel, B., Card, A. J., Cardinali, P. J., Carman, A., Carr, P., Carralero, M., Carraro, D., Carvalho, L., Carvalho, B. B., Carvalho, I., Casson, P., Castaldo, F. J., Catarino, C., Caumont, N., Causa, J., Cavazzana, F., Cave, Ayland, Cavinato, K., Cecconello, M., Ceccuzzi, M., Cecil, S., Cenedese, E., Angelo, Cesario, Challis, R., Chandler, C. D., Chandra, M., Chang, D., Chankin, C. S., Chapman, A., Chapman, I. T., Chernyshova, S. C., Chitarin, M., Giuseppe, Ciraolo, Ciric, G., Citrin, D., Clairet, J., Clark, F., Clark, E., Clarkson, M., Clatworthy, R., Clements, D., Cleverly, C., Coad, M., Coates, J. P., Cobalt, P. A., Coccorese, A., Cocilovo, V., Coda, V., Coelho, S., Coenen, R., Coffey, J. W., Colas, I., Collins, L., Conka, S., Conroy, D., Conway, S., Coombs, N., Cooper, D., Corradino, S. R., Corre, C., Corrigan, Y., Cortes, G., Coster, S., Couchman, D., Cox, A. S., Craciunescu, M. P., Cramp, T., Craven, S., Crisanti, R., Croci, F., Croft, G., Crombã©, D., Crowe, K., Cruz, R., Cseh, N., Cufar, G., Cullen, A., Curuia, A., Czarnecka, M., Dabirikhah, A., Dalgliesh, H., Dalley, P., Dankowski, S., Darrow, J., Davies, D., Davis, O., Day, W., Day, C., I. E., Bock, De, Castro, De, De La Cal, De La Luna, Masi, De, Pablos, De, J. L., Temmerman, De, Tommasi, De, Vries, De, Deakin, P., Deane, K., Degli, Agostini, Dejarnac, F., Delabie, R., Den, Harder, Dendy, N., Denis, R. O., Denner, J., Devaux, P., Devynck, S., Maio, Di, Siena, Di, Troia, Di, Dinca, C., D'Inca, P., Ding, R., Dittmar, B., Doerk, T., Doerner, H., Donnã©, R. P., Dorling, T., S. E., Dormido, Canto, Doswon, S., Douai, S., Doyle, D., Drenik, P. T., Drewelow, A., Drews, P., Duckworth, P., Dumont, P. h., Dumortier, R., Dunai, P., Dunne, D., Äžuran, M., Durodiã©, I., Dutta, F., Duval, P., Dux, B. P., Dylst, R., Dzysiuk, K., Edappala, N., Edmond, P. V., Edwards, J., Edwards, A. M., Eich, J., Ekedahl, T. h., Jorf, El, Elsmore, R., Enachescu, C. G., Ericsson, M., Eriksson, G., Eriksson, F., Eriksson, J., Esposito, L. G., Esquembri, B., Esser, S., Esteve, H. G., Evans, D., Evans, B., Evison, G. E., Ewart, G., Fagan, G. D., Faitsch, D., Falie, M., Fanni, D., Fasoli, A., Faustin, A., Fawlk, J. M., Fazendeiro, N., Fedorczak, L., Felton, N., Fenton, R. C., Fernades, K., Fernandes, A., Ferreira, H., Fessey, J., Fã©vrier, J. A., Ficker, O., Field, O., Fietz, A., Figueiredo, S., Figueiredo, A., Fil, J., Finburg, A., Firdaouss, P., Fischer, M., Fittill, U., Fitzgerald, L., Flammini, M., Flanagan, D., Fleming, J., Flinders, C., Fonnesu, K., Fontdecaba, N., Formisano, J. M., Forsythe, A., Fortuna, L., Fortuna, Zalesna, Fortune, E., Foster, M., Franke, S., Franklin, T., Frasca, T., Frassinetti, M., Freisinger, L., Fresa, M., Frigione, R., Fuchs, D., Fuller, V., Futatani, D., Fyvie, S., Gã¡l, J., Galassi, K., Gaå‚azka, D., Galdon, Quiroga, Gallagher, J., Gallart, J., Galvã¡o, D., Gao, R., Gao, X., Garcia, Y., Garcia, Carrasco, Garcã¬a, Muã±oz, Gardarein, M., Garzotti, J. L., Gaudio, L., Gauthier, P., Gear, E., Gee, D. F., Geiger, S. J., Gelfusa, B., Gerasimov, M., Gervasini, S., Gethins, G., Ghani, M., Ghate, Z., Gherendi, M., Giacalone, M., Giacomelli, J. C., Gibson, L., Giegerich, C. S., Gil, T., Gil, C., Gilligan, L., Gin, S., Giovannozzi, D., Girardo, E., Giroud, J. B., Giruzzi, C., Gerardo, Glã¶ggler, Godwin, S., Goff, J., Gohil, J., Goloborod'Ko, P., Gomes, V., Goncalves, R., Goniche, B., Goodliffe, M., Goodyear, M., Gorini, A., Gosk, G., Goulding, M., Goussarov, R., Gowland, A., Graham, R., Graham, B., Graves, M. E., Grazier, J. P., Grazier, N., Green, P., Greuner, N. R., Grierson, H., Griph, B., Grisolia, F. S., Grist, C., Groth, D., Grove, M., Grundy, R., Grzonka, C. N., Guard, J., Guã©rard, D., Guillemaut, C., Guirlet, C., Gurl, R., Utoh, C., Hackett, H. H., Hacquin, L. J., Hagar, S., Hager, A., Hakola, R., Halitovs, A., Hall, M., S. J., Hallworth, Cook, S. P., Hamlyn, Harris, Hammond, C., Harrington, K., Harrison, C., Harting, J., Hasenbeck, D., Hatano, F., Hatch, Y., Haupt, D. R., Hawes, T. D. V., Hawkes, J., Hawkins, N. C., Hawkins, J., Haydon, P., Hayter, P. W., Hazel, N., Heesterman, S., Heinola, P. J. L., Hellesen, K., Hellsten, C., Helou, T., Hemming, W., Hender, O. N., Henderson, T. C., Henderson, M., Henriques, S. S., Hepple, R., Hermon, D., Hertout, G., Hidalgo, P., Highcock, C., Hill, E. G., Hillairet, M., Hillesheim, J., Hillis, J., Hizanidis, D., Hjalmarsson, K., Hobirk, A., Hodille, J., Hogben, E., Hogeweij, C. H. A., Hollingsworth, G. M. D., Hollis, A., Homfray, S., Horã¡äek, D. A., Hornung, J., Horton, G., Horton, A. R., Horvath, L. D., Hotchin, L., Hough, S. P., Howarth, M. R., Hubbard, P. J., Huber, A., Huddleston, V., Hughes, T. M., Huijsmans, M., Hunter, G. T. A., Huynh, C. L., Hynes, P., Iglesias, A. M., Imazawa, D., Imbeaux, N., Imrã¬å¡ek, F., Incelli, M., Innocente, M., Irishkin, P., Ivanova, Stanik, Jachmich, I., Jacobsen, S., Jacquet, A. S., Jansons, P., Jardin, J., Jã¤rvinen, A., Jaulmes, A., Jednorã³g, F., Jenkins, S., Jeong, I., Jepu, C., Joffrin, I., Johnson, E., Johnson, R., Johnston, T., Jane, Joita, Jones, L., Jones, G., Hoshino, T. T. C., Kallenbach, K. K., Kamiya, A., Kaniewski, K., Kantor, J., Kappatou, A., Karhunen, A., Karkinsky, J., Karnowska, D., Kaufman, I., Kaveney, M., Kazakov, G., Kazantzidis, Y., Keeling, V., Keenan, D. L., Keep, T., Kempenaars, J., Kennedy, M., Kenny, C., Kent, D., Kent, J., Khilkevich, O. N., Kim, E., Kim, H. T., Kinch, H. S., King, A., King, C., King, D., Kinna, R. F., Kiptily, D. J., Kirk, V., Kirov, A., Kirschner, K., Kizane, A., Klepper, G., Klix, C., Knight, A., Knipe, P., Knott, S. J., Kobuchi, S., Kã¶chl, T., Kocsis, F., Kodeli, G., Kogan, I., Kogut, L., Koivuranta, D., Kominis, S., Kã¶ppen, Y., Kos, M., Koskela, B., Koslowski, T., Koubiti, H. R., Kovari, M., Kowalska, Strzè©ciwilk, Krasilnikov, E., Krasilnikov, A., Krawczyk, V., Kresina, N., Krieger, M., Krivska, K., Kruezi, A., Ksiaå¼ek, U., Kukushkin, I., Kundu, A., Kurki, Suonio, Kwak, T., Kwiatkowski, S., Kwon, R., Laguardia, O. J., Lahtinen, L., Laing, A., Lam, A., Lambertz, N., Lane, H. T., Lang, C., Lanthaler, P. T., Lapins, S., Lasa, J., Last, A., Åaszyå„ska, J. R., Lawless, E., Lawson, R., Lawson, A., Lazaros, K. D., Lazzaro, A., Leddy, E., Lee, J., Lefebvre, S., Leggate, X., Lehmann, H. J., Lehnen, J., Leichtle, M., Leichuer, D., Leipold, P., Lengar, F., Lennholm, I., Lerche, M., Lescinskis, E., Lesnoj, A., Letellier, S., Leyland, E., Leysen, M., Li, W., Liang, L., Likonen, Y., Linke, J., Linsmeier, J., Lipschultz, C. h., Liu, B., Liu, G., Schiavo, Lo, Loarer, V. P., Loarte, T., Lobel, A., Lomanowski, R. C., Lomas, B., Lã¶nnroth, P. J., Lã³pez, J., J. M., Lã³pez, Razola, Lorenzini, J., Losada, R., Lovell, U., Loving, J. J., Lowry, A. B., Luce, C., Lucock, T., Lukin, R. M. A., Luna, A., Lungaroni, C., Lungu, M., Lungu, C. P., Lunniss, M., Lupelli, A., Lyssoivan, I., Macdonald, A., Macheta, N., Maczewa, P., Magesh, K., Maget, B., Maggi, P., Maier, C., Mailloux, H., Makkonen, J., Makwana, T., Malaquias, R., Malizia, A., Manas, A., Manning, P., Manso, A., Mantica, M. E., Mantsinen, P., Manzanares, M., Maquet, A., Marandet, P. h., Marcenko, Y., Marchetto, N., Marchuk, C., Marinelli, O., Marinucci, M., Markoviä, M., Marocco, T., Marot, D., Marren, L., Marshal, C. A., Martin, R., Martin, A., Martìn De