1,798 results on '"HD5701-6000.9"'
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2. Task content of jobs and mothers’ employment transitions in Germany
- Author
Honorata Bogusz
- Subjects
Task content of jobs ,Employment transitions ,Competing risk ,Germany ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract I study the association between task content of jobs and mothers’ employment transitions after the first birth in Germany. I construct measures of task content of jobs using data from the Employment Survey conducted by the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BiBB). These indicators illustrate the career cost of children and how it is impacted by the technology- and globalization-driven labour market change. The measures are then linked to high-quality individual register data from the German Pension Fund (FDZ-RV) covering the years 2012–2020. Utilizing competing risk models, I show that women engaged in occupations with analytic and interactive task content, which are in high demand and incompatible with maternity-related employment breaks, are the most likely to transition to employment after their first birth. Conversely, women with occupations intense in routine tasks, which are more susceptible to automation or trade competition, are more likely to experience unemployment.
- Published
- 2024
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3. The gender gap in the wage sensitivity of job transitions: a decomposition analysis
- Author
Céline Detilleux and Nick Deschacht
- Subjects
Gender ,Economic preferences ,Mediation analysis ,Monopsony power ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Previous research shows that female workers are less sensitive to wages in their decision to switch jobs than male workers, and that this could explain a substantial part of the gender wage gap. This paper studies to what extent gender differences in preferences and personality traits explain the gender gap in the wage-elasticity of job-to-job transitions in the labor market. Using a novel decomposition approach in the context of mediated moderation and using German Socio-Economic Panel Survey (G-SOEP) data for the period 2005–2019, we find that gender differences in risk preferences, patience, trust, reciprocity, altruism, conscientiousness, ambition and self-esteem explain about 25% of the gender gap in wage-elasticities of job separations. A detailed decomposition suggests that risk preferences, trust and ambition contribute most to this gender gap in wage-elasticity.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Byråkratisk tvangstrøye eller brekkstang for mangfold? Hvordan aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten former virksomheters mangfoldsarbeid
- Author
Runa Brandal Myklebust, Marjan Nadim, and Julia Orupabo
- Subjects
mangfold ,likestilling ,arbeidsgivere ,aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten ,diversity ,equality ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Gjennom aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten (ARP) er alle norske virksomheter lovpålagt å arbeide aktivt, målrettet og planmessig med å fremme likestilling og hindre diskriminering basert på alle diskrimineringsgrunnlag. Ifølge forskningen om hva som skaper fremgang i virksomheters mangfoldsarbeid, er det nettopp slike strukturrettede tiltak hvor noen i organisasjonen gis et institusjonelt ansvar for mangfoldstiltakene, som er vesentlig for å lykkes. I denne artikkelen undersøker vi to spørsmål. Hvordan former den lovpålagte forpliktelsen til å drive mangfoldsarbeid virksomheters arbeid med likestilling og mangfold? Hva skal til for at de som er ansvarlige for og involverte i mangfoldsarbeidet, opplever dette arbeidet som virkningsfullt og effektivt? Basert på en studie av 15 offentlige og private virksomheter finner vi at tre aspekter ved ARP er sentrale for å forstå hvordan ARP fungerer som et verktøy i virksomhetenes mangfoldsarbeid, både i positiv og i negativ forstand: ARP som plikt, ARP som metode og ARP som ansvarsstruktur. Studien viser at aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten kan fungere som en brekkstang for mangfoldsarbeid i virksomhetene og bidra til å etablere ansvarsstrukturer for dette arbeidet. Samtidig møter arbeidet med de lovpålagte pliktene betydelig motstand i virksomhetene, og mange opplever at ARP-arbeidet i liten grad skaper synergier med det eksisterende arbeidet med likestilling og mangfold. Analysen viser også at selv om det finnes ansvarsstrukturer for mangfoldsarbeidet, er graden av gjennomslag de ansvarlige opplever å ha i organisasjonen, avhengig av i hvilken grad det generelle mangfoldsarbeidet er forankret i ledelsen og/eller integrert i virksomhetens kjernevirke.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Hvordan fungerer aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten for arbeidsgiverne?En kommentar fra Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet
- Author
Lars Kolberg and Ann-Helen Rykkje Hopland
- Subjects
Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Published
- 2024
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6. Hører jeg til her – fortsatt? Identitet og sårbarhet som eldre arbeidstaker
- Author
Anne Skevik Grødem and Hege Sofie Hesselberg
- Subjects
eldre arbeidstakere ,mangfoldsarbeid ,identitet ,tilhørighet ,kvalitative intervjuer ,older workers ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
I mangfoldsarbeidet pålagt bedrifter gjennom aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten (ARP) er alder utelatt som mangfoldsdimensjon. I denne kvalitative studien undersøker vi hvordan ulike prosesser på arbeidsplassen former identiteten til seniorarbeidstakere. Funnene viser at seniorer, på lik linje med minoritetsgrupper, opplever identitetstrusler, særlig i form av «tilhørighetstvil» og «kategoriseringstrusler», som skaper usikkerhet om deres plass på arbeidsplassen og gjør dem sårbare for aldersbaserte stereotypier. For å håndtere dette benytter seniorer strategier som å tone ned alderen, insistere på at alder er irrelevant, eller vektlegging av sin erfaringsbaserte kompetanse. Dette antyder at mangfoldsarbeidet for minoritetsgrupper som arbeidsgivere er pålagt, også er relevant for seniorer.
- Published
- 2024
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7. Lønnskartleggingsplikten i likestillings- og diskrimineringsloven – et effektivt redskap for bekjemping av lønnsforskjeller mellom kvinner og menn?
