Gambrell, Linda B., Morrow, Lesley Mandel, Pressley, Michael, Guthrie, John T., Gambrell, Linda B., Morrow, Lesley Mandel, Pressley, Michael, and Guthrie, John T.
Now in a thoroughly revised and expanded third edition, this evidence-based book distills the latest knowledge about literacy teaching and learning into clear strategies for helping all children succeed. Within a comprehensive conceptual framework, the field's leading authorities provide eminently practical recommendations to guide instructional decision making. The third edition has been fully updated with current research findings, policy issues, and program innovations. It offers significantly revised coverage of assessment, motivation, approaches to integrating different kinds of texts and multimedia resources, and adolescent literacy. New chapters address working with English language learners and supporting teachers' professional development. Also featured is a new concluding commentary by Michael Pressley. Following an introduction by Linda B. Gambrell, Lesley Mandel Morrow, and Michael Pressley, this book is divided into five sections. Section I, Perspectives on Best Practices, presents the following chapters: (1) Evidence-Based Best Practices for Comprehensive Literacy Instruction (Linda B. Gambrell, Jacquelynn A. Malloy, and Susan Anders Mazzoni); and (2) Balance in Comprehensive Literacy Instruction: Then and Now (P. David Pearson, Taffy E. Raphael, Vicki L. Benson, and Christina L. Madda). Section II, Best Practices for All Students, then presents chapters: (3) Best Practices in Early Literacy Development in Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade (Lesley Mandel Morrow and Diane H. Tracey); (4) Best Practices for Struggling Readers (Richard L. Allington and Kim Baker); (5) Best Practices for Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners (Maria S. Carlo); and (6) Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction (Donna Ogle with Laura Lang). Section III, Evidence-Based Strategies for Literacy Learning and Teaching, contains chapters: (7) Best Practices in Teaching Phonological Awareness and Phonics (Patricia M. Cunningham); (8) Best Practices in Vocabulary Instruction (Camille L. Z. Blachowicz and Peter J. Fisher); (9) Best Practices in Fluency Instruction (Melanie R. Kuhn and Timothy Rasinski); (10) Best Practices in Teaching Comprehension (Cathy Collins Block and Michael Pressley); (11) Best Practices in Teaching Writing (Karen Bromley); and (12) Best Practices in Literacy Assessment (Peter Afflerbach). Section IV, Perspectives on Special Issues, presents chapters: (13) Instructional Resources in the Classroom: Deepening Understanding through Interactions with Multiple Texts and Multiple Media (Linda Kucan, Diane Lapp, James Flood, and Douglas Fisher); (14) Organizing Effective Literacy Instruction: Differentiating Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Children (D. Ray Reutzel); (15) Effective Use of Technology in Literacy Instruction (Michael C. McKenna, Linda D. Labbo, David Reinking, and Tricia A. Zucker); and (16) Best Practices in Professional Development for Improving Literacy Instruction (Rita M. Bean and Aimee Morewood). Section V, Future Directions, concludes the book with chapter: (17) Achieving Best Practices (Michael Pressley). [For the second edition of "Best Practices in Literacy Instruction," see ED481438.]