Aguilera, Martã¬nez, A., F. J., Martã¬n, Solã¬s, Martynova, J. R., Maruyama, Y., Masiello, S., Maslov, A., Matejcik, M., Mattei, S., Matthews, M., Maviglia, G. F., Mayer, F., Mayoral, M., M. L., May, Smith, Mazon, T., Mazzotta, D., Mcadams, C., Mccarthy, R., Mcclements, P. J., Mccormack, K. G., Mccullen, O., Mcdonald, P. A., Mcintosh, D., Mckean, S., Mckehon, R., Meadows, J., Meakins, R. C., Medina, A., Medland, F., Medley, M., Meigh, S., Meigs, S., Meisl, A. G., Meitner, G., Meneses, S., Menmuir, L., Mergia, S., Merrigan, K., Mertens, I. R., Meshchaninov, P. h., Messiaen, S., Meyer, A., Mianowski, H., Michling, S., Middleton, Gear, Miettunen, D., Militello, J., Militello, Asp, Miloshevsky, E., Mink, G., Minucci, F., Miyoshi, S., Mlynã¡å™, Y., Molina, J., Monakhov, D., Moneti, I., Mooney, M., Moradi, R., Mordijck, S., Moreira, S., Moreno, L., Moro, R., Morris, F., Morris, A. W., Moser, J., Mosher, L., Moulton, S., Murari, D., Muraro, A., Murphy, A., Asakura, S., N. N., Na, Nabais, Y. S., Naish, F., Nakano, R., Nardon, T., Naulin, E., Nave, V., Nedzelski, M. F. F., Nemtsev, I., Nespoli, G., Neto, F., Neu, A., Neverov, R., Newman, V. S., Nicholls, M., Nicolas, K. J., Nielsen, T., Nielsen, A. H., Nilsson, P., Nishijima, E., Noble, D., Nocente, C., Nodwell, M., Nordlund, D., Nordman, K., Nouailletas, H., Nunes, R., Oberkofler, I., Odupitan, M., Ogawa, T., O'Gorman, M. T., Okabayashi, T., Olney, M., Omolayo, R., O'Mullane, O., Ongena, M., Orsitto, J., Orszagh, F., Oswuigwe, J., Otin, B. I., Owen, R., Paccagnella, A., Pace, R., Pacella, N., Packer, D., Page, L. W., Pajuste, A., Palazzo, E., Pamela, S., Panja, S., Papp, S., Paprok, P., Parail, R., Park, V., Parra, Diaz, Parsons, F., Pasqualotto, M., Patel, R., Pathak, A., Paton, S., Patten, D., Pau, H., Pawelec, A., Paz, Soldan, Peackoc, C., Pearson, A., Pehkonen, I. J., Peluso, S. P., Penot, E., Pereira, C., Pereira, A., Pereira, Puglia, P. P., Perez Von Thun, Peruzzo, C., Peschanyi, S., Peterka, S., Petersson, M., Petravich, P., Petre, G., Petrella, A., Petrå¾ilka, N., Peysson, V., Pfefferlã©, Y., Philipps, D., Pillon, V., Pintsuk, M., Piovesan, G., Pires Dos Reis, Piron, Lidia, Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Pizzo, F., Plyusnin, V., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O. G., Pool, P. J., Popovichev, S., Porfiri, M. T., Porosnicu, C., Porton, M., Possnert, G., Potzel, S., Powell, T., Pozzi, J., Prajapati, V., Prakash, R., Prestopino, G., Price, D., Price, M., Price, R., Prior, P., Proudfoot, R., Pucella, G., Puglia, P., Puiatti, M. E., Pulley, D., Purahoo, K., Pã¼tterich, T. h., Rachlew, E., Rack, M., Ragona, R., Rainford, M. S. J., Rakha, A., Ramogida, G., Ranjan, S., Rapson, C. J., Rasmussen, J. J., Rathod, K., Rattã¡, G., Ratynskaia, S., Ravera, G., Rayner, C., Rebai, M., Reece, D., Reed, A., Rã©fy, D., Regan, B., Regaã±a, J., Reich, M., Reid, N., Reimold, F., Reinhart, M., Reinke, M., Reiser, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Reyes, Cortes, Reynolds, S. D. A., Riccardo, S., Richardson, V., Riddle, N., Rigamonti, K., Rimini, D., Risner, F. G., Riva, J., Roach, M., Robins, C., Robinson, R. J., Robinson, S. A., Robson, T., Roccella, D. W., Rodionov, R., Rodrigues, R., Rodriguez, P., Rohde, J., Romanelli, V., Romanelli, F., Romanelli, M., Romazanov, S., Rowe, J., Rubel, S., Rubinacci, M., Rubino, G., Ruchko, G., Ruiz, L., Ruset, M., Rzadkiewicz, C., Saarelma, J., Sabot, S., Safi, R., Sagar, E., Saibene, P., Saint, Laurent, Salewski, F., Salmi, M., Salmon, A., Salzedas, R., Samaddar, F., Samm, D., Sandiford, U., Santa, D., Santala, P., Santos, M. I. K., Santucci, B., Sartori, A., Sartori, F., Sauter, R., Scannell, O., Schlummer, R., Schmid, T., Schmidt, K., Schmuck, V., Schneider, S., Schã¶pf, M., Schwã¶rer, K., Scott, D., Sergienko, S. D., Sertoli, G., Shabbir, M., Sharapov, A., Shaw, S. E., Shaw, A., Sheikh, R., Shepherd, H., Shevelev, A., Shumack, A., Sias, A., Sibbald, G., Sieglin, M., Silburn, B., Silva, S., Silva, A., Simmons, C., Simpson, P. A., Simpson, Hutchinson, Sinha, J., Sipilã¤, A., Sips, S. K., Sirã©n, A. C. C., Sirinelli, P., Sjã¶strand, A., Skiba, H., Skilton, M., Slabkowska, R., Slade, K., Smith, B., Smith, N., Smith, P. G., Smith, R., Smithies, T. J., Snoj, M., Soare, L., Solano, S., Somers, E. R., Sommariva, A., Sonato, C., Piergiorgio, Sopplesa, Sousa, A., Sozzi, J., Spagnolo, C., Silvia, Spelzini, Spineanu, T., Stables, F., Stamatelatos, G., Stamp, I., Staniec, M. F., Stankå«nas, P., Stan, Sion, Stead, C., Stefanikova, M. J., Stepanov, E., Stephen, I., Stephen, A. V., Stevens, M., Stevens, A., Strachan, B. D., Strand, J., Strauss, P., Strã¶m, H. R., Stubbs, P., Studholme, G., Subba, W., Summers, F., Svensson, H. P., Åšwiderski, J., Szabolics, Å. ., Szawlowski, T., Szepesi, M., Suzuki, G., Tã¡l, T. T., Tala, B., Talbot, T., Talebzadeh, A. R., Taliercio, S., Cesare, Tamain, Tame, P., Tang, C., Tardocchi, W., Taroni, M., Taylor, L., Taylor, D., Tegnered, K. A., Telesca, D., Teplova, G., Terranova, N., David, Testa, Tholerus, D., Thomas, E., Thomas, J., Thomas, J. D., Thompson, P., Thompson, A., Thompson, C. A., Thorne, V. K., Thornton, L., Thrysã¸e, A., Tigwell, A. S., Tipton, P. A., Tiseanu, N., Tojo, I., Tokitani, H., Tolias, M., Tomeå¡, P., Tonner, M., Towndrow, P., Trimble, M., Tripsky, P., Tsalas, M., Tsavalas, M., Tskhakaya, Jun, Turner, D., Turner, I., Turnyanskiy, M. M., Tvalashvili, M., Tyrrell, G., Uccello, S. G. J., Abidin, Ul, Uljanovs, Z., Ulyatt, J., Urano, D., Uytdenhouwen, H., Vadgama, I., Valcarcel, A. P., Valentinuzzi, D., Valisa, M., Vallejos, Olivares, Valovic, P., Van De Mortel, Van, Eester, Van, Renterghem, Van, Rooij, Varje, G. J., Varoutis, J., Vartanian, S., Vasava, S., Vasilopoulou, K., Vega, T., Verdoolaege, J., Verhoeven, G., Verona, R., Verona, Rinati, Veshchev, G., Vianello, E., Vicente, N., Viezzer, J., Villari, E., Villone, S., Vincenzi, F., Pietro, Vinyar, Viola, I., Vitins, B., Vizvary, A., Vlad, Z., Voitsekhovitch, M., Vondrã¡äek, I., Vora, P., Vu, N., Pires De Sa, Wakeling, W. W., Waldon, B., Walkden, C. W. F., Walker, N., Walker, M., Walsh, R., Wang, M., Wang, E., Warder, N., Warren, S., Waterhouse, R. J., Watkins, J., Watts, N. W., Wauters, C., Weckmann, T., Weiland, A., Weisen, J., Weiszflog, H., Wellstood, M., West, C., Wheatley, A. T., Whetham, M. R., Whitehead, S., Whitehead, A. M., Widdowson, B. D., Wiesen, A. M., Wilkinson, S., Williams, J., Wilson, M., Wilson, A. R., Wilson, D. J., Wilson, H. R., Wischmeier, J., Withenshaw, M., Withycombe, G., Witts, A., Wood, D. M., Wood, D., Woodley, R., Wray, C., Wright, S., Wright, J., J. C., Wu, Wukitch, J., Wynn, S., Xu, A., Yadikin, T., Yanling, D., Yao, W., Yavorskij, L., Yoo, V., Young, M. G., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I. D., Zacks, R., Zagorski, J., Zaitsev, R., Zanino, F. S., Zarins, R., Zastrow, A., Zerbini, K. D., Zhang, M., Zhou, W., Zilli, Y., Zoita, E., Zoletnik, V., Zychor, S., I, and JET Contributors
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Jet (fluid) ,Hydrogen ,Plasma parameters ,JET ITER-like wall ,Divertor ,Nuclear engineering ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Condensed Matter Physics ,01 natural sciences ,fuel retention ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,material migration ,chemistry ,Sputtering ,visual_art ,0103 physical sciences ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Environmental science ,Tile ,010306 general physics - Abstract
Post mortem analyses of JET ITER-Like-Wall tiles and passive diagnostics have been completed after each of the first two campaigns (ILW-1 and ILW-2). They show that the global fuel inventory is still dominated by co-deposition; hence plasma parameters and sputtering processes affecting material migration influence the distribution of retained fuel. In particular, differences between results from the two campaigns may be attributed to a greater proportion of pulses run with strike points in the divertor corners, and having about 300 discharges in hydrogen at the end of ILW-2. Recessed and remote areas can contribute to fuel retention due to the larger areas involved, e.g. recessed main chamber walls, gaps in castellated Be main chamber tiles and material migration to remote divertor areas. The fuel retention and material migration due to the bulk W Tile 5 during ILW-1 are presented. Overall these tiles account for only a small percentage of the global accountancy for ILW-1.