- Author
Madeleine Holgeid, Vibeke Blaker Strand, and Anne Hellum
- Subjects
lønnskartlegging ,likelønn ,lønnsdiskriminering ,strukturelt diskrimineringsvern ,aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikt ,Pay audit ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
I 2019 ble det lovfestet en plikt til lønnskartlegging i likestillings- og diskrimineringsloven – ldl. Plikten utgjør en del av arbeidsgiveres aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikt (ARP). Lovteksten om lønnskartlegging er bredt utformet og sier lite om hvordan plikten skal oppfylles. I forarbeidene er det anbefalt å kartlegge lønnsforskjeller mellom kvinner og menn i virksomheten ut fra stillingsgrupper, hvor stillinger som utgjør «samme arbeid eller arbeid lik verdi», plasseres i samme stillingsgruppe og sammenlignes med hverandre. Denne tilnærmingen er lagt til grunn av Bufdir i direktoratets veileder om lønnskartlegging. Uttrykket «samme arbeid eller arbeid av lik verdi» er hentet fra likelønnsbestemmelsen i ldl § 34. Likelønnsbestemmelsen har blitt kritisert for å inneholde vide og uklare kriterier som gir rom for skjønn. Dette reiser spørsmål om dens egnethet som redskap for sammenligning av lønn i forbindelse med lønnskartlegging. I denne artikkelen diskuterer vi hvorvidt og i hvilken grad lønnskartleggingsplikten vil kunne utgjøre et effektivt redskap for bekjemping av lønnsforskjeller mellom kvinner og menn. Gjennom en juridisk og en empirisk analyse søker vi å kaste lys over hvilken betydning de vide og til dels uklare kriteriene i forbindelse med inndeling av stillingsgrupper kan ha for oppfyllelsen av lønnskartleggingsplikten. I artikkelen trekker vi også linjer til EUs nye likelønnsdirektiv (Direktiv 2023/970).
- Published
- 2024
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8. En integreringsmaskin i arbeidslivet? Mangfoldsperspektiver i renholdsbransjen
- Author
Amalie Vågen Ystebø and Hanne Finnestrand
- Subjects
renholdsbransjen ,mangfold ,inkludering ,innvandrere ,partssamarbeid ,cleaning industry ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Vi undersøker hvilke perspektiver på mangfold som kommer til uttrykk i ni renholdsvirksomheter, og diskuterer sammenhengen mellom virksomhetenes mangfoldsperspektiv og hvordan de jobber med mangfold. I tillegg undersøker vi vilkårene for å jobbe partssammensatt med mangfold. Dette gjør vi gjennom intervjuer med tillitsvalgte og ledere i ni renholdsbedrifter. Vi finner at virksomhetene i stor grad forstår mangfold ut fra et samfunnsnytteperspektiv, hvor mangfoldsarbeid handler om å bidra til at innvandrere får innpass på arbeidsmarkedet. Vi finner at det i liten grad jobbes partssammensatt med mangfold, samtidig som vi identifiserer partssamarbeidet som en arena for å utvikle en medvirkninsgbasert tilnærming til mangfoldsarbeid.
- Published
- 2024
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9. Arbeidsinkludering fra et arbeidsgiverperspektiv – en kvalitativ studie av samarbeidsrelasjoner mellom støtteapparat og arbeidsgivere
- Author
Siri Yde Aksnes and Eric Breit
- Subjects
arbeidsinkludering ,støtteapparat ,arbeidsgiverinvolvering ,former for samarbeid ,work inclusion ,employment services ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
I denne artikkelen undersøker vi arbeidsgiveres opplevelse av samarbeid med arbeids- og velferdstjenestene når de ansetter personer med nedsatt arbeidsevne. Studien er basert på kvalitative intervjuer i 21 virksomheter som har erfaring med inkludering av denne målgruppen. Vi identifiserer fire hovedformer for samarbeid: ensidig, ad hoc, samskaping og strategisk. Disse skiller seg fra hverandre på bakgrunn av hvor tett samarbeidet er mellom virksomheter og støtteapparatet, og hvor aktivt virksomhetene selv engasjerer seg i tjenestene. Funnene indikerer at mange virksomheter gjør betydelige anstrengelser for å sikre at samarbeidet fungerer etter virksomhetens egne behov. Der hvor samarbeidet er utfordrende, inntar flere ledere rollen som sosialarbeider og går langt for å lykkes med inkluderingen. For arbeids- og velferdstjenestene er innsiktene fra denne artikkelen viktige for å kunne utvikle gode og ulike typer samarbeid avhengig av arbeidsgiveres behov.
- Published
- 2024
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10. Non-take-up of in-work benefits: determinants, benefit erosion and indexing
- Author
Diego Muñoz-Higueras, Stephan Köppe, Rafael Granell, and Amadeo Fuenmayor
- Subjects
Non-take-up ,Administrative design ,In-work benefits ,In-work poverty ,Labour market characteristics ,Working family payment ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Non-take-up of welfare schemes is a key concern of policy effectiveness. Building on studies that have shown the low take-up of minimum income schemes, our case study of Ireland’s Working Family Payment is the first to analyse non-take-up of an in-work benefit and its determinants with a special focus on labour market factors. Based on EU-SILC (2014–2019) we estimate a non-take-up rate between 63 and 76%, which poses a major obstacle for effective poverty prevention. Moreover, we stress that non-take-up of in-work benefits differs to minimum income schemes. We provide new evidence on how labour market characteristics play an important role in explaining non-take-up, especially self-employment and the interaction with unemployment benefits. Benefit erosion is a key factor in declining eligibility, which should be addressed by indexing wages and prices. Furthermore, we propose policy reforms around automatic enrolment or tax credits to mitigate non-take-up and alleviate in-work poverty.
- Published
- 2024
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11. The COVID-19 pandemic and firms’ E-learning use: implications for inequality in training opportunities
- Author
Christoph Müller
- Subjects
Inequality in firm-financed training ,Labor market inequality ,COVID-19 pandemic ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract This paper investigates whether the adoption of E-learning by firms contributed to offset the decrease in firm-sponsored training during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a novel firm level survey linked with administrative data on the universe of workers within those firms, I study the role of E-learning in firms’ training activities during the crisis. I find that the COVID-19 pandemic substantially decreased firm-sponsored training by up to 11 percentage points. However, firms’ ability to use E-learning nullifies this negative effect. Furthermore, the differential capabilities of firms to apply E-learning might exacerbate already prevalent inequalities in training opportunities.
- Published
- 2024
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12. Does the effect of employment protection depend on the composition of unemployment?
- Author
Andreas Bastgen
- Subjects
Employment protection ,Firing costs ,Wrongful-dismissal-laws ,Rationing unemployment ,Search unemployment ,Search-and-matching ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract I develop an equilibrium-matching model with job rationing and endogenous layoffs in order to investigate whether the composition of unemployment (rationing versus frictional) influences the way firing costs affect employment. The model suggests that firing costs lead to a strong adverse employment effect if unemployment is mainly caused by job rationing, whereas in labor markets driven by search frictions firing costs have only a negligible impact on employment. The paper tests this hypothesis using data on the adoption of wrongful-dismissal laws adopted by U.S. state courts during the 1970s and 1980s. Results indicate that for two of the three wrongful-dismissal laws investigated, unemployment composition is crucial for the induced employment effects.