- Published
- 2017
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8. Semi-Automated Mathematics
- Author
Guard, J. R., Oglesby, F. C., Bennett, J. H., Settle, L. G., Encarnaçao, J., editor, Hayes, P., editor, Bolç, L., editor, Bundy, A., editor, Siekmann, J., editor, Sloman, A., editor, Siekmann, Jörg H., editor, and Wrightson, Graham, editor
- Published
- 1983
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9. MeV-range velocity-space tomography from gamma-ray and neutron emission spectrometry measurements at JET
- Author
Salewski, M., Nocente, M., Jacobsen, A. S., Binda, F., Cazzaniga, C., Ericsson, G., Eriksson, J., Gorini, G., Hellesen, C., Hjalmarsson, A., Kiptily, V. G., Koskela, T., Korsholm, S. B., Kurki-Suonio, T., Leipold, F., Madsen, J., Moseev, D., Nielsen, S. K., Rasmussen, J., Schneider, M., Sharapov, S. E., Stejner, M., Litaudon, Tardocchi M., Abduallev, X., Abhangi, S., Abreu, M., Afzal, P., Aggarwal, M., Ahlgren, K. M., Ahn, T., J. H., Aho, Mantila, Aiba, L., Airila, N., Albanese, M., Aldred, R., Alegre, V., Alessi, D., Aleynikov, E., Alfier, P., Alberto, Alkseev, Allinson, A., Alper, M., Alves, B., Ambrosino, E., Ambrosino, G., Amicucci, R., Amosov, L., Andersson, Sundã©n, Angelone, E., Anghel, M., Angioni, M., Appel, C., Appelbee, L., Arena, C., Ariola, P., Arnichand, M., Arshad, H., Ash, S., Ashikawa, A., Aslanyan, N., Asunta, V., Auriemma, O., Fulvio, Austin, Avotina, Y., Axton, L., Ayres, M. D., Bacharis, C., Baciero, M., Baiã¡o, A., Bailey, D., Baker, S., Balboa, A., Balden, I., Balshaw, M., Bament, N., Banks, R., Baranov, J. W., Barnard, Y. F., Barnes, M. A., Barnes, D., Barnsley, M., Baron, Wiechec, Barrera, Orte, Baruzzo, L., Matteo, Basiuk, Bassan, V., Bastow, M., Batista, R., Batistoni, A., Baughan, P., Bauvir, R., Baylor, B., Bazylev, L., Beal, B., Beaumont, J., Beckers, P. S., Beckett, M., Becoulet, B., Bekris, A., Beldishevski, N., Bell, M., Belli, K., Bellinger, F., Belonohy, M., Ben, Ayed, Benterman, N., Bergsã¥ker, N. A., Bernardo, H., Bernert, J., Berry, M., Bertalot, M., Besliu, L., Beurskens, C., Bieg, M., Bielecki, B., Biewer, J., Bigi, T., Bã¬lkovã¡, M., Binda, P., Bisoffi, F., Bizarro, A., Bjã¶rkas, J. P. S., Blackburn, C., Blackman, J., Blackman, K., Blanchard, T. R., Blatchford, P., Bobkov, P., Boboc, V., Bodnã¡r, A., Bogar, G., Bolshakova, O., Bolzonella, I., Tommaso, Bonanomi, Bonelli, N., Boom, F., Booth, J., Borba, J., Borodin, D., Borodkina, D., Botrugno, I., Bottereau, A., Boulting, C., Bourdelle, P., Bowden, C., Bower, M., Bowman, C., Boyce, C., Boyd, T., Boyer, C., Bradshaw, H. J., Braic, J. M. A., Bravanec, V., Breizman, R., Bremond, B., Brennan, S., Breton, P. D., Brett, S., Brezinsek, A., Bright, S., Brix, M. D. J., Broeckx, M., Brombin, W., Matteo, Broså‚awski, Brown, A., Brown, D. P. D., Bruno, M., Bucalossi, E., Buch, J., Buchanan, J., Buckley, J., Budny, M. A., Bufferand, R., Bulman, H., Bulmer, M., Bunting, N., Buratti, P., Burckhart, P., Buscarino, A., Busse, A., Butler, A., Bykov, N. K., Byrne, I., Cahyna, J., Calabrã², P., Calvo, G., Camenen, I., Camp, Y., Campling, P., Cane, D. C., Cannas, J., Capel, B., Card, A. J., Cardinali, P. J., Carman, A., Carr, P., Carralero, M., Carraro, D., Carvalho, L., Carvalho, B. B., Carvalho, I., Casson, P., Castaldo, F. J., Catarino, C., Caumont, N., Causa, J., Cavazzana, F., Cave, Ayland, Cavinato, K., Cecconello, M., Ceccuzzi, M., Cecil, S., Cenedese, E., Angelo, Cesario, Challis, R., Chandler, C. D., Chandra, M., Chang, D., Chankin, C. S., Chapman, A., Chapman, I. T., Chernyshova, S. C., Chitarin, M., Giuseppe, Ciraolo, Ciric, G., Citrin, D., Clairet, J., Clark, F., Clark, E., Clarkson, M., Clatworthy, R., Clements, D., Cleverly, C., Coad, M., Coates, J. P., Cobalt, P. A., Coccorese, A., Cocilovo, V., Coda, V., Coelho, S., Coenen, R., Coffey, J. W., Colas, I., Collins, L., Conka, S., Conroy, D., Conway, S., Coombs, N., Cooper, D., Corradino, S. R., Corre, C., Corrigan, Y., Cortes, G., Coster, S., Couchman, D., Cox, A. S., Craciunescu, M. P., Cramp, T., Craven, S., Crisanti, R., Croci, F., Croft, G., Crombã©, D., Crowe, K., Cruz, R., Cseh, N., Cufar, G., Cullen, A., Curuia, A., Czarnecka, M., Dabirikhah, A., Dalgliesh, H., Dalley, P., Dankowski, S., Darrow, J., Davies, D., Davis, O., Day, W., Day, C., I. E., Bock, De, Castro, De, De La Cal, De La Luna, Masi, De, Pablos, De, J. L., Temmerman, De, Tommasi, De, Vries, De, Deakin, P., Deane, K., Degli, Agostini, Dejarnac, F., Delabie, R., Den, Harder, Dendy, N., Denis, R. O., Denner, J., Devaux, P., Devynck, S., Maio, Di, Siena, Di, Troia, Di, Dinca, C., D'Inca, P., Ding, R., Dittmar, B., Doerk, T., Doerner, H., Donnã©, R. P., Dorling, T., S. E., Dormido, Canto, Doswon, S., Douai, S., Doyle, D., Drenik, P. T., Drewelow, A., Drews, P., Duckworth, P., Dumont, P. h., Dumortier, R., Dunai, P., Dunne, D., Äžuran, M., Durodiã©, I., Dutta, F., Duval, P., Dux, B. P., Dylst, R., Dzysiuk, K., Edappala, N., Edmond, P. V., Edwards, J., Edwards, A. M., Eich, J., Ekedahl, T. h., Jorf, El, Elsmore, R., Enachescu, C. G., Ericsson, M., Eriksson, G., Eriksson, F., Esposito, L. G., Esquembri, B., Esser, S., Esteve, H. G., Evans, D., Evans, B., Evison, G. E., Ewart, G., Fagan, G. D., Faitsch, D., Falie, M., Fanni, D., Fasoli, A., Faustin, A., Fawlk, J. M., Fazendeiro, N., Fedorczak, L., Felton, N., Fenton, R. C., Fernades, K., Fernandes, A., Ferreira, H., Fessey, J., Fã©vrier, J. A., Ficker, O., Field, O., Fietz, A., Figueiredo, S., Figueiredo, A., Fil, J., Finburg, A., Firdaouss, P., Fischer, M., Fittill, U., Fitzgerald, L., Flammini, M., Flanagan, D., Fleming, J., Flinders, C., Fonnesu, K., Fontdecaba, N., Formisano, J. M., Forsythe, A., Fortuna, L., Fortuna, Zalesna, Fortune, E., Foster, M., Franke, S., Franklin, T., Frasca, T., Frassinetti, M., Freisinger, L., Fresa, M., Frigione, R., Fuchs, D., Fuller, V., Futatani, D., Fyvie, S., Gã¡l, J., Galassi, K., Gaå‚azka, D., Galdon, Quiroga, Gallagher, J., Gallart, J., Galvã¡o, D., Gao, R., Gao, X., Garcia, Y., Garcia, Carrasco, Garcã¬a, Muã±oz, Gardarein, M., Garzotti, J. L., Gaudio, L., Gauthier, P., Gear, E., Gee, D. F., Geiger, S. J., Gelfusa, B., Gerasimov, M., Gervasini, S., Gethins, G., Ghani, M., Ghate, Z., Gherendi, M., Giacalone, M., Giacomelli, J. C., Gibson, L., Giegerich, C. S., Gil, T., Gil, C., Gilligan, L., Gin, S., Giovannozzi, D., Girardo, E., Giroud, J. B., Giruzzi, C., Gerardo, Glã¶ggler, Godwin, S., Goff, J., Gohil, J., Goloborod'Ko, P., Gomes, V., Goncalves, R., Goniche, B., Goodliffe, M., Goodyear, M., Gorini, A., Gosk, G., Goulding, M., Goussarov, R., Gowland, A., Graham, R., Graham, B., Graves, M. E., Grazier, J. P., Grazier, N., Green, P., Greuner, N. R., Grierson, H., Griph, B., Grisolia, F. S., Grist, C., Groth, D., Grove, M., Grundy, R., Grzonka, C. N., Guard, J., Guã©rard, D., Guillemaut, C., Guirlet, C., Gurl, R., Utoh, C., Hackett, H. H., Hacquin, L. J., Hagar, S., Hager, A., Hakola, R., Halitovs, A., Hall, M., S. J., Hallworth, Cook, S. P., Hamlyn, Harris, Hammond, C., Harrington, K., Harrison, C., Harting, J., Hasenbeck, D., Hatano, F., Hatch, Y., Haupt, D. R., Hawes, T. D. V., Hawkes, J., Hawkins, N. C., Hawkins, J., Haydon, P., Hayter, P. W., Hazel, N., Heesterman, S., Heinola, P. J. L., Hellesen, K., Hellsten, C., Helou, T., Hemming, W., Hender, O. N., Henderson, T. C., Henderson, M., Henriques, S. S., Hepple, R., Hermon, D., Hertout, G., Hidalgo, P., Highcock, C., Hill, E. G., Hillairet, M., Hillesheim, J., Hillis, J., Hizanidis, D., Hjalmarsson, K., Hobirk, A., Hodille, J., Hogben, E., Hogeweij, C. H. A., Hollingsworth, G. M. D., Hollis, A., Homfray, S., Horã¡äek, D. A., Hornung, J., Horton, G., Horton, A. R., Horvath, L. D., Hotchin, L., Hough, S. P., Howarth, M. R., Hubbard, P. J., Huber, A., Huddleston, V., Hughes, T. M., Huijsmans, M., Hunter, G. T. A., Huynh, C. L., Hynes, P., Iglesias, A. M., Imazawa, D., Imbeaux, N., Imrã¬å¡ek, F., Incelli, M., Innocente, M., Irishkin, P., Ivanova, Stanik, Jachmich, I., Jacobsen, S., Jacquet, A. S., Jansons, P., Jardin, J., Jã¤rvinen, A., Jaulmes, A., Jednorã³g, F., Jenkins, S., Jeong, I., Jepu, C., Joffrin, I., Johnson, E., Johnson, R., Johnston, T., Jane, Joita, Jones, L., Jones, G., Hoshino, T. T. C., Kallenbach, K. K., Kamiya, A., Kaniewski, K., Kantor, J., Kappatou, A., Karhunen, A., Karkinsky