- Published
- 2024
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13. You’ll never seek alone: The impact of active labour market policies on finding a job
- Author
José María Arranz and Carlos García-Serrano
- Subjects
Active labour market policies ,Job search assistance ,Training for the unemployed ,Job finding ,Evaluation ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Using the administrative records of the Spanish Public Employment Service for the period 2018–2019, we analysed the impact of participation in job search assistance and training programmes on the chances of unemployed jobseekers finding employment, as well as the quality of the job obtained. Propensity score matching techniques were used to evaluate the effectiveness of these programmes. We found that participation exerted a positive and significant differential effect on the probability of transition from unemployment to employment and on the probability of finding a job of intermediate quality compared to non-participation. This positive impact was largely due to the effect of training programmes, the magnitude of which persisted even as the period elapsed between participation and exit towards employment increased, whereas job search assistance was less effective over time. The positive influence of participation appeared to be more intense for specific socioeconomic groups.
- Published
- 2024
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14. Søkelys på mangfoldsarbeid i arbeidslivet
- Author
Runa Brandal Myklebust, Erika Braanen Sterri, and Mari Teigen
- Subjects
Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Published
- 2024
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15. Literature review of comparative school-to-work research: how institutional settings shape individual labour market outcomes
- Author
Anna Marczuk
- Subjects
School-to-work transitions ,Institutional settings ,Education system ,Labour market ,Comparative research ,Complementarities of institutions ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Comparative school-to-work research has long emphasised the role of institutions in shaping youth labour market integration. This paper provides an overview of this research stream, consisting of four main sections. The first section introduces a variety of labour market outcomes of young graduates within Europe and identifies country clusters with higher and lower outcomes; this empirical evidence has so far remained limited in the multivariate oriented research stream. The second section links these labour market outcomes to the institutional settings of the education systems prevalent in the country clusters. By considering a wide country sample, it introduces a reliable country classification of transition regimes (along the OLM–ILM continuum), which has so far been partly inconclusive in research. The third section links labour market outcomes in turn to labour market institutions of the country clusters. This section emphasizes why labour market institutions drive only particular individual outcomes. Finally, the fourth section connects the previous three: it describes how certain institutional complementarities affect the youth labour market integration in the identified European country clusters. The review further identifies theoretical inconclusiveness or data-related desiderata, for which recommendations and solutions are proposed. The paper thus aims to assist both familiar and unfamiliar researchers to access the research stream by offering a comprehensive introduction and clear country classifications, linking research streams, and providing solutions to identified issues.
- Published
- 2024
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16. The response of labour demand to different COVID-19 containment measures: evidence from online job postings in Austria
- Author
Sandra M. Leitner and Oliver Reiter
- Subjects
Online job posting ,COVID-19 ,Teleworkability ,Vaccinations ,Event study analysis ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract This paper analyses changes in the speed of labour demand for new hires in response to the lockdowns that were repeatedly put in place to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. It tests whether the uncertainty-reducing effect of similar lockdowns occurring in quick succession increased the responsiveness of the labour market, thereby allowing for more rapid adjustment, both at the beginning and at the end of subsequent lockdowns. It uses high-frequency online job-posting data and applies an event study approach to the beginning of three national lockdowns and the subsequent reopening in Austria between 2020 and 2022. In view of the importance of progress in vaccination for labour market recovery, it also looks at vaccine roll-out as an additional COVID-19 containment measure, with 2021 as the main roll-out period. The results indicate very different responses to the three lockdowns, with a decline in job-posting activity of between 47 and 50% during the first lockdown and of between 29 and 31% during the second; but an increase of 23% to 28% during the last lockdown. Moreover, responses to the first lockdown were sluggish, with a slow decline at the beginning and a very slow recovery after it was lifted; but over subsequent lockdowns the responses were more rapid and more symmetrical. Responses to the various events differed by occupation and industry: the strongest responses were to be observed in the highly skilled and more-teleworkable occupations of technicians, and managers and professionals, who were badly affected during the first lockdown; the leisure and hospitality industry, which was the hardest hit on account of the mandatory closures and the widespread travel restrictions and bans, and which recovered only very slowly; and the IT, internet and telecommunications industry, where posting activity developed in a direction opposite to that seen in the other industries. Finally, there is little robust evidence of a differentiated effect of vaccinations during lockdowns, suggesting that vaccination roll-out did not have an additional demand-generating effect, over and above the lockdowns.
- Published
- 2024
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17. The COVID-19 pandemic: a threat to higher education? Evidence from a large university in Northern Italy
- Author
Marina Bonaccolto-Töpfer and Carolina Castagnetti
- Subjects
Online teaching ,COVID-19 pandemic ,Difference-in-differences ,Higher education ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Transition to online teaching during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to various concerns about educational quality. The study investigates the consequences of this transition on student performance for a prominent university in Northern Italy. Comprehensive administrative data allows us to monitor students’ performance and to have detailed socioeconomic information about them. Using a difference-in-differences design with lecturer fixed effects, we exploit the unique timing of the lockdown that fell together with the start of the summer term in 2020. We find no marked effects on students’ average grades in higher education in the immediate aftermath of the lockdown.
- Published
- 2024
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18. Supporting the right workplace experience: a dynamic evaluation of three activation programmes for young job seekers in Slovakia
- Author
Miroslav Štefánik and Lukáš Lafférs
- Subjects
Active labour market policy (ALMP) ,Impact evaluation ,Unemployment ,Youth activation ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract This paper investigates three alternative active labour market policy programmes available to young job seekers in Slovakia who were registered in 2011. All of the programmes facilitate gaining work experience and share a comparable design; however, they differ mainly in the collected workplace experience and the composition of participants. Using administrative data, we first explore the selection into each programme; second, we estimate the treatment effects on job seekers’ postparticipation absence from the registry of the unemployed. For this we argue that we have sufficiently rich data to control for selection into programs. We use a dynamic estimator and report the average treatment effects of participation in different periods between the sixth and fifteenth month after starting unemployment. For participation in earlier stages of unemployment, we confirm differences in the programmes impacts, with patterns described by previous literature; workplace experience collected in either the private sector or in a regular workplace appears to improve the chances of absence from registered unemployment of young job seekers relatively more than does participation in a public works type of programme. When compared later in the unemployment spell, the between-programme differences level out. Despite its ambivalent average impact, the public works type of programme positively impacts specific subgroups of participants.
- Published
- 2024
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19. Minijobs as stepping stones to regular employment: overall trends and the role of Midijob reforms
- Author
Matthias Collischon, Anna Herget, and Regina T. Riphahn
- Subjects
Minijob ,Midijob ,Small jobs ,Payroll tax subsidy ,Bunching ,Kink ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Minijobs are subsidized small jobs below a fixed earnings threshold. Since a reform in 2003, they are viewed as stepping stones to the first labor market. However, the Minijob subsidy generates a ‘Minijob trap’ that causes vast bunching at the Minijob earnings threshold. Therefore, Midijobs were designed to reduce this bunching and to eliminate the ‘Minijob trap’. Midijobs are employments that earn between the Minijob earnings threshold and the Midijob earnings threshold. In this range, Midijobs subsidize social insurance contributions on a sliding scale. This paper describes time trends in the propensity to leave Minijobs for regular employment and studies the role of Midijobs for transitions out of Minijobs. We find a strong increase in transitions from Minijobs to regular employment over time. However, there is no convincing evidence that Midijobs are connected to this development. Instead, behavioral changes and aggregate developments such as the business cycle and a booming labor market may have contributed to this development.
- Published
- 2024
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20. Continuing vocational training in times of economic uncertainty: an event-study analysis in real time
- Author
Christine Dauth and Julia Lang
- Subjects
Continuing vocational training ,Online training ,COVID-19 pandemic ,Energy crisis ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Continuing vocational training (CVT) is a key channel for employees to adapt their skills to changing requirements in the labor market due to structural changes and digitization. The COVID-19 pandemic and the energy crisis as a consequence of the war in Ukraine may have accelerated these developments. Yet, it is unclear how the economic impact of these crises affects individuals’ occupational preferences. In this study, we want to investigate how interest in CVT changes in times of economic uncertainty. We use Google Trends data for Germany and apply an event study analysis to examine how interest in CVT developed with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian attack on Ukraine. We find that the interest in CVT strongly declined during the first wave of the pandemic regardless of how severely a region was affected. During the second lockdown, the decline in CVT interest was more pronounced in the eastern German states where we find a general decline in search intensity since March 2020. We also consider different channels that may have influenced the demand for CVT during the pandemic. Overall, we show that during the first 2.5 years of the pandemic, the search intensity for CVT decreased on average by 12 to 19 percent, while the search intensity for online CVT increased by 39 to 45 percent. We also see a decrease in the search intensity for CVT at the beginning of the energy crisis.
- Published
- 2024
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21. Income and consumption inequality trends: a comparative analysis between paid employees and the self-employed
- Author
Sadaf Sadaf
- Subjects
Labour market ,Self-employment ,Permanent ,Transitory income inequalities ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract This paper aims to analyze trends in income and consumption inequality for paid and self-employed households and examine to what extent changes in aggregate consumption and income inequality can be explained by changes in their permanent and transitory components over time using data from the Italian Survey of Household Wealth (SHIW) covering the period 1989-2016. The results obtained from the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) analysis reveal differences in consumption and income inequality, as well as their permanent and transitory components, between self-employed and payroll households. In particular, self-employed households experience higher levels of both income and consumption inequality, the increase in total income and consumption inequality is mainly driven by an increase in its transitory component. Furthermore, findings from other descriptive measures of inequality, such as the Gini coefficient, the variance of the log, 90th/10th, and 50th/10th percentile ratios, support the notion that income inequality is higher than consumption inequality across all groups, with self-employed households exhibiting a more pronounced difference.
- Published
- 2024
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22. Unemployment’s long shadow: the persistent impact on social exclusion
- Author
Laura Pohlan
- Subjects
Unemployment ,Social exclusion ,Panel data ,Event study ,Inverse probability weighting ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract This paper studies the long-term consequences of unemployment on different dimensions of social exclusion. Based on longitudinal linked survey and administrative data from Germany and an event study analysis combined with inverse propensity score weighting, I document that becoming unemployed has lasting adverse effects on both individuals’ material well-being and their subjective perception of social status and integration, persisting even after four years. An examination of effect heterogeneity underscores that the enduring effects of job loss are more pronounced for individuals confronted with challenging labor market conditions, those with a history of repeated unemployment, and individuals with lower levels of educational attainment.
- Published
- 2024
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23. Test-based measurement of skill mismatch: a validation of five different measurement approaches using the NEPS
- Author
Stephan Bischof
- Subjects
Skill mismatch ,Measurement ,Validation ,Occupational skill requirements ,Test-based skill mismatch ,Statistical approach ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Skill mismatch is a key indicator of labour market research that has received significant attention. To date, various approaches of test-based measurement of skill mismatch have been used in research, generating differing results. However, it remains unclear which method is the most valid for measuring skill mismatch. This study provides a comparative validation of five commonly used approaches to test-based measurement of skill mismatches in reading and mathematics to detect the most valid method. Drawing on the 2016 wave of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) Adult Cohort, I find significantly varying distributions for the different measurement approaches, and highly valid skill mismatch measures for the statistical and the mixed approach. Overall, the mixed approach emerges as the most valid method. The findings highlight the critical importance of measurement approaches in skill mismatch research.
- Published
- 2024
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24. Standard arbitration agreements: a viable means for antitrust damages claims?