, J., Karnowska, D., Kaufman, I., Kaveney, M., Kazakov, G., Kazantzidis, Y., Keeling, V., Keenan, D. L., Keep, T., Kempenaars, J., Kennedy, M., Kenny, C., Kent, D., Kent, J., Khilkevich, O. N., Kim, E., Kim, H. T., Kinch, H. S., King, A., King, C., King, D., Kinna, R. F., Kiptily, D. J., Kirk, V., Kirov, A., Kirschner, K., Kizane, A., Klepper, G., Klix, C., Knight, A., Knipe, P., Knott, S. J., Kobuchi, S., Kã¶chl, T., Kocsis, F., Kodeli, G., Kogan, I., Kogut, L., Koivuranta, D., Kominis, S., Kã¶ppen, Y., Kos, M., Koskela, B., Koslowski, T., Koubiti, H. R., Kovari, M., Kowalska, Strzè©ciwilk, Krasilnikov, E., Krasilnikov, A., Krawczyk, V., Kresina, N., Krieger, M., Krivska, K., Kruezi, A., Ksiaå¼ek, U., Kukushkin, I., Kundu, A., Kurki, Suonio, Kwak, T., Kwiatkowski, S., Kwon, R., Laguardia, O. J., Lahtinen, L., Laing, A., Lam, A., Lambertz, N., Lane, H. T., Lang, C., Lanthaler, P. T., Lapins, S., Lasa, J., Last, A., Åaszyå„ska, J. R., Lawless, E., Lawson, R., Lawson, A., Lazaros, K. D., Lazzaro, A., Leddy, E., Lee, J., Lefebvre, S., Leggate, X., Lehmann, H. J., Lehnen, J., Leichtle, M., Leichuer, D., Leipold, P., Lengar, F., Lennholm, I., Lerche, M., Lescinskis, E., Lesnoj, A., Letellier, S., Leyland, E., Leysen, M., Li, W., Liang, L., Likonen, Y., Linke, J., Linsmeier, J., Lipschultz, C. h., Liu, B., Liu, G., Schiavo, Lo, Loarer, V. P., Loarte, T., Lobel, A., Lomanowski, R. C., Lomas, B., Lã¶nnroth, P. J., Lã³pez, J., J. M., Lã³pez, Razola, Lorenzini, J., Losada, R., Lovell, U., Loving, J. J., Lowry, A. B., Luce, C., Lucock, T., Lukin, R. M. A., Luna, A., Lungaroni, C., Lungu, M., Lungu, C. P., Lunniss, M., Lupelli, A., Lyssoivan, I., Macdonald, A., Macheta, N., Maczewa, P., Magesh, K., Maget, B., Maggi, P., Maier, C., Mailloux, H., Makkonen, J., Makwana, T., Malaquias, R., Malizia, A., Manas, A., Manning, P., Manso, A., Mantica, M. E., Mantsinen, P., Manzanares, M., Maquet, A., Marandet, P. h., Marcenko, Y., Marchetto, N., Marchuk, C., Marinelli, O., Marinucci, M., Markoviä, M., Marocco, T., Marot, D., Marren, L., Marshal, C. A., Martin, R., Martin, A., Martìn De Aguilera, Martã¬nez, A., F. J., Martã¬n, Solã¬s, Martynova, J. R., Maruyama, Y., Masiello, S., Maslov, A., Matejcik, M., Mattei, S., Matthews, M., Maviglia, G. F., Mayer, F., Mayoral, M., M. L., May, Smith, Mazon, T., Mazzotta, D., Mcadams, C., Mccarthy, R., Mcclements, P. J., Mccormack, K. G., Mccullen, O., Mcdonald, P. A., Mcintosh, D., Mckean, S., Mckehon, R., Meadows, J., Meakins, R. C., Medina, A., Medland, F., Medley, M., Meigh, S., Meigs, S., Meisl, A. G., Meitner, G., Meneses, S., Menmuir, L., Mergia, S., Merrigan, K., Mertens, I. R., Meshchaninov, P. h., Messiaen, S., Meyer, A., Mianowski, H., Michling, S., Middleton, Gear, Miettunen, D., Militello, J., Militello, Asp, Miloshevsky, E., Mink, G., Minucci, F., Miyoshi, S., Mlynã¡å™, Y., Molina, J., Monakhov, D., Moneti, I., Mooney, M., Moradi, R., Mordijck, S., Moreira, S., Moreno, L., Moro, R., Morris, F., Morris, A. W., Moser, J., Mosher, L., Moulton, S., Murari, D., Muraro, A., Murphy, A., Asakura, S., N. N., Na, Nabais, Y. S., Naish, F., Nakano, R., Nardon, T., Naulin, E., Nave, V., Nedzelski, M. F. F., Nemtsev, I., Nespoli, G., Neto, F., Neu, A., Neverov, R., Newman, V. S., Nicholls, M., Nicolas, K. J., Nielsen, T., Nielsen, A. H., Nilsson, P., Nishijima, E., Noble, D., Nocente, C., Nodwell, M., Nordlund, D., Nordman, K., Nouailletas, H., Nunes, R., Oberkofler, I., Odupitan, M., Ogawa, T., O'Gorman, M. T., Okabayashi, T., Olney, M., Omolayo, R., O'Mullane, O., Ongena, M., Orsitto, J., Orszagh, F., Oswuigwe, J., Otin, B. I., Owen, R., Paccagnella, A., Pace, R., Pacella, N., Packer, D., Page, L. W., Pajuste, A., Palazzo, E., Pamela, S., Panja, S., Papp, S., Paprok, P., Parail, R., Park, V., Parra, Diaz, Parsons, F., Pasqualotto, M., Patel, R., Pathak, A., Paton, S., Patten, D., Pau, H., Pawelec, A., Paz, Soldan, Peackoc, C., Pearson, A., Pehkonen, I. J., Peluso, S. P., Penot, E., Pereira, C., Pereira, A., Pereira, Puglia, P. P., Perez Von Thun, Peruzzo, C., Peschanyi, S., Peterka, S., Petersson, M., Petravich, P., Petre, G., Petrella, A., Petrå¾ilka, N., Peysson, V., Pfefferlã©, Y., Philipps, D., Pillon, V., Pintsuk, M., Piovesan, G., Pires Dos Reis, Piron, Lidia, Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Pizzo, F., Plyusnin, V., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O. G., Pool, P. J., Popovichev, S., Porfiri, M. T., Porosnicu, C., Porton, M., Possnert, G., Potzel, S., Powell, T., Pozzi, J., Prajapati, V., Prakash, R., Prestopino, G., Price, D., Price, M., Price, R., Prior, P., Proudfoot, R., Pucella, G., Puglia, P., Puiatti, M. E., Pulley, D., Purahoo, K., Pã¼tterich, T. h., Rachlew, E., Rack, M., Ragona, R., Rainford, M. S. J., Rakha, A., Ramogida, G., Ranjan, S., Rapson, C. J., Rasmussen, J. J., Rathod, K., Rattã¡, G., Ratynskaia, S., Ravera, G., Rayner, C., Rebai, M., Reece, D., Reed, A., Rã©fy, D., Regan, B., Regaã±a, J., Reich, M., Reid, N., Reimold, F., Reinhart, M., Reinke, M., Reiser, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Reyes, Cortes, Reynolds, S. D. A., Riccardo, S., Richardson, V., Riddle, N., Rigamonti, K., Rimini, D., Risner, F. G., Riva, J., Roach, M., Robins, C., Robinson, R. J., Robinson, S. A., Robson, T., Roccella, D. W., Rodionov, R., Rodrigues, R., Rodriguez, P., Rohde, J., Romanelli, V., Romanelli, F., Romanelli, M., Romazanov, S., Rowe, J., Rubel, S., Rubinacci, M., Rubino, G., Ruchko, G., Ruiz, L., Ruset, M., Rzadkiewicz, C., Saarelma, J., Sabot, S., Safi, R., Sagar, E., Saibene, P., Saint, Laurent, Salewski, F., Salmi, M., Salmon, A., Salzedas, R., Samaddar, F., Samm, D., Sandiford, U., Santa, D., Santala, P., Santos, M. I. K., Santucci, B., Sartori, A., Sartori, F., Sauter, R., Scannell, O., Schlummer, R., Schmid, T., Schmidt, K., Schmuck, V., Schneider, S., Schã¶pf, M., Schwã¶rer, K., Scott, D., Sergienko, S. D., Sertoli, G., Shabbir, M., Sharapov, A., Shaw, S. E., Shaw, A., Sheikh, R., Shepherd, H., Shevelev, A., Shumack, A., Sias, A., Sibbald, G., Sieglin, M., Silburn, B., Silva, S., Silva, A., Simmons, C., Simpson, P. A., Simpson, Hutchinson, Sinha, J., Sipilã¤, A., Sips, S. K., Sirã©n, A. C. C., Sirinelli, P., Sjã¶strand, A., Skiba, H., Skilton, M., Slabkowska, R., Slade, K., Smith, B., Smith, N., Smith, P. G., Smith, R., Smithies, T. J., Snoj, M., Soare, L., Solano, S., Somers, E. R., Sommariva, A., Sonato, C., Piergiorgio, Sopplesa, Sousa, A., Sozzi, J., Spagnolo, C., Silvia, Spelzini, Spineanu, T., Stables, F., Stamatelatos, G., Stamp, I., Staniec, M. F., Stankå«nas, P., Stan, Sion, Stead, C., Stefanikova, M. J., Stepanov, E., Stephen, I., Stephen, A. V., Stevens, M., Stevens, A., Strachan, B. D., Strand, J., Strauss, P., Strã¶m, H. R., Stubbs, P., Studholme, G., Subba, W., Summers, F., Svensson, H. P., Åšwiderski, J., Szabolics, Å. ., Szawlowski, T., Szepesi, M., Suzuki, G., Tã¡l, T. T., Tala, B., Talbot, T., Talebzadeh, A. R., Taliercio, S., Cesare, Tamain, Tame, P., Tang, C., Tardocchi, W., Taroni, M., Taylor, L., Taylor, D., Tegnered, K. A., Telesca, D., Teplova, G., Terranova, N., David, Testa, Tholerus, D., Thomas, E., Thomas, J., Thomas, J. D., Thompson, P., Thompson, A., Thompson, C. A., Thorne, V. K., Thornton, L., Thrysã¸e, A., Tigwell, A. S., Tipton, P. A., Tiseanu, N., Tojo, I., Tokitani, H., Tolias, M., Tomeå¡, P., Tonner, M., Towndrow, P., Trimble, M., Tripsky, P., Tsalas, M., Tsavalas, M., Tskhakaya, Jun, Turner, D., Turner, I., Turnyanskiy, M. M., Tvalashvili, M., Tyrrell, G., Uccello, S. G. J., Abidin, Ul, Uljanovs, Z., Ulyatt, J., Urano, D., Uytdenhouwen, H., Vadgama, I., Valcarcel, A. P., Valentinuzzi, D., Valisa, M., Vallejos, Olivares, Valovic, P., Van De Mortel, Van, Eester, Van, Renterghem, Van, Rooij, Varje, G. J., Varoutis, J., Vartanian, S., Vasava, S., Vasilopoulou, K., Vega, T., Verdoolaege, J., Verhoeven, G., Verona, R., Verona, Rinati, Veshchev, G., Vianello, E., Vicente, N., Viezzer, J., Villari, E., Villone, S., Vincenzi, F., Pietro, Vinyar, Viola, I., Vitins, B., Vizvary, A., Vlad, Z., Voitsekhovitch, M., Vondrã¡äek, I., Vora, P., Vu, N., Pires De Sa, Wakeling, W. W., Waldon, B., Walkden, C. W. F., Walker, N., Walker, M., Walsh, R., Wang, M., Wang, E., Warder, N., Warren, S., Waterhouse, R. J., Watkins, J., Watts, N. W., Wauters, C., Weckmann, T., Weiland, A., Weisen, J., Weiszflog, H., Wellstood, M., West, C., Wheatley, A. T., Whetham, M. R., Whitehead, S., Whitehead, A. M., Widdowson, B. D., Wiesen, A. M., Wilkinson, S., Williams, J., Wilson, M., Wilson, A. R., Wilson, D. J., Wilson, H. R., Wischmeier, J., Withenshaw, M., Withycombe, G., Witts, A., Wood, D. M., Wood, D., Woodley, R., Wray, C., Wright, S., Wright, J., J. C., Wu, Wukitch, J., Wynn, S., Xu, A., Yadikin, T., Yanling, D., Yao, W., Yavorskij, L., Yoo, V., Young, M. G., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I. D., Zacks, R., Zagorski, J., Zaitsev, R., Zanino, F. S., Zarins, R., Zastrow, A., Zerbini, K. D., Zhang, M., Zhou, W., Zilli, Y., Zoita, E., Zoletnik, V., Zychor, S., I, JET Contributors, Salewski, M, Nocente, M, Jacobsen, A, Binda, F, Cazzaniga, C, Ericsson, G, Eriksson, J, Gorini, G, Hellesen, C, Hjalmarsson, A, Kiptily, V, Koskela, T, Korsholm, S, Kurki Suonio, T, Leipold, F, Madsen, J, Moseev, D, Nielsen, S, Rasmussen, J, Schneider, M, Sharapov, S, Stejner, M, and Tardocchi, M