- Author
Antonio Robles Martín-Laborda
- Subjects
EU competition law ,Cartel damages ,Standard arbitration agreements ,Effectiveness of EU law ,Pro-arbitration interpretation ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Law ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Following the judgment of the Court of Justice and especially the Opinion of the Advocate General in the CDC Hydrogen Peroxide case, arbitration agreements on disputes concerning damages for infringements of the competition rules of the TFEU have been interpreted as being contrary to the principle of effectiveness of EU law by making the non-application of the competition rules more likely. Moreover, standard arbitration agreements, which are concluded ex ante (before the dispute arises) and delimit their objective scope in generic terms (referring, in one formulation or another, to any dispute arising out of or related to a specific contract), only cover disputes over contractual damages, but not those relating to damages in tort caused by a party’s participation in a cartel. Therefore, national judges should not decline jurisdiction over the standard arbitration agreements proposed by the main international arbitral institutions, making it impossible for arbitration to become a viable means of resolving disputes arising from cartel damages. However, although the principle of effectiveness limits the procedural autonomy of the Member States as regards the remedies for exercising the right to claim compensation for such damages, it does not prevent the holder from voluntarily waiving the right to exercise it before a court and submitting the dispute to arbitration. Moreover, in the absence of harmonization by EU law of the rules on commercial arbitration, any question relating to the existence, validity or scope of the arbitration agreement is governed by the law of each Member State. Therefore, a standard arbitration clause may also cover disputes relating to non-contractual liability incurred by a contracting party as a result of its participation in an unlawful cartel if this was the will of the parties when concluding the contract, as interpreted by national courts or arbitrators in accordance with the law applicable to the dispute.
- Published
- 2024
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25. Finding coherence between EU concentrations-related instruments
- Author
Catalin Rusu
- Subjects
(EU) concentration control ,Antitrust ,Digital markets ,Foreign subsidies ,Coherence ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Law ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Concentrations with EU relevance, depending on their features, may fall under multiple legal regimes. EU/national merger control systems, antitrust rules, the Digital Markets Act, and the Foreign Subsidies Regulation impose (more or less) comprehensive jurisdictional, procedural and substantive requirements on such transactions. The manner in which these legal realms interact is remarkable from several standpoints: concentrations are tested ex-ante or ex-post, for various sorts of effects, using distinct methodologies and substantive tests. The merging parties may also expect that their transactions switch jurisdictions or are assessed in parallel, or subsequently, by different enforcers. The procedural roadmaps and requirements they are confronted with during the assessment processes cover broad ranges and oftentimes require skilful navigation. This contribution discusses the interplay between the merger control, antitrust, DMA and FSR regimes, attempting to assert whether addressing concentrations with EU relevance is based on coherently interacting frameworks. In doing this, the contribution weighs in on whether the EUMR continues to take centre-stage when it comes to the assessment of such concentrations – a role one could reasonably expect a mature piece of EU secondary law is apt to play.
- Published
- 2024
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26. State aid, sustainable management of natural sites and services of general economic interest
- Author
Johan W. Van de Gronden
- Subjects
Sustainability ,Nature management ,Services of general economic interest ,State Aid ,Economic activity ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Law ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Part of the Green Deal policy of the EU is the restoration of nature. This policy is not new as Directive 92/43 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna has already resulted in the designation of special areas of nature conservation. Recently, the draft regulation on nature restoration was adopted after a heated debate in both the European Parliament and the Council. It is clear from the outset that the need to protect natural sites is high on the agenda of the EU. The Member States are responsible for implementing the EU rules on the management of natural sites. It goes without saying that this implementation will trigger huge investments by these States. This raises issues of EU State aid law: if entities engaged in economic activities receive funding with a view to the management of natural sites, it has to be examined whether this is in line with Articles 107-109 TFEU. In this paper it will be explored whether the concept of Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI) is capable of accommodating nature management concerns in the application of the EU State aid rules. This concept has been used for striking a balance between the necessity to ensure undistorted competition in the EU internal market and various public interest policies. It will be argued that on the basis of arguments derived from ecological solidarity and ecological heritage, the management of natural sites may be designated as a SGEI mission. However, in this regard, it is of great interest to acknowledge that this management consists of three categories of activities: 1) the acquisition of natural sites (in order to make the management of natural sites possible), 2) nature conservation (aimed at the preservation and protection of natural sites), and 3) exploitation of natural sites (such as the selling of wood and touristic activities). The current approach developed in the decisional practice of the Commission and the case law of the Union Courts do not pay due consideration to the special characteristics of these activities and, as a result, it suffers from conceptual problems. This prevents EU Member States from financing projects geared towards the sustainable exploitation of natural sites. In this contribution, an alternative approach will be developed in order to do justice to the wide variety of nature management activities. Such an approach could contribute to the attainment of the Green Deal goals.
- Published
- 2024
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27. Synergies between the CSDDD and EU competition law: a toxic relationship?
- Author
Marc Veenbrink
- Subjects
Corporate sustainability due diligence ,Cartel prohibition ,Sustainability agreements ,Object/effect restriction ,Concept of an undertaking ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Law ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Corporate sustainability due diligence (CSDD) is needed in order to achieve a transition towards a green economy and deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, the Commission proposed the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in 2019. In March 2024, the Council and the European Parliament finally reached an agreement on the CSDDD. This Directive obliges companies, if need be, to “collaborate” within the supply chain in order to reach the goals of the act, as long as such collaboration is in compliance with “Union law, including competition law”. This begs the question how much room these companies will have under EU competition law to collaborate with other companies in the value chain. In this article, a discussion will take place on the different aspects at stake. Companies should collaborate with subsidiaries and business partners. These companies will, from a competition law perspective, sometimes be seen as part of one undertaking. In instances where we have different undertakings, Article 101 will play a role. This article will then further delve into the question of how much room undertakings will have in light of the cartel prohibition to create agreements with the aim of achieving the CSDDD goals. Therefore, the article will also discuss whether such agreements do infringe the cartel prohibition.
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- 2024
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28. The passing-on problem in damages and restitution under EU law (2nd Edition)
- Author
Benedita Sequeira
- Subjects
Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Law ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Published
- 2024
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29. Editorial
- Author
Sofia Oliveira Pais
- Subjects
Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Law ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Published
- 2024
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30. Academic or vocational education? A comparison of the long-term wage development of academic and vocational tertiary degree holders
- Author
Irene Kriesi and Fabian Sander
- Subjects
University education ,Higher vocational education ,Long-term wage development ,Work tasks ,Decomposition methods ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract Education is a key determinant of wage development. The relationship between education and wages is particularly strong in countries with vocationally oriented educational systems and a clear distinction between general and vocational education, such as Germany and Switzerland. However, whether general and vocational education offer the same returns to education is an ongoing debate. Previous findings from international research are still inconclusive. Against this background and based on theoretical arguments from human capital and signalling theory and the task-specific learning-by-doing approach, our paper examines the long-term wage development of Swiss university and professional education degree holders from the time they obtain their tertiary degree until their late career. It asks how differences between the two groups in wage development may be explained. Our results, produced with regression decomposition methods, show that within the first 20 years after graduation, university degree holders experience steeper wage growth. An important reason for this difference is that university graduates move more often than vocational tertiary degree holders into well-paid labour market positions endowed with formal authority, management responsibility, and a large proportion of cognitive nonroutine tasks.
- Published
- 2024
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31. Measurement error in longitudinal earnings data: evidence from Germany
- Author
Achim Schmillen, Matthias Umkehrer, and Till von Wachter
- Subjects
Measurement error ,Transitory and permanent earnings ,Earnings dynamics ,Linked survey-administrative data ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract We present evidence on the extent of measurement error in German longitudinal earnings data. Qualitatively, we confirm the main result of the international literature: longitudinal earnings data are relatively reliable in a cross section but much less so in first differences. Quantitatively, in the cross section our findings are very similar to those of Bound and Krueger (J Labor Econ 9:1–24, 1991) and Pischke (J Bus Econ Stat 13:305–314, 1995) for the United States while we find even stronger evidence that first-differencing exacerbates measurement error problems. We also show that measurement error in our survey data is not “classical” as it is negatively correlated with administrative earnings and positively autocorrelated over an extended period of time. Additionally, we estimate a model of measurement error stemming from underreporting of transitory earnings shocks in combination with a white-noise component and make a number of methodological contributions. Our results are robust to the use of two different linked survey-administrative data sets and various other sensitivity checks.
- Published
- 2024
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32. The impact of global value chains on wages, employment, and productivity: a survey of theoretical approaches
- Author
Sabina Szymczak
- Subjects
Systematic literature review ,Global value chains ,Wage ,Employment ,Productivity ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract This study presents a systematic literature review to provide a collection of theories explaining the impact of global value chains (GVCs) on labour market outcomes. Due to the complex nature of GVCs and the interconnectedness of wages, employment, and productivity, many direct and indirect effects are at play. To ensure a transparent and systematic flow of the review process, I follow the PRISMA guide. Eventually, 36 records out of 1221 results from Scopus database were selected. This review may be useful for theorists, empirical economists, and policy makers as an overview of theoretical developments and convenient map of potential outcomes expected from involvement in GVCs. It identifies and systematizes a number of effects existing in the literature under various names. The results show that the predictions from the theory are ambiguous. The positive effects which may emerge regardless the characteristics of the GVC are the productivity-enhancing effect and the cross-effect, especially important considering growing servicification of manufacturing. Here lies the critical role of the state and policies to assure that the losses will not exceed the gains in the aggregate terms. One of the main factors shaping the outcome is the power distribution among the GVC’s firms. Additionally, this paper shows the shortcomings of the existing theories. Less aggregated levels of analysis could be a great input to the discussion, as well as addressing different GVCs’ dimensions and types of organisation. The understanding of relation between GVC position and labour market is especially worth exploration as the existing evidence adopt different and even contradicting perspectives on the definition of upgrading the GVC position.
- Published
- 2024
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33. Short-time work, labor hoarding, and curtailed hiring: establishment-level evidence from Japan
- Author
Chiu-Wei Kuo
- Subjects
Short-time work ,Labor hoarding ,Scarring effect ,The Great Recession ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract This study analyzes the mechanisms by which short-time work (STW) schemes affect firm’s employment adjustments, using establishment-level data during the Great Recession from Japan. The findings show that STW leads to a decrease in both hiring and separations, with no significant positive effect on net employment. The observed curtailed hiring can be explained within the context of how STW promotes labor hoarding. STW encourages firms to maintain redundant employment by subsidizing the costs of labor hoarding. The excess labor surplus in firms adopting STW diminishes the incentive to recruit new workers in anticipation of the recovery period. Furthermore, as firms generally lack the motivation to hoard marginal workers, STW may exacerbate job security disparities between regular and marginal workers. These findings have important implications for policy evaluation, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of the potential adverse consequences of STW on labor market entrants and marginal workers.
- Published
- 2024
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34. Jobb og omsorg for gamle foreldre. Hvordan legge til rette for å få til begge deler?
- Author
Heidi Gautun, Aslaug Gotehus, and Elisabeth Fevang
- Subjects
familieomsorg til eldre ,yrkesaktivitet ,fravær ,sykelønnsordningen ,family care to older people ,labor market participation ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Med en aldrende befolkning vil det bli et økende press på de eldste arbeidstakerne om å yte omsorg til foreldre og samtidig jobbe mer. Ved hjelp av kvalitative intervjuer, spørreskjemadata og registerdata belyser vi denne tidsklemmen. Kvalitative data og spørreskjemadata viser at voksne barn yter flere typer praktisk hjelp til sine foreldre, særlig digital hjelp. Få pleier foreldre. Vi finner lite tegn til at omsorgsgivning påvirker yrkesdeltakelsen, men fravær, spesielt sykefraværet, øker, og mange opplever det som belastende å kombinere jobb og omsorg. Sykelønnsordningen ser ut til å redusere belastningene. Informanter som har deltatt i undersøkelsene, oppgir at en betalt korttidspermisjonsordning for arbeidstakere med omsorgstrengende foreldre tilsvarende ordningen som finnes for småbarnsforeldre, vil kunne gjøre det lettere for dem å kombinere omsorgssituasjonen med jobb.
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- 2024
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35. Skjerming av kronikere: Sykefravær og yrkesdeltakelse blant deltakere i skjermingsordningen for kronisk syke
- Author
Andreas Skulstad, Simen Markussen, and Haakon Riekeles
- Subjects
sykelønn ,arbeidsmarked ,kronisk syke ,tilrettelegging ,sick leave ,labor market ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Vi undersøker skjermingsordningen for kronisk syke, som er en ordning hvor arbeidsgivere fritas fra å betale sykepenger for kronisk syke i arbeidsgiverperioden. Vi gjennomfører en observasjonell studie og undersøker sammenhengen mellom å delta i ordningen og sannsynligheten for å være i arbeid senere. Vi har koblet sykefraværsdata med A-meldingen og utbetalinger av helserelaterte trygdeordninger. Studien omfatter alle i Norge som enten har hatt et legemeldt sykefravær på minst 25 arbeidsdager eller deltatt i skjermingsordningen mellom 2013 og 2020. Vi finner at det ikke er forskjeller i arbeidstilknytning mellom deltakerne i ordningen og andre personer med høyt sykefravær i årene før deltakelse. I etterkant av deltakelse er deltakerne noe mer i arbeid enn dem i sammenligningsgruppen de første tre årene. På lengre sikt er deltakerne i noe mindre grad i arbeid.