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,gamma-ray spectrometry ,Neutron emission ,Fluids & Plasmas ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,Nuclear Theory ,01 natural sciences ,7. Clean energy ,Atomic ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,Ion ,Nuclear physics ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Physics::Plasma Physics ,0103 physical sciences ,fast ion ,γ-ray spectrometry ,Neutron ,Nuclear ,Emission spectrum ,fast ions ,010306 general physics ,Nuclear Experiment ,tokamak ,Nuclear and High Energy Physic ,Physics ,Jet (fluid) ,Neutron stimulated emission computed tomography ,Gamma ray ,Molecular ,neutron emission spectrometry ,velocity-space tomography ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Physics::Accelerator Physics ,Atomic physics ,Ion cyclotron resonance - Abstract
© 2017 Technical University of Denmark. We demonstrate the measurement of a 2D MeV-range ion velocity distribution function by velocity-space tomography at JET. Deuterium ions were accelerated into the MeV-range by third harmonic ion cyclotron resonance heating. We made measurements with three neutron emission spectrometers and a high-resolution γ-ray spectrometer detecting the γ-rays released in two reactions. The tomographic inversion based on these five spectra is in excellent agreement with numerical simulations with the ASCOT-RFOF and the SPOT-RFOF codes. The length of the measured fast-ion tail corroborates the prediction that very few particles are accelerated above 2 MeV due to the weak wave-particle interaction at higher energies.
- Published
- 2017
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10. Semi-Automated Mathematics.
- Author
Guard, J. R., Oglesby, F. C., Bennett, J. H., and Settle, L. G.
- Published
- 1969
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11. Semi-Automated Mathematics
- Author
Guard, J. R., primary, Oglesby, F. C., additional, Bennett, J. H., additional, and Settle, L. G., additional
- Published
- 1969
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12. Assignment of serotype toS almonella entericaisolates obtained from poultry and their environment in southern B razil
- Author
Pulido‐Landínez, M., primary, Sánchez‐Ingunza, R., additional, Guard, J., additional, and Nascimento, V. Pinheiro do, additional
- Published
- 2013
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13. ChemInform Abstract: Heterocyclic Tautomerism. Part 10. X-Ray Crystal Structures of Two 5- Substituted 1,2,4-Thiadiazol-3-ones.
- Author
GUARD, J. A. M., primary and STEEL, P. J., additional
- Published
- 2010
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14. ChemInform Abstract: Heterocyclic Tautomerism. Part 9. Structural Revision of a Series of Pharmacologically Active Pyridazines.
- Author
GUARD, J. A. M., primary and STEEL, P. J., additional
- Published
- 2010
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15. Organizing the Electronic Sweatshop: Rank-and-File Participation in Canada's Steel Union
- Author
Guard, J., primary, Steedman, M., additional, and Garcia-Orgales, J., additional
- Published
- 2007
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16. Building Research Administration Applications for the Academic Health Center: A Case Study
- Author
Guard, J Roger, primary, Brueggemann, Ralph F., additional, Highsmith, Robert F., additional, Marine, Stephen A., additional, Riep, Josette R., additional, and Schick, Leslie C., additional
- Published
- 2005
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17. Nursing the Community in Cyberspace
- Author
Hern, Marcia, primary, Weitkamp, Tina, additional, Haag, Doris, additional, Trigg, Janet, additional, and Guard, J. Roger, additional
- Published
- 1997
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18. Approaching Equity in Consumer Health Information Delivery: Net Wellness
- Author
Morris, T. A, primary, Guard, J R., additional, Marine, S. A, additional, Schick, L., additional, Haag, D., additional, Tsipis, G., additional, Kaya, B., additional, and Shoemaker, S., additional
- Published
- 1997
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19. A Community Approach to Serving Health Information Needs: NetWellness
- Author
Guard, J. Roger, primary, Morris, Theodore A., additional, Schick, Leslie, additional, Marine, Stephen A., additional, Kaya, Birsen, additional, Haag, Doris, additional, Shoemaker, Steve, additional, and Tsipis, Gaylene, additional
- Published
- 1996
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20. Database management at the Lisheen deposit, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
- Author
Barry, J., primary, Guard, J., additional, and Walton, G., additional
- Published
- 1994
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- Author
Miller, J. J., primary, MacRac, H. S-H., additional, Jaffe, J. A., additional, Ryan, S. P., additional, and Guard, J. D., additional
- Published
- 1993
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22. Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems: a twenty-year history at the University of Cincinnati.
- Author
Guard, J. Roger, Brueggemann, Ralph F., Fant, William K., Hutton, John J., Kues, John R., Marine, Stephen A., Rouan, Gregory W., and Schick, Leslie C.
- Subjects
- *
MEDICAL libraries , *INFORMATION resources management , *MEDICAL education , *INTEGRATED Advanced Information Management Systems (National Library of Medicine) - Abstract
The University of Cincinnati (UC) has been active in the National Library of Medicine's Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS) program since IAIMS' inception in 1984. UC received IAIMS planning and modeling grants in the 1980s, spent the 1990s practicing its own form of "iaims" and refining its vision, and, in May 2003, received an IAIMS operations grant in the first round of awards under "the next generation" program. This paper discusses the history of IAIMS at UC and describes the goals, methods, and strategies of the current IAIMS program. The goals of UC's IAIMS program are to: improve teaching effectiveness by improving the assessment of health professional students and residents in laboratory and clinical teaching and learning environments; improve the ability of researchers, educators, and students to acquire and apply the knowledge required to be more productive in genomic research and education; and increase the productivity of researchers and administrators in the pre-award, post-award, and compliance phases of the research lifecycle. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
23. Tracing technology in the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries.
- Author
Guard, J. Roger and Peay, Wayne J.
- Subjects
- *
LIBRARY associations , *TECHNOLOGY , *ASSOCIATIONS, institutions, etc. - Abstract
Examines the innovative applications of technology in the operations of the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL). Ways in which the AAHSL encouraged technological development by its members; Background on information technology at the time of the formation of AAHSL; Reasons for few substantive information or knowledge domain initiatives from the AAHSL/Group on Information Resources collaboration.
- Published
- 2003
24. Heterocyclic tautomerism. VI. A redetermination and reassignment of the structure of 2-aminothiazol-4(5 H)-one (pseudothiohydantoin).
- Author
Steel, P. J. and Guard, J. A. M.
- Published
- 1994
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25. Database management at the Lisheen deposit, Co. Tipperary, Ireland.
- Author
Barry J., Guard J., Walton G., Barry J., Guard J., and Walton G.
- Abstract
The Lisheen lead-silver-zinc deposit was discovered by the Chevron Mineral Corporation of Ireland/Ivernia West plc Joint Venture in 1990. The mineral resource estimate is 20 500 000 tonnes grading 13.3% Zn, 2.3% Pb, and 35 g/tonne Ag. Massive sphalerite-galena-pyrite mineralisation occurs at the base of the dolomitised, Lower Carboniferous Waulsortian limestones and is bounded to the S by a shallow-dipping normal fault. Diamond drill hole data are stored in a relational database management system called TECHBASE with graphical output to Autocad. Coding, and in particular nesting coding, facilitates data filtering and efficient editing and interrogation of data. Faster processing and editing of data considerably increases the generating speed of maps, sections and data reports which results in faster, and more accurate calculation of mineral resource estimates., The Lisheen lead-silver-zinc deposit was discovered by the Chevron Mineral Corporation of Ireland/Ivernia West plc Joint Venture in 1990. The mineral resource estimate is 20 500 000 tonnes grading 13.3% Zn, 2.3% Pb, and 35 g/tonne Ag. Massive sphalerite-galena-pyrite mineralisation occurs at the base of the dolomitised, Lower Carboniferous Waulsortian limestones and is bounded to the S by a shallow-dipping normal fault. Diamond drill hole data are stored in a relational database management system called TECHBASE with graphical output to Autocad. Coding, and in particular nesting coding, facilitates data filtering and efficient editing and interrogation of data. Faster processing and editing of data considerably increases the generating speed of maps, sections and data reports which results in faster, and more accurate calculation of mineral resource estimates.
26. L. Henkin. A theory of propositional types. Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 52 (1963), pp. 323–344. (See Errata, Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 53 no. 1 (1963), p. 119.)
- Author
Guard, J. R., primary
- Published
- 1965
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27. Fundamenta Mathematicae: A Theory of Propositional Types L. Henkin
- Author
Guard, J. R.
- Published
- 1965
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28. A Consistency-Proof of a Formal Theory of Ackermann's Ordinal Numbers Akiko Kino
- Author
Guard, J. R.
- Published
- 1965
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29. Fundamenta Mathematicae: A Reduction of the Axioms for the Theory of Propositional Types P. Andrews
- Author
Guard, J. R.
- Published
- 1965
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30. Improvise and dare
- Author
Guard, J.S.
- Subjects
BOOK REVIEWS - Published
- 1997
31. ChemInform Abstract: Heterocyclic Tautomerism. Part 9. Structural Revision of a Series of Pharmacologically Active Pyridazines.
- Author
GUARD, J. A. M. and STEEL, P. J.
- Published
- 1996
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32. ChemInform Abstract: Heterocyclic Tautomerism. Part 10. X-Ray Crystal Structures of Two 5- Substituted 1,2,4-Thiadiazol-3-ones.
- Author
GUARD, J. A. M. and STEEL, P. J.
- Published
- 1996
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33. Book Review: Fundamenta mathematicae
- Author
Guard, J. R.
- Published
- 1965
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34. Book Review: Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
- Author
Guard, J. R.
- Published
- 1965
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35. Prevalence of coliforms, Salmonella, Listeria, and Campylobacter associated with eggs and the environment of conventional cage and free-range egg production.
- Author
Jones, D. R., Anderson, K. E., and Guard, J. Y.
- Subjects
- *
There is a desire by US consumers for eggs produced by hens in alternative production systems. As the retail shell-egg market offers these products to accommodate consumer demands, additional information is needed to ensure processing methodologies result in safe eggs from all egg sources. A study was conducted to determine if there were differences in the prevalence of coliforms, Salmonella, Listeria, and Camp ylobacter on and within eggs and in the environment of a sister flock of conventional cage and free-range laying hens. Microbial sampling occurred approximately every 6 wk between 20 and 79 wk of age. A random sampling of typical coliform colonies produced 371 viable isolates for biochemical identification. Twenty-nine genera or species of bacteria were identified. There was a significantly greater (P < 0.0001) prevalence of Camp ybbacter in the free-range nest box swabs compared with that in the free-range grass and conventional cage swab samples (number of positives: 8 nest box, 1 grass, 0 cage). Seven isolates of Listeria innocua were detected with no significant difference in prevalence between the treatments. Isolates were associated with eggshells (2 free-range floor, 1 cage) and the free-range environment (2 nest box, 2 grass). There were 21 Salmonella isolates detected between all sample locations, with no significant difference in the prevalence of Salmonella detection between the treatments. Additional studies are needed to fully understand the effect of alternative production methods on the prevalence of pathogens and coliforms associated with nest-run eggs and the production environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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36. Fibroblasts transfection by electroporation in 3D reconstructed human dermal tissue.
- Author
Albérola G, Bellard E, Kolosnjaj-Tabi J, Guard J, Golzio M, and Rols MP
- Subjects
- Humans, Transfection, Plasmids genetics, Collagen genetics, Fibroblasts, Electroporation methods, DNA genetics
- Abstract
The understanding of the mechanisms involved in DNA electrotransfer in human skin remains modest and limits the clinical development of various biomedical applications, such as DNA vaccination. To elucidate some mechanisms of DNA transfer in the skin following electroporation, we created a model of the dermis using a tissue engineering approach. This model allowed us to study the electrotransfection of fibroblasts in a three-dimensional environment that included multiple layers of fibroblasts as well as the self-secreted collagen matrix. With the aim of improving transfection yield, we applied electrical pulses with electric field lines perpendicular to the reconstructed model tissue. Our results indicate that the fibroblasts of the reconstructed skin tissue can be efficiently permeabilized by applied millisecond electrical pulses. However, despite efficient permeabilization, the transfected cells remain localized only on the surface of the microtissue, to which the plasmid was deposited. Second harmonic generation microscopy revealed the extensive extracellular collagen matrix around the fibroblasts, which might have affected the mobility of the plasmid into deeper layers of the skin tissue model. Our results show that the used skin tissue model reproduces the structural barriers that might be responsible for the limited gene electrotransfer in the skin., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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37. Serotype Screening of Salmonella enterica Subspecies I by Intergenic Sequence Ribotyping (ISR): Critical Updates.
- Author
Guard J, Jones DR, Gast RK, Garcia JS, and Rothrock MJ
- Abstract
(1) Background: Foodborne illness from Salmonella enterica subspecies I is most associated with approximately 32 out of 1600 serotypes. While whole genome sequencing and other nucleic acid-based methods are preferred for serotyping, they require expertise in bioinformatics and often submission to an external agency. Intergenic Sequence Ribotyping (ISR) assigns serotype to Salmonella in coordination with information freely available at the National Center for Biotechnology Information. ISR requires updating because it was developed from 26 genomes while there are now currently 1804 genomes and 1685 plasmids. (2) Methods: Serotypes available for sequencing were analyzed by ISR to confirm primer efficacy and to identify any issues in application. Differences between the 2012 and 2022 ISR database were tabulated, nomenclature edited, and instances of multiple serotypes aligning to a single ISR were examined. (3) Results: The 2022 ISR database has 268 sequences and 40 of these were assigned new NCBI accession numbers that were not previously available. Extending boundaries of sequences resolved hdfR cross-alignment and reduced multiplicity of alignment for 37 ISRs. Comparison of gene cyaA sequences and some cell surface epitopes provided evidence that homologous recombination was potentially impacting results for this subset. There were 99 sequences that still had no match with an NCBI submission. (4) The 2022 ISR database is available for use as a serotype screening method for Salmonella enterica subspecies I. Finding that 36.9% of the sequences in the ISR database still have no match within the NCBI Salmonella enterica database suggests that there is more genomic heterogeneity yet to characterize.
- Published
- 2022
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38. Through the Looking Glass: Genome, Phenome, and Interactome of Salmonella enterica .
- Author
Guard J
- Abstract
This review revisits previous concepts on biological phenomenon contributing to the success of the Salmonella enterica subspecies I as a pathogen and expands upon them to include progress in epidemiology based on whole genome sequencing (WGS). Discussion goes beyond epidemiological uses of WGS to consider how phenotype, which is the biological character of an organism, can be correlated with its genotype to develop a knowledge of the interactome. Deciphering genome interactions with proteins, the impact of metabolic flux, epigenetic modifications, and other complex biochemical processes will lead to new therapeutics, control measures, environmental remediations, and improved design of vaccines.
- Published
- 2022
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39. Erratum for Oladeinde et al., "Horizontal Gene Transfer Is the Main Driver of Antimicrobial Resistance in Broiler Chicks Infected with Salmonella enterica Serovar Heidelberg".
- Author
Oladeinde A, Abdo Z, Press MO, Cook K, Cox NA, Zwirzitz B, Woyda R, Lakin SM, Thomas JC 4th, Looft T, Cosby DE, Hinton A Jr, Guard J, Line E, Rothrock MJ, Berrang ME, Herrington K, Zock G, Plumblee Lawrence J, Cudnik D, House S, Ingram K, Lariscy L, Wagner M, Aggrey SE, Chai L, and Ritz C
- Published
- 2021
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40. AT Homopolymer Strings in Salmonella enterica Subspecies I Contribute to Speciation and Serovar Diversity.
- Author
Guard J, Rivers AR, Vaughn JN, Rothrock MJ Jr, Oladeinde A, and Shah DH
- Abstract
Adenine and thymine homopolymer strings of at least 8 nucleotides (AT 8+mers) were characterized in Salmonella enterica subspecies I. The motif differed between other taxonomic classes but not between Salmonella enterica serovars. The motif in plasmids was possibly associated with serovar. Approximately 12.3% of the S. enterica motif loci had mutations. Mutability of AT 8+mers suggests that genomes undergo frequent repair to maintain optimal gene content, and that the motif facilitates self-recognition; in addition, serovar diversity is associated with plasmid content. A theory that genome regeneration accounts for both persistence of predominant Salmonella serovars and serovar diversity provides a new framework for investigating root causes of foodborne illness.