- Published
- 2024
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36. Hva slags læring genererer Nav Arbeidslivssenters prosessbistand i virksomheter med arbeidsmiljøproblemer?
- Author
Kjetil Frøyland, Ragnhild Haugli Bråten, Mina Henni Røhme, Elias Sandnes, and Christopher Markhus Poots
- Subjects
IA ,Arbeidslivssentre ,organisatorisk læring ,forebyggende arbeidsmiljø ,inclusive working life ,Employment Support Centres ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Nav Arbeidslivssenter bistår virksomheter som har utfordringer med sykefravær og arbeidsmiljø. Vi har studert hvordan arbeidslivssentrenes prosessbistand utformes, og hva slags læring den genererer. Datamaterialet består av intervjuer med ledere, tillitsvalgte/verneombud og IA-rådgivere i fem virksomheter. Prosessbistand handler om å kartlegge årsaker til sykefravær, tilføre kunnskap, identifisere bedriftstilpassede tiltak og støtte virksomheten i gjennomføringsprosessen. Å forstå utfordringene, finne egnete tiltak og skape et forebyggende arbeidsmiljø, framstår som utviklingsprosesser som må jobbes med over tid. Prosessbistanden ser ut til å kunne skape et «rom for læring» i virksomhetene med potensial for dypere læring/endring som varer også etter at bistanden er opphørt (såkalt «dobbellooplæring»).
- Published
- 2024
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37. Intergenerational transmission of unemployment after apprenticeship graduation: does parental socioeconomic background still matter?
- Author
Sandra Dummert
- Subjects
Apprenticeship ,Disadvantaged youth ,Parental socioeconomic background ,Unemployment ,Transition ,Welfare benefit ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
Abstract A smooth transition from apprenticeship to standard employment is a key step in the professional biographies of apprenticeship graduates. In this study, the transition of apprenticeship graduates from households that receive unemployment benefits are considered. These graduates are thought to be disadvantaged because their parents’ socioeconomic background is assumed to influence their employment outcomes through processes of intergenerational transmission and cumulative disadvantage. Based on administrative data from the Sample of Integrated Welfare Benefit Biographies (SIG) provided by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), this analysis offers deeper insights into parental socioeconomic background and the individual factors that affect the risk of unemployment following the completion of an apprenticeship. In the case of an unsuccessful direct transition to standard employment, the factors influencing the duration of the first unemployment are also assessed. The results show that, as with individual characteristics, parents’ education level has a significant effect on the graduates’ risk of unemployment. The duration of the household’s benefit receipt, on the other hand, significantly influences the duration of the first unemployment in the case of an unsuccessful transition following an apprenticeship.
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- 2024
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38. Ekstraordinære arbeidstakere på ordinære arbeidsplasser – arbeidsvilkår, medvirkning, annengjøring og ableisme for arbeidstakere med utviklingshemming
- Author
Andrea Berg Foss
- Subjects
utviklingshemming ,medvirkning ,ableisme ,arbeidsinkludering ,ordinært arbeid ,intellectual disability ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 - Abstract
I artikkelen utforsker jeg hvordan arbeidstakere med utviklingshemming opplever arbeidsvilkår og medvirkning i VTA-tiltak (varig tilrettelagt arbeid) på ordinær arbeidsplass. Arbeidstakerne opplever utfordringer med å finne arbeidsoppgaver, og noen opplever lave forventninger fra ledelsen. De beskriver å ha noe medvirkning, men at det stilles få krav til dem. Vilkårene de tilbys som arbeidstakere, minner om ordinært arbeid, men de har behov for en varig støtte ut over det en ordinært ansatt har. Analysen viser at det kan foregå annengjøringsprosesser, som i forskningslitteraturen ses i sammenheng med ableisme. Arbeidstakerne med utviklingshemming kan se ut til å få tildelt mye frihet som arbeidstakere, men kan ikke utnytte friheten uten tilstrekkelig støtte.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Nathalia Ferreira Gonçales and Celso Alexandre Souza Alvear
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
Este artigo sistematiza as ações do projeto "Construção de Ferramentas de Comercialização de Produtos da Reforma Agrária no Rio de Janeiro", realizado entre agosto de 2021 e dezembro de 2022 no Armazém do Campo do Rio de Janeiro, do MST. O projeto, executado como pesquisa-ação, desenvolveu um sistema de vendas para atender diferentes regiões e núcleos de comercialização no estado. A produção de sistemas de código aberto e a elaboração participativa permitiram criar um ambiente virtual de comunicação entre consumidores e produtores, aproximando cidade e campo. Palavras-chave: Tecnologia Social, Software Livre, Cestas agroecológicas, Reforma Agrária.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Paolo Nosella
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
Pautando tópicos essenciais para a reforma do Ensino Médio, o texto foi apresentado no VI Congresso Municipal de Educação de São Paulo. O debate enfatiza a necessidade de refletir sobre adolescência e puberdade dos jovens de 14 a 17 anos; a escolha do percurso formativo e da profissão; e entender que o Ensino Médio unitário é o horizonte democrático a ser perseguido, reduzindo a multiplicidade curricular. Referenciando Gramsci, define-se um tríplice objetivo ao Ensino Médio: cultura geral elevada, autodisciplina intelectual e autonomia moral. Palavra-chave: Ensino Médio; Reforma; Pauta para debate.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Patrick Dutra and Rafael Rodrigo Mueller
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a inserção das Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e da Comunicação (TDICs) na educação, tendo como perspectiva analítica o Conceito de Tecnologia, em Álvaro Vieira Pinto (2005), em diálogo com as análises de Jonathan Crary (2014; 2023). A partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, buscou-se compreender o conceito de tecnologia e suas possibilidades de aplicação no ambiente escolar, analisando a politicidade em torno de sua utilização. Foi possível concluir a importância de compreender todos os aspectos sociais e políticos das TDICs. Palavras-chave: Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação; Educação escolar; Sociedade; Tecnologia e poder; Conceito de tecnologia.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Paula Valim de Lima, Vera Maria Vidal Peroni, and Daniela de Oliveira Pires
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