- Published
- 2021
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41. Horizontal Gene Transfer Is the Main Driver of Antimicrobial Resistance in Broiler Chicks Infected with Salmonella enterica Serovar Heidelberg.
- Author
Oladeinde A, Abdo Z, Press MO, Cook K, Cox NA, Zwirzitz B, Woyda R, Lakin SM, Thomas JC 4th, Looft T, Cosby DE, Hinton A Jr, Guard J, Line E, Rothrock MJ, Berrang ME, Herrington K, Zock G, Plumblee Lawrence J, Cudnik D, House S, Ingram K, Lariscy L, Wagner M, Aggrey SE, Chai L, and Ritz C
- Abstract
The overuse and misuse of antibiotics in clinical settings and in food production have been linked to the increased prevalence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AR). Consequently, public health and consumer concerns have resulted in a remarkable reduction in antibiotics used for food animal production. However, there are no data on the effectiveness of antibiotic removal in reducing AR shared through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). In this study, we used neonatal broiler chicks and Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg, a model food pathogen, to test if chicks raised antibiotic free harbor transferable AR. We challenged chicks with an antibiotic-susceptible S . Heidelberg strain using various routes of inoculation and determined if S . Heidelberg isolates recovered carried plasmids conferring AR. We used antimicrobial susceptibility testing and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to show that chicks grown without antibiotics harbored an antimicrobial resistant S . Heidelberg population at 14 days after challenge and chicks challenged orally acquired AR at a higher rate than chicks inoculated via the cloaca. Using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, we found that S . Heidelberg infection perturbed the microbiota of broiler chicks, and we used metagenomics and WGS to confirm that a commensal Escherichia coli population was the main reservoir of an IncI1 plasmid acquired by S . Heidelberg. The carriage of this IncI1 plasmid posed no fitness cost to S . Heidelberg but increased its fitness when exposed to acidic pH in vitro . These results suggest that HGT of plasmids carrying AR shaped the evolution of S . Heidelberg and that antibiotic use reduction alone is insufficient to limit antibiotic resistance transfer from commensal bacteria to Salmonella enterica. IMPORTANCE The reported increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans has resulted in a major shift away from antibiotic use in food animal production. This shift has been driven by the assumption that removing antibiotics will select for antibiotic susceptible bacterial taxa, which in turn will allow the currently available antibiotic arsenal to be more effective. This change in practice has highlighted new questions that need to be answered to assess the effectiveness of antibiotic removal in reducing the spread of antibiotic resistance bacteria. This research demonstrates that antibiotic-susceptible Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg strains can acquire multidrug resistance from commensal bacteria present in the gut of neonatal broiler chicks, even in the absence of antibiotic selection. We demonstrate that exposure to acidic pH drove the horizontal transfer of antimicrobial resistance plasmids and suggest that simply removing antibiotics from food animal production might not be sufficient to limit the spread of antimicrobial resistance.
- Published
- 2021
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42. The occurrence of Salmonella, extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli and carbapenem resistant non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria in a backyard poultry flock environment.
- Author
Shah DH, Board MM, Crespo R, Guard J, Paul NC, and Faux C
- Subjects
- Aged, Animal Husbandry, Animals, Child, Preschool, Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial, Escherichia coli drug effects, Escherichia coli isolation & purification, Escherichia coli Infections microbiology, Escherichia coli Infections veterinary, Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial, Gene Expression Regulation, Enzymologic, Gram-Negative Bacteria classification, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections microbiology, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections veterinary, Housing, Animal, Humans, Salmonella isolation & purification, Salmonella Infections, Animal microbiology, Surveys and Questionnaires, beta-Lactamases genetics, beta-Lactamases metabolism, Anti-Bacterial Agents pharmacology, Carbapenems pharmacology, Chickens microbiology, Escherichia coli enzymology, Gram-Negative Bacteria drug effects, Salmonella drug effects
- Abstract
Increase in the number of small-scale backyard poultry flocks in the USA has substantially increased human-to-live poultry contact, leading to increased public health risks of the transmission of multi-drug resistant (MDR) zoonotic and food-borne bacteria. The objective of this study was to detect the occurrence of Salmonella and MDR Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) in the backyard poultry flock environment. A total of 34 backyard poultry flocks in Washington State (WA) were sampled. From each flock, one composite coop sample and three drag swabs from nest floor, waterer-feeder, and a random site with visible faecal smearing, respectively, were collected. The samples were processed for isolation of Salmonella and other fermenting and non-fermenting GNB under ceftiofur selection. Each isolate was identified to species level using MALDI-TOFF and tested for resistance against 16 antibiotics belonging to eight antibiotic classes. Salmonella serovar 1,4,[5],12:i:- was isolated from one (3%) out of 34 flocks. Additionally, a total of 133 ceftiofur resistant (Cef
R ) GNB including Escherichia coli (53), Acinetobacter spp. (45), Pseudomonas spp. (22), Achromobacter spp. (8), Bordetella trematum (1), Hafnia alvei (1), Ochrobactrum intermedium (1), Raoultella ornithinolytica (1), and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (1) were isolated. Of these, 110 (82%) isolates displayed MDR. Each flock was found positive for the presence of one or more CefR GNB. Several MDR E. coli (n = 15) were identified as extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) positive. Carbapenem resistance was detected in non-fermenting GNB including Acinetobacter spp. (n = 20), Pseudomonas spp. (n = 11) and Stenotrophomonas maltophila (n = 1). ESBL positive E. coli and carbapenem resistant non-fermenting GNB are widespread in the backyard poultry flock environment in WA State. These GNB are known to cause opportunistic infections, especially in immunocompromised hosts. Better understanding of the ecology and epidemiology of these GNB in the backyard poultry flock settings is needed to identify potential risks of transmission to people in proximity., (© 2020 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.)- Published
- 2020
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43. Low Dose Infection of Hens in Lay with Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis from Different Genomic Clades.
- Author
Guard J, Rothrock M, Jones D, and Gast R
- Subjects
- Animals, Cecum microbiology, Female, Genome, Bacterial, Liver microbiology, Ovary microbiology, Reproduction, Salmonella enteritidis genetics, Spleen microbiology, Chickens, Poultry Diseases microbiology, Salmonella Infections, Animal microbiology, Salmonella enteritidis physiology
- Abstract
Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis is the leading cause of salmonellosis in people, and modeling of infections in chickens is used to identify intervention strategies. A review of 80 manuscripts encompassing 119 experiments indicated that the mean dose of infection was 10
8 CFU per bird. Experiments of less than 106 CFU were primarily conducted in immature birds. To address a lack of information on the impact of low dosages on the hen at lay, two experiments were conducted in triplicate. Experiment A addressed issues associated with vaccination; thus, hens were infected intramuscularly at 103 , 105 , and 107 CFU. For Experiment B, which was focused more on colonization and invasion, hens were infected orally with 5 × 103 CFU with 4 strains from different genomic clades. Samples from liver, spleen, ovarian pedicle, and paired ceca in both experiments were cultured 5, 6, 7, and 8 days postinfection. Eggshell microbiome taxa were assessed in Experiment B. Results indicated that dosages of 103 CFU in both experiments produced enough positive samples to be used within models. The intramuscular route resulted in approximately twice as many positive samples as the oral route. The kinetics of infection appeared to differ between low and high dosages suggestive of a J-curve response. These results could impact risk assessments if the hen at lay has a nonlinear response to infectious dose.- Published
- 2020
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44. Genome sequence analysis of 91 Salmonella Enteritidis isolates from mice caught on poultry farms in the mid 1990s.
- Author
Guard J, Cao G, Luo Y, Baugher JD, Davison S, Yao K, Hoffmann M, Zhang G, Likens N, Bell RL, Zheng J, Brown E, and Allard M
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Animals, Farms, Genome, Bacterial, INDEL Mutation, Mice, Minisatellite Repeats, Phenotype, Phylogeny, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, Poultry, Salmonella enteritidis classification, Salmonella enteritidis isolation & purification, Whole Genome Sequencing, Mutation, Salmonella enteritidis genetics
- Abstract
A total of 91 draft genome sequences were used to analyze isolates of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis obtained from feral mice caught on poultry farms in Pennsylvania. One objective was to find mutations disrupting open reading frames (ORFs) and another was to determine if ORF-disruptive mutations were present in isolates obtained from other sources. A total of 83 mice were obtained between 1995-1998. Isolates separated into two genomic clades and 12 subgroups due to 742 mutations. Nineteen ORF-disruptive mutations were found, and in addition, bigA had exceptional heterogeneity requiring additional evaluation. The TRAMS algorithm detected only 6 ORF disruptions. The sefD mutation was the most frequently encountered mutation and it was prevalent in human, poultry, environmental and mouse isolates. These results confirm previous assessments of the mouse as a rich source of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis that varies in genotype and phenotype., (Published by Elsevier Inc.)
- Published
- 2020
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45. Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of cationic organoruthenium(ii) fluorene complexes: influence of the nature of the counteranion.
- Author
Haghdoost MM, Golbaghi G, Guard J, Sielanczyk S, Patten SA, and Castonguay A
- Subjects
- Animals, Antineoplastic Agents chemical synthesis, Antineoplastic Agents toxicity, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Chemistry Techniques, Synthetic, Coordination Complexes chemical synthesis, Coordination Complexes toxicity, Humans, MCF-7 Cells, Models, Molecular, Molecular Conformation, Zebrafish embryology, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Coordination Complexes chemistry, Coordination Complexes pharmacology, Fluorenes chemistry, Ruthenium chemistry
- Abstract
In this study, five ruthenium arene complexes with fluorene-bearing N,N-(1) and N,O-(2) donor Schiff base ligands were synthesized and fully characterized. Cationic ruthenium complexes 3[X], ([Ru(η
6 -C6 H6 )(Cl)(fluorene-N[double bond, length as m-dash]CH-pyridine)][X] (where X = BF4 , PF6 , BPh4 ), were obtained by reacting ligand 1 with [Ru(η6 -C6 H6 )Cl2 ]2 in the presence of NH4 X salts, whereas neutral complex 4, Ru(η6 -C6 H6 )(Cl)(fluorene-N[double bond, length as m-dash]CH-naphtholate), was isolated by reacting ligand 2 with the same precursor. It was possible to obtain a cationic version of the latter, 5[BF4 ], by reacting 4 with AgBF4 in the presence of pyridine. All compounds were fully characterized by NMR and HR-ESI-MS whereas some of them were also analyzed by single crystal X-ray analysis. Their in vitro antiproliferative activity was also assessed in human breast cancer cell lines, notably MCF-7 and T47D. Complex 4 and its cationic counterpart 5[BF4 ] were found to be the most cytotoxic compounds of the series (IC50 = 6.2-16.2 μM) and displayed higher antiproliferative activities than cisplatin in both cell lines. It was found that 5[BF4 ] undergoes a ligand exchange reaction and readily converts to 4 in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl, explaining the similarity in their observed cytotoxicities. Whereas 3[BF4 ] and 3[PF6 ] were found inactive at the tested concentrations, 3[BPh4 ] displayed a considerable cytotoxicity (IC50 = 16.7-27.8 μM). Notably, 3[BPh4 ], 4 (and 5[BF4 ]) were active against T47D, a cisplatin resistant cell line. Interestingly, 4 (16.4 μM) was found to be less cytotoxic than 3[BPh4 ] and cisplatin (6.6 and 7.9 μM, respectively) in breast healthy cells (MCF-12A). However, in comparison to 4 and cisplatin (at 10 μM), a lower in vivo toxicity was observed for complex 3[BPh4 ] on the development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos.- Published
- 2019
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46. A Microbiomic Analysis of a Pasture-Raised Broiler Flock Elucidates Foodborne Pathogen Ecology Along the Farm-To-Fork Continuum.