O artigo discute as relações entre público e privado na educação mobilizando categorias do pensamento materialista histórico-dialético que situam o debate como parte da totalidade da sociedade capitalista. Em torno de uma perspectiva solucionista, analisam-se as formas de atuação do privado que historicamente se propõe a salvar a educação pública. Desde as tradicionais formas analógicas de privatização até o atual processo de transformação digital da educação protagonizado por sujeitos privados, verifica-se a vinculação do conteúdo das propostas privadas ao projeto mais amplo do capital. Palavras-chave: Público-privado; Soluções educacionais; Capitalismo na era digital.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Lucília Regina de Souza Machado
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
O artigo oferece uma sistematização de reflexões acerca da inovação tendo como referência diversos autores clássicos e contemporâneos de perspectivas teóricas diferentes. As interpretações sobre inovação e suas associações a mudanças são evocadas e assim agrupadas: a inovação na tradição econômica; nas análises após a década de 1980 (abordagens a partir do conceito de translação, de redes sociais, com foco nos conhecimentos tácitos e em ambientes de inovação); e referidas a rupturas paradigmáticas. O eixo analítico toma a necessidade de superação da perspectiva linear, mecânica, determinista e quantitativa do fenômeno da inovação considerando a importância de se ter em vista o problema central da historicidade da realidade social e suas contradições. Palavras-chave: Inovação; Determinismo tecnológico; Mudança social.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Maíra Fernandes Costa, Marilia Abrahão Amaral, and Mario Lopes Amorim
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
O presente estudo evidencia as desigualdades de acesso digital no Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) e analisa práticas docentes para mitigá-las. Entrevistamos oito docentes em dois colégios públicos de Ensino Médio em Curitiba-PR, sendo um colégio em bairro periférico e outro em bairro central. O texto é dividido em três seções, abordando: as desigualdades de acesso, a Análise de Conteúdo das entrevistas semi-estruturadas e considerações a partir da conjuntura de precarização da educação e desigualdades sociais causando outras exclusões na sociedade.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Tiago Fávero de Oliveira and Breno Apolinário da Silva
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
O objetivo deste estudo é analisar como a mudança tecnológica altera processos produtivos e educativos. O texto aponta que, apesar do apelo de modernização e inovação, a difusão de tecnologias de inteligência artificial altera a relação entre linguagem e pensamento, produzindo uma educação tecnobancária cujos efeitos geram submissão, dominação, exploração e universalização de um pensamento único. O artigo parte das análises de Marx sobre a maquinaria e se desenvolve apontando alterações, contradições e desafios sobre o tema. Ao final, são apresentados caminhos para o enfrentamento da questão no sentido de gerar uma educação comprometida com os interesses de emancipação da classe dominada. Palavras-chave: Educação tecnobancária; Inteligência Artificial; Educação.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Filipe Bellinaso and Henrique Tahan Novaes
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
A pandemia de COVID-19 intensificou o diálogo sobre a interseção entre tecnologia e educação, mas é crucial compreender que esse debate não é exclusivo do momento atual. Ao direcionarmos nosso olhar para a realidade brasileira, torna-se incontestável o notável crescimento da Educação a Distância (EaD) ao longo dos últimos 15 anos. Este ensaio propõe-se a fornecer elementos para reflexão, destacando como a modalidade de ensino a distância não apenas reflete o avanço neoliberal na educação, mas também se configura como um componente essencial na reestruturação produtiva do trabalho docente. Palavra-chave: Educação a Distância; Neoliberalismo; Trabalho Docente.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Luisa Pereira Manske and Mário Lopes Amorim
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
Este artigo investiga as atuais Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de Engenharia, com o objetivo de analisar sua abordagem das relações entre tecnologia e o ensino de engenharia em um contexto neoliberal de precarização da educação superior. Tendo como base teórica o materialismo histórico-dialético, conduzimos uma análise documental das DCNs vigentes e de sua versão anterior. Nossos resultados apontam para um predomínio da utilização do ensino por competências e uma abordagem individualizada que atende aos interesses do modo de produção atual. Palavra-chave: Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais; Ensino de Engenharia; Competências; Educação Tecnológica.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Quenizia Vieira Lopes and Adriana Regina de Jesus Santos
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
Busca-se discorrer sobre a Teoria da Atividade de Leontiev, a qual tem como base teórica a Teoria Histórico-Cultural de Vigotski e, por conseguinte, o Materialismo Histórico-Dialético, de Karl Marx. Expõe-se uma síntese da teoria, abordando seus pontos principais, como a estrutura da atividade. Este trabalho visa auxiliar a assimilação de conhecimentos teóricos de interessados na temática. Como procedimento metodológico, utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa a partir da adoção de pesquisa documental. Ao final desse estudo, detectou-se que a Teoria da Atividade pode ser utilizada no contexto educacional. Palavra-chave: Atividade; Motivo; Sentido; Significação; Trabalho.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Melissa Bertolini and Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
O trabalho discute sobre a apropriação dos fundos públicos na educação pública no Brasil e o protagonismo das grandes corporações privadas nesse âmbito. É um recorte da dissertação defendida junto à Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, em 2023 e a ideia central é a Lei como um artefato tecnológico e seus propósitos moldados por teleologias pré-estabelecidas, refletindo disputas de poder de uma sociedade e período. Agrega à Teoria dos Artefatos na Ciência Jurídica e sua hermenêutica. A lei é analisada à luz das dimensões de CTS, através da análise crítica da Lei 14.533/2023, sobre a política para a educação digital no país. Palavra-chave: Lei; Artefato Tecnológico; Não Neutralidade; CTS.
- Published
- 2024
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Valdir Damázio Júnior
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand ,HD5701-6000.9 ,Labor policy. Labor and the state ,HD7795-8027 - Abstract
O presente texto consiste em uma resenha do livro Colonialismo digital: por uma crítica hacker-fanoniana, publicado no ano de 2023 pela editora Boitempo e escrito em parceria por Deivison Faustino (UNIFESP) e Walter Lippold (UFF).
- Published
- 2024
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