- Author
Rothrock MJ Jr, Locatelli A, Feye KM, Caudill AJ, Guard J, Hiett K, and Ricke SC
- Abstract
While conventionally grown poultry continues to dominate the U. S. poultry industry, there is an increasing demand for locally-grown, "all natural" alternatives. The use of next generation sequencing allows for not only the gross (e.g., community structure) but also fine-scale (e.g., taxa abundances) examination of these complex microbial communities. This data provides a better understanding of how a pasture flock's microbiome changes throughout the production life cycle and how that change in microbial ecology changes foodborne pathogens in alternative poultry production systems. In order to understand this ecology better, pooled broiler samples were taken during the entire flock life cycle, from pre-hatch gastrointestinal samples ( N = 12) to fecal samples from the brood ( N = 5), and pasture ( N = 10) periods. Additional samples were taken during processing, including skin and feather rinsates ( N = 12), ceca ( N = 12), and whole carcass rinses ( N = 12), and finally whole carcasss rinsates of final products ( N = 3). Genomic DNA was extracted, 16S rDNA microbiome sequencing was conducted (Illumina MiSeq), and microbiomes were analyzed and compared using QIIME 1.9.1 to determine how microbiomes shifted throughout production continuum, as well as what environmental factors may be influencing these shifts. Significant microbiome shifts occurred during the life cycle of the pasture broiler flock, with the brood and pasture fecal samples and cecal samples being very distinct from the other pre-hatch, processing, and final product samples. Throughout these varied microbiomes, there was a stable core microbiome containing 13 taxa. Within this core microbiome, five taxa represented known foodborne pathogens ( Salmonella, Campylobacter ) or potential/emerging pathogens ( Pseudomonas, Enterococcus, Acinetobacter ) whose relative abundances varied throughout the farm-to-fork continuum, although all were more prevalent in the fecal samples. Additionally, of the 25 physiochemical and nutrient variables measured from the fecal samples, the carbon to nitrogen ratio was one of the most significant variables to warrant further investigations because it impacted both general fecal microbial ecology and Campylobacter and Enterococcus taxa within the core fecal microbiomes. These findings demonstrate the need for further longitudinal, farm-to-fork studies to understand the ecology of the microbial ecology of pasture production flocks to improve animal, environmental, and public health.
- Published
- 2019
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47. Genomic organization and role of SPI-13 in nutritional fitness of Salmonella.
- Author
Elder JR, Paul NC, Burin R, Guard J, and Shah DH
- Subjects
- Bacterial Proteins genetics, Bacterial Proteins metabolism, Gene Deletion, Genes, Bacterial genetics, Genomic Islands genetics, Glucuronic Acid metabolism, Models, Biological, Models, Chemical, Salmonella enteritidis growth & development, Salmonella enteritidis pathogenicity, Serogroup, Tyramine metabolism, Virulence, Genome, Bacterial genetics, Genomic Islands physiology, Salmonella enteritidis genetics, Salmonella enteritidis metabolism
- Abstract
Salmonella pathogenicity island 13 (SPI-13) contributes to the virulence of Salmonella. The majority of the SPI-13 genes encode proteins putatively involved in bacterial metabolism, however, their functions largely remain uncharacterized. It is currently unknown if SPI-13 contributes to metabolic fitness of Salmonella and, if so, what are the metabolic substrates for the protein encoded by genes within SPI-13. We employed Phenotype Microarray (Biolog, USA) to compare the metabolic properties of SPI-13 deficient mutant (ΔSPI-13) and the WT parent strain of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica sub sp. enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis). The results of Phenotype Microarray revealed that SPI-13 is required for efficient utilization of two micronutrients, namely, d-glucuronic acid (DGA) and tyramine (TYR), as sole sources of carbon and/or nitrogen. By systematic deletion of the individual gene(s), we identified specific genes within SPI-13 that are required for efficient utilization of DGA (SEN2977-80) and TYR (SEN2967 and SEN2971-72) as sole nutrient sources. The results show that SPI-13 mediated DGA and TYR metabolic pathways afford nutritional fitness to S. Enteritidis. Comparative genomics analysis of the SPI-13 locus from 247 Salmonella strains belonging to 57 different serovars revealed that SPI-13 genes specifically involved in the metabolism of DGA and TYR are highly conserved in Salmonella enterica. Because DGA and TYR are naturally present as metabolic byproducts in the gastrointestinal tract and other host tissues, we propose a metabolic model that shows that the role of SPI-13 mediated DGA and TYR metabolism in the nutritional fitness of Salmonella is likely linked to nutritional virulence of this pathogen., (Copyright © 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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48. Anticancer Activity and Catalytic Potential of Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes with N,O-Donor Ligands.
- Author
Haghdoost MM, Guard J, Golbaghi G, and Castonguay A
- Abstract
The special ability of organometallic complexes to catalyze various transformations might offer new effective mechanisms for the treatment of cancer. Studies that report both the biological properties and the ability of metallic complexes to promote therapeutically relevant catalytic reactions are limited. Herein, we report the anticancer activity and catalytic potential of some ruthenium(II)-arene complexes bearing bidentate Schiff base ligands (2a and 2b) and their reduced analogues (5a and 5b, respectively). In comparison to their Schiff base counterparts 2a and 2b, we demonstrate that amine complexes 5a and 5b display (i) a higher in vitro antiproliferative activity on different human cancer cell lines, (ii) a lower rate of hydrolysis, and (iii) an improved initial catalytic rate for the reduction of NAD
+ to NADH. In contrast to their imine analogues 2a and 2b, we also show that amine complexes 5a and 5b induce the generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Our results highlight the impact that a simple ligand modification such as the reduction of an imine moiety can have on both the catalytic and biological activities of metal complexes. Moreover, the ruthenium complexes reported here display some antiproliferative activity against T47D breast cancer cells, known for their cis-platin resistance.- Published
- 2018
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49. Multiplication in Egg Yolk and Survival in Egg Albumen of Genetically and Phenotypically Characterized Salmonella Enteritidis Strains.
- Author
Gast RK, Guard J, Guraya R, and Locatelli A
- Subjects
- Animals, Chickens, Colony Count, Microbial, Humans, Refrigeration, Egg White microbiology, Egg Yolk microbiology, Food Preservation methods, Salmonella enteritidis genetics, Salmonella enteritidis growth & development
- Abstract
Prompt refrigeration of eggs to prevent the multiplication of Salmonella Enteritidis to high levels during storage is an important practice for reducing the risk of egg-transmitted human illness. The efficacy of egg refrigeration for achieving this goal depends on the interaction among the location of contamination, the ability of contaminant strains to survive or multiply, and the rate at which growth-restricting temperatures are attained. The present study assessed the significance of several characterized genetic and phenotypic properties for the capabilities of 10 Salmonella Enteritidis isolates to multiply rapidly in egg yolk and survive for several days in egg albumen during unrefrigerated (25°C) storage. The growth of small numbers of each Salmonella Enteritidis strain (approximately 10
1 CFU/mL) inoculated into egg yolk samples was determined after 6 and 24 h of incubation. The survival of larger numbers of Salmonella Enteritidis (approximately 105 CFU/mL) inoculated into albumen samples was determined at 24 and 96 h of incubation. In yolk, the inoculated Salmonella Enteritidis strains multiplied to mean levels of approximately 102.6 CFU/mL after 6 h of incubation and 108.3 CFU/mL after 24 h. In albumen, mean levels of approximately 104.6 CFU/mL Salmonella Enteritidis were maintained through 96 h. The concentrations of the various Salmonella strains after incubation in either yolk or albumen were distributed over relatively narrow ranges of values. Significant ( P < 0.01) differences observed among individual strains suggested that maintenance of the fimbrial gene sefD may have positive genetic selection value by improving fitness to grow inside egg yolk, whereas the antibiotic resistance gene blaTEM-1 tet(A) appeared to have negative genetic selection value by decreasing fitness to survive in egg albumen.- Published
- 2018
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50. Serotyping of Salmonella Enterica Isolated from Mice Caught on US Poultry Farms 1995 through 1998.
- Author
Guard J, Henzler DJ, Ramadan H, Jones DR, Gast RK, Davison S, and Allard MW
- Abstract
In this study, a collection of Salmonella enterica subspecies obtained from live mice caught on 32 poultry farms in the Northeast US between 1995 to 1998 was evaluated to provide a historical reference for serotype distribution during a time when egg contamination by serotype Enteritidis was at its peak. Of 821 mice cultured, 157 were positive (19.1%). Seven mice harbored two serotypes of Salmonella . Nine serotypes were detected, eight of which are often associated with foodborne illness. The three most prevalent serotypes were Enteritidis, Heidelberg, and Typhimurium. Enteritidis and Typhimurium were obtained from both spleens and intestines without preference according to type of sample. In contrast, Heidelberg was isolated most often from intestines and Schwarzengrund was most often obtained from spleens. These results support that the house mouse Mus musculus was a risk factor for introduction of multiple pathogenic Salmonella serotypes in poultry raised in the Northeast US during the mid-1990s. Isolates were submitted to the Food and Drug Administration and draft genomes for 64 isolates of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis data have been released through the National Center for Biotechnology Information via the GenomeTrakr network., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflict of interest., (©2018 Food Safety Commission, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.)
- Published
- 2